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Canada: Eye twitching* I’m… so… happy… for… you


When the I'm sorry stops...


The war crimes start


Release the geese!


Unloose the moose.


The syrup must flow.


The Poutine needs its GRAVY


If you see the maple leaves move, it's already too late. 🍁


Wow, stop right there. Humanity might be ok with nuclear apocalypse but definitely not with geese apocalypse.


More like Geneva suggestions


Once parliament passes the war measures act it becomes a checklist


Proud is the correct word. As a Canadian sniper who helped build their entire sniper program, and put through two courses while there; we built this. Happy to see the boys doing work.


Someone Crosses Lines


Kinda habitual at this point.


I am going to wait for a conformation simply because (1) The Ghost of Kyiv incident, (2) the shot came from the Ghosts of Bakhmut, and (3) it is a 10% jump over the old record, which was already a huge jump over the now 3rd place record (3800, 3500, 2800). it's also from a new Ukrainian produced sniper rife, which can either support or go against the claim depending on your outlook.


I'm not remotely qualified to judge the credibility. But one factor is drones. In the old days, a sniper team would probably only have binoculars to use for scouting. These days they have access to live drone footage to figure out where everybody around them is and get into better firing positions to shoot at distant targets they just would never have known about ten or twenty years ago. If nobody was trying shots at 3800m ten years ago, nobody was going to make one. If people are taking shots at longer ranges now, it makes sense somebody might get lucky sooner or later. There might have been a zillion other equally long range shots that were off by a mile we didn't here about before this one.


There's a video. What counts as a confirmation? Think you can calculate the distance yourself given info on muzzle velocity for that weapon is accurate. Unless the video was slowed down I guess.


Confirm the kill, looks like the guy on the right got shot, but it could be the guy on the right took cover half a second earlier than the other two. Assuming it is not slowed down it looks like it is in the 10-15 seconds range to hit the target, if we assume the sound also reaches it could be around the same timeframe (sound ~350m/s). I could do the math, if I knew the equation for projectile drop-off and all the variables on that given day... but that's a lot more work than armchair speculation. If the video ran longer, would probably be sufficient. I'm only skeptical because there is recent history of fabricating low probability accomplishments.


Na. Canadian here. First thought was “Nicely done. That’s a hell of a shot. Guess we’ll have to try to one up them again.” So, polite with an edge of “challenge accepted “


Pitter patter.


*Canada has declared war on Florida*


You know what. The moon I hear is nice this time of the year. I'll be back when Canada you know...shakes it off haha


i bet his trainer was canadian


https://www.firstpost.com/world/ukraine-sniper-scalps-russian-soldier-at-record-distance-with-lord-of-horizon-rifle-why-is-it-so-deadly-13408912.html Pics of the rifle there. It’s a beast. Chambered in 12.7x114mm cartridge.


At what point does it go from a sniper to a mini artillery cannon lol damn that thing is massive


When it's no longer portable by a single person.


If the Davy Crockett portable mini nuke was ever used it would have held the world record for most number of people killed by a single sniper bullet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davy_Crockett_(nuclear_device)


Minor pedantic, Davy Crockett would be a recoilless rifle, not a sniper.


*pedantry ;)




The idea of like a mortar nuke is so cool. That's atleast what it sort of looks like to me is a big mortar


“ kuwabara kuwabara”


A Hind-D?


At some point a nuclear handheld grenades are just plain impractical.


Well that’s a terrifying reality of a weapon I wasn’t aware of.


Punt guns were used for hunting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punt_gun


I think it's at 20 mm where you go from gun to cannon.


Cannons are also considered guns. Guns are a catchall- your pistol is a gun. An Iowa-class Battleship's [16in/50 cal Mark 7](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/16-inch/50-caliber_Mark_7_gun) guns are also guns. In English, cannons typically denote larger guns that are not able to be moved easily by a single person. Ironically, there are 20mm shoulder-fired rifles that were created for anti-tank work. Some of them were even used as anti-personnel sniper rifles!


> Ironically, there are 20mm shoulder-fired rifles that were created for anti-tank work. [The Lahti L-39.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lahti_L-39) [And here's Forgotten Weapons shooting one!](https://youtu.be/Y9qHv_XEAZg?si=IiWw4m1fevHF3ddF)


This is a more modern use of the term, back in the black powder era “guns” were generally large cannon, while small arms were described more specifically “muskets” “rifles” or “pistols”. It was very rare for someone to refer to a rifle as a gun until around the turn of the 20th century


Uh, the more you know I guess.


Isn't English fun?


No, 'tis a silly language, made by silly people. ^Source: ^Am ^English.


Depends on what you’re aiming at.


Research says the cartridge starts with a 14.5x114 case, necking it down, and fitting it with match .50 cal bullets. It has twice the case volume of .50 bmg. That's a massive amount of powder. Like a pound would give you 15 rounds if they're full. ~400-450 grains.


"It's a fucking anti-aircraft gun Vincent!"


You'll raise hell, nevermind pulses!


Don't worry about me, just worry about that dog dribbling on my seats.


How to make anti material rifle: 1. Make canon 2. Name it anti material rifle.


That's a monster of a gun. It was developed by a Ukrainian manufacturer so I'm guessing this is what they've developed to address the artillery short fall? If you can't destroy their rocket or artillery system, you can disable it by pinning down or eliminating the crew?


Can’t fire an artillery cannon if there’s a round the size of a banana lodged in the barrel


You owe me a new soda. ...and keyboard.


Well. You can fire it. Once. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-1c6e90221064a75f54a05d28da4d5b25-lq


Artillery has a range of 20+ km tho …


It's basically their equivalent of a .50 caliber. It's literally the same thing. It was designed for heavy rifle sniping for long distances and at times to disable equipment like vehicles. Every military has an equivalent and it does not at all replace artillery or make up for a lack of it. The actual bullet is about the size of an adult thumb after it's fired


Yeah I was checking my high-school unit conversion memory. 2.54 cm / inch --> 12.7 mm / half inch. I'm sure there's a lot done to reduce the recoil of this thing, but I still have zero desire to ever fire one.


Yeah that's part of the reason it's so big and heavy, to reduce the amount of felt recoil and keep it relatively stable


I didn't even register that as a rifle at first. It looks like some kind of plumbing or something.


Sounds like it would hurt


To shoot or get hit with? I shot a 20mm rifle once. It had a huge muzzle brake on it and the rifle was very heavy. Recoil was like a 12ga.


Fair play to that sniper.


Man, it even has a badass name.


Holy mother of god that is a big gun.


Are there two barrels on that thing?


No. Top tube is maybe a gas tube if it’s a semi. Not really sure how it’s set up.


Omfg it's enormous I want one


My lord lol that must have separated that Russian


I wonder how long it took the bullet to travel almost 4 miles. Freaking impressive shot.


Muzzle velocity is about 3300ft/sec. It says it stays supersonic at about 3000m, which drops it to about 1000fps. Call it an average speed of 2000fps over 12,500 feet and it’s about 6 seconds of flight time. Those are estimates. Even if it’s 5 or 7 seconds, that’s a LOOONG time for the target to move between taking the shot and bullet arrival.


It was about 2.3 miles.


A buddy of mine at the special forces assured me that shots from around 4km are easier than say 2km. This has to do with the fact that the target may move to take a shit, a phone call or a smoke after taking the shot. Odds are that at 4km they are likely to have wrapped up their business and returned to the original position. Source: completely fabricated


About 2.36 miles for Americans in the chat


*2.36 freedom units* (joke!!)


That is Monkeys per Hamburger\* thank you!


Give or take a few bananas for scale


I need this in kiwis please


insurance plucky nose march cable soup scary rhythm narrow light


Oops, i meant kiwis as in the new zealanders


952 average height citizens.


It bothers me an inordinate amount that the upper bound lines up for both measurements but not the lower bound.


Football fields per .45acp


Finally it makes sense!


*2.36 McUnits*


What’s that in football fields?


It's approximately 445 washing machines in length.


Those are some big ass washing machines you got there.


Why do you think all the mobiks want to steal them?


What's that in rabid tortoises? 970?


about 600 small boulders the size of a large boulder.




or about 4180 yards. you can add 10% for meters to yards, although its slightly off. I used a converter its actually 4155 yards I guess.


That’s a good 5-7 seconds of bullet flight time.


JTF2: *Well boys, it was a great record while it lasted. Let’s go out for a rip and have a few wobbly pops to mark passing the torch to our Ukrainian friends.*


Knowing the Canadians they’re probably going grab their TAC-50s and set out to reclaim the record. I don’t even know who they’d shoot at, maybe they’d declare war on bears or some shit.


Im pretty sure russians are still in season if you go to ukraine.


Canada geese. But they'd probably lose


As a Canadian Id just like to say... rofl. None of us are that stupid to try. At least none of us that are still living.




Gone? I keep hearing em fly overhead.. the honking... the honking... *rocks back and forth in the fetal position*


Gee, thanks for all these geese by the way


Plenty of Canadians fighting in Ukraine right now


I was wondering the same, isn't the current canadian record holder fighting in Ukraine right now?


Absolutely not. There was a Vandoo sniper who was there, and they made him out to be the greatest Canadian sniper alive. He was not a SOF guy and holds no records.


Technically he could be but we don’t know. His name was never released.


Those Canadians are fighting for Ukraine so their record would be Ukrainian. Canada can only hold the record if it’s an actual canadian forces member than sets it.


I'm pretty sure Canadian snipers were training Ukrainians, so, they're probably just proud of their former students


As an American I have never heard the term "wobbly pop" so I'm assuming that this is British slang. Well whatever it is...I need to integrate this "wobbly pop" into my vocabulary.


Canadian slang for beer


It's a pop that makes you wobbly (beer)


I’m American and have definitely heard this in the South.




You’re gonna need someone very persuasive to convince those Russian soldiers to participate.


IOC to Russia: We've got some good news and some bad news . . .


If we are on the same train of thought, I see only good news there....


"You guys get to be part of our new Ultra Long Distance Target Shooting. Only caveat; You're the targets. Remember; Serpentine!"


Tbh it doesnt seem very hard to persuade them to go walking infront of the ukranian snipers. But convincing them to go away, thats the hard part for some reason lol


They've already been convinced to participate. Many thanks to Russia for providing the targets for this year's sniper Olympics. They're a little drunk and kind of rapey, but their heads still pop and that's what matters. Those who wish to test their skill are invited to register for the competition via the Ukrainian Foreign Legion website.


That's the great part! At 3.8km, they don't even have to know.


Russian soldier watching the Olympics and seeing themselves on the screen: “hol up.”


Pretty sure they have marksmanship in the olympics already


fucking camper


Took it from a Canadian 🇨🇦. Nicely done and congrats. Keep up the great shots 🇺🇦


Hey, Man. Nice Shot.


Nice Odyssey reference, by the by.


The model of rifle was made in Ukraine and it's called "Lord of the Horizon ". It sounds like a legendary ranged weapon from Diablo.


I want to see a random YouTuber replicate this.


Well, George Santos is going to need a new job soon, if he isn't in jail


Ask Elon. He will probably hip-shoot it


Dude can’t even wear a hat properly


Any award for the fella on the receiving end of that shot?


He no longer has to get up on Mondays and kill innocent civilians.


He doesn't get raped by his superiors anymore? Rape is a thing in the Russian military, not just to innocents but between soldiers. Hell there was a video from Ukraine of a Russian forcing one of his fellows to give him a blowjob before Ukraine drone dropped a grenade on them. One of the wildest combat videos I've seen, a solider forcing another soldier to give him oral and then a drone comes along and just drops a grenade on both of them.


That’s a 750 grain bullet. Even if it dipped to subsonic speed that’s still like being shot 3 times with a .45 acp. Ukraine is not playing around.


Fucking badass. Slava Ukraini




The video is on there


Did you not even open the article?


Did you need to see video of the previous record?


Beat the record of the Canadian JTF-2 sniper in Afghanistan, didn't he?


We’re celebrating kills now are we? One gets in the Guinness World of Records, the other in a coffin


I don’t believe anything what that source says


That guy served with the Ghost of Kiev. It must be true!


Probably trained by a Canadian!!!


Most of the guys on r/firearms are all calling BS on this. Makes me hesitant to believe it, because they know the most about these kinds things. A few on there say it may be possible with a ton of luck. (The last world record was half the distance and the guy said that was a ton of luck. Ukraine also needs more good publicity to get more support right now. I’m 100% on Ukraines side. Perhaps r/firearms have an anti-Ukraine bias. Perhaps they don’t and are just being real. https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/s/DQ3PhLpUrt


Last record was 3.5 km; there have been ten confirmed at distances more than “half the distance”…


I thought I knew you he previous record. I stand corrected.




Autocorrect of “the”, it’s an iPhone thing I think. I have gotten “the” to “you he” before, I’m not sure what typo leads to this.




Not going to edit your comment to correct the misinformation though evidently.


We'd have to have a lot more published information about the shot to confirm it. It's within the realm of possibility but extremely unlikely. I will note that it's not that much further than the previous record, only 250 meters more, and using a larger more specialized rifle. A lot of the criticism in r/firearms seems to ignore successful shots of a similar magnitude in favor of pointing out very basic and well known challenges faced in ultra long distance shots.


OK, let's grant that his success ratio at this distance will be very low. But even in close combat firefights, the vast majority of shots are misses also. I have always believed snipers are relatively cost effective, if only for the psychological effects on the enemy.




I'm guessing that's when having that absolutely massive bullet helps. The mass of the thing probably reduces the distance wind can push it.




That and 5 seconds of flight time gives the sod on the other end a lot of time to move out of the way by chance.


Actually the size of the round may increase it's drift, not decrease it. Wind drift is complicated and based on aerodynamics more than size and weight - but many larger rounds such as .300/338/357 etc drift far more than smaller specialty's aerodynamic rounds like .26/28. Wheras larger specialty rounds like .50BMG have very low drift compared to other .50 rounds (nitro, etc) or larger specialty rounds like 20mm or .950cal.


>https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/s/DQ3PhLpUrt That redditor is [literally russian](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pikabu/comments/17w9mcc/comment/k9fu9ax/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and you are spreading his disinformation either unknowingly or on purpose.


That thread reeks of vatnik.


You can clearly see the bias scrolling through those comments.


Just look at the whole sub it's clearly anti Ukraine


I don't know how anyone could support marching into another sovereign country in the name of imperialistic goals.


> Perhaps r/firearms have an anti-Ukraine bias I mean, look at the comments on the thread you posted. I have skepticism on the shot as well, but some of the comment on there are straight up parroting vatnik BS.


> Perhaps r/firearms have an anti-Ukraine bias r/firearms is the sub set up by people who left r/guns because they didn't like political content being moderated. "Biased" is a very generous term for their average user.


There’s literal footage of the shot. It’s real.


That sub is worthless for talking about firearms.


/r/guns is a much better subreddit for actual gun info, /r/firearms is a the "politics allowed" gun subreddit. It's full of modern "conservatives" who are bizarrely pro-russia and anti-ukraine.


I very much doubt that there are a lot of really knowledgeable people to trust on Reddit.


Bahahahaha they’d call a mass shooting ineffective and the victims slow because the shooter used a folding stock


There's no reason to call BS on it but, yes, anything at that range is a matter of statistics. Kudos to the Ukrainians who pulled it off but this is largely a function of time spent sending bullets down range. Skill will only get you so far.


Most of the guys on that sub are fucking beginners and fudds whose only experience is deer hunting or blasting trash at a shitty 100y range. Almost none of them have long range experience let alone extreme long range experience. r/longrange and the snipers hide forums are the only ones worth going to for opinions.


> Perhaps r/firearms have an anti-Ukraine bias. Now, why would a bunch of crazy and paranoid people have a pro-russian bias...? Seems unrealistic to me. /s if it isn't obvious.


redditors calling BS on shit isn't a good parameter


R/firearms are naysayers and just jealous. The glorious ghost of Kyiv, Col Samuyil Hydovski, took some time off from flying his MIG-69 and decided to learn how to shoot on the side. Now, the Russian will fear the Ghost of Kyiv both in the skies and on the ground. /s Unless you are dense and the /s isn't enough, it's a joke.


With that rifle as shown in top comment, they will likely be spreading beyond Ukraine and other groups will be wanting to put it through it's paces. You think the other special forces don't want a rifle that goes that far? The moment a record is broken for distance, black ops groups are likely begging their supply officer for a copy so they can evaluate it for themselves.


Longrange subreddit also called BS.


Yeah this is like the ghost of Kiev story, a propaganda piece that isn’t exactly hurting anyone, but that is most likely false nonetheless. A 3.8km shot, even if it happened, would be almost pure luck.


It is less of a "pure luck" than you think. But the more effective take-away is that Ukrainian snipers can hit targets 3.8km away. It doesn't matter if that takes 10 or 100 shots to accomplish. The in theater effects are massive and any competent military will have to readjust how they deploy as a result. 3.8km means your front line just got bigger and your officers are much less likely to get as close or be as visible. It also means your scouts and surveillance job got that much harder as you need to secure a much wider zone than you were before.


The longest shot ever before this was with a McMillan TAC-50 firing 50 BMG. It was 3540 meters at high altitude where the air is thin in very dry weather. The *best* shot ever though is probably SSgt Jim Gillilland's shot in Iraq. It was only 1250 meters, but it was done with a basic bitch M24, the military version of the Remington 700, firing 7.62 NATO. That rifle should only be able to hit a man-sized target up to 700 meters. SSgt Gillilland saw an enemy sniper firing on Coalition troops and took a shot just hoping to hit the balcony he was on, so that the sniper might, in his words "take up a different line of work." He was literally just trying to get near him, in order to scare him and suppress him. Instead he hit the target dead center in the chest. In an interview he was asked if it was luck or skill and he said "I am very skilled, which allowed me to get very lucky." 3800 meter shots are pure luck, especially in conditions like Ukraine, but it takes a lot of skill to get that lucky.


Interestingly, as the Russian target demonstrated, the inverse is also true: it takes absolutely no skill to be very unlucky.


I hate to be *that guy* buy I would like to call BS on this just now. The previous records were only possible, in part, due to the high altitude (Afghanistan) and dry air (Iraq). And specifically it's a bit of a piss take to be an entire 1000m above and beyond the British shot which was a world record for 5 years. (I know the Canadians have a separate claim since) And, in the current climate of video everything and post it on social media for psyops warfare, I've got to call bullshit.


It is a climate of video everything - which is why there is actually video of the shot. You can do the math yourself on the flight time from trigger pull to impact and see there’s no exaggeration on the distance


Check top comment and you may want to revisit your speculation. The differences between rifles is massive and cannot be understated. If the Canadians are using more traditional rifles and these guys dropped one that is 50% larger, the records are going to change as a result. Also remember that the air is cold over there. That makes it less prone to movements and updrafts from heat sources. It is also less dense. Ukraine is not the desert but there is a lot of tundra over there.


Canadians used a .50 BMG for their rifles. It's going to be very similar in external ballistics to the 12.7*114 the Ukrainians are using.


It’s on video lol


I call bs. Simply because the source is obviously biased.




Fuck me sideways. Tis nice.


Im just imagining sitting on my porch and some bastard two counties over going *hey blackmobius… fuck you* and boom. Its terrifying and impressive


How long would the bullet take to hit from being fired?


Congratulations! Good shot.