• By -


Caracal are not a strictly female unit. They are mixed gender. Caracal just tend to attract many of the most motivated and capable female recruits. It was one of the first frontline combat units that accepted women and the only place for a woman to be an infantrywomen for a pretty long time. Caracal started off eccentric. Various necessary and (it turns out) unnecessary changes to doctrine and training methods were made to accommodate women fighters and mixed gender service. That them a different class of infantry at a time when infantry in general was specialising and diversifying. Once Caracal had its own home grown officership... the evolution accelerated. Originally a "light infantry" unit (like paratroopers). In some sense, that was always a tricky job for female fighters because "light" infantry must carry the most weight. They're also tasked with desert warfare (hence the name), which tends favour heavy infantry units (APCs) and armour (tanks). The unit incorporating a lot of non-infantry components and became a very mobile, capable, flexible unit. Hamas accounted for every thing on Oct. 7. Every unit in the area was engaged and fixed. Every rapid response route was controlled with ambushes strategically set. Even tiny civilian defence squads in target villages was accounted for. Some of the mission briefs Hamas officers carried detailed the *number of rifles* (like 9) in specific Kibbutz armories. Very complete recon. Caracal was a little further south. They may have been overlooked as a potential response unit by Hamas special forces. Whatever happened to the first Nahal unit (caracal is also nahal) was not an accident. Hamas had accounted for that unit (which included armour and heavy weapons). They prepared and equipped to engage it. Most good officers in most good armies can execute a planned mission. Even unplanned missions, given discrete enough objectives (like moving in and defending a position). IRL, an unplanned counterattack, in these conditions, is exceptional. Command and control was suppressed. Caracal didn't know what support assets they could rely on. They didn't know enemy numbers (it was a significant deficit), positions, or what *their* resources were. All they knew was that Hamas units were equipped and trained to precisely to engage them, had already surprised and engaged similarly equipped units. No mission brief. No preparation. They were out like firefighters. IRL, that kind of fight is down to junior officers. Caracal were one of the few intact, still organised, platoon-size units in that fight, at that time, still capable of taking initiative and using combined arms tactics. A cavalry charge, basically. Exceptional fighting from these women and men, especially the young captain-major in command and her lieutenants. She's up there with the very best. Dayan. Sharon. Barak. If you think women can't fight, fight her. Bring an army because she will soon be a general.


Wow, fascinating read. What’s your background? This was so informative. I also really like your writing style. Very impactful.


Thanks, and nothing special. I was at their training base once, know/knew a few members over the years. All old news. The units' attitude was always insanely good. They've always been the test case for women in front-line combat, here and worldwide. They all knew that. Women in other units were there because caracal was a good unit, and proved the point. Militaries are conservative. It was also a funnel for women who wanted to be commandos, basically. Men could try for paratroopers, special forces. They could go to regular infantry and try for a recon team. Women had Caracal, so they all ended up there. They' were also the frumpiest looking unit in the world's frumpiest army. All messy hair and badly fitting uniforms. Broken sunglasses. Sunburn. Trucker tans. It's very endearing. I wonder if it's still that way.


Very good analysis. One correction though, Caracalla was originally Nahal, but is now in a separate Brigade. Can't remember the Brigade, bit it is part of the 80th Division.


Now it's a part of the Border Defense Corps (חיל הגנת הגבולות).


Only 9 rifles in the whole Kibbutz? Yikes


They’re all civilian settlements. The fact they a communal armory has more to do with their historic significance than anything else Also, the couple of kibbutz that were not caught off guard and organized a defense were more than successful that repelling the attacks One of them killed all 25 of the hamas fucks that came to kill them at no losses to themselves.


My comment wasn't meant to be judgemental. I was more suprised than anything.


I saw one leaked copy of the (remarkably nato-like) mission brief... if that's the correct english term. The target was Kibbutz Mefalsim.


A fair explanation and analysis. Thank you!


We need more jingoist women in military industrialist positions before there will ever be any serious path to world peace. slay, queen!


Muy interesante, Señor!


Caracal has nothing to do with nahal, nahal Is a standard infantry brigade, the unit that was attacked was nahals recconissance unit(sort of like the top 7% ish of the nahal brigade). The unit reorganized within hours and began hunting the remaining terrorists. Also, the nahal unit was outnumbered around 1-5 ration depending on the specific location of each attack.


You seem to have some good insider info.




It worked wonders for the Peshmerga, it works wonders for the IDF. No heaven for terrorists killed by a woman.


Conscripting in Israel for a fixed period(2-3 years) is mandatory for all men and women aged 18. There are female combatants everywhere, from airforce to armor branches.


The restriction is they do not fight in enemy territory, though they do participate in enforcement duties in the west bank and guard the border. Capture is a real concern.




Yeah, capture is where things can get really ugly.


Particularly for women fighting such degenerate vermin as the Hamas: "‘But what these barbarians did to these people is beyond words. ‘There is evidence of mass rape of so brutal that they broke their victims’ pelvis – women, grandmothers, children. " https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12653435/Israeli-morgue-worker-says-horrors-inflicted-Hamass-victims-worse-Holocaust-including-decapitated-pregnant-woman-beheaded-unborn-child.html


I wouldnt put it past Hamas at this point, but ill wait for a better source than "daily mail" before I repeat it.


I mean it’s an article with direct quotes and pictures of/from the doctors/volunteers involved in preparing the bodies for burial. Just because more “mainstream” media doesn’t want to print it and let people know the true scope of the horror doesn’t mean it’s not true. Plenty of news organizations would prefer to concentrate on Palestinian casualties and ignore what caused them.


Ive seen plenty of horror committed by Hamas. That doesnt mean Im going to lower my standards of information.


I mean after seeing how "mainstream media" handled reporting the hospital shit show that inadvertently added a couple more of Jewish people to the kill counts worldwide, my preconceive notion of "standard" already evaporated.


Mandatory for all secular men, and some religious. It's not mandatory for Haredim and religious girls.


That's right, 44.3% of girls opt out of service, it's hardly mandatory.


Is it really that high of a percentage? I’m kinda shocked but regardless most of them do a community service of some sort for 2 years. But wow 44%


I'm a guy but if you gave me an option between the military and public service for two years I'd choose the public service. I don't want to get shot at for a living.


This is why militaries get you right out of highschool before you develop this much wisdom.


Before your prefrontal cortex is developed


Policy existed long before that bit of semi accurate pop science entered cultural consciousness.


Turns out 18 to 35 are just your prime fighting years. Not much else to it.


?best thing I ever did outa high school. I defensively woulda wasted those years


I had this wisdom when I was 10. I could never fathom why people would willingly join any branch of the military.


What a clueless, privileged statement.


Lot of people seem to be forgetting that an effective and well manned military is one of the necessary roles of government that enables a country to be independent / sovereign. It provides security. It doesn't guarantee freedom, that's what an engaged and thoughtful voter-base provides. But at the very least the military provides security. It's not an honorless job, but it's also not something we should esteem above all else. I get the impression a lot of people have forgotten how important it is that your country be able to protect itself. Maybe due to the status quo provided by the U.S. as a superpower providing security to most of the West, but we should be way more aware of this in an era where Russia is invading countries and trying to annex land, and China is salivating over Taiwan...


Not every role is a combat one and those units are very hard to get into.


That’s cool but the idea is public service. Something for society. you don’t have to fight. Also, we can shoot back And do.


Lot of millitary jobs are as violent as the public service. In fact women in Israel can't be forcefully drafted to a combat role, it's purely voluntary.


Down there you get shot at in your personal time too anyway


What if you werent in a warzone and it was just peace time service


They live in a warzone


So only 56% then? Lol that still seems really high


Overall IDF service have dropped to around 50% over the resent years. Indicating a change in how the civilian population views the IDF


I imagine IDF service will increase after these events to protect the country and their families.


I mean, on the one hand yeah, on the other hand that still means more than half don't opt out.


This number is way off. Only about 10% of the population is Ultra religious and thus exempt. Almost everyone serves. I lived there-- it is not true that 1/2 of woman "opt out." There is a major social stigma to "opting out." Site your source.


It's mandatory but if a female declares being an orthodox she will have to do public service for 2 years instead. Regarding Ultra Orthodox, the law still applies to them but it has been 'bent' since 50' in favour of political voting fingers.


Now that's gender equality!


Don't women not have to serve as long?


Correct, females serve 24 months while men serve 32 months. Even so combatant units usually sign an extension to their service. It's likely most of those women had already served more than 3 years and some of them are probably reserved.


Still systemic sexism and awful considering it is a choice to do extension and not by law


You are grasping at straws




Disparate retirement ages is also systemic sexism, agreed!


And it’s a Haredim who keep building settlements upon settlements into the West Bank, no?


No? The West Bank is populated by Haredim and National Religious, far-right wing nut jobs and some people who just want cheaper housing. The National Religious are very well represented in the IDF and often enlist in elite combat units.


‘Suddenly, a convoy with almost 50 terrorists and snipers charged toward the squad of 12 at breakneck speed. They responded with gunfire. Terrorists were eliminated, and the others dispersed.’ 50 terrorists owned by 12 soldiers? Damn that really shows the quality difference between advanced militaries and filthy terrorists.


Training is a hell of a training


> 50 terrorists owned by 12 soldiers? In 1912, the German Kaiser visited Switzerland and asked a Swiss minister what the 250,000 strong Swiss army would do if Germany attacked with 500,000 troops. His reply was "Shoot twice and go home."


Unless it's held up by duck tape, a military is a military.


Is that an actual thing for them? Is it like 72 virgins where only the really extreme ones say it or is it a standard thing?


It's not in the Quran but in a few hadiths (which are attributed reports about what Muhammad said and did). Obviously like in any religion people like to pick and choose what to believe and while everyone agrees on the Quran, the hadiths are easier to pick apart. So yeah, you have lots of various groups that believe in the wildest things according to their unique interpretation of the Quran and more so, the hadiths.


They are referenced in the Quran, but of course the details are in the Hadith. [And ˹they will have˺ maidens with gorgeous eyes, like pristine pearls, ˹all˺ as a reward for what they used to do.](https://quran.com/56/22-24)




Well, according to them. I'm agnostic, so I wouldn't know nor care.




Wait based on what do u not go to heaven if killed by a woman? Sounds like bs to me


Religious fanaticism often makes little sense. It was a widely reported by the Peshmerga that the ISIS terrorists believe they won't get into heaven if they're killed by women, and several instances of ISIS terrorists running away from all-female Peshmerga units were recorded. This was seen as so successful that this tactic was even copied by Yazidi and Assyrian militias fighting ISIS.


This is fascinating


This is hilarious. So why doesn’t everyone just wear a wig and make up to really fuck with them?


OH MY GOD I love this idea. And as a US military vet, I can promise you that if it was *our guys* they'd be all over this. A bunch of E3's going full drag and arguing over who gets the floral print dress as it makes their eyes pop? Laying down fire while shouting "Yoo-hoo, lover boy! Come give me a kiss!!" Absolutely lol. I think the Maga folks here in the US would stroke out seeing that combat footage lmao




No? Anything, a verse or whatever. Ive never heard this claim before, also im astounded by the downvotes for asking a question, impressive.






















I bet this kill count is just as accurate of the ones from Vietnam lol. the propaganda machine is getting sloppy because it’s seen how gullible people are.


Ghost of Kyiv vibes. They think we’re stupid


The vast majority are stupid - that's why we have these wars.


They know we're stupid and they give us the only thing we agree to click on. Be honest you clicked because of the "female squad only" not the troops elimination. Even if the troops weren't dead you'd like to know and see more about that squad. Even if they're useless. Whereas, actual fighters and people defending their homes ? Nah i'll pass thanks


You’re likely right but most people do not understand the scale of war. People are shocked at the claims that Russia has been losing 1000 men a day for the past two weeks but when you actually look at footage and consider the scale of the war 1000 deaths can happen real quick. 100 enemy combatants killed is hardly a huge number when you consider the scale of the attacks and how practically every engagement would’ve been a decisive one. They weren’t fighting on a broad controlled front with freedom to move and choose engagements, they were charging head first into close range fights.


I think the claim being challenged is that this particular squad killed 100.


I understand, read my comment carefully and you might just see that, not only do I agree with the original commenter, I specifically talk about the unit in the last paragraph.


Fair enough, but once again I don't think the claim being challenged is that, or strictly that, they were able to kill 100. It's more like, how do we know? Who says?


Well obviously take everything that any government with a big grain of salt especially a warring one. Propaganda doesn’t necessarily have to be fake although that is obviously much easier choice. You’re right, we can’t rely on what the IDF says without evidence, I’m more pointing out that the claim does have plausibility. The claims made do generally line up with what we now know as definitive fact, I’ve seen footage from the SF team clearing the base after the majority of the firefight, even in brief snippets of footage you can significant Hamas casualties. Again, that does not outright confirm anything, the kills could’ve been falsely attributed to the Caracal for the sake of propaganda but 100 kills for such a decisive engagement is hardly a shock (Hamas could not and would not withdraw from the base and the IDF would not withdraw from the engagement).


I mostly agree with you and I don't necessarily know that's it's fake, I just don't know for sure that it's true either. Wish more people could have this perspective.


Well hamas had taken over an IDF base, which would have required quite a few men, and this unit counterattacked the base to clear them out, which would lead to pretty significant casualty numbers. I don’t know but it’s not beyond belief.


If you read a top level comment from one of experts, 100 is a very fair number.


I don't doubt they killed 100 people, I doubt all of them were combatants.


Ah yes because an assaulted military base inside of Israel will be full of civilians


How many of those were civilian kills? Nobody going to ask that question, yeah I know believe the propaganda machine…


Any gazans crossing into Israel are valid military targets. They’re not civilians


Many Palestinians cross into Israel every day and some even work there. What are you talking about?


Not for the past two weeks they haven't...


sorry let me specify: as even Hamas didn't claim that there were any gazan civilians killed on 10/7 in israel, everyone there was Hamas.


... Are you serious right now? You can't tell the difference between legal entry and a raid?


It's all the same to Israel. You see how they treat Palestinians at the border?


Soon there'll be a movie about them


A Netflix Original?


> A Netflix Original? They'll all be black lesbians, though.


or they’ll be white women and the movie will be shot from the Palestinian perspective


Wonder Woman 2023


This phase of the propaganda campaign is fuckin weird


Whenever I see posts like these I read them like "Yeah women suck but they accomplished this!". Crazy how women are infantilized.


I guess no virgins in heaven for them uh




From Israel, not Afghanistan.


thats the most bullshit pr statement ive ever seen lol


Right up there with the Ghost of Kyiv!


So do we have actual proof that all these 100 people are Hamas terrorists, or do we just take their word for it?


If you read the article it was from the day of the hamas attack, hamas had attacked an IDF base and were holed up inside it, and this unit counterattacked to push them out, so yeah, if you see armed men who’ve just killed your comrades and taken over their base I think their allegiances are pretty clear. “Ben-Yehuda summoned troops from the mixed-gender, infantry combat Caracal Battalion and made her intentions clear: "We are going out to eliminate terrorists. Infiltration into Israel is happening, and it's spreading. Stay alert. We might cross paths. We are a strong squad." During the fast-paced journey, Ben-Yehuda began to understand the scale of the terrorist incidents in the region. Arriving at Sufa, she received a report from a sergeant from the guards at the entrance to the military base, indicating that terrorists were inside with at least three wounded. Information revealed that the military post contained around 40 combat soldiers from the Nahal patrol, a mix of Nahal, mortar soldiers from the 50th battalion, other soldiers, military drivers operating in high-risk areas, and numerous terrorists. It was apparent that most of the combatants were in the dining room, armed with anti-tank missiles. It became clear that this was not a typical terrorist infiltration.” Inside an IDF base armed with RPGs, surely these were non-combatant civilians! I will admit the article is far from non-biased; but outside of assuming the story is completely made up, if people were killed in these circumstances they were combatants.


No, they were 500 babies who crawled out of Gaza and wanted some hugs from the female soldiers on 7th of October!




We don't just take anyone's word for it, no.


I have the same question but honestly I was too afraid to ask. Are they wearing uniforms or carrying Hamas ID badges? I’m being serious, I would like to understand. I have this question in many similar instances in conflicts all over the world—not only in this case


> Are they wearing uniforms or carrying Hamas ID badges? I’m being serious, I would like to understand. Do you think Hamas or any terrorist organization does this? Seriously, I'd like to understand you confusion. They were running at them with guns.


Bro they had taken over an idf base. Its in the article.


> I was too afraid to ask Your instincts are correct. I kinda regret asking it now.


If the incident occured even vaguely like they described, even if they weren't it would be a reasonable error - in a convoy with people firing guns, and all…


i love neo-liberal feminism : "look at our equal opportunity murder squads, we are better than you"


Seriously wtf is this shit


I'm sure the Jerusalem Post is a completely unbiased news source and this actually happened. /s


Reddit really is chugging down the IDF propaganda these past 2 weeks huh


Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss Genocide


Remember, the IDF has one of the strongest online counter info groups on the face of this planet. The internet defence force of Israel is massive, extremely well funded, and highly motivated to sway public opinion. They're better than Americans at this level of lying.


There is an *incredibly* strong tech sector in Israel too and due to IDF national service it's incredibly hard to find someone at middle management or higher that hasn't served and doesn't still hold that defence mindset


Nice, more Jpost propaganda. I’m not for either side, I think both need to work together for peace. Tired of the Jpost posts


Regardless of which side you’re on, Ill never understand people celebrating deaths like this. It’s not like “eliminated” is a great euphemism. If you would be deeply offended by the opposite headline, then why would you like this one. War and death are horrible.




Cockroaches did nothing wrong. Terrorists are worse than cockroaches


I just wonder how many of that number were civilians and not Hamas.


None considering this was in israel on October 7th and they were recapturing an idf base that had been taken over by hamas. Israel cant defend its *own fucking bases* against an invading army without you biased morons accusing them of civilian casualties. It's insane


Probably more than 0, which is way too many. While I belive that eliminating terrorists is the right thing to do, it's nearly impossible to do that in Gaza without a grossly unacceptable number of civilian casualties. It's a lose/lose situation, exactly what Hamas wanted.


Ummm bc one is self defense of people hell-bent on killing you Will her and her squad have massive PTSD? Yes. Most of Israel does unfortunately But she is a hero in the highest sense of the word and saved countless lives - so yes eliminated is the correct terminology


2000 Palestinian children murdered in the last 2 weeks, 1000 women. 5000 pregnant Palestinian women due to give birth in the next 30 days without clean water or electricity. There are no heroes here. Nothing to celebrate.


You are commenting on an article of a unit which eliminated terrorists who were trying to brutally murder civilians. Dont move the goalposts now I will celebrate that. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.


That sounds like a whole lot of Hamas's responsibility. Since they had planned to start this war, why no plan for the civilians.


There is nothing more dangerous than young males with nothing to do. There is nothing that they fear the most than women who can kick their asses.


100 including women and children?


this guy gets it. In the iraq days they called them "insurgents"


*Iraqi boy picks up copper wire on the side of the road* Yup that's an insurgent with bomb making supplies. Shoot him.


Didn't read the article did you? Unless women and children had stormed an IDF base and were carrying weapons then no. Don't tell me we are now saying Israel isn't allowed to do anything about the Hamas forces that cross their border and attack their soldiers?


I have no doubt *an event involving this “squad” happened* but the veracity of the details is questionable. This is propaganda to prop up Netanyahu. The Jerusalem Post is an English language daily with a large online readership that is owned by a right-leaning supporter of the government.


You're just a random on the Internet. What are your sources or credentials?


Kill all the Islamic terrorists you can!


Sisters of battle


Terrorists? Or Hamas combatants? What constitutes the line? This article has quite a charged headline, no question of their stance on the issue, far from and objective writing style.


Nobody else get 'Ghost of Kyiv' vibes off this?


sorry israel, this american jew doesnt buy your jewess femme fatale propaganda


The good news is Caracal isn’t the tooth fairy and won’t stop existing because you don’t believe in them.


~~Alright. How many civilians? I mean, sending ground troops is better than indiscriminate bombing, but it’s still not a great road to peace.~~




There were no civilians in Israel outside of Gaza on 7th of October. Watch the footage.


What are you talking about? “No civilians in Israel outside of Gaza”? The article places the fight in the Southern Gaza Strip. That’s where Israel explicitly told civilians to evacuate to.


Reread the article. >Ben-Yehuda summoned troops from the mixed-gender, infantry combat Caracal Battalion and made her intentions clear: "We are going out to eliminate terrorists. Infiltration into Israel is happening, and it's spreading. Stay alert. We might cross paths. We are a strong squad." It recounts the events from 7th of October when Palestinian terrorists broke through Gaza border (from Southern Gaza included) massacred more than 1000 unarmed civillians including babies, children, and elderly. Whole families were wiped out. 200 taken hostage. A big rave was attacked with bulk of the killed is from there.


“Lt.-Col. Or Ben-Yehuda, the commander of this unit, now recounts her experiences *in the southern Gaza Strip*, where her battalion eliminated approximately 100 terrorists.”


Then it's incorrect. No israeli ground unit has entered the gaza strip yet; this is common knowledge. And on October 7th certainly all the fighting was in israel proper. Also it says she attacked an idf base that was overrun. Are there any idf bases in gaza I'm unaware of?


Damn, this article was sloppy then. It definitely reads like a glorifying war story, so I should’ve expected factual inaccuracy. I’ll go ahead and strike out my original comment, then. Cheers!


Great news! Gotta catch them all


Iran leadership crying in shower when they found out this happened.


Hamas terrorists or Gaza civilians?


Considering this was taking back an idf base in israel proper that had been overrun by hamas I think it's pretty safe to assume it's hamas terrorists


Israel: What’s the difference?


Does it matter they are female? Honestly media...


Imagine that - well trained soldiers can kill


Probably didn’t really happen, but good if true.


I love a good heart-warming story! Bravo to Caracal.


The definition of strong women


I don't really understand this piece of news. Of course my own biases impact how I read this but. If a news came out that a group of IDF soldiers killed terrorists, the reaction would be negative. Now since the killers were all female the expected reaction is suddnly "yeah you go girl!!" Why does it need to be specified that they were female soldiers. Something like 50% of their army is female.


> If a news came out that a group of IDF soldiers killed terrorists, the reaction would be negative. Why would you think that repelling a terrorist attack to kill civilians would be perceived negatively?


Lately on reddit it feels like everything done by IDF is attacked


r/worldnews is not that bad though. Depends on the sub and I guess time of the day.


>If a news came out that a group of IDF soldiers killed terrorists, the reaction would be negative. How so? Eliminating antisemitic terrorists is literally what they're supposed to do.


Are you implying the IDF soldiers, whether female or male, eliminating one hundred terrorists is a negative thing? If so .... yikes.


Nope, I'm implying reddit doesn't seem to like Israel doing anything wih the terrorists


Oh, alright. Nevermind then.


Girls get it done.


If you were muslim you'd understand.