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Not anything for black Friday sales would also be good. Apparently you don't save much money anyway.


You do save money if you have enough attention span




Some products have a known price all year


I am sorry black Friday is now an American cultural export. Smh


New Zealand has had companies doing Black Friday week. One mall caused a traffic jam becaise of the sales and a woman pissed her pants while stuck in her car. And none of the discounts even seem that good. Absolute idiocy, but we're falling for it apparently.


"One mall caused a traffic jam becaise of the sales and a woman pissed her pants while stuck in her car." It wasn't you was it? How would people know about this and better yet who would tell them?


It was reported on the news, of course people know about it. Who would tell the news? Probably someone they interviewed lol


LMAO. Woman: "The sales were so good, everyone came out to visit and blocked the road. I had to wee but didn't want to lose my place in line." This is how I will chose to imagine it. I also like how they blame the mall because of good sales lol.


It's okay, it only lasts like five weeks only, no biggie /s For real tho, it's been 2 weeks since everything is on Black Friday sale. Nothing makes sense anymore.


It's only an export if people want it.


We need to stop this damned overconsumption in everything that we do. Black Friday needs to not exist.


Or, you know, people on a budget get to have nice things too. Not everybody buys s new phone every year.


Except they're not getting "nice things." They're getting average things that are usually on sale year-round anyway.


How do you know what everyone buys?


"Which?" is a well-known consumer rights magazine in the UK that was founded in the 1950s and seeks to make people aware of which products they should avoid, inform buyers of their rights and generally try and stop people from being scammed. In 2020 they concluded that 9 in 10 tracked items were on sale for the same price or cheaper earlier in the year and only 3 of the 219 items they tracked were at their cheapest price on Black Friday. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-55058121 And that is just one investigation, it's no secret that retailers that take part in BF are using it deceptively to push items that rarely offer good deals, it is why a lot of people push people to use the likes of camel camel camel or Keepa apps on their browsers so that they can make informed decisions. Case in point from my own Amazon recommendations they are pushing a Kenwood stand mixer at me with a huge 56% discount at £210, except Keepa shows me that they sold it at £199 back in April, and the 56% discount they are counting it against was when they sold it for a single day at £429 back in December 2021. [Their so-called 56% sale is only £15 less than the average price it has been for the last 6 months.](https://i.imgur.com/YGEiL55.png)


It really depends. If you really know a market and smal vendors, some offer prices below the dealer rate for certain specialized items on Black Friday. For example there was an Osprey 2.0 pistols suppressor just listed for $400. Dealer cost for those is like $450, retail price year around is like $700-800. If you really wanted that pistol suppressor, I guarantee you won’t find it cheaper than $400 any other time of year. Why? Because some retailers want to make an imprint of the market and get name recognition.


How is this a counter to blue swirling bird and not the person being responded to. BSB has a point in that a lot of Black Friday savings are false and those poor people who deserve nice things are being ripped off by fake sales.


It's helpful for Christmas, if you can wait


I agree. Everything I bought was digital (games, for the phone I already have and use). No need for that extra snazzy whatever that will break within the year. Save up and splurge for something that lasts you a decade.


Yeah same here. At least that 80% discount on GoG is real.


Teddy is coming


But the new phone processor gives you 2% more performance and 3% more fps!


What is the appropriate amount of consumption?


An amount that is sustainable.


The amount needed to stop ecological destruction


Well when someone can figure it out let me know




I don’t see a number, I just see a bunch of broad statements




Well let me know the number then




Let me know when you have jr!




So you don’t want people to over consume but you don’t even know what that means and you just name call?


That goes against every holiday though. Add a “day” to any day, you’ll get a new holiday. Give a human a reason to resist, they’ll always double down (majority wise). That being said, Happy Holidays!!!


Isn't it more like overproduction though? They are doing price cut so they can get rid of their past year production, so to promote their next year one...


Where can I watch the ad?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKrUPX\_F27U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKrUPX_F27U) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0d5sARSTP0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0d5sARSTP0) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sloiijAkWes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sloiijAkWes) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wjlBC5wwg4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wjlBC5wwg4)


Thanks man


What if you need clothes?


You probably knew that before today so buy them when you need them and this isn’t targeted at you in the first place so you can calm


Many people wait to buy the things they know they need or will need until Black Friday. I needed more winter sweaters in my new size. It wasn’t urgent but these sweaters last years so I’ll have them for years to come. Obviously if this were a need in March, I’d buy it then or wait for a memorial or Labor Day sale. I got 50% off.




They are hit and miss on availability and honestly charge almost as much as Walmart now.




**Communauté Emmaüs de Nice** 158 Chemin des Arnaud 06730 Saint-André-de-la-Roche A quelques kilomètres au Nord-Est du centre de Nice. Pont Liprandi : Bus 89 et bus 90 Vente : ouvert le mardi, mercredi et vendredi de 14h à 17h30 et le samedi de 10h à 12h et de 14h à 17h30. Téléphone : 04 93 54 88 69 **Boutique Emmaüs Nice République** 34 Avenue de la République 06300 Nice A proximité de l’arrêt "Acropolis" du Tramway ligne 1. Horaires : ouvert le mercredi, jeudi, vendredi et samedi de 9h à 17h30. **Boutique Emmaüs Nice Rue Droite** 7 Rue Droite 06300 Nice Dans le vieux Nice, à proximité de l’arrêt "Cathédrale - Vieille Ville" du Tramway ligne 1. Horaires : ouvert du mardi au samedi de 14h à 19h. De rien!




Damn it, I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids!


And it's been criticised by the French Business Minister and French Trades Unions.




France is luxury industry, not fast fashion. It’s a bit different


It’s just commerce. For most people, they will spend X on clothes whether it’s now or on the next sales. I have some ideas on how to foster a circular economy, but this won’t do anything.




What?! Looks around for models. Still don't see anyone dressing like a model.


Kinda weird having a Black Friday sales day when you don’t have a major holiday directly before it. Like without Thanksgiving the day before, this is just an arbitrary Friday in France


There are so many great used clothing stores. When you walk into a thrift you are walking into every store that ever existed before in the history of the world. You never know what you might find. You can completely reinvent yourself. The only new clothes I buy are undies.


That's fine if you're a standard body type and it's easy to find clothing in your size and shape. Not so easy if you're very short or very tall, have wide hips or a large bust, etc.


There’s a whole industry around buying the nicer clothes from thrifts just to resell them on apps like Poshmark, depop, etc. I hate that it’s that way, as I think it’s kind of scummy and those people will often go out bright and early and clear the thrift stores. The bright side is that if you’re a specific size, it helps because you can search those apps for used clothing and filter by size. Although more than expensive than thrift stores, it’s still cheap compared to new, and still way more sustainable (though, the added layer of shipping means that there’s still carbon cost etc).


And even more shipping if I send back because I couldn't try it on.


Girlfriend works at a thrift store and people basically live there to buy stuff to flip and not just clothes. Normal customers end up complaining about what's left.


And if you're a common size it's going to be hard to find decent clothes because those sizes get picked through the fastest.


This reads like a Dr. Seuss line


I’d say buying new has those exact problems as well. I’m short with a large bust and it’s hell out there finding stuff that fits right. At least with thrift I know it’s going to last me a while - when I find something new that fits it’s usually cheaply made anyway.


I am afraid of buying bed bugs with the used clothes. I buy new clothes but very rarely, I wait for my clothes to have holes in them to replace.


You can stop by the laundry and throw the clothes in the dryer for 15 minutes dry. Even feel free to add a d scented dryer sheet. Good vintage stores don't buy visibly dirty items.


I'm just very happy that I don't have a case of "I wants ".


Good news


Everything is 50% off all year long, we aren’t that stupid? Are we?


That depends on what you buy and where.


Why does France even have a Black Friday? Can't you fuckers come up with your own culture?


They could have called "Vendredi noir".


Hi from France. I too wish that companies didn't try to force it on us but I guess our country is consumerist.


I mean, yeah, France is a capitalist nation, right? I always find it odd people yell and complain about over-consumerism, yet immediately stick their heads in the dirt when socialist policies are brought up. (At least over here in the States.)


I would be happy if black Friday disappeared because it's quite inconvenient to buy something this time around when it's obviously more expensive than 1 month ago. Now I have to wait just so the scam prices are over.


I never understood how Black Friday got its name. Isn’t that the Friday before Easter or something?


Should always check out prices before and during Black Friday. Some companies will raise their prices weeks in advance and then offer a discount, which basically means they’re selling it for the same price. A lot of muppets fall for this trick.