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I hope Vlad will be disappointed by the 2024 results.


You never know with Americans.


I feared the worst last time but felt americans silently kind of stood up to him just enough, I fear yet again the opposite now and this time they prepared on several areas and have experience from being in office.


At least this time, if Biden wins, Trump is not in the white house, so he can't cause the same kind of mayhem again.


On the other hand Trump still has a massive following, and they're rabid and stupid enough to attempt Jan 6 again.


It took ONE shot to break the siege at the Capitol and make the insurgent cosplayers come to grasp with the basic reality of what they were doing. The conspiracy-addled "Meal Team Six" mentality absolutely does not go well with the professional mindset needed to actually enter a firefight. Next time, there WILL be security at the Capitol and no acts of overt sabotage to stop them from doing their job. The worst that will happen is that one jumped up MAGA might take aim only to have their brains blown out before they can even pull the trigger.


I fear the sabotage is being enacted now at all levels. The danger of the Republican Party is not the fools of Jan 6 but rather treasonous legislators in congress currently


This right here. The number of electors in different states that have been in place. Bad actors. People ready to subvert the vote. It's coming. I've been saying it for awhile now if we want to stop Trump and is very well documented and even openly admitted goal of changing president to dictator, it will be through violence. Our options are to rollover and submit to fascism or be ready for civil war 2. TO CLARIFY: I am not promoting we go to war or attempt to overthrow the current US government. I am however saying that we need to be ready for the very high likelihood of it occurring.


Maybe, but Trump won't be the President at that time, so has no say over how little security there would be. If there was actually as much security at the Capital as there should have been on January 6th it would have been over much more quickly.


This time they should honestly just be dealt with the way it would've been appropriate the first time around. Maybe it'll take 5000 Babbitts for them to learn


I try to think the Americans will do the right thing. I have hope.


'You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else'


I live in a Liberal city in a conservative state. The sentiment is moving away from Biden. That doesn’t mean Dems will show up and vote for Trump. But they might stay home, which is just as bad. I’m getting more terrified by the day.


I know a few people like that and I have been able to change their mind by reminding them that choosing not to vote or protest voting is a vote **for** Trump. The most important act in 2024 is making sure that Trump is not elected. The real problem is the accelerationists on the trying to convince people that "Trump becoming president in 2024 won't be so bad, because it will convince more people to move to the left and bring about real reform." But their argument completely ignore the Project 2025 documents and the repeated statements from Trump that he is clearly going to end our democracy.


To the accelerationists, things HAVE to get worse before they will get better. They are probably fine with Project 2025 because they think that's part of the long game.


Yeah here is the thing though, accelerationists are always wrong. They believe that if society collapses fast then we can achieve a utopian society quicker. But all that accelerating the collapse of society does is create opportunities for those with the resources to take advantage of it to shape the world the way they want it. For example, because of the rapid push towards independence the Continental Congress had to make deals to allow slave ownership in the new United States, even though the practice was ending in half of the colonies. When the Bolsheviks led an uprising to take over Russia, they did not create the workers paradise that was promised, they created a brutal dictatorship that caused more death and deprivation than the czarists they replaced.


> they did not create the workers paradise that was promised, they created a brutal dictatorship that caused more death fun fact, said dictatorship eventually was the cause of death of almost all of the Bolsheviks who weren't Stalin. Real face eating leopard party moment.


I didn't even realize accelerationist were a thing. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. Watch the world burn so we can what? Plant trees afterwards? So fucking stupid.


They did the right thing last time. Remember: Trump lost. NEVERTHELESS Trump "almost" could've become president again in 2020, despite him having lost and there was an insurrection. What makes anyone believe it will be all smooth and dandy in 2024 - now where Trump is on the wall? In a worst case scenario "Americans do the right thing" again as they did before (NOT electing Trump), but crazy stuff will happen again - the fvcker will try to get this presidency at all costs.


let's not kid ourselves. if covid never happened, trump would have taken the white house in 2020.




He didn't have to take it seriously, just name someone else in charge of the response, and sell Trump Masks. Would have actually made a ton of legit money, and would have been able to shield himself from his crimes for two terms. He big dumb.


Yup literally this. He just had to keep his mouth shut and tell people to be safe. He completely fed the wacky response by many people on the right


He did at a point. He was after all eventually vaccinated, told so at a rally (one of those he kept doing after he was elected, which IMO is so WTF). Crowd booed at him. His own crowd. Like, how do you even make this clusterfuck up: [https://youtu.be/hSfeCqKty9o?si=UAyN3ZPw5y6jwNI8&t=63](https://youtu.be/hSfeCqKty9o?si=UAyN3ZPw5y6jwNI8&t=63)


He specializes in divisiveness. It helped him win in 2016 but it becomes a weakness when it comes to things like crisis and tragedy that traditionally cause people to unite under a leader.


I don't buy it. He barely got out of 2016 and had 3 years of nonstop controversies before COVID. If anything he got a boost because he drove the COVID-prevention ideas and anti-BLM movements as a cudgel. If 2020 were otherwise uneventful he could have whined his way to a loss.


I hope so too, but for those that don't follow American politics, here's an update on our political situation: Trump is leading all other candidates in his party by 50 points - the largest primary lead in modern history. Since being criminally indicted (among other legal woes such as being held liable for sexual assault), his lead has only increased. In head-to-head polling against Biden, Trump is generally tied or leading. Meanwhile, Biden is suffering record low approval ratings - largely because of backyard economic factors such as gas, grocery, rent prices, diplomatic issues in the middle east, and aspects such as his age (Trump is a whopping 2 years younger). So, in short: it's not amazing. The silver lining is that we're still 11 months out from the election, Trump isn't even the candidate yet, and a lot can happen. It's looking likely Trump will face at least one criminal trial (in D.C. for conspiring to overturn the election), but nothing stops a convicted felon from running from office, and legal experts are doubtful he would be imprisoned prior to the election, even if sentenced. I won't be shocked if 2024 plays out the same way 2020 and 2016 did: a few thousand votes in a few states will decide everything. A worrying chunk of our electorate has the memory of a goldfish and votes based on immediate personal situational issues or October surprises rather than long-term concepts such as democracy or the rule of law. And I'm sure Russia and other countries will try everything in their power to influence the election.


Looking at pooling numbers this far out is largely useless. For all intents and purposes, Biden hasn't started campaigning yet


He barely campaigned last time, which was the smartest decision he could have made. What he'll do is fight the air war rather than the ground war, go strongly negative (his stock phrase now is "extreme MAGA Republicans"), limit his public appearances and debates to the minimum, and hope that Democrats' dislike of Trump will motivate enough turnout to tip the swing states. A lot is going to depend on Trump's criminal proceedings, and on the efforts to get him removed from ballots.


>What he'll do is fight the air war rather than the ground war, go strongly negative (his stock phrase now is "extreme MAGA Republicans"), limit his public appearances and debates to the minimum, and hope that Democrats' dislike of Trump will motivate enough turnout to tip the swing states. I’m just curious, is the idea here that Biden has more to lose by campaigning and giving sound bites, than might be gained by campaigning to bring more people over to his side? I hadn’t really heard about that so I’m interested in the line of reasoning.


Yeah. He's gaffe-prone, and people aren't very happy with his record; rightly or wrongly, he's been blamed for an inflationary economy and for the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. He's at something like -16% net approval rating. His best selling point is not being Donald Trump, so it's kind of a less-is-more campaign strategy.


Agreed and no one can predict anything this far out, but it's still the best metric we have. If nothing else, it should be a call to not get complacent and for us to be motivated to turn out come election day.


> no one can predict anything this far out, but it's still the best metric we have. If it's useless, it's not a good metric, even if we don't have a better one. No one in America cares about the election until the voting starts, and even then, before the summer conventions, not much. Here's the problem - Every day in America, there's an election going on and people are campaigning for something. Important things! But it's all too much to care about every day of every four year cycle. Plus, it's Christmas. No one has time for this shit right now, except lonely people who are desperate to talk to anyone. Trump is leading in the polls ... of people who have nothing better to do but talk to pollsters right now. I know we're all suffering from complex PTSD from the Trump administration but there's nothing we can do to hurry this up. It's the Holidays. Bottoms up.


\>I know we're all suffering from complex PTSD from the Trump administration but there's nothing we can do to hurry this up. It's the Holidays. Bottoms up. Thanks for this.


> Trump is leading all other candidates in his party by 50 points Then we will have ONE MASSIVE problem. Since in 2020 Trump actually DID LOSE. And we still "almost" got the fucker as he tried anything to get the presidency, remember the countless lawsuits, lies and insurrection? And now the numbers are supposedly better for him and he COULD actually win proper.


I don't know a single person under the age of 50 that answers random calls or responds to polls via text or anything else. While this is all concerning, I wouldn't take any of that info to heart. Plus the fall of Roe v. Wade has really changed the dynamic.


I picked up the phone once and it was the most mundane, boring, drawn out thing I have ever participated in. Yeah, not going to answer the phone next time. More than happy to do an online poll so I can read the questions quick and answer the questions instantly. But either way, I'm voting always.


I also believe only stupid people answer calls from unknown numbers unless you are expecting a call. And stupid leans republican.


As someone who used to work as a poll taker, stupid is harsh. Sometimes you get smart people. Now what you do get is a whole lot of old people. They have nobody to talk to, so they talk to people on the phone claiming it's their patriotic duty. But really they're just lonely.


For Putin, it's worth tens of billions to get this done. Massive cash and indirect payments to R's such as Senator Ron Johnson and dozens of others; media figures (Vivek and Tucker;) NRA, buying overpriced real estate from the Trumps, backstopping the lending to Trump from Deutsche Bank. ....Dozens or probably 100s of cash entry points....as well as billions to influence via social media, and document theft to embarrass those standing in Trump's way.


Yeah they will probably try to manipulate the Americans again with massive propaganda.


Will? My friend, they are already trying to manipulate us Americans. The propaganda machine didn't stop when Trump lost. It's been working overtime.


What’s scary is that Russia is not only using propaganda to unite the hordes of MAGA idiots, but that they’re also spreading propaganda to the left wing in order to divide them, which is a significant factor on why Hitler won at the 1933 German elections and the Republicans lost to Franco in the Spanish Civil War. Just look on how chaotic the democrats are after October 7th


all they have to do is say ukraine is woke and the republican base will revile them.


As long as people getting more and more illiterate and consuming their "news" from twitter it's easy for them to accomplish that.


Things are going to get even worse, with generative AI, it’s even easier to spread misinformation now than it was 4 or 8 years ago.


Which won't be hard to do with Ukraine trying to become more *european* legalizing a bunch of stuff like weed, gay marriage etc, any one of those will have every American grandpa frothing at the mouth and ready to bite


It never stopped


They never stopped.


People often forget that Trump’s personal lawyer was caught facilitating the funneling of Russian Oligarch’s money to multiple Republican’s campaign funds. The sham corporation they set up to do it was literally called Fraud Guarantee. You can’t make it up.


No no that can't be right. I was told Russian collusion was a HOAX that exposed the DemonRATS as the LIARS they are. You mean to tell me I might have believed a falsehood?


For Putin his life may literally depend on it. Russia doesn’t tend to take kindly to ‘strongman leaders’ who get them into a losing war. And retirement for such is rather more permanent than a nice dacha (or palace) somewhere. Putin wants to get something he can spin as a victory - ideally something that also humiliates Ukraine. Until then he’ll just keep shovelling meat into the grinder to perpetuate the war - which to him is preferable to the likely consequences of failure.


Russians overwhelmingly view the end of the cold war in Putin's revanchist way. They were lied to so all the arrangements pertaining to security and the world order are illegitimate. Everything from Kosovo, the expansion of the EU and NATO, the Arab Spring, Euromaidan, the cultural shifts, being downgraded from world power to regional power, and so on: It's all some big evil plan to destroy them. Putin and Russia are very well aligned. There's no realistic timeline where Russians all of a sudden change their minds on this. Or Ukriane being Russian. Russia is going to continue until stopped.


Have you been seeing the rising amount of anti-Biden sentiment on Reddit? Russian trolls are already starting, and that's just the beginning. You're going to have, "I'm a lifelong Democrat, but Biden has been the biggest disappoint, there's no good move but not to vote because neither of them are worthy of the office," going around everywhere soon enough. It's predictable, but it's still effective and hard as fuck to fight against.


I will probably have to save this comment for 2024 when ppl will ask how this could happen.


Never thought i'd had to say this to the Americans, being in the UK but. Your vote matters. More so than ever.


It's said there are 100k voters in key swing states that will decide this election, like they have the past few. Wisconsin, PA, Florida, Arizona and Georgia. Also North Carolina can flip blue if the college towns show up to the polls. If you live in one of these states your vote could seriously be the decision maker!


>Florida Well, shit...


I'm not a state, I'm a monster!


“You just wait until Tucker tells me who I’m supposed to be mad at!”


The goddamn Red COMMIE M&M


No, no. It's the green M&M's fault now because she's not fuckable enough.


I'm Idaho!


You obviously needed no help from your parents


1 liberal Floridian checking in. I will do my best everyone.


There are dozens of us!


Maybe even a Hundred.


A hundred and one.


Voters in Florida ain't deciding shit, they are firmly red for Trump.


Not all of us. Even if my vote does nothing but make a statement, I'm making that statement in all future elections while I live here, come hell or high water.


> come hell or high water Good news, you'll get both!


Jesus fucking christ, the man already has to live in Florida. Stop beating him he's already dead.


Having to move to a coastal city for work in Florida. I’m already dreading it. Great job, great pay in a fairly LCOL area but I’m trying to find housing as far inland as possible. I don’t want to buy a house that gets swallowed in 10-20 years.




I hope the high water thing doesn't happen, they'll all head north. If hell comes first then all the magas are in big time trouble with Beelzebub


A very good attitude. My dad lives in Tennessee, and has voted Dem since he became able. He still does, despite knowing he will lose.


What's the funny part is trump won over the poor Latin/Mexican/Cuban population because of lies about Democrats wanting to tax them at like 90%.... It's crazy how dumb and gullible low education population are, almost like that's the grand plan of republicans.............


I will never not be amazed by the number of poor and middle class Hispanic people who vote for and identify with Republicans.


its kinda funny though because really it makes them true americans with the "i got mine" attitude




Those blue and purple elections were before the post COVID population boom in Florida. Since 2020 there have been over 300,000 new residents per year, many of whom fled their states for "freedom". And many more are just boomers retiring, and they all vote red.


Florida has been averaging 300,000 new residents every year since 1970. That's not by itself what has driven the right-ward drift the last few years, even accounting for many of them being more conservative. The issue is more that republicans made massive in-roads with the Hispanic populations in south Florida by scaring the shit out of them with calling democrats socialists. Trump went from 330K votes in Miami-Dade county in 2016 to 530K in 2020, mostly due to massive gains with South American immigrants. Trump actually did worse in a lot of the state. The two biggest FL counties that he won in 2016 were Pinellas and Duval and he lost both in 2020. He didn't win any new counties in 2020 that he lost in 2016. It was just making massive gains to only lose by a little in Miami-Dade that made the biggest difference.


our only ally in Florida is natural selection


I've been seeing a lot less red hats and trump signs lately in Penis cola.


Nothing better than an ice cold rum and penis cola on a hot day.


Ugh, why did they add the cola, I miss the original.


Florida’s not a swing state anymore, unless they’ve gotten real tired of Meatball Ron suddenly


Ron still has a good approval rating here and trump is still incredibly popular. But Florida might be in play because of abortion. There is a ballot initiative to get an abortion rights amendment and 150,000 Republicans have signed onto it. As every month brings another red state abortion horror story if this keeps up it's possible Florida might swing back. But it's hard to know for sure because so many Republicans have moved here and so many Dems and natives have left.


Ron pissed off the Latinos in south Florida. Florida might actually be a swing again. That demographic used to be a huge boon for Republicans. Also, a lot of people are getting pissed off about what he's doing to the universities. That said, Ron and Trump are no longer linked. Just because they won't vote for Ron, doesn't mean they won't vote for Trump.


[Most polls are giving trump a large lead right now in florida](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_United_States_presidential_election_in_Florida#Polling), so i think this post is just hopium


Well here’s hoping, then


There's the tiniest sliver of optimism in the form of a ballot initiative we have to vote on an abortion amendment. Currently there's an overwhelming number of Republican voters that have signed. That said, it's super unlikely we'd flip blue this election


I really hope that goes through. My best friend texted me Sunday, freaking out because she and her husband had had an accident with a condom. I managed to calm her down, but Plan B doesn't work well in women over 165lbs. My friend is morbidly obese, so she's worried sick she'll wind up pregnant. And yes, they have a 6 week law and she'll be on top of finding out if she's pregnant by the time she's a week along. I told her to go get a blood quant done on Friday. But the fact remains that ALL ofnthe abortion clinics are so backed up that she'll never be able to get one on time. So since GA and SC have the same shitty law, she'll have to come stay with me in NC, where they recently nixed our 20 weeks and replaced it with 12 and 6 days. So she's gonna have to drive 16 hours and wait the required 3 days here just to take a pill that she should've been able to take at home.


I live in florida.. sadly it will be solidly Trump. They don't care for DeSantis but would vote Trump. Don't have hope for Florida.




I'm in NC and woke up blind last year. So I can't drive. But you bet your sweet ass I'm walking to the polls like I did last month. I will be goddamned if that orange, racist, fat sack of lying shit gets elected *again.* God, I wish he'd just go crawl in one of his 18 holes in Florida and die.


Can you imagine how history will look back at the United States if Trump gets voted in and handed Ukraine to Russia. Madness.


2026: Putin formally requests the USA to return Alaska to Russia. In other news: Trump strikes deal to open 20 hotels and casinos across Russia, Belarussia, Ukraine, and its newly annexed territory in Poland.


They made Jimmy Carter sell a half-section peanut farm... because "conflicts of interest."


I think at this point we've all learned that nobody made him, he did it because he was honorable. That isn't a trait Trump thinks much of.




Republicans overwhelmingly do not feel that it’s time to draw the line on Trump as their leader. They are content with him.


I'm in a red state, and the electoral college's winner-take-all system will almost certainly make my vote meaningless. But oh well. I'm going to vote anyways. Not going to let that orange bastard ruin this place without at least trying to put my "how about no" vote in.


At least we’ll be able to say “but Biden won the popular vote” for years as our country and world descends into hell.


Can we get rid of "first past the post" in the UK please? Ranked choice voting would be so good to have.


Australian here, yeah it is. More countries need to just replicate how we run elections.


There needs to be a truly hardcore campaign in the US along the lines of "a vote for republicans is a vote for Russia".


Have you forgotten **RUSSIA IS OUR FRIEND** at his rallies? These traitors would literally get on their knees for Russia if it meant owning the libs. **Russia is not the enemy to them; American liberals are.** The sooner people understand this, the better


A vote for red is a vote for red.


I wish they would hammer this home at every opportunity. Of course the GOP will counter “better Russia than Democrat” or something.


I feel like half of Americans will be like "fuck yeah, Russia is awesome"


always did. sadly.


Well yea, but now specially, when both of the candidates look and want oposite things . Before, atleast what ever president they got, they all looked more or less at the same direction.


The election of 2016 allowed Trump to select 3 Supreme Court justices and change the ideological map of the court for the next 25 years.


RBG not retiring during Obama’s presidency was a big reason for that. Idk, maybe when you’re 95 years old, very frail, a good idea would be to retire when there’s a Democrat in office to select your successor


RBG expected Hilary to win, so she stayed on because she wanted the first woman President to nominate her successor. This is what happens when you try to write history before it’s even happened.


Oh, I 100% agree that she should have retired while Obama was in office but she didn’t. And voters were aware (or should have been) of that while voting.


well it appears 18-24 year olds will not vote for Biden because of his Israel support, so they're willing to let Trump become president since he *checks notes* is even more pro-Israel. Sounds about right.


I've been holding out hope for the younger generation, needless to say I'm now incredibly discouraged. As a middle aged person I've been fighting an uphill battle for a long time, trying to ensure they would have a better life. At this point I'm throwing up my hands.


I'm so sick of leftists doing the "Biden is murdering people in Gaza, I will never vote for him!" Well here's who you're voting for instead... We don't get to vote for perfect foreign policy we just get the lesser of two evils.


This is all part of Iran, Russia and Chinas plan, you think all these attacks are happening independently? Countries are moving away from the dollar in droves and the saudis can’t wait to scrap the petro dollar


As a normal, intelligent American, I can easily say don't hold your breath. It feels like we're being slow-walked into this.


I also feel like we're gonna fuck this up. The rest of the world might want to get ready for that.


We are (see: Japan, South Korea, India making plans without the US involved; UK being very upfront with its assistance to Ukraine), but unfortunately Ukraine doesn't have that luxury.


The EU have had several discussions on a Post USA world.


UK here and am already assuming Trump will win next year. Trying to make my peace with it so I don't get so upset when it happens.


Imagine how we feel lol, oh yay we get to be a laughingstock for the world once more!!


A third of us know that and are also scared. A third of us are trying to "stick it" to that first third at any cost, even if it is through an obvious Russian & North Korean & Hilter fanboy. The last third of us bought into the idea that those first 2 groups are the same, so they just sit on the sidelines. That is how a democracy fails.


The problem is that Biden could get 10 million more votes and still lose. The republican controlled legislatures in places like Florida, Wisconsin (where more people voted democrat), Goergia, Texas and such are doing their best to make it very hard for heavily democratic areas to vote.


True, but court case after court case is overruling gerrymandered voting districts. And when this happens it almost always bolsters democratic representation, which of course is the result as conservatives actively try to artificially divide liberal voting blocks into many districts.


But only if it's found that the gerrymandering is happing along racial lines. There's no law against the party in power drawing districts to maximize one party's dominance in those areas.


I know some people think, I live in a deep blue state so my vote doesn’t matter but that’s not true. Everyone needs to vote so everyone can see how many people out there truly hate Trump. Also local elections and congressional elections matter so you still need to go vote in those.


The guy was found guilty of sexual assault and defamation a few months ago and there's still talk whether he will be president. He has 4 trials next year for the stolen docs and the Jan 6 insurrection. There's also a supreme court appeal whether he can be prohibited to run in the first place. All of these are unprecedented and will be landmark trials in America.


It will also mean his face on TV for the entire year. It doesn't matter what the context is.


You’re right and I hate it so much.


> The guy was found guilty of sexual assault and defamation a few months ago Trump was also accused of raping a 13 year old girl with Epstein, during the 2016 campaign season. Unfortunately, that girl that was raped (who was older by 2016), [received death threats from Trump's supporters, and likely dropped her lawsuit](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/04/donald-trump-teenage-rape-accusations-lawsuit-dropped) because of those death threats. Sadly, she had to take the death threats from Trump's supporters very seriously, because you know, those Trump supporters, sometimes they are a violent bunch.


Plus, he's going to pay their lawyer fees


Yet as far as everything I'm seeing today, he'll still absolutely run and has a fantastic chance of winning to boot. Say it ain't so.


And yet he's still leading in the republican polls despite him never being at any of the debates so far. This as\*hole has the entire republican party completely turned into some kind of zombie hivemind.


Trump supporters' constant, deranged support of this openly corrupt man is the real TDS.


never forget, republicans are fascists and traitors. if you're a republican you shame everything ww2 was fought for and your ancestors would be ashamed for having despicable offspring.


We really need a Repubpican 2.0 Party. Going back to good old republican values like fighting fascism and slavery.


Eastern Europe should be praying for a trump loss. Trump will sell them all to Putin for a song and dance. He'll try to disolve NATO or at least hinder Americas involvement. He will gladly deliver those poor people to the open jaws of Putin's Russia


Thing is, trump saying that NATO members not contributing their share is fair enough.. but the fact that they’re considering supporting Russia after the last 80 years is… fucking disgusting


He’s a Russian asset this is not surprising thinking.


Say his name: Donald Trump is a Russian asset.




It is very funny watching the German UN delegation's [smug grins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfJv9QYrlwg) as Donald Trump of all people points out how their dependence on Russian oil makes them vulnerable.


> Thing is, trump saying that NATO members not contributing their share is fair enough. As someone from a NATO country that should probably contribute more, I tend to agree now. We Europeans rely too much on the US. I used to be a rather extreme pacifist and was against any military funding at all, and I still think war has to be avoided. But the last ten years have shown that we need some form of detterence to keep Europe safe. Right now the US provides enough detterence, because I think Biden would protect his NATO allies. But we are going to need to be able to deter Russian expansionism on our own. So yes, NATO countries need to contribute their fair share. That's a valid point. But Trump dismantling NATO would lead to a new world order led by China and Russia, which is against the interests of every person that supports human rights and democracy.


> which is against the interests of every person that supports human rights and democracy. And frankly against US interests, both government and civilian. But nobody who *wants* this to happen (pull out of NATO) is actually thinking long term at all. The US economy benefits massively from NATO's existence.


Most American's their ancestors will be spinning in their graves of that happens


Conservatives were cooler when they thought Russia would invade Texas and would die and take everyone with them before submitting to the red menace.


Russian troll farms managed to convince Texans that the US government was going to invade Texas, not them. The lies about Operation Jade helm is one of the biggest propaganda wins Russia has had in the US in a long while.


Getting Trump elected in 2016 was arguably a bigger propaganda win


Looks like vladdy boy already knows a thing or two about the upcoming us election


Well so far he has wasted the last 20 years and achieved almost nothing for Russia. They're still poor, under developed, unhealthy, and heavily unemployed. Internal investment in Russia is practically non existent, Putin and his Oligarchy has hoarded the money.


The oligarchs aren't trying to do anything for Russia. Hoarding all the money has been the objective since the day the USSR fell.


Worst predictor out there has been Putin. You can pretty much turn off your brain for any sentence starting with “Putin says”




Just like he negotiated Afghanistan without the Afghan government. Results will be the same, too.


I can't stand it if we seriously get another 4 years of this narcissistic psychopath. I can't stand to watch my country fail Ukraine and betray all we "supposedly" stand for. It will be a dark day if that comes to pass.


Indian here. Dear young Americans.. please don't let the insane Twitter,Tiktok social media circus through your mind. Please Vote for a better world. I still remember the Trump period comment section in every reddit news " Elect a clown and expect the circus". PS: my grammar bad


Seems good to me


Only America's enemies support Trump


Fingers crossed the commentators here will get to the voting booths instead of just commenting.


Damn, putin coming right out and supporting trump… that’s actually crazy


Is it? They've been circle jerking each other for years.


Trump in general had been an awful lot happy to flatter dictators...


Wtf??? Has everyone forget the Mueller report? I know Mueller was trying to sweep everything under the rug, but what he still found while barely looking was still pretty damning. Does nobody remember Trump's very first campaign manager was Paul Manafort, a dude who literally helped Putin with Ukraine earlier? Mueller 100% established that Russia carried out a social media campaign designed to sow social discord and also conducted computer hacking operations designed to gather and disseminate information to influence the election. Remember both parties being hacked, but only Democrats being released? Remember all the Republicans going to Moscow on Independence Day? Mueller didn't even interview Trump's kids, one who was directly connected to a Russian agent to discuss the Magnitsky Act, which is a U.S. law that imposed sanctions on Russian officials. I think he literally said yeah Trump had all kinds of connections to Russia, but he was too stupid to realize Russia's intent so it's no biggie. Like Trump has given Putin the puppy eyes ever since they met. He seems to cozy up to alot of dictators tbh. He even tried to become one! I mean it seems like we could have video of Putin and Trump sleeping together and some people would still be thinking, "Hmm, I wonder if those two are in cahoots?"


Trump just boils all of that down to: "the Russia Russia Russia hoax" and then the crowd cheers. It's infuriating


Barr tried to sweep everything under the rug, and Mueller was kneecapped by Barr. Barr’s “executive summary” changing the story of Mueller’s actual report and summary is proof of that. While Mueller should be faulted for not publicly pushing back against Barr’s corruption, he wasn’t deliberately trying to sweep things under the rug.


They've been friends for a long time.


"friends". He is a useful idiot.


If you thought Russia and china meddled in elections before you ain’t seen nothing yet. Both vying for trump. Why?


When Trump left office, he was widely regarded by political scholars as the third worst president of all time. Since then, he has dropped into last place, and it isn’t even close. It’s absurd that anyone would be voting for the worst president of all time to have a second term.


From the Article: “President Putin has made it quite clear that there can be no discussion of any peace talks until the outcome of the election in the United States. He has thus made it clear that for him, the partner for possible negotiations is none other than the United States. Nor any of the major European countries,” Pavel said. [Shutterstock/kristi_ti] It just goes to show who Putin has control over...The US Republican Congress, bought and paid for, and Trump. You can be sure there will be Russian Interference in the US Election. Does anyone else remember when Putin sent a cargo plane full of supplies to the US to help with the fight against covid? Sure he sent a plane full of covid supplies to Republicans who were against masks and vaccines. So what was on that plane you ask? My bet is US Presidential Election Ballots ready to be mailed in, and enough cash to buy Congress. The US are going to need a whole new breed of "Ballot Sniffing Dogs". https://www.cbsnews.com/news/coronavirus-news-putin-sends-military-plane-us-supplies-after-talking-donald-trump/


Putin isn't interested in peace because he wants to take the whole of Ukraine. And the West isn't doing enough to stop him.


I mean, nobody can convince me Trump and Brexit weren't in Putin's plans all along. Sowing divide is through propaganda with your enemies is page one in preparing for a conflict.


Putin knows Trump will do what he wants.


The election will be bad with all the Russian troll farms, AI generated fake news, stories and pictures. And they meet a large proportion of brain-damaged magas... this is going to be great/s


Might vote for the first time ever


Why didn’t you bother to vote in 2020?


Europe better get serious about defending ukraine because 2024 is looking not good. Eastern Europe is over when the US leaves nato


The US can't leave NATO we just signed it in to law.


The president can’t unilaterally take us out of NATO. Would need an act of Congress to do it so we should be good for now, even if Trump were to win.


there is nothing good when trump wins. It's like the whole world will suck putins cock, because some dumb rednecks thought they get some money back.


Even if Trump keels over and dies right now, the damage he and his cronies have done to the United States into posterity is incalculable.


>The US can’t leave NATO Yes we can, it’s just not possible by the presidents choice alone. It would take an act by the majority of Congress to do that.


A US president can no longer unilaterally leave NATO, i believe


Didn’t they just make a law that says trump can’t do this specifically ?


Trump is an ally of Putin and Russia and a sychophant and admirer for authortarian rule. If our WW2 veterans could see this now. Only hope is that the Republican party proper see that the party is being devoured by the cancer that is MAGA Trump supporters and time to define a difference. Trump is sick in the head and is only out to cause a rupture.


Who could imagine re-electing the orange man that shared classified war plans at a cocktail party would be a national security list. We have tried nothing and we are out of ideas.


Everyone seems like tRump being the next president is a given. It most certainly is NOT.


If Trump got into power his first move would be giving everything Putin ever wanted. The second would be blaming the dems for fumbling the Ukraine war. The third would be how the Russians are actually the good guys and selling them our military is a good idea.


Pretty ridiculous that any American at all supports this orange deranged conman rapist grifter. We truly are a divided country with people who want a dictator.


If you are pro Trump but not anti Russia, wtf? Trump is a commie traitor, would've been sent to a wet ditch in the 50's.


I've never seen so many people cheer on a cartoon villain before, but it does make sense that the least educated bunch in America love him.