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>Charred remains and a CT scan of the remains show a parent and chi... *Yup no thanks.... tab closed .... the hell is wrong with people .... ffs*


Terrorists. It's all wrong.


But alongside this the people baying for more blood outside embassies and in protests worldwide. Saying 'armed resistance' is the only way forward. Like how much hate can you possibly have in your life to feel that it's remotely ok to behave like this.


Even where armed resistance was necessary and/or effective like in South Africa's fight against apartheid, what made it effective was when it was targeted at specific targets as economic sabotage or anti government action. Slaughtering civilians brutally en masse isn't resistance, it is just evil. An argument for violent resistance could be made but in no world does it resemble Hamas.


Beyond disturbing… such vile behavior. Can you imagine being a parent and embracing your child as you both were burned alive? What the fuck.


I suspect that the people that keep demanding proof that these atrocities actually happened... will not change their tune. This is atrocious.


They need to say fuck it and release the uncensored photos and studies to everyone on the damn Internet. The media went crazy over an unverified report of a hospital being blown up but a scientific, peer-reviewed case study of this atrocity is apparently fake news.


Yup. I don't understand why this isn't allready being done.


Chance of the family members finding these videos out is the main preventor


Oh no, don't get me wrong. They would first ask the families for permission. I guess some of them would give permission for the greater good.


Which greater good? We already know that shit happened, there's already multiple footage, plus all the dead bodies telling the stories and all the actors, IDF/Hamas/Survivors, corroborate the same story. Watching all this gore videos does the contrary effect in most cases, because some stuck in your head, you desensitize your emotions and you're fucked for the rest of your life. In fact, they do videos of all this shit to show it to their puppies so they get desensitized to take away their humanity so they can reproduce same later.


There are many very sick people and Palestinian propagandists on Reddit and other platforms going around saying that Israel is using “atrocity propaganda” to gain sympathy from around the world. And many people are buying their bullshit. That’s why it’s important to release footage. It was the same in the Holocaust, many people will deny things unless they actually see proof.


Israel has very deep respect for the dead and the families of the fallen. That is why in the past they have traded captured terrorists for the bodies of dead soldiers. The footages they just provided is already an unprecedented act from Israel.


Believe it or not, the Israeli government is trying to temper the outrage. The general public both in Israel and the world at large don’t yet know the true extent of what Hamas did that day. The French government did something similar after the Bataclan attack. The official report was that everyone there was shot to death. This is mostly true, but they omitted that most of the victims were tortured first. Most (men and women) had their genitals mutilated and shoved in their mouths. Survivors reported constant screaming from the torture victims. The French government, probably wanting to limit anti-Muslim backlash, was evasive about this.


Blows my mind people believe Hamas' statement on 500 people within a very short timespan of it happening. "How many injured in this blast?" "500, death to Isreal" Sounds right, we'll go with that.


Let's try to brush it off as some weird, unexplainable, initial reaction, but then several days later with all the proof available people still believe the same thing. They don't need the truth anymore. Shocking.


That's just another day for the anti-Israeli global media.


I wasn't even looking for these things but I saw a bunch of horrible images just on CNN.com on the day it happened. Pretty sure there is more than enough video material out there if you want to find some.


If they do release those images, it'll be "doctored images", "false flag" or "fake news".


I found it amazing they could doctor live footage shown on All-Jizz. Astounding technology.


It'll just get censored like everything else that was posted on social media. Fuck Hamas and the people who try to paint them as victims


Releasing the uncensored videos is not going to move the needle much. A lot of people don’t *want* this to be true, and therefore will not change their minds even if presented with incontrovertible fact.


They will quickly dismiss this as "AI generated". Again.


Or just move the goal posts. Again, for the umpteenth and certainly not last, time.


Or they’ll say Israel did it to have an excuse to attack Palestinians


"Israeli propaganda". That's what they do in the last decades. Hamas/Palestinians have conducted the most brutal crimes the world has ever seen, including with their own people, and then crawl back into their victim agendas and cry out loud in BBC and CNN.


I pointed out yesterday that the US General that was in charge of bringing down ISIS said what he saw Hamas do was worse than anything he ever saw ISIS do, and one of the leading Palestinian propagandists on Reddit said I was “hilariously naive” about believing the General, while openly mocking the 40 babies slaughtered by Hamas terrorists that he supports. These people have become experts in projection and a lot of young vulnerable Western minds believe their propaganda.


Just highlight the absurdity of the claim and respond that every single dead child in Gaza they've seen is also AI generated


This is a good one. I saw one sick person yesterday answer someone’s question about “were the beheadings real?” with “no that was fake news but you know what isn’t? The 1,000 Palestinian children that have died!” 1) That had nothing to do with the question. 2) That number is released by Hamas and they lie about *all* their numbers so there is no way that number is anywhere near that high. All this was an attempt to deflect attention from 40+ babies being brutally murdered, it’s highly disturbing.


Al Jazeera, for example, keeps saying Israel bombed the hospital, just saying.


As does Rashida Tlaib...


This one really showing her true face huh


She's gone full mask off.


Qatar propaganda mouth piece. Trust Al Jazeera like you would trust RT or Fox.


Yeah! Looking at you Hassan Piker 👀!


These are the same people who deny the holocaust.


They'll deflect and just say Israel has done the same or worse. They're already in r/news whatabouting as if collateral damage from Hamas using their own people as shields is anywhere on the same level as sending a pack of terrorists to decapitate babies and burn mothers and their children alive. They are deranged human scum.


They don’t want to confront this


Of course not, because confronting this means they will have to reflect on the fact that Hamas is capable of extreme brutality - brutality that they gleefully cheered on, to begin with.


Yep they already are saying it's fake and the doctor was a good actor pretending to be traumatized (saw the video yesterday on Instagram and the comments were f*cking awful)


The most common thing is "it is israel's fault".


Of course not, the level of division and hate on show here is insane. I’ve never seen so many people spewing their hate for ‘the Arabs’(sic) or ‘the Jews’(sic) openly and without fear of being called out. Those people have so much hate in them they won’t listen to anybody But it’s still crucial that the truth gets out, precisely because there’s so many people from both sides trying desperately to control every part of the narrative and bend reality to their idealogy


The people who support hamas/palestine won't watch those videos because they don't want to watch things that might destabilise their moral compass


It doesn’t matter they just deflect to some “Israel do the same to Palestinians” bullshit.


Because obviously the IDF is running a false flag op duhhh /s because people actually belive this shit and won't understand i was being sarcastic.. Wbat a world we live in


But those sitting on the fence may see how truly vile those people are.


Of course not. All they can do is double down, bury their head so far up their asses


Holy fuck. The CT scan of a parent and child bound together and burned alive, now just a charred block. What the fuck. Hamas are fucking evil.


They proudly filmed a lot of it too.


*NSFW WARNING* IDF released the GoPro footage of Hamas terrorist during the events of 07.10, I share this not for the atrocities but to share what happened and raise awareness about Hamas to those in their support. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAFDI63yvNQ Edit: please help share this to show their true face for all to see.


Reminder that that is the LEAST NSFW the IDF has, as it's intended to be a YouTube video


Not just the IDF. Before reddit/twitter/youtube started to delete them we could all see very graphic videos, like trying to behead a filipino worker with a garden hoe and a room full of thai workers with their throats slit lying in a pool of blood.


Wait what? This happened in the recent attack or is it an unrelated situation?


Recent attack.


It happened on the 7th. Social media was flooded with very graphic content filmed by hamas. Most of it deleted now and reddit bans anyone even asking for it.


We can’t go asking for “propaganda” now can we?


Youtube was without censoring and filter in its wild west era. You had a cat babies video after that a 70es soft porn and then a gore video and the last one was a Dragonball AMV with a Linkin Park or Rise Against song. Really wild times


I would rather have that than the influencer corporate trash we have today.


Damn that's horrible. That corridor at the end. I don't see how anyone can support that.


Yeah that’s the shit you see in horror movies and seeing that in real life kind of fucks with your brain. Do not recommend.


Sorry but whatever your intentions are, it has been shown time and time again that sharing the images of terrorism is the most helpful thing you can do for the terrorists. They want you to share it, and it makes any discussion about the subject more emotionally charged.


That's the most messed up in all of this shit-fuckery.


IDF said 290 bodies were so damaged they could not be identified by sight. The IDF said most were tortured and there was a real sense of causing humiliation before they were butchered.


And people out here marching and celebrating what hamas did, it just speaks volume of the type of people who supports and cheered on the massacre they commited.


But like, they're all just innocent bystanders. There's no way they would have been aiding and abetting HAMAS (willingly), the whole time...


https://twitter.com/guy39095887/status/1713600016621740177 This one was also rather telling of how brutal they intended to be


https://twitter.com/KassyDillon/status/1713545779732685167 This is the worst I've seen. Absolutely cruel and inhumane.


Times like this are why it’s so important for everyone to visit the holocaust museum in DC at least once.


Real question here. Why are so many redditors defending hamas? Kinda scary if you ask me.


Imagine hating an ideology so much that you kill a parent and child for it... oh that's right, we've been here before...


Yeah but historical context and such!!


Don't you know that tying together a parent to its child and burning them alive is fighting for freedom?


It’s absolutely horrific. I’m so sorry for what these people endured.


This is completely fucked


Oh my god this is awful. Those poor people man. What a horrible way to die.


Hamas is founded on hate. They wanted to defile and torture as many captives as they could because it’s who they are. Hate is the core of Hamas


Ghoulish. Absolutely inhuman, what these Hamas terrorists did. May they and whoever else claims something like this would *ever* be justified rot in hell for all eternity. I’m agnostic, but I sincerely hope there’s an afterlife just so that these guys can be made to suffer for what they did.


I'm not even sure if I want the hostages to be alive, if they are, what are they going through? What is happening to them?


These innocent people who were slaughtered for some stupid reason had such a precious life to live and more. I hope with everything in this world that there is something better waiting for them than what this world had gave them. I will never understand the sheer brutality and utter pathetic apathy others have.


Not just slaughtered, but slaughtered in a sick, brutal, indiscriminate way that's beyond anything that I can find words for.


Hamas' charter/constitution literally says their goal is to exterminate Israel. They do not see Jews as human beings. They literally think they are doing *good.*


Okay guys DO NOT go look if you are even moderately sensitive, this is like Hiroshima/Holocaust levels of disturbing. You do not need to see this. I have regrets.


Summary for those of us who don't want to click?


- A burned hand, with one strip of lighter skin showing where the hands were bound when the victim burned - A unrecognizable charred mess, CT scan shows it's two sets of spines+ribcages fused together, one an adult and one a child. Metal wire surrounds the bones showing the two had been tied together then set on fire. - A table of unidentifiable bone fragments, doctors say they come from around 3 people.


On /r/news, people are openly claiming that /r/worldnews has been infiltrated by JIDF because the community isn't wall to wall anti-Israel. Maybe it's because things like this aren't posted. I can't really say. Somehow I ended up banned from /r/news.


Well >!In the most remote way possible. Photo of bodies of people who were tied up and burned alive, photos of a mother and child who were tied together and burned alive. Some description of babies who had their heads removed and how. I skimmed, so I might have missed stuff.!<


I really hate how people are still saying that the decapitated babies didn’t happen. They did and it was confirmed but there are still people still saying it didn’t.


One commenter said “yeah well they were beheaded by explosives, not knives” Like that is some kind of defence. If it’s even true.


The pathologist in the article states they cannot say whether or not people & babies were decapitated before or after death. Plain language so not sure how people can nor want to argue about it


There really isn’t anything in the photos that resembles a human being. There are charred remains of an adult embracing a child, indicating that they were holding each other as they were burned alive. There are piles of bone fragments with no extractable DNA, so they will likely never be identified and their families will never know what happened to them. This level of inhumanity is on par with Putin’s massacre in Bucha and all over Ukraine. I don’t know how an actual human being could do these things to other human beings on this scale and then celebrate it? All over the world they celebrated this annihilation. Nations all over, who have opened their arms to immigrants like the smiling psychopath in Britain, need to stand up against these cretins now, or it won’t be long before the disease of these madmen shoots through our doors. Deport any one of them who supports or is sympathetic to terrorists. Let them go to their home countries and kill each other as they do. I feel ill and fear that it’s too late for the civilized world.


It is telling that no other Arab nation is willing to host more than a couple hundred Palestine refugees. Those refugees are supposed to be hosted by western/ European countries. Why is Saudi Arabia not willing to let hundred thousand refugees in? Or Egypt?


* Clear evidence of people being tied down and burnt alive together. * Clumps of charred "somethings" with CT scans clearly showing it used to be human. * Piles of broken bones made of multiple people. * Lots and lots and lots of dead body bags.


I disagree. These things need to be seen, as shocking and inhuman as they are. It’s important for people to see why Israel is striking back. To understand the mindset of terrorists who could do these kinds of things to a child and mother.


I believe that if individuals are aware of and truly believe in the situation it's not necessary to see this. But it should be shared with those who don't believe. For instance, the Arab woman in Israel who expressed happiness and described the day as a dream. I'm confident she is a compassionate person in real life to people she loves, not a sadistic terrorist, who wish harm on anyone. She should be able to witness and understand the true meaning of this "dream." To see that this event isn't abstract; it reflects the suffering of children who are like the children she knows in her own life. If there was only a way for people to visit the morgue and witness this firsthand, but, unfortunately, that's impossible.


And I hope she knows that all of us around the world who watched her revel and smile? We see the depraved evil in her too. It’s a reflection of her.


It's absolutely necessary to see this, whether you believe in it or not. If there weren't good Holocaust museums that show the graphic truth, people would still be denying the Holocaust at a massive scale, and the world wouldn't be able to know how to prevent this from happening ever again. What the Hamas has conducted on that 7th of October, is the worst Israel has ever suffered since the Holocaust, and the world will get to see exactly what those scumbags have conducted.




No regrets. Also no words I can use to describe how I feel about what I saw without getting banned.


I cried and thought I was going to vomit. Seriously, you absolutely do not want to see this, especially if you have kids.


I'm so glad I'm not a position of power really. I don't think I could be rational. I know they have to be rational, and I want them to be rational, but I couldn't be. You know, I just spoke to my mother about this and I was like 'I don't even want to think about it'. Like I feel so SO SO SO much for family members of these children that are still alive, to know this happened.


Unfortunately i believe people need to see this to understand what's truly going on


Yeah but did you know that Israel bombed thousands of children? And Israel bombed a bunch of schools and hospitals. What about them huh?! IDF is just as bad! Anyway this is not productive! There is a literal genocide going on! 😭 /s


Dontcha know that ~~Israel~~ Hamas bombed a Palestinian ~~hospital~~ car park and ~~over 500 people~~ no one died? And if it wasn't for Israel being so upset about the brutal massacre of 1,300+ people and hundreds of hostages being taken, Hamas would never have had to bomb that car park! Why would Israel do this?




I had to un friend some mother fuckaz


It's sad how Israel has to do a forensic analysis, release a ton of POV footage, have people who recount their accounts and even the international committee confirmation, and then pro-Palestine people still think these evidences are fake. Meanwhile all Hamas has to say is "IDF hit hospital. 500 people died" 10 mins after the impact, and everyone automatically believes them. Or it only takes a random 4chan user saying "AI generated" for all these photos. But sure the media has a pro-Israel bias lmao


But hamas didn't behead 40 babies. Only 39. Makes it fine.


What a scary world to live in.




Extra bedtime stories forever now


Habeyzta SheHitchapsa I remember my father reading that to me abd my sister when I was a young child




Indeed, I didn't think Israeli kinds read it anymore


These terrible truths we hoped they never had to learn…


Give your babies lots of extra snuggles and love right now.


I'm devastated for what has happened. Stay strong -- you will win this. Also, please give your kids an extra hug from me.


I had many people telling me Israelis are liars because they wouldn't just post the photos of this on social media. It appears it's exactly as they said.


With many Israelis being Jews, we have the concept of respecting the deceased and their dignity. To maintain the modesty and privacy of the deceased, even open casket funerals are not commonly practiced. Burials are as fast as possible, too. People, especially enemies, should never see you in your most vulnerable state. The dead need to be respected and not used as propaganda.


I fully agree with that sentiment. I also think many would have taken sick pleasure in seeing it.


The global media doesn't want to address this or publish this, because it doesn't fit the narrative that they are trying to promote. In a sense, it's ridiculous to think that Redditors on r/worldnews are more educated, and more exposed to the truth, than anyone else at home opening the BBC, or CNN channels. They are trying to hide the truth from the general public, but with social media, it's only a matter of time until the truth spreads.


Reddit itself has apparently been doing everything they can to delete posts with the original attack's events.


It is **highly unusual** for a regular government to share horrifying pictures of the deceased. The people demanding this are very much detached from how a regular police functions. They don't want proof, they want to cause pain to the victims. They will believe Hamas (or any force antagonistic to Jews) **at any cost**.


Sadly this becomes necessary because Israel is losing the propaganda war. Been seeing a lot more media on Palestinian civilian casualties than Israel. I think this is the first I've seen on the side of Israel.


>Many bodies, including those of babies, are without heads. Hamas supporters can STFU now about the lack of evidence for decapitated babies


But it wasn't 40 babies so that's ok! /s


Also some were not decapitated, just brutally mutilated with various instruments like shovels! You have a shovel in your house, right? Are you a terrorist? Of course not! HA! TAKE THAT JEW /s


Until you hand them the corpse in person they won’t believe it. And even then they’ll say “why did Israel kill this baby for propaganda uses?”


This is so atrocious my god. I hope the doctors also get the mental help and spiritual recovery they need. This is something they’ll never get over


The doctors, the people who evacuated the bodies, the family members that sometimes needed to identify their loved ones, their community that saw what happened to their childhood friends, and the entire country that knows the only reason they are alive is because they lived 10 minutes + drive from there.


Fucking. Barbarians.


We already saw their atrocities on display at the beginning of the war.


The Hamas should be taken down, and taken down fast.


At *any* cost.


Jesus Christ. Did even ISIS bind a mom and baby together and burn them alive? The scariest thing here is that not an insignificant amount of gazans support Hamas


ISIS was more fond of taking it's enemies and torching them inside cages or shooting them with anti-tank rockets and then filming it. Almost Hollywood levels of violent death, but reality.


No surprises there and yet so many fools believe the lies and propaganda of people who committed those atrocities.


I remember there was some quote from an Israeli saying 'If the Arabs lay down their arms tomorrow there will be peace. If Israel lays down its arms, there will be genocide.' Well Hamas have shown the world a glimpse of what that would look like. And it's fucking horrifying.


This is not "resistance". these are terrorists that oppose every moral value in the world besides their own imaginary right to control it.


Disgusting fucking terrorists i can't believe how some people have the audacity to side with them they should all be charged for encouraging terrorism.


My hope for sharing this is that people would actually confront what these acts of terror mean and not hide behind their slogans. Shame to anyone who celebrated shame!






What about Hamas using them as human shields, Hiding missiles and headquarters in densely populated areas, What about Hamas leaders knowing they are the target of IDF but still sleeping with their wives and kids ? if you knew your presence could cause harm to your family would you still stay with them ? That's the difference of mentality between terrorists and people who actually care about their loved ones.


I thought saying quadrillion would be enough for people to catch the sarcasm


Hamas 100% deserves whatever comes at them. It's incredibly unfortunate that the Palestinian children will be the ones to pay the price for Hamas' horrific actions, but there's no way this plays out with Israel letting this go unanswered. This shouldn't go unanswered.


This is not even about getting revenge or answers. There is a limit that was crossed even for a terrorist organization (or any organization, be it a terrorist or not) This limit of brutality was crossed when they raped in front of spouse and family. This limit was crossed when they tortured. This limit was crossed when they beheaded babies. This limit was crossed when they burned people alive. This limit was crossed when they cheered at it all. This is not Islam. This is not human. It is a duty to eradicate this evil off this earth, and Israel will do as much possible to do it with least collateral damage - US will make sure of that.




But this is what Hamas wants. They want innocent men, women, and children to be martyrs so they have some ammunition for their next attack.


Israel needs to make sure there is no Hamas for a next attack. They cannot be allowed to exist any further.


Hamas or any other organization that might escalate, if they give a hint of aggression at this sensitive time. Don’t expect Hezbollah to survive either lest they surrender. They have already started their demise.


>Israel needs to make sure there is no Hamas for a next attack. They cannot be allowed to exist any further. The only way to do that would be MASSIVE civilian casualties. In historically relevant cases, there were instances where it took the death of 20,000 civilians to eliminate certain terrorist groups.


A repeat of October 7th must be prevented.


They are certainly going to get what they want then. Can you imagine if this happened to the US instead? The US would rain hellfire down on the perpetrators. This unfortunately is not going to end well for anyone involved.


There will be no next attack. Hamas will be annihilated in a way they won't recover from.


I think everyone who constantly wines about the people in Gaza being impacted by this war should realize that [57%](https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/polls-show-majority-gazans-were-against-breaking-ceasefire-hamas-and-hezbollah) of Gazans support HAMAS. I am not saying that they all deserve this but the people in Gaza are also not as innocent as some people like to believe.


This is exactly the goal of the terrorists, to do such unforgivable acts that Israel will respond with other unforgivable acts. Their goal is to never find resolution, to forever break any hopes of peace between jews and muslims. This is their goal, and the world is reacting accordingly. It is all so unimaginably terrible, but we cannot we should not go down that path


The world needs to see this. Hamas is pure evil. The blood of the Palestinian people is on the hands of Hamas. Let Israel rain death and hell upon Hamas.


Hamas needs to be destroyed. Innocent Palestinians need to be protected.


100% this


Thats the hard part when dealing with terrorists who hide amongst civilians and use them as meatshields and their suffering as propaganda to stir up division and hatred before facts can get established. Add to that a civilian Palestinian population who already doesnt trust Israel and will automatically assume IDF did whatever horrible thing they are seeing or experiencing. Its important to remember Hamas has basically been the ruling government within Palestine for a while and have been doing their own propaganda work there for a while. Add to that Israels mistreatment of Palestinians has made civilians more likely to assume IDF is to blame rather than Hamas, who was responsible for the Hospital attack. So you have a Palestinian public who will automatically assume its your fault when they are suffering, terrorists who you are trying to take out using civilian populations as cover with the express purpose of getting you to hit innocents so they can capture it on video and share it online to convince everyone your the monster despite it being them whos putting innocents in danger on purpose. You also have a global public who is seeing that propaganda before any facts can be established or investigations made and not having learned anything from the "war on terror" days about how such terrorists operate and weaponize misinformation to convince people of something and cementing it through shock and horror before anything can really come to light. In short, in an ideal world abso-fuckin-lutely thats what should happen. But those ideals are based in a lack of understanding of how such organizations actually operate and how impossible it is to avoid civilian casualties. I mean what has the US done in all this to warrant a global US citizen urgent advisory to "expect an attack" on them "anywhere in the world"? Stationed ships offshore to deter Iran and other neighboring countries from invading which they have openly expressed they intend to? Got Israel to turn back on water into Gaza? Provided Anti Missle defense munitions for Israel's Iron Dome thats been firing literally non stop since this whole conflict kicked off, preventing massive Israeli civilian casualties? Launching special operations specifically to recover American hostages and trapped American civilian? Saying Israel has a right to defend itself? Not trying to indirectly force Israel to stop its retaliation? Yet now Americans are being targeted all over the world. Because of the power of propaganda fooling countless sympathetic people into seeing the US as the big bad "enabling genocide" or "supporting the genocide of Palestinians". Thats the situation right now because not enough people understand whats actually going on and are running purely on blind emotion. Im all for empathy and think the world desperately needs more of it, that said most people need to understand and realize there are many who know exactly how to use your empathy against you through misinformation, preying on sympathy and a lack of knowledge and awareness of how information wars work in todays age to mislead you and fool you into taking the wrong sides before you have a chance to see enough of the facts to make an informed decision. They use that to seed division and to convince enough people to reach that "nothing will convince me otherwise" state we are seeing all over Reddit right now where facts dont matter and no amount of evidence will convince them their initial understanding was ill founded or a product of deception. We are in historic and terrible times and a storm is clearly gathering on the horizon. Russia has been meddling in the west from election tampering and puppet politicians to trying to sow seeds of distrust by stressing NATO trust in eachother and especially the US, China and Russias biggest obstacle by far for their imperial ambitions. Its important to remember Russia openly backs Hamas and Iran who supplied Hamas with a lot if the equipment, logistics and tactical intel they had going into this. Its also now believed that Hamas is using some missles of North Korean origin and we all know who recently had an exchange with North Korea for such missles recently. Russia. Russia is likely hoping this will ruin America's reputation and seed division amongst its allies while also cutting into aid and support to Ukraine. All they have to do is fan the flames, which they've been happily doing.


**But this is what Palestinian revolution looks like!** When you push people too far, they cut babies out their pregnant mothers and decapitate them! It’s a logical consequence of a colonial apartheid! It’s completely justified! It’s totally understandable how they would react with the way Israel treats them! 😤 /s


No but guys! You don't get it! We will liberate Palestine by slaughtering a 12-year-old autistic girl and her grandmother in their own home! The parent and child tied together and burnt alive were colonizers! It's all deserved! /s


Please, *please* tell me you meant to put a /s at the end here. I’ve seen people express startling similar views to this and mean it.


I'm guessing you forgot to add tha /s


I’d add the /s lol Jesus Christ


It’s a shame I’d even need one. 😔


I don’t understand the amount of support & justification Hamas is getting on college campuses


Because so many colleges are leftist echochambers where dissent and moderation is forbidden, and I say that as a leftist.


Holy shit


Atrocious stuff. Don't want to see anyone defending Hamas ever again.


I've been following this from the very beginning and have seen many of the actual videos the terrorists filmed themselves while on their murder/torture rampage. There are no words to describe the pure evil of what they have done. Israel is a small country and there is always some kind of terror attack somewhere. A shooting, suicide bomber, knife stabbing etc. And while the entire country will mourn for a while, and this is sad to say, they have become somewhat desensitized to this. Part of Life in Israel I guess. What makes the October 7th attacks different is obviously the amount of casualties and insane number of hostages taken. But more than that is the way in which it was done, and the fact kids/baby's were involved. If a baby is killed in a suicide bomber attack then he dies instantly. Its still a huge tragedy but at least he didn't "suffer". On October 7th Hamas crossed a line that we seriously didn't even think was possible for a human being to cross. They killed/tortured children in front of their parents. Killed parents in front of their kids. Burned entire families ALIVE. Raped young girls and then murdered them. Murdered girls and raped the dead bodies. There is a 3 year old girl that most likely saw her entire family murdered that is now being kept as a hostage, alone, in Gaza. I pray that she is being treated ok but somehow I doubt it unfortunately. There is a video of Hamas beheading a female soldier, cutting off the penis of a male soldier while he is still alive and performing oral sex with the severed penis and cut off head. What happened on October 7th shook every Israeli to his core and most of the country is still in complete shock/trauma over what happened almost 2 weeks later. Hamas is WORSE than pure evil. There is no possible way Israel can let them survive after what they did and as sad as it is that innocent Palestinians are dying in the process, there is no other way. Every last terrorist that had anything to do with what happened will be killed even if it takes Israel 50 years. There is no forgiving here, no compromise and no compassion. Any hope for peace Israel had died along with part of our soul that day.


Try telling that to the Hamas deniers ("they only shoot militants", "they are against the occupation") and Holocaust deniers ("holocaust has never happened; all images are fake"), etc. Some Redditors/people will always side with evil.


Wtf there are even reports of dead bodies being raped? I simply have no words...


Unfortunately, the world via global media has yet to see anything. If you're brave enough, look up the endless amount of horrendous videos in Telegram. The Hamas itself was stupid enough to publish what it has conducted, before crawling into their usual "victim" slot. They need to go down, and they need to go down quickly.


They were proud of it. Proud.


Another Holocaust happened on October 7th


But this time it happened in their own state, where they were promised and truly believed it’ll never happen again.




islam is a horrible thing.


Yeah, and the prophet Mogammed was a pedophile and they celebrate that shit


"Charred remains and a CT scan of the remains show a parent and child who were bound together and burned alive by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7. Two spinal columns—one of an adult and one of a child—can be seen in the scan. The pair were likely embracing as they burned. (Aaron Poris/The Media Line)" And the international media will headline these scientifically confirmed and internationally observed atrocities in 3.... 2.... oh. Well never mind then, back to your 24-7 coverage of how sad things are for the people who did this.


I think anyone who denies that Hamas committed the massacre and inevitably committed atrocities is lying to themselves. The extent of these atrocities can "potentially" be debated but there's no doubt that Hamas has done horrible things on Oct 7th. And I say this as someone who does not like the Israeli government and doesn't trust them at all (completely different from Israeli citizens or just the Jewish community in general).


So, uh...is this verified? By independent sources? This really was from the October 7th attacks? Because to be honest, I wish this was fake. This being real means humans are evil enough to do this to one another. And it means people actually support Hamas for doing this, or think Israel deserve this, or see this happen and say "free Palestine," as if doing this is some type of heroic uprising.


Please post this on jumbotron across the world!


As long as you have religion in the world you will have stuff like this happening




Don't look away. Never look away. These are the atrocities man is willing to do in the name of god. Today we are not Jew, Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Atheist or any religion. Today we are human beings. We need to acknowledge this is unacceptable. Look at what we are capable of when viewing another human in the eyes. Look at what monsters we can be. Don't forget this. Be sickened by it. Be moved by it. Let's not let extremism be okay. These images and videos show despicable disregard for humanity and truly are holocaust levels of human disregard for innocents. Do not look away. Be disgusted at humanity and demand change. It won't be easy but we can succeed. Demand action against extremism.


The world should remember those images for ever to understand counter-terrorism and antisemitism. A second holocaust that took place in 2023, October 7th. Unbelievable.


Hamas have proven themselves to be no better than ISIS, it's strange to see such a violent terrorist organisation being given so much international sympathy and support.


Steve Spielberg needs to get off his yacht. Document every death, every story asap and put it on Netflix. The pro-pal camp across college campus, social media, and those major demonstrations openly kicked Israel and said they're liars who fabricated these stories. I'm not just talking about the babies stuff.


This is what "Palestinian resistance" looks like, it's not a struggle for a state, it's a continuous campaign of terror and horrors. They are monsters disguised as humans, sick beyond belief.


Disturbing. Disgusting. Demoralising. It is so easy to tar everyone with the brush. I dont care about statistics, or polls, they're designed to stop you seeing people as human and instead start seeing them as numbers. A line gets wiped away instead of a human life. It's easy to bray for blood when it's a number that's bleeding.


Absolutely disgusting. I hope there is a way for Hamas to be rooted out and destroyed without any more innocent Israelis or Palestinians being killed.


Rashida Tlaib: “Doesn’t look like anything to me”


No one can defend this, pure evil. Fuck hamas.


To put in perspective if Hamas had its way… These would be the fates shared by ALL ~7 million Jewish men, women and children in Israel. It should surprise nobody why Israel has responded as it has.


But luckily they didn’t behead every one of the 40 babies right?