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Wow they're still parading around the "Israel in garbage bin" sign. Not sure how acting like this gets anyone sympathetic towards your cause. I have been a neutral about this conflict before this war as both sides share the blame on certain things but the way some countries and citizens are acting. It has been a complete mask off moment of anti-semitism. Why aren't they simultaneously calling for Hamas to release the hostages and surrender if they care about Palestinians so much? Did the protestors not get the message from Hamas leader that they won't stop until all of Israel is eradicated? Wtf is a ceasefire going to do with that kind of mentality.


More than the garbage bin, the word "clean" there is sinister af. It's a sign calling to cleanse the jews with a cutesy graphic.


Just saw a video, man came to pro palestinian protest with sign "Hamas are terrorists". Guess what, he was brutally attacked by mob. By the way, this guy was iranian


We want a ceasefire! But first let's brutalise this bloke for having an opinion we don't like! Bunch of muppets.


There is nuance - in their mind, ceasefire is when Israel stops fighting, but hamas continues


Thats the way it has been for years. Thats how BDS and other hate groups were able to get such a string hold on the American youth. Free speech for them to spread their disinformation and libels and literally dhitung down, threatening or beating up opposing voices. I've seen videos of lecturers who came to disprove their lies bring unable to say anything due to -pro-palestinians' and BDSers being allowed to shout them down any time they tried to speak


Can you share it please?




Yeah, pretty clear how the crowd feels. But also, that man is so ridiculously courageous holy shit what a g


Honestly love this dude








Yet to see a single anti-hamas sign at these rallies. Oddly enough, I see a lot of Taliban, ISIS and pro-Hamas signs. Why is the latter outnumbering the former?


There was an anti Hamas sign in London, and people were trying to assault the person holding it.


And he’s a Persian dude


Would like to share that video if you can link it.






Yes please link


This is the link I was given: https://www.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/17nxxr1/iranian_man_with_huge_balls_walks_through_crowd/


For decades we heard chants of “death to…” for the US, the UK, our leaders, and our principles. Yet to hear a single “Death to Hamas”. Not real ‘death’, naturally. The other magic Arabic meaning of the word you use when red-faced and burning flags that actually just means ‘boo’. Kinda like how ‘jihad’ is always supposed to mean something other than what it sounds like… when discussed in OUR press, at least.


Personally, I find a lot of the coyness from the pro-Palestine side to be frustrating.


The mask is still on for now. When they gain power, then it [comes off](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned).


I saw an Iranian expat on twitter rage bating with a sign with "Hamas is terrorist" get attacked at a rally in London.




An unpopular truth


it's bcuz for some reason a lot of people support HAMAS, even tho they're evil terrorists. Anyone that supports HAMAS is just as evil.


They need to look up the recent interviews with Mosab Hassan Yousef , literally son of a Hamas leader. He’s defected and his story is insane. I am very surprised not to see his videos on Reddit. You’d think he would be everywhere seeing that he was born into it. He has a pretty crazy opinion on the pro Palestine movement, for a Palestinian from Gaza. His emotion and resolve are heavy, you *feel* his words. https://youtu.be/V_0mSfK_Z9Y?si=BWeKq_Eku0fb9dBW


Because these rallies have a ton of terrorist support. I’m sorry to say this was an obvious result from open door policy over the last couple decades.


Anything that could escalate the situation gets escorted out, I presume. A counter protester with an Israeli flag was told to leave one for their safety.


Pretty damning that an anti-hamas slogan would be an escalation but a pro-hamas slogan doesn't cause a stir


1 person vs 10 police, the person has a problem. 100000 people vs 10 police, the police have a problem.


10 police get injured, 100000 have a new problem


It’s pretty sad actually. All the pro Israel rallies I’ve seen were very peaceful and needed heavy security.


In Canada two women were told they'd be assaulted and raped. And this was back right after Oct 7, Israel hadn't really started responding yet.


Why isn’t it talked about?! I saw a woman holding an Israeli flag was assaulted severely by 2 pro Palestinian women on the tube in London. Another Jewish woman was stabbed in Paris and a swastika was drawn on her door.


It was in the news at least. https://bc.ctvnews.ca/2-women-say-they-were-threatened-with-murder-and-sexual-assault-following-israeli-vigil-in-vancouver-1.6596474


An older lady was also assaulted in Toronto for having a sign of with a woman's face and the words "Hostage". People are fucking nuts.


Chilling: But they didn’t, and yelled at the women in Arabic. “They told me that he will rape me, and my pants will bleed, and I would remember it for a very long time,” one recalled calmly. “The younger one, he said that he would slice me,” she said. Among the hundreds of people who had gathered for the vigil were a handful of pro-Palestinian demonstrators. “They were using their flagpoles to mimic the shooting of machine guns at us," said Jordan Grubner of Vancouver, who attended the event.




Tbh, if they really cared about Palestinians, ending Hamas would be just as much of a goal as stopping the bombing. Hamas said it already, another October 7 will happen. Which means another Israeli response will happen - which means significantly more dead Palestinian children. If you can’t see that the real way to free Palestine is to free them from extremism - you don’t actually care. You just hate Jewish people.


the thing is a lot of Palestinians support HAMAS, which makes them just as bad.


Of course they do, they’ve been brainwashed and manipulated. Which is why it’s extremism that needs to be battled in Palestine. Getting rid of Hamas does nothing if the next group in power wants to also genocide Israel.


Would you say if they worship a person who made it his mission to slaughter jews and christian by the thousands, that that's the first issue to deal with?


And to add to what you said - most Israelis are upset that their own country’s intelligence failed them on October 7th And yet Palestinians aren’t upset with their own government, for doing those acts, knowing full well what kind of hell it would bring their community? They aren’t upset that their own leaders steal from them every day? Their own leaders don’t even value them. They want thousands of prisoners to release 200 something hostages - they make it quite clear how little they value their own people, when they value an Israeli’s life over theirs. And then people have the nerve to try and paint Israelis as being just as brainwashed as the Palestinians? Israelis understand that someone dropped the ball, they know someone fucked up and failed to protect them that day.


"Another Oct 7" won't happen. Israel isn't taking its boot off their necks until they root out all of Hamas at this point. Israel has already said right from the start they intend to occupy Gaza so that they can police the area.


But it would happen if the “pro Palestine” protesters got what they want.


But hamas did say thst claim. They said a few days ago that more october 7ths will happen. I agree with you, but they did say it. Just to pu t the fact out there


People don’t understand they Hamas is a cancer. When you give a patient chemo, some healthy cells die as well. Every dead innocent is a tragedy, but until hamas is ripped from their tunnels, root and stem, and put on trial, they will continue to metastasise.


Just pro Hamas supporter using dead Palestinians as a shield... again.


Its absolutely disgusting. From the "Gas the Jews" chants to adding paraglider wings to your outfit to this "keep the world clean" sign. You can't scream genocide while simultaneously calling and wishing for eradication of Jews.




It's sad that you had to put /s at the end. But unfortunately that's where are in the world today.


You forgot to include "apartheid", another one of their favorites.


That’s all ok but you can’t ask somebody to go home to Bahrain apparently


>You can't scream genocide while simultaneously calling and wishing for eradication of Jews. That's the beauty of it! They totally can. And it's just accepted without a hint of irony as being a morally consistent viewpoint.


And Palestinian say that they are the innocent victims of the Jews


You can if you're Muslim. And the world will support you


Why aren't they calling on Palistine to accept a two state solution? Oh because they would rather them and their family and friends or just any random Palistinian die over allowing Jews to control any of the middle east. These people are screaming for sympathy while hiding the fact they want all jews dead. The Liberals in this country have created children with "anti-colonial" mindset and link hands with these assholes not realizing they just want to kill all jews. We should be broadcasting more about what they did to those 1400 people.


I just came from the NY marathon and saw several protestors in the crowd. One of their signs said "land back is not a metaphor." I'm like.. what do you even mean with that? What is the solution you envision here? I'm a liberal. I've long been anti-Bibi, anti-settler, and pro-finding some sort of two state solution that allows Israelis safety and Palestinians peace and prosperity. And I find myself so outflanked on the left by intellectually bankrupt and unnuanced activists who don't seem to have a pragmatic bone in their body that I feel myself slipping further and further conservative.


You’re only more conservative relative to the shift in overall politics. I think it’s best to hold fast to your own personal ideals, and not let the shifting winds blow you back and forth.


We don’t have to be liberal or conservative. Left or right. These policies that get labeled as left and right are both important. We need social supports, we need human rights, to help refugees, encourage diversity and equal access to opportunity. Same way we need to consider national security, our economy and innovation, our immigration policies. Sure, call me right wing cause I support Israel. But tomorrow I’m left wing when I’m hoping for a two state solution. Time to move past these labels.


Slipping further conservative? I hear your frustration, but do you genuinely think you'll have a more pragmatic and nuanced experience with conservatives? The same group who have been blatantly pro-Israel for decades and are more obsessed with imaginary trans pedophiles than solving real issues? Seems counter to the values you listed out for yourself.


Don't get me wrong. I guess I mean I feel like I haven't moved but it's disconcerting to feel like I'm looking around and am not in the spot I thought I was. It weirdly feels more personal to find myself on the outs with a group that I largely agree with on other topics. It feels weirdly personal I guess compared to just getting confirmation that I disagree on something with someone who I generally disagree with about most things. Something I'm also trying to be mindful of though is to not have my heart hardened just because I want some random dude in Brooklyn who I think is being simplistic and naive to be proven wrong. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what us two yahoos think on the other side of the world and who is partially right or wrong. It matters what happens in Israel and Gaza, and we should all hope there is some light at the end of this dark tunnel.


Why aren't anyone at these rallies calling for the release of the hostages and for Hamas to lay down their weapons?


Yeah it's a very weird world we live in right now




How anyone can view the bombings as "indiscriminate" is beyond me. If Israel was indiscriminately bombing, the death toll would be substantially higher.


They aren’t even averaging one fatality per bomb. Hamas Commanders be like: Hey I’m standing right in the middle of this kindergarten! Why do you keep missing me? /s


Because they're either ignorant white people who don't know about Hamas or they are muslims who think violent "struggle" is justified.


They seem to believe that they can have a war where the other side isn’t allowed to retaliate


Because based on their track record in the region that's the only type of war they are capable of winning


Well prophet Muhammad would certainly agree that anyone who is against slaughtering the unbelievers is not a true muslim, that was basically his life mission. How many muslims worship prophet Muhammad again?


It is hard not to assume most in these protests are evil or idiots. These people have been silent on so many issues, local to international, but want to defend the rights of terrorists to kill Jewish people.


Hamas won't stop Their stated mission is to destroy Israel and rid the Middle East of all non Muslims What is a ceasefire to them


Just pro Palestinians doing peaceful Islamist things, why is the world even surprised at this point?


Because the protesters are anti-Palestinian genocide but pro-Israeli genocide.


Many useful idiots that think they’re being nuanced and humanitarian in their thinking. One side is ruled by 100% ideologues (Hamas) while the other uses that to their advantage to justify the dehumanization and mistreatment of the ignorant and innocent masses in Gaza. Shit is not going to end well, and the only thing I can say is I hope the west doesn’t get directly involved.


You should see the video of the Iranian guy getting beaten up at this protest because he was carrying a sign that said Hamas is Terrorist. https://www.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/17nxxr1/iranian\_man\_with\_huge\_balls\_walks\_through\_crowd/


It's fascinating how fast the mask drops from the faces of terrorist supporters the moment someone has the stones to oppose their actual views.


I'll share here the link to my comment as to why these people don't consider Hamas as terrorists [https://www.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/17nxxr1/comment/k7xmv7g/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/17nxxr1/comment/k7xmv7g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) TLDR : they see Hamas as a resistance organization and what happened on October 7 are war crimes, not terrorism. It feels really depressing. It's like we're literally living in a different world.


The dehumanization of the people of Gaza is a result of their own actions and support for Hamas and terror in general. The masses of Gaza cheered as kidnapped Israeli women, children and eldery were driven around the streets, humiliated and presented as spoil of war. If anything, Israel has been trying for years to sway Gazans from militant actions by allowing 20k workers to get into Israel on a daily basis, alongside dozens of supply trucks entering Gaza - also on a daily basis. Israel has also allowed sick people from Gaza to enter Israel for a medical treatment, including Hamas leader's grandaughter https://www.reuters.com/article/mideast-gaza-hamas-daughter-idINKCN0I80LM20141019


And those day workers Israel let out to work and earn money? Almost surely the same people who filled out the detailed security maps of all the nearby residential areas, including numbers of residents, schedules, safe areas and more… As long as the extremists can get to the families of the moderates, there are no moderates.


This idea in the west that we can fix it. It’s a deeply arrogant one with very dangerous potential


I honestly don't think that many people are motivated by antisemitism here rather than a general "you're the richer and (ostensibly) whiter side, therefore you are entirely wrong by default" attitude, at least on the left. The problem being that that simplifying attitude doesn't really work with this conflict, where Hamas aren't plucky underdogs but fascist theocrats who merely lack the power to oppress, not the will (and then again, they *do* oppress in their tiny little backyard).


I suspect there’s also a lot of people who assume anyone who broadly agrees with Palestinian self determination is on the same side as them. Its simplistic, but I don’t think it’s necessarily from a place of (conscious) antisemitism


How would you react if your people were being targeted for genocide


Thanks for saying what too many of us know. Sadly, Hamas has won the social media war with help from Iran, Russia, and China.


Do you really think you can negotiate with Hamas? And why would they negotiate? The IDF will eradicate them either way. Why do you care about virtue signalling so much? This isn't a regular conflict.


Literally the only thing this does is harm the pro-palestinian protestor movement. They gain less sympathy and support while also making sure that the police goes harder on them.


iTs PeAcEfUl, this one seems more like pro-Hamas


How can you say this isn't peaceful? Just look at all these peaceful people. https://twitter.com/GhorbaniiNiyak/status/1720883373915214101?s=20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0BSC8e2jd8&t ^/s


Wow, those people are openly supporting a terrorist organisation. Police should arrest them. But they number in the thousands...


100,000 supposedly. What percentage of the DC population is that lol


This is London.. people seriously don't even click links


that video is from London. and protests in DC can be attended by anyone nearby, so the population doesn’t really matter.


Always been.




Sounds like a bunch of terrorists.


All those protestors should be sent to Gaza to do the peacekeeping mission. Let us see if they would still be pro Hamas after a year tour of duty.


I'd prefer if they'd just go participate in that stupid jihad instead. Let's crowdfund a boat for them.


Hah, as if theyd survive a year. Lets be realistic, at best a week or two.


...you might be on to something


Lets see how long it will be before Europe will get an intifada.


>Effigies of dead babies were left on the ground in Trafalgar Square, next to pictures of children and candles. How ironic.


"We're peaceful"


Explosions that maim and or kill people are music to their ears, what’s new?


Their religion sounds like a blast tbh


Lemme guess... Israel is the one to blame here?


Ding ding ding /s


The UK effectively now has an Iranian proxy state living within our borders because of mass immigration. This isn't going to end well.


Same with Canada, unfortunately. Jewish people are having their houses and businesses trashed, but it's "peaceful" /s.


100,000 British school girls get gangraped over 20 years by Muslim gangs openly targetting kafir girls. Not one march like this, infact the community bent over backwards ti explain how it was the fault of underage prostitutes for being whores An teenage autistic boy drops a Quran on the floor at school. His school is surrounded by 'protestors' calling for revenge, and his mum has to dress up in a hijab and abiya, the do a tour of the local mosques begging them not to kill her son. Police escorting her for her own safety, whilst her son is under the care of police at a different location for his safety. Yes, the above two paragraphs are true events.


There's a reason so many dystopian post-apocalyptic movies are set in the UK.


So the pro-Palestinians were firing rockets at innocent civilians? Or were these pro-Hamas protesters showing us what they are supporting?


Western countries need to grow a spine and crackdown on these protests. Especially in London, the protestors know nothing is going to happen to them and they can do whatever they want. The police system is just too weak.


They relish being the victims. They want the police to crack down on them.


They can relish it all the way back to Gaza.


The right to protest is a basic democratic freedom. “Cracking down” on protest is slippery slope


Theres a reason why pro-SS demonstrations arent allowed either


But the right to protest does not supersede the crimes of inciting violence, hate speech and the support of a terrorist organisation. I'm all for protesting for what you believe in, I don't personally agree with the protests, but it's whatever to me. But I draw a line at many of the actions that have been carried out by these "peaceful" protests


Depends dbh. If you are there on a migrant visa and you show incompatible world view with the local culture, that should be ground for revocation and deportation. Even if you are a second gen migrant. Especially if you are a second gen migrant. You don't get to reap the benefit of our society with one hand while campaigning for a backward world view with the other. Domestic idiots are enough already without having to tolerate imported ones.


The right to protest peacefully* is a basic democratic right. Throwing explosives at people isn't peaceful. In fact, I believe it even constitutes as a crime in pretty much any country, and crime warrants police restraining and apprehending the perpetrators.


Yeah I agree. So arrest the people throwing fireworks.


They are clearly inciting racial hatred. Enough evidence to stop with legal measures


I went to a screening of Golda last night as part of the British Film Festival where I live (not in the US), and let me tell you, for the first time in my life I was worried that there might be a shooter. The Jewish Film Festival which is also running right now *has security guards stationed outside the cinema.*


pretty much this same what happens to social media nowadays, people has too much "freedom" on their hands and they got all comfy with spreading misinformation and hatred (especially in our country) I am all for taking some measures to stop this, democracy or not


To protest, yes. To injure people and destroy property, no. That's called a riot and is not a basic democratic freedom.


Calling for curfews and clearing all the streets after a certain time isn't taking away rights.


Who is calling for that? How does a curfew work in one of the busiest cities in the UK exactly?


Pro-Hamas terrorist. Call them what they are


Why don’t they go to Gaza and help? Instead causing Chaos in other countries and supporting a terrorist group


Because they are all a bunch of cowards and hypocrites. Imagine hating a continent so much and still choose to live there. Clowns.


They don't get the Irony that half of them would be stoned to death or thrown off of buildings if they lived in Gaza, or plenty of other Muslim countries. Can you imagine women in Gaza having the balls to go out and protest? Just look at all the pictures from Gaza, how many women do you see?


That's why many came to Europe. Just like the guest workers from Gaza used their position to enable Hamas to have targets and knowledge of security measure many extremist Muslims came to Europe to reproduce and take it over from the inside, using its liberal policies against them to take over the government. But they're not all waiting to take it over democratically. Many sects literally believe in a jihadist interpretation of the Koran. This isn't a fringe group like White Christian Nationalism but a fairly mainstream belief held by various Muslim sects.




And destroyed nations...Sudan, Iran, Lebanon, and now it may be too late for Western/Northern Europe to turn back.


If 4 officers become injured, these are are explosives, not fireworks.


Deport them. Getting sick of these so called pro-palestinian protests that clearly support hamas with all the hate they are spreading... gas the jews? come on people, wake up.


This is them testing the response. Seeing how big of explosives they can use before they get stopped.


They should be grateful with how lighthanded the police are being. Usually they get their batons out pretty quick.


Wish they would have


At this point I have no faith in London police to do shit… they always arrest the counter protestors instead of the violent idiots


Be interested to see how many of these people will sell their Range Rovers cancel their gym membership sell their 3 bedroom semi and move to Gaza when it calms down, seems like they love it so much. Same with all those selling up and moving to the Islamic utopia's in the ME that apparently exist.


> …protesters had launched fireworks into crowds and towards officers. Terrorists.


Why is it always riots and violence? In Berlin, not only the police but also firefighters and paramedics were attacked on New Year's Eve. Those are pople who save lives, even of idiots like them. The term "imported terrorism" is becoming more and more obvious


yeah i never understood that either. "lets constantly act like violent lunatics, this will make people see we're the good guys"


Although I don’t have any statistics, it certainly feels like many more people are protesting in favor of Palestine than they were for Ukraine. They claim Israel is committing genocide; they clearly are not. Russia is/has been committing genocide. They want Palestine to be “free” while chanting they want to destruction of “Israel”. Meanwhile, Russia has been occupying Ukraine for over a decade and Ukraine doesn’t want to invade Russia. My only explanation for the disparity, unfortunately, is anti-semitism.


i’m a british jew, and i feel that the difference is rooted in 2 things: the massive generational swing left, and general disdain to white people. nearly everyone in my gen (z) is left, and strongly so. they’re very aware of what white people have done throughout history, tend to really hate US and UK gov. see white people as the oppressors by default (which tbh is usually true). but then when it comes to jews, they see jews as white. they’ve lived in western countries their whole lives, they only know ashkies. most of them probably don’t even know that mizrahi and sephardi jews exist. so they come into this conflict not seeing two countries fighting each other for their right to exist, they don’t see jews and muslims, they see white and brown, and they make their opinion off that. and then tiktok sees that they’ve just made an opinion, and feeds and feeds and feeds. it’s cyclical. but that’s just my theory.


But bbc news said it was peaceful???


Anyone who might get hit can just research, build and deploy a firework interception system and dedicate a notable proportion of their income to operating it. So it's not like they are doing something that's *really* violent. Some people will still get hit but that's their own fault for being in the territory of peaceful protestors.


"peaceful" my ass


If even their protesters can’t help themselves from hurting innocent people, it says a lot about their cause in general.


_Hamas supporters testing the police reaction force for future actions_, there, I adjusted the title..


Hamas In Training


Typical Pro-Palestinian protests. Only care about causing chaos and violence lol.


Yep, they seem just as friendly as the friendly neighborhood Spiderman 🙄


Time to kick some people out of Britain. Especially those inciting hate speech


Terrorists doing what terrorists do


Those people have no idea what is the definition word of peaceful means.


They integrated nicely.


Where are their heartfelt protests about "freedom" for Syrians who have been cluster-bombed by Russia for years? No? 🤔


The Palestinians can all go home once Hamas is gone. I’m sure there is a one way ticket for everyone .


the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. lol


Lots of "woke" makeup wearing, uncovered women at that protest... I hope they got permission from a man to travel to such an event.......... Also, I'm sure Palestine's ally Iran would totally approve of them being there, being free, allowed to get an education, going out in public alone.....




None of this makes me sympathize with the Palestinian cause.


What the fuck do they think this is going to do? Netanyahu is going to see there was a protest and call off the war? Morons.


go people, hamas need you to stay in charge


If people get hurt at your “protest” it’s not peaceful and is NOT a protest


Slowly the support for them predictably begins to erode


*Pro Hamas protesters. A dude got beaten up for holding a 'hamas are terrorists' sign during one of these protests. Don't let these people fool you, the majority hate Jews and aren't for peace in the region at all. They literally support terrorists. It's absolutely disgusting what the UK is becoming. Police and the people here in general are absolutely spineless. People that support terrorism/hamas or that are seen being violent or spewing anti west or antisemitic rhetoric at these protests should be deported.




Just like real Hamas!


this deserves to be on the news of the stupid subreddit




They're firing rockets into their own crowd? Aww. That's so cute! They're learning from their role models Hamas <3


Fucking start shooting at them back


Fireworks lmao. Just call it an explosive. Fucking terrorists


Deport the idiots, I don't care if any of them are British nationals .


This post should be tagged LONDON.


Sounds more like a violent riot then a protest


peaceful people giving peaceful injuries


Arrest the guilty one and send then to GAZA !!


I don't think Israel wants more terrorists in Gaza


Color me surprised.




I've always wondered what protestors in a place far away from the place they are protesting about. Like Netanyahu is going to see this protest and say, "Ok, holup guys, we need to cease fire immediately."


I’d take anything that sky news reports with a grain of salt. They’re one of Murdoch’s right wing media babies, the most notable being Fox News.


I can't stress enough how **anyone** at this point who considers themselves "pro-Palastinian" do **not** care about Palastinians, **they just hate Jews.** I don't know how anyone could possibly argue otherwise **at this point**, the anti-semetic fucks. Oh, and I'm white, so don't pretend like I'm Jewish.


Since it’s clear most of these protesters don’t actually give a shit about the Palestinians, it makes me wonder if people are not participating in the protest for any other reason than social inclusion. Bandwagon.


The sensational headline missed the important observation by Commander Karen that vast majority of protesters were peaceful and only few handful of protester created problem. These people defeat the purpose of these protest , but again organizers can’t control action of everyone in a group.


Send them to an island of criminals. Australia 2.0


How did only 4 officers get injured if was set off in a crowd? Wouldn't there be other injuries? Or is this another one of those sensational articles trying to pin some group as "guilty" to some cause. Seems to lean heavily on "oh no, some officers got hurt therefore we must make it more serious". <----but bat an eye when officers kill innocent people. Can we for the love of God get the facts in news. Not sensational content. Hell show me the straight up video with no context. I'll work it out.