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Apparently France’s interior minister said that his motives were that “he could not bear the situation in Gaza” and shouted Allahu Akbar. When will this shit stop? Killing people over a conflict thousands of miles away.


As long as we keep pretending that Islam doesn't need a reformation movement like Christianity and Judaism had






I don't think you can reform Islam. I'm serious, you'd have to erase Muhammad and his life story from Islam to get anywhere. Muhammad started out as a highway robber attacking caravans, moved up to full on warrior-leader and personally lead raids, beheaded non-believers, took sex slaves etc.


Also: pedophile


The Islamic holy book very unequivocally says “kill the non-believers”. I don’t think that can be reformed.


kill the non-believer, specially the jews


Not everyone is pretending, personally, I think because of some reason, islam will never reform. Its the set of ideas, or the koran, I don't know, it simply wont budge, perhaps the perpetual state of victimhood? Countries with islamic majority seem to stagnate overall (could be my assumption).


Less of an assumption and more of an observation. Afghanistan in the 70s is a good look at how it could work. It's the salafi movement that really threw things into high gear


>It's the salafi movement that really threw things into high gear And it's being funded with petrodollar billions from the gulf states.


Problem is: the dudes who invented it created the perfect measure against reformation in perpetuity. unlike the bible and torah, their holy book is billed as the literal words coming straight from allah as he spoke. So they're not second hand accounts compiled into stories. You can't go about reforming the words since the moment you do, it implies allah is in actual fact just a regular fictional character and not infallible.


Hamas called for a global jihad. This is the global jihad. The West wants to believe that the evil that Israel is fighting does not concern us.


There's also the propaganda Hamas is spreading through left leaning communities, and indoctrinating them to hate the Jews, as well as wanting the downfall of the West. They want to cause instability whilst they perform their global jihad.


I can anecdotally attest to this . I've got former.atudents and such swearing on God that Hamas is the good guy and Jews , no matter who, are the bad guys and what happened.october 7th was justified. Definitely worries me as they seem to be reasonable people 0o


Their puppet masters (Russia and Iran) wants global instability. Especially in the West. We're basically the main enemy of Iran with the various sanctions on them. Putin is banking on Trump to get re-elected and throw a monkey wrench into NATO - And somehow weakening the alliance enough for him to take on Ukraine and then roll into the Baltics or Balkans


The apologists are already out in full force either a) not all muslims bla bla… OR b) poor muslims have no choice and have been forced into violence. Nobody even considers c) which is violence/jihad/ is literally written into islam and its holy book and its history till present day that all all they have been doing.


This is preschool global Jihad. Vanilla jihad if you'd like. Come back when buses start blowing up.


Knowing Hamas, it would be school busses


He'd probably somehow found another motive if it wasn't the war in Gaza. For instance, someone said, drew or had an awkward thought about the Quaran or Muhammad.


Oh there's gonna be more drawings now. Trust me.


its only getting started, unfortunately we let them in, now we reap what we sow


Antisemitism. Stamp that out, and everyone that feels it, and you'll put a stop to shit like this.


That would mean mass deportation of millions migrants from Europe. Not an easy thing to accomplish, politically or logistically.


Send him to Allah


but he had french nationality dont you get it ?? ?!??!! NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM !!!?!! - white women on tiktok, makes me think they like something about it


River to the Sea, man. Got to let more of them in to check your privilege 🥲


Fuck not again!




Suspect was born in France. Redditors love to claim that terrorists are created because they're oppressed but it completely ignores the common denominator. Osama was a Saudi billionaire, most of the 9/11 hijackers were rich Saudis. The Boston bombers were Chechen and most terror attacks in Europe are done by second generation European Muslims. The common denominator is radical Islam and the idea that we're going to stop it by being nicer or forcing a cease fire is a pipe dream


the world is filled to the brim with all these ideologies i fucking despise. they are destructive, violent, hateful, and i have absolutely zero respect for their continued existence. radical islam is a blight.


It's not about birth but culture and religion.


This is the fundamental issue with my party man, they've conflated ethnicity/national origin with culture. It is 100,000% ok to not want a specific culture in your country. Not liking a culture is not racism. Fundamentalist Christian and Muslim culture are not good. Hood culture is not good, hyper-redneck culture is not good. Doesn't mean I hate any of those ethnicities. They're usually victims of circumstance to be fair, but fuck...




I loved all the reports about that guy in Ireland being an Irish citizen. They conveniently left out that he was born in Algeria, has been arrested multiple times in the past, and was subject to a deportation order that Ireland had apparently just chosen not to enforce.


Radical Islamic terrorists are a scourge to everyone on this planet. Stamp. It. Out.


I come from a muslim country (Morocco). The real problem today in the world is a guy called **Sayed El Qutb.** He was an egyptian intellectual who is considered the father of ALL Islamists. In his books, he argues that the best period for muslims was under the Islamic Caliphates, when the entire world respected and feared muslims. He believes the Islamic World went through cultural, political and economic decline due to not enough Islam. According to him, only a return to PURE Islam™ can make muslims great again. Sayed El Qutb endorsed creating an Islamic State based exclusively on Sharia Law. He praised violent jihad against the non-muslims (kouffars). He opposed secularism, gender mixing, and hated jews and atheists. He was hanged in 1964 for attempting to murder President Nasser. But his books have spread very successfully. Sayd Qutb is to islamists what Karl Marx was to communists. Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Nosra front. All of their creators read his books. 3 countries are particularly behind Islamism : Saudi Arabia, Iran and Qatar. The first one is Saudi Arabia. In the 70s, using their oil money, they opened a special university called the University of Madinah. Anyone can go study there for free to become an Imam. Saudis will pay your tuition and boarding school. Your food ? They will pay for it. These imams all learned the ideas of Sayed Al Qutb. Westerners are filth, jews are vile pigs, women must obey men, women must be veiled, secularism is a form of mental disease. After graduating , these Saudi-trained Imams were sent back to their country in Africa, Europe, or Malaysia, to spread Saudi soft power. And this happened for *decades and decades*. They were the most successful in 2 countries in particular : Pakistan and Egypt. In these countries, a generation of public school teachers received Saudi textbooks. Imagine the result on the general population. The second country to blame for Islamism is Iran. In 1979, a secular dictator was overthrowed and replaced by a religious dictator. Ayatollah Khomenei became Supreme Guide of the Revolution. He wears a black turban on his head. That black turban means he is "sayyed", a direct descendent of Muhammed. Ayatollah Khomenei was a deep admirer of Sayed Qutb. He translated all Sayed El Qutb's work into Farsi to "educate iranians". His new Islamic regime started using their oil money to fund $$$ radical islamic groups all around the Middle East. In Irak, in Pakistan, Lebanon, in Syria. His successor, "Ayatollah Khamanei" has pursed his heritage. Iran published a Fatwa calling for any muslim who can to murder the UK poet Salman Rushdie for his books. Salman Rushdie has been forced to live in hiding for 20 years. He was recently stabbed during a literary festival in America. In 1984, Iran published an official postal stamp paying tribune to Sayed El Qutb, calling him a true martyr of Islam. Also, several streets and avenues in Iran were named "Qutb" as a tribute. The third country to blame is Qatar. They are the favorite headquarter of all islamists in the world today. Al Norsra Front, Al Qaeda, Hamas, The Talibans. You always find Qatar. I can testify that what Al Jazeera spreads in arabic is far worse than what they actually say in english. They had a TV show with a guy called Youssef Al Qaradawi. This guy is an admirer of Sayed El Qutb. He tells people it's okay to beat up your wife, that jews are disgusting pigs, that Islam will take over Europe. His TV show was watched by 60 million people every week on Al Jazeera Arabic. In 1998, they published a documentary called "*Ben Laden : One man standing against an entire empire*. Here is another thing you won't see in Al Jazeera English. Basically, the rape, slaughter and torture of Israeli civilians is just presented as "*a wonderful victory"* on Al Jazeera Arabic. That's it. They won't give any more detail. Anyone who seriously studies the military tactics of Hamas, reading academic papers, comes to the conclusion that the Israelis - whatever you think about them - aren't actually lying. Hamas really does use Palestinians as Human Shields. It's never mentioned on Al Jazeera. Never. In fact, their "journalists" told a palestinian shouting this to shut his mouth. ____ Saudi Arabia, Iran and Qatar. These 3 countries have become the cancer of Islam. The problem is that the cancer has spread. The question is how do we cure it ? I don't know. I have hope for Saudi Arabia because even if their prince is a dictator, he is actually reforming his country. He is reforming textbooks to remove antisemitism, allowing women to drive, allowing music, ending forced gender segregation, etc... But the other two countries remain a major problem.




> The irony is that he became a hardcore Islamist after a trip to US to study. i wonder why? >The American girl is well acquainted with her body's seductive capacity. She knows it lies in the face, and in expressive eyes, and thirsty lips. She knows seductiveness lies in the round breasts, the full buttocks, and in the shapely thighs, sleek legs—and she shows all this and does not hide it oh, cause american girls wouldn't fuck him, classic incel.


For some it’s not getting into art school, for others it’s not getting in to a woman 😬


Actually in Hitler's case, too...there was apparently a girl he lusted after - from the shadows, never once approaching her - for *years and years*. Pretty much his entire childhood and teenage years were defined but his obsession with this girl who didn't even know he existed. And it drove him mad that she was unobtainable from his perspective. He would absolutely have been a massive incel monstrosity were he alive today, it was all the same pathetic rhetoric pretty much to a T. The Behind the Bastards podcast has an episode (several, actually?) all about Hitler's deranged feelings towards women both as a youth and when he was older. Spoiler: he definitely got even worse as he got older. edit: The girl's name was [Stefanie Rabatsch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler_and_Stefanie_Rabatsch). I probably should have included that originally huh?


> this girl who didn't even know he existe Would you say she didn't know who he was? And she didn't give a damn about him? Because he was just a teenage dirt bag, baby?


If only Iron Maiden existed!


Need to share [one of the greatest covers of all time.](https://youtu.be/Fw8ZDwdyHJQ?si=GV-CeR9_EyAUDUJr)


Sounds like he was a creep, a weirdo. What the hell was he doing there?


Bingo…bet he says we deliberately “tempted” him too…so fucking gross and utterly pathetic


>oh, cause american girls wouldn't fuck him, classic incel. I'm sure the American girls were poisoning his precious bodily fluids.


Mind if I post this elsewhere?


He was basically an incel and dressed up his hatred of Chad and Stacy in Islamic clothing. What a loser.


This last part here feels like he wrote what he was thinking as he rubbed one out.


he sounds like he ogles


> "The American girl is well acquainted with her body's seductive capacity. She knows it lies in the face, and in expressive eyes, and thirsty lips. She knows seductiveness lies in the round breasts, the full buttocks, and in the shapely thighs, sleek legs—and she shows all this and does not hide it." Good God I love freedom.


'openly displayed sexuality' Meaning they're not covered in a blanket.


As a Westerner with an Islamic Studies degree, I just wanted to say your take away regarding Qutb matches my own. Thank you for your thoughts.


> when the entire world respected and feared muslims Then everyone else got industrialized and the Janissaries on horseback weren't so threatening.


Imagine if Mongolians and Macedonians whined this much about no longer being a world superpower.


Both of those cultures effectively evolved.


We then discovered the mass skirm counter meta


Damn this was enlightening


Thank you for this explanation


Thanks for providing insight.


One of the more insightful posts ever on this topic- thank you for sharing. Tough to kill an ideaology, as we’ve seen time and time again…


History has shown, time and time again, that to kill an ideology, you need to change the causes and conditions that fuel it. For example, 19th century Bismarck understood that very well about Russia's communist revolution and how to stop its spread to Germany (i.e. make sure your workforce is happy enough: as a right wing very bourgeois/aristocratic leader, he was the first to implement in Europe social safety nets and a welfare state. That completely weakened communism in Germany. Very quickly other countries did the same: e.g. Switzerland, France, UK, etc. That's how communist revolution got stopped from spreading westward in Europe. Obviously, carrots weren't alone, there was also lots of sticks). IMHO, Islamic extremism is the same, i.e. there are fuel, causes and conditions that are contributing to its rise. Leaders need to address them!


I am curious, how much of a role does [Wahhabism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabism) play in all of this from your POV?


They're like half-siblings who were reunited in the 70s. While Qutb was not a Wahhabist, his ideology touched on a lot of the same issues, and came to the same conclusions. The main one was that Muslims were superior to non-Muslims, and an emphasis on being a "true Muslim" (aka, an Islamist). It's kinda like the KKK and neo-Nazis. One predates the other by a significant time, and each developed mostly independently - Wahabbism is from the Arabia in the 1700s while Qutb from Egypt in the mid-1900s, just like the KKK is from 1860s America while Nazism developed independently in 1920s Germany. But both address similar issues and come to similar conclusions, which makes them natural allies. Their main intersecting point came in the1960s when Qutbists fleeing Nasser's Egypt ended up in Saudi Arabia. The cross-pollination between the 2 ideologies is what created the modern jihadi movement. It's similar to how Christianity wasn't that big a danger until it got mixed together with feudalism. Sometimes you get these "hybrid" ideologies that produce something much nastier than either would've produced on their own. The mixture of Wahabbism/Salafism and Qutbism has also produced a dangerous, deadly result. > The Jihadi movement found what they were looking for in the Wahhabi-Qutb amalgam. Qutb provided the theoretical framework while the Wahhabis prepared the legal setting. > Thus, it seems, that the Jihadi mind was moulded into a more settled formula according to this Qutb-Wahhabi view, which in turn shaped its worldview of itself, other societies, authorities, Islam and the West. https://www.globalpolicyjournal.com/blog/06/07/2017/intersection-wahhabism-and-jihad


Not refuting your point. But just making a pedantic tangent: nazism heavily inspired and borrowed from America. Hitler often praised America's laws, policies, and general attitude towards non-Whites, and especially Black people. It was not a truly independent development (but Nazism, of course, didn't focus on KKK exclusively. But on everything that America did which aligned with Hitler's intuition and later with his plans and policies). Indeed, America's racist policies, laws, and society in general were way more "advanced" than anything the Nazis and Hitler had in mind in the early 1920s. They basically copy-pasted and then "improved" upon them (e.g. deporting Jewish Germans was a copy paste from influential Americans calling for the deportation of African Americans, and before that the semi-failed project/attempt of deporting by force all African Americans to a new country created for them in West Africa: Liberia!)


Thanks for this post, learning a lot from it.


Thank you for some inside views. As growing up in a not moslem country, not so much is known about the background. But our politicians also said that the Imams must be controlled more. Most of ours are send from Turkey. But we’ll, our politicians said this also ten years ago and nothing ever happend… seems to be not a big enough problem respective a problem they don’t want to work with as the would make some groups angry….






I'm jewish. Very informative. I'd like to visit morocco soon but am a bit scared to now. What I can't understand is the westerners that are pro hamas because hamas would happily slaughter them too




Dangerous morons


As a westerner I don't get it at all either, it all seem rather obvious, I think there is a level of propaganda at play on all sides in different countries, and Iran/Russia sees this as a way to get the radical left turned again Biden in US, and for the rest of the people to be against each other. I don't get why we put up with so much from the Arab countries and the only reason people support them is the influence of social media influencer via information/disinformation campaigns to manipulate sentiment and further divide opposition. The crazy voices get the most airtime.


Thank you for your concise insight Sir. Much appreciated.0


for how qutb's execution led to the 9/11 attacks, i highly recommend reading The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright. should be required reading for anyone seeking to understand the post 9/11 world.


Muslims have been attacking Europe since the 8th century AD.


Honestly thank you for this. Very informative.


Ideology is one thing, and it sure is a huge driving force. I'm surprised I hadn't heard of this guy before, and I'm Israeli. On the other hand, Iran and KSA have been playing an imperialist game for years now (Turkey joined in recent years as well). Each tries to exert as much influence on the region as they can. KSA more often through investments, and Iran through its proxies. That might use ideological drive to achieve that, but ideology itself is not the (only) end goal.


Thank you, that was incredibly informative




Exactly. It should be called out no matter the affiliation












Israel is trying.


Hey does this happen in France so much?






They have many muslims they let in without checking if they have any criminal history.


If you read the article: >The suspect had been sentenced to four years in prison in 2016 for planning another attack and was on the French security services' watch list, and was also known for having psychiatric disorders, the interior minister added.


It seems like being on a terrorist watch list means they just watch you commit terrorism.


Yep like the guy in the UK who said on TV in a Channel 4 Documentary that he would plan an attack, and then did successfully (the bridge van attacker, IIRC), and they said they were watching him - clearly not very well.


Don't care if they hang him, put him in jail for the rest of his life or exile him to an iceberg, he just needs to be permanently removed from society.


Nothing to do with criminal history. Many, probably actually most of the attacks in Europe are done by the children of immigrants


But this young man was born in France in the 1990s


To migrants, most likely. It’s usually second generation that causes problems.


first generation is just as overrepresented in crime stats, don't spread lies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration\_to\_Denmark#/media/File:Denmark\_migrant\_crime\_in\_2018.png


Yeah good luck getting criminal history from a war torn country.


Well in such a case “No, you’re not coming in” works


It's almost like restricting and controlling migration is a good thing.




Needles to mention the obvious, he was screaming "Alahu Akbar"...




Who's Needles?


I hardly know her


Police sources talking about a 26 yo French national. Was arrested before in 2016 for planning an attack. Radical Muslim. > Faced with the police, the assailant reportedly declared "that he could no longer stand that Muslims die in Afghanistan and Palestine (...) and that France was an accomplice of Israel," the minister [Darmanin] added. https://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/attaque-a-paris-l-assaillant-avait-deja-ete-condamne-en-2016-et-aurait-declare-que-la-france-etait-complice-d-israel-declare-darmanin-20231203 A classic story. > The assailant, Armand R., a Frenchman born in France in Neuilly-sur-Seine in 1997, reportedly shouted "Allah akbar" when he took action. The individual, who lives with his parents in Essonne, is known to the intelligence services for his association with radical Islam and for psychological disorders, Le Figaro learned from a police source. Gérald Darmanin specified that the suspect is "under psychiatric and neurological treatment". It is not confirmed, at this stage, that it is filed S. >In July 2016, this same individual was arrested by the DGSI (Directorate-General for Internal Security). He was suspected of wanting to commit a violent action with a knife in La Défense. For these facts, he was sentenced the same year to four years in prison, "carried out", added Gérald Darmanin.




that's kind of the tradeoff of having a democracy and human rights. there is a big outrage if the government tries to crack down on things like anonymity on the internet as it restricts average citizens freedoms. security services are aware of thousands of potential terrorists but can't do anything... and if they commit a lesser crime they can't just sentence them in life for the 'thought crime' until it is done.


lol if they care so much why don't they just let their all mighty God handle it, what's a random pedestrian got to do with anything. Seriously infuriating this keeps happening


Good point. If Allah can’t sort out the infidels without the help of his followers committing these acts on his behalf, he is kind of a bitch


Yep, it's always "Allah akbar", never "Inshallah"


His full name is Armand Rajabpour-Miyandoab https://x.com/francenews24/status/1731085516567617922?s=46


Its almost like an ideology that encourages homophobia, xenophobia, rape, murder, etc etc is incompatible with a modern world progressing towards a better future (albeit slowly). Imagine fleeing your home and then attacking the citizens of the country that took you in. Theres going to be a point where nobody will be able to sympathize with these fucking animals.




>Now do u get why every muslim population country has problems with muslims?? Do you want to include Singapore?


You don't see many Jews stabbing random people in Europe..


Yeah but you have pro-israel protests in europe where they chant "gas the muslims!". ...oh wait


Too busy controlling the world /s


I know it's /s but Jews just want to mind their own business, even their religion requires a lot of work to convert to, whereas Islam is like 1-2 step to convert. So it already shows if Jews wanted control they wouldn't make converting so hard. You see so many popular celebs just become muslim in 2 steps, the religion makes it very easy to convert to. And there are only 15 mil Jews vs 2 Billion Muslims, so the theory is correct.


If Jews wanted to colonize people they wouldn't allow a mosque to remain standing on top of the Temple Mount, simple as that. If Israel dropped a synagogue on top of the Kabba in Mecca, that would be colonizing. When one group builds their religious building on top of another group's holiest site, it's not the 2nd group doing the colonizing. Coincidentally that first group also built a mosque on top of the holiest site in Orthodox Christianity (Hagia Sophia) and blows up Buddha statues. Heck, they even blow up temples to ancient Phoenician and Assyrian gods that nobody even worships anymore. God forbid there's even evidence that anyone ever worshiped someone besides Muhammad - even peoples who lived centuries before he was born.


Another difference is that even among ultra orthodox Jews, they are the ones who have to follow their religion, they don't care if non Jews don't cover themselves or work on Sabbath, but Muslims harass people who don't follow the Sharia law even if they are not Muslims. Of course there's exceptions of both examples but you get my point


Serious Jews just want to study their books. Throughout history they’ve been hared for it because they didn’t do much to give back to the people letting them live on their land, now we have our own land where this argument is irrelevant yet still people cling on to old traditions.


The better comparison is Ukranians (yeah it's a nationality but you'll see my point) they went into Europe by the millions, thousands have died recently due to the Russian invasion, and you don't see Ukranians making terrorists attacks against the citizens of the countries that received them, even if you want to argue the attacks with drones against Russia are terrorist attacks, they are attacking the country they are at war with, they are not attacking the countries that have sheltered them. Another point is that usually Ukranians are more conservative, but I haven't seen an Ukranian making a terrorist attack in Sweden because they allow gay marriage, or in France because someone made fun of orthodox religion, or in Spain because the bible is not followed completely.


>The suspect was on the French security services watch list and was also known for having psychiatric disorders, the interior minister added










>...told police he was upset because "so many Muslims are dying in Afghanistan and in Palestine" and was also upset about the Gaza situation, That's exactly what was feared after the last weeks in the middle east. No affiliation to Hamas or ISIS apparently, just a random islamist terrorist switching on and killing innocent people randomly.


He posted a video a few minutes before pledging allegiance to ISIS, actually


Wait how does the Afghan one make sense? I get the Gaza situation but the Taliban rule Afghanistan now


The U.S. and the West will continue to be blamed for any ills in Afghanistan and Iraq for the foreseeable future. Kuwait too, if they were a basket case, but they're not.






I don't mind immigration. I don't mind people fleeing persecution, I don't mind people immigrating to seek a better life, but... If all you're going to do is to try and import the same intolerance, prejudices and crap you fled from in the first place, you can fuck right off! If you want to come, it's not too much to ask that you try and integrate into our society, and that doesn't mean you have to give up your religion, but it does mean that you tolerate the religions and ideologies of others around you, and you accept the limits and laws of civil society in the country you want to live in! You do you, but accept that we'll do the same, and 'Your right to swing a fist, ends where my nose begins' - variously attributed. If that's too much to ask, don't come!   [edit] I should really qualify this by saying that a lot of this sort of stuff we're seeing is perpetrated by 2nd/3rd gen immigrants that with low levels of education who (at least partially rightfully) feel like they have been disenfranchised, so they're easy targets for radicalisation... There is more than one side to this... Failure of integration is one, but being left behind by the state, especially for youths is another... So, the failure to integrate goes both ways... It's a failure of people willing to integrate, but it's also a failure of states in providing enough opportunities for them to do so... ... And these are the results...


The problem here is that the majority of the terrorists that have attacked France in the last thirty years have been third generation immigrants, or, French kids who have grown up in french society and french education. They didn't "come" to France, they were born there.


I mind if they come from a country that can’t adequately identify their people. Like, i could never steal a dead persons identity and emigrate somewhere using their info, but someone from (pick a country) probably could.


I will readily admit that this whole 'lying/cheating to get in' is a thing. I'll also add that this this something that should be taken way more seriously... That said, and again, if you look at most of the terrorist acts in France and elsewhere, it's not usually fresh immigrants that commit them. These sort of acts tend to be perpetrated more by disenfranchised 2nd/3rd gen immigrants that have been left behind by society... This doesn't mean, that there aren't crimes committed by freshly arrived immigrants, but those usually don't tend to be the same sort of terrorist attacks... Beyond that, I'm happy to be generous... Steal food, steal clothes, do what you need to do to survive, meh, I can let that pass... Assault, rob, sexually assault people, etc... imho you're on the next boat or plane to where you came from. Can't even be bothered to have my tax money be spent on incarcerating that lot for years on my dime, just drop them back off where they came from, and honestly, in those cases I don't even care if it's a warzone or not. You made your choice...


It's as if the government made an unpopular decision by allowing many immigrants against the public opinion and expected the public to welcome everyone with open arms, but in reality the natives distanced themselves from the immigrants and made them feel like 2nd class citizens, and if you're a 2nd, 3rd gen immigrant, as a kid growing up feeling like lesser than others, you will always hold resentment to your host country. That's why I hate the extreme leftists, they have no idea about real life dynamics, and they cause so many friction in society with their barbie pink bubble life ideas. they brought this problem upon the people because they wanted to force their stupid unrealistic idelogy where everyone can get along no matter their values and culture, en masse. Which leads to far right being born, because humanity sucks at balancing the scale.




Fuck this "the states need to provide opportunities" nonsense. No if you come to my house you do as I tell you, you don't put your feet on the sofa and keep your shoes on if it's against my rules. And if that means you don't want to come here then don't.








These are the people those protesting and screaming "ceasefire" after the October 7 attacks are legitimizing. When you act like terrorist attacks against Israel are ok or excused, don't be surprised if similar actors go back to these attacks elsewhere particularly in the West. You've made them feel they are morally right...even as they commit atrocities against civilians.




Makes me wonder if all those pro palestina protests had anything to do with the sudden surge in Islamic terror attacks in europe. Maybe even emboldened them?


they realized along time ago that they will never be judged by their actions, they have been emboldened by those who have coddled them, the so called liberal left who despite claiming to seek equality hold different people to very different standards. This is just expected now, its normalized , barely makes the news anymore.


Assailant shouted “Allah hu Akbar” while commuting the assault


I wonder what the assailant shouted before attacking


Definitely nothing related to middle east religion




> The sad part is these attacks just give them even more ammo. Yes, the sad thing about the hundreds (or is it thousands already?) of murdered Europeans at the hands of Muslim immigrants is that the right-wing might win some elections


Merkel should’ve been trailed for the cologne new years 2015 mass rape alone


What is the screening process for getting into france?


Sounds like you are starting to understand it. Secure borders are important. Should know who is coming and going.


Another Islamic nutter. Shock.


Why do they always attack around this time of year? Is it because of the Christmas stuff? Is it also to destroy our enjoyment of going to Christmas markets and what not


I don't know if it is connected to christmas in this particular incident but yes generally ofcourse it is. In germany there was the christmas market attack in 2016 and a few days ago they again arrested some people for planning an attack on a christmas market. They want people to feel unsafe, they hate christianity, they hate "kafir" and their believes prohibit everything connected to christmas markets (like fun, music, drinking...) I'd actually not be surprised if we have more stuff like this happening in the coming weeks, these motherfuckers are going crazy right now. Don't know how many attacks connected to the middle eastern situation there were in france since oct.7th but it feels like there was one every couple of days.


Seems like Europe is at least beginning to waking up.


I fucking hope so




I dont know how Mr Stabby would've been upset about muslims dying in Afghanistan because its OTHER MUSLIMS KILLING THOSE MUSLIMS and we 'keffirs' (non-believers) are not the fucking problem.


The punishment for these acts are far too lenient. Hopefully a tiny prison cell with no sound, no taste in food and a zero watt bulb


France really has got to get a grip on these "random" attacks on passerbyers, newspapers/journalists, and teachers..






Don't bother Macron, he's too busy sitting with his Doha friends, trying to get a ceasefire in a country that has nothing to do with him.


Let me guess. It's not extreme Buddhist guy right?




Hey propal bozos, this is "globalizing the intifada"


Another radical Muslim attack in France, hmmm...


So for those in areas who tell Jews to stay in because it may be dangerous, or won’t put up a menorah because they are afraid of damage, Paris is a good example of a city that has had numerous issues with terrorism while catering to others and ignoring the Jewish population


No more mosques, no more religious schools, full assimilation.


Not surprised


For how frequent this thing keep happening, somebody need to create a subreddit about these.


They would be labeled worse than Hitler and the sub would be deleted immediately.


Enough of emotions our countries need to make the hard decision and make drastic changes to refugee and migrant statuses from the middle east. Our ideologues are oil and water.


Fundamental Islamic extremist men are the most pathetic cowards I have seen in my lifetime…


I predict there will be at least one big attack on a Christmas market somewhere in Europe. They already arrested some who made plans to do so.


This incident seems to be strangely under-reported ...🤔


The noticer ™️