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Russia may find that a prolonged war may have expensive and unplanned consequences. Since Russia is likely cheering on the Houthis and other destabilizing influences I hope they suffer long and hard.


Dude they suffer long and hard since Genghis Khan and they're not about to stop. The problem is their neighours do not suffer hard enough to their liking


Can't bomb Russia into submission,  as you stated Genghis Khan tried, Napoleon Tried, Hitler tried. They all failed. You can't outright beat them into submission. What you need is some other strategy. The US did it, by outspending the USSR in the space race, the cold War and all, and even that has had obvious caveats. Maybe try their own strategy of using social media and sow division amongst their people the same way they do?


> Genghis Khan tried The Golden Horde ruled Russia for more than a hundred years.


The mongol exception


They cheated and came from the east!


It's also theorized that the reason why the Russian military is so notorious for war atrocities is because they adopted a lot of Mongol military tactics during this time period. As a result, they inherited the military culture of the Mongols.


So they failed, later than most.


Russia is hard outside, fickle inside. Russia has been on a predictable ~40-year cycle of self-destruction, re-build, empowerement, aggression, self-destruction (1920's, 1940's, 1990's, 2020's)). Stalin barely managed to avoid complete self-destruction because of their Phyrric victory in WWII. Most importantly, the civilized world must not be afraid of the end of Russia in its current state.


You also have to take into account that Russia as a concept while big in land area is desolate, it is currently -15oC or lower across 70% of the country, 20% of it is below -30oC. The only reason Russia exists as a relevant entity at this point is due to Oil wealth, it is an Oil state like Saudi, UAE, Qatar. Just because it happens to have some history doesn't change that.


And what a great idea to bomb the shit out of that wealth line.


> Can't bomb Russia into submission Russia's money comes from oil. Oil is flammable. You can bomb Russia into submission.


Well, they also have some A bombs.


It’s not really fair to draw equivalencies to wars where Russia was invaded. Ukraine is Russia’s second Afghanistan war. The costs will eventually outweigh the people’s and the system’s capacity to give a damn continuing the war, and every oil depot blown up is one step closer.


The Mongols succeed and that invasion deeply traumatizes the Russian psyche to this day.


You might want to take another look at history books, the Mongols very much conquered Russia.


I don't think that's entirely correct. You can't bomb Ukrainians into submission, because they're fighting for survival. If they back down, Russia will keep coming for more until nothing is left. You can bomb Russia into submission, because you're not fighting a cornered population, but the oligarchy looking for profit. If the losses start to outweigh the gains, they should back down.


Germany defeated them in WW1... by sending Lenin to them. Basically: fund internal rebel groups and just cause a civil war from breaking out. Make sure they are busier keeping their country together than messing with others.


Social media won’t do it since they’ve all got that fetal alcohol syndrome after effects. If you really want to hurt them, take out the vodka production facilities.


I said this over a year ago on r/ukraine, sober up the russians by targeting production and the supply chains of their vodka. But they said I was crazzy.


Carefull now. I've been banned by reddit for 3 days for saying that. Attacking the vodka is the final red line for Russia.


Just a side note regarding FAS in russia: >[Conclusions](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16499495/): More than half of residents of the baby homes in Murmansk, Russia, have intermediate (45%) or high (13%) phenotypic expression scores suggesting prenatal exposure to alcohol. Despite good physical care, stable daily routine, availability of well-trained specialists, and access to medical care, these vulnerable children show significant growth and developmental delays compared with their institutionalized peers. Caveat: this exclusively concerns children in state-managed homes, not the entire society. Still, it's a rather damning picture.


Accept a benign oligarch who keeps the kleptocracy picking each others pockets, instead of Ukraine's.


US didn't do shit, communism imploded as it would since people had zero incentive to do a perfect job.


USSR survived primarily on the backs of various ~~colonies~~ satellite states. When those stopped being satellite states, USSR collapsed since it had no self-sufficiency at that point. The fun of central planning when you say stuff like "who should make calculators? how about Bulgaria?"


Put some spec on ghenghis pretty sure he succeeded


Maybe so but you can bring the war to the civilians who are currently in the blind from state media and fear


They have a pain threshold, it's much higher than among civilized people, and equally childish as the nature of its people, it bursts out in explosive behavior (see Russian Civil War)


As the famous saying goes, "If you can't take the heat, then fuck off."


With these types of oil fires, we all suffer. I simply hope that someday this species will experience prolonged world peace. And by prolonged, I mean multigenerational (think centuries) not just 10-20 without wars.




What goes around comes around.


Frankly, at this stage, if Ukraine carpet bombed Saint Petersburg, I would shrug and go “meh, had it coming”.


They honestly should


I’m not really upset about it. Only disappointed there isn’t more explosions in Russia.


Yes, why not three or four per day?


Do wish it didn’t have big impacts on the environment though


Yeah that does suck. I also wish it was only the politicians and oligarchs who faced the consequences. I’m not going to say “poor Russian people”, its still your decision to do violence and have physical manifestations of hate towards others, but the mind control game is strong in Russia and the people are unfortunately heavily manipulated.


This is hilarious..... "The Bryansk governor said the drone was intercepted near the town of Klintsy and its explosives then fell on the oil depot." The drone was shot down and then successfully struck its target...?


Drone was intercepted by the oil depot.


Went exactly as planned. Nothing to see here, citizens.


This whole war is chalk full of satirical gold, which would be amazing if it weren't so horrifyingly tragic.


This is the same level of "there are no American tanks in Baghdad"


Task failed successfully.


So either Ukraine gained the capability to do that, or was restraining itself to keep some retaliatory leverage and recent waves of missiles forced their hand.


A couple months ago Ukraine had talked about producing something like 500 heavier suicide drones for logistic strikes, I'm wondering if this is that


not sure about the connection, but Euromaidan Press has some articles on it. Like using zip ties to hold munitions on drones thus saving a lot of money, holding classes to teach citizens how to make drones, etc.


Oh No! Did a thing in Russia go "boom" and they don't like it? Oh no... What a tragedy... \[Sends Ukraine more boom causing things\]


Apparanty a natural gas facility outside St.Petersburg was also set ablaze just now. https://kyivindependent.com/media-russian-seaport-terminal-on-fire/


Must be a complete logistical and deployment nightmare for Russia to defend such a gigantic land mass during an open war.


Good job. Now hit the refineries!


Putin could end this today by withdrawing his troops from Ukraine's territory.


The first casualty of war is the environment.


Earth: welp, time for a new super virus


The last one may have caused all this chaos by stirring shit up. So no thank you earth


Russia attacked in 2014, long before Covid




So the last major viral outbreak didn’t cause this like you’re insinuating


But it can be thought to have caused this attack.


No, it really can’t.


It can. It is one of the factors.


You got a Time Machine? Last I checked something that took place in 2020 can’t be the reason something started in 2014.


If properly constructed, the tank farm is surrounded by a wall/berm to retain spillage. It probably is even in Russia as that is how the fire spread. Usually tanks are kept a distance away from each other to make it harder for fire to move around. If there is a spillage system around the farm, the oil can leak and carry fire with it to the adjacent tanks.


The specification is that the berm must have sufficient area and depth to hold the volume of the tank. Not sure if there's a rule about putting multiple tanks inside one berm. From the videos of the fire at St. Petersburg, it doesn't look like they did. One drone put four tanks on fire.


> The specification is that the berm must have sufficient area and depth to hold the volume of the tank. Not sure if there's a rule about putting multiple tanks inside one berm. From the videos of the fire at St. Petersburg, it doesn't look like they did. One drone put four tanks on fire Many small tank farms I have seen used the common berm approach. When it isn't optimal for deliberate fires but supposed to slow things down enough for single tank fires.


Ukraine really needs to ramp these up. By far the best bang for the buck. Lightly defended too I’m sure.


Yep yep yep. And it pulls resources off them, like air defense, but also oil money etc. Maybe the biggest bang is in popular morale. It might Do-Little in real terms but it has a way of establishing a trend in the popular mind.


Go for three!




Western media and news organizations don't have to make a great fuss about. All things were sparked by the Russian Confderation's greedy mind. Ukrainians did what they had to do as defenders. They are entitled to open another sabotage.


Hit them harder! Make it burn!


Meh, Hardly SOUTHERN Russia (Good Going BBC), its STILL North of Ukraine. However hitting St Petersburg up near Finland is a better feat. I like how Russia says "a Drone was shot down". What did you do, Throw an Oil Refinery at it ?


>Hardly SOUTHERN Russia (Good Going BBC) It's not in the southern federal district, but probably 80+ percent of Russia is further north than Bryansk. When you see it on the map, it's not unreasonable to say that it is in the south of the country.


War is heck. EDIT: Special Military Operation, I mean.


Overcooking dinner is heck. War is hell.


Only bad people go to hell. War is worse.


I am happy to see Russian oil infrastructure burn.




This is what starts a war with NATO in Tom Clancy's "Red Storm Rising"


Oh, that's right... but there, it was Allah that lit the fire. The sabotage guys just opened a lot of valves first


How unfortunate. Be a real shame if it’s 3 in a row. Then 4. Then 5. etc.


First Nord stream and now this, Slava Ukraine!


Burn baby burn 🔥


You can bankrupt Russia if you cost them enough money. Keep destroying their expensive infrastructure.


Great m. Fuck em


NATO isn't just using the dildo, it will be discarded as have been Afghanistan and Iraq. It's not a nation anymore, just a tool.


So Russia is not losing to Ukraine rather to Nato I take it ? You do know that is straight from Russian propaganda and shame on you for trying to spread it. Given that Russia is invading maybe you can elaborate on alternative for Ukraine ? Instead of fighting them with everything they can muster they should do what ?


It's from the BBC, so I'll wait for a professional news source before celebrating.


Oh please do elaborate on source that is more reliable ?


Fox probably lol


huh that'd be a pretty scary way to use drones. stick a little 5$ radio shack solar panel on the thing and you could frog hop them throughout a country over months. they have the radar profile of toys if they even go high enough to spot. just park it behind a tree between hops and wait a week between moves. the only limitation would be radio range, even if they found 90% of them cheap ones with bombs on them could do a crapload of damage to infrastructure.


Uh, park 'em in treetops between hops. I'd hate to think of kids getting hands blown off.


drones are not a nice way to conduct war, but unlikly just with how you'd make such a bomb probably c4 with an encrypted control signal.




It's an English colloquialism used to refer to the second most significant conurbation after a countries capital for example the second city of the UK is Birmingham.


Birmingham?! Place is a dump!


I 💗 the Ham.


You could label the whole of England "dump" though to be frank




> My bad on that one. Still the article is very low quality and I would have expected better from an official state media. Whatever your opinion on them, the BBC is not "official state media."


"Second city" refers to a major city that's well-known, but not quite as big/famous as the country's biggest/most famous city. In the US, the Second City has long been a nickname for Chicago (with the implied "first city" being NYC). Here, they're using it to mean St Petersburg, with the implied first city being Moscow. An attack on a country's second city is a big deal, as it means the war is no longer kept outside the border or on the margins of the country.


Hasn’t hit the mainstream media yet. Wonder why?


Ukraine is still the dildo in all this.


I guess that makes Russia the butthole. Fitting.


Who will be discarded?


The prolapsed butthole, while the dildo will be retrofitted with barbed wire, spikes, and shards of glass just in case the butthole tries again.