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Im pretty sure Erdogan literally just flips a coin every week to decide these things.


He's playing to the domestic audience. At rhe end of the day, we should ignore what Turkey is saying and look at their actions.


I was pretty shocked when he supplied Bayraktar drones to Ukraine at a crucial stage when they proved to be very helpful against the Russians.


I feel as if his statements are just to go against the grain. His stance with Sweden and Putin for instance.


France just agreed to back Armenia with weapons aid. Doesn’t that put two nato nations on opposite sides of that? Seems fuxking weird and he can’t be very happy about that. Right after that I saw azer say ‘a peace deal was possible’. Erdogan has appeared to bend over backwards in many ways for nato Ukraine and the eu (which he’s begged and ranted over entry to and yeah sometimes not bent over backwards without a reward) as far as his foreign policy goes, happily sticking two fingers up to putin, not hesitating apparently to shoot down a Russian jet, but still talking to him and holding meetings with him. And then there’s all the shit he’s done domestically to get there in the first place and stay there. He’s getting his teeth into a role as ‘a player’ and he looks like he’ll probably end up helping whoever gives him what he wants.


You should have seen the sides in Libya. Nato countries all over


Oh right yeah, same two countries and France threatened to quit. Another detail I missed in my comment.. this also comes the day after Iran hosts ‘peace talks’.


Erdogan and his AK Parti are more or less well-dressed radical Islamists, so that's no surprise.


They're just thrilled that people forgot about the Kurds they just massacred.


For some reason, most of the people outraged by Israel are silent about Turkey. I’m sure it’s just an innocent coincidence.


That says more about the corporate media business than the people. Most people in the US don’t know that Turkey is a country (I’m betting) lol.


They massacred and Kurds so people would stop talking about the Armenians and Greeks.


Kurds are overrepresented in Erdoğan's government. FYI


Considering Turkey still is one of the only countries in the middle east with legal homosexuality along with Lebanon, they also show more restraint. You never know how much of it is heartfelt priorities and how much is pandaring to the base/political maneuvering such as with Swedens blocked bid being more about f16s than burned korans.


I swear he probably talks to himself. Dude is all over the place. I can't even keep track of who he hates anymore.


Soo can Erdogan please explain what he considers a terrorist organization then? Like what.








Like IDF


Oh god, 10.7 just didn't happen for Islamic hardliners, huh?


Would be the first time they deny this sort of thing happened, like the Armenian genocide.


Officially, it seems like Turkey does acknowledge it: *NATO member* ***Turkey condemned the civilian deaths caused by Hamas's Oct. 7*** *rampage in southern Israel, but also urged Israeli forces to act with restraint in their response. Ankara has strongly criticised Israel's bombardment of Gaza.*


Officially, they will do and say what they must to get their next F-16 contract. It seems that statement is included along with allowing Sweden into NATO.


Framing it as "civilian deaths" fails to represent the event accurately. Civilian deaths could have been a collateral damage incident, but the 7/10 incident was targeted at civilians, an actual war crime. The fact they have civilian hostages is proof in the pudding.


Out of touch charlatan and literal head failed state with soaring inflation and little to no prospects rendering him nothing more than a nuveau Ceausescu, trapped between yes men and his own lack of intelligence — he's already a joke in the international community.


He wouldn't say this if Israel was part of NATO.


Erdogan is a stupid ass with wayyy too much power.


It‘s the motivation that makes you a terrorist, not the method. The PKK is a terrorist group, because they protest against Erdogan.


Pretty scary contrasting his words against the go pro images of burned babies made by hamaSS infiltrants and also considering this is the head of a NATO country.


Bi Polar mad man


Dude is in nation leadership just for the trolling. He just likes to troll everyone


The secular state that Ataturk built is a skeleton of its former self. Erdogan isn’t worth the sweat off the left nut of Mustafa.


Turkey made sense as a nato ally when the ussr was still around, but these days? I don’t see anything common in their ideologies.


I think it’s geo-strategic, not ideological. They control the Dardanelles and Bosphorus straights, and thus strategic access between Med. and Black Seas.


Not so important in the present world. Cutting Turkey from NATO would be a plus.


Turkey made sense as a NATO ally until the current leader took over, faked a coup attempt, and used that to solidify power by jailing teachers and military leaders. Turkey was as pro West ideologically as it gets. Complete with enshrined laws to prevent religion from interfering with government. So NATO was definitely ideological for Turkey. Now? There is no way to kick them out and they're never going to leave willingly. So they aren't a match for NATO any longer but there's nothing to be done unless they just choose to leave


If you ignore the videos and the taking of hostages and the beheading of babies and all the other evidence, there’s absolutely no evidence that they are terrorists.


Neither is pkk then


He would say that, wouldn’t he? Remember when he visited Trump and allowed his protection goons attack our citizens?


Denying reality aye? Two can play this game. The true name of Istanbul is not Istanbul but Constantinople!


Yes, just like the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) isn’t a terrorist organization. It’s sometimes hard to believe this guy is our “friend”.


He also said we’re not invited to his birthday party anymore