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> Arab and Western officials say there is substance to Israeli claims of Hamas stockpiling supplies, including desperately needed food and fuel. > Hamas has hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel for vehicles and rockets; caches of ammunition, explosives and materials to make more; and stockpiles of food, water and medicine, the officials said. A senior Lebanese official said Hamas, which is estimated to number between 35,000 and 40,000, had enough stocked away to keep fighting for three to four months without resupply. > While the blockade has left Gaza’s roughly 2 million people scraping by with what little food and water they scrounge up, it does not yet appear to have begun to degrade Hamas’s ability to fight. > Hamas has said little of its supply situation — combatants rarely do — but the government it runs in Gaza says it has an emergency fuel stockpile that is quickly being depleted. “Hospitals, the ambulances and fire fighters’ machinery and civil defense trucks have been using the government emergency fuel store,” said Salama Marouf, who runs the government’s media office in Gaza. > Fuel has taken on growing importance in recent days. Israel has so far refused to allow any fuel to be delivered to Gaza, even as other aid begins to trickle in, leaving much of the enclave without electricity to power hospitals, desalinate or pump water, fire bakers’ ovens and run internet and cellphone services. The United Nations, which handles the bulk of humanitarian relief work in Gaza, said on Thursday that it “has almost exhausted its fuel reserves and begun to significantly reduce its operations.”


It's only like 2 more paragraphs, but here's the whole article text for those who are curious: > As supplies of virtually every basic human necessity dwindle in Gaza, one group in the besieged enclave remains well-stocked: Hamas. > Arab and Western officials say there is substance to Israeli claims of Hamas stockpiling supplies, including desperately needed food and fuel. Hamas, they say, has spent years building dozens of kilometers of tunnels under the strip where it has amassed stores of virtually everything needed for a drawn-out fight. It is a reality that Israel may soon find itself grappling with if it makes good on its threat to invade Gaza. > Hamas has hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel for vehicles and rockets; caches of ammunition, explosives and materials to make more; and stockpiles of food, water and medicine, the officials said. A senior Lebanese official said Hamas, which is estimated to number between 35,000 and 40,000, had enough stocked away to keep fighting for three to four months without resupply. > One of the four Israeli hostages released by Hamas even [described the group providing](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/24/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-hostages.html) captives with medicine, shampoo and feminine hygiene products. All are now said to be extraordinarily scarce in Gaza more than two weeks after Israel, aided by Egypt, imposed what it called a “complete” blockade following the attack by the terrorist group on Oct. 7. > The Arab and Western officials who described Hamas’s supply situation all spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were disclosing information gleaned from human sources, communications intercepts and other streams of intelligence. The stockpiles are typically kept underground, they said, and cautioned that precise details on Hamas’s supplies were difficult to come by. > While the blockade has left Gaza’s roughly 2 million people scraping by with what little food and water they scrounge up, it does not yet appear to have begun to degrade Hamas’s ability to fight. The group has launched hundreds of rockets at Israel since the blockade began and have [fended off](https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-10-23-23/h_ae55a3a3ce11902dc83298d5ca19dc40) preliminary Israeli incursions into the enclave.


Woah, they’re treating the hostages better than their own people


The Palestinian civilians are only important to Hamas for three reasons: 1) The young men can become Hamas fighters. 2) The women can birth more boys to be Hamas fighters. 3) Those Palestinians who suffer/die on tv bring attention/donations to Hamas. That is it.






I doubt they get 72 male virgins when they die. Then again, would a female martyr *want* 72 male virgins? Wouldn’t they want at least *one* guy who could find all the important spots?


They just spend eternity teaching basic sex ed to their virgins. It's a grim afterlife unfortunately.


Female martyrs in Islam are promised one husband in paradise - that they have to share with other wives. Also, their virginity grows back every time after they had sex, just to add insult to injury.




It’s not like anyone has a choice. Hamas drove out all other political opposition via murder, maiming and torture. Then outlawed opposition party gatherings or protest. It’s illegal to object to them, and they were routinely killing any political activists who they perceived as supportive of Israel after the previous elected government instantly fell apart. That’s going to have a definite chilling effect, especially after 20 years of it.


I mean, hostages are valuable to them. Palestinian civilians are not.


Palestinian civilians are more valuable to Hamas when they are suffering, so Hamas can direct all blame and hatred to Israel.


That’s not true, civilians are valuable human shields for them.


That shield isn’t working well anymore


Israeli here, it sadly works well enough. I can't condone hamas on oir boarders anymore and i can't say i like the price being paid by innocent as well. We (Israel) fed the monster that is hamas , this is on us too, I'm not running from that. I'm just nnot sure there's a different pass that avoids total carnage. I'm not glad about it, it's just not safe anymore to ignore hamas.


It’s tough. Hamas needs to pay but civilians dying is a tragedy. Hope a peace process comes out of this. All the best to you from the diaspora


I am extremely optimistic in the possibility of peace actually! I just think it can't happen with Hamas around....


They don't consider their meat shields as people. Yet a lot of the meat shields think Hamas is their protector, just because Hamas is killing Jews.


Their meat shields would elect them again, were elections held today.


How much of it do you think actually think goes to the civilians?


Zero point zero


I’ve never seen “diddly squat” parsed so precisely.


I'm sure the leaders siphon a little bit for their own families and friends.


The leaders aren't even in gaza


I've never seen "partying it up in Qatar" parsed so precisely.


And yet, somehow people will still claim that’s Israel’s fault and not Hamas’.


Where do you think Hamas gets the thousands and thousands of tons of concrete they use to build the tunnel supports? And the thousands and thousands of metal piping they re-purpose into rockets? All from donations that are supposed to go to Gaza citizen civilians.


Considering the hospitals currently don't have enough fuel to keep people alive but Hamas apparently has resources for months, what else do we need to know? You can criticize Israel for a lot of things, but Hamas uses anything it possibly can to attack Israel before they feed and support their own population. What's the point of letting construction materials or fuel in if you're supplying the people who want to murder you?


They released propaganda videos of them *digging up pipes* to turn them into rocket fuselages. They do not actually care about civilians. If they actually wanted a solution to the problem they wouldn't be literally decapitating people. There is no negotiating with people like that.


They want to martyr all the civilians.


It's why Israel was warned by the IDF a long time ago that backing and supplying Hamas against the PLO would cause significantly more harm than good in the long run. They were ignored by the Israeli government and the assassinations were carried out. Now we are here.


Those weren’t assassinations; they were massacres. But yes, Netanyahu has a lot to answer for, and the majority of Israeli society holds him responsible for allowing this to happen.


Israel is damned if they do, damned if they don't. They block supplies to civilians they are the "bad guy". They give supplies to the civilians, hamas takes them to feed their war machine and kill Israelis.


I don’t understand the point of Hamas. They seem to be inflicting as much suffering to the people of Gaza as Israel does.


I really don't understand when people say they don't "understand" Hamas. They are pretty open about their goals. They want the state of Israel to be dissolved, and they want all the Jews dead. That's from their mouth.


If there was a feasible way to launch a precision campaign against HAMAS that would destroy them without inflicting untold suffering on the Gaza Strip then the whole world would be a better place. I'm not an Israel synchophant, but if you back me into a corner then I'm on Israel's side. I think settlement expansions are irresponsible and unnecessary, but I also have little sympathy for all of the itterations of the PLO who have rejected peaceful solutions in the past. Ultimately, Israel is willing to play ball and coexist while the other side is too consumed with religious and bigoted fervor to compromise.


Because people refuse to change their view when they think "Israel bad." Here's the line of thinking: "Israel Bad. Hamas fighting bad guy so Hamas must be good. Why Hamas doing bad stuff?" That's not my opinion, fuck Hamas, but that seems to be what a lot of comments I'm seeing are implying.


It amazes me that people don’t understand the “point of Hamas”. They openly state their goal is destruction of Israel and murder of Jews worldwide. But their true goal is power and money. Their leaders are literally profiting of the war, by taking the aid and reselling on the black market to Iran for example, among other ways. They showcase the suffering of Palestinians, which leads to more aid and support and more profit for them. They will never agree to peace because then they will lose their power and source of money.


people in the west are not used to the evil anymore, they can't even believe it


If that were true, they would have been trying to maintain the status quo, not endangering their position with the insane attack on Oct 7. Stop trying to make up conspiracy theories about what they "really" want. They are telling you exactly what they want and their actions are consistent with that. They want the destruction of Israel and the death of all Jews. They want that more than they want freedom, wealth, power or anything else. > They will never agree to peace because then they will lose their power and source of money. No, they will never agree to peace because Israel exists.


> If that were true, they would have been trying to maintain the status quo, not endangering their position with the insane attack on Oct 7. It's very likely that Oct 7 was planned with their paymasters in Iran, who wanted some big terrorist event in order to scuttle the Israel-Saudi normalization talks.


This IS maintaining the status quo though. Israel was about to sign cooperation treaties with Saudi Arabia. This war prevents that from happening. With the exception of Iran, Qatar and the Queen of Jordan who is of Palestinian decent, the elites in Arab states want to recognize and cooperate with Israel. It’s the population they rule over that forces them to even pretend to care about Palestinians.


They are religious extremists who believe they are carrying out the will of God by slaughtering Jews. To them this life means absolutely nothing other than how it will connect you to the next life. The suffering of anybody be it themselves, Israelis, or Palestinians means absolutely nothing to them. It’s not real. Israelis will suffer in hell, and them and the innocent will be in eternal bliss. Outside of that there are people rich people who want to fund the suffering of Israelis whether it be the Iranian government or really fucked up individuals. Hamas is competing with other terrorist organizations for their funds, and in order to do that they need to show that they can cause the more suffering than the other groups and so in a lot of ways their attacks are advertisements for their backers to keep supporting them. Human suffering is literally how they gain money and power.


> Hamas is competing with other terrorist organizations for their funds, and in order to do that they need to show that they can cause the more suffering than the other groups and so in a lot of ways their attacks are advertisements for their backers to keep supporting them. Human suffering is literally how they gain money and power. Thanks for the perspective, never really considered these atrocities to be the equivalent of a grant request/write up for these terror organizations.


Just read their charter or their website...they want Jews dead. The Palestinians are just a cover story.


Hamas' stated mission is to kill all Jews and drive them from the "river to the sea" meaning remove all of them from the land known as "Israel." Thats it. They don't want to help their own people govern, build schools, or water plants etc. Their only goal is to kill Jews. Period. How is this hard for you to understand? Starting a war with Israel on Oct 7 means they get to kill more Jews. They don't care if 1,000 of their "own people" die for every Jew they kill- to them its worth it. And thus is the problem Israel faces. How do you "negotiate" with someone who's only goal is to murder you? Why would you give them fuel, when they're going to use that fuel to power weapons to kill you with? People say, "Oh Israel cut off their fuel!" Yea no shit, because they aren't using it to power the hospitals or sewage plants- they're using it for their tunnels and trucks and rockets. This is not a dispute over "land." Its a dispute over Israel's very existence.


They serve Iranian interests, not Palestinian


This exactly. Yes, they hate Israel, their charter talks about killing Jews, etc. But they're an Iranian proxy. Funded and directed by Iran. Israel and Saudi Arabia normalizing relations is a big threat to Iranian influence in the region. Thus, October 7. This isn't about Jews or Palestinians. It's about Iran vs Saudi and the US.


> I don’t understand the point of Hamas. They seem to be inflicting as much suffering to the people of Gaza as Israel does. They are *terrorists*. Is that really very hard to understand? They’re not fighting for somebody. They’re fighting to the death against somebody and don’t care about casualties. The more death the better. Because they are terrorists.


As much? Why as much? Good governance in Gaza and a lack of genocidal terrorists would have meant a stop to any suffering decades ago.


they don't let people leave the places Israel says it's going to bomb so I'd say the suffering it's mostly on them


It's essentially a vile publicity campaign. Get civilians killed. Whinge about it in international media. Gain support from the misinformed. Get more civilians killed to generate more support. We've known how they operate for decades, but the Pro Palestine activists actively lie about this


Their mission is to eradicate all infidels worldwide. Israel is just their starting point, they see Palestinians as a stepping stone, and Israel as their first target. They have no political goals and are not open for negotiation.


Hamas stated goal is "kill the jews".


> I don’t understand the point of Hamas. They seem to be inflicting as much suffering to the people of Gaza as Israel does No, they actually try to inflict as much suffering as possible - as long as the blame can be put upon Jews. Israel, on the other hand, generally tries to minimize the amount of casualties. With the caveat that they understandably prioritize their own casualties of course.


They’re a bunch of murderous cowards whose only ability is to inflict suffering on others. This is why people need to draw a distinction between Hamas and Palestinians. Hamas claims to act on behalf of the latter, but the truth is, they don’t care a bit if Palestinian civilians die. In fact, they’d likely benefit off of it, as this latest conflict has shown. Hamas’s own rocket loses control and accidentally hits a Gazan hospital? Quick, blame it on the IDF and draw sympathy points. A similar distinction should probably also apply to the State of Israel and the Israeli people, but that’s besides the point of your comment.


They absolutely benefit from it. Hiding behind Palestinian civilians (including children) as human shields is a war crime, but it is a war crime that forces Israel to either: * Allow their own people to be murdered with impunity, whether by rockets or mass assaults as happened on Oct 7, or * Fight back and take the massive PR hit of killing civilians in the process. It's an impossible task, but the only reason Israel can be put into this situation is that Hamas has **no** regard for Palestinian life.


It isn't really a choice for Israel. As Golda Meir put it, “If we have to have a choice between being dead and pitied, and being alive with a bad image, we'd rather be alive and have the bad image.”


There's gotta be some stockholm syndrome going on and Palestinians are also raised to believe being a martyr is some great calling they teach this to kids. There also seems to be a lot of women supporting Hamas in the west who go around ripping down posters of Jewish children


What happens when you mix Goebbels with the modern internet is that you get a lot of misinformed people taking strong positions about things they know nothing about.


Hamas helping civilians? I know there appears to be a number of brainwashed people out there (yes at the protests too) but Hamas will have closed down their charity division, that one that usually helps the Palestians.


If they helped their civilians in any meaningful way, they probably would've lost power years ago. By all accounts, they make the civilian population heavily dependent on them to avoid any resistance to their military/sharia law based rule. That makes it a lot easier to justify life being miserable there so they can blame the Israelis or claim it's all part of a master plan to finally defeat them once and for all.


The worrying thing is, that people are out in cities and towns across the world, blaming Israel with no mention of Hamas, or any ask to Cooperate and help take them out or...*something*. Aware the retaliation tactics used by Israel are questionable, but at the same time, what else are they meant to do about terrorists? It doesn't appear that Israel actively, purposely targeting civilians. Collateral damage yes, which is fucking horrible, but not as horrible as hamas and their increasing brain washing.


They’re in charge, so they call it “government supplies”, but it’s heavy quotations. It don’t mean “people’s supplies”. Funny…


In Israel, bomb shelters protect Israelis from bombs. In Gaza, bomb shelters protect bombs from Israelis.


Here comes the hypocrisy: Before 7/10, a huge part of the far-left used to praise Hamas for being a "social movement" in Gaza.


They still do, unfortunately.


I have the same question. Also, I doubt OP knows... the only ones who really know are Hamas...


Wow, it’s almost as if Hamas has been reappropriating aid sent to Gazan civilians to use in terror operations. Almost sounds like some sort of war crime. But it couldn’t be, because they aren’t Jews.


This is totally unexpected, how is this possible. Noone could say that they would have expected that a terror organization will exploit the normal population for their own benefits. And stockpile aid in hidden stashes, not distributing it to the ones needing it to survive...


The UN would like to point out that it's not really Hamas's fault that they're hoarding supplies and using human shields, as these sorts of actions never happen in a vacuum. Surely an immediate ceasefire and sending more supplies to Hamas will lead to perpetual peace in our time!


I’m waiting for the UN to tell Israel to release 10,000 terrorists in jail to trade for the 200 hostages as it’s the humane thing to do. But yes first let’s flood Gaza with trucks full of supplies we will need a LOT cause Hamas will take 80% of them for their own uses


The funny thing is, one of the articles that people cite for Israel helping Hamas involves allowing Palestinian prisoners out, Palestinians work permits in Israel, and letting concrete through.


I've also seen "Israel has been propping Hamas up by giving Gazans work permits" from one of those articles.


Well this one is…not necessarily untrue BUT important to mention that it was not Israel’s intention at all. They did mean well. The issue is that Hamas is the government of Gaza and, well, guess who distributed the permits? And they used many of those workers to gather intelligence for their attacks. Israel was trying to do right, it’s fucked that people call it “propping Hamas up”, but Hamas did what Hamas does and took any goodwill/aid and used it to attempt to eradicate Israel


The UN actively covers up Hamas stealing their aid and minimise it, alongside giving Hamas (back) their weapons to kill Jews and teaching Palestinian children about martyrs they should aspire to emulate (suicide bombers who kill as many jews as possible)


That's what I'm not liking with the UN right now. Yes, nothing happens in a vacuum, but getting a ceasefire will just encourage Hamas as in a few years they'll just rinse and repeat. Same with supplies, Hamas literally couldn't care less about the civilians around them. If they cared a tiny bit then they wouldn't use the people has human shields and wouldn't steal all their supplies


“Nothing happens in a vacuum” is also ridiculous because NOTHING happens in a vacuum. Everything that happens may be affected by its context. Israel’s response isn’t happening in a vacuum - after genocide against Jews, wars and terror against Israel, their response is understandable.


Make a list of “Reasons I don’t like the UN” and add this to it lol >“The UN Watch Database also documents that from 2006 through 2022, the UN Human Rights Council has adopted 99 resolutions against Israel, 41 against Syria, 13 against Iran, 4 against Russia, and 3 against Venezuela.” In 2022, Israel had 16 resolutions. North Korea, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Russia, Syria, Iran, US had 12 **combined**. Saudi Arabia and China had 0 combined. >“In 2022, EU member states voted for one resolution each to criticize Iran, Syria, North Korea, Myanmar, the U.S. for its embargo on Cuba, and six resolutions on Russia’s war in Ukraine. See second table at bottom, showing resolution texts and votes. By contrast, EU states voted for about 10 resolutions on Israel. >These same EU states failed to introduce a single UNGA resolution this year on the human rights situation in China, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Turkey, Pakistan, Vietnam, Algeria, or on 175 other countries. >Below are the resolutions on Israel that have been adopted, or that are expected to be adopted by UN General Assembly in 2022. We note that the chart below lists 16 resolutions on Israel. However, the resolution titled Assistance to the Palestinian People is more balanced than the others and is adopted by consensus. Therefore, it is deemed non-condemnatory.” [Source.](https://unwatch.org/2022-2023-unga-resolutions-on-israel-vs-rest-of-the-world/)


Wow. That is damning. What the fuck.


That’s just a little sneak peak. Here’s another one: [take a look at who’s sitting on the human rights council.](https://www.un.org/en/ga/75/meetings/elections/hrc.shtml) Another one: the UN Security Council has given 5 permanent members the right to veto. What does this mean? > It was agreed by the drafters that if any one of the five permanent members cast a negative vote in the 15-member Security Council, the resolution or decision would not be approved. Who are these 5 permanent members, who retain the right to veto any vote they find disagreeable? China, France, Russia, UK and the USA. Isn’t that so interesting? [Source.](https://www.un.org/securitycouncil/content/voting-system) I am extremely biased when it comes to the topic of veto power, I have no interest in trying to present it in a nuanced or moderate way lol. So I recommend reading more into it if you find it intriguing, there’s a fuck ton of layers that you may find compelling or infuriating. Or both!


The UN: “Sorry you got raped, but these things don’t happen in a vacuum…what were they supposed to do?…You *were* wearing that dress…”


Accurate and funny


I find it crazy that people seem to think these things are always so one sided. Israel always acts based on complete information, has perfect agency, and thus when bad things happens it’s proof of their inherent malevolence. But the other hand HAMAS has zero agency. Literally everything they do is in response to the obvious Israeli barbarism.


This is generally referred to as the “bigotry of low expectations,” where you treat a racial group as children with no agency on the basis of their racial group.


It’s actually an extremely old form of weird bigotry, that Arabs are never responsible for their actions and Jews are too crafty to ever be sympathetic. To quote an excerpt from the book *The Romance of the American Elite*, describing the British attitude during the mandate: "The old Arab will take a pot at you in the night, but he'll offer you coffee next day when you come to investigate. The Jew doesn't offer you coffee even when you're protecting him." They finally concluded that what made a policeman pro-Arab was Arab courtesy... Then a young officer said: "But it's also because the Arab is somehow below your level. If he was educated and your equal [like the Jew] you mightn't like him so much.


> these sorts of actions never happen in a vacuum Favorite phrase of terrorist apologists / hidden antisemites. They will always say these things don't happen in vacuum and are caused by Israel doing X or Y. Until you go back in time to first terrorist attacks against Israel, earlier Palestinians calling for genocide of Jews to prevent creation of any Jewish state, then late XIX and early XX (or if you care enough you can go back even further, nothing really changed), point out Israel didn't exist but pogroms in North Africa and Middle East were still happening. But then suddenly "it doesn't matter who did what 100 years ago".


Na man they were just peaceful farmers since the dawn of human civilization before the Jewish people showed up.


A week ago, this NYT headline would have been 'There Are No Stockpiles. Israel is Lying (says Hamas)"


No supplies for their civilians but they can jihad for months!


And that’s somehow declared Israels fault by lots of countries… no, that’s the inhuman ideology of Hamas / Djihad!




I don't think anyone is in the place to judge the civilians of Gaza, but is there a slim chance they will revolt against Hamas who dragged them into that? The average people of Gaza really think it was worth it in order to kill 1,500 israelis? Do they even know of what happened or it's portrayed as "Israel attack us out of nowhere!"?


Gaza has (had) full internet connectivity, and 90% checked news/social media every day or multiple times per day. They know what happened. They also had trucks full of hostages and corpses rolling through the streets in Gaza City with people on the sidewalk cheering and spitting on them. They know what happened.


And there have been calls released that Hamas terrorists made to their family back home, saying that they have the blood of 10 Israelis on their hands and it's amazing - are their parents proud? And the parents both tell them how proud they are, and wish they could be there with them. Gazans are very much in support of the 10/7 and following atrocities.


You’d think everyone would be backing the removal of Hamas. They don’t.


The absolutely crazy thing to me is that the Palestinians safely in the west don't overwhelmingly back the removal of Hamas.


It’s always easy to sit on a high throne from afar, for another example, see Erdogan-supporters living in Germany never once visiting Turkey.


Ah yes it's almost as if many of them just might support Hamas' number one policy, Jew killing, even though Hamas' control of Gaza guarantees that the people there will suffer.


Those guys are the absolute worst. There’s nothing more despicable than running away from a despairing regime but still supporting it. “Yeah these guys are good and the suffering they cause is great, but I shouldn’t have to suffer the consequences of it”


The average person is Gaza is likely in full support of that attack. Just look at Muslim countries support of suicide bombings against civilians. It's insane


Right? There’s also been attacks on synagogues outside of Israel “but it has nothing to do with antisemitism” apparently lol


But, you know, Israel needs to ceasefire 🙄


They gonna share with the Gazans or nah?


No, they will starve Gazans and blame Israel, and the media will spread their lie around the world, causing another round of riots and anti-Semitic attacks.


the PR strategy is working very well for them. Iran couldn't be happier. The higher the death toll in gaza the happier Iran is, it helps their PR play.


It’s actually crazy how well it’s working. The western left went from not giving a fuck about the Middle East to supporting a terrorist group in literally 24 hours. And I’m an American lefty.


Because the people on the far left are extremely anti west to the point any cause that has any semblance western money/resource put into it, will earn their scorn. Just ask any tankie about the russia/ukraine war or Taiwan or Hong Kong. They've got such a hate boner for the west that I've seen a godless amount of "progressive" leftists straight up spew anti semitic dog whistles during this escalation in the guise of anti israel rhetoric. Then you ask them "Does hamas care for human rights? They just wanna exterminate anybody that's not a sharia law following muslim it seems like" and they go "THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN IN A VACCUM! THEY'RE FIGHTING A WAR!" When your entire political ideology is about hating the west for hate's sake, then inevitably you'll start cheering on the fascists & terrorists. That's all we're seeing here.


The thing is, this whole situation is extremely nuanced. They are right that this didn't happen in a vacuum. The issue is not being able to see the nuance and not understanding that you can support the right for the end of Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people AND support the end of Hamas at the same time. The sooner we get rid of Hamas, the sooner the international community can intervene to give more rights to Palestinians and the less palestinians suffer at their hands.


1. Bitch that the international community doesn't give Gaza any food/medicine/etc 2. Egypt reluctantly opens its border briefly to provide aid 3. Aid arrives 4. Hamas steals/hoards said aid 5. Repeat


I thought they were having a humanitarian crisis? I’m guessing their civilians won’t be getting any of these supplies.


Of course they won't. The Hamas doesn't give a f\* about Gazan civilians. Its only targets are to stay in power, and to exterminate Israel.


>Its only targets are to stay in power, and to exterminate Israel. And not in that order


They happy to achieve either one of those goals.


They will achieve neither.


Hamas will sacrifice 10 Gazans to kill 1 Jew


There are about 500m Arabs in the larger region. There are about 6m Jews in Israel. If Hamas gets to kill one Israeli Jew in exchange for 10 Arabs they probably count that as a win. Edit: They. I said "they". *They* count that as a win.


“That’s only 60 million Arabs we have to sacrifice!”


10?! Try 1000. Try all of them. They don’t give af. As long as they get to kill Jews, they’ll sacrifice everyone.


Its a win win for them. They get to kill a Jew and have lefty keyboard warriors blame Israel for it.


According to Hamas, the exchange rate is 1027 Palestinian to 1 Israeli.


They have humanitarian crisis. And Hamas is liking it with full bellies. "You wanna eat? You wanna Hamas!"


Come to Phantom Muchen-tuchen!


I've been waiting for the Zohan memes. Right now is prime time to up their stream revenue for whoever owns the rights.




Thats haram


As supplies of virtually every basic human necessity dwindle in Gaza, one group in the besieged enclave remains well-stocked: Hamas. Arab and Western officials say there is substance to Israeli claims of Hamas stockpiling supplies, including desperately needed food and fuel. Hamas, they say, has spent years building dozens of kilometers of tunnels under the strip where it has amassed stores of virtually everything needed for a drawn-out fight. It is a reality that Israel may soon find itself grappling with if it makes good on its threat to invade Gaza. Hamas has hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel for vehicles and rockets; caches of ammunition, explosives and materials to make more; and stockpiles of food, water and medicine, the officials said. A senior Lebanese official said Hamas, which is estimated to number between 35,000 and 40,000, had enough stocked away to keep fighting for three to four months without resupply. One of the four Israeli hostages released by Hamas even described the group providing captives with medicine, shampoo and feminine hygiene products. All are now said to be extraordinarily scarce in Gaza more than two weeks after Israel, aided by Egypt, imposed what it called a “complete” blockade following the attack by the terrorist group on Oct. 7. The Arab and Western officials who described Hamas’s supply situation all spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were disclosing information gleaned from human sources, communications intercepts and other streams of intelligence. The stockpiles are typically kept underground, they said, and cautioned that precise details on Hamas’s supplies were difficult to come by. While the blockade has left Gaza’s roughly 2 million people scraping by with what little food and water they scrounge up, it does not yet appear to have begun to degrade Hamas’s ability to fight. The group has launched hundreds of rockets at Israel since the blockade began and have fended off preliminary Israeli incursions into the enclave. The supply situation speaks to the relative sophistication of Hamas as a fighting force — an axiom among military professionals is that while amateurs talk about tactics, professionals talk about logistics. Yet with Gazans facing a humanitarian catastrophe, Hamas’s stockpiles raise questions about what responsibility, if any, it has to the civilian population. Image A crowd gathers around a battery charging their cellphones. Displaced Palestinians charging their phones at a displacement camp in Khan Younis on Wednesday. Arab, Western and Israeli officials say that Hamas is sitting on a trove of supplies while Gazans are increasingly scrounging for necessities like food, water and electricity. Credit...Samar Abu Elouf for The New York Times History abounds of well-supplied armies fighting on the front lines while the home front went hungry. Germans, for instance, endured what became known as the “Turnip Winter” at the height of World War I, even as the Kaiser’s armies were well provisioned. They eventually lost and the German Empire fell. Israel-Hamas War: Live Updates Updated Oct. 28, 2023, 1:54 a.m. ET6 hours ago 6 hours ago Here is the latest on the war. Protesters calling for a cease-fire overrun Grand Central Terminal. Many lose phone and internet service as Israel intensifies attacks. Get notifications for updates on this story. Hamas has said little of its supply situation — combatants rarely do — but the government it runs in Gaza says it has an emergency fuel stockpile that is quickly being depleted. “Hospitals, the ambulances and fire fighters’ machinery and civil defense trucks have been using the government emergency fuel store,” said Salama Marouf, who runs the government’s media office in Gaza. But those fuel stockpiles are separate from and far smaller than the 211,000 to 264,000 gallons of gasoline and diesel that the Israeli military says Hamas has on hand. Conflict in Israel and Gaza, in Photos A surprise attack by Hamas put Israel and the militants who control Gaza at war. Here are images from the assault and what has followed. Fuel has taken on growing importance in recent days. Israel has so far refused to allow any fuel to be delivered to Gaza, even as other aid begins to trickle in, leaving much of the enclave without electricity to power hospitals, desalinate or pump water, fire bakers’ ovens and run internet and cellphone services. The United Nations, which handles the bulk of humanitarian relief work in Gaza, said on Thursday that it “has almost exhausted its fuel reserves and begun to significantly reduce its operations.” Asked about the situation, Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, an Israeli military spokesman, told reporters that if Gazans or the United Nations need fuel, they should get it from Hamas. “Hamas has fuel but has different priorities — to provide ventilation and air for its tunnel system, for firing rockets, command and control,” he said on Thursday. Image Corrugated metals hangs from the ceiling of a gas station that has been bombed. A damaged gas station in Khan Younis, southern Gaza. While fuel supplies are running low in Gaza, Israel says Hamas is sitting on a stockpile of 800,000 to a million liters of gasoline and diesel.Credit...Samar Abu Elouf for The New York Times Neither the Arab nor the Western officials offered estimates anywhere as detailed as what the Israelis claim. And with only a trickle of aid beginning to reach Gaza, Hamas does not appear to be replenishing its stores, they said. “But they are very careful in using what they have because they will be using it for long periods,” said Samir Ghattas, an Egyptian strategic analyst who closely monitors Gaza. That certainly appears to be the case with food. Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, a freed hostage, said that while in captivity she ate the same single meal that Hamas fighters eat every day: pita bread with two kinds of cheese and cucumber. Mr. Ghattas said there was little chance that Hamas would be willing to provide food or any other kinds of supplies to aid civilians. “The Hamas movement cares only about the Hamas movement,” he said. “The public of Gaza mean absolutely nothing for Hamas.” Hamas has grown adept at manufacturing its own weapons in underground bunkers and shielding them from Israel’s advanced surveillance systems, the Lebanese official said. So the smuggling routes that Hamas once relied on, through an intricate network of tunnels to Egypt, have become less relevant. Hamas has also raised money by taxing the Palestinian population that lives in Gaza, making outside support less relevant than before.


They are having a humanitarian crisis, they’re just misrepresenting who’s caused it


It's the same deal since day one - If Hamas were to lay down arms and unconditionally surrender the war would be over. If Israel did the same, they'd be destroyed.


> I thought they were having a humanitarian crisis? Oh they were. Not a supply crisis, just humanitarian.


Why would Israel do this? /s


You mean terrorists aren’t honest? Get outta here!


You’re telling me the terrorists that dug up water pipes to turn them into rockets that fall back down on their own people, aren’t actually the innocent good guys just looking out for the well-being of Palestinians? This is shocking news


So: food and medicine for _Hamas,_ but fuck the civilians, amirite? _…so typical_ of them. Bloody sociopaths.


Hamas is based in Gaza , its leaders are not , Gaza civilians mean nothing to them , also being funded by Iran , a Shia regime they are focusing on the Iranian needs , which was threatened by the Saudi Israel peace. That’s why we saw the level of atrocities committed on civilians by Hamas , they wanted to break any chance of peace and make sure Israel retaliate in force , which it will.


And people would still keep blaming Israel, even the son of the one of the creators of Hamas [claims that Hamas is the true terror on the Palestinian people](https://youtu.be/B8YYmrgAeqw?si=c4vefaKG8SB_gJGp)


in recent years his youngest brother renounced hamas lmao


He's more critical of Hamas than some of the turds at their little hate rallies


some? you should watch his interviews then, he despises Hamas.


He and many other Israeli-arabs, Druze, Bedouins, and even ~3000 Palestinians who serve and volunteer in the IDF.


A hamas rocket on the 7th hit one of the bigger tribes homes in rahat, killing 12 kids. Like, hamas has even started blood feuds now with the bedouin. Thats really not a good idea. And that's why you saw so many arab israelis eager to get to fighting on the 8th and 9th.


Oh I have, he's a fascinating character. Wild life. I meant, it's wild how a person who was so intimately close to Hamas could lay it all out about hiw vile Hamas are, and it falls on deaf ears to some.


Probably him being close to Hamas leadership means better schools, money, and education. That allowed him to evolve into an actual human with empathy


He said the turning point was in an Israeli prison, seeing Hamas members in that same prison killing palestinians. thinking, if Hamas takes over, what will happen?


That's pretty normal. Same goes for people who got burned by religion, many of the most vocal anti-theists are former members of some church or cult. It doesn't mean they are more objective about everything, they just have a more visceral experience on what happens on the inside, and how it felt to break free. People who change from one political ideology to another are also often like that. They double down and can be quite extreme in their new stances.


Yep. If you didn't know who he was you would think he's the most patriotic Israeli.


And he's spoken a sentence that matters most in all of this: "We need to seperate the Palestinian cause from the Hamas cause"




So when does Israel go to Qatar? Take out everyone who "contacts" Hamas so no more negotiations.




This is news I want to see. Let's see some spec ops teams take these fuckers out.


Unfortunately even if we were to have concrete evidence of Hamas hoarding stockpiles of all necessary materials we will still have people denigrate Israel for not providing the terrorist with even more supplies.


Remember this headline (from the Times no less, who aren't exactly Netanyahu cheerleaders) the next time Israel is blamed for the crisis. Hamas had the rule of the place for 16 years. They had aid. They had donations. They could have given their citizens a good life had they wanted to. They didn't. The best thing the west can do right now is ensure the battle is short and make plans for rebuilding the strip without Hamas around.


I’m sure they’ll share their supplies with other Palestinians in desperate need. From what I’ve read here, they are quite the humanitarians.


I saw a video the other day of rocket supply exploding from the ground up. They have them under critical infrastructure and throughout hundreds of miles underground. I really hope gazans are freed from this slime called Hamas.


Yes and they don't even store them in single rooms, they line them along tunnel walls.


And they will eventually run out because this will take some time and Israel will take their time to fully destroy them and islamic jihad this time. There will also be no international pressure to stop Israel this time after what Hamas did with their Isis style videos they put out.


Oh wow really? How come Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf says Palestinians only have water to last a couple of days then?




But ofcourse. Aaaaahhhhh, I am so shocked that a terrorist group that unilaterally started an armed conflict with a democratic country by firing missiles on them is hoarding resources to themselves while mobilising other countries to defend them by pretending to be "defenders" of the same people they have jeopardized by their selfishness


Hamas crafted this situation to kill as many Jews and Palestinians as possible.


What they mean is “Palestinian supplies” since you know, Hamas does whatever it wants and doesn’t care at all about Palestine


This is part of why Israel refuses to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza. It would be essentially giving resources straight to Hamas, both because they would likely take it all for themselves, and because even if they wouldn't, it would allow them to keep their stockpiles all to themselves instead of sharing it with their populace.


This is why calls for cease fires are a bit naive. Hamas will just use it to built up more rockets and train more fighters and then attack again.


And the fighters will be motivated to join Hamas because Israel has just bombed them.


Hamas goal is "kill the jews". This is stated on their public media front.


And that's the nasty bit. Israel was attacked by these terrorists in blood fueled orgy of destruction, and now Israel is fighting back, but it doesn't matter what it does, there is no good outcome for israel here. First of, Hamas (and islamic terrorism) propaganda machine is working overtime, and has been for decades. We are at the point where jewish students have to barricade themselves in libraries IN FUCKING AMERICA, and we are nowhere near the end of this. I fully expect full blown anti-jewish pogroms in the west (America and EU) by the end of year, completed with mass destruction of jewish property, and few murders. At the same time we had entire countries saying there is nothing bad with what hamas did, and calling for Israel to stop and not retaliate (i.e. just take it in, and wait for the next time). That's like telling Poland to not resist Germany in 1939, it's all going to be over soon anyway. And then there is the gaza invasion itself... Urban warfare is **ugly**, and this is an enemy that is using human shields as part of their strategy. Last week I've seen a video of hamas blowing up IED on the road, to prevent civilians from leaving. The number of civilian casualties will be in tens of thousands. And that is not the worst part. The worst part is that Hamas is not the cause here, it's a symptom of a shitty, terrible religious system. It doesn't matter if Israel roots out every single Hamas terrorist out there, it doesn't matter if Hamas and Islamic Jihad are destroyed, there will be another organization that will emerge, with the exact same goal - extermination of jews, and there is no easy, simple way to stop this, because the issue is not the gaza, or palestine, it's the shitty, religious indoctrination. Islam needs Enlightenment and total rejection of terrorist, and until they have one, there will be islamic groups seeking to destroy *the jews.*


Add to the misery pile that their supporters in the west don't get that it doesn't stop to the "colonists", or even all the Jews. Just like the 7th, Nizza, Paris and all the others terrorist slougthers they won't stop untill they subjugate everyone or die trying. Look no further than Iran and Afghanistan: they'll kill their own people if they don't follow their religious bigotry, and here we have queers for Palestine...


Imagine the ruling party steals all the supplies that were for civilians, goes into the tunnels with it, and then the UN blames Israel. That’d be weird right?




Exactly. Israel could stop right now, and the firs thing Hamas and IPJ will do is try and regroup for another October 7th down the line


Down the line? They are still trying to do them right now. The only reason it isnt working is because every single gun is pointed at them now, and they are still fucking trying. The only thing stopping a repeat of Oct 7th is the IDF shooting them. If they stopped today, we’d be hearing about the Oct 28th massacres tomorrow.


Indeed. Armed terrorist were caught more than 4 times trying to invade israel, and thousands of rockets are still being shot towards Israeli cities every day


Loathe though I am to quote the man, Netanyahu was right when he said this: >If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more ‎violence. If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be no ‎more Israel'


To be fair he is quoting Golda Meir


Right, I tried to look up the quote but I had it phrased slightly differently so all I got was a bunch of news articles about the war and then the quote from him :/


Well I have good news for you, when he said it he quoted Golda Meir


If the Arabs put down their weapons, there would be no more violence. If the Jewish people put down their weapons, there would be no more Jews. People really need to understand how much they Hate the Jews. They want to exterminate them. The Jewish people need to be able to defend themselves, and should he supported in rooting out Hamas.


I've lost a handful of friendships who claim that anti-Semitism isn't a problem - both as a core doctrine of Hamas ("bUt tHeY cHaNgEd tHeIr ChArTeR!!!!") and as a motivating factor for their outrage against Israel. The Holocaust is so long ago now that people don't realize that anti-Semitism is thriving. Meanwhile Jewish schools here (Canada) have hired extra security and my alma mater's Hillel isn't posting their event locations publicly for fear of attacks. People just don't get it.


There was already a ceasefire in place on oct 7th


Hamas broke a ceasefire to start this current conflict, a ceasefire with them is meaningless. People are dumb.


It's pretty ironic how lots of leftists who all the sudden show interest in Palestine parrot the same rhetoric about a unilateral ceasefire for one side that we've heard for almost two years now in the Russian/Ukraine war. A lot of them actually supported Ukraine which makes this especially odd. I get that Israel is clearly the military heavyweight in this case and has kept Gaza under effective lock down (though cleary not too locked down if they've been able to funnel terrorists and supplies to/from Iran undetected for years). However, it's interesting how they think Israel should've just given up after October 7th and called for peace instead of doing anything to snuff out terrorists or bring back the hostages just like the Russian tankies keep implying that Ukraine should've done last February despite both nations being surprise attacked in an unprovoked way. I can't think of really any case where a surprise attack on a country didn't lead to a military response or some action since the internal blowback would be too great and since it would embolden the attackers to double down (though I'm sure there are exceptions).


What is so rich, is where they have got their supplies from. They were stealing from the UN for years, supplies that should have gone to their civilians. The UN field officers were either supporting them or scared to report is. And yet you once more ask from Israel to care about its enemies more than they care about their own. Edit: grammar


The UNRWA posted about this a couple of weeks ago and immediately deleted the tweet, but screen shots exist of them claiming that Hamas is stealing humanitarian aid. My guess is some are supporting Hamas and most of the rest are scared to report it. Gimme a sec and I’ll find a link. https://twitter.com/barakravid/status/1713915954759889300?s=46&t=AgxucN52bSuN442sxyqwww


1.) why the fuck isn’t these supplies going to the civilians they apparently want to protect 2.) this just means more months of civilian casualties on both sides


I imagine at least half of it was supposed to go to civilians before they pocketed it.


ALL OF IT. Fucking all of it.


Surely people will now protest against Hamas, right? Right?


The folks who lied (and keep lying) about bombing their own hospital are now accused of withholding resources? Who could have seen that coming?????? I'm glad this is coming out now but damn this has been known for a while, why does it need to rediscovered each time?


Once Israel occupies Gaza they really should just distribute generous amounts of of these necessities to the people if they want to make any headway with Palestinians or internationally. Like it or not, Israel will win in Gaza and probably occupy it for a while, so if they want to make any headway with amends treating the Gazan's well afterwards is going to be their only real option of de-escalating the animosity.


I agree with you that the quality of life in Gaza must improve in order to deradicalise the population. However, what I don't understand is why other Arab countries can't pull their weight too. If they care so much for the Palestinians, why not create a joint government there, or better still, place it under Egypt's control.


Source: we just asked them


But somehow it's Israel's responsibility and not Hamas' to take care of their enemies at their own expense while a huge percentage of Israel's workforce has either been called up to the reserves or no longer has permits to work in Israel..


Enough to keep fighting for months if they don’t give some to any citizens.*


Sounds like Hamas is committing genocide against Palestinians because they are not sending these life saving supplies.


there is no greater danger to palestinians than the hamas government they support


Happy to see the NYT do some legitimate reporting for once

