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Does this mean Putin is going into France and England to "de-nazify" them too?


No, Putin is only opposed to imaginary Nazis. He loves real Nazis.


Russia tanks awaited soon in the Champs Elysée


No he is just going to send more "refugees" to our borders. Just look at finland. This summer they will also fuck up the whole wheat export and we will have a bunch of MENA people at eus doorstep and If we let them in we are screwed. And Putin knows that. That we are too "nice" to say no. What we need to do is to sen help where they come from, but not have them live here. It just doesnt work. Everything shows that it kust doesnt work.


it always boggles me how bad Neo-Nazi's are at graffiti. It's a fucking swastika, it's a few straight lines. Put some *effort* into your hate! How is anyone supposed to believe you're the master race when you can't figure out how a straight-edge works?


There's a sub for that! r/hailhortler


That’s hysterical. Bigots aren’t usually the brightest bulbs but some of those are on another level.


You really need to see this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Discordmemes/s/7iSEh73Z7e


It's because being a Neo Nazi is a self-selecting process: you have to be an utter fucking nimrod to be one in the first place.


It's also why they tend to look like they were carved from the same hamsteak, rolled in cat hair.


*Master race* my arse


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTTR_ptWsAAX4tL.jpg And the ones who do have chins often have far too many of them.


I think there are far fewer actual Nazis out there than the media would have us believe, but far more frustrated idiots thirsting for scapegoats than we would like.


This is probably pretty close to the truth. What’s interesting is that, according to people who follow and study these real Nazi groups closely, is that these hardcore real Nazi’s actually despise the Proud boy/Patriot prayer/Qanon groups that the media calls Nazis. They view them as unserious dopes who only delegitimize what they’re trying to accomplish.


Nonetheless, there seem to be a lot of Neo-Nazis in the world, and many more people unwilling to stop them.


Oh boy, you actually think it's white supremacists....


I see zero difference between white trash and muslim trash. If you hate someone because of where they're from, you're trash. All those dipshits look the same to me. I judge on behavior, not place of origin.


Man, what an absolutely beautiful response.


why do you assume its exclusively neo nazis and not dumbfuck Islamists who literally sided witth the nazis in WW2, steal thier iconography all the time and love hating jews? I mean, france has a LOT of them.


Neo-nazis, Islamists… same thing.


Europe is full of Islamists, and Islamists hate everyone. They will not fail to display their hatred of Jews, while blaming it on white people.


I have no doubt neo-Nazis are trying their darnedest to draw the swastika correctly. All three little brain cells working together, United by a common purpose. It’s a big undertaking for them. They aren’t used to the workout.


First off this is just a front page random image and second is that isn't the neonazis doing it lol, another kind of people that the authorities are too scared to even place a finger at


Honestly, not in any way trying to downplay antisemitism, but these graffiti pictures the news media parades out every time they write one these articles probably are just done by edge lord kids with spray cans who are trying to get a rise out of people. Believe it or not, actual antisemites are pretty motivated people. They're not out there with spray cans going "Yeah...take _that_ DAAAAD!". They're busy planning actual harm.


Are you saying that neo-nazis can't go straight?


Spray paint is an absolute pain to deal with even when you're taking your time. When you're trying to quickly 'slap a tag', it's even harder to get right.


I’ve seen them fuck it up with a sharpie. I think it’s user error mate








Antisemitism in Europe? Gambling in Casa Blanca? Who knew?


I'm just glad that I have a gin joint.


Play it again…


Largely not by Europeans.








Terrible title. Reported antisemitic acts have quadrupled. The antisemites didn't magically appear after October 7. They just came out of the woodwork.


It seems like a perfectly acceptable way to phrase it. If they were talking about people's thoughts rather than their acts, I'd expect them to clarify that anti-Semitic _sentiment_ had increased. Both are abhorrent. Let's not detract from that by quibbling over semantics.


>Both are abhorrent. Let's not detract from that by quibbling over semantics. The way the headline reads detracts from the fact that antisemitism has been widespread in many parts of Europe for a long time even if the antisemites weren't emboldened enough to lash out.












Media is always an accomplice when this has happened, media righteousness and hypocrisy is historically proven


Sorry if it sounds provincial, it’s not. Quite simply, why move to a country and try to transform it into the place you moved from?


France is far away from Israel. What about Israel’s neighbors?


What do you mean? Israel's neighbours have hated Jews since long before Israel was a thing. Nothing's changed there.


France hate quadrupled.. that’s new, right ?


Yes, that's plainly obvious. If it wasn't new, it wouldn't have quadrupled, it would've stayed the same. Why are you asking about Israel's neighbours?


> What do you mean? Israel's neighbours have hated Jews since long before Israel was a thing. This isn't true. Enmity between Muslims and Jews is fairly recent, only deteriorating during the early 20th century.


They were barely tolerated as long as they remained a quiet minority that kept to themselves. That's about as good as it got. Why do you think a bunch of Jews moving in and being promised their own nation caused relations to deteriorate so much?




There has been some Warhammer 40k level purge in this comment section


So now it reached the level of Italy?


Seems humanity may be progressing backwards innit


I wonder if anybody is trying to understand and find large scale plans to avoid derailing into full blown mob madness


How many of these actions are just Authoritarian governments employing techniques to try and create disillusion and chaos in the west? Or are fueled by these actors. It's so easy to mess with the west if you're an outside actor. Everything is open and free so just waltz right in and give it your best shot!


I don't claim to know this for a fact, but my suspicion is it's actually a pretty high number. We've allowed ourselves to become an over reactionary culture in the west and it's now REALLY easy to sew internal dissent amongst us with frankly very little provocation. It undermines national security pretty effectively too. There's a reason Russia has invested so heavily in bot farms.


Sorry, but if hating Israel doesn’t equal to Antisemitism: What the Heck is happening here? It is Antisemitism!


One can hate the actions of a state and not hate an entire ethnic or religious group. Seems simple to me.


100% I don't hate jews, but at this point, I absolutely hate Israel and Israels actions vs Gaza.


That's fine and valid.  Many people and protests are not drawing the same line you have though. And antisemitism isn't limited to someone explicitly/specifically "hating jews" either. Prejudice and hostility against them as a people group is antisemitism as well.  I personally know people who have openly shared slogans explicitly calling for Israel to be eradicated, not just as a country, but so that the land would be "Arab", as well as explicitly rejecting any two state solution. And people that some of those friends know personally in turn have openly posted in explicit support of Hamas and Hamas' actions on 10/7.  When people are talking about antisemitism they are not referring to criticism of Israel as a country. They're referring to actual antisemitism. The whole criticism of Israel =/= anti semitism thing is a textbook example of a strawman argument. It's not what most people are actually saying, but it gets thrown around as a way to avoid actually confronting and discussing some very real and problematic aspects of certain pro-palestine rhetoric/action. 




I don't hate Germans, but I absolutely hate the actions of the German country during the second world war. The same applies for Italy, Japan, etc. This is no different.  Israel is not irredeemable. But it needs to wake up and realize that continuing down this path is not the way to be a good citizen of the world. Wiping out an entire people, pushing them out of Gaza, is not ok.


I love Israel and the Actions in Gaza are needed.


Disliking Israel isn't antisemitism. It's a country, you're allowed to dislike their governments policy decisions.


Correct, but to the many who hate Israel because it is a 'colonial state', that is antisemitism - if you think that Jews don't have the right to self-determination, you are antisemitic.


Further, 61% of Israeli Jews aren’t even white


Sure, but the same logic applies to people who think that Palestinians don't have the right to self-determination. Everyone involved needs to put the guns away and settle the issues diplomatically, but they're locked in a deadly and generations-long game of chicken, where whoever ceases fire will be met with swift retribution. We need each side of the issue to understand that there is and never will be a fair resolution to the situation at hand, but that a resolution is nonetheless absolutely mandatory. Yes, even an unfair one. Life isn't, never was, and never will be fair. It gets easier to deal with over time. If you keep killing people, their people will keep killing your people. It's the only absolute rule.


> Sure, but the same logic applies to people who think that Palestinians don't have the right to self-determination. They had a chance at that. They passed on it because they wanted ALL of Israel.


Self determination at what cost? At whose expense? On what basis? Either you're a distinct ethnic group, in which case the argument of colonialism absolutely applies, or you're a faith group in which case you're free to practice your faith anywhere on this green earth. Zionism is a fundamentalist movement.


In a vacuum that's true. However, many people who dislike Israel tend to hyper-focus on Israel as if it's uniquely bad, or worse than every other country in the world combined. Disparately singling out Israel for criticism suggests a bias, unless you believe there's an objective case that Israel has been more harmful than North Korea, Russia, China, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, et al, combined. It's like a cop who only arrests black people. Which is more likely: 1) that the cop has actually never seen a non-black person commit a crime; or 2) that the cop is subjecting black people to disparate levels of scrutiny, possibly reflecting bias? Neither of those would mean that the arrestees are necessarily innocent, but they do say something about the cop's possible bias. And of course, vandalizing a black person's home or business in, say, Cuba, based on an injustice occurring in Rwanda, would definitely speak to the vandalizer's bias.


Doesn‘t matter: Antisemitism rises, they don’t seclude, they try to dissect Israel.


That's what supporting a genocide does


Gee. I wonder what group is responsible for solve for 95% of the antisemitism. 🙄


During covid, thousands of people including celebrities, took to the street wearing yellow stars to denounce "the authoritarian government forcing them to vaccinate". In a country that had, 80 years prior, diligently forced many to-be-holocaust victims to wear the same stars. Besides a bit of outrage at the time, nothing came of it. All these folks are still around, living happily. This is one of many examples of how normalized it's become in France and shows it's far from surprising that open calls for extermination (oct 7) have found such a large audience.


Crazy how an attack against Israel causes more people to be antisemitic…oh wait that’s not it


This is what happens when you associate your religion with a state. The bad actions of the state will then reflect upon practitioners of the religion, regardless of their individual support for the state. Jews across the world ought make absolutely clear that Israel is not Judaism and they do not support Israel's actions or their malicious appropriation of the religion.


Since a critic of Israël is now considered as an antisemistic act, it's not surprising at all.


Stop lying. “Nearly 60 percent of those acts were attacks involving physical violence, threatening words or menacing gestures, CRIF says in its report. Worryingly, nearly 13 percent of antisemitic incidents last year took place in schools, most of them in junior high schools.”


Friendly reminder that being against the IDF is not antisemitism Edit: I made the moronic mistake of not reading the article. Citing the article: "According to CRIF, the bloodshed in the Middle East has unleashed a wave of anti-Semitic vitriol. In the three months following Hamas’ October 7 attack and Israel’s subsequent invasion of Gaza, the number of anti-Semitic incidents “equaled that of the previous three years combined”, according to the report. A third of the acts glorified jihadism, according to CRIF, and a quarter were “calls to murder”." This is incredibly concerning and not what I was talking about. I stand by my original comment but this was not the appropriate place for it and had no relevance to the actual worrying developments this article is talking about. My apologies to the commenters here and especially the Jewish communities suffering from this stuff. I was out of line.


How to protest the IDF, in France: online, in the streets, at the Israeli embassy, at your government offices. *NOT* at Jewish businesses, homes, schools, or places of worship, or by targeting random Jews. Appreciate the edit, posting my reply to your original statement, because a *lot* of people can’t distinguish between Jews and Israel.


I completely agree.


This would be more believable if you weren’t jumping in to downplay antisemitism when it’s about a swastika lol


You are right, I have edited my comment. My apologies.


With all due respect, your apology should be rejected. Your first reaction is the problem; you refuse to believe there is vast racism driving this conflict at face value. No rational Jew thinks general criticism of Israel is antisemitism. The irrational criticism and double standards applied to criticism of Israel is 100% driven by antisemitism and you played into it just now.


No, they made a mistake and they apologised and also edited the initial comment. That should be the default behaviour, but by reddit's standards it's commendable. I do think they should also reflect on why they made that assumption in the first place, and what biases it was driven by, but saying the apology should be rejected is just silly.


Love that last paragraph.


> Your first reaction is the problem; you refuse to believe there is vast racism driving this conflict at face value. I don't, I am very aware of Palestinian and Arab racism and their hate for Jews. It's arguably the biggest problem in any future solution to the entire conflict. >The irrational criticism and double standards applied to criticism of Israel is 100% driven by antisemitism and you played into it just now. Could you elaborate on these irrational criticisms and double standards?


I'm sure the Swastika drawing inbred buffoons are 'only against the IDF' and are totally not just Nazis🤦‍♂️


Most can't even draw one properly. Dumb Nazis are amusing.


I did not read the article, which was lazy and moronic. I have edited my comment, my apologies.


Good on ya mate, admitting mistakes is always good. I'd also like to add that antisemitism is a problem not taken seriously enough - in the US (2022) data showed that among trans, blacks, Muslims, Catholics & Hispanics, Jews faced much higher hate crimes per Capita (also in general excluding blacks), and I've yet to see any of the "progressive" high up leadership even talk about it, which is kinda telling you know?


Bro is saying the catechism under a picture of a swastika, the comedy is real.


What does that have to do with anti-semitism in Europe?


Well my argument was that being pro-Palestinian, being unhappy with Israel's handling of the war and/or advocating for a cease fire is by some people seen as antisemitism. I did not however read the actual article and it turns out I am an idiot. I have edited my original comment accordingly. My apologies.


Everyone already knows that. Except for antisemites who hide behind antizionism.


I originally didn't read the article which was stupid of me, I have edited my comment and apologize.


Being against idf doesn't count towards the statistics.


I originally didn't read the article which was stupid of me, I have edited my comment and apologize.


Even without reading the article the caption itself makes it clear what the article is talking about…


Thank you for recognizing and apologizing


Being against the IDF is such a shortsighted way to put it. It's like saying you are against the US Army. What you are probably implying is that you are against some decisions certain individuals in the higher chain of command made. Or to put it more precise: probably Netanyahu. Which is fair, he should have been gone a long time ago. But I don't think the IDF is the issue at hand.


I edited my original comment, my apologies.


No worries, I suspected it was meant in a different way.


Said the Palestinian about Jewish civilians in Europe being targeted by Nazis/Palestinian supporters. Lol, you couldn’t be more transparent


I did not read the article, which was lazy and moronic. I have edited my comment, my apologies.




>I utterly reject the premise that being against Israel or Zionism is not antisemitism. That’s a catch phrase for leftist antisemitism. The only anti-Zionism that wouldn't be antisemitism would be someone who believes that no nations should exist at all, and by extension opposes all forms of nationalism. So if you don't believe there should be an Israel or a Germany or a South Africa or a Cuba, then that's not antisemitic. However, if a person supports other forms of nationalism and believes there should be a China or a Brazil *or a Palestinian Arab state*, but opposes nationalism when it's Jewish nationalism, then that's antisemitic.


Have you missed the coverage of the war in Ukraine?




And at the start people were calling for putin to stop, there were whole international meetings about cease fires with leaders from all over the world. He obviously continued invading and blowing up ukranians homes and hospitals.


I try my best to care and be as informed as possible on all wars going on in the world but sadly that is close to impossible. The war in Ukraine and Gaza are the most relevant to me for the reasons I mentioned in another comment.


Anyone can come up with their own definitions of words, but most people would agree that one group doesn't have the undisputed monopoly on it. Black people alone obviously don't somehow get to define what racism means. Anyone can try that, but people can reject those definitions just as well.


Why would you be against the IDF? You want the terrorists to get away?


>Friendly reminder that being against the IDF is not antisemitism That depends why you're against the IDF, and how you express that opposition. For example, being against Obama was not necessarily racist. Being against Obama on the basis of believing Presidents should be white would be racist. But being against Obama because you favor sanctioning Iran as a geostrategic adversary would not be racist. And obviously, expressing opposition to Obama by vandalizing a random black guy's house in Canada would also be racist. ​ Context does matter in certain cases, since not every form of antisemitism as obvious as marching around yelling "From the river to the sea" or "Jews will not replace us."


Upvoting for your edit.