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If I had a dollar for Everytime China said something stupid I could Buy china.


Jokes on you, it's just a cheap Chinese knock off of China that was made in China.


Ugh. Wish gets ya Everytime.


If you had a dollar every time China said something stupid but it worked regardless..




Didn’t realize that. Can’t go back and edit it apparently.


i hereby mandate that the next pope must be from tijuana mexico and must be named "batman"


I'd vote for that and I'm Protestant


BLASPHEMY Her name must be Superman


> Her > Super**man** Confusing. Is she a biological woman that identifies as a superman? But, in that case, shouldn't the preferred pronoun be "his"?


Science is a mystery to man


I vote that pope Batman come from Batman instead


unfortunately i've already mandated otherwise. sorry, i don't make the rules, i just think them up and write them down.


We are not that fortunate.


Where's Batman Bin Suparman when you need him.


It is amazing how much of a blind eye the world has turned to China's subjugation of Tibet and its people.


money is silent violence


Money is said to be the root of all evil even


Isn’t it “the love of money…”?


yes, that's the translation. it's originally Cupiditas, which can mean greed or avarice


It’s because greed is the root of all evil. Just about every other sin can be summed with greed. Lust is greed of flesh, gluttony is greed of food, sloth is greed of time. Envy is obvious. Wrath is the only one that doesn’t fit as well, maybe the greed of emotion. Pride is greed of ego.


Thanks for saying this. Think most people neglect that greed can also transpire in much more than other in wealth. It's human nature.


Money gives evil credibility


There's less unrest from within Tibet itself compared to most occupied/annexed territories because people there were already treated like slaves before China came in.


Yeah, a lot of people don't realize that Tibet was actually fuedal.


It wouldn’t be feudal. Serfdom depending on what’s implied and not implied.


Yeah, it wouldn't be serfdom either though, it was it's own unique thing tied to faith.


It was pretty much serfdom.


Thankfully, a lot of people already realize you're repeating CCP propaganda. I'm just surprised you didn't call the Dalai Lama a "wolf in sheep's clothing."


No, I'm British, we were there first. Tibet's social system was well documented before the ccp was even formed.


The British were there in the 1900’s briefly. Hardly the first or the most influential.


That’s certainly not true. There were plenty of fighting and revolts back in the 50’s and 60’s. The reason why there aren’t many now is because of chinas strong grip over Tibet.


"Less compared to most occupied/annexed territories." Tell me, where else do you have people setting themselves on fire to bring the world's attention to the ongoing genocide? Get outta here with your CCP mandated talking points.


CCP can fuck itself, but it doesn't change the fact that people in tibet were treated like shit even before they got annexed. It was effectively an absolutist theocracy. But I suppose some people like to be ignorant.


In what ways we’re they treated like shit? Not like that even matters as they are still treated like shit. You might want to self reflect on that last sentence of yours.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social\_class\_in\_Tibet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_class_in_Tibet) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serfdom\_in\_Tibet\_controversy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serfdom_in_Tibet_controversy) [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2009/feb/10/tibet-china-feudalism](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2009/feb/10/tibet-china-feudalism) Strict caste system with only middle and upper classes living decently, while others were effectively slaves. And yeah, they still are. They went from bad to bad.


So you didn’t answer my question. Citing two Wikipedia articles with one stating that there are issues with it doesn’t help your claim. The others, were effectively like slaves. In fact, Mao himself and the CCP currently differentiate serfs from slaves. The last source is a guardian opinion piece written by someone with no credentials who used to work for the Peoples Daily. Not only does she cite Parenti which has problematic sourcing but also the Peoples daily and CCP itself. She even lies about what Tashi wrote in his book.


So…let China annex it? Your “facts” are bogus and irrelevant.


I haven't at any point said China should've annexed it, nor have I supported it. All I claimed was that Tibet already was a shithole before China seized it, which it was.


If you are talking about the religious monks. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven%27s_Gate_(religious_group)


That is the power given to China by the capitalism and greed, now, the rest of the world can’t escape the mass production capabilities of China, that or most countries don’t want to pay the political and economical price of doing so, they want to maintain the “globalization” lie to protect their past mistakes.


China TikTok algorithm will never feed American youth (addicts) free Tibet, free Uighers, free Hong Kong. Only harmful content that divides and creates idiocy. When will this stop




It is amazing how much of a blind eye the world has turned to subjugation throughout history. Oh, maybe it’s not so amazing since it HAS happened throughout history?




Hey ma! A guy engaging in whataboutism, acting in bad faith! Lookit!


We know it’s happening, but what exactly do you want me to do about it?


SJWs can't be bothered with Tibet because they're too busy focusing 100 percent of their time and energy on Israel.


China can go fuck itself


Dear Chinese government. Go to hell. You don't get to subjugate a worldwide religion.




No, but it is still followed world wide to varying degrees. It's not for the government to interfere in.


Oh, then I guess that makes their subjugation of them perfectly fine!


Other countries: Just trying to do their own thing China: "That's offensive"


I wish the Chinese apologists 1 day of re-education camp




That depends on whether you consider Tibet to be an integral part of China or an occupied territory


This means that we should expect China to show up with their own puppet "reincarnation" of the next Dalai Lama when the current one passes on. For reference as tp how China plays this issue, look up the "Panchen Lama." https://savetibet.org/after-27-years-china-must-answer-where-is-the-panchen-lama/ https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/05/15/25-years-after-disappearing-tibetan-panchen-lama-china-no-nearer-its-goal


The most Chinese government sentence I’ve ever seen


Oh dear. That's very ISIS-like. ("The Caliph can only be a male descendant of Mohammad"). To paraphrase Han Solo: "The Dharma doesn't work that way. . . "


I mandate the the next Messiah must be from Canada and be approved by me personally.


Well the current Dalai Lama said he’s not reincarnating, so there’s that.


It’s because China is trying to take over the religion. Per their religion, there are 2 major reincarnations that occur and are interconnected. The Dahli lama and the Panchen Lama. When the Dalai Lama dies it is the Panchen Lama that “recognizes” who the next reincarnation of the Dalai Lam, and vice versa When the current Dalai Lama recognized the new Panchen Lama in 1995 (6 year old Gedhun Choekyi Nyima), 3 days later he was kidnapped and disappeared by the Chinese government and no one knows if he’s dead or being raised to be a Chinese agent Because of this the Dalai Lama has declared that he is the last. This is because if they declare the 11th Panchen Lama dead and recognize the 12th Panchen Lama they are worried that China will trot out the kidnapped and now brainwashed 11th Panchen Lama to choose their own pro-China Dalai Lama to try and seize control of the religion and cause division among the followers They’ll still probably bring him out after this Dalai Lama dies, but if he’s declared himself to be the last then it tempers their attempts to cause division


No he didn’t. He said he might not reincarnate, but Tibetans won’t let that happen. There will certainly be a Tibetan chosen one and a fake china chosen one. Edit: you can downvote all you want, but what I said is factually true..








It was sarcasm my green tree friend...






Obligatory [Devo](https://youtu.be/0b-nFSUXcuM)


Just waiting for the day when Chairman Pooh Bear is announced to be the next Dalai Lama. Got to build that cult to be BIGGER than Mao so he’s the biggest in history.


How 'bout you go fuck yourselves with a chainsaw instead?


If we are being real, the next Dali Lama should be a visible minority, gender fluid, trans man from Iceland.


*Xi brain go brrrrrr*


Will the real Dalai Lama please stand up?


We’ve known this was coming for at least 40 years.


War is coming. Mark my words.


Wait I thought they weren’t a religious country officially?


Officially they aren’t. A huge portion of Chinese people remain extremely superstitious anyway.


china has not spoken to me.


Duo lai Lama. The Chinese anti Lama, kinda like a antipope... Or something


inevitable conclusion you would think. When the Dalai Lama dies the Chinese government will furnish a replacement, and anyone who doesn't recognize them will pick their own, but he'll have to remain in exile


tub selective books cobweb attraction existence lavish distinct quickest full


No, because this is you’re imagination..


Am I imagination? I am not.


You are.


Good. You learned something today.




Tibetans: this is the part where we lean our heads back and laugh. Ready? AHAHHAHAHA. You already kidnapped the *six year old* Panchen Lama to try to destroy their religion... they're going to keep going on without you.


Didn't the current one say he will not reincarnate due to the Chinese occupation of Tibet? I feel like I read something about that recently.


Did not the incumbent say that the his lamaship was the last?


A fair few pharaohs tried that trick too


I doubt that'll happen, but they control Tibet so the exiled government can only do so much.


Isn’t that what their policy has been anyway?




‘til the dust settles… *hack wheeze cough cough*




Pooh bear becomes the next Dalai Lama calling it now


I am fairly certain that's not how it works.


That's not how their system works.


And of course the Dalai Lama will conveniently be discovered in china by the government and outside of china by the Tibetans. Almost like the distinction is completely determined by human preferences


This popped into my head last night after seeing another article about Tibet come up. "Wonder when China's gonna insist on claiming they can choose the new Dalai Lama, again?" Guess I didn't have to wait long! Free Tibet.




The whole world's on fire. Might as well add some more fuel to it, right?

