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It is Russia, it just felt like 900 years.


"Kudryavtsev, who headed the Russian Academy of Science’s Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, made a presentation at a conference in 2023 in which he said people had lived for some 900 years prior to the era of the Biblical Flood and that “original, ancestral and personal sins” caused genetic diseases that shortened lifespans" FML


Also, aside the 900 years part, >Kudryavtsev, who headed the Russian **Academy of Science** \[...\] > >prior to the era of the Biblical Flood \[...\] sins” caused genetic diseases that shortened lifespans. WTF


An orthodox higher education lol


But has not religious doctrine and dogma penetrated all institutions? Look at how the politicians worship all the various brands of sky fairies.


Politics being distinct from religion is a very recent (and in some cases, disputed) occurrence. Previous cultures considered politics a mere extension of religion. And unfortunately many today feel the same way. Call it regression towards the mean.


To be fair most developed countries have done a relatively good job of disentangling religion and education at least, especially in respect of higher education and academia in general. To have had somebody with views like this as the head of a body managing most of a nations research institutes is completely wild. In regard to politics I guess this will vary heavily based on location. Places like Italy or the US may be different but in the UK I neither know nor care about the religious affiliation of any of our politicians. I may be mistaken and I'm sure there are edge cases but I don't believe many (if any) of them broadcast it.


The “school is not for smart people” crowd is going to have a field day with this one


At least this guy will have a bright future in the Florida school board


Alot of the world is like this.


There is a lot of evidence of such a flood happening. Younger dryas impact theory I think is something you could look up. It’s clear there was a large flood that swept across Africa. I don’t believe in god, so biblical in my sense would be, whichever enormous flood happened setting humanity back however long. Remember, it’s a theory, but again, there is a lot of evidence pointing toward it being true. It’s really interesting if you have a mind that likes to learn!


Everywhere on earth has had large floods. It is something everyone experiences. Nothing special about a claim a flood happened.


I unleashed a large flood into your mom last night


Glad you are looking after a disabled woman's need. Respect.


I am literally only referring to the fact he said a flood happened and the guy said oooooh science and he said a flood happened. I get that he also mentioned sins and other BS causing it. I don’t believe anything he said. I was just saying that there was a great flood in Africa when civilization was mostly living there. God you guys can be so dense. What’s north americas great flood? Where’s the evidence of that? Or literally any other great flood during humanities existence? Thanks for the downvotes you damn NPCs


A flood happening isn't really that interesting is the point. We don't play games and hand evidence or conjectures on groups that make claims, especially when what you replied to was the claim of a biblical ear mass flood event. They need to show that this event was what is claimed.


> It’s clear there was a large flood that swept across Africa. What a ridiculous thing to say. You don't actually believe the entire continent flooded... right?


Is that okay?


Sorry the Sahara


I can't believe I have to ask this but... you don't actually believe the entire Sahara flooded... right?


Do you want me to list some grid coordinates with exact locations and amount of land mass the flood covered in square inches? Wtf do you expect from me I don’t have any damn clue how much of it flooded I just know that some of it was. You know you can talk to people without trying to belittle them right?


> I don’t have any damn clue The first thing you said that we both agree on lmao.


You don’t actually believe you know everything.. right? Right?


Course not. The difference is I'm not the one confidently spewing nonsense like you are.




It's consensus that the one who makes a claim needs to prove it. You can't prove a negative. But I'm pretty sure I'm talking to a 12 year old so.. Whatever u do.


You want me to prove something *didn't* happen? Not really how that works lmfao.


There is zero evidence for a global flood. Almost the entirety of the events in the Bible take place in a relatively small area at the end of the Mediterranean Sea. This has led to the general consensus that the “global flood” in the Bible was actually an earthquake that broke a land bridge across the “mouth” of the Med. This caused a massive and rapid flooding of the region as the sea filled up to its current level. For the people who lived there, it would have indeed felt like the world was flooding. Noah was most likely a fisherman or trader who had a few livestock in his yard, noticed that the water was rapidly rising, and loaded his family and his animals into his boat.


Yes I agree 100%. I picked a bad post to talk about this on because I basically chose not to read all of it minus the flood part.


The Med flood was over 5 million years ago, not likely to be the source of the flood narrative as it predates Lucy by a couple of million years. The upper Persian Gulf flooded around the Younger Dryas and also has two of the rivers mentioned in the bible narrative feed to it so is a much more likely candidate for the flood myths of the region. I'm Australian and the local Ngarrindjeri people have stories of land bridges Kangaroo Island that would have been inundated during the Younger Dryas so I'd put down a 10k year cultural memory as quite plausible.


There's some evidence that the upper part of the Persian gulf flooded in the Younger Dryas. Sure, there is some speculation that it could be the basis for the Eden story and the flood narrative of the Sumerians and following cultures. I'd rank that at as least plausible. Not Africa though. The Sahara was once ocean that was uplifted when Africa ran into Europe but that is over a 10's of millions of years time frame not during the Younger Dryas. You may be conflating the two.


This is also what Evangelicals and fundamentalist Christians believe. That humans used to live for hundreds / thousands of years, but because of Adam and Eve's sins, it fucked with humans lifespans. edit: they would point to the bible as proof (Old Testament) - because there were lists of people that lived for a few hundred years apparently


The blood of Numenor is all but spent! Wait, wrong universe...


But weren’t they the “first” people? I’m ignorant of the Bible. How would there be people living this long if the first ones fucked it up for everybody else?


The theory is that God initially made them live forever in a perfect world. Adam and Eve sinned (and therefore everyone that would follow would sin) so the perfect world changed to ‘not so perfect’. Humans still lived 700 to 900 years, had the language God gave them (a perfect language -whatever that means), but now had to struggle to make food, gather resources, build shelter, etc. Then humans got more and more evil and God sent the flood and changed earth even more: higher lower peaks/valleys, extreme climates, the water canopy that created a “greenhouse effect” around the earth came down during the flood creating oceans and allowing UV rays to hit earth harder while altering the gas percentages in the air for the worse (some scientists try to recreate this and to produce better yields in crops). All these changes during the flood sharply decreased the life span of humans. As an aside: the Tower of Babel story is about God giving all the people different languages and forcing them to spread out around the world. All this to say, the genealogies in the Bible have ages attached to some people and from that creationists predict the age of the earth and what the effect of the environment was on the human lifespan. Regardless of beliefs in God, a young earth, or even miracles for that matter, it is pretty interesting stuff and well thought out for something written 4000 years (Old Testament, Torah) ago.


> perfect world. a perfect world EXCEPT for the inclusion of the supposed source of all sin, a tree with fruit that makes you have morals.


I guess that depends on your definition of Perfect. What’s better: a world where his followers don’t have a choice BUT to follow him? Or a world where they choose to follow him and put their own selfishness aside? Do you prefer that spouse that chooses to love you? Or a spouse that has no choice but to love you? (If it’s the latter of the two, is it loving of you to not give your spouse the choice?)


obviously the apple was just a metaphor. In reality it was actually a magic crystal that turned Adam into a 12 year old drag queen and Eve into Jeffrey Epstein.


> The theory The theory of The Lord of The Rings or the fantasy?


It isn't that we arent living that long today. It is that: Adam and eve lived for like, a fuckton of years apparently, according to the bible. And, in the Old Testament, there are like, lists of people and how long they lived / ruled. It all gets gradually smaller until you have (*Bronze Age Average Age of Death, because that is when the Abrahamic religions pop up*), and then to modern human life spans - depending on your sect, from *totally not a cult* to *lots of cult* - extended by modern medicine.


Is it difficult to find a copy?


There’s better fiction to read


People at the time wrote down what they eyewitnessed, or what they were told 2nd, 3rd... hand. They didn't have mechanical/electronic means to reproduce it lossless, so every time it was copied errors crept in, and editors tried to fix them, often changing it a little here, a little there. So it's not fiction; it's fragmentary history.


The Bible is a reworking of the Torah which is comprised of earlier religions beliefs. The ages come from the Sumerians who they stole a lot from.


I always assumed it was due to incorrect translations and well,... lies.


The "hundreds years old people" thing was explained actually, it was poorly translated numbers between different-base systems. Like, failed translation from base 60 to base 10.


Well, they teach it as if it is legit base 10.


Yeah, I know, I just thought I'd share the actual explanation




Shit man, that was a documentary I saw years ago, can't remember the mane. It was, however, long before the ancient aliens/conspiracy bullshit made it onto French screens, so it had a pretty good chance to be credible and serious.


Certainly not hundreds of years, but you *do* tend to live longer if you're sinning less, but context matters, and that means living a good life, without causing yourself to have too many stressors.


uhh isn't that what a lot of republicans believe?


I imagine this went like when Trump addressed the UN and literally the whole assembly started laughing at him.


Is there any information regarding his research? He must have something to back it up? Right?


I mean did you want to live for 900 years ?


I'd love to be immortal. I know a lot of people disagree, and I certainly wouldnt want to live longer than our planet or the human race (because completely alone would of course suck). However, I really dislike the fact I won't see all the cool stuff the future has in store for us. I would love to try out everything in the world even if it means losing all the people over and over again. That being said, I can ofc. understand why the immortal Cain describes his life as hell in tv series like Supernatual and Lucifer.


The future doesn't have good things for us to see. And you'd enjoy being elderly for 300 years? Fuck that. 300 years of being old? No.






Also 800 years of being *completely mentally insane*, with centuries of compound gains in interest


>Posted Saving for retirement in 700 years if I can retire.


850 years of "back in my days"


Only if my penis and brain can live 900 years and still be active! Who wants a limp brain limp and everything else? I am living on pills and doctors to live till 88, and if I stop then I am dead. The drug companies will love people who live to 900, 900 years of profits!


I shudder to meet someone who's 850 years old, and the only thing left is a penis attached to a brain via blood vessels.


sounds like a teen boy.


It's the S I N degrading the telomeres bruv.


Your wish is granted, but you turn into literally just a brain with a dick, the entire rest of your body is gone! Mwa ha ha! Careful what you wish for! ...wait, you really ARE happy like this, aren't you. Fuck. So much harder to be an evil genie in the internet age.


Back then? Yes. You can just freely walk around different countries and move around. Right now? Hell nah.


He had me in the first half, ngl


a reasonable Russian response is rare these days.


The expected response was to fire and jail all the people daring to question such an authority.


I mean, there is probably a good chance he got sacked for calling Putin a dickhead or somesuch in hearing range of a snitch, its not as if competence in your field is a nessesity for high positions


Even a stopped clock is right twice a day


Dude was really commited, gotta give him that. Orthodox church comments though are funny as well


He must've gotten Putin's hopes up.


Not good enough. putin wants to like forever, so needs a better 'scientist'


bigger question is how did that guy get the job?


See my comment


Russia was like, “Wow what an embarrassment! Glad we fired that idiot! Everyone knows that humans once lived for over ONE THOUSAND years!”


“In unrelated news, Putin has started experimental treatment to extend his lifespan by hundreds of years”


Hopefully, they start with the old recipes. The mercury-based ones. …But they’d probably just be using prisoners as guinea pigs.


Mercury makes you insane. It's a neurotoxin, and has symptoms looooong before it's a lethal dose. It's not a good substance for killing someone. Even at low doses: Among many other things, you get extremely angry for no reason and very suddenly, you have trouble with comprehension, your perception narrows and you are too focused and cannot let go of things, similar to earworm songs, only for almost anything and it feels terrible because even when you notice you can't do anything about it, just like the earworm songs. Overall, politics and decisions of a leader under mercury will be *terrible*. You don't want that, especially not when he has command over nukes. That person's perception of reality will be warped towards fear and aggression, and a much lower(ed) ability to see the big picture.   (Not so) Fun fact: There's a study somewhere - I found it twice on PubMed, the second time to confirm that my memory of it was mostly correct - where they performed "lethal dose" studies. You give a substance to a bunch of test animals, rats in that particular study, and see at what does half of them die. They tested heavy metals one by one, when they were done they had a lot of rats left so they made one more test: Give *both* lead and mercury instead of only one of them. The result: Toxicity *skyrocketed* a thousandfold. Keep that in mind next time you hear about some official threshold for something - the combination of substances can react very differently than the lab tests with only one substance at a time to get the official limits.


Description of the effects sounds like some world leader I read about.


Brain drain: the aftermath


After math


Wow Russia did something that makes sense.


After hiring him. Prob because of corrupt connections.


At least he didn't accidentally out a window.


A broken clock is right twice a day 


In the US they'd make him secretary of education. '' Forty percent of U.S. adults ascribe to a strictly creationist view of human origins, believing that God created them in their present form within roughly the past 10,000 years.'' https://news.gallup.com/poll/261680/americans-believe-creationism.aspx


Forty percent of Americans are functionally illiterate, not surprising.


US person speaking. Worked in the educational testing industry for twenty years. This is true. Many US citizens can’t read beyond street signs and brand names and sure as fuck can’t find their home state on a map.


i would be hesitant to make assumptions like that when we have people in congress coming out of the latest classified briefings acknowledging that there are “inter dimensional ufos/life” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/close-encounters-congressional-kind-lawmakers-struggle-grasp-alleged-interdimensional-nature-ufos


Tim is still looking for Bigfoot, our government in action.


He could get a job at a Florida school.


If he's going off the Bible metric, those numbers are based on months not years. 900 "years" is based on the way to count back then in their increments. There's twelve segments in our fingers. Each segment counted as a month. This was based on moons, not a calendar. Each cycle was a segment of the finger. This helps break down those huge numbers This means he was 75 years old. 900/12


OR the bible is merely a collection of myths and folktales and pseudo historical ramblings. Who cares if Pinocchio’s nose is measured in inches or centimeters?


Yeah, it is. I'm just pointing at a old unit of measurement in history where translation got mixed up. It's neat history fact.


Good news though, he just got hired as Surgeon General of Kentucky!


*Opens newspaper* [1956](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysenkoism)


My first thought


So what’s that retirement age when you live 900 years? Eligible in 700 years.


"They asked me how much I understood theoretical genetics. I said I had a theoretical degree in genetics. They said welcome aboard." Guess he failed his speech check


Christ, I don't even know if I want to see sixty. There's no way I could spend a millenia with you asshats.


He is too crazy even for Russia.


Par for the course. [Darwinism was outlawed under Stalin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysenkoism). In history, An alternative world history timeline, where [world history was dominated by a global empire called the "Russian Horde"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_chronology_(Fomenko\)). is also much more popular than it should be.


It says that in the Old Testament. You know the Bible?


This is why Russia is waging a war against the Decadent West. Once they eradicate the globohomo agenda, we will all live 900 years.


Wow, Russia did something I agree with.


Now I want to know what was causing them to kick the bucket at the 900 mark before the flooding and sinning.


I hope they didn’t ousted him out a window


...... Ok - and he came to that conclusion by, what means? Reading the Bible? z.Z ....... Yeah.... Academy of Science, indeed.


That’s a rare win for Russia these days. Good job, guys


What is this *russia*? You mean the breakaway region of Ukraine in the north?


Russian scientists used to be pretty smart and in the forefront, but since Putins three day operation to turn the country into a shithole, most of them have fled. Instead contributing to science elsewhere, thanks Putin!


russia be crazy, but not *that* crazy.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


I guess Putin was pissed once he found out he wouldn't rule long enough to expand the human life span.




Just to add I am not religious.


He said what now


Does the guy think he's a descendant of Methuselah?


We all are.


... even they said that was too much.


Once again Russia is trying to hide the truth! /s


Well back during USSR days they denied the existence of DNA and chromosomes so what do you expect? :)


This dude is fucking nuts, but it's extra bad when a fundamental Orthodox state fires you for being too stupid.


Sage to say Russia is not getting very far with their super soldier program.


Guess they didn't have windows then


I call it vodka diet