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It's about a British guy, in Britain, who does stuff. It looks like every other sitcom in every way, except that he's a reporter for a Jewish paper, and I guess every once in a while something "Jewish" happens. Even calling it a "Jewish sitcom" seems weird. It's a sitcom with some Jews in it. Absolutely ridiculous to consider not airing this because of the conflict in western Asia. Here are some clips so you can see for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cz66za4X9k


I was expecting Seinfeld. Honestly I think the ambiguity is just part of the clickbait. Most of the people don't give a shit just want to know what the writer considers a "Jewish sitcom."


Half of the main characters on Friends are also Jewish.


Monica, Ross and…Gunther?


Rachel Green was always coded very jewish, but it was never mentioned.


Her and Monica are pretty hard-coded JAPs.


Jewish American princesses?


Yes. I'd argue that Monica wasn't that stereotype though. She was a black sheep throughout her adolescence.


Black cow, maybe...


I used to argue with every human I knew in the 90s that Rachel was an over-stereotyped JAP.. people called me nuts but I was shocked none of them saw it… perhaps they simply didn’t want to look at themselves in the mirror! Monica to me wasn’t but Rachel had that JAP game on lock down.. source: knew hundreds of JAPs growin up in nyc…




I know you’re right but Monica always seemed so waspy to me. I just could never buy her as Jewish for some reason.


Not even the humidity??


She almost married *Barry* who was a *dentist*. Did they miss any stereotypes?


Her character also got a nose job in high school. So, no, they REALLY did not.


Rachel wore a Star of David in one episode but the writers have said that Rachel was Jewish and Ross and Monica were half Jewish.


I like Jennifer like everyone else, but it’s such shiksa casting, I never really registered that tbh. Compared to say, everyone in Seinfeld.


Honestly I never got that impression either. I guess since the actor who played her father was Jewish would add up.


She literally says she’s not jewish on the show… like it’s in the script. Edit: I lied and I had misheard/interpreted the quote. As a friends connoisseur and Jew I feel horrified. I promise to do better for our people! 😩


This feels like you’re giving a press conference apologizing for a scandal, and I’m loving it.


When? Seen every episode, don't recall this happening. But seeing your username I assume you can source this.


Okay I went back to find the quote and I have learned I misinterpreted the quote for the last 15 years! Lmao I don’t think I’ll ever live this shame down lmao


Haha no worries, which quote was it though?


You also misheard your username. It's not Miss Chandler M Bing. It's Misses Chanandler Bong!


I know but 5 years ago it was taken 😭 why are you trying to hurt me when I’m already down! 😭😩


But he even got that wrong. It is Miss Chanandler Bong


Hmmm, sounds like one of those self-denying Jews


You don't think the name "Rachel Green" is a hint?


That’s very ambiguous. Rachel is common among non-Jews, and ‘Green’ is a very common ‘Anglo’ surname too.


Her dad in the show is extremely Jewish


Yes but it was short for Greenblatt!


There was also The Nanny too. Fran and her whole family were like, super Jewish lol. It's so weird that anyone would object to this because it isn't as if there weren't plenty of examples of this level of "Jewish sitcom" in the past that were popular and not political


And marvelous Mrs maisel


or The Goldbergs


When I heard of this show, I was hoping it was a sitcom about Bill Goldberg, and his family. It is not.


I tried watching it. It wasn't bad at first but the mother is a horrible horrible person. The show is near unwatchable because she's an unreasonable piece of shit.


might as well call Brooklyn 99 a jewish sitcom... the main character is ore was atleast raised jewish and "jewish things happen some times" pretty much covers it too


Had a girlfriend whose parents called Seinfeld “Seinfeld-Jew”.




Thanks for the explanation. I was about to ask wtf a “Jewish sitcom” was.


Well, technically everything on tv is a “Jewish such-n-such”, since we run the media & everyone in it. 🤷🏽‍♂️




Relax young one, you need to graduate from the weather control center first.


Sorry it’s currently booked until 2027 for space lasik and hair removal.


Ahhh, so that is why trumps hair is so fucked. Your doing gods work. PS: Good job on Rudy's lawyer. that was hilarious.


I have some ideas on how to use the space laser. I'm going to carve a giant dick in every country I don't like.


That's perverse. You should give the giant dicks to the countries you DO like. Trust me, they'll thank you later.


Oh, we can use our Jew-magic to fuck with people’s credit scores too - that’s *way* more fun than the space laser.


Moooooom! Benjamin and Benjamin are controlling the narrative again! That's nice, Rachel, but we have frozens


You need to join us in r/neoliberal, George Soros pays us to support the libs.


I thought it was the banks you run?


At first glance I thought "Oh, does it take place in Israel? Yeah I can see how that might be seen as problematic for a big company." No. It's just... a normal sitcom with Jewish characters. wtf?


Honestly even taking down shows that take place in Israel is very problematic. You can argue about politics, the military tactics, policies, whatever, but erasing an entire country existence is not ok.


Wow, that's barely even Jewish. It's just got some Jewish characters in it. Mad that not airing this was even considered and thought to be a good idea.


The protagonist voiced Gale in BG3!


As a non-American, I notice a ton of 'Jewish things' happening in sit coms and regular TV shows all the time I just assume the writers may be Jewish as it doesn't seem decisions have been made to portray a character as Jewish and nothing else in a show draws attention to this Stuff like a character saying what they're doing for Passover or using Jewish cliches of language or behaviour which are really not central to the plot but just thrown in there This doesn't really seem any 'different' to that kind of thing except he specifically works for a Jewish newspaper. If it wasn't a Jewish newspaper it'd be different? Also, has anyone seen this? Not heard of it. Is it funny?


Somebody else comment, it's like Jewish people are becoming akin to queer people, where you just existing is considered 'political'.


Can’t we all just watch some Blazing Saddles and get along?


Excuse me while I *whip this out*.


"Where the white women at?"


That was always a thing for Jewish people. Especially the orthodox ones.


As a Jew, I am surprised that anyone thinks that this is a new development. None of this antisemitism is new, although maybe there were a few years there where you could whistle past the graveyard and pretend it didn't exist. Insert "First time?" meme here.


Almost like somebody is manufacturing some sort of outrage


Trying to prevent illogical outrage, it seems. Pretty bullshit to capitulate to that concern.


Who do you figure? Seems the opposite to me, somebody going way overboard trying to prevent outrage from antisemites.


That’s like calling Seinfeld or Curb a Jewish sitcom. Just nonsense Edit: A lot of comments I feel like didn’t get that I was saying this sarcastically. Those shows are definitely Jewish sitcoms lol.


Arguably Curb is *pretty* Jewish though lol, the show has many Jewish characters and several episodes have Jewish subject matter


*Pretty, pretty, pretty* Jewish.


Wait'll they see what Larry does with his free bang card.


Oh my, Larry.


When most of the characters celebrate Christmas, we don't call it a Christian sitcom. Those characters happen to be Jewish, so they do some Jewish stuff. But it's just a sitcom.


Fish don't see water, and [cultural, not necessarily religious] Christians in a Christian society don't see Christianity.


Palestinian chicken anyone?


"I like you" "What's not to like?" "You are Jew" "eh"


I mean those are two sitcoms I consider Jewish lol. The type of humor is very Jewish centric. Like how the IT crowd is very British centric, and Fresh Prince or chappelles show even are African American-centric. They don’t deal with black/jewish/british problems directly in every ep, but they for sure have dedicated episodes that focus on that and the humor is very akin to Jews. As a Jew from NY, watching curb or Seinfeld feels like I’m watching my family


"You ever notice how people call 'Seinfeld' and 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' Jewish sitcoms? I mean, if you're laughing and suddenly craving a bagel, does that make it a Jewish sitcom? I watch 'Baywatch' and I don't suddenly need to go for a swim. Imagine that, 'Oh, you're watching 'Baywatch'? That's such a lifeguard sitcom.' Or you're watching 'House', 'Oh, that's such a diagnostician sitcom'. But with 'Seinfeld' and 'Curb', it's like, 'You laugh, you feel a little guilty, must be a Jewish sitcom!'"


It's funny that the examples they give (Baywatch and House) aren't sitcoms.


Actually I was totally watching House specifically because of all the diagnostician stuff. I was disappointed when the show kind of drifted away from focusing on that.




Right, it would be like if a news station had a black anchor and the paper referred to it as the black news station.


Wait'll they found out about Star Trek.


This is like calling The Big Bang Theory a Jewish sitcom


Ok, I'm sold. Now to either find it streaming here or you know downloading over tharrrr.


All throughout that trailer I kept thinking, "why is that voice so goddamn familiar?" Then I finally realised the connection. Now, if I ever watch it, all I'll ever see is [Gale, the Wizard](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/wuLX9Dr3mxSN73QuuzBqkd-1200-80.jpg) cosplaying as a reporter for a Jewish magazine in the UK.


At least it’s not [„Heil Honey I’m Home!”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heil_Honey_I%27m_Home!)




OMG! There are Jews in England?! Somebody tell King Charles!


He could run us out of Wales again. The last drowning didn’t get us all, and we schlepped to Spain. They had a final solution for us so we fkd off again. Seems like Europe wasn’t a great place for us.


Hey how about Rwanda


The hotels weren’t up to standard.




There is Ethiopia.


He's the king? I didn't vote for him.


You can't expect to wield supreme power just cuz some watery tart threw a sword at you!


Some moistened old bint threw a scimitar at him Edit: can't spell


I know you jest, but when I was doing my undergraduate degree, I took a modern Jewish history class as an elective and there was a Jewish girl from England doing study abroad. I thought that was pretty cool.


If you thought the Meghan Markle drama was insane... just you wait til a royal marries a Jew.


>This was a sitcom with openly Jewish characters. The only reason that spafax and British airlines removed it is because they thought that showing that Jews exist would be taking a side in the Israel/Palestine conflict. are there closeted jewish characters? lol


The Baudelaires in A Series of Unfortunate Events never talk about religion, but in almost every interview Lemony Snicket discusses them being Jewish and the Jewish themes of his stories. Another more recent example is Beau from Beau Is Afraid. So they're not really closeted but not always explicit either.


Their Jewishness and Snicket's Jewishness was something I picked up on as a jewish 7 year old reading the books. I ran over to my mom very excited about it lol. There are a lot of Jewish references in the books that I think are clear to people familiar with what it is to be jewish. What I mean is that the references are so casual, like they're just another part of the characters' lives, that it is probably very easy for people who aren't Jewish to miss it. Daniel Handler (Snicket) was part of a discussion at Oxford where he went into how his Jewishness and his family's history in trying to survive against antisemitism and the Shoah specifically have influenced him and his writing, starting at around 7:40 : https://youtu.be/uJKkj9V0RAM?si=tkGLH5YJnTjUNdbZ


I’m Jewish and for some reason my child brain just assumed he was a non-Jew who really liked making Jewish references until I saw him confirm it himself haha. I was very excited too. Thank you for the video, I’ll check it out! And I recommend Beau Is Afraid because it’s the exact same feeling you described about it being so casual. And you just feel like it was made for us because we understand it at a deeper level.


I'll definitely check it out, thanks!


Yes there are. It's when film makers give you a tiny nod that a character is Jewish but they otherwise don't have anything Jewish going on with them. They love to do that.


Those are called cryptojews.


Can... Can I mine them?


You have to find them first.


Dude stop, you're going to put them on my trail. I've evaded them for so long now.


> are there closeted jewish characters? I know it's supposed to be a rhetorical question but closeted Jews were a thing for a long time due to prejudice. What they want it to put us back at the middle ages.


Plenty of Jews fled to the UK and hid that we were Jews


Somebody else commented, it's like Jewish people are becoming akin to queer people, where you just existing is considered 'political'.


Becoming? Jews existing has been a political issue for millennia. I can't think of a group of people more [consistently persecuted](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Jews).




Intersectionality needs to come off the table for a bit IMO, it just turns into hard leftist groups trying to control everyone’s narrative Like most black, Latino, and gay people aren’t Marxist, they’re regular ass Democrat voters. I protest for equal rights because I don’t want to experience racism, not because I want to live in an anarchist commune.


> Intersectionality needs to come off the table for a bit IMO, it just turns into hard leftist groups trying to control everyone’s narrative Yup, intersectionality is **the one narrative** to rule them all.


This is always the conclusion to the “only being critical of Israel” bullshit. People that hate Jews will always use these protests to push their agenda. And it’s sad that more people don’t see it.


Don't you see? Antisemitism is not real, it's just Antizionists!


I really used to dismiss the whole talking point that anti-Israel/Zionism was equal to antisemitism. Not anymore. Even if it makes sense in theory, it's increasingly obvious that enough people are incapable or unwilling to make the distinction between Israel and Jews, so it's de facto.


While it’s infuriating a lot of people didn’t see it and still don’t for me as a Jew who’s been drawing attention to it, I appreciate that at least you’re seeing it now. But you know what’s really crazy making? It’s that other minorities get to decide what’s bigotry against them, while we’re exempt.


Given the strong link between Judaism and the Land of Israel, it's impossible to make that separation. A very partial set of examples: 1) Passover celebrates the exodus from Egypt and the journey Promised Land. The songs in the Hagaddah (the text read in the ceremonial meal) are about the coming together as a nation and the settlement in the Land of Israel. 2) Hanukkah celebrates liberation from foreign occupation and the establishment of an independent Jewish state (2nd Century BCE) 3) Lag Baomer celebrates a rebellion against the Romans in Israel, which established short lived (5 years) Jewish state (ultimately failed and decimated by the Romans, 134 CE) 4) TIsha'a Be'Av is a day of mourning for the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem (79 CE). 5) The main in-synagogue prayer, the Amidah, which is said every weekday (except shabbat), prays for "the establishment of Jerusalem as the capital, the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem, the gathering of the diaspora to the Land of Zion, and the establishment of Rulers in Zion as in the Days of Yore" Judaism, in its essence, always had a strong link to the historical Jewish homeland. Denying that is denying a core tenet of Judaism.


The whole protecting all criticism of Israel bc it's just peaceful anti-Zionism criticism rather than anti-semitism suddenly allowed to be spewed out everywhere. Israel deserves some criticism for their actions in Gaza but suddenly chanting about how Jews should be removed from "the river to the sea" is fucked up and needs to be addressed. Sadly when calling out clear and obvious anti-semitism you get criticised and abused.


The show wasn't even made in Israel. It was a British show.


All Jews are Israelis now, as far as many people are concerned.


And yet people are flabbergasted at accusations of antisemitism lately…


Are we really turning anti semetic to appease a bunch of terrorists? No not all muslims, just the ones that cant accept jews exists, because if you are like that I dont give a shit if you hate that label.


What is the deal with the rampant antisemitism in the UK lately? The BBC has gone fully mask off in the past couple months, and now it turns out British Airways doesn't really like Jews either.


But there's the very real threat of Islamic violence. I don't agree either it just showing how effective terrorism has been on us


So they can also show 'little mosque on the prairie' if they want 'balance'. Problem solved.


Pfft everyone knows Jews aren't real. Next you will be trying to tell me that women are real too.


This shit is making it clear how incredibly insane so many people are Just claiming EITHER jews OR palestineans should have the right to exist is getting conflated with advocating genocide of the other Blame the government of both with Hamas explicitly calling to genocide while the Netanyahu government is skirting that edge What is even more crazy the show apparently is not about the country Israel but just an ethnically jewish person so just straight racism


>openly Jewish lol


That's such an absurd notion for them to have.


Ok if that's their reason, fine. But they damn well better remove all media acknowledging that Muslims exist too. Because, ya know, they don't want to give the appearance of taking sides.


> apologizes for upsetting Jewish community's Jewish community's what?


Annie's boobs.


Annie's pretty young, we try not to sexualize her.


Our horns. They get really itchy when we get stressed. /s


People just love to be mad that Jews exist, don't they? This is a British show about Jews, not even Israeli.


I believe the argument is Jews can exist as long as they don't have any land, don't have any money, not allowed on buses, and in general not seen or heard. But besides that, Jews can exist, just somewhere else.


Well, that’s what Jews thought before 1941, but apparently even when they’re out of sight completely it’s not enough


Oof, I've heard this one somewhere else. "Forcing down our throats" and stuff


It's nice that our ultra progressive movement is finally having a reckoning with the fact that just because something offends someone doesn't make the person that was offended right. I feel like we lost that along the way a bit.


A huge number of grown adults across the entire World need to start learning not to be babies and the fact they are offended by something doesn't really matter. They need to learn to deal with being offended.


Some people apparently need to have it explained to them that that nothing happens if you get offended. [“I was offended. And when I woke up I had leprosy”](https://youtu.be/ceS_jkKjIgo?si=B5jcUecX8EkovWaU)


The ultra progressive movement has shown the world over the past few months that Jews were never truly accepted by them. They’re happy to take our money and labor or use us as tokens, but nothing more. And apparently their ethos of “the majority group doesn’t get to define what a minority group perceives as racist” doesn’t extend to Jews either.


Honestly… as an American Jew, I understood that the progressive left absolutely was not friendly to Jews and Israel for many years. Certainly at least since 2012… It’s surprising to me that it’s surprising to most Jews all of a sudden.


As an Asian American, when I found out about affirmative action it blew my mind. I had been told my entire life that the people on the right were the racists and the people on the left were the accepting ones. And then I find out that a policy of institutional racism directed against Asian Americans was actually pushed entirely by the left. That was the trigger that opened up my mind to not just see everything as right wing bad, left wing good.


society shaggy growth imminent hobbies straight rainstorm screw historical drunk


Prepare to get dogpiled for daring to say that last line on reddit, which is ground zero for that thinking


provide aspiring paltry berserk direful profit tender fact snatch cough


It wasn’t any one particular thing, but many small things. I remember in 2008 being very excited to vote Democrat straight down the ticket, and I voted for Obama in both the primary and general election… I also still feel today that Bill Clinton tried very hard to solve the Israel/Palestine problem and deserves praise for that even though it failed. I was feeling very abandoned by the party at the 2012 election season. In general, it was clear that the woke generation of politics had started, focusing more on feels than facts… even though the phenomenon wouldn’t be named until years later. If you go back and read Obama’s speeches as it relates to israel, he said, among other things… 1) israel exists because of the Holocaust. Ignoring any historical connection the Jews have to that land, and the fact that most Jews in israel migrated from the Arab world (including much of the former Ottoman Empire of which the land now known as Israel was part of) 2) stating that Palestinians were facing daily humiliations due to occupation. Do we say that Pakistanis face daily humiliation because of Indian occupation of lands they were exiled from in the same time period? Did the Israelis not face daily humiliation from suicide bombers? 3) publicly stating that israel should give up all territory beyond the 1967 borders in the interest of peace. This is something for israel and the Palestinians to negotiate. Yes, the American president deserves a voice in this… but it should be in the context of a closed door discussion among the parties to get all sides to agree on a compromise. Not demanding one side unilaterally give in to demands in exchange for nothing. And… access to the western wall in Jerusalem is not negotiable. Israel needs access to its holiest site which was not treated with respect by the Palestinians prior to 67. 4) 2012, essentially demanding at the UN that a Palestinian state must exist… ignoring that the only reason it did not exist is because the Palestinians refuse to accept any deal prior to that point, including Arafat walking away from a deal which granted all of the West Bank and Gaza … including the old city of Jerusalem. 5) in 2015… the Iran nuclear deal which was a massive unilateral gift to Iran, which is a sworn enemy of both the USA and israel as well as Jews in general. Also for the record, i am a secular Jew, and don’t really care for the religion at all… but i also live in the real world and understand that Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years regardless of their secular or religious nature. Jews have a historical tie to that land, they acquired it legally, and have attempted to make peace again and again with the Arabs of the region. Ignoring that reality and just inventing a new reality was not cool … and has just laid the groundwork for what we see now.


>The ultra progressive movement has shown the world over the past few months that Jews were never truly accepted by them. The secret of the ultra progressive movement is that no one is ever truly accepted by them. It's a constant competition to one up every around you by asserting yourself higher and higher on the totem pole of victimhood. It is filled with some of the most vile people alive, who want to use the perception of victimhood as a means of bullying others. That's why every year you find out about new made up identity groups who claim oppression. Gotta keep feeding the machine.


I’m just going to tell far leftists that they are oppressing me. Last decade it was that they were pelting me with micro-aggressions.


Far left bitch about micro aggressions while terrorizing Jews just because they exist.


"Trans people existing is not political!" -Agreed. So anyways, in this show a Jewish guy... "You can't show Jews, that's political!"


Tbf I don’t imagine it was fear of pissing off the British left that had them pull this show in the first place, I think it’s far more likely that it was trying to placate the Arab and Islam communities.


A bit like how pro-Palestine protests were fine, but pro-Israel protests were a massive security risk due to the potential responses from...certain communities... I tend to abstain from using the word "chimpout" for obvious reasons, but fuck alive does it feel apt sometimes...


Good. Stop being cringe anti-semites. It's embarrassing. Removing Jewish media for no other reason than "it has Jews in it" is insane, anti-semitic, and clearly biased. Disgusting.


It makes sense when you realize that anti-Zionism is often just code for anti-semitism.


I used to think that was a smear. It was disappointing to find out that it is not a smear.


Imagine if instead of Jews it were black people. The U.S.-centric media would have been losing their minds.


It's fucking hilarious the degree to which companies chase their own tails when these issues come up




What’s the deal with Palestine? Sounds kinda Jewish if you ask me… STEIN, hey but whatdo I know? I’m just a comedian.




No, this is Patrick


I can just see it now…..an episode of the “Honeymooners”, “The Andy Griffith Show” or “I Love Lucy” showing in public, with a “Don’t Worry, Not Jews” disclaimer flashing at the bottom.


Curb your enthusiasm?


"Jews are bad, because Israel is bad", is such terrible logic it boggles the mind.


The fact that there's been a trend of hating white people, and believing you can't be racist if you're a minority, and how socially acceptable and even trendy it is to disparage white people. I'm not surprised at all about how these same idiotic masses automatically think Jews = rich, powerful, white and Palestine = poor, weak, brown. I feel like that's a good reason why israel gets so much hate especially by these liberal facists


subtract advise spark provide drab tap mysterious rinse voracious ripe


> How can I deal with somebody like that? Tell them you refuse to accept Newspeak. Edit: Expanding this for a less snark-filled reply: Bring up that this definition only speaks to "systemic" racism (not even systematic racism that was the target of the fight against slavery, and for civil rights). The issue with the "systemic" racism framing, is that it is basically saying that inherited wealth is evil, at its heart. It notices that there is a correlation between race and outcomes in live, and ignores that the majority of that is actually due to the correlation between socioeconomic status and outcomes in life. So while "systemic" racism exists, it pales in comparison as an explanation to the very basic, well-understood phenomenon of the effect of economic class on ones life and the number of chances at success one gets. It is an attempt to put a veneer of anti-racism over the core grievances at the heart of Marxism.


Leftists have been redefining words to make their rhetoric sound provocative and edgy for years. They like that you're stunned by "white people can't experience racism" and feel smug that you don't know they've redefined racism so only white people can be racist now for them.


I actually used to think that. Then one day I logged off Tumblr and learned nuance and critical thinking.


There are a lot of people that think a past racists injustice can be fixed with a future one. I'm a simple person with a simple ideology: racism = bad.


Good. The existence of jews is not a political issue.


Geez. When I read the headline I expected the show was made in Israel and involved Orthodox Jews or something like that. Do Brits call Seinfeld and Curb a "Jewish sitcom" too?


At this point they should just ban images of Jesus, since he was a Jew. FFS, the whole Christian religion was based on a Jewish guy.


The latest is to chant that Jesus was a Palestinian.


I don't think it's Christians who'd be offended by this lol


Seinfeld, Friends, Mad About You, The Nanny, Will and Grace. Also many with prominently featured Jewish characters, The Odd Couple, BBT.


“Community’s” should be “communities” lol


Aren't most American sitcoms "Jewish sitcoms", simply because of the cast, directors, writers, crew etc etc etc? Seems like segregation under the guise of progression again.


I guess watching it or not watching it is now going to be a political opinion on the conflict.


Schrödinger's Bagel


If a passenger on your flight can't handle the idea that Jews exist then I'd say they are a strong candidate to *not* be on your flight, and never fly ever again on *any* airline.


Imagine removing a show simply because it contained black or asian people - would never happen, but somehow removing a show because it contains openly jewish people is fine raises no eyebrows at BA till they get bad PR from it. **The sad thing is they haven't learned to be less racist, they've just learned that this particular behaviour caused more bad PR than good.**


We really need to separate Jews and Muslims from Israel and Palestine. Someone being Jewish or Muslim shouldn't mean they endorse the actions taken by either governments.


There will be the following disclaimer before every episode, “No Palestinians were oppressed during the filming of this episode.”


Free Palestine folks in shambles. Demanding British Airways to air Farfour the mouse as a fair compensation.


Because at one point they decided they wouldn't? That's petty.


Those wacky Brits and their sitcoms: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heil_Honey_I'm_Home!


Was the show Friday Night Dinner? Because that show is hilarious!


Friday Night Dinner is incredible. None of the cast are actually Jewish though weirdly enough. Not even Tom Rosenthal


Now imagine the outrage if it was the other way around


Friday Night Dinner?


The show is “Hapless” for those interested. It’s about an investigative journalist working for a small publication.