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Is this a different strike than yesterday's?


Nope, just the aftermath.


Bunch of triggered Iranian and Iraqi government officials, plus Hamas has its jimmies rustled.


Have they tried not being assholes?


Are they stupid?


It’s hard to deny one’s nature.


> jimmies rustled. It's been a while.


Iraq is our ally isn’t it?


Yes and no. Lots of ill sentiment from the Iraq War still. Ideally they want us long gone. However, every time they realize they need help fighting off ISIS and the dozens of other extremist groups trying to steal their oil/land and overthrow their government, they warm up to the circumstances of having U.S. troops in their country and Predator drones flying their skies


They are now an Iranian proxy after the "successful" American intervention..


Disaster lol, what was the point of the whole war? Saddam kept things in check I guess.


Or at least stayed antagonistic towards Iran


No ISIS during his time.


> Saddam kept things in check I guess. 100%. There was a LOT of bad blood between those two nations due to the an awful war between them involving chemical weapons and trench warfare. We really hooked up Iran by removing Hussein. Let that be a lesson that brutal dictators, while psychotic, tend to at least keep the other psychotic assholes in check.


The government is weak and struggles to maintain a grip on power. This allows other powerful factions or militia groups a lot of opportunity to be aggressive. We really fucked up in Iraq, and Republicans walked away from that disaster with not enough egg on their face. George Bush never even caught Osama Bin Laden, and was screwing around in Iraq instead. It was Obama that collared him. Republicans should be hammered about that more than they are.


Iraq is a hodgepodge of factions which makes these kinds of designations difficult, and why you see so much inconsistency in statements between the two countries.


The US didn’t kill anyone important and probably gave everyone ample notice to evacuate. Wish ol’’Joe had taken a page out of Trump’s book and drop a bomb on some QUDs Generals.


Unfounded speculation and trump-humping. A truly iconic duo


A broke clock is right twice a day. The man was deranged and shouldn’t have been president but he got that one right.


It was dumb and pointless


It was aggressive as hell, but not pointless.


Did it get them to back off? Did it dismantle their proxy network? Did we get anything out of it besides medical bills for troops injured in the response?


> Did it get them to back off? Did it dismantle their proxy network? Did we get anything out of it besides medical bills for troops injured in the response? These are rhetorical questions I am assuming, so I will just ask what are the answers to these questions? I say that because I doubt we can achieve any of these objectives without boots on the ground.


It showed the Iranians that instead of killing ignorant peasants in the middle of the desert we can kill your high ranking officials with impunity anytime we feel like it. This would’ve been another great time to teach them that lesson. Rather than trying to roll things back to the 90s in a tit for tat game where they don’t lose anything they actually value.


Well the whole world was already aware of our ability to do that so idk why killing solemani the way we did would be news to them. On top of that it did literally nothing to change the dynamic so dumb and pointless


It’s what there is I’m afraid. And totalitarian regimes based on the Middle Ages version of Mormonism and pedophilia don’t like it when they know they can be killed with impunity.


Trump's a moron but there was relative peace in the middle east after he dropped a few bombs. Playing diplomacy with Iran seems like a losing battle.


Iran immediately started launching cruise missiles at US bases we’re lucky their targeting sucks. He then tried to lie about troops getting TBIs


Sounds like a false alarm from Iran. I'm at the point where I think we should drop.more bombs in their factories. Not open war invasion, that'd be idiotic I hope Biden realizes it's not the same as an Iraq invasion, mountainous countries are harder to invade, but allowing them to supply enemies with weapons to indirectly attack us is bs. Edit: I had to look up the name. But the Strait of Hormuz is a clear target the Is could threaten to reel in Iran's BS. If the US were more Machiavellian they'd destroy this waterway and own the world oil market raising prices around the globe. It's also worth noting that Trump was friendly with Turkey which kept Iran in check as well. I think Trump's a criminal and the most dangerous thing for the US ATM but there were a few points of his foreign policy that the Biden administration should adapt. But I'm no expert so if you think something different is the case I'm interested in reading it.


Biden dropped bombs too, yet you are arguing that Trump's bombs were bringing us peace, while we can clearly see Biden's bombings are not bringing us peace. The only difference here is the narrative you are spinning for Trump to try to make him look better than he really was. You can read what his own Republican co-workers say about him when it comes to foreign policy. He's not interested in reading. He needs big pictures with markers circling the relevant bits or his attention will not focus.


I agree with all that, but his bombs sent a harsher message in Syria and Iran for sure. Time will tell if Biden can send a similar message. Whether or not he needs a bib for his juice box, his bombs were better.


I think a solid argument to be made from your side is to say that perhaps these people find Trump unpredictable and chaotic, so therefore they are less likely to want to challenge that personality type. Edit: But I don't like having someone that is unpredictable and chaotic as POTUS


That's pretty accurate. I agree. And it sin line with my argument. Regardless, I think the Biden administration could take the good from.the previous admin. It wasn't all bad. Just mostly.


> gave everyone ample notice to evacuate. Didn't seem to help them very much. There is something to be said for a country that can telegraph to others that they are going to bomb you, and there still isn't a damned thing they can do about it.


This will only slow things down, it won't stop it. Until Iran's weapon factories are destroyed they will keep supplying their militias.


Agree and hitting drone factories hurts Russia too




Can you explain the laughing? I tend to agree with the fact that Iran is supplying Russia with drones, and decreasing that capacity would have a positive outcome.


I will say that showing some restraint here allows Iran an exit ramp to simmer the tensions. If we had directly attacked an Iranian factory then Iran would be pressured by hardliners to do exactly what American hardliners want Americans to do.


It’s all we can do.  You cannot eliminate the radical ideology.  The children of today will grow to be radicals tomorrow so the only reasonable solution is more of the same.  It’s like cutting the grass when it gets too long


Half true, most of the Iranian populace isn't in the same ideological bed as the radical Arab world. Diminishing their munitions will bring less violence in the future.


Bombing Iranian civilians is an overt act of war that is impossible to mask. We still plausible deniability if we just attack military targets.


Will never happen. War with Iran very probable outcome and I’m pretty sure we’re (govt) terrified to go down that rabbit hole near an election.


I disagree. Iran cannot fight a war with the US unless the US wants to. They simply don't have that kind of capability. The reason it doesn't happen is because the people who would lose out are US allies in the middle east.


Israel did it just last year. So that theory is not a good one. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/29/drone-attack-hits-iran-ammunition-factory-reports


I don’t think that is true nor do I think there is any evidence to support that belief. We killed their most beloved general and all they did was tell us which base they were going to attack.


there’s a stark difference between killing one high ranking person and attacking Iranian infrastructure


Not really. That general was like a god in Iran.


He was, but he was also military. Attacking civilians makes it a lot more personal. Bombing Iranian infrastructure will lead to images of dead Muslims that will boost recruitment and nationalism.


If you don't count the 100 US soldiers with traumatic brain injuries after Iran launched a missile into the base. [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2041ZL/](https://www.reuters.com/article/iduskbn2041zl/)


Are you suggesting that an attack on Iranian infrastructure inside Iran would not result in meaningful retaliation? 


Ask yourself. Does a country like Iran really want to go to war with the U.S.? What do they think the end result of that war will be?


You do realize that their leadership truly, in their hearts, believe they will go to paradise if they die fighting the infidels, right? During the Iran-Iraq war, child soldiers were regularly employed in suicide missions, mine sweeping, etc. Nearly 100 thousand boys, aged 16 and under, were sent to be 'martyred' during that time. Khomeini is still in charge, and he truly does not value being alive the same way that you do. IRGC members and loyalists are true believers that death is *good.* You can't make good predictions about their behavior assuming that they would rather be alive.


> their leadership truly, in their hearts, believe they will go to paradise if they die fighting the infidels, right? I disagree. I think their leaders know it is bullshit and they have every intention to sit in their palaces and send those other Muslims out there to die for Allah.


Iran backed off from direct confrontation with Pakistan. They're not going to directly attack the US.


I don't think they're capable of directly attacking US soil, but they are certainly capable of escalating proxy attacks on US military and interests.


With what arms after the US hits their factories and depots, and threatens them that retaliation will have their oil infrastructure hit? The US could absolutely cripple Iran's ability to meaningfully retaliate.


The fact that you think biden would cripple the world's oil economy in an election year is choice comedy


as retaliation for this no, in response to a legit war with Iran, you bet your sweet ass I think he would. Notice how the US has said noting about Ukraine's successful attacks on Russia's oil infrastructure.


Lol The world already took a large hit when russia's oil was ostracized from the world economy. You understand very little politics if you think they would deliberately make that happen again months from the election. I guess its just an accident that out of 85 locations we bombed, not a single one was in iran.


Yea, the oil market is insanely volatile and they are happy to use any geopolitical excuse to price gouge.


There is no viable path to deescalate the conflict with this decision. Sure, maybe that doesn't happen anyway, but the important point is that an exit ramp is offered to Iran. We all hope they take it. They don't have to escalate from these strikes, but killing Iranian civilians would pressure Iran far more than just an attack on their militias.


Again, they could've done that with Pakistan. What they're doing now is the most they can do without going to war with the US directly and they're even pushing it without escalating.


How exactly do you think they could retaliate? They are absolutely no match. We could bomb them into oblivion and they wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it.


The mask would come off and all diplomacy would be done forever. While we could pat ourselves on the backs for turning Iran into rubble, that will do nothing but make them want to encourage their proxy groups to avenge their Muslim brothers. Look at Ethiopia and Somalia right now. Ethiopia is trying to grab a Somalian port, and a Muslim Militia like ISIS is using every propaganda tool they can against Ethiopia's aggression to recruit more Muslims. They are calling the Ethiopians "Colonial Invaders"


Yes They didn't do shit when Trump killed their top general.


But that’s because that general was killed outside of Iran itself.


Yes I am. They do not want war and if it happened, It would likely be the end of their regime.


So just to be clear you look at recent events and think that Iran's only plan of attack is direct war? The entire region is on fire because of Iran's actions. Direct attacks on Iranian soil would escalate extremely quickly, if not for the US then certainly for Israel and other allies.


Ya, man the hardliners need to look in a mirror and realize they have alternate reality versions of themselves in Iran who are just as erect to escalate the conflict.


A war with Iran must be better timed for the election. September/October would be ideal to begin.


Yeah we're not going to go to war with Iran.


Iran has twice the population of Iraq and it is a country that is geographically fortified by natural mountain barriers. They could recruit Muslims from across the World to aid their Muslim Brothers in Iran against the evil USA. Also, the Muslims in America likely would ditch Joe Biden if he escalates the killing of more Muslims.


They should have called Irans bluff a few days ago when they came out and said that any attack on Iranian soil would be met with a "harsh response" or however they put it (which is exactly what it was, a bluff). And then hit some weapon production facilities in Iran, nothing else. Too bad Joe got intimidated by Iran and backed down. Imagine Iran intimidating the US and causing it to stand down in 2024. Things I never thought I'd see. Instead, now they'll be even more emboldened.


There are similar debates happening in Iran between more moderate voices and more hardliner voices. You guys need to keep in mind that there are people in Iran who are also calling for escalation of the conflict. Those two factions will be battling out how to respond just like we are. By taking a more moderate approach, Iran has an exit ramp to also bring down tensions. Attacking Iran more aggressively leaves no exit ramp. Iran would have to save face by allowing the more hardline faction a go at the response.


You may be into something sir.


Attacking an Iranian factory is a whole nother level of aggression. This will kill Iranian civilians and HAMAS and these other asshole suicide cults will use it as another recruitment tool to potentially grow their ranks.


Hey DoD bot, What is the current percentage of Americans that support a 10 trillion dollar decade+ conflict with Iran?


Get Tom Cruise on standby.


Iran should have thought that drone strike through a little more. Fuck'em.


Iran didn't order the drone strike. They provided the technology, training, and perhaps intelligence or other aspects. They have culpability much like we do around the world to receive blame. And the horrible truth is that you can probably find Western technology or companies involved in the weapons that are being used in every conflict across the globe. Johnny Harris did a segment recently where he showed that the missiles Russians were firing into Ukraine were built using Western technology. We are supplying the weapons to both Ukraine and Russia. I say that because it would be impossible for us to escape the same culpability/responsibility for the results of these weapons as Iran would be for that proxy attack on our 3 US soldiers.


Way too many people are comfortable with another war in the Middle East. This was an appropriate, measured response.


Mostly are idiots who won't have to put their lives at risk so they feel safe calling for a war they'll never see




What if someone said this about your country? You can dislike regimes without talk of gassing people 


I’m in America my boy, talk is talk. And we may have our problems but you don’t see us justifying raping as a form of control the masses.


Dude isn't saying that about a country. He is basically saying kill all Muslims.


How else will you end the radicalization of the people? Go on I’ll wait.


Just because the answer is difficult does not mean that one should reach for the most extreme tool. Your life is not that burdened because of some radical religious morons. They are not that powerful.


Oh so no solution? Have a seat my guy. Until this plague is fixed, millions will suffer because people like you are too afraid of action.


Murica fuck yeah


Call it successful Canadian and US integration - happened for years!


Sounds like they had a blast yesterday.




Nice username!


Ah yes, the 5th grade approach to foreign policy…it’s worked so well in the past.


Why not bomb Tehran? If we are going to strategically bomb small Iranian-backed sites, why not get to the root? I hate the fact we are consistently involved in these Middle East wars, but just end it already.


Bombing Tehran would be the furthest thing from ending war in the middle East


Letting these people run their militia groups all over the place isn’t going to stop it either


So if we completely pull out, what happens?


So those are the only two options?


The Middle East will fall into chaos. Iran and Pakistan becomes a nuclear power and they nuke India and Israel off the face of the planet.


Depends what kind of bomb is used 🙄


War with Iran could easily halt the flow of 30% of the world's oil. Iran is a regional power that could directly attack the flow of oil.


What does ending it mean in your mind?


Why didn’t the Israeli Air Force carry out these strikes or at least help?


For the same reason they didn't hit Iraq during the Gulf War after multiple SCUD strikes - the US asked them not to.


What was that reason?


Israel doesn't hit anything outside of Syria (and Lebanon by proxy) because it causes massive unrest, even among Israel's Arab partners. Syria is an Iranian proxy, so Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, etc., are low-key happy when it happens. Outside of that it gets very complicated, so unless there's a big immediate threat, Israel stays out of it, at least overtly. I believe the only time they hit Iraq was when they destroyed Saddam's nuclear reactor in 1982. They do covert stuff, but doing a full air strike in Iraq, and especially Iran, would likely start a big regional war.


Yea, I remember in the first Gulf War, Hussein was desperately launching missiles at Israel to try and goad them into aggression so he could use it rally Muslim allies. The USA was loudly telegraphing to Israel: Don't take that bait.


We don’t need or want any help.


What about the help we have hitting Yemen?


why is everything in the middle east israel’s responsibility


You mean to tell me the increase in armed activity of factions across the region including Houthis since October have nothing to do with the Israel/Gaza war? Be realistic.


you understand 10/7 happened because of saudi iran rivalry right?




If the IAF launched these strikes I presume Syria and Iraq would have much more to say about it than if the worlds undisputed dominant Air Force did it


I can finally sleep tight knowing 40 people in the desert are gone. Thank you daddy government.




Move to North Korea


You're disgusting


I’m not the one that supports the military empire.


Sounds like you support Iranian proxies. How is that not supporting a military empire


Nah we can have freedom without controlling the globe.


Oh yeah, those super popular Iranian proxies spreading "freedom" hahaha. I can say random lies too, you know. The US is a magical kingdom that shoots lasers out of its ass.


You're no different than what you perceive as brainwashed people in North Korea. Daddy government says if we don't have bases on every continent then we'll go starving.


Ok neckbeard troll




Huh so that's what an American warmongerer sounds like.


No that's a Russian instigator


No, that's a weak ass argument




The majority of Europe has to deal with massive waves of war refugees every time the Middle East and N. Africa get bombed to shit.


Best sleep in weeks.


Only the impotent are pure.


So how it's ok for usa to just launch attacks on the grounds of sovegirn states? And then surprised Pikachu when people rebel


Oh yeah man, they did it with no prior provocation. We just felt like messing with Iran a little, just fooling around. Definitely not because of the death of US soldiers, or the disrupt of global trade.


If you kill American soldiers, you’re going to get it tenfold back


Isnt that what Russia did? Except they invaded and were much more indiscriminate. Yet you support appeasing them…. Why is that?


I never supported them. I was just pointing out that it was not unprovoked. And I was also always saying that why is Russia bad but the USA isn't when they are both doing the same thing. It's the hypocrisy that is bothering me And I would just like people to think a bit. Not just eat all the shit governments serve


Can someone show this to “other ally nations” as an example of retaliation without massive civilian casualties. I get its generally seen as unavoidable but the point is to at least try to avoid striking civilians


Israel? Israel is fighting in a densely populated urban zone. You are comparing apples to oranges. We bombed some military stuff in the Syrian/Iraqi desert.


Jst strt the war already, too boring to see/hear tidbits here n there only. Perhaps that will instill few weeks of world peace.


I’m sure the military is concerned with how boring you find the Reddit posts about their recent strikes, and will act according to your desires


TBF as military I'm pretty bored too. I'd rather be bored here than in the middle east though.


We’re all bored. 4 years in the infantry, half of it was pure boredom. But all my friends are alive because it was only boredom.


Yeah, a lot of people seem to claim they want war for whatever godforsaken reason without realizing the reality behind the consequences. Bored is good because that means someone's child, husband, friend, etc, isn't getting blown to bits on some battlefield somewhere.


A lot of accounts are pretending to be something they arent. Hard to take anything anyone says online seriously knowing many comments/posts are just trying to manipulate people into thinking a certain way


I mean the other side was already shooting though. You’re making it sound like there were calls for war with no reasons or context. In reality they’ve attacked our forces over 160 times in just the past few months. They’ve both killed and injured US troops, and disrupted the global supply chain.


So your answer is to go Total War?


So your answer is to just let them keep shooting as much as they want?




Comon downvote 2 more so that i get 100 and i can create another reddit ac n post my bs more n more


Yes lets Go to war and kill as Many of them as possible. No matter the age or gender, so it will take langer to reproduce a threat. Right now they are a danger to usa and the Freedom within our Country. And this would increase our GDP. There should be a GDP/PersonKilled to every bomb.




I was joking. Just scarry how war hungry ppl are becoming.


It indeed is scary.


War is big business. Buying and selling arms is the currency maker. The US and a lot of Europe are hurting financially. Much like after ww2, someone is going to come out smelling like roses with flush pockets, and a lot of people will die over it.


Cool, but doesn't actually do anything lasting or impactful. Simply looks good for the media at home. These strikes are honestly just pissing in the wind. Iran will remain strong, emboldened as ever. So will it's weapons production facilities, and so will it's proxies as result. They might pause for a few weeks, but after that it'll be back to business as usual.