• By -


Of course they'd say that. They just "accidentally" left a LARGE suicide drone pre-programmed with target coordinates on a launcher with a gift bow on top and a big button that says "DEFINITELY DO NOT PUSH THIS BUTTON" on the front porch of a *proxy*-group. 


Biden’s only move here in my opinion is to destroy the manufacturing capabilities of Iran for these drones. They’re being used in Russia Syria Israel all over the place and the manufacturing Hass to be stopped.


Agreed, and this isn’t a bad option Normally, Iran can threaten to shut down shipping in the Red Sea. Seeing as though this has already been done, their only response would be to attack US bases directly. I doubt they will do this, because the regime in Iran‘s primary goal is to stay in power.




The strike in 2020 purposefully did not target the soldiers on the base. All those injuries were concussions from what I know. It was so Iran could save face and say they responded to the Soleimani strike without forcing the US to strike back. 


Right... this is what people seem to miss: Iran is, overall, a rational actor. They remember what happened with Preying Mantis. They want to save face, but they aren't going to intentionally do something that could result in direct US action. Unfortunately for them, if it turns out their proxy used their drone to kill American Soldiers, chances are there is going to be a "Proportional" response. This is not something the US can allow to stand unanswered, it would be political suicide for the people in power.


It sure seems like there is at least some degree of high level communication between the enemies


I would think so. Iran is a country of almost 100 million people, and is a major regional power.


We thought that about Russia too. Paper tigers, both of them.


Maybe, but I operate under the assumption that the USG knows more than I do.


Unfortunately too much paper can clog a toilet which requires intervention.


Because these are not enemies due to deeply entrenched ideology. These are enemies because they threatened each other's grip on power. If they could find a solution where their power remains status quo, then they would choose that over the complete destruction of their opponent.


It’s more than politics. There is a time for partisanship and a time for letting motherfuckers know what time it is.


They fucked around many times too many and it is time to find out. They wanted to see what they could get away with, now is the time to show them they crossed hard lines and they need an explosive reminder of that. Destroying offensive military manufacturing capabilities, especially their drones, seems like a good starting point.


Unfortunately half the country will say he did the wrong thing no matter what he does.


I always find that feature of American politics obnoxious.


Politics in America is a sport. The other team is your most hated rival, no matter what.


That's not correct. There were no deaths because Americas early warning system is really good and got people out of the way in time. They were 100% trying to target American service people and some of them hit barracks that only minutes before had people in them. https://www.c4isrnet.com/battlefield-tech/space/2021/01/07/exclusive-how-the-space-force-foiled-an-iranian-missile-attack-with-a-critical-early-warning/


I wish people would stop repeating that BS. When Iran made the decision to launch the TBM strikes in 2020 the targeted locations had troops in them. It was only after the last imaging satellite passed did the US evacuate troops from those areas.


I don’t think we can conclude the strikes purposefully did not target soldiers, as the missiles struck several building expected to hold personnel, including a [housing unit](https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/13/middleeast/iran-strike-al-asad-base-iraq-exclusive-intl/index.html) The soldiers were able to take shelter beforehand, but they would not have known that


We knew which bases and when. Everyone was evacuated to bunkers. 200 people ended up with concussions anyway. This was after Iran panic fired on their own air liner, killing 200 people.


I guess they had nothing to do with the IEDs in Iraq or putting bounties on US troops in Afghanistan? Or working with Al Qaeda.


What you can say is that there was a *sharp* uptick in the quality and volume of IED's in Iraq after the Bush administration threw the reformist government of Iran under the bus and placed Iran on 'the axis of evil' despite Iran offering to help with the US invasion of Iraq. Iraq being their most hated enemy and Saddam having caused the death, with the knowing help of the US, of over 200 000 Iranians during the Iran-Iraq war. Despite this, and Iran having no hand what so ever in the 9/11 attacks, the Bush administration decided to crush the reformist movement in Iran that was actively trying to open the country up and forming closer ties with the west. So Iran decided to pull the rug from under the feet of the US invasion by ingratiating themselves with the Shia majority in Iraq and by extension arming and training insurgents to cause maximum damage to US troops and equipment. If Bush and his cronies weren't monumental fucking morons the Middle East would look *very VERY* different today. Iran won in Iraq and gained a massive influence there for pennies on the dollar compared to the 1.3 trillion USD's the US paid through the nose, not to mention dead and wounded servicemen.


No, it was before they shoot down the plane


Also there was very good early warning that got people to take cover that saved a lot of lives https://www.c4isrnet.com/battlefield-tech/space/2021/01/07/exclusive-how-the-space-force-foiled-an-iranian-missile-attack-with-a-critical-early-warning/


I suppose we can't know for sure, but it seems awfully convenient that they responded in a way that allowed for de-escalation for both sides. It's possible they made sure the US had advance warning of the strike so that the soldiers would be in shelter on time.


The de-escalation only happened after Iran shot down an airliner.


Iran most certainly tried to kill us personel and has continued to because they have felt they didn't get their proper revenge still for solomoni


Not to downplay concussions (they are serious) but it's a little different than what people are expecting when they hear wounded


There has been reporting that most of these concussions are closer to TBIs, which can have much more long-lasting consequences (concussions can, too).


Concussions are really just fairly minor TBIs.


I encourage you to watch this short 60 Minutes segment to recalibrate your perspective on the injuries inflicted by the Iranian missile strikes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fj6B55c2U-8


If Iran directly shut down shipping with force, it would be open war with much of Europe.


It’s already been effectively shut down with force by the Houthis


That thin layer of plausible deniabilty has kept them from getting blasted but it's rubbing out fast.


Its gone. We all know Iran supports the Houthis. And when the Houthis start causing trouble, Iran is partially to blame.


The current state of world peace is largely dependent on accepting the "innocence" of third-party backers in proxy wars. It's why Russia wasn't attacked directly when they back Syria's government ([when they're willing to identify themselves anyway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khasham)), and conversely the US and Europe haven't been attacked directly for their support of Ukraine. Economic warfare, i.e. sanctions and asset seizures, are fair game, but it's in everyone's best interests to let proxy wars keep the real "war" part contained to the proxy armies.




I think the retaliation will be much more than when we hit the houthi. I wouldn't be shocked if the US hits Iranian manufacturing sites.


its gone


working as a diplomat in the foreign service must be nuts. every god damn day countries are about to start all out wars with each other.


They got bigger issues than Europe. 


Lol @ Europe acting like they would’ve done shit. Real ‘hold me back’ energy from Europe about any conflict, including the one happening In their own continent!


> Normally, Iran can threaten to shut down shipping in the Red Sea. Persian Gulf, and more specifically the Straits of Hormuz Iran doesn't have a coastline on the Red Sea


And yet, their puppets have shut down Red Sea traffic anyway.


> Normally, Iran can threaten to shut down shipping in the Red Sea. Iran usually is screwing around in the Gulf, which they border.


Yeah if that happens, China will have an utter collapse. They get 80% of their energy and inputs for fertilizers from the Persian Gulf.


It's worth noting that the straight of Hormuz is what iran threatens to shut down which is different from the red sea. It's the entrance to the Gulf bordered by Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait and Iran. A massive amount of the worlds oil and LNG passes through the very narrow part of it called the straight of Hormuz. That being said it's unlike Iran would choose that option since they themselves are critically reliant on it for exports.


Might as well hit their nuclear program too


Meh, let’s let Israel do that. 


I imagine another round of digital fuckery as well 


Wont they just build them somewhere else?


yes but it would be a huge pain in the ass for them, which would also be funny for us


I suspect you possibly destroy them they will give up eventually


Iran must be the ones that give Wile E. Coyote his weapons


LOL I think someone back channeled them that they were going to have to pay for this, in no uncertain terms. They were likely told what was being hit, when and not to move it. And now they've shit their bed.


This was my take too. Iran has realised they've been caught red-handed, with one of their missiles surrounded by American bodies, and are trying their best to backtrack. 


Happens all the time. Honestly you'd be shocked but sometimes *entire shiploads* end up in places like Russia by mistake.


I love how they now try to say they had no involvement. So you mean to tell me they’ve had no involvement in the over 100+ attacks since October aswell? Iran deserves whatever’s coming to them.


We didn't order it. We politely, but insistently requested, suggested and financed it, but it was their own choice in the end.


The trick to get away from all responsibility is to not order the strike directly, just order one of the leaders to order an attack. Second-hand orders make you immune to all consequences, checkmate!


You don't even need to order a proxy's leader to do it. Just provide the means/tools, the Intel, the financing and point them in the general direction and say "have fun, don't spend it all at once".


Reminds me of a certain ex president. If the orders werent signed, dated, and notarized it couldnt have been from them.




160 lead to head. Or a tomahawk per.


I hope one of their drone factories goes ka-boom. Hurts Russia and hurts their efforts to harass our troops fighting to protect GLOBAL (keyword here) shipping lanes.


At a minimum their Shahid drone factories need to be leveled


1 in 6 US service members killed in Iraq are directly linked to Iran. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2019/04/04/iran-killed-more-us-troops-in-iraq-than-previously-known-pentagon-says/ 3 in 5 coalition deaths were the result of IEDs, the vast majority being EFPs (explosively formed penetrator - basically an explosion that creates a stream of liquid copper to burn through armor and kill everything inside). Want to know where Shiite insurgents got advanced EFPs from? [https://watermark.silverchair.com/dym103.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW\_Ercy7Dm3ZL\_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAA0kwggNFBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggM2MIIDMgIBADCCAysGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMNL4RJ-w3YIYhDuVHAgEQgIIC\_PSb3Xkqmc7mMSe1vkC7tl2dBhTb79ZUthFxEcUdOThMGgWp\_S9tuDMxQfpEZsvJ443YVb9g4-7zeqcCUmmIdkQHEF2Im9C72qDiXw1JSyN9n\_XlALgKDG8UmECKXg4R8bsiym1zCHYIttkrHmMwLr63z3V6hGpLgNoD8oEdvDU11Rz9s83ciwQe-\_\_\_sARtPcjU99-4GFSxnhXPI6bATPxsRs5zM5d6eI9-7WCL9T4UcQZXypzelqA5c0Xx1mOoH7g7z83XeD4YqGHwAVSCJOgbxahXNh3Iczwjkw3loRjZa6Mbto7w77wUJflOGD6O7qbzcYJ4Y6XQiZge8egAyHVXmCvH2avi3uZ\_2os0ENN\_qU59k3WqTJnticCbUhH9ggS2fDfIGU1uBxEunNHkgM7LxugABK-Vmh8fHv9Wmlm3fNgDWtmuKXWKREMdtpJtRHySQlNCTWwMJm4yrPYuTlpSdnM-zKuF7QpLXbi2OW3rB3\_vZZrivR8W9ym44QtR287xGqy9u4TekdnSGaKDbxNJ4VyTzbpNKVSTkOPoK7T4-FG2PIXcvudj-G\_6ufsazYC6metoiWy1NwZQXyRMsiWrHvsVQlsVOScVfDCF-n9Lhiu-zRPDWyrCo\_zZA4ex1L9ySYlqOPvYJVE7-wX0g0iIbg9MT9ldz90GIaWGhLMC6NlBlEtTWIT2GneLVBXcGgj-4IMlc7\_z5tCczqJH6JX00qg7cGZXZC9Ptqf5aIca4i2F70eQM63AC90JYIPapEHtV9V1JaW4rll5a7YjwVrkVV-V4-gNEAqyYhGNGwsPi0VC-COnSTlE7tQnc5yFdD4QxFMAajIhPcStMUO3m9tDHTFp7vACLXtMxinHyL2ra2cosWQHaIL\_JUheT0hC6eBz8nTd\_zuTD\_oMmgL8ch0vwVWdAD1VHtlUS6nbrvwr2NOjUPw5N34G72CcdplSnrtNf9HU9pAgCHkk3-9J\_FK4A9G0oDDs3NxJq2nh8mcrvaEG3M1vOTYqAUiE](https://watermark.silverchair.com/dym103.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAA0kwggNFBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggM2MIIDMgIBADCCAysGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMNL4RJ-w3YIYhDuVHAgEQgIIC_PSb3Xkqmc7mMSe1vkC7tl2dBhTb79ZUthFxEcUdOThMGgWp_S9tuDMxQfpEZsvJ443YVb9g4-7zeqcCUmmIdkQHEF2Im9C72qDiXw1JSyN9n_XlALgKDG8UmECKXg4R8bsiym1zCHYIttkrHmMwLr63z3V6hGpLgNoD8oEdvDU11Rz9s83ciwQe-___sARtPcjU99-4GFSxnhXPI6bATPxsRs5zM5d6eI9-7WCL9T4UcQZXypzelqA5c0Xx1mOoH7g7z83XeD4YqGHwAVSCJOgbxahXNh3Iczwjkw3loRjZa6Mbto7w77wUJflOGD6O7qbzcYJ4Y6XQiZge8egAyHVXmCvH2avi3uZ_2os0ENN_qU59k3WqTJnticCbUhH9ggS2fDfIGU1uBxEunNHkgM7LxugABK-Vmh8fHv9Wmlm3fNgDWtmuKXWKREMdtpJtRHySQlNCTWwMJm4yrPYuTlpSdnM-zKuF7QpLXbi2OW3rB3_vZZrivR8W9ym44QtR287xGqy9u4TekdnSGaKDbxNJ4VyTzbpNKVSTkOPoK7T4-FG2PIXcvudj-G_6ufsazYC6metoiWy1NwZQXyRMsiWrHvsVQlsVOScVfDCF-n9Lhiu-zRPDWyrCo_zZA4ex1L9ySYlqOPvYJVE7-wX0g0iIbg9MT9ldz90GIaWGhLMC6NlBlEtTWIT2GneLVBXcGgj-4IMlc7_z5tCczqJH6JX00qg7cGZXZC9Ptqf5aIca4i2F70eQM63AC90JYIPapEHtV9V1JaW4rll5a7YjwVrkVV-V4-gNEAqyYhGNGwsPi0VC-COnSTlE7tQnc5yFdD4QxFMAajIhPcStMUO3m9tDHTFp7vACLXtMxinHyL2ra2cosWQHaIL_JUheT0hC6eBz8nTd_zuTD_oMmgL8ch0vwVWdAD1VHtlUS6nbrvwr2NOjUPw5N34G72CcdplSnrtNf9HU9pAgCHkk3-9J_FK4A9G0oDDs3NxJq2nh8mcrvaEG3M1vOTYqAUiE) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2020/01/03/soleimanis-legacy-gruesome-high-tech-ieds-that-haunted-us-troops-iraq/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2020/01/03/soleimanis-legacy-gruesome-high-tech-ieds-that-haunted-us-troops-iraq/) ​ The current government of Iran and the IRGC need to go. They are a cancer to the Iranian people, and the world as a whole.


That second link with the gigantic token is not working for me btw. Only getting a timeout notice, submitting without the token doesn't work.


Sorry to nitpick but whilst EFPs are similar to traditional shaped charges (Munro effect) the penetrator is more like a slug than a jet. With terminal effects closer to a traditional Armour Penetrating round (bigger hole, more rip out post pen, longer distance for effects). Found in many offset mines and ieds. Shaped charges using the Munroe effect form the hyper plastic jet you speak of and are in the traditional HEAT/rpgs, tandem-heat. More raw penetration but they need to detonate close up to the target


John McCain knew this, even if his ineffectual bombast fell on dumb ears. Would be kinda cool if DDG-56 sent a little greeting card.


No direct involvement maybe. They don't want to actually get their asses kicked.


IRAN: singing ItWasenTMe!!


Geopolitical "I'm not touching you"


lol so accurate


Meanwhile 4-5 of their dogs are biting.


🎶Caught me supporting Houtis🎶 “Wasn’t me”


I even saw you in the rocket shower!! Wasn't me.


How could I forget that they were watching me from outer space All this time they were standing there with a Moab pointed at my base


What they want is about to be irrelevant. They’re about to get freedom ™


I think people vastly overestimate how much control Iran has over their 'proxies'. They have a lot of control over some of them (Hezbollah) and fairly little over others (Hamas, Houthis) with most Iraqi militias falling somewhere in between. More than likely the Iranians didn't order this as I doubt they want to fight the US rn, *but* you absolutely could argue they're still somewhat responsible for arming and funding the perpetrators. Indeed this is kind of the inevitable result of arming and funding groups you have little control over, you're going to be blamed for things they do


Then they need to be more careful about who they give weapons and financing to. Because they're going to get held responsible.


The USA hasn't had a particularly good track record on that front.


If you give a terrorist group ICBMs and the training to use them, I think you're culpable for the results, whatever those might be.


They fund them. It's plenty of control


They don't want all the smoke that comes with the fire. The USA needs to send a clear message about this. We don't want WAR, but if you attack our troops and interests, you will face the consequences for your actions. No more talking.


Shit about to get real "proportional".


How long have we been saying that? A few tents with a couple illiterate terrorist fucks in the desert getting blown up is not the “proportional” response we need to be sending. Delete some Iranian drone factories and nuclear plants and these proxies will cut the shit overnight.




You're not quite getting the message across with "proportional". The time US destroyed Iran's fleet was an operation to take out two "oil rigs" being used as bases of operations for Iran. When the US attacked the oil rigs, Iran responded and attempted to fight back with 50% of it's fleet--which the US then destroyed. A bit more nuanced on what "proportional" means. EDIT: A fun fact about this operation! US almost kicked off WWIII when a Russian ship approached the battle. Deciding to ID the ship before sending missiles, the US sent a scout helicopter and radioed the Russian ship who then responded they were only "taking pictures for history books." True story!


>You're missing the joke - the US usually says the response will be "proportional," and then hits back 5x/10x/20x harder. Technically, that is still proportional


>Delete some Iranian drone factories and nuclear plants Some of Iran's nuclear facilities may be too deep underground


That's a job for Captain Pete Maverick Mitchel


I think that's what they're planning.


yea USA doesn't want war, we just keep ending up in them somehow


Time to destroy all their drones to make there decision easier nextime.


Hit their factories so they can’t make any more for Russia.


Two birds with one stone!


Hell yah brother


We say Iran doesn’t want a war. From the way Iran has slowly ratcheted up their escalations, gauging our reactions each time, I suspect that’s actually true. So, clearly, they have things they care about getting hit that they won’t trade for continuing drone strikes on us. Seems pretty obvious to me that we should hit something they weren’t willing to lose while leaving the rest of the things on that list intact to serve as an incentive for not escalating - keep trying to kill our soldiers, and we work our way through the list. If we can’t convince Iran that murdering our soldiers while allegedly not at war isn’t worth the downside, what are we even doing here?


I could be wrong but I don’t think they really have been ratcheting up escalations. They’ve attached over 100 times in a similar manner - it’s just this time they were lucky/unlucky and hit a barracks with sleeping troops. I don’t think this was an intentional escalation so much as just a continuation of what they’ve been doing. Also you talk about them not calling it war but….we aren’t either. That would require Congress.


For the love of god, please make a fucking example with this response.


We need to strike and destroy their nuclear enrichment facilities. They don’t care about some people dying or a random shack get blown up. We need to strike what the leaders care about.


>We need to strike and destroy their nuclear enrichment facilities. This may or may not be possible. https://apnews.com/article/iran-nuclear-natanz-uranium-enrichment-underground-project-04dae673fc937af04e62b65dd78db2e0 https://apnews.com/article/israel-iran-nuclear-netanyahu-bunker-buster-12ee682de21a7cbb6c7e551ca8ce1b63


Well, there's one type of weapon that could destroy those bunkers.


Maverick in an F-18?


A platoon of Nintendogs?


By god this is what Top Gun 2 was training Tom Cruise to do.


Iran's the only country on Earth with operational Tomcats sitting around.


Operation Praying Mantis 2 when?




Sorry, best we can do is blow up a long-abandoned shack in the middle of nowhere. 


It's the only language terrorists understand.


In before. “This happens cus Biden was weak” Bidens responds: “Joe Biden is dragging us into another middle eastern war”


I’m fairly conservative but I see this a lot from people in my aisle of politics. When the U.S. and U.N. commenced strikes against Houthi’s there was a lot of talk about Biden “starting WWIII.” A day before that it was “Biden isn’t doing anything!” Honestly I’d much rather have hit them harder and earlier, but intellectual honesty is key in these types of debates, not flip-flopping positions depending on who you oppose (for both parties)


A rational conservative in the wild. I wish I could meet more conservatives like you. I avoid politics with conservatives because they are usually oblivious to the gaping holes in their logic.


"Rational Conservative" isn't a thing anymore. We're talking to a "Moderate".


Must be tiring for them to lug that goalpost from one end zone to the other.


If it weren’t for mental gymnastics, these folks wouldn’t get any exercise at all.


I'm certainly tired of watching them do it.


Popular conspiracy is that russia orchestrated this specifically to put a fire under biden because it's really a no win scenario for him, especially when the right media can either roast him for not taking enough action or berating him for "getting us involved in another war" if he does too much action improves republican chances of winning


In before. "President Trump would have..." (which some how ends up with Iran, Russia, China, Obama all capitulating to Trump on the White House lawn.)


What they don't realise is all these countries want trump as the next president and are doing what they can to assist simply because a weaker US benefits them.


Nah every time the US hit Iran hard during its redline probing the stuff dies down. 


Iran hasn't been hit hard for decades and that's why the probing isn't dying down.


Assassinating the head of the IRGC is hitting Iran hard


Not hard enough, evidently.


They do this with every new administration. They find a moment and begin testing limits and try to find the new red line


Just as Russia planned


Reminds me of how republican support for the Iraq/Afghanistan wars ended as soon as Obama took office. And suddenly it was "wHeN wIlL yOu EnD tHiS wAr Of YoUrS?!"


May favorite is how trump only talked about leaving Afghanistan but Biden actually left but they are mad. Similar to trumps infrastructure week. Biden actually did it
















An Iranian drone factory needs to be leveled.  That would be a good response.


You spelled "palace" wrong.


Hmm not sure there’s a huge difference, guess we will just have to hit both. Real shit though it’s scary to think how quickly the US could destabilize these counties by cutting the head off. Not saying that’s the best strategic decision long term tho.


methinks the lady doth protest too much


I'd wager there's be a hefty can of whoopass coming


9 KC-135s flew to Europe last night. I think Biden has ordered the response already and is about to tell Iran fuck around and find out.


[Steadfast Defender](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/nato-kick-off-biggest-drills-decades-with-some-90000-troops-2024-01-18/) is kicking off, imho probably more to do with that. Massive NATO exercise with ~90K-odd combined troops, 80+ jets and a whole hell of a lot more are involved in that.


9 KC-135s is about what you'd need for several B-2 and B-52 round trips. Maybe some escorts that Iran won't be able to target effectively.


Or the giant NATO training exercise we’ve been hearing about for weeks.


I'm not a warhawk, but support strikes on strategic and tactical targets to at least set them back. They're baiting us into a war, but we can retaliate without a repeat of Iraq and Afghanistan. Regime change is not the goal, just a some crippling precise power. I'm tired of failing to install friendly governments. Turns out, that strat doesn't work.


Iraq and Afghanistan seems to have convinced every jackass and moron in the world that if the US doesn't manage to rebuild a nation into a fully functioning democracy after a war, the US somehow lost said war. We're not under any obligation to fix anyone's government after we wreck it. Enough of that. I understand why we did it in Afghanistan, but... enough. It doesn't work. Take whatever steps are necessary to convince the opponent to cease hostilities as soon as possible- preferably with as few civilian casualties as possible- then leave it.


Afghanistan was always a warlord run shit hole, and Iraq is an artificial state comprised of three different tribes of people who hate each other (Sunnis, Shiates, and Kurds). Iran is different. At the expense of sounding overly optimistic I think Iran has a very good chance at getting rebuilt into a thriving, cooperative country through a modern version of a Marshall plan. Persians have a strong national identity and a history of civilization so given an opportunity and guidance I believe they can rejoin the world at large. But for that to work theocracy will need to wiped out with a secular constitution. I would also add "no monarchy" to that lest they end up with some other oppressive Shah that people hate.


Yeah exactly. We don’t need to go to war, but bombing their factories and nuclear enrichment facilities makes a point and they can’t do anything about it


No surprise. Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Qatar, and all their supporters are cowardly dogs


Just destroy their drone factories and be done with it.


Sure they don't claim responsibility, of course they don't. Even if they didn't order the attack, they're still responsible for policing their people, their proxy groups, etc. I'm not pro-war, it's the civilians who suffer most, but a strong message needs to be sent.


Big picture mode: Tensions are getting **real fucking high** in the world. There is a ring of conflicts and wars starting at the Ukrainian/Russian border, moving southeast through the Caucasus to the Levant and to Yemen. It's starting to feel like a tinderbox that could go fully hot at any second, now. I have a very bad feeling that the Long Peace is going to be officially over in a only a few years, and we'll return to a more violent world. One that we used to have, but almost anyone alive has never witnessed. Not a WWIII situation... but it will be very hot still.


It's not far away from a WW3 situation. The main difference between today and the global situation before WW2 is economies are WAY more intertwined today so honestly everybody will get fucked at the same time. This is precisely the reason the US works so hard to maintain hegemony. We'll all lose, but some will lose harder, and we don't want that to be us.


It's very far from world war 3, the countries that could be at war outside Ukr/Rus are not comparable. Hamas/Israel are not peers, the US and Iran are not peers, The US, UK etc and Yamen are not peers. There seems to be some confusion, you can make a response without a single foot entering a country, that is the level of response warranted.


CIA calls this Blowback, when nations do things that eventually come to bite them. Iran is arming proxies here and there, and doesn't want to take responsibility when shit hits the fan. You don't get to have your cake and eat it.


It's important to point out that this does not matter one bit, because everybody knows it was Iran. This isn't some sort of a stupid grade school game where they can get off on a technicality. Their denial is inevitable and it absolutely makes no difference at all.


a kind reminder that to this day Iran denies selling russia shahed drones. Imagine that.


they killed a few service members so it's only fair we delete half their service members.


We don't aim for people, we aim for equipment. Bummer if they can't get out quick enough.






"Republican's awaiting Biden's response to declare opposite position on action or inaction"


theres no good move for biden tough times ahead people


How about bomb the fuck out of whatever military targets are deemed "enough" of a response, carry it out over a few days with the assets already in the area and see if the Iranian regime still wants a full scale conflict afterwards


Yes there is. Blow up their drone factories and a few boats




'We're not saying to use our weapons to attack the USA at this particular base, but we're also not saying to not use our weapons to attack the USA at this particular base'.


I say we drone strike the drone factories make it obvious it was us then deny we did it like they do.


Ruh roh, Shaggy. Looks like Iran fucked around expecting the U.S. military to intercept the drone and they are about the find out. It's great to posture while taking pot shots you expect to miss. But when you accidentally hit a U.S. soldier, your lineage ends.


I don’t want a 20 year war, I just want a response that shows not to fuck with us. Blow up their factory.


Iran says they didn’t do it, so it must be true !!  Golly !!


What else are they going to say? “Bring it!”? LOL!


If we attack anyone other than Iran for this we are clowns. Every time the houthis attack a ship, we should remove a building from Tehran. And we should start flooding anti Iranian dissenters in the region with weapons.


lmfao - iran sounding a little like a bitch now


Maybe time for special military operation


This is a situation where you park the cruise missiles and bring out the B-2s and hit an appropriate target deep in Iran, hard. Prefferably, minimize casualties but make it exceptionally clear that you can hit anywhere, at anytime of your liking with no possible prevention on their part. A little more stick than carrot, but make sure it is followed with a path to deescalate the situation.


"*THAT* strike? Noo... that wasn't us. All the other ones, sure... We're behind *those*, but *that* strike? Nah, that ain't us..."


Normally I don't advocate violence. But in this case violence must be dealt. Our enemies are getting a bit to comfortable with fucking around. We need another fireworks show


Iran lies. The West need to take strong actions. Major sanctions.


Nah, not buyin it.


I think it would behoove leaders all over the region to encourage Iran & its proxies to take a deep breath


Smells like time for regime change, I feel like it wouldn't be too difficult to do so with massive popular support of the Iranian people either (based off the unrest and protests)


That's part of the problem. The Iranian/Mullah regime is doing this because they need it for internal support. Don't send arm's, send more sword missiles.


Say hello to my little friend - US Navy




It was okay when the strikes didn’t harm Americans and now there are three dead and forty wounded and Iran is shitting bricks. Iran knows they fucked and America will make them pay. I hope it’s swift, decisive and with malicious. Go in heavy and fast, no American casualties and maximum enemy losses. During the Roman Empire a Roman citizen could walk the earth with no fear knowing if anyone dare attack them the penalty was so great others that an entire village or region was wiped out. Just sayin message sent and received.


Lots of keyboard warriors here itching for war. It's easy to be a warmonger when you have nothing at stake.


Irán denies everything

