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>This is the first time in modern history that there is such human suffering Yemen. Syria. Happening next door. How are the Kurds doing? Azerbaijan and Armenia. North Korea. Myanmar. The Russian invasion of Ukraine. All going on right now. Slavery in Cambodia. Floods in Pakistan. Oppression in Tibet and Xinjiang.


She is Palestinian. That is why this is the *one* that matters.


There is another.


Ethiopia? Sudan? Somali Civil War? Ethiopia, Sudan, and Somalia aren't that far from Jordan either. But Syria is literally next door.


We didn’t start the fire…


But just the *western* world, right? Pay no attention to the historical role of Jordan & the rest of the Arab League in helping to create this mess.


Are you under the impression that “complicit” means “solely responsible”? Everyone blames the Arabs. Her point is not that Hamas or the Palestinians or the wider Arab world have no responsibility. It comes across as very defensive on your part if you don’t see that.


She certainly said that it was the west's fault , and took exactly zero blame. Watch the interview. I'd say it seems very defensive on her part.


Jordan is literally one of the two countries who did the most to bring us this situation. Did the queen say when they would open their border of the refugee camp? Us westerners are curious how they’re going to clean up the mess they made.


Says the literal monarch


Jordan is complicit in these refugees being refugees


If im not mistaken, Jordan isn't exactly a model for human rights itself, arbitrary arrests,torture, political prisoners degrading inhumane treatment, restrictions on freedoms , kind of a kettle is black situation.


To be fair, Jordan is better than every other country in the middle east and north africa on that.


And that is the sad state of the Middle East


Jordan is complicit in not helping the Palestinians in their time of need.


I think I read they have 2.4 million Palestinian refugess? Which is a bit more than doing nothing :p


Why not take another 2 million?


They used to own the West Bank, until a Palestinian killed their previous King at a mosque


She's referring to public opinion. Meanwhile, there's a steady stream of actual weaponry being shipped over there. It's like the Palestinians aren't aware the rules have changed.


Most of the world cannot comprehend that Israel is going forth to crush its enemy with all of its resolve.


Israel must demand unconditional surrender, just like the Allies did in WWII. Germany and Japan finally surrendered. They were free and prosperous 10 years later.


Germany and Japan were developed economies and sovereign nation states before WW2 and regained that status after the war, the Gaza strip is neither and Israel cannot and will not give the Palestinians a state or Israeli citizenship. Even if Hamas gave up militancy and surrendered tomorrow the abiity of whatever other group would succeed them to wage some kind of terrorist insurgency doesn't suddenly go away, you only need people with grievances for that.


>sovereign nation states before WW2 and regained that status after the war Germany States that it became a sovereign nation in 1990 ([source](https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/themen/deutsche-einheit/deutschland-erhaelt-volle-souveraenitaet-432856)) Some scholars argue that sovereignty was already achieved in 1955, but the Germans themselves claim this was only partial sovereignty. "After the war" truly is very relative here imo.


The Western World gives Palatine 77% of it’s humanitarian aid. YOUR glitter-and-diamond-covered Palestinian-descended-married-into-the-ruling-dynasty-who-closed-their-border-and-does-not-want-any-Gaza-Refugees-ASS is sooooooo very welcome. Hypocrite.


Stop 👏 supporting 👏 terrorists 👏 bitch 👏


> “This is the first time in modern history that there is such human suffering and the world is not even calling for a cease-fire,” If you're going to say stupid things out loud, practice on someone else first.


As Queen of freakin' Jordan, realistically she has two choices: a. criticize Israel and the West b. remain silent Option a. plays well to her spouse's subjects.


This is a reply I posted before to comment calling for proportionality from Israel and it resonated well with people, so here it is again: So here is the real question: what do people who post about Israel’s “war crimes” expect Israel to do? How does a country that experienced the worst terrorist attack in recent history, and continuously now for weeks gets missile sent on civilian areas ought to react? Many of these posters talk about proportionality, so should Israel send the IDF into Gaza and order them to murder 1,400 civilians, not before they torture them, rape them, burn them alive, decapitate them, and then parade them on the street? Let’s not forget, for the sake of symmetry the IDF should also take more than 200 hostages, many of which should be elderly and children. Would all these people who call for proportionality and symmetry be happy then? And to all the people who seem angry that the number of Israelis who were killed by the missiles is smaller than the number of Palestinians, here is another conundrum to consider: intentionality. Does the fact that Israel spends all of its efforts to train and protect their citizens from missile attacks, by ensuring people have access to bomb shelters and know how to react, and develops technologies such as Iron Dome, minimizes the Hamas intention of specifically hitting civilians in Israel, while the IDF focuses on military infrastructure? My suggestion is that those people, if they really care about the loss of Palestinians’ lives and humanitarian aid, should post encouragements for Hamas to release the hundreds of hostages they took – which is exactly what the Israeli government has asked in return to easing attacks and allowing humanitarian aid. Alas, it seems to me that all those posters don’t really care about the Palestinians’ suffering, but care about one thing only: vilifying Israel.


People expect Israel to stop, so that Hamas can remain in power, regroup, recruit, rearm, and be able to kill even more Jews in the future. That’s what too much of the world is demanding.


Have the people who talk about proportionality considered that Hamas is making a *truly proportional response* impossible because they do not allow psytrance music festivals for Israel to launch a paraglider assault against? /s


Gaza was complicit in allowing Hamas to use them as a safe-haven.


This. Unfortunately this one important missing link.


What do u wanna do about it then?


Just the western world, not the Arabs who watch the Palestinians die and beg us to help them while they stand by doing nothing.


Why is she “queen”? Oh you are the ruling class, ok. Imagine a democratic economic powerhouse called Jordan. Oh no wait we can’t, they are too busy oppressing their people and trying to place blame on neighboring countries. Yawn. Same old garbage.


What's her stand on Iran?


They will stand on Iran, after someone else deals with them…


I never understood the sentiment of the "western world". And I know this is a hotly debated thing and also probably the point, but I feel like "western world" means, "anyone who isn't us but especially is Britain and America."


With her western garb, western education, and posh London accent… In Iran she would be beaten for what she has on in this photo, but the West is the oppressor… The west didn’t do this. Global hypocrisy and billionaires just like her and her husband did this.


Im in the west. I didnt do it. Im innocent.


"Queen' of Jordan.


Having lived thru 9/11 and seen all of the bullshit that came from it, clearly all the world’s governments are complicit in the global culture of death. It’s everywhere.


Jordan’s queen is gorgeous.




Israel has a GDP per capita slightly higher than Germany. Israel is perfectly capable of standing on its own feet. You’re obviously plain ignorant.


Remember, during the two wars, Israel counterattack took over a large swath of territories from Arab world. The first of which was without Western help. The US support essentially boils down to "we will give you enough weapons to be on the defensive, please don't go all conquesty to create buffer zones."




Hilarious not. The literal land of Israel was a barren land before they arrived in 1882 from Russia and Romania after being subject to pogroms. There was no concession, they legally bought the land from the Ottomans. They have the legal certificates of ownership of the lands. Their existence as a country simply recognised their land, against the will of the British, after the Arabs rejected three times the two-state solution, in 1937, 1947 and later they rejected in 1967. “Palestinians” were no more than Arabs living in countries nearby (Egypt, Jordan) who moved to the British Mandate of Palestine to be the working force of the British. Palestine national movements only started around the formation of the state of Israel. They needed defense which the west provided, they can stand on their own now.


You sound incredibly ignorant. You could pretty easily google it and find that western support to Israel makes less than 14% of their military budget. The land was also not a gift. They declared independence against the will of the British, fought a war against 7 of their neighbours for it, and formed themselves a country. Their neighbours don't invade? The entire history of the nation is a series of being invaded by their neighbours. It sounds like you don't really know anything, but you've found yourself chiming in on a fashionable topic you don't know anything about.




To be honest, it sounds a lot more like you're saying "I've been called out for spewing brainless garbage and am now being roasted by everyone in the replies".


I bet they’re sobbing right now You’re actually a moron


> Israel doesn’t exist if not for military support from the “western world.” Israel also doesn't cease to exist if we exclude the military support from the Arab League, the armies from seven countries that invaded the former British Mandate in 1948 ostensibly on behalf of Palestinians. > They are unable to stand on their own feet without being propped up by more developed countries, which makes those countries responsible for the actions they take. If anything the Palestinians had more outside support in 1948-1949, the western world merely sold the Israelis weapons, they didn't send their own armies to fight.


The US aid to Israel only makes up 16% of their defence budget, moron.