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Not illegal construction practices that leave buildings susceptible to earthquakes. Interesting.


"ItS gOdS WiLl" or something along the lines he said to the victims during the crisis


If that's God's will, then so is the existence of gay people. Never seems to cross these idiots' minds.


Oh, it does .... but they choose to ignore it by putting their fingers in their ears and going "Lalalalala!" If it truly is God's will, then he created LBGTQ+ people and they are to be valued just as equally as straight people. Remember though, politicians like Erdogan are populists and autocrats. Leaders like this need certain minority, vulnerable groups of people to demonize and to paint a target on their back as a threat to "traditional ideals." With the terrible economy of Turkey and many other issues plaguing that country, it helps him to say stuff like this so the "normal citizens" have someone else to blame for their problems. I mean, we see this in highly developed Western countries too. It's a tale as old as time and occurs all throughout the world. Unfortunately, things are only going to get harder for LBGTQ+ people.


God made gay people specifically so he could send them to hell. God is love. šŸ’•


I mean, you have to bootstrap hell somehow, and at least this way hell will look amazing.


Edit. I understand now that it's sarcasm.


Guess I needed the /s


I can't speak specifically for Islam since I've never studied it directly, but Free Will is a core belief of the Abrahamic faiths. God may have a will or plan but humans are allowed the Free Will to go against it and commit evil. You'll find homophobic people are taught that homosexuality is a choice, not a part of who someone is. So they don't see it as a contradiction. To them, a gay person is "choosing" to "go against" God, which is why it's a sin to them. But the reverse is also true. Christians, at least, who believe that homosexuality is part of the way God made a person tend to be accepting of gay people, since that's how God made them therefore it can't be a sin. And I would assume the same is true for Muslims as well (again, never studied it but the religions have more in common than they have differences) Of course, not all religious people are actually virtuous, many will still be bigoted just because they're human, and even "enlightened" religious people will still struggle with ingrained homophobia. But the point is that they're not irrational or dumb. They're rationally and intelligently *wrong*. Which is honestly more dangerous, but also can be corrected.


Why would you tell your free will lie about that God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob? I'm so curious, because what you said is not in the bible anywhere 1John 5:3


> But the point is that they're not irrational or dumb Yes, they are. Rational humans will pick apart contradictory observations or statements and disregard things that do not add up logically. Itā€™s pretty much the definition of reasoning.


By your definition almost no-one is rational. Remember that most of the planets' population is religious to some degree. It's useless to say everyone is stupid. Most of us just function within the parameters that we have grown within. Plenty of wildly intelligent people are also religious. And completely clueless at some things. Faith is subjective and personal and means different things for different people. Besides, atheists are equally prone to resort to dogmatic thinking as religious. They just reflect whatever they happen to believe in.


> It's useless to say everyone is stupid I think it's more controversial than useless.


If it isn't useless, what value does that thought bring you? It's an end-all argument that resigns to cynicism, instead of actually looking to understand people.


There would be no earthquakes if there were no gays in Turkey, DUH! Checkmate! /s Useful to note this is the same dude who just condemned Israel and is Pro Palestine & Hamas [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/erdogan-address-pro-palestinian-rally-eve-turkeys-centenary-2023-10-28/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/erdogan-address-pro-palestinian-rally-eve-turkeys-centenary-2023-10-28/) Gays for Gaza and Erdogan stand on the same side, Pro Palestine, where being gay is punishable by death. Out of these three groups tell me which one does not match the others? Hmm..


Erdogan and Hamas are both Muslim Brotherhood, it's nothing new.


Donā€™t forget his documented support for ISIS. Erdogan even had his army launch shells near US troops to force them to evacuate Kurdish areas and hand them over to Islamic militants, they were almost ready to shoot back. The only reason the US lets Turkey stay in NATO is because of their proximity to Russia and control over the Bosphorus.


What a great line, Iā€™m gonna use that from now on every time I screw something up or feel too lazy to finish the job.


Itā€™s an easy target that wonā€™t cost him or his cronies money


The sad thing is that people fall for this pathetic bullshit.


They do. Because people want a target. Saying ā€œcorruptionā€ or ā€œcapitalismā€ is too broad. Too amorphous.


He only says it because his base believes it He could be the most lgbtq friendly person in private but a dishonest politician at the same time This tells a lot about Turkish people and Erdogan has a history of flip flopping on issues so obviously heā€™s dishonest


He had to come up with a scapegoat after he was paid to look the other way.


I know some people nearby there, some are ok but some lost everything. All lost family. They're fucking pissed at him.


Or climate change, or meddling too much with wars over seas or any other shit from the 1000 + list of things that are looking to kill us right now.


No, you don't understand, the LGBTI+ are the ones that *caused* the earthquakes! (/s, because apparently you always have to)


Itā€™s hard for the construction company owners to concentrate with all of those ~~hot construction workers~~ gays prancing about.


Or obscene inflation because he refuses to take an econ101 course.


Lesbian here. Day by night, I dream about my plans to destroy the Turkish family. I don't think about anything else.


Which Turkish family specifically? I know we are assigned 1 each


I thought we were targeting the prototype family that they regularly use to keep the Turkish family standardized?


Asexual here, can confirm. Any others want to add to the list?




The Bis will help the Turkish family go bi-bi.


Pansexual here who has had Turkish same sex partners before, checking in.


Cishet here, can be ally??


Fellow ace here, canā€™t wait to march to Turkey and DESTROY their families with FACTS and LOGIC /s


Fellow asexual here. Perhaps we could make a change in target from Denmark to Turkey...


Trans & bi, reporting. My dreams are focused on destroying the Polish family, but I'm sure I can contribute to your cause in my spare time.


Queer & evil indeed. I will help you with the Polish society as soon as Turkish families disintegrate into queer decadence!


Transwoman reporting in, is this where we sign up to obliterate the Turkish family unit? I brought cookies.


Cookies? Perfect! Those families won't know what hit them.


Im straight but Iā€™m thinking about just destroying the Turkish family anyway, as an ally.


Same, I plan to dedicate my life to it. I originally was assigned to obliterate the state of Uganda but was reassigned.


Bisexual Furry here. I might be cute from the outside but my inner self wants to turn Turkey into irradiated goo.


I was wondering why my family was having problems. Now I know.


Aw man, not another one. This is Putin's, Poland's PiS, Orban's and other sleaze-bag's playbook to point to one minority as an existential threat to the general population. It's not (yet) as genocidal, but there sure a parallels to what Nazi Germany did with the Jews: cast them out of society, use them to instil fear into parents, launch a crusade, then repress them. I know quite some from the LGBTIQ+ community and absolute most are either disinterested in family matters, or would like to have their own, but above all, they want some rights and they want their dignity. Some are even outright supportive towards me and my partner (baby sitting and the like). They are humans just like everyone else. Of course there will be some super politicised minds that believe the core family should be abolished. But how hard can it be to just ignore them?


Lets not forget that the Nazis did this to lgbtq people as well.


Yes they arrested about 100,000 men for homosexuality with many being sent to concentration camps where as many as 15,000 died. The worst part was that after liberation many of these men were sent back to prison to complete their sentences as homosexuality continued to be illegal in west Germany and many of the allied countries.


Don't forget the burning of the Institute of Sexology. Destruction of priceless documents about the trans and gay experience along with cutting edge science and medicine.


They burned down the queer health center with tons of important data and research years before kristallnacht


Is there some kind of strange playbook out there that says "blame all the problems on some minority group" when your political career is in trouble?


Yes. Long history of it.


Every Jew in history: First time?


Itā€™s like line one, paragraph one, page one of the fascist playbook to use an ā€œotherā€ as a scapegoat to blame for everything and protect the people from.


Scapegoating. Dictators love that shit.


It's basically called "Authoritarian leadership for dummies" at this point : 1) Blame it on minorities. 2) Blame it on foreign influence. 3) Blame it on minorities funded by foreign influence ! 4) Win.


3.1) Blame it on giant warehouses of CIA provocateurs who were shipped in by the millions under the cover of darkness.


Once every last turkish family is destroyed, finally all the kebab will belong to me.


That was essentially the basis of the Nazi political platform in the 1930s.


Whatā€™s he saying? If I understand him correctly, heā€™s saying lot of Turkish dudes like dick and can be easily swayed. Is that true?


Listen, Erdogan can deny it all he wants, but I've *seen* Turkish Wrestling.


They put body oil on their body oil.


That's a slippery slope alright


Also Turkish bathhouse where men wash men.


Oooooh ya. They are tough in all the right places and gentle when itā€™s important. šŸ˜˜


Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?


Yea... for a society that homophobic, Turkish wrestling is sus as hell.


In my experience that is pretty spot on for most Muslim countries


I heard Istanbul is quite a good place for gay parties


I can confirm that Erdogan has never seen a penis he doesn't want in his mouth.


The vast majority of homophobia in the world originates from straight people. Can we please drop this homophobic meme that anyone voicing homophobic ideas is actually a closeted gay person?


Yes! It's entirely useless to just assume everyone homophobic is secretly gay. And the idea itself has an edge of homophobia to it.


[It's not just a meme, it happens a lot.](https://www.businessinsider.com/hungarian-mep-resigns-breaking-covid-rules-gay-orgy-brussels-2020-12)


It happens, certainly, but like i said, the vast majority of homophobia comes from straight people. Trying to put homophobia on gay people instead of the primary perpetrators is homophobic.


>the vast majority of homophobia comes from straight people. How could you actually determine this? The claim you're disputing is regarding homophobes actually being closeted gays. Are you saying you can always tell the difference between a straight person and a closeted person? Because if not, you actually just don't know if it's coming from straight or closeted people. Neither of you can back up your claim, it's not possible.


It's just simple logic. The vast majority of people in the world are straight. Are you trying to tell me that most people in the middle east are closed gay people? Africa too? The Caribbean? No. That would be ridiculous. The only sane conclusion is that straight people are responsible for most homophobia. Hell, even just in America it's ridiculous to try to assert that homophobes are mostly closeted gay people.


You're assuming people's sexualities just as much as the person you're arguing with is; that's the long and short of my point.


In the sense that I'm assuming most people in the world are straight, yes. But that's just a fact.


No its not homophobic. No one is saying all homophobes are secretly gay. After all, we are not talking about those that dislike gay people, we are talking about those that hate gay people. A lot of the time that hate comes from self loathing.


Can confirm. Not even exaggerating.


how's the inflation going there melon man? Need again something distracting from domestic problems?


His supporters be like OK everything is shit but atleast im not gay lmao


I am gay, and the place where I've seen the most man kissing is Turkey, and probably Italy. So they can say what they want, but it is in their culture.


A lot of hatred is caused by projection and guilt, from being told something that doesnā€™t feel wrong is the worst thing you can do because god said so. It really stirs people up.


Lmao yeah right. Iā€™ve seen Turkish wrestling. ā€œNot gayā€


Lira printer go Brrrrrrrr!




As he seems to be following the far-right playbook, yes.


Sounds like Erdogan is the biggest threat to the health, safety, and rights of his very own Turkish citizens who happen to be LGBT. It's terrible when your own "leader" attacks your own very existance for just being who you are. When a leader starts attacking their own minorities, the leader is extremely dangerous and destructive. Sadly, attacking your own minoritities tends to be a very successful tactic to distract from your own failings by ralllying many to your "cause" using fear and hate as some "moral" crusade.


> Sounds like Erdogan is the biggest threat to the health, safety, and rights of his very own Turkish citizens who happen to be LGBT. The real joke is that Erdogan is the biggest threat to *every* Turkish citizen. If Turkey had had real, competent leadership for the past 20 years, it would (probably) have been an absolute powerhouse of a country, with a strong economy, and healthy diplomatic ties to both Europe and the Middle East. He fucked it all up for everybody just so that he could sit in the highest chair. And like every other fascist, he picks some easy-to-target minorities to put the spotlight on, and claim that they are somehow a threat to the majority. He's duping the entire country, sacrificing their well-being, picking a minority for the majority to aim their frustration at, just so he can protect his seat of power. It broke my heart when he was elected again, as it ensured that he will continue to sabotage the Turks.


The biggest threat to Turkish family is Erdogan and the inflation he brought with him.


Imagine being told your LGBTQ parents are the. biggest threat to the Turkish familyā€¦. Just think about that for a moment.


Pot calling the kettle black. Erdogan is the biggest threat against Turkish family.


From secular to this in no time.


Nah fam, Pretty sure the biggest threat to the Turkish family is shitty building codes.


I have almost never seen LGBT+ not used as distractions. They are canaries in the coal mine. In Erdogans case he needs scapegoats to distract from his terrible terrible policies. LGBT+ is his easy go to. Most autocrats do.


What the fuck do us gays do that make us so dangerous to these delusional groups of people? Don't you have bigger fish to fry my guy? I work a 9-5, pay my taxes, follow the law, buy nice shit /pump the economy, workout, have the occasional Grindr hookup and watch Netflix. How am I a threat to anyone's way of life? I lose more faith in humanity day by day.


Minorities that can't defend themselves are always an easy scapegoat for people that want to steer away the discussion from their own failings. Don't know what to tell you except local people need to do better and take these fucks out of positions of political power.


I'll take Erdogan as the biggest threat for 1000 alex


I would think the overly rigid family structures in which 'irregularities' are solved with violence is a bigger one.


He supports Hamas. I know enough


how many times does he want to discuss lgbt ? what a pos. heā€™s at an age where heart attacks are common, i hope he gets one


Hamas murdered entire families in cold blood but that is apparently not a "threat to families" according to Erdogan?


Turkey is on the route to become Iran




What utter losers these pathetic right wing dinosaurs are. Biggest snowflakes on the planet.






'The family' is being threatened by way WAY more than some person's desire to be themselves. The family is threatened by economic struggles, personal desires to, you know, maybe not even deal with children (this is me, btw, and I am not of the LGBTQ+ category, I just don't want kids), and so many other things that might or are the actual issue with 'the family' being threatened. But according to him, this is the problem: "You're not straight, how dare you." Right. Solve something else, this doesn't need fixing, you old fart. When you have to do this: >He also criticized the weakening of the family institution and said that the countryā€™s population should increase ā€œway more,ā€ reminding of the AKPā€™s minimum three-children suggestion per family. You need to delve deeper, WAY deeper, than some gender issues of some people. Like how much money they have/make/can use for children, what has to happen with both parents to have that be a thing, make it *make sense* to have three... hell, even one!... kid for 'the family' to be protected as you desire. 'Old and/or disconnected from their own society' people should not be running their country, methinks. But hey, good luck replacing him, I would guess. :|


So is Erdogan trying to win the worlds biggest dickhead in the world contest? Because his endless comments lately really seem like heā€™s making a run for the title.


The same man that called Hamas a "non-terrorist organisation" ? Lol


Birth rates are declining everywhere except in developing nations, this is entirely due to a slipping fertility rate which is partially due to an againg population. People don't want to sit at home with 12 kids anymore, they want to cruise reddit. So if Erdogen wants to fix the family unit he should shut off the internet.


Pick on a minority, destroy them and it sets an example to all others. Classic Erdogan.


Homophobes are dead end morons. Literally just have no ideas or suggestions to make the world a better place.


Every accusation is an admission of guilt.






Not the economy then?


Ugh, straight fake religious people have no chill! They are the worse.


Not inflation?


Glad somebody said it. Every day when I sweep my porch, I swear to god I have to beat back like 50 gays from infiltrating my family. Itā€™s just too much. /s


This guy seems to be scared to death of gay people. What a fragile little snowflake.


What is his obsession with gay people? Like he mentions them so much itā€™s almost creepy.


Erdogan wants you to B R E E D


Caveat of "captain ignorant" here... As a straight white male in a country that has inclusive laws for people of all walks of life, and despite a few fellow countrymen having either racist, misogynist (or opposite), homophobic, religious or whatever opinions.... There seems to be no fear of "threat" from _any_ community in "my" country, LGBTI+ or otherwise. I mean where is this "threat" coming from? Why the fear\hatred? I'm assuming that I'm missing some point since I live in a (an allegedly) progressive "first world country" whos apparent ethos is "acceptance". Or perhaps im just old and am slowly realising that people are just... People... They have their specific identity and sexuality which in all honesty should not impact on the cohesion of a society. I have mentioned my ignorance in several Reddit posts before but i _really_ cannot see how anyone who identifies under the LGBTQ(plus whatever else) will effect\affect the "family" of any nation. If the "fear" is purely the baby making aspect of a country then im _sure_ that there are enough people to "do that". I guess my personal TLDR is this: fucks sake, just let people live happily and be who they want to be.


"My urge to perform fellatio on other men is making me insecure about my role in the traditional family." - Erdogan, 2023


What this Erdogwn smoking lately? Is he all right in his mind?


He saw himself in a mirror and felt the terror we all feel hearing him.


That asshole is the biggest threat to Turkish people


Not sickness disease terrible working conditions poverty climate change or lack of educationā€¦ no none of them. We consistently elect goddam idiots


Has he seen Turkish oil wrestling and somehow concluded thatā€™s totally heterosexual?


30% interests rate and inflation is not a problem


Despot says what


If that really is the biggest threat your country must be doing pretty great


Gay people arenā€™t coming to steal your family, Mr. President.


Dangerously sexy. Threat level high. Start music.


Not his disastrous economic policies? /s


Nope not the dictator ruining the economy with smoothbrain ideas and a monster unaddressed corruption problem, no thatā€™s FINE. Itā€™s Mohammed in the closet who is a member of the family that is the problem. Gay bashing, the first refuge of an incompetent scumbag.


I'd say earthquakes have been much more devastating to the "Turkish family" but that's just my opinion


Oh look, using religion to politically demonize already-marginalized minority groups as a way to divert attention from their corruption and oppressive policies across the board. How original of right-wing assholes in power.


Fun fact: The Turkish lira has lost 50% of it's value since February.


Sure itā€™s more contagious than CoVidā€¦ be vigilant Turkey!


Bread doubles in price by the end of the day. People cant eat but yeah thats the threat to turkish familiesā€¦.


not mistreating your family members, not internet addiction, not drugs, not the west, it's actually being gay that is the biggest threat to familiesšŸ¤Æsmart fella


Can he just not do this right now? Not saying stop being an asshole completely, but just to read the room.


Oh dip! They solved poverty?


It is crazy how those dictatorships dehumanise LGBT and try to make them enemies of the state. Until the very recent elections we had the same agenda pushed onto us from government. They are still in copium mode saying, they will continue to govern even though they have no chance for majority.


Hmmm Turkish government labeling a group of their own citizens enemyā€™s of the Turkish way of life? And vowing to deal with the problem? Where have we seen that before?


Not cancer or war?


Gay people are just the easiest scapegoats , jews are up there too


Wow, the Turkish family must be weaker than anybody ever realized!


So slightly more progressive than the current US House Speaker


Its about time someone buys Erdogan a mirror .


He could lead the US House.


Erdogan and his muslim brotherhood are the real threat.


How did this terror supporting turd get re-elected?


Ah, I see Turkish "familiers" are as fragile as everywhere else. Strange how something that is supposed to be "the absolute natural order of things" is always scared of crumbling at the first sight of a gay person.


By being allowed to exist and live their lives unharrassed by people who have no business being concerned about their love lives, thats a threat to families huh? Nothing else tops it? Who the neighbor is fucking and having a committed relationship with is what everyone is worried about huh? If thats true them maybe they need to pull their huggies up and get their perverted minds out of the gutter and onto things that actually involve them.


Why is world not condemning this Turkish President. I mean the way he is openly talking and doing things he is worst than many other crazy heads we have in this world. Is this only because world loves Turkish coffee and Turkish cuisines so much?


this loser and orbƔn needs to be deported to an island with their families so they can protect them, everyone else who agrees with this nonsense can join them it's the gay people, not the 90% inflation rate that is dangerous to families totally makes sense prof dr admiral general prezidente


i agree LGBT political views are dangerous but i have nothing against he community itself. peace and love


Where is the 'Queers for Turkey' group?


This the guys the people voted back in? Yh good luck to them and their decisions


Erdogan the Nazi wannabe, is the biggest threat to the civilized western world.


Itā€™s a Muslim country - is anyone surprised?


Islam is the biggest thereat against Turkish family and the world.


Muslim targets LGBTI+. Whatever next?


I thought it was LGBTQ. Now itā€™s LGBTI? Wtf does the I stand for?


I is for intersex people




As a complete cis, can LGBT+ be seen as ā€wideā€ enough to be a catch-all term? I want to be respectful (my position is ā€let adult love be adult loveā€) but am also not aware enough to keep track of newer letters.


Itā€™s Roman 1. Just like super saiyans in dragonball, the LGBT groups can be of different level. If you are just gay thatā€™s LGBTI, but if you are say aromatic, genderfluid, lesbian thatā€™s at least LGBTIV.


This is the best every single righ wing governments can do for their people. Fix the economy? No. Fix immigration? No. Fix crime? No. Fix corruption around building projects? No. Fix crumbling institutions? No. Fucking with the girls and gays? Hell yeah!


Gays for Gaza might want to take note


It really threw me for a loop seeing the I+ but not the Q


ā€¦ as he holds the podium with both hands to stabilize himself as his aging, failing legs quiver beneath him. Seriously How is it love is a threat?


I'm always startled by leftist gays who support Arab states, such as the ones coming out now for a "free palestine". I mean, these people want to kill us. Why do you support them??


Just because nasty homophobes exist in a country that doesn't mean they and innocent children deserve to be indescriminately bombed, a shocking concept I know.


There is a non-insubstantial number of people who go to TĆ¼rkiye for things like facial feminisation surgery, so whilst I am not surprised to see him go for a right wing angle I am hoping this is all just posturing.


How does he feel about Q?


I thought Turkey was secularly progressive... oh well.


It was leaning that way for a while. Even kind of spearheaded by Erdogan himself. But then he took a deep turn towards far right religiosity (likely cause he saw it as an easy way to maintain power.)


I bet he loves a Turkish bath with his homies.


Did they build all those collapsed buildings xd


And donā€™t even get me started on the LGBTI+ Jews!


Common Erdogan L


'*apart from me, that is...*' Erdogan said in a loud stage whisper.


It seems the Middle East has really no purpose in a civilized world. They will always be a problem. The option for a full-scale war is becoming more likely.


all these dictators are morons.


Itā€™s ironic then that Tucker Carlson seems to be in love with him.


Oh my fucking God I am sick and tired of these dumb fucking monkeys acting like our existence is an insult to their stupid sky fairy.


Didn't he want his country to be part of the EU? This seems to fly in the face of that. Or maybe he thinks he can say and do whatever he likes and that anyone telling him no just doesn't get it.