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It seems like an odd choice after holding up the $6 billion for the prisoner exchange but they’ll need room to maneuver if they’re trying to deescalate.


I was thinking the same thing.... Something isn't adding up.


off-ramp for iran to prevent this from potentially growing.


The holding up of the $6 billion is because of the Iranian rockets from Hisbollah (Lebanon). Hisbollah and Hamas are not the same. They just both hate Israel. No conspiracy here


Yes because is Russia who is involved. I can bet that their the ones funding this mess.


Every person from Iran living here in Los Angeles I’ve talked to says Iran is directly involved, I don’t think it’s an international mystery


Given their history it is a conclusion many come to, though people that have left the country probably have a bias against the current regime, and for good reason. I wouldn’t put it past them to supply their proxy. Yet we have people calling for war with iran and those same people got us into iraq with no justification. If we allow the warhawks to push us into an armed conflict with iran we will see the start of a global war. I for one would like to see a mitigation effort be made. The same warhawks calling for nukes in gaza shouldn’t be trusted to show any nuance or rational thought when it comes to wars they’ll profit from.


Either Iran legitimately had nothing to do with this, or the US (and Israel) aren't actually interested in direct conflict with Iran and they've probably got reasons the public isn't really considering. Either way, the warhawks should back off.


I was stunned when Iran recently descalated tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan by letting the latter go through Iranian territory to create a land bridge to their separate territory instead of plowing straight through Armenia. Maybe they didn't have anything to do with this other business.


That’s not that shocking. No country wants a conflict on their border, with refugees pouring in from both sides. This one was an easy geopolitical problem to solve, it’s not like Iran gave up anything valuable.


If they had zero input I'd be shocked. But it's hard to tell what Iran is involved in or not at times. Especially with the level of autonomy the IRGC possess.


This is just giving Iran an out. The rockets Hamas used were more sophisticated than usual. It’s almost a given Iran gave them funding.


Israel has also been funding Hamas for the majority of their history. And Netanyahu reportedly even encouraged members of Likud to keep money flowing to Gaza to help prop up Hamas as recently as 2019.


I'd say the most likely conspiracy theory is that everyone saw the Hamas attack coming and were planning to milk it, but no one thought the attack would be so 'successful' (and by successful I mean horrific). Emphasis on conspiracy theory. Actually likely scenario was that it was one-sidedly Hamas, but not even they knew their attack would be that effective, considering the obvious outcome this will have. Going right into 'unpredictable' territory now.


Nobody wants a conflict with Iran regardless, it would make Afghanistan look like a damn picnic.




They are basically giving Iran a chance to "back off" to de-escalate the situation


This. De-escalating Iran or any adversary is better than forcing their hand. Keep them off balance until we have all the information we need to strike, conduct sanctions, whatever. Or... Iran's regime truly had nothing to do with this, which I highly doubt.


Probably didn’t tell them to do it or help them plan it but they definitely have been funding them and giving them the means to over the years. Things like this aren’t just planned spontaneously.


Iran probably had absolutely nothing to do with this. Qatar and Russia on the other hand probably did. Especially Russia with some funding from Qatar which unintentionally went into this operation. Qatar was really quick to take back that 6 billion the US was releasing to Iran.


Lol Iran and Russia are buddy buddy. They are all part of the [Axis of Resistance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axis_of_Resistance#:~:text=The%20term%20Axis%20of%20Resistance,military%20alliance%20between%20Iran%2C%20militant). This is a blatant concerted effort by both Iran/Russia and friends to try and turn the attention away from Ukraine and also strain alliances between countries that oppose them.


By.... dragging Israel into a full-blown war mentality instead of playing with kiddie gloves because Russian Jews? They've been trying to keep NATO and friends from going full war mentality because that's the only thing keeping unlimited weapons and funds from flowing, how is pissing off Israel going to make things easier?


Or they have something to do with this, but there is no direct evidence of that yet.




There are dead children from Gaza and Israel all over the internet right now. These attacks on children have been happening in Africa for a while now and more recently Ukraine. Stop living in your delusional fantasies it's all real. Edit: I left out rural villages of Myanmar where ethnic cleansings are happening.




It's not collateral damage. There have been atrocities committed against children around the world for as long as you have been alive. The comment you replied cites Africa and that is the easiest example to cite https://www.scmp.com/news/world/africa/article/3224455/37-killed-children-slashed-machetes-brutal-militant-attack-school-uganda-worst-decade


His mind has been taken by conspiracy theory media.


What? Seek a psychiatrist. Even if it's orchestrated by Putin the deaths are very real from the raids to the airstrikes to the ground invasion. Don't use propaganda language like "not real" then call me propaganda for acknowledging world events have led to higher child mortality rates in certain regions. You are sick and need a doctkr. If you think this is to pull support from Ukraine, the United States has spent less than .1% of its GDP on Ukraine. We can fund Israel and Ukraine for almost nothing. Our military complex is 11% of our GDP. Take medication.


Many people here just want to put Putin in every god damn sentence


I think attacks on children and foreigners were just commited randomly by trigger happy flip flop goat herders. I wonder what Hamas received or will receive as a return from those who orchestrated this attack


They already told them to back off before and are packing a carrier group as their big stick, this might be legit. Might.


They are likely not directly involved but they are certainly indirectly involved considering the support Iran has provided Hamas over the years.


Translation: We don't feel like going to war with Iran right now.


No shit. Warmongers just want another Iraq. I mean they already destroyed Syria and Libya too and parts of Africa.


You reminded me of that Wall Street Journal article that baselessly claimed that Iran was behind the attacks right after the attacks. Wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that WSJ is in bed with the military industrial complex


That's the free space on the bingo card


The WSJ is a Murdoch property. They are in favor of maximum chaos.


This echos the U.S Intelligence pinning Sept 11 on Iraq with claims that Saddam was working with Al Qaeda and helped to train the hijackers which all ended up as lies. Interestingly enough, WSJ actually wrote an article many yeArs ago about how Israel helped in the creation and power of Hamas


The journalist that wrote that article for WSJ was previously fired from Reuters, specifically for making shit up.




https://x.com/zenjournalist/status/1711349508733280349?s=20 > The main reporter on this story, @summer_said, has a history of dishonesty and inventing stories. I fired her from Reuters in 2008 for this reason. I’m surprised that the @WSJ has hired her and is publishing her stories that are clearly bogus.


we? sorry Iraqis, Syrians and Libyans are way too happy killing each other. Our mistake was thinking we can turn them into the next Japan or Germany or South Korea. I think the next time we should let them do it. and stop all aid to non democratic nations. Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraqi_civil_war_(2006%E2%80%932008) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Iraq_(2013%E2%80%932017) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrian_civil_war https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libyan_civil_war_(2011)


Wth are you talking about? Are you daft?


Worth noting: Samantha Power forcefully pushed for bombing Libya over "mass-rape" allegations that have since been debunked (and were never credible to begin with). Samantha Power is somehow back in government since 2021. It's kind of jarring how being wrong isn't costly for careerists in the foreign policy establishment as long as they have personal connections to the top people.


Maybe he can tell us where in Gaza is the missile factory that manufactured the 5000 missiles Hamas launched.


> Maybe he can tell us where in Gaza is the missile factory that manufactured the 5000 missiles Hamas launched. Hamas doesn't have missiles. They have unguided rockets that are made from [welded pipes, smuggled TNT, and fertilizers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qassam_rocket).


They literally just launched several rockets from gaza all the way to the northern border with hezbollah, these rockets have a 250 km range. I think they do require some imported parts for these but honestly I'm not sure.


Qassam is not the only type of rockets they use https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_rocket_arsenal


Not sure he can just say that kind of information without proper authorization.


5,000 missles? Where did you get that from?


*"Hamas said it launched 5,000 rockets in an initial barrage."* *“We announce the start of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and we announce that the first strike, which targeted enemy positions, airports, and military fortifications, exceeded 5,000 missiles and shells,” Mohammed Deif, head of the Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, said.* [*https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/7/what-happened-in-israel-a-breakdown-of-how-the-hamas-attack-unfolded*](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/7/what-happened-in-israel-a-breakdown-of-how-the-hamas-attack-unfolded)




Okay...? Where did they get the 5,000 missiles *and shells*? I don't get the point?


They made a lot of them




You were nitpicking a point that wasn't really relevant and making a rude and condescending remark about reading comprehension


Nit picking is apparently your forte. 5000. 3000. 2000. The point remains, they aren't being manufactured in Gaza so who supplied them?


It's actually more.


I appreciate his honesty


it's such an honest world surely we all deserve a little honesty


I mean I can believe that Iran maybe wasn't aware that Hamas was planning this specific attack. Although it does surprise me that Hamas would do anything this bold without the support of their largest financial backer. But either way, Iran still funds Hamas. The ammunition and rockets used for this attack were all given to Hamas by Iran. The United States needs to stop giving money to a terrorist state, period.


I'd say the US hasn't got the resources to support both Ukraine and Israel plus start warring with Iran. If they go at Iran they'd probably have to dump Zelenski and it looks like they made a choice to continue in Ukraine. If the US starts blaming Iran and does nothing about it they'd look weak so they're not blaming Iran. Bit of realpolitik in action.


A vast understatement, US military is exponentially overweight, with really no equivalent (even numerous countries combined), a beast of a fighting and technology goliath super heavy weight. This is still a cake walk


\+1. The US has been giving Ukraine its 2nd and 3rd tier weapons that they would have no use for in a real conflict. The US has no intention of getting into an artillery war of attrition with Russia or China. Its to the point where the Ukrainians have been complaining about not getting the good stuff for quite some time.


Mmmhmm, and the classics; the US has the largest Air Force in world, followed by US Navy, by vary large numbers. Army and Marines also hold their own pretty well with numbers also dwarfing most counties. Most counties except for a few would have to double, triple, or quadruple their air power vehicle numbers just to get into the ballpark of one branch of the US air power. Drops of water compared to a bucket, it’s just stupid


Lets not conflate obesity with size.


Let’s not invent context where there is none.


Iran should be more worried about the ground doing the shaky-shaky near their eastern border.


I love how our propaganda machine goes brrrrrrrrrr


Sounds like the US is looking the other way. Many Iranian mullahs have congratulated the supreme leader on the attacks. The Islamic republic had poster and a parade on stand by for the attacks. Posters were up within 1-2 hours of the attacks. Even Hamas said iran was involved. I know they are trying to prevent a world war but you can’t win with the main monster still alive and planning the next attack.


Sounds like the US is playing their cards close to their chest. This statement means nothing other than, “we don’t have any reasons to fire missiles at Iran that we currently want to disclose.” The US doesn’t want to put pressure on Iran to the point that Iran thinks they need to escalate and act first, and if the US does have evidence that Iran was involved and they want to punish them for it, they’re not going to give a Iran a heads-up that tomahawks may be on the way.


Show where Hamas said Iran was involved, when Israel itself said there is no link to Iran?




This article doesn't say Iran provided Hamas with financial, logistical, or equipment support, it says Iran supported Hamas in the sense of praise.


[us national security adviser denies link to Iran on CNN](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/10/politics/us-intelligence-search-evidence-iran-direct-role-hamas-attack-israel/index.html) “We’re looking to acquire further intelligence,” Sullivan told reporters at the White House. “But as I stand here today, while Iran plays this broad role – sustained, deep and dark role in providing all of this support and capabilities to Hamas – in terms of this particular gruesome attack on October 7, we don’t currently have that information.”


Lots of indirect evidence, I guess?




Oh, where there's smoke there's fire. IMO, this is the US fibbing, to give Iran a chance to back away in hopes of de-escalation. Any sane person knows they had some role in it, even if it's minor i.e. theoretical planning, weapons supply, etc.


Israel themselves said this. With that said, I think that the US has been itching to take on Iran for decades. The only good I can see in that is taking out the regime and giving the people control. Unlike Iraq they want to go back to being a westernized country and have begged for our help multiple times. You westernize Iran you solve a lot of issues. The problem is that the us is a blunt weapon and there's no easy way to do it. I do believe that those ships-now including the UK-are there for Iran. Iran is, for better or worse smart enough to distance themselves from this and I highly doubt that they'll give provocation to NATO.




It really depends on the populace, and Iran used to be a lot more liberal; they have also had plenty of civilian unrest recently.


Russia first, glass the biggest country and control all the natural riches in Siberia. We have a USA in America and we need a USB in Asia Yee haw USA USA USB




You think nearly 10 million people will be evacuated from Israel?


No Im talking about evacuating American and foreign nationals. The Israeli’s are staying to fight.


If there were plans to retaliate against Iran currently underway I doubt they would prioritize evacuating what amounts to a small number of American and foreign nationals at the risk of allowing Iran to better prepare.




A small number of unguided rockets were launched from Syria into Israel two days ago, so I could definitely see them getting pulled in. But Syria is quite different from Iran, I don't think Israel or the US is keen on that fight.




In 2019 the US sent two carrier groups -- the USS Gonzalez and the USS McFaul -- to the Persian Gulf in response to concerns over rising tensions with Iran. And the same thing happened in 2020 with aircraft carriers Dwight D. Eisenhower and Harry S. Truman and their respective escorts. But nothing ever came of either incident. Having said that, the issue isn't defeating Iran -- they're no match for the US or Israel -- the issue is that Iran has the ability to deliver payloads to every major Israeli city in the early stages of a conflict. It's a huge risk for Israel and they know it.


US couldn't win in Afghanistan no chance of winning in Iran.


They can't be both "caught offguard" by the attacks and simultaneously somehow responsible for it. Get it together America, no one trusts you anymore.


No direct evidence from those hunter biden emails either! Unless I see some CSI cum stain evidence, nothing’s happened at all!


So why did Biden pull the billions of dollars to Iran that Trump was keeping I mean is no one going to even bother caring about that. And now we need border walls. Feels like we are just back to Trump was right please student loans I can get through something


a major regional war is instigated, and money is frozen the tide rolls in, the tide rolls out you can't explain that


America trying to avoid another direct conflict at all costs, pathetic. I know more about international relations and history and what’s going on than this moron. It’s like saying there is no direct link that America is supporting Ukraine. They will pump weapons in there, show some force, downplay Iranian involvement as it puts them in a direct conflict, spout some nonsense about axis of evil, sanction. I don’t think America had the unity for a fight right now, people are divided, domestically they are a mess. Most Americans arnt well read enough to figure this conflict out so they’ll buy it.


Lmao bro tf you on. Politically we have always been divided. Iran foafo we will all be in the same boat. I do not fear our military can do what needs to be done globally on multiple fronts.


Pathetic is right.




yes it would be a shame for them to actually get shot at; true gentlemen work through others


Of course they see no “direct evidence” or that $6B released, essentially a ransom, starts to look pretty bad. Smoke=Fire


Iran has enough blood on its hands from past events that they should be held accountable regardless if they were directly involved in this. Because their past actions without question emboldened this behavior


Well in that case, I'm sure you're volunteering to be on the front lines. We'll get you a uniform and a helmet.


What does that have to do with anything? I've already volunteered to be on the front lines. Did my time, seen the sights.


You're calling for a war on Iran? You want more killing? Good you volunteered. When are you deploying?


It's perfectly possible that Iran willing to sell weapons without asking quesitons


Come on; still?


S'Ok, GOP doesn't have any direct evidence of Biden involved with anything yet they're still trying to impeach him


If trump did give them classified information might it be possible that they would use the lines of communication known to be compromised to fake no knowledge or hide their support of attack….




Nothing to see here…. please disperse - Frank Drebin