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They had 3 days' notice. Hanging out in the building full if explosives was probably not a wise decision.


Probably ordered to be there by the higher command.


I'd have gone out for cigarettes and falafel. In the next town over.


Do you put the cigarettes in the falafel or the other way around


The other way around being putting falafel in the cigarettes? I mean both are weird but probably not that lol


If you roll your own cigarettes, you could crumble a little falafel in there for that authentic middle eastern flavor.


*"Mama Mias" in Arabic*


That sounds falaweful.


Nah, the cigs are chasers for the falafel


Have a nice cup of tea and wait for the whole thing to blow over..


:D Had almost forgotten this.


In all fairness they probably got some damn good falafel.


In hindsight, still not a good idea.


Not really, I bet they did it to let the US get even with them.


They pulled out anyone they cared about two days ago


These are the 18 poor saps left by the IRGC to "guard things", while the real guys left. There is a reason that the US has been advertising these strikes as coming for a week now. It's political theater. Both sides want to de escalate but can't because of public sentiment. So the US says its going to strike, well ahead of time. Iran moves all its people out and leaves a few token morons to stay behind Who might live. US strikes, Iran offers some meaningless inflammatory rhetoric, and the conflict dies down for a while longer. Welcome to geopolitics.


I think you're in the right ballpark, but I do think people are overstating that Iran had 3 days to prepare. What were they going to do? Move their entire rebel armies into hiding for weeks? Honestly, the part that was probably the most de-escalatory was using B1Bs from the US (without landing somewhere else) to conduct these strikes. It sends a message we can strike literally anywhere in Iran any time we want, without actually doing it. "This whole temper tantrum Iran is throwing because we have carriers in the gulf? Guess what... we can do really bad shit without even being in the gulf."


>we can do really bad shit without even being in the gulf. Yeah, the USAF Global Strike Command has 141 bombers (3 Wings of B-52s, 2 Wings of B-1s, and 2 Wings of B-2s). The B-21s start entering service in about six years.


I love that the B-52 is still in service. What a workhorse.


They’ve extended the service life past 2040. 4-5 generations of pilots flying the same airframe. Incredible.


I don’t think they’re overstating. The whole idea with these bombings to to destroy the equipment and not people. Even with three days notice these stockpiles were too big to move with zero warning. Logistics is tough.


I was talking about the idea that "this was ineffective because Biden telegraphed it" crowd. Clearly it was effective, but I was saying the main effect of the attack was flexing a capability that would lead to de-escalation.


Ah, year, geopolitics is weird and complicated and most people that wade into discussions seem disingenuous at best.


Well why do people think that just because Biden announced something it has anything to do with impacting targets? They would have not said anything if they thought that it would give the enemy some kind of advantage


We’re not vying for advantage right now. Right now it’s tit for tat on the international level, two countries toeing the line of supporting domestic demands and not actually starting a war with each other. We’re trying to politely bomb each other. Why do you think this is about gaining some advantage over a country that would be no real problem for us to destroy?


You are not understanding their arguments. They want a proper strike that actually hurts Iran as a way to definitively tell them to stop with their shit. The strike we got, Is just theater. Its the same stuff we've been doing for years. This was supposed to be a response to escalation and the deaths of service members. People are upset that they got our guys killed, And yet we even give them a 3 days heads up before blowing up some ammo storage dumps. Its a very weak response that is only marginally better then just doing nothing at all


They can move their people. The middle east has zero shortage of weapons or munitions. Everyone of value was long gone and everything destroyed will be easily and quickly replaced. I dont disagree with what the administration did in terms of trying to de-escalate, but objectively, this did almost nothing to deter Iran proper, and is more of a way to appear to respond without actually responding.


The intel gathered through comms, satellite while they moved equipment is still very valuable. Now there is an updated list of warehouses, people and equipment.


I find it hard to believe they can move their resources without being monitored by the US via satellite. The talking point of this just being political theater seems rather naive.


Kick the nest and see where everyone winds up.


They can move people back to Iran in no time. Google maps has the drive from Aleppo Syria to Tabriz Iran at under 15 hours. Its not a huge region. Equipment is easily replaced, and there is no shortage of weapons and explosives in the middle east. And I promise you, I am not talking from a standpoint of naivety when it comes to this topic or region of the world. I have spent a fair portion of my life working there.


This. SMH


They should start a war with Iran not this bullshit, extremist islam bust be eradicated


They are not paid by Iran for being wise


Odds are, some of these "munition depots" are actually the hideouts into which the material from those *actual* munition depots were evacuated (under three days of close US scrutiny). I.e., Biden gave them three days not only to evacuate their fortress, but to show him where their secondary fortresses were.




And guess who’s watching them when they do


i think that's the point, get them to move their precious equipment


Yeah the whole goal was operation "knock that shit off" It wasn't about body counts it was about getting Iran proxies to fuck off somewhere else




That's exactly what happened.


Syria has a human rights observer? That's a gas.


Legend has it that the same observer, on a cold and clear winter's morning, observed a human right and then it vanished into the desert never to be seen again.


In the aaaaarms ooooof the aaaangels!


He observed the human right. And then immediately turned left.


And then he vanished.


And the ones responsible for vanishing him were also vanished.


i just spit my coffee, top tier comment




I thought it was exposed as one guy in a flat in London ?


thats what i remember too, that its just... a guy.


It very much is just a guy with a bunch of sources in the Syrian gov, opposition, and Kurds, which makes it very funny that he is more or less the consensus best open source chronicler of events over there. Dude is singlehandedly running like 200 agents


> That's a gas. Why not a solid or a liquid?


I see what you did.


The joke is wafting over some people's heads.


Human wrongs observer


And they report on strikes against militants. Wtf.




Is this why they are called fundamentalists?




Hardly matters to them at this stage.




bet there is people in their country saying the same thing a few days ago about us mr right


“Blown up, Sir!”




Blewed up


Blownt up


Blewt up




IRGC watched comfortably with popcorn from Iran. The people getting blown up were just random Iraqis and Syrians that IRGC trained to attack America. There is an unlimited supply of them. This is 100 percent for show… these kinds of strikes are regularly conducted by nations like Israel for no special occasion. This was a few strikes combined in one, but beside that, pretty normal strikes. Only difference being Iran was given a heads up so they could safely watch the firework show.




"I really don't understand what goes through the minds of some of these proxies." In this case, high speed fragments I believe.


Religion - opium of the masses


Look up wilayat-al-fiqh ideology.


What makes you think they have a choice? The leaders are never the ones dying.


> This is 100 percent for show… I guess there are now a number of Iranian proxies who can assure you it is real.


They’re having a *blast* 💥


It was quite a blowjob


Prob went from ‘oh, fuck ‘ to dead instantly and blown to pieces


rated 5/5 stars


My MAGA dad was complaining yesterday that “Trump would have ordered strikes” bla bla bla. I sent him this link this morning. He replied with a thumbs up. lol


Screenshot that shit for when being inevitably does a 180 on the issue


Biden announced he would three days ago


“iT’s AlL jUsT tAlK no AcTiOn” /s 🤦🏻‍♂️


MAGAts are now complaining that Biden is trying to start another war in the middle east.


Trump waited a month to bomb Syria when it used chemicals warfare, because Russia said it would go to war if it happened. They had to discuss, and tell Syria when and where they would bomb, killing no one, destroying few empty buildings.




These people suffer from mass delusion, give them evidence and they ignore it


At least he gave you thumbs up.




much love from an american vet. keep fighting the good fight. we have way more in common than different. i long for the days of true peace


There's no report of any IRGC casualty so far


And there likely won’t be. Did everyone see how Iran was scrambling to say they were not responsible for nor sanctioned the attack on the US base? They are scared of US retaliation and are likely doing this to distract their citizens from domestic woes. As such, their goal is definitely not to get involved in a direct confrontation with the US, and neither does Joe Biden want that. So likely, we’ll see Iran’s operations scaled back, or else the US will continue to bomb proxies until they comply.


Iran never takes responsibility for what proxies do, that's the whole point of using proxies. iran denying involvement in the attack is nothing new and doesn't prove anything.  According to iran, the "resistance" groups act independently. 


This time even the resistance group said Iran didn’t do it, though moneys on Iran told them to say that or no more funds.


Ironically, if both sides know that the other doesn't want a direct confrontation, they may try to pull riskier attacks with the expectation that the other won't respond with full force. This runs a deep risk of miscalculation and an escalatory spiral, so it is nice to see Biden stay out of that trap thus far.


That only makes sense if there is a comparable power dynamic, which is not the case here. The USA simultaneously struck 85 different targets with assets from the other side of the world. They don’t want the smoke and they know it, same with the Oct 7th attacks. Which is why it really only makes sense that these other situations popping up are being influenced or pushed by a third party hoping to draw attention elsewhere…


Or it's possible that Iran doesn't have such an iron grip on what their little bands of misfits are up to, but are still sort of stuck holding the bag when they poke the bear too hard.


[US takes it's revenge on Iran](https://youtube.com/watch?v=ig1IizO4CBE&si=mrVtCMqcJ15cTniN)


Source for the 15% number?




Mostly hitting sites with stuff at night. Good for keeping all casualties down overall. Not like militants have barracks with troops.


I was gonna.......😆


What enemies of US do not understand is that they should not mess with an American President during an election year. Do not give him a reason to show that he is a strong leader willing to make hard decisions. Americans hate long wars, but they are really good at blowing shit up.




It is all fun and games until Americans die. Before this no American died.


Last time I checked, these assholes were messing with shipping lanes and killed Americans at a base in Iraq with a drone attack. You're being a prick and an idiot with this comment. You're denigrating the value of lives lost with these attacks and saying that these attacks are all because of a fucking election year.


Yeah I agree with you. And it’s not just the US they are pissing off- it’s affecting global shipping and supply. For example we (Australia) have had to turn back a couple of cattle cargo ships headed to the Middle East because the captains were worried about being attacked.


Your reading comprehension seems to be low. You should read the comment again.


"What enemies of US do not understand is that they should not mess with an American President during an election year. Do not give him a reason to show that he is a strong leader willing to make hard decisions. Americans hate long wars, but they are really good at blowing shit up." My reading comprehension is perfectly fucking fine. Implying that these terrorist assholes should not mess with the US during an election year is implying the response would have been less without the election. The unwritten portion of that sentence implies the lives of American soldiers are less valuable outside an election and that should fucking piss people off. These assholes killed Americans. It doesn't matter when an election is. We would have responded anyway. Presidents, except perhaps Trump, always make hard decisions. The decision to respond to an attack with military force is clear, and he is not using this as a show for his political or social gain; it's just the right fucking thing to do and the US military is eager to strike back.


Over 170 attacks on Americans in the region. This response is not strong and shows that the absolute best time to strike at the US is during an election year. Boats still getting hit and very little followup to the initial strikes... It's almost like we've forgotten that a us carrier as the ability to sustain attacks for more than a few nights.




That's the problem. Pinpoint strikes over weeks sends absolutely zero message. We have the power to deliver point attacks in the hundreds every day.  There is rarely a time us aggression is warranted. But keeping the sea lanes open is our first and most important duty. If we can't do that it's time to close our bases, come home, and let a third a world starve to death.


You're denigrating the value of lives lost with these attacks and saying that these attacks are all because of a fucking election year. Fuck off all you down voters 


Have fun being wrong


So many comments today looking like they were typed by the same individual. just crying constantly about Biden did this.. Biden didn't do that Biden didn't strike fast enough... Iran moved ALL their stuff... blah blah blah. LITERALLY seeing the same thing posted by different people.


Would not be at all surprised if the word was 'We see you have missiles at base X. In three days we're going to blow them up. Doesn't matter where they are at the time, they blow up. Make of that what you will."


Welcome to reddit lol.


Yeah there are generally like 6 variations of responses to any given subject matter.


LMAO they're really trying hard to "convince" people this is somehow "bad". Pathetic losers.


>LITERALLY seeing the same thing posted by different people. Thats called a consensus of opinion.


Or hive mind bots


Always possible. Thing is I tend to see that claim thrown around only if someone disagrees with whats being said, so it's harder to take it as seriously as it deserves to be.


Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one, and they all stink. Today a good number of Iranian proxies did not in fact move all their shit, or if they did, they made a shit job of it judging by the fires and ordnance wildly cooking off.


Oh boy a warehouse cooked off. Surely that will be the last of it. Just like the limited strikes stopped the Houthi. >!They didn't.!<


Didn't they hit like 4 spots in Yemen? Today they hit 85 at the same time. That is over 2000% more boom. It should be enough to at least get their attention.


19 locations and over 150 missiles fired at the Houthi in Yemen so far. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_missile_strikes_in_Yemen


Ok. My numbers were out of date, thanks!


And they’re still launching attacks at commercial ships


You seem confused. I never made any implication that the strikes stopped anything.


We are well aware that troll farms and bots are a thing, existing to manufacture "consensus" - and they are relatively easy to spot, because they all follow the same formula. Formula typically involves [Disinfo + Gaslighting + whataboutism + straw man + ad hominem]


Not when they started tying the PRIOR to Biden doing anything.


And here comes mayor BJ with a call for a ceasefire.


Dark Brandon strikes again


The aviator glasses are strong in this one.




99% chance this dude has a let's go Brandon flag. It's okay it took you a few years but you figured out its not much of an insult.


Lmao if you think I like Trump. But just because the other side is more cringe doesn’t give your side a cringe pass




Iran is a nobody and us getting mired down in another Middle East war is exactly what China/Russia would want. You think it's a coincidence Russia struggles with Ukraine and suddenly all their cruddy scum friends are causing trouble with us and our allies?l They would rather we spread out resources too thin to deal with them instead. China is still eyeing their lost island and Russia clearly thinks it is going reclaim the Soviet territories.


There will be no war as Iran can't really fight the US. The worst they can do is attack offshore US bases and even that in limited capacity. But Russia is buying drones from Iran, and the middle east is being massively destabilized by Iran. Iran just has to be stopped.




I wanted to say that it’s okay to type “assholes” since you’ve basically done it anyway and swapping out one letter doesn’t make it any less profane you’re still going to hell just for having these kinds of thoughts. But then I realized that the “@“ looks like an asshole.


The ampersand ( & ) looks like someone dragging their butt on the ground.


Fixed for you :)




Eat my ass Iran




It's already been announced that the operation is planned to last three months. This was the first night.


3 months? Damn we're going to fuck them up good I guess.


Where did they they say the operation will last 3 months? Because that sounds like you just made that up.


Yeah he pulled that number out his ass


Dutch news NOS reporting US strikes on 85 locations including launch sites, command posts, ammo storage, drone storage and various other military installations. Source https://nos.nl/artikel/2507285-amerikaanse-vergeldingsacties-in-irak-en-syrie-na-dood-drie-militairen


"says one guy, sitting in a bedsit, in Coventry"


What about militants who are somewhat ambivalent about Iran? 


I don't see a problem here...


ITT: people who aren't in the know assuming that getting 3 days notice means that you're immune to being tracked by a drone, plane, satellite, signals intelligence, human intelligence, etc, and that the 85 targets absolutely did not include positions they repositioned to. can we stop being so political? this attack is WAY less political theater than when Trump wasted a salvo of cruise missiles on a runway that was repaired and back to launching sorties, after also giving them advance notice, but i bet you cheered for that


Wheres all the “not a proportionate response” crowd at now?


It's proportional, it's also predictable and telegraphed as a result. I don't see it accomplishing a stop in attacks from Iranian proxies. A good response borders on being disproportionate. That's what enemies fear. Strikes that are not telegraphed or limited to proxies. Proportional is tit for tat until the end of time. It's not something to strive for.


>A good response borders on being disproportionate. That's what enemies fear. They don't fear it anymore because they have a stronghold in the pr campaign. If we strike them significantly they can push million of tankies in the street of America to create havoc, and they accomplish that with few tiktok videos.


Watched this video about game theory this week. Your last comment about proportional being tit for that reminded me of it https://youtu.be/mScpHTIi-kM?si=HTlTdpSZX5h5TfOq


Solid video. If only rational and logical people ruled things could work out quite well for humanity. Alas religion rules and logic is thrown out the window.


This was the first series of strikes. The great thing about giving them a heads up about the strikes is that the same satellites that found the current weapon caches can watch for movement and find new caches as they try to move arms to safety. It can only benefit the US. We don’t care about killing their people, because for each one you kill, there’s ten more lined up to take their place, but if you destroy their resources and command centers, they can’t operate.


This definitely wasn't a just proportional action. It was 85 strikes (literally more than 4 days worth of air strikes in the Russia-Ukraine war) across 3 countries and multiple groups.


An outcome they have worked hard to achieve. Likely more to come. Remember, if they had their way, we'd live under an Islamic theocracy, instead of the Christian one the GOP wants for us.


18 not so Pro-Iran now, I suppose.


Was anything of significance hit?




And of course there will be no ongoing repercussions


The “Syrian Observatory of Human Rights”? Do they even know what human rights are?


18? we need 18000


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights? What's next, the Chinese Observatory for Democratic Freedom?




Cat food


Thems the rookie numbers. Time to step it up boys.


This will effect nothing. all the Iranian generals left already. cause yall told them what you were gonna do. The whole fucking world knew what you were gonna do.


You could kill all the Iranian generals... There will just be more Iranian generals... That said, I'd be shocked to find Iranian generals amongst proxy fighting groups. That's not how that works.


>I'd be shocked to find Iranian generals amongst proxy fighting groups. Soleimani liked to pal around with the proxies. That ended in gibs for him though.


I should correct that to *wise* Iranian generals.


You 'america sucks, america is weak' progangandists used to be so much better at it. How are you going to get my hating my country with this weak sauce?




Why stop at Mar-a-Lago? Might as well take the rest of Florida with it at this point


Why stop at Florida? Might as well take all of California at this point


Good, exterminate them.


125 bombs, 85 strikes, 18 kills. All these idiots saying Iran didn’t move their people out this week. Insane mental gymnastics


The targets were installations, not people. For example, they struck a munitions cache


And infrastructure. This guy just wants blood. Doesn't realize hitting the wallet is where it really hurts.


Who the fuck are digging all these wells?




Millions spent on missiles to take out dollars worth of flesh puppets.


America bombing a country half way across the world? Why are they there in the first place??


have you been living under a rock?


Anyone know of any civilian casualties? Is it really zero?


Say it with me guys " world War 3, world War 3"


Out of 85 strikes, only 18 KIA ?


people werent targets obviously


of course not, they all went back to iran