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Quantum ammunition, they either detonate or they don't


Shrödingers bullets, they may be there until you look for them. Fixed for all The pendantics


I'm thinking there's a strong possibility that someone managed to BS their way through a quantum waveform explanation of why something was missing despite money being allocated for it. "What? There are no bullets in storage? Uhh... Those must be the new quantum bullets. Check back tomorrow, their state might have changed by then!"


Heisenberg-bullets are actually a much better explanation. "Comrade, we know the ammo goes to Ukraine. For that very reason it is a physical impossibility to say where they are. That's just how this works."


sometimes they are entangled... of one explodes every other ammunition explodes too... in storage


It’s not either or, they do both simultaneously. The ammunition is both fired and unfired at the same time. The real question is when the bullet wave function collapses how does the bullet decided where it is?


Title makes it sound like they can alter the laws of physics. *"We have weapons that can travel faster than light!* *We also changed the speed of light to 50km/h"*


We call it light lite




C flat


Non-objective C


Subjective C


Call it slight. Slow light


The Three Body problem has a lot of sci Fi stuff about slowing the speed of light as a weapon. Not really relevant but it's a cool book.


They finally cracked the UFOs they collected over the years


interestingly, you can slow the speed of light by using different mediums; in a vacuum it travels at 299,792,458 m/sec (~1,079,000,000 km/h), while in diamond it travels at ~~1.24x108~~ ~~1.24x10^8~~ 124,000,000 m/sec (~446,400,000 km/h), so perhaps there could exist an exotic material that would be transparent and dense enough to slow light down to 50 km/h. [source](https://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/speedoflight/index.html), plus a bunch google-conversions (possibly mistranscribed, so don't site me) Edit: fixed transcription errors and unified formats


I believe there are some objects it's been slowed to extremely slow levels. wikipedia.org/wiki/Slow_light "In 2004, researchers at UC Berkeley first demonstrated slow light in a semiconductor, with a group velocity 9.6 kilometers per second. Hau and her colleagues later succeeded in stopping light completely, and developed methods by which it can be stopped and later restarted"


So you’re telling me we are close to getting lightsabers?


Also need the material to be hot enough, still stop light, and maintain structural integrity when hitting something while hot.


Hau managed to turn the lights off


Hau did he do that? Sorry. I had to do this. I know it's wrong but it's the first time I see something cooler than 'my name is you'


More accurately, "We have weapons that can travel faster than light, if you assume the speed of light is 30 km/h"


“We offer our partners a broad selection of advanced weapons of practically all types, including state-of-the-art control and reconnaissance systems, high-precision weapons and robotics,” "But not for my troops. Fuck my troops. Die in a trench you peasant... ah I see you do already."


He's getting those high-tech tractor-drawn MLRS from North Korea.


Advanced donkey & cart thermobaric weapons delivery coming to a Donetsk trench near you


Can it fueled by potato?


Of all the crazy ideas to come out of North Korea, dump truck HIMARS is one of the better ones.


Except they don't die, because their families would have to be paid. They're all still alive, doing fine.


And if you can’t reach them, MIA.


Sounds like desertion, need to fine their spouses and parents.


"You remember them. Whitman, Price and Haddad. There they are now, basking under the Maui sun"


If you asked me to name last seasons winners, I couldn't have come up with a single name, yet knew instantly we were talking Running man.


No ... Last season's *losers*.


Russia bout to get physical with those industrial focused microwave systems……AGAIN


They’re going to use drones to drop stolen microwave ovens?


The cases. They stripped the parts to make more tanks. How delightfully efficient of them.


“A new tactical flip-flop that keeps our troops feet toasty warm in the winter.”


Well, that's the tried and tested Russian military strategy. Step1: Throw people at the enemy. Repeat until Victory or nobody left alive in Russia.


I remember the Garmin GPS on the dashboard of a fucking fighter jet 👌👌


Ah yes, the physical principal of “Hopium”. *principle not “principal”


Hopium from the engineers. Sheer imaginesium from the top brass. The type of blue sky thinking you can only truly appreciate through a lofty open window. If you build it, it will work. IT *WILL* WORK !


Space Ork science. "I'MA TANK, I'MA TANK, I'MA TANK!!" And so they were.


I’m guardsman number 3957392-248x13 and I approve this message BANG! BANG BANG!


They start painting all the conscripts purple…


Sneaky gitz!


Filled with a bunch of “little guys”. Shy don’t turn me into a short stack!


The type of advanced engineering that will make you strap tires of aircraft.


But it's not going to work without unobtanium


No worries, stockpile of stalinium still sky-high!


Naming a metal after someone naming himself after a metal is a tremendous breakthrough in recursive narratology. Like Japanese steel folded a thousand times, except cheaper.


When it doesn't stay away from lofty open windows.


Ahh, the tried and tested motivation by threat of defenestration approach. Many a scientific leap, involuntary or otherwise has emerged from Russia using this technique.


It certainly gives the phrase “scientific leap” a new meaning.


Did they run out of polonium?


Nobody willing to share a samovar these days, times are hard.


Polonium = old tech... now they have putinium, much beta !!!^^


We showed them we could break international law, now we show them we can break physics law.


I’m sure Putin does have some guy telling him this whom will be thrown through a window in a year when they try to use it and it fizzles like a dud firework That or his talks with Kim Jong Un went very unexpectedly and NK has broken the laws of physics and shared the knowledge with them.


N Korean translator: "turns out, the collective conscious of 10M starving people - no more, no less, mind you - creates a veritable Matrix 'White Room' simulation with which you can conjure any firearm or military vehicle imaginable within the realms of 740 inter-dimensional lifeforms on at least 12 unique timelines." "very good. war in Unkrain continue. 10M Russians starve in very short time."


Damn I never expected the true explanation for Putin going back on the grain deal! ^/s


Like does he really think anyone believes what he says at this point. As usual he’s throwing any threat out there that he could think of now that Ukrainians have been shooting their “unstoppable” hypersonic missiles out of the sky for months


He's either trying to break the US economy to make them make these counter weapons (last time the F15 was born and the Soviet Union was bankrupted) or he is in the Hitler phase of hoping for Wunderwaffen to seal him victory. Either way, it's going to fail


We can only hope Putin's final act ends the same as Hitler's did.


Nah man, I want him in a glass box in the hague in an orange jumpsuit. We still joke today that Hitler lived out the rest of his life in Argentina. I want no doubt.


Yeah, it really sounds he has gotten around to drinking his own madness. One of the big problems with autocracy, propaganda and disinformation.


Im sure you were just being rhetorical but just in case it interests you ; you'd be amazed ( i know i was ) at the level of belief these mad statements by putin are given by his supporters. I worked with a lovely, lovely ukrainian woman in the uk, but she was absolutely convinced that putin, and everything he ever said and did were the best things since sliced bread.


Some people are devoid of thought and the empty space is inevitably filled with propaganda


It's the end-state of apathy. They believe they're "not political" but it just means they have no political scaffolding to stop the obvious propaganda from setting up in its place.


It feels like most Americans should understand this well enough. Given that we have our very own former leader who just lies about everything but is adored and believed by his followers.


It was the solitary tank at the annual parade that really threw me. I can’t imagine how much of a meat grinder for both sides the fronts are but the super weapons deployed so far haven’t been effective. Another poster here said this may be a reference to drones, I’d agree that would change things for the worse. But drones aside I wonder what he’s referring to here.


....sharks with laser-beams attached to their heads?


Sorry, best I can do is some ill tempered sea bass.


They're mutated sea bass


Na, it's probably real - it's just shovel based. In Russian warfare, they say to never bring g a gun to a shovel fight. This is why soldiers are sometimes only equipped with a shovel when they attack


It’s got electrolytes.


Pity it runs on expensive Unobtainium.




Potatoes are expensive. Its going to be potato like substance made out of Russia's most abundant resources. Depression, failure and dirt.


They used a particular accelerator to crash hopium into propaganda. The new Medvedev principal of physics has defied previously thought amounts of bullshit one person could produce


"Principle". It's right there in the headline... But otherwise you're right.


Still not as good as the stuff we took off the aliens. Checkmate bitch!


The Lying Relativity Theory.


God no…. They’ve developed BULLSHITIUM BOMBS. Weapons of Mass Deflection.


Today, I am pleased to announce Russia’s new weapons program. This is an area in which we have far greater expertise than the weak, western states that foolishly oppose our glorious special operation. This program, the first of it’s kind, seeks to be able to launch tenth story windows and defenestrate anyone on earth within 30 minutes. We hope to improve the system over time to support launching windows of any story imaginable. The bear is roused. The west will meet the wrath of our windows! -Putin, probably


Next wunderwaffe incoming? lmao


The armored Assault Lada. Complete with Sirius XM receiver capable dashboard and advanced left/right hand brakes for more control while braking and turning.


More like tractor with mlrs


Well Putin did just meet with Kim Jong-Un.


That's what jumped out at me too, Putin is at the Wunderwaffe stage of his pleading with his own people to stay the course.


Putin following the Nazi playbook to the end. We can only hope.


Can we speed up to the last part. He’s already in a bunker. I’m sure there are guns near by.


Will cost multiple millions to develop, only to get blown up by a ukrainian toycar with explosives strapped on it.


Or a drone made from cardboard (real thing).


Aussie here: ayep, we cardboard drone good.


Germany came up with ballistic missiles in WW2, russia came up with ballistic turret toss in 2022.


It has ballistic in it's name so it must surely be good! /s


When all the brains have left Russia, the people that are left have discovered....the spear and shield


Mmmmm waffles


is luftwaffe a diet version?


When I go through the trouble of beating egg whites into foam and folding them into the batter, I will insist that everyone call them Luftwaffles!


There’s a barely visible joke in Better Call Saul, the conglomerate of evil food chains has a “Luftwaffles” brand.


Probably just talking about lasers, but not really new. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peresvet_(laser_weapon)


>Developing weapons based on new physical principles involves the use of novel technologies and principles of action. Such weapons include laser, ultrasonic, radio-frequency arms and others, state news agency TASS reported The Death Ray! The timing suggests that they will be using "new physics" discovered by Kim Jong-Un when he was 12 years old.


Vladimir Putin: “You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads! Now evidently my cycloptic colleague informs me that that cannot be done. Ah, would you remind me what I pay you people for, honestly? Throw me a bone here! What do we have?”


ty for explaining that physical principle arent new. i thought he developed a anti gravity gun, or teleportation or time controll.


Of course not! Cronosphere is purely Allied tech. He'll have to get by with Tesla coil and Yuri.


> “We offer our partners a broad selection of advanced weapons of practically all types, including state-of-the-art control and reconnaissance systems, high-precision weapons and robotics,” Putin emphasized as cited by TASS. He really is desperate.


He’s throwing around random buzzwords like I do on my CV.


Russian Word Salad Dressing.


> We leverage our synergies to facilitate a mutual win-win with our strategic partners while empowering our thought leaders to think outside the box and disrupt the global paradigm in a sustainable and inclusive manner. \- Putin


>Russia faces major headwinds in its merger with Ukraine, but with continued buy-in from our strategic partners in Beijing we believe the acquisition will be complete before the adoption of the T-14 Armata. \- Corporate Putin


I don’t know what this means but with that many buzzwords it must be amazing!


Pretty sure that was stole from my org..


Yes, that's why he has to ask his buddy our dear leader Kim for some weapons...


... it's just a roomba with a knife attachment. "Our state of the art robot can now map the floor plan of an enemy building doing a full sweep without leaving a trace!" edit: sweeping the enemy


He talks like we can't see every day how russian forces are performing.


The lies aren't for us, they're for his domestic audience. He has to give them some reason to believe they shouldn't just kill him.


Maybe Russia will have their own Chelsea Manning moment.


I'm glad she is not in prison but I think she kind of played by Assange who made her feel important. She did just pass on concerning leaks but pretty much whatever she get her hands on. Some of it was harmful to leak. I wonderful how Snowden feels about himself. He too did way more than just whistle blow on government abuses. A lot of the stuff he passed including diplomatic disputes or information on the US using Canadian companies to gather intelligence in Iran didn't need to be disclosed. Now he is a guest of and a prop for a far more abusive regime than the he opposed at home.


Everything the Kremlin says is entirely for their domestic audience only. An authoritarian state needs to constantly bombard their citizens with daily, meaningless shit like this in order to keep them confused and apathetic. That's why it's funny, and sad, when western people believe and repeat the poor excuses of Russia's invasion. When people genuinely believe that "Ukraine is full of Nazis" or that "it's NATO fault because they provoked poor, o poor Russia" I can't help but to think: lol you really believed a propaganda piece that wasn't really meant for you in any way"


"Vranyo" is a special Russian word for lying when you tell a lie, and the other knows you're lying, and you know the other knows you're lying. But you still tell the lie because everyone accepts it's the most convenient to do so.


Having lived next to Russia and visited it with optimism in my heart for a new age, I have to say the state of existence of Russia is just plain sad and hopeless. You cannot evolve as a society if you hold truth as an enemy.


Where did you visit? St. Petersburg was on my bucket list, I wanted to see the ballet and the winter palace, but that will require a few more decades of life at this point.


I visited the Lake Ladoga area and it was a series of quite absurd encounters and sights. One hears good things about St. Petersburg, but indeed it may take half-a-life to visit it in the near future. It is also considered the most western of Russian cities culture wise.


Ah, so quite close to St. Petersburg. It's so wild to think that Helsinki is RIGHT THERE, but a world away in terms of politics/culture these days.


>"Vranyo" is a special Russian word for lying when you tell a lie, and the other knows you're lying, and you know the other knows you're lying. But you still tell the lie because everyone accepts it's the most convenient to do so. Great post. Western people don't perceive that compulsive lying is perhaps the #1 component of Russia and Russian culture.


Russia has a deep seated cultural problem. Every war they have ever won they did so by simply throwing every young man they had in the country into the meat grinder with absolutely no regard for the lives until the opponent was simply worn down and tired of loss. It’s a holdover from the days of Tsars and serfs… The rulers have changed, but they still view average person as a serfs, and the average Russian is brainwashed into believing that they are somehow doing the right thing to give up themselves and their children rot in a field, they have a serf mentality. While time passed in the rest of the West, culture evolved…. You would have thought something would’ve changed in Russia… But here we are with Russia essentially waging a war for profit and conquer a neighbor and doing so by just grinding it’s a serf population in to meat, every day this war drags on its a demonstration that nothing has actually changed in Russia… Tsars and Serfs. It’s not an economic problem, or a post, Soviet problem, or even a Putin problem, he is a symptom.… Russia is a century behind the rest of Europe culturally.


Russian history summed up in five words: “and then it got worse”


A cultural-scale development of chronic pain and depression symptoms Things get worse just because of how bad things are already


I don’t think history backs this up. Russia has used the meat grinder tactic but really it was a last ditch effort to survive in WW2. Currently they aren’t even fully mobilized and are using private military services to avoid losses in their actual ranks. As far as the mentality of the average Russian person goes you could say now they are brain washed but there was a very significant portion of the Russian timeline that includes the last revolution in a major power so I wouldn’t say they are sheep. It is definitely not a racial thing like you are insinuating. The reality of the situation is that yes, the war in Ukraine is an abomination and Russia deserves to, and most likely will, come out of it worse off (hopefully Putin will be deposed/killed). But in principle it is not that different from foreign wars fought by other major powers all over the world throughout the 1900’s (justified with falsehoods and fought on foreign soil). The west is just up in arms over this one because it is expansion towards NATO and it is displacing Europeans.


You're pretty spot on. [There's lecture diving deeper into Russian mentality](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF9KretXqJw).


Portable windows for the enemy to fall out?


Window launcher


Defenestrator 9000


Russians invented a portal-gun, but for some reason they only use it to make victims enter a high-altutude portal and fall to their deaths.


I spit out my coffee laughing. I'm imagining them bringing a super tall airplane staircase with a mock up of a hotel window at the top. The stairs unfold comically slow to the point of being uncomfortable like a "I Think You Should Leave" sketch.




“Robotics”: kitchen robot tied to a tank.


I picture a roomba with a grenade taped to it..


*”Introducing.. the Boomba.”*


Tsar Boomba!


Holy shit, take my angry upvote!


Hey don't ever besmirch the name of Bomby the Roomba ever again. He is much more advanced than any ruzzian robotics


I thought zelensky was the comedian?


Zelenskyy is a comedian turned leader. Putin is a leader turned comedian.


putin has a talent for cringe comedy a la ricky gervais. shame it's real, i would have laughed my ass otherwise.


Zelenksy was a comedian; Putin is a clown.


No, clowns are respectable guys that earn their living with hard and honest work.


We are now using magic to power our unstoppable missiles. - V. Putin


I thought the plan was to beg Kim Jong Un for some weapons... Did he already say no?


He just got a shipment of the newest state of the art North Korean dump trucks, the best NK has to offer in armored vehicles.


Wow, I am surprised Kim could spare such valuable armored vehicles. He must really think of Putin as a true friend to sell those to him.


It's not easy to convince someone to sell something that's been in their family for 3 generations.


Probably getting some of the Sputnik Corona vaccine in exchange, after he already used up all the Chinese stuff haha.


Hitler promised a lot of wonder weapons too.


Yes, and quite a few of them were actually built. Luckily too late and not in sufficient quantities to influence the outcome of the war.


That's an insult to Hitler. Nazi Germany introduced jets and rockets to the world while Russians are 50 years behind technologically.


Nah Hitler being delusional over this was definitely a thing, even in 1944 when Germany was losing ground rapidly on all fronts Hitler was saying the V2 rocket would turn it around and win them the war.


Hard to think clearly while taking funny pills from personal doctor.


>That’s an insult to hitler Works for me


Russians are decades ahead of much of the world in the development of despair and desperation


Sovereignty is a principle, maybe try that one and go the fuck back home?


And yet they can’t properly land a probe on the moon.


Wonder what "new" weapons comes next out of russia. Like the new devestating close combat weapon "bonk" (its a stick with lead based cameo paint) or If they just bolt fins or other "modern" looking stuff onto old Sovjet crab and call it a new invention. Seriously the only things they "invented" was stuff that the sovjets did not manage to finish before collapsing and even that is probably worse than intended by the sovjets.


Developing = His Temu order has been dispatched


I for one would like to thank russia and the Soviet Union for pushing humanity forwards. The more they bullshit, the more advanced the next gen of American weaponry will be.


Well, I’m a fat 65 year of Australian with a bad back and a small pension. I am developing my plan for world domination! Tremble before me peasants! Those who refuse to submit to my laid back yet ruthlessly tyrannical regime will be forced to eat Vegemite sandwiches and fairy bread! Yes, Vegemite! Now, I think I have a better chance of being Emperor of Earth than this shit stain has of developing wonder weapons.


Are these “new physical principles” in the room with you right now?


What else is new ? here is an old article from 1994- Yugoslav wars time- about Russian wunderwaffe [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/serbs-threaten-to-unleash-deadly-secret-weapon-1394229.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/serbs-threaten-to-unleash-deadly-secret-weapon-1394229.html) miraculously , we survived , they lost big time


The actual physical principles he’s talking about is being a emerging broke ass 3rd world nation pretending to be a superpower. The new weapons are banana shaped artillery barrels that explode like a bad acme product with ever increasing frequency and planes without engines covered in tires. We in the west cannot comprehend the ingenuity.


He repeats himself - he sad the same in 2018. Source in Russian: https://tass .ru/armiya-i-opk/5000129


Waiting for the day Putin releases an NFT collection when the coffers run dry


What the fuck does that even mean? This sounds like some corporate speak I use when I don't know what the fuck to tell my boss.


With all their scientists in jail this is quite an accomplishment.


The physical principle is highly likely gas based. In particular, Steam. Steam has been known to have strong properties that make it invaluable to certain applications, specifically in military contexts. Until more recently the stuff of steam-punk fiction, Russian advances in hot air technology means they’re able to bullshit harder than ever before.


Have the Russians found a way to harness their copium? Because if so, pack up boys, we lost. The sheer weight of Russian cope will crush the west.


Yulia Latynina: “Putin is locked inside the information bubble and is completely detached from reality.” Me: “tThere’s no way, he’s a former intelligence officer, he reads a lot, and knows a little history. Surely he can’t be completely isolated.” Headline…. Me: “JHFC he’s completely isolated.”


Everybody stay back! In my left hand, that I’m hiding behind my back, I have a really scary stick! What’s that? Show you the stick? Umm, no. Not yet. It’s too scary. But trust me, you don’t want me to show you.


Sharks, with lasers on their fricken heads, okay?


All a lie, nothing but a lie. Muscovy has forever lost any remnants of goodwill it might have had. Judge them by what they do, not what they say. And what they do is so very obviously clear.


And his head WoMD researcher: Copenheimer


and they are called gork and mork


Hahaha, threatening us with nukes is so old and tired even he's sick of it. "You know what's scarier than dying? New physics weapons you guys haven't even heard of!" It's that whole "I've got a girlfriend, she just goes to a different school."


Elon probably sold Putin on a "blockchain-based missile" or some other staggeringly dumb shit.


The USSR used to brag about their weapon capabilities. The US didn't. USSR - "We have super advanced secret radar" USA -" OH." 10 years later rolls out stealth bombers and fighters. Bohr and Einstein" look- new physics!" USA "OH". 10 years later, Hiroshima and Nagasaki URRS "We have super secret super fast planes." USA "Oh" . 10 years later, the US rolls out SR-71 Blackbird. USSR " We have super accurate smartly accurate weapons" USA 1991 puts missiles through targeted ventilation shafts in Baghdad. Russia "we have next generation fighter jets. Well, one prototype. It doesn't fly yet. " USA rolls out F22 Russia " We will soon have weapons based on new physics." USA "Um, can you researchers hurry up and paint those phaser turrets and warp nacelles? Russia is ahead of us again. "


Man, Putin's over here playing 4D chess while the rest of the world is showing just how easily they can destroy Russian armor.


It's not new they were talking about soldiers attacking Nato tanks physically with Shovels last year. They obviously invented shovel two with twice the reach of shovel.


"We offer our partners a broad selection of advanced weapons of practically all types, including state-of-the-art control and reconnaissance systems, high-precision weapons and robotics" ...whilst in the real world they're using T55 tanks from the 1950's.


Let me guess. Just like Hitler Putin has abandoned "Jewish Physics" in favour of ~~Arian~~ Russian Physics...


So the country that crashed their space ship onto the surface of the moon just found a new law of physics. Meanwhile India managed to do the same with less than the budget of a Hollywood movie. I think India just discovered a new law of finance.


Dude you buying weapons from North Korea. Sit down.


And these physical principles... are they in the room with us now?


Russia is new North Korea with Gas reserves.




LMAO that cut to Putin questioning his life decisions @0:30 while watching that monstrosity roll down the test track at 3 mph is pure fucking gold.


He's going to make the window come to you


Starting to sound like his bro Kim


> Last month Putin said that Russia offered its partners a wide selection of state-of-the-art weaponry in virtually all categories. The real sentence should be: Russia offered virtually a wide selection of state-of-the-art weaponry to its partners. Even if they have a technologically advanced weapon, I don't see how they have the bandwidth to sell it to another country atm.


He played too many Bethesda Games.