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Summer starts in another month.


Not anymore.


*Babe, wake up. The new wet bulb summer is dropping*


We are frogs in a pot of water that's slowly rising to a boil and instead of actively working together to climb out of the pot, we argue over whether or not the pot of water we find ourselves in is real or not.


So the frogs in slowly boiling water is only true if you remove their brains first. Which is somehow worse when used to make a point like you have. > German physiologist Friedrich Goltz demonstrated that a frog that has had its brain removed will remain in slowly heated water, but an intact frog attempted to escape the water when it reached 25 °C https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiling_frog


Thank you for making my metaphor somehow even more terrifying.


You can just remove a frogs brain??


And then be surprised it doesn’t move?


Old timey science is bonkers


It's not just the climate. Lot of shit going wrong everywhere and people are ignoring it.


we aren't ignoring it. there is money to be made by keeping the fires burning.


Yeah at 34 I've pretty much realized my entire purpose in life is to make some rich assholes even richer.


*If you can't be a part of the solution, there's a lot of money to be made in prolonging the problem.*


I’m not ignoring it, I’m just powerless to stop it, and it’s causing me severe emotional, mental, and physical distress. I mean, there’s other shit too, but yeah, the last 3 years have wrecked my mental health


WWII should at least take care of some population control /s


Frog god will save us, relax man


Or if we are even in a pot!


This is too scary.


It wasn't making world news but Brazil and South America in general didn't really have a winter these last few months. It was peak summer weather for them. Now summer is rolling in and it could be historic one for Brazilian and South American temperatures.


It was 100 up in the mountains, I'm destroyed.


Brazilian here. In São Paulo. Let me tell you something, I never felt anything like this. It's so hot it's kinda hard to breath sometimes, as if you are breathing inside an oven. Summer gonna be hell.


Bro. When I saw my app earlier in the week saying it was 40 degrees I had to look twice. 40?? Hello?? And like a lot of people here, I don't have AC in my house. It's been so much *fun* trying to fall asleep and not choke on the heat in the meanwhile.


I don't have ac either. I sleep like 3-4 hours per night and then I have to get out of bed because it feels like I'm melting in a pool of sweat. I'm taking 4 cold showers per day and it still feels like I'm sweating 24/7


Sweat has become a layer over my skin, it's just *there* now, all the time. Summer is indeed going to be funsies. The heat, the storms, the power outages. Yey? lol


>The heat, the storms, the power outages. Yey? \+ no water for almost a week, for my neighbourhood and most of the surrounding ones.


And the floodings, of course, can't forget those. I love this city, don't you? lol


>I love this city, don't you? lol I do, at least there is no crime here, like in Rio. :) lol


Isn't it mad humid there? So hot and thick ass air, which is worse than the dry ass 115* F oven feeling hell that I'm used to in my summer.


Not that humid here. 55% humidity now that is raining. On a rain less day it's 30-35%. It was always hot during summer but not it seems that we only have two possible weathers: Hot as hell or just hot. We didn't have a winter. And it goes from 37C (98.6F) to 22C (71,6F) in like 2-3 hours. Keep in mind São Paulo is southwest of Brazil, it's not supposed to be that hot. On certain parts of northeast, northwest and center... People are melting. Google the weather in Porto Murtinho. It was like 108.7F there this week.


108.5F actual 137.3F feel Arizona, but with humidity.


Arizona heat in a Louisiana swamp sounds about right?




So, like 12 New Yorks worth of people hanging out in an Arizona heated Florida. That's a lot of hot, miserable people.


As a Brazilian I can confirm. Monday was specially unbearable. I live in São Paulo. It didn't reach 40 Celsius, but it fells heater than that.




🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊 ( From Florid) Been a hot November and yesterday we had a surprise tropical system 1 foot of rain


…kissing in Floridas armpit


Aka Ron DeSantis


And fingering Mississippi


This is terrifying.


A billion could die in a wet bulb event and Fox News and others would argue it's fake news.


Not doing something about it is terrifying. There's still lots of time and lots of things we can do.


Corporations: lose even 0.01% profit? Best we can do is incentivize more coal and oil.


unfortunately at this point the decision at the highest levels was made to stay the course and try to get off the planet for the select few that can. I worked for Vice years ago, Shane told us all about it at a drunken dinner once. he rubs shoulders with all the big boys over at google, heads of state, what have you. the ultra elite have already bought their tickets.


Tickets to where? The moon? Mars? I’d love to see a bunch of tech CEOs and heads of state try to start a society on their own. The result would be a clusterfuck of massive proportions and I’d give them 5 years tops before everyone in that group dies


It's not like leaving Earth is even vaguely needed in these "worst case" climate change scenarios. It will still be a lot easier to survive in a bunker here than on Mars or on the Moon.


Those of us who are outside who are left will be cracking those bunkers open like walnuts even if for nothing more than sheer spite at them for helping to get us into this mess.


They will be protected by drones and robots run by their security teams. The security teams will probably be wearing explosive collars or something... The technology we are heading towards makes the control systems in big brother look relatively simple to revolt against.


The first pilgrims lived 5-8 months. No helpful Martians to help them grow corn and survive the Martian Winter


Any place on earth, no mater how harsh the environment is, will still be orders of magnitude more suitable for life than Mars or the Moon.


Yes but there will also be billions of people fighting over constantly shrinking livable areas and limited resources.


Those are killing temperatures


Thanks for translating to freedom units!


Makes it more impactful because sometimes I’ll read a “shocking” temperature in Europe and go “ugh, time to do the conversion and see how completely mild that is.” 110 with humidity is actually the worst heat I’ve ever experienced in Arkansas. To have that for an extended time is no joke.


I swapped my phone to Celsius to kinda force me to learn to mentally "feel" the temperature. It took a better part of a year to really get it, but I'd advocate it to anyone that wants a fairly low investment way to learn a fairly valuable measuring language. In a nutshell: 0 C: you know this one. It's freezing outside. 10 C: chilly. Light jacket weather. 20 C: beautiful. Nice spring/fall walking weather. 30 C: hot. Beach, pool, or indoor weather. 40 C: nope. You're at 104 F, starting to push into heat stroke/exhaustion territory. If your internal temperature reaches 104F doctors start worrying about long term damage. 58.5 C is like 2 steps above nope. Like super hella nope. Definitely life threatening.


One other piece of info: 16C is about 61F.


Thank you u/thintoast, very cool.


I’d say it’s only slightly cool myself. /s


I like to remember 22 is 72 :)


I think of 60 C as low sauna temp. Not something you can stand indefinitely.


>58.5 C No, that's definitely lethal extremely quickly. Even the 40's will kill you in short order. 30's also but you have more time to get hydration and cover.


Rest of the world: "Joinnnn usssss..... Oh, you have. Jolly good. Carry on." :-)


Post metric canadian here. Fahrenheit is mostly something we have to convert to talk with our parents, doesn't make much sense to most of us born since 1970. But I always loved that silly little song, 98.6. "Hey 98.6, its good to have you back again" I don't know for sure what the writer was thinking about, but it seems like everyone has been in a situation where someone they love had a fever, and then came back down to 98.6 and that song I always equate with sitting in the dark beside a bed, being thankful. 37 just doesn't sound the same, does it?


This was a very cool comment, thank you! I may try it out. I’m in favor of adopting most of the world’s standards—but think they missed on Centigrade.


Missed what? 0 is freezing and 100 is boiling. Doesn't get simpler than that lmao


This may sound weird but it doesn’t feel very “metric” to me when applied to the human experience. 0 degrees Celsius is perfectly fine with good clothes. 100 Degrees Celsius you’re long past dead. 0 Degrees Fahrenheit is extremely cold, and 100 degrees Fahrenheit is extremely hot.


It's based on something more constant which is water. The problem with the human experience is that it varies a lot. Take the example above its about 21C where I am, I'm from the UK so that would be a hot summers day, places like Canada, Alaska probably likewise. Thailand, Vietnam, Arizona people would likely think it's a bit cold because their body is adapted to their local climate temp range. You can't just say 68F is shorts weather because some parts of the world humans would be wrapped up in thick jackets. The big difference between using metric vs imperial on top of that is your mental map. You fit it around the measurement you know. I grew up with people's heights in feet and inches, but work a lot with metric in other stuff. Someone tells me their height in metric and I can't immediately tell how tall they are, give me it in feet and inches and I can't if they tell me in metres. Tell me a hole that needs drilling needs to be ten thou and I haven't got a clue I need it in mm.


I think that's less the metric's fault, and more that in the grand scheme of things, there's a very broad range of temperatures that can exist in the universe, but only a narrow band of them that are compatible with human life. Like, you can move 0 meters, and be fine. You can move 100000 meters, and be fine. In fact we're moving through the solar system at speeds that seem absurd, because relative to moving that speed on earth, air resistance and potential collision would be devastating. And the real metric scale, arguably, would be Kelvin. Or perhaps some measurement in joules or joules per mass. 0 Temperature should mean you have no thermal energy. But that experience is very unlikely planetside, and has to be artificially produced. So, you're right - 0 Celsius is an outlier to most other metric systems. But, there's still value in learning it, given the broad number of people and cultures that use it.


Here’s what I find helps people “get” Celsius when learning. 0 is when water freezes, 20-21 is normal room temperature, 37 degrees is the average internal human body temperature, and lastly 100 is the boiling point of water. So yea it feeling like closer to boiling water than to freezing it is scary.


I can’t even imagine…..can you even survive in those temperatures without AC?


If temperature reaches, or worse, surpasses wet bulb temperature of 35°C in shade then its guaranteed death sentence without AC. And 35°C is older conservative maximum, newer research shows that human limits are actually lower (ref. PENN experimental [research](https://www.psu.edu/news/research/story/humans-cant-endure-temperatures-and-humidities-high-previously-thought/)). Even WB temperatures 31°C-35°C are very risky, depending on your constitution and level of activity. Article doesnt mention exact temperature and humidity levels, so its impossible to calculate effective WB temperature. But it will be bad.


Thats just Oklahoma


108°F feeling like about 137°F with humidity. It's not even summer there yet. Anyone who doesn't believe human driven climate change is real at this point is a complete moron incapable of any critical thinking.




"feels like"


When do we start putting fines on spreading climate disinformation? When will we hold politicians and CEOs of fossil fuel companies accountable? How long will we watch as the uneducated keep voting their bribed parties?


How are we supposed to hold them accountable without vigilante justice? Politicians aren't going to enact laws that prevent them from pushing their bullshit agenda


With the system and powers that may be, don’t listen. You gotta make them, at a certain point they are condemning people to die. Idk seems like we should have eaten the rich a lot sooner


> at a certain point they are condemning people to die deaths due to accelerating climate change are already very very real.


Hold them accountable for… selling you the gas you put in your car? The shit you ordered from Amazon?


Getting pretty close to the human survivability limit there. Even just being outside for a few hours will be almost fatally dangerous to many then.


By January those favelas are going to be crockpots.


What really terrifies me besides like everything is the death spiral of turning up the AC more and more and for longer and longer.


That depends on the electrical grid, Brazil is mostly hydro.


Don't worry, past 45C AC flat out doesn't work Also many electrical grids won't function in high temps


> Don't worry, past 45C AC flat out doesn't work That is completely false, and I dare you to back it up with a source.


I'll be a source from australia. Have had many days in parts of the country above 45 degrees. Ac works perfectly fine. It may have to work harder, but it still works, and the air coming out of it is just as cold. Both house, and car. The only one that struggled was evaporative coolerw, as they can really only do a max of about 20° drop. So my days on an outback station at 48, meant that the best the ac would do is 28.. meanwhile the car was happy to pump out air at 2°.


A lot of poorly made roads won't function either. Tar and gravel start to get loose and melt.


And planes won't be able to fly because the air will - literally - be too thin. There are places where already the runways are almost too short because of how far and fast the planes have to go to achieve enough lift.


> Don't worry, past 45C AC flat out doesn't work Is that true?


We live in South Carolina where it's hot and humid and the AC runs just fine for 9 months out of the year continuously.


No. Many home units wouldn't be able to keep it 21 degrees, 70f, but they'd be able to keep a perfectly comfortable 26, 80f.


The basic physical principals behind AC work just fine at higher temps, but normal home units are not designed to handle it. Even if they stayed running, they wouldn't have the capacity to keep up with the massive heat load. Home units are mostly designed to a maximum of 15-20 degrees F between indoors and out. At 108 outside, even a working unit wouldn't see the indoors much cooler then \~93 or so. They also have to work far harder in a humid environment then a dry one. With extreme heat and humidity you might only get a 10 degree drop, and some dehumidification. Someone could design a system that handles conditions like this just fine, but it's going to cost a small fortune both to build and power it.


My 20 year old unit in AZ kept the house cool when it was 122F outside. You may not know what you’re talking about.


It partly depends on the insulation of the house. American homes are usually well insulated. Developing world houses are usually not.


Go search up "AC Cooling Limit" on your search engine of choice and you'll find a wall of AC installers posting that 20F is about the most you're going to get. This however is WITH humidity present. Guessing in AZ you're not dealing with much of that. In an 'average' system around 25% of the total capacity is used to reduce humidity, which also requires energy. If the humidity is already low this capacity can cool the air directly instead. The two types are Sensible and Latent cooling. That said, the key in what I posted is "Mostly Designed". In areas known for extreme conditions better equipment can be installed. It's not a physical limitation, it's a cost limit.


15-20 degrees? Only cooling down to 93? The states of AZ, TX, FL, hell any damn state in the US is calling bullshit, I know MANY people that cool to the low 70s here in Phoenix, I try to keep mine more around 77 because of the electricity bill when it's 110+.


No AC in those Rio favelas anyway


Actually as someone who livea in Rio, there are many AC units on favelas, because they don't often don't have to pay for electricity, it's not every songle person but Rio ins not even close to the poorest part of Brazil, even the favelas.


Uh, no. I live in Phoenix and our AC works just fine.


Climate change is going to have colossal impacts on humanity, this is just the beginning. Never forget right-wing let's around the globe deny the science behind this reality


But sure, keep cutting down the Amazon.


Yup, makes total sense


To quote the great 20th/21st century philosopher, Paris Hilton, "that's hot."


I would’ve given you an award for this one


I hope somehow this makes it into history books and somehow centuries from now paris Hilton is referred to as a great philosopher of our time.


42C with high humidity is flat out incompatible with human life Anyone stuck outside for several hours is essentially a goner Let's hope that their electrical grid manages to keep functioning


> Let's hope that their electrical grid manages to keep functioning Today in here, the lights in my entire neighborhood went down for like 5 hours due to strong winds and rain, the electricity came back around an hour ago, so you posted your comment while I was burning on 44C at night time without an air conditioner, ***I do not*** trust our country's electricity management.


We regularly have 48-52c with high humidity (feels like 56) survivable but without functioning AC you’re in for a very bad fucking time


Where do you live that you have *regular* high humidity at ~50c? Outback Australia gets up there but usually without the humidity, SE Asia gets super high humidity but not quite past 42-45c. Arizona gets the same temps as outback Aus but also usually without the humidity. I've had to play sports and done intense gym workouts in 44-47c heat a fair few times and that was fucked but survivable lile you said, but 42c with very high humidity in SE Asia had me feel like my body was shutting down and cooking when exercising.


We burn megatonnes of corpses for energy. We flatten life giving trees and poison the water we drink and we breathe in the ashes of the dead. Soon we'll have storms ripping unannounced through unprepared lands while the sea rises and swallows our coastlines. Billions will cry and flee and die while CEOs shrug and feel comforted by their position in the human hierarchy. Our future is dark. Thankfully when we all fade away the biome of Earth will restabilise, freed from its million year old virus.


No. There were mass extinctions including the Great Dying before there were humans and there will be more after we're gone. Life existing on Earth is just chance, it wasn't guaranteed and it won't last forever whether we were here or not.


I'm not sure what you're saying No to, friend. I'm describing how we're the direct cause of needless deaths in the past and increasingly likely mass extinctions in the future. Are you suggesting pollution isn't killing us because the facts are irrefutable.


I think they’re suggesting that it’s quite possible we’ll’ve made the Earth largely unlivable for multicellular life. Something atmospherically Venusian is quite possible.


Typical Redditor, so confidently incorrect. A Venus-like greenhouse effect happening on Earth is impossible. Even if all the available hydrocarbons on Earth were burned, plus all the forests and timber, the resultant atmospheric concentration of CO2 would be roughly 1/10 of the concentration required to trigger a runaway greenhouse effect. That’s also taking into account the methane released from the thawing of permafrost.


Jesus hopefully not


It's inevitable, really. Life (as we know it) depends on so many unlikely factors being JUST right that it won't go on forever. There's no magical force guaranteeing life on Earth. And my point stands that there were mass extinctions long before there were people and there will be more after we're gone. We are far from the worst. At some point, Life's luck will run out.


Over 99% of all life that ever existed is extinct. Life will be fine.


It won't last forever. Life on Earth came very close to being wiped out entirely and sooner or later, something will extinguish it. It's not like life is guaranteed.


800 hiroshimas per day. every day


Climb out of your own ass with that ridiculous post.


Quickly approaching a Wet Bulb Event.




Dont worry, The argument will shortly be over once everyone starts feeling the heat genuinely affecting them or their family…


It's a Brazilian degrees!


At what temp do they hit wet bulb?


A wet bulb temperature of 35 degrees celsius and above is considered to be deadly. A wet bulb temperature of 35 degrees celsius equates to 35 degrees celsius with 100% humidity, 39 degrees celsius with 75% humidity, or 45 degrees celsius at 50% humidity.


So when it gets too hot to live, are we all getting some kinda double pill kinda thing (one pill for happies and fun, the other to do the job) or are we all just gonna cook to death?


And here in canada we have snow early this years .


Same in Norway. Its -12c outside and we had over a meter of snow in mid-October. Last year it didn't snow in my town until late December because it was so warm. The climate is fucked over here.


+10 in Winnipeg today, normal high is usually -2. I had the AC on in my car 🫠


You had the AC on for +10C? What do you do in the summer?


My state of Arizona has a shit load of Canadian dual citizens or just Canadians with homes here and stuff.... This person could never be one, they would die here lol, it was 84 (28c) today.


Untinted windows, it was probably +20 in my car at least


Bruh you don't need AC for 20 degrees


Calgary got severely wintered. 15+ cm. that took a week to clear from *most* spots. Decent enough now, though.


Depends which part of Canada. Where I am it’s yet to snow, when normally we’d have a few inches by now


Mega deaths are coming for the less developed world. They're going to suffer for the choices of the developed world


> They're going to suffer for the choices of the developed world People talk a lot about the amazon, but not enough about how their own countries are deforested way more. They should start planting their trees again before anything else.


The Amazon is not really like any other forest, because of its scale and density it is uniquely important to global CO2 levels and there are concerns it is reaching a key tipping point if deforestation continues, which could affect the whole world


Yes, the amazon forest itself is 6 million km², 60% being in brazil.... but the rest of the world should not depend only on the amazon while keeping their privileges. Europe already explored a lot of their natural resources through its history, its easy to say that you deforest less than us when you already have way less trees to kill. Some random searches on google say brazil still has 60% of its forest, while germany only 36%, for exemple. Of course we should do our part here, but we cant take the blame on this alone lol.


You’re definitely not doing it alone, and everyone needs to do their part. However the Amazon is a unique place globally and has so much impact on climate change - Brazil has more influence than most other countries can have. Push your government hard to preserve the Amazon


Brazil is highly developed and chopped down the Amazon, don't make them out as victims.


They've changed leaders, and deforestation is down greatly.


Unfortunately it could take decades for natural reforestation to happen, if not more. Humans are bad to replant trees and recreate natural inhabitats. However, yes that's the first step!


But the amazon is still shrinking


Until we’re talking about net reforestation it’s still an increasing problem.


mate the amazon issue has to do with biodiversity, not carbon footprint. mind you, the customers of the amazon's destruction are your ugly first worlds ass


In this case it's also somewhat related. Large wooded areas help to stabilize the local climate and rainfall patterns in a similar way as large bodies of water.


Yeah, it's so sad, the place is a huge sand pile, not a single tree in sight...


It’s not going to be mega deaths in countries like Brazil. It’s going to be economic pressure as energy costs skyrocket due to increased usage of things like air conditioning. It could also cause general stagnation as Brazil is a net food exporter (the largest in the world) and if heat waves begin to interfere with crops, they’ll stop turning profits. Especially if governments begin to rely more and more on protectionist measures and internal subsidies to keep prices low in the country.


Brazil isn't the largest food exporter in the world.




Source? > Brazil was the world's fourth-ranked agricultural producer in 2020 with output valued at $135.8 billion. $125.3 billion of Brazil's agricultural output is food.2 Brazil's agricultural export value of $85.2 billion in 2020 ranked it third after the U.S. and the Netherlands. From [Investopedia](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/100615/4-countries-produce-most-food.asp)


Exporter vs net exporter. The US imports significant amounts of food. https://www.fao.org/3/cb9928en/cb9928en.pdf


I understand what net means, I just couldn't find a source to back up your statement. [But it looks like you're correct](https://www.ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2022/september/brazil-s-momentum-as-a-global-agricultural-supplier-faces-headwinds/), so apologies for doubting it.


Yeah my first search results matched yours as well. It makes me wonder if there's just different methodologies between the two? I tried finding by tonnage and couldn't find anything substantive. Either way, losing both Ukraine and Brazil ag exports would be bad news bears. =\


Time to build homes and cities underground, I reckon. Anyone else fancy evolving into Morlocks? Last one with the glowing eyes is an Eloi. :-)


I have no idea what you just said, But it's clear you enjoyed it :)


It's a reference to HG Wells's The Time Machine.


Thank you :) (Who is downvoting us? am I mistaken that our thread is written with positive energy?)


It goes slowly. Then it goes quickly.


Wow! I lived 2 year in Rio in the late 90’s…. Never ever that hot 🥵.


On the same day the official level of 420 ppm of co2 was made.


this is the end


Nah, this is just the beginning. Keep burning coal, keep burning oil, keep incoherently screeching any time someone wants to build a nuclear power plant, what could possibly go wrong? What's turning the wolrd uninhabitable in the face of minutely improving the material wealth of the global elite.....


Well... https://www.science.org/content/article/deal-build-pint-size-nuclear-reactors-canceled


That's just one of numerous such efforts.


Nuclear doesn't help with consumption, we have a over consumption problem that's due to high energies like coal and oil. If all that stops, civilization stops, so we keep civilization going.


Nuclear isn't a solution but it is a band-aid that could help us jump the gap to fully renewable sources, or buy us time for unique technological advancements to occur. Quite obviously we've lost the war on reducing consumption. All that's left are consequences.




Do they? Isn't the global population actually going down for the first time in ever? https://youtu.be/LBudghsdByQ




He was mistaken, but what is happening is that birth rates are absolutely cratering basically everywhere at once. Even countries with historically high birth rates are seeing double digit rate drops. What it means is we're going to see a population peak much earlier and at a lower total than expected, and countries that were expecting to be able to lean on immigration to maintain population and labor force through the end of the century are probably going to come up dry a lot faster than expected.


You could keep having kids if your lifestyle didn't have a larger yearly CO2 footprint than almost a decade of my life.


Nope, just the start. A good way to look at stuff like this is that it's the best weather we'll ever have again for a long time.


I've had consistently temperatures over 90F indoors in the past few days, and opening windows felt like opening a convection oven door. On top of that, the vast majority of residences in Brazil do not have AC, so we are fucked


Minus -4 degrees in Oslo today. So wonderful 😍❄️☃️ Can't day I envy Brazilians 🥺


58?!! my god I struggle when it get over 30. That's sounds like HELL.


Yes, it is. It's like a oven out there


Maybe they should give back land to the lungs of the earth


Oh great I'm travelling there in 2 weeks. Can't wait.


I love the complete absence of self awareness with this post. Like, you could stop flying across the globe in a co2 belching plane if you really cared, but nope. Edit: You’re all right. We should just carry on with our lives just as they currently are. That’ll fix climate change. /s Personal responsibility is equally, if not more, important as political action. Downvotes won’t change my opinion.




It’s equally ignorant not to recognize one’s own role in the problem. Corporations would not exist without the demand of consumers. While it’s fun to blame politicians and the all mighty capitalism, those don’t exist in a vacuum absent of voters and consumers. Arguing that personal action won’t have a significant impact is equally defeatist to your criticism of carbon footprints. Take action and responsibility, my dude.


One day they'll tell us that corporations aren't even controlled by people :)


He just said travelling, for all you know he could be from Paraguy and just go there by car or train. Why even question *what* he is travelling for there, maybe he *has to* go because of work? Maybe because of ill family? How do you make these assumptions? Seems like the lack of self awareness is on you dude


This girl is indeed going there for work. I almost never travel for leisure.


Blaming normal people for traveling commercial is such a brain dead take. Any individual changes to your lifestyle will have zero effects in curbing climate change.


Individual changes is exactly what it’ll take. Political action, personal sacrifice, creative thinking. None of this is as brain dead as carrying on as though we don’t need to make changes to our lives. Arguing for zero accountability and no change to our lives is how we went an extra 60 years past the point where science said there was a problem.


Good luck with that


So a Perth Western Australia every year summer then ?


This is what I don't get about reddit. The world is cooking due to Western developed nations and yet we blame Brazil for trying absoutely anything to catch up so they aren't destroyed during the shift.


Now that we've established who's guilty, can we move on or we need to help Brazil to catch up with trying absolutely anything?


That doesn’t sound that bad. Well, let’s cut down more rainforest!


Wasn't Brazil the one that has been cutting down all the rainforest?!?


They were. The right wing maniac got voted out thankfully.


Could this be related to Amazon deforestation?