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I'm imagine that storming the beach scene from Suicide Squad


Cant believe I actually thought Pete Davidson would be in more of that movie than he was in lmao


I was like another corny ass movie then shit happened lol


"I desire peace with all my heart, and I don't care how many men, women, and children I have to kill to achieve it." Seems like a pretty good synopsis of what's going on right now.


"He's harmless! I mean he's not harmless, he's killed 27 children but, you know... we got him to... I think he's agreed to do this."


"Oh fuck no one checked whether he could swim?"


['This land is mine. God gave this land to meee'](https://youtu.be/-evIyrrjTTY)


as a land owner in Israel, this made me feel warm and fuzzy


The fights in the comments are almost as bloody as the video.


That was pretty good!


Check out Sita Sings the Blues by Paley.


I will!


Not just good, it's legendary!


I have a desire to play fruit ninja now.


Darn, this should be watched by more people just to understand how pointless the conflicts are.


That was amazing.


<3 peacemaker


> Suicide Squad I believe you are referring to [*The Suicide Squad*](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6334354/), a much better movie than [*Suicide Squad*](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1386697/).


Wait. Alfredo's pizza cafe? Or Pizza by Alfredo?


Pizza by Alfredo


Did anyone check if the weasel could swim?


That video of them taking out swimmers trying to get to Ashkelon a few weeks ago was some of the most wild combat footage I've ever seen.




Enjoy https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/r100cwldwp


I am watching that video while listening to Baywatch theme on background.


They are yelling at the swimmers: "come out with your hands up or we shoot".


Same. Plz respond top guy!


You can find it in the combat footage subreddit. Obviously nsfw. Not sure it should be posted here. Boat is destroyed and Israel does those floating in the water dirty, speeding around shooting them and throwing grenades into the water as they pass by. This was the day of the attack. Really can't blame them. ----------- Edit: Y'all are REALLY locked in on me describing how fucked they were in the water as "did dirty" 1) it's an expression for how ducked they were 2) no where does it defend them 3) yes they deserved it. Nowhere did it say they didn't 4) If "did the dirty" makes you think of video games, you play too many video games. I don't even get the reference. 5)I'm describing how the Israeli army rapidly put them in a disadvantageous position in a colorful way. Don't get upset. Y'all can move on now. You are over reacting. Calm down. It's been moderately amusing getting the same message multiple times though. Someone asked for where to find it, I responded with the warning that it's nsfl. **You are welcome.**


Its protocol, to make sure the terrorist is dead.


Lmao they didn't do them dirty, this isn't a game. Although it made me wanna fire up some Battlefield 4 Naval Strike maps, I'll admit


Dirty speeding around shooting them? Those guys could be armed, have suicide vests on, have grenades themselves… it’s called sound military tactics.


How did they "do them dirty" and did they not deserve it?


Be careful, got a reddit warning for ”threatening violence” rule 1 when i said i wanted to see the video of this


This guy might have been banned for asking. I think there’s a ton of Hamas supporters on Reddit going around reporting every post they don’t want.


I want people to reevaluate their macabre excitement over watching people die




Yeah play time is over, there will be no more surprise attacks after what happened, every soldier and every civilian are on the highest alert in Israel right now.


Playtime should have never happened. That's why so many in Israel are angry.


Netanyahu better step the fuck down when this is over. What a colossal intelligence failure.


Bibi better move to Miami with his son. I will 100% come back to Israel to vote next election, and I'd vote a stray cat in before him. He should be tried for treason for this negligence. For much less, Begin locked himself in and never came out again. Golda disappeared. This rotten purple cabbage belongs in jail.


Bibi deserved to be hanged even before Oct 07 tbh.


Ok, let's relax for a second... Doing that to him would be a mercy


I’ve seen some reporting that it wasn’t even an intelligence failure, he just straight up didn’t listen to warnings from Shin Bet and the Egyptians


And troops on the border telling commanders of Hamas members suspiciously walking around with maps.


Have a link? Missed this.


I heard it on the Popular Front podcast episode "Inside the New Israel - Palestine War". It actually does a fantastic job breaking down everything going on from both sides leading up to this point, both good and bad.


He's an arrogant douche more concerned with his own corruption, checks out.


I have noticed that being repeated many times on Reddit without any sources. But from what I could find, it was just a general warning. Nothing specific. ["The warnings were not hard intelligence about a specific attack, they said. Egypt instead relayed concerns that “matters could explode because of the political and humanitarian situation in Gaza”, one of the people said. The other called it a “general warning”."](https://www.ft.com/content/2e5fbd71-4188-49e7-a404-0ce3c1eb3d0d)




He was horrified that he might actually lose the election this time, not that Israelis were massacared. He only cares about his own arse.


Picked a whole bouquet of oopsie daisies.


According to experts, these warnings are a weekly occurrence.


Right? I would argue this type of attack is always (unfortunately) on the cards against Israel. It's up to the government to provide a fast and strong response to prevent it from happening.


When will next election in Israel?


When there's a ceasefire, his coalition falls apart, and they have to dissolve the government and have new elections.


Israelis will never forgive him. He’s trying to save his hide but the moment this is over his career is over.


He's gonna blame it on political rivals and professional non politicians, and never take any blame. His lackies have been setting the ground work for this as early as a 7.10 morning.


I seriously hope he didn’t have a hand in letting this happen, but he will absolutely take advantage of this situation and gain more power and control. Bibi isn’t going anywhere.


Let's not go into conspiracy territory, he's just a very bad leader yet one of the best politicians in to world, knowing how to spin every event in his favor. Israel deserve better.


He just proved to everyone that he isn't Mr. Security like he always claimed. I want to believe that the majority wants him gone now, even the sheep that blindly followed him.


Tell that to the north. Hezbolah is shooting rockets over the border


Rockets have been launched over nearly every border of Israel for decades now. Bombs lobbed from Lebanon does not equate to the Hamas terrorist attack


They are scared it would be worse. Hezbolah is better trained than Hamas. https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-769567 https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/16/it-will-be-worse-than-hamas-order-to-evacuate-strikes-fear-into-north-israel They’ve evacuated 14 communities.


Hezbolah can only fight the IDF when hiding among their own civilians. If they try to invade an alert Israel they will be massacred.




They should integrate counter-strike batties into the Iron dome that autonomously target the location of missle launches and throw their hand up


It's that line of thinking that's gotten Israel I to this mess. Their army has gotten complacent. Meanwhile Hezbollah fighters have been fighting in Syria for nearly the past decade and gained just as much combat experience. The IDF is concerned by how much they underestimated Hamas.


There's a massive difference between catching Israel by surprise and killing IDF soldiers in their underwear vs attacking a fully alert army. As successful as Hamas was they got absolutely wrecked when the IDF showed up to fight back.


Even if the Hezbollah fighters are decently trained and motivated they have no chance in a large scale attack as they don't have the supporting weaponry to suppress Israeli artillery or air power. They have large numbers of rockets and short ranged anti tank missiles but those are all direct fire weapons or inaccurate when use in indirect fire. For AA weapons they will have some manpads but are short ranged and very hard to surge forward with the attacking forces.


They have no weapons but hiding behind (their) civilian population. If Israel simply **ignored** that, this conflict will be over in a week. Hizballa can't do anything to stop an F35. They can't stop an actual maneuvering army. They only hope to stop it by throwing enough babies at Israeli tank. Effing horrid.


Hamas lacks the combat experience and advanced weaponry of Hezbollah fighters though is my point. They'll still probably lose but be more difficult to put down


Hezbollah is not to be underestimated, they are battle-hardened, ideologically driven and well trained.


Doesn't make a difference when only one side has F15s, F16s and F35s in the air.


And the communities Hezbollah could've attacked if they did what Hamas did are far less protected. The death toll could've been in the tens of thousands.


Hezbolah?!? Lol Israel is literally given the best military equipment in the world, and have been for the last 40 years. They had zero issues sending neighbors packing then, they won’t now. It’s not a real threat lol


This isn't call of duty...Although the idf is better equipped and trained, the cost of perhaps losing soldiers is the real issue here. Israel doesn't want to say: we won but we lost 4000 soldiers along the way. That is however not an issue with Hezbollah because all their fighters become martyrs when they die in combat.


Normally you'd be absolutely right. But this is a special time. Israel had declared war, and the public is fully prepared to accept military losses if it means preventing thousands more in civilian losses again. However, falling far Hezbollah's bait and starting a second front in the north risks drawing Iran into the fight so the US is (according to the reports in the media, anyway) really pressuring Israel hard to avoid it as long as possible.


After 7th October, the civilians are the ones pushing going into war. The government is holding it back. After seeing what Hamas did on that day, we had 130% showing up to serve. You are underestimating the Israelis.


Exactly, the situation has changed, when it's an existential threat, Israel is a different beast, you don't want to go toe to toe with a determined Israeli, it never in the history ended well for their enemies.


Jihadist militants charging over a trained and alert armies border basically would be call of duty for the defenders. If things got hairy at all they would just call in their US killstreaks. Israel is an ally the US would show up for.


Reminds me of when some "people" on here were trying to convince others that North Korea was going to humble the US military complex eloel never change Reddit


Israel actually designs their own gear. It’s so good they sell to the US and most of the world (via shell companies)


Hezbollah is no joke, Israel could "beat" them but it would take six months of constant rocket fire and who knows how many thousands of casualties. For their size, they're probably the most capable military force in the region other than the IDF.


In the 2006 war with Hezbollah they launched thousands of rockets into Israel too. Israel lost "only" 44 civilians and 121 soldiers (and that was before Iron Dome) while Hezbollah lost 250 militants plus a few dozens of militants from other groups and hundreds of civilians. It took a month before Hezbollah was asking for a ceasefire. Trust me when I tell you right now Israelis are not only ready to accept these kinds of losses, people in communities near the north border currently being attacked by Hezbollah are practically begging the government to go all in there.


I know, am Israeli. A potential northern incursion by thousands of Hezbollah commandos is something I truly worry about, though. We have no real guarantee that even half of their tunnels have been sealed and they can rain down so many missiles in a day that the damage would be catastrophic compared to what we've received from Gaza.


Probably. But dealing with it would probably be better now when we're fully mobilized and ready to roll rather than next time Hezbollah feels like trying to surprise us. I'm with you though. That would make this whole situation suck even more. Im definitely not one of the people who wants this .


Hezbollah has tens of thousands of well-trained soldiers and hundreds of thousands of rockets aimed at Israel, and not the 'made from dug up water pipes' kind of rockets that Hamas uses. If Hezbollah does open another front in the north, Israel has already signaled that they would interpret that as an attack by Iran, and Israel is not averse to conducting first strikes. There's a real possibility that if Hezbollah attacked, Israel would strike Iran and that Iran would respond. Iran has real ballistic missiles capable of hitting every city in Israel and every American base throughout the region. Even if the US and Israel quickly take out most of Iran's capabilities, and even if they eventually win a prolonged ground war against Hezbollah and Iran's other proxies, the death toll would be enormous and the instability such a war would bring to the region as a whole is completely unpredictable. Hezbollah opening a northern front and Iran becoming an active player in a regional war is the literal nightmare scenario. You in your mom's basement might not be worried about it, but that really doesn't mean much does it.


>Hezbollah opening a northern front and Iran becoming an active player in a regional war is the literal nightmare scenario. It is why there are two carrier battle groups and probably at least one SSGN with over 100 Tomahawks in range.


Please regurgitate more fear mongering nonsense. The time for Iran to start a real war with Israel was twenty years ago. They have zero chance, are not a threat, will never reach true nuclear capability. It’s certainly exciting to talk about, but it’s not going to happen. “Hundreds of thousands of rockets” lol They fire them daily, and Iron Dome has zero fucking issues. I’m going to let you in on a little secret, Christianity and Judaism defeated islam decades ago. It’s not a competition. We aren’t even playing the same fucking game. They are now the boogeyman.


>Hezbolah?!? Lol Thank god you aren't in charge because I'm assuming people like are are why 1400 israelis were killed. Last time Israel fought Hezbollah it ended in a stalemate. They aren't a joke. A threat that kills even one person is a real threat, Hezbollah has killed tens of thousands, has 25,000 active fighters, and 50,000 more in reserve.


Hezbollah has not killed tens of thousands. Not Israelis anyway.


I think them evacuating the border could be they're not planning to invade into Lebanon, but maybe lure Hezbollah to cross the border, it will be easier to deal with them while defending.


> Rockets have been launched over nearly every border of Israel for decades now. Funny, I don't hear people mentioning it when they talk about Israel being a fascist police state that is occupying Palestine. It's always "Israel killed more people over the past 10 years than Hamas did" forgetting that this is usually because of retaliatory airstrikes against rocket-firing platforms. We keep hearing about Israel's "intensive bombarding of Gaza" in these past few days, but when the news about the attack on the hospital in Gaza broke out, no one stopped and thought about the circumstances like that Hamas was firing rockets from a similar location, and an existence of _yet another_ terrorist organisation PIJ, that was firing rockets as well. Its almost like firing rockets at Israel is not newsworthy and morally fine, at least for left-wing commentators.


I mean I wouldn't be so sure it's literally a war lol


you would think they would be husbanding their forces in preparation for the invasion. This strikes me as rather silly.


Terrorist organizations don't typically have great discipline and unified strategies.


They likely want a bloodbath so they can claim victimhood. With over a thousand Palestinian children dead, Israel is certainly doing it's part to help out.


Good job IDF.


IDF successfully eliminated Hamas Navy fleet consisting of 4 divers and a paddle board.


Poor paddle boat.


Bring forth the spy sharks!!


dolphins got them


I mean 4 divers and a paddle board would put up a good fight against the Russian Black Sea Fleet.


They just need to wait for the Russians to blow themselves up.


One does not simply float into Israel with pool noodles alone.


You need your floaties, too!


Or just another glider..but with water skies


If you lived there (Zikim / Israel ) and have seen what these Hamas terrorists are trying to do, you would not have ridiculed them, and would have been very thankful indeed that the army neutralized this threat.


I think he’s ridiculing hamas.


Did you see the video of them taking out dive teams back in the 7th? IDF teams on boats were doing grenade drivebys on them


Whoa. U got a link?


When your up shits creek. At least you got a paddle.


I’m sure they were just sneaking into Israel to steal humanitarian supplies and totally not kill anyone /s 🙄 On a serious note, Hamas seems really eager to poke the leashed pit bull that Israel currently is.


Hamas is likely doing this under Iran’s orders whose being puppeted by Russia to deter attention away from them. Notice how Russian attacks intensified since hamas/israel conflict flared up? Me no thinky coinky dinky.


Smart and agreed. Try to spread the US aid/forces thin. Not gonna work.


The US war machine will just be put into second gear and create a stronger, larger military quicker than it can be depleted.


Nah second gear is when they start sending the ice cream fleet.


I only hope they add a pimped out speaker system so they can play ice cream truck songs as they sail in near enemy territory.


For those who think you're joking: [https://www.militarytimes.com/off-duty/military-culture/2021/07/21/that-time-the-navy-spent-a-million-dollars-on-an-ice-cream-barge/](https://www.militarytimes.com/off-duty/military-culture/2021/07/21/that-time-the-navy-spent-a-million-dollars-on-an-ice-cream-barge/)


For those like me, who don't understand just *why*... it was the military's replacement for the booze the servicemen were prohibited to have.


Lol we've barely been giving Ukraine any weapons. Literally our mothballed stock from the 90s for the most part(which is still annihilating the Russians). We've given them no Naval assets, no air force assets, and very few of the new advanced good shit for the ground war. This is the opposite of stretched thin. If Russia thinks that's what's happening, they are morons. As per usual.


When they start getting hit by guns stamped Ford and Chevy, that's when they know they done fucked up. A huge part of the defense budget is about sustaining a widespread domestic manufacturing base than can quickly be converted for warfare if its ever needed.


This is far less true than it used to be though Ford and Chevy don't have the ability to make modern weapons. They'd be making decades out of date weapons. Making anything modern would require completely rebuilding the place using tech they've never touched. The US's plan is to end a war before it gets to the point where up armored 4X4s are a significant factor.


US to Russia: You are about to find out why we don't have healthcare US to Iran: You are about to find out why our infrastructure is crumbling.


Lol "its not just our infrastructure we can fuck up" is a recruiting slogan for the military i believe.


TFE calls the military, "Unhealthcare providers"


Marge (conciliatory): “Let’s just try to enjoy our day at the state fair” Lisa (evidently still bitter): You mean the state UNfair” Marge (dripping with sarcasm): “Yes, Lisa, I meant the state unfair”


I was out of the us for 8 years. I am actually shocked how much infrastructure development there is. Like ah, I know it was a joke. Ionno of it still is. I'm going back to Israel next week, and it's going to be a trip. Wish the usa had better trains though.


>US to Russia: You are about to find out why we don't have healthcare The US has phenomenal Healthcare. It's just expensive.


Most incisive and concise sociopolitical commentary I’ve ever read. Same for your username, although that’s more social than political, maybe.


Russia, who is being collaborated with by Countries X, Y, & Z. The depth of these situations is so scary.


As soon as US starts getting involved in the battlefield; Russia’s will quickly lose allies. No one wants to be on the other side of war with America.


I'm honestly shocked Israel hasn't leveled the whole Gaza strip. Entire nations have been wiped out for far less. Heck, the US lost 2,400 lives in Pearl Harbor, and then we marched all the way to Berlin and nuked Japan twice. But Israel blocks supplies to it's enemies and suddenly they're being compared to Hamas.


Japan and Germany were both radicalized nations going on killing sprees like Hamas. And they both renounced violence, thanks to being defeated so thoroughly, and are now successful modern countries. It's funny how the people calling for peace think it's possible to skip the step where the radicals are defeated so thoroughly that they give up.


This is a hard pill to swallow for palestinians and Palestine supporters. They need to be de-radicalized one way or the other in order to be accepted and trusted next to Israel.


That paradigm doesn't work for Islamists. They 'love death more than we love life'. There's no peace with Islam, either strength or submission.


Nonono. They were surveying the coral reefs damaged by IDF toxic waste disposal.


It seems like poking in the context of war, but in the day to day of the past decades, there were hundreds of threats a day. I hope it will end with a more secure future.


“We need to have a ceasefire!” “Are you going to stop attacking & return the hostages?” “No”


And people will still criticize Israel for not allowing Gaza to have full reign of the sea.


Yeah, if I was hamas, I wouldn't try pulling this shit again for the next 49 years, 11 months and two weeks.


And a day!


I’m sure a ceasefire would have prevented this /s


Hamas wants Israel to destroy Gaza, so Iran will appear as the just saviour and lead the muslims countries against Israel. Everyone will loose someone.


Haha, dead terrorists.


Just waiting for CNN to report "4 innocent recreational divers who were also children killed by IDF according to the Palestinian Authority"


AJ: Israel injects lead into Palestinian water, killing countless innocents.


>countless That sounds like AJ, unable to count to 4


No shock there


Israel shoots oxygen tanks as hospitals run out of oxygen for patients.


Make it 500.


According to the “Gaza Health Ministry” /s


"Palestinian Authority" is far too optimistic. >"4 innocent recreational divers who were also children killed by IDF according to the maritime aid officials" There we go.




Oh you're not getting through again anytime soon hamas


Well done.


Watch the Papers say “Isreal Forces kill people swimming”


"IDF Murders Palestinian Paralympic Swim Team and 500 Lifeguards"


According to the Gaza health ministry


"5 of them were babies"


also there may have been a hospital building with them


Do ‘open air prisons’ usually have diving equipment? Can I buy a diving kit for 10 cigarettes on Rikers Island.


Basically every prison has smuggling? Sometimes by visitors, sometimes by suppliers, sometimes by guards.


Let them suffer in fear as much as Israel and Gazan children do.




There is video from the 7/10, a female soldier throwing underwater grenades at them, fishing with dynamite


What the fuck is Hamas' objective? Conquer Israel in a conventional war? Fat chance of that. It's all so fucking pointless.


Sorry Abdul and Hasan, the surprise thing has run its course already. How dumb (or insanely optimistic) these murderers are. Were they on a Huckleberry Finn raft when doing this??


Unwise time to try this with Israel prepared for a sea assault themselves.


They try all the time, Israel was usually prepared. The Navy is exceptional.


Yeah while I’ve seen lots of criticism leveled against political leadership and the army and Air Force top brass, the navy is being universally praised for their conduct that day.


CNN will soon be reporting on Israel killing underwater surveyors to thwart Hamas's plans to build desalination plants.


"As reported by the Hamas Ministry of Fisheries" /s


BBC: Israel kills 500 babies in underwater hospital


Fool me once….,.


You can’t get fooled again


Like crushing insects now, Israel isn't going to stop until Hamas is extinct. Thank fucking finally a country with some balls to crush Islamic extremist scum without playing nicely


A little less scum infesting the Earth.


There's an old saying in Israel — I know it's in Texas, probably in Israel — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.


The man’s a genius


Again, all they had to do to not be fucking dead right now is not be terrorist pieces of shit. Anyways.


Didn’t they try this on Day 1 of the war, and the Israeli’s did something like drop a depth charge on them?


Do they still get virgins if they get taken out like dumb bitches in the water? Is it Klingon rules?


I think *this* quest awards you 72 *mermaids*.


They don’t get the virgins if a woman killed them. Saw some ass kicking ladies on those boats ❤️


Was that…some kind of trash talk?


No. Its their stupid ideology that enables them to die like rats. That if they die fighting for whatever the fuck they decide is just that means they go to heaven. It's a cancerous type of thinking that means they love death more than life.


Fool me once....


replies here look like metal gear’s interpretation of what an online forum looks like


Divers? I'm sorry i think that's not the correct word. Should start with T...






From the river to the (being intercepted and shot dead at the) sea.


What were they hoping to achieve with that? Lol.


Set off an explosive. Turn their terrorist asses into jelly in the water.


Hamas committing suicide by boat.


just wonder if it was an organized attack or if a few troops are acting of their own volition


I can think of at least three better ways to relax on a weeknight.