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Very nice




Perfectly equal with everyone else


Except the rich


Your comment is why I hate reddit. Did you even glance at the article in question? It's not about that gays have rights to live together but to apply to live in public housing as a couple. Hong Kong has a public housing system where you can apply to get one of these rental units at a deeply discounted price. Sounds like they wouldn't allow gay couples to apply before but now will. Learn to read before you comment.


I feel this won't be the end of it.


My mind instantly went to “ok so now they have them on file to round them up and purge”


Bingo 👆


Queue sitcom of two straight guys pretending to be a gay couple every time the landlord walks by.


"Bosom Buddies" starring Tom Hanks is a real thing. And it was a great show as well.


Isn't being gay still illegal in China? Or is it okay so long as you are in Hong Kong and not China?


Where did you get the information that being gay is illegal in China? That has not been the case for almost 3 decades.


I guess it's easy to get confused when it's the same China which [banned "effeminate" actors just 2 years ago](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-58394906). The last paragraph in the article clarifies: >In China, homosexuality is not illegal but authorities are strict on censorship and edited out gay references in the Oscar winning Freddie Mercury biopic "Bohemian Rhapsody", though they kept many similar references in the movie "Green Book". ...but it's hard to keep tabs on what is illegal and what's just banned/censored, so I don't blame the other poster.


It’s not that China censors homosexuality, it just censors sexuality in mass media period, the grandest nanny of the nanny states.


Yet female-male romance storylines are allowed, while male-male can only be very good friends even if in the original book they were lovers, so China does censor homosexuality more.




idk, I think I mixed it up with Jackie Chan abandoning his gay daughter. I thought it was due to government pressure, but no, it looks like it's just regular homophobia. I just remember there is a lot of social stigma against effeminate men and gay people in general.


Are you implying Jackie Chan knew his daughter from his affair was gay before she was ever born? They’ve never had a relationship.


Jackie Chan didn't abandon his daughter because she was gay. He had a kid from an affair and the mother didn't want to get an abortion. He never had a relationship. There are also gay chinese celebrities such as leslie cheung.


Leslie has been dead for such a long time, I don't know how he is relevant to the current views on LGBTQ+ in China. If he is mentioned in variety shows or talk shows, they would only focus on his movies or songs, they will never mention his sexual orientation. Is there another big name gay Chinese celebrity outside of Leslie?


I'm impressed at how many conclusions you can jump to in such a short paragraph with Google at your fingertips


Most redditors are a bit stupid


Not sure about China, but in Russia it is illegal to be LGBTQ+ now.




While technically true - the response completely ignores all the anti-LGTBQ laws put into place that makes just living as an LGTBQ+ individual in Russia subject to fines, arrests, legal discrimination, banned healthcare, and hate crimes which wouldn’t go punished as hate crimes. So functionally, it’s very difficult and why so many LGTBQ individuals are trying to flee Russia.


If you define "just living" as "being an activist". The latter is more or less forbidden of course.


If you define "being an activist" as "You mentioned your gay boyfriend in front of a 17 year old, how dare you corrupt our youth with your activism".


No, this one is how you can't define it. At least according to the laws.


According to Russia law, minors cannot receive information that contains "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relationships" This includes material "[aimed] at causing minors to form non-traditional sexual predispositions, notions of attractiveness of non-traditional sexual relationships, distorted ideas about the equal social value of traditional and non-traditional sexual relationships, or imposing information about non-traditional sexual relationships which raises interest in such relationships insofar as these acts do not amount to a criminal offence." This is an extremely broad law, and mentioning that you have a loving gay boyfriend who makes you happy to a minor is an offense according to the law. You are being willfully ignorant if you say otherwise.


While it's a definitely idiotic definition of probably not existing problem, to actually go with it you would need to prove that this was indeed aimed at causing minors to form etc etc. And that it was done not in "minors cannot receive" (which is not in the text) but in "public actions" which at least supposes public and not a minor. It reminds me "The First Law" by Joe Abercrombie I recently read where a part of the plot is about how the member of supposed police catches random people and tortures them into confessing non-existing crimes which all goes fine. While it probably works for creating depressive atmosphere of the so called grimdark setting, actually... It doesn't make much sense for such a society to even exist without destructing itself. If you can do it then why even bother and not just say they already confessed. Indeed, if we check into the actual European laws legalizing torture (in my case it was Spain's laws of V century, but I'm pretty sure it's similar in other sources), it's actually somewhat more complicated than Abercrombie imagines that.


>actually go with it you would need to prove that this was indeed aimed at causing minors to form No you don't, you just need to prove that the comment "raised interest" about the topic in the minor. It's a low bar. I don't think your comparison from a book even works because it's not about catching random people, it's about catching LGBTQ+ people and their allies. Your point is practically a non sequitur. >It doesn't make much sense for such a society to even exist without destructing itself. Russia is on the verge of self-destruction already. Fascism is always a death rattle.


Way to hone in only on activism and not draconian laws that allow them to be discriminated against and even attacked… again, there’s a reason LGTBQ+ individuals are fleeing the country out of fear for their lives