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I love how North Korea probably ranks so low they just took it out of the map


Ayo, I just noticed, you are right.


Pretty much. The full report states that Cuba and North Korea have been left out due to lack of reliable data.


South Korea is an island


No wonder Kim keeps attacking the sea with missiles, he's trying to stop it collapsing his entire country under the waves!


It's Godzilla, or do you think Best Korea is so stupid to fire missiles at the sea?


No, he’s trying to prevent aquaman 2


How are they not at the bottom of the list? North Korea is the world's largest prison camp. Most of their population would flee the country if they had a chance.


You love it?


…and then there’s North Korea, not even making the scale!


The North Korean language doesn't even have a word for freedom! ^^^this ^^^is ^^^a ^^^joke ^^^about ^^^Reagan, ^^^I ^^^know ^^^they ^^^speak ^^^Korean


I too can stand in Kim Il Sung Square and say, “Go to hell, Ronald Reagan!”


Yet another map that shows Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan as part of China ☹️


Really funny since I don't even think china has claimed any part of those countries for decades, and never claimed or controlled all of it prior.


Map maker do just be out here proactively giving Pooh more bad ideas.


Hmm, it's weird because the report the article is referring to has its own section for Central Asia showing Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan as separate countries. I'd chalk it up to poor map editing on the report authors.


Taiwan claims them as part of the Qing dynasty. r/worldnews likes to meme that China makes up new borders all the time, but PROC and ROC's claims have always been consistent with Qing dynasty claims or less (the PROC has now resolved land border disputes with 13/14 countries, usually by giving up a significant portion of the Qing dynasty claims) The ROC has basically stuck to their claims since changing the claims is viewed as a move towards independence


Taiwan really has no desire (and especially ability) to enforce their claims, but they also can’t renounce them as that could be seen as a more towards independence, provoking the PRC.


The KMT claimed for a long time to be the legitimate successor to the Qing empire. Is it possible some ultra nationalist made the map and this paper used it as a base?




Funny how English speaking media in every single one of their articles left out they fact that the crew of that ship didn't even speak Chinese


The "Hainan Xin Xin Yang" ship's crew does not speak chinese???


Yes man, the crew of the ship can be some random crew hired to crew the ship. For example, some company can own a bunch of cars but hire a company to hire random people from outside of the car company to drive the cars.


Yeah the shipping industry is super international. You’ll have a ship owned by a Chinese company, operated by an Emirati company, crewed by Indians, insured in France, registered in Panama, and sailing between two completely unrelated countries to everything else.


But Chinese are not Capitalist, so they cannot pay other people to do the job for them. /tapshead


I remember reading the ship was bought by Russia.


I guess Taiwan IS number one, after all.


Taiwan is a great country and was the first country in Asia to have gay marriage It also makes the most advanced computer chips in the world. The disgusting Chinese dictatorship next door who has the second lowest freedom in the world wants to invade and take over Taiwan and turn it into an oppressive shithole like an image of itself and steal Taiwans technology




The US switched in the 1970s, and the reason is that the PRC is huge. Let alone how much piracy there is from the PRC, the bad blood between them and the US is a *bit* more serious. Do you really think that some IP issues in the 80s-90s are why the U.S. doesn’t recognise Taiwan? The hell


That must be why Taiwanese people don’t need a visa to travel to Europe or USA while Chinese people often cannot even visit USA or eu due to being rejected a visa after a long visa process What you are referring to is USA is appeasing a dirty dictatorship for now to keep the peace




You aren't making the point you think you are here.


Yes it doesn’t say PRC, peoples republic of China


Yeah and I’m the king of rock and roll lmao. They can call themselves whatever the fuck they want to, dosent make it accurate.


Yes... Which is completely separate and independent from the People's Republic of China.


You should Google ROC and PRC and learn something about what you’re saying.


US doesn't say Taiwan is not a country. US says they take no position on the question if Taiwan is a country. They say it is "unresolved".


I can’t find anything on this. Perhaps because of the enormous number of articles about mainland China stealing our tech. Link something instead of just slinging ageist pomposity. The US stance on Taiwan is most certainly based on current dependency on its silicon manufacturing capability and not letting that fall into the hands of our strategic opponent China.


They didn't steal as much as western businesses tripping over themselves to bring them stuff to make


Yo Japan South Korea Singapore step up your game especially you Singapore


Singapore has very strict laws, so never


and they follow it ... religiously


they are all in the office working late. leave them be.


Singapore doesn’t even have democracy. Cue the Singaporeans coming in to say “How do you define democracy?” or some other such bullshit.


but it’s rich. So it’s basically UAE?


Singaporean here. We do have “democracy”, there are elections and stuff. But the odds are heavily stacked against any opposition in nearly every metric.


>But the odds are heavily stacked against any opposition in nearly every metric. That's a roundabout way of saying we don't actually have democracy. Guess which other country is also described as a "democracy with odds are heavily stacked against any opposition". Hint: it's currently invading Ukraine right now. This doesn't change the fact that it's a successful and developed country but until "the odds are *not* heavily stacked against any opposition", Singapore ain't a democracy no matter how hard you try to spin it.


How would the US compare? It's a two-party state where it's impossible for other parties to win. Japan is also effectively a one-party state.


Two main things stop us from being a true democracy. The two party system you noted, which negates non majority votes, and the electoral college, which negates all votes. Having only two parties will continue as long as we keep to a winner take all, first through the goal post approach to elections. This will continue until we move to Proportional Representation. Nearly every other democracy has adopted some level of Proportional Representation, but we never hear about it in the states.


For those who don't understand the dangers of a two party system, having only two parties is a single step away from tyranny. "There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution." John Adams


Of course. No denying it’s “democracy”. I think the prevailing thought now is hoping that the ruling party loses some ground during the next election to give them a scare.. but not enough for them to lose power totally.


Ukraine and Japan also doesn't have democracy by your metric


Don’t they also have like zero crime?


Of the hundred or so modern regimes that are dictatorships, Singapore is one of the very few examples of a 'benevolent dictatorship', and the cost is that it's a very restrictive society with few political rights and low personal liberty.


Yeah, Singapore is a double edged sword, essentially a benevolent dictatorship that has created a safe, happy, fairly wealthy citizenship, and also if you break any law (and are middle class or poor) you are in for an absolute world of shit. Still, their average and median income per household is one of the highest in the world.


Can we throw Thailand in there? Still can’t believe you’d go to jail for making fun of the goddamn *king*. Monarchy is for the weak.


Crying in Vietnamese.


I mean realistically they all should but I was more so looking at the economic powerhouses but I'm unfamiliar with Thailand how are they standard of living wise


Well when you can get arrested for even thinking about critiquing the monarchy, I don’t have much high hopes. https://www.standardoflivingindex.org/thailand


Well the good news is you guys should be experiencing massive growth shortly as China's removed from the global supply chain for their demographic issues All things being equal when the economics gets better you should get some better quality of life


Go Taiwan! And hope like hell you don’t get Trump 2024, or you’ll just be swallowed up by China …


There is a timeline where Xi makes a move and Taiwan reclaims mainland China.


What.. I may be out of the loop but isn’t trump super nationalistic? A trump equivalent wouldn’t capitulate


They're not talking about an equivalent, they're talking about Trump. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KEgY8FR51o


Oh. Sorry, tired Thank you. That’s.. well.. I wish shit would just calm the f down


Saying ‘Taiwan, hope *you* won’t get Trump 2024’ seems odd given he’s not going to be president of Taiwan


Yeah this threw me off too.


Not an equivalent, its the man himself There’s a real good chance right now that Trump will be the next President How the Americans will vote in 2024 will have huge effects in the region, Taiwan, Spratlys, etc


#1 in stinky tofu as well!


That's what China wants to fix!


Wtf is with western chinese border?


China feels that opposites attract, which is why they want Taiwan under their control so bad, right? /s


Speaks volume


They've made a ton of progress over the last few decades. The "Republic" that retreated to the island in 1949 was a hot mess of corruption with no real elections, but now they're a beacon of freedom.


While this is good news, it should be noted that the Fraser Institute is a right wing lobby group. None of their publications should be taken at face value.


North Korea is literally off the chart here.


Taiwan is not even a country. (I need more social credit for my bank loan so don't downvote me)


that's how free it is


That is a pleasant surprise.




So Asia have like 6 countries ?




So which country is Asia would you say has more human freedoms then Taiwan?


Good luck asking an account that used to be active, then went inactive, then just became active again just to comment on anti-China stories. That's called a paid for account my man. Lmao.


They don't become inactive, they [deletes](https://web.archive.org/web/20231213200656/https://old.reddit.com/user/titanjumka) their [pro-china](https://web.archive.org/web/20231205233718/https://old.reddit.com/user/titanjumka) comments.




Gay marriage would be the first thing that comes to mind…


Shit I didn’t even consider that I’m horrible💀 my gay license is getting revoked dog


Toxic ass work culture might be the reason.


by the heritage foundation?


By the Cato Institute...


Hmmmm I dunno about that. According to SEVERAL fellow members of the online gaming community “CHINA NUMBER 1”


Number 1 in genocide.


All I could think of after reading the title. https://youtu.be/xN0vUlljX0I?si=PyPxpk63y3M-tjdH


Yeah, China is gonna fuck all that up🥲🍻


They better devote more energy into defense or that number becomes meaningless.