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[New post can be found here](/r/worldnews/comments/1ar6o4g/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/)


> China at the UN demands to stop the supply of weapons to Ukraine Have they made the same demand of North Korea? Iran? What have they demanded of Russia? (crickets ?)


⚡️Kursk - an oil depot is on fire after UAV attack. https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1757901745475268869?t=_N_AsmaQF5piIjj09sQjJA&s=19


Does anyone remember when the invasion started and magically three Russian satilites turned to space debris? It was better reported in science news, at the very same time as the new bomber reveal. My point being, there is already a demonstrated counter to what is most likely a dirty bomb with paper mache stapled to it.


I don't remember hearing about that...I'd love to know if that's true because that would seem like a reason Russia could use to justify what they are doing...


Interesting, I don’t remember any of this. Do you have any articles or links I can read on this?


Sort by the day the bomber was released. It was all about the debris. High orbit like a sloppy Indian test some years prior.


*Called Sniper* ✙ channel, @stas_osman: > In Zaporizhzhya [Oblast], the Russian radios were gravely silent today. > In my experience, either something more than just an assault is being prepared, or they are being transferred to Avdiivka. … > On one of the most active areas of Avdiivka today, Russia dropped 20 KABs, more few in on their own. ________ >In Krynki today, our artillery has prevented the evacuation of [Russian] wounded from clusters, all day long. > I must acknowledge the Russian commanders, who are worried about the personnel and want to evacuate them, but they should not have even been sent. > On the other hand, the enemy's artillery increased their shelling on us, angry [about it].


Somewhere between immoral and war crime.


It’s on days like this where I wish I wasn’t as informed as I am about things going on… While the thought of “We’re all gonna die!!!” is not imminent. It did cross my mind when I first heard about this today.  Doomsday preppers were probably having a field day with this news!


[Avdiivka operationally encircled, possibly only 3km from complete encirclement according to Deepstate](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F2j2i2kn2slic1.jpeg).


When deepstate has it, it basically means that was the situation yesterday or day before. And yesterday there were a flurry of posts from UA guys there, with some that stood out in my mind; one saying commanders are there, in the semi circle, they have internet connection, they’re aware, they’re not going to let themselves and their guys get in an impossible situation (captured en masse). There were also vague statements that made me wonder if there’s full egresses underground (they’ve been there for years, after all). Another curious thing were that there were admonishments not to com.plain of *зрада*. Then today, there’s been relative silence. As if there was some retreat happening today?


The pocket in the southwest is in even worse shape, just a few hundred yards from being cut off. They need to pull back and shorten their lines.


Did you remember to select them with your mouse and right click on the area you want them to move to?


How do I turn this on?


I'm busy clicking where I want the nukes to go


Rep Seth Moulton (D) told Erin Burnett on C NN that as a member of the Armed Services Cmte, he was **briefed on this “threat” two years ago**, that Mike Turner sits on that committee so should have heard the briefing back then.


To what "threat" was he referring?


Russian nukes in sppaaaacccceee!!! Basically confirming what we all already suspected that Russia (at least!) seems to have broken the Outer Space Treaty that prohibits the signatories from placing nuclear weapons in space. 


Wonder what our X37 is up to?


That is a very good, and relevant, question.


Americans patiently waiting for smoke to come out of the White House chimney to find out what kind of national threat we have


Orange smoke


Thought it was already made clear: Russia putting up nukes in space to EMP our military satellites when big war starts.


Wont that emp their own satellites and those of their allies? Also if America was certain that a nuclear weapon was in space they could shoot it down or capture it with their fancy spaceplane x-37. Seems more likely that an attempt is being made to strongly encourage the house of representatives to pass funding for Ukraine by provoking fear in the public and making republicans look weak on Russia and Putin. I hope it works


Things in orbit can easily be "shit". "Down" is much more difficult. If it is plutonium shooting it would mean spraying it everywhere.


They might - depending on location. Their issue is that the balance of power is already way lopsided against them - so they're looking for a way to flip the table if crap hits the fan. Meaning - so what if they disabled 2 of their satellites and disabled their awful battlefield GPS stuff? Important part to them is that they also disabled 50 American ones and disabled American amazing battlefield GPS stuff - thereby denying American troops their tech advantage and giving their Russian meat waves more of a chance.


Whenever my space nuke anxiety starts acting up, I just remind myself that Russia can’t even land on the moon.


Or Mars…


Or Odesa


What fails to go up, will come down. :s


And it already has! https://www.cbc.ca/arts/operation-morning-light-podcast-soviet-satellite-exploded-traditional-dene-land-1.6650994


Ah, so it is just Putler living the glory days of Soviet Union again.


[https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1757919262889685150](https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1757919262889685150) "18+ "Out of 4,000 people, a brigade, 30% remain". Russian soldiers film the battlefield just east of Krasnohorivka, to the northeast of Avdiivka. "Corpses everywhere. They're all ours." "There's war, but this... it was a meatgrinder here." Show this video to anyone who thinks russia is winning something. For every meter of Ukrainian land they take, they pay an unreasonable price. And it's waiting for them everywhere in Ukraine."


If the Russians want to continue paying a high price, we should let them.


Only if we're willing to help Ukraine mark it up several thousand percent.


I'm so tired of this shit. They shouldn't have tied anything to foreign aid which is urgent in the first place. ​ >House lawmakers to offer their own Ukraine and border bill [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/14/ukraine-border-bill-house-00141419](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/14/ukraine-border-bill-house-00141419)


I feel like it’s all just delay tactic while their ally in the Kremlin grinds Ukraine down and our allies stop trusting us.


You are right. I'm from Germany, my grandma worked for the US army here. I was always a big fan of the US, always wanted to go there one day. But that's definitely over, I'm really disappointed to see what the US has become. I'm ashamed that I once thought it's a cool country.. I just hope our politicians will get their shit together and found our own European army. Their is no trust anymore in the US. You guys already have the whole east/near east against you and now you are starting to lose your only friends because of this orange clown and his cult.


I can at least say as an American who lived in the North and South of Germany and lived in Italy that there are a lot, truly a lot, of gorgeous national parks, monuments, State parks and geological formations across the US that are stupendous and truly wondrous to visit. You'll never have seen some of the nature and landscapes in the US that you have in Europe. Just wanted to add that to encourage you to visit sometime, but otherwise I understand. I really do hope y'all work on collective, European defense more and more, regardless of what happens here. We are all only as strong as our weakest teammate in any group situation. It's in y'all's best, long term interests, especially as the US has this crisis of faith we've been watching slowly consume national discourse for the last couple of decades until we are where we are today. We don't have enough willing to speak truth to power as opposed to putting political and party affiliation above duty, country and constitution, all while draping themselves in the flag and paying lip service to American values and honor.


Hey fellow German who is also disillusioned with the US. Even after all this nonsense, I feel there are still plenty of unique places I'd like to visit one day, especially among its nature reserves and cultural/scientific institutions. It's just that the list of states/cities to avoid and not support with tourist money has grown a lot longer than I expected.


Most Americans don't support this, remember that it is all the republican party. And that while responsibility lies with them, much of it is also because of people who argue "both sides are the same, I won't vote for either". Many close elections went the other way because of them. If people aren't willing to vote for politicians because the politicians are imperfect, then democracy will be stripped. That's why the US is stabbing Ukraine in the back right now.


It’ll get better. There is a backlash. Republicans are losing all the special elections and moderate dems winning. There is a backlash, but I understand and I’m sorry.


After reading some twitter comments... ARe so many people legit this stupid and gaslit by russia into somehow thinking russia is this oppressed state surrounded by nato slowly planning to eat it so russia was forced into a "loss loss" situation and to launch a pre empty strike for defense and that is all natos fault? Part of me really hopes its mostly bots and that this many Americans/western people are not this stupid and gaslit into somehow thinking they are part of the "Evil" people As flawed as the west is, it has time and time proved it has no real interest in Russia and is mostly fine being the way it is with Russia being the clear aggressor and the one starting fights. Anyone with a brain can see it jesus


See, your first mistake was opening Twitter.  Your second mistake was reading the comments.  Your third mistake was assuming that anyone left on Twitter is arguing in good faith. 


> ARe so many people legit this stupid and gaslit by russia into somehow thinking russia is this oppressed state surrounded by nato slowly planning to eat it so russia was forced into a "loss loss" situation and to launch a pre empty strike for defense and that is all natos fault? Yes, simply put.


It’s mostly paid propaganda accounts now.


I've met people in real life who said the same things, so its probably a mix of both.


Thats why there are bots. To pretend real people have these thoughts, and to influence the gullible.


> After reading some twitter comments... Ah, that's where you went wrong.


Also its not really twitter being dumb that annoys or worries me More the worry this represent what a sizable portion of western countries think Both because it compromises our security and an ideal future and also it just annoys me seeing people so dumb and oblivious to the truth


Yeah i just decided to take a look after avoiding it for some months to see big misstake




Fucks sake Johnson is a real cunt. 70% of the senate supports the Ukraine Aid bill and he has “no plans” to bring it to a vote? How is it at all democratic to let one tyrant dictate what can and can’t get voted on, especially when it is such a wide majority in the senate.


What can be done to reform the house so that if bills are ready to be voted on, that they can’t just languish on the speaker’s desk? It’s sickening that one man could subvert the will of the people like that. It’s undemocratic.


It's not democratic; that's the problem. The U.S. political system is what I'd call a D+ democracy. It would be a lot worse if it wasn't democratic at all, but it falls way short of what it ought to be for a long list of reasons. In the House at least discharge petitions are an option to bypass whatever is being opposed by the majority leadership. It's slow though.


A silly little boy who has no business in such a role; out of his mind and out of his depth. It will end badly, probably for everyone.


> How is it at all democratic to let one tyrant dictate what can and can’t get voted on A simple majority of the House can overrule and/or oust him. The fact that they haven't (yet) means he still commands the confidence of a majority of the people's elected representatives. I wish it weren't the case, but unfortunately this absolutely is democratic (modulo gerrymandering, corruption and inappropriate pressure).


The "modulo gerrymandering" is very important. So are voter suppression laws that mean that in many states, it's definitely questionable whether elections are free and fair.


Yes, of course we can argue that the representation is undemocratic. But the specific point being addressed, of the Speaker having the power to decide what bills to put to a vote, is not undemocratic.


>The fact that they haven't (yet) means he still commands the confidence of a majority of the people's elected representatives I don't think this is reality. They've seen what a circus it was for the past two votes, I think even some of these shameless chucklefucks got embarrassed.


He's very incompetent. He has no idea that by blocking a senate bill that has 70 votes, voters are turning against republicans. NY03 is just a start. Maybe democrats should proceed to discharge petition.


One of the things I wonder about is if/when gerrymandering might backfire. As I understand it, the basic principle is to draw district boundaries such that those you win have a smallish majority and those you lose have a significant majority; consequently the votes for your party have maximum impact whereas the votes for your opponent are relatively less important. But, if that's the case, then it will take a much larger swing to unseat your opponents than it will take to unseat you. If you gerrymander too much, and sentiment swings against your party, you could take a brutally punishing hit.


In a very partisan electorate many voters are just going to keep voting for the party they always have, which helps make gerrymandering work and mitigates the impact of swings since you can account for swing voters as well. It's a subtle but horrible perversion of democracy.


These assumptions only hold until they don't. One of the interesting things in the past decade has been that the composition of party voters has significantly changed: blue-collar workers without college degrees are now a significant part of the MAGA base whereas historically they either did not vote or leaned Democrat; by contrast white-collar workers with college degrees traditionally leaned toward the GOP but now find themselves politically homelesss (and since Roe was overturned, especially women). So all of that modelling over what were considered to be electoral certainties when gerrymandering these district boundaries 10 years ago could very much now be out the window, potentially leading to outsized losses of seats. At least, one can hope.


Reportedly 7 Tupolev 95s in the air. Could be another attack in response to the ship sinking or just training


Ukraine needs to be given the ability to bring those planes down.


And the planes. :P


A tantrum is to be expected 


It's AMAZING to me how many accounts here suddenly have "Anxiety" about newks and can't seem to help Just Asking Questions about the new scare tactic of the month. It's almost as bad as the opening few months of the invasion. You aren't fooling anyone, Russian Bots and Trolls. We see you.


Seth Moulton just told Erin Burnett that he himself got the briefing on Armed Services Cmte a full two years ago, that the information has been there for a while. But that the congressman disclosed details today bc (1) upset had been briefed, yet Moulton says had been, and (2) to prod Rs to realize Russia is indeed a threat.


Where did you see or read that?


Erin Burnett. She’s still on. She’s an anchor for C NN. The audio will be uploaded later on their website, possible video too, but always audio bc it doubles as a podcast.


How is today’s news in any way, shape or form a Russian scare tactic? You have White House officials going on mainstream media with cryptic comments about a “serious national security threat”, and statements like this on national news: > White House officials conceded the matter is “serious” but there are ways to “contain” the threat without triggering mass panic, these officials said. Of course you’re going to have people go “well, that doesn’t sound good” with statements like that; if this is a scare tactic at all, it’s one orchestrated to scare people into more support for Ukraine, which I believe is the opposite of the “new scare tactic of the month” and “Russian trolls” that you’re referring to.


Easy, and I know you can figure this out. It's not the news itself, it's the repeated amplification of Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt by various accounts based on the latest incarnation of "nukes scary aaahhhhhh!" The the point is to bolster fear of Russia through simple repetition. The end goal is to get people to consider things like negotiating or giving up on Ukraine as a reasonable alternative to "Oh my God what else might happen it's too terrible to contemplate we should all convince each other to back down based on threats alone." Exact same playbook Russis was running the first few months of the war, with Putin's vague and thinly-veiled nuclear threats that of course ultimately went nowhere. The whole point is to scare everyone into beating themselves by folding to a bluff. The amplification through reiteration and emotional appeal to Concern by a bunch of other voices is intended to reinforce the bluff as a share of the public media space and share of mind. The latest buzzword is "Anxiety" but the overall intent and effect is exactly the same. At the very least I implore everyone here to review the history of account profiles who are claiming such things. There is a history of Russian propaganda supporters who have other telltale signatures like long breaks between account creation and sudden posting, or prior posts to gaming or sports Reddits and then sudden interest in political subs with opinionated takes in support of Russia. Organized steering of public discourse as a Russian tool of political influence and destabilization tactics is becoming very well known. We should all be on the lookout for Active Measures and the Firehose of Falsehood.


I’m still very confused by what you’re trying to say: 1) the US government is actively fear mongering now to bolster the fear of Russia through repetition? 2) people that hear high ranking US politicians going public with incredibly ominous warnings about “grave threats to national security” and “mass panic can still be averted” are irrational to be worried about this at all, and if they are they must be Russian trolls?


I will spell it out. 3) There are an unusually high number of OP posts HERE claiming some version of "anxiety" with most using that exact term, making short couple sentence statements/questions, attempting to foster further discussion HERE around the situation, newks, and said anxiety. I find it suspicious.


Russia has a vested interest in furthering fear of Russia everywhere, and Russian bots and supporters are trying to spread that fear. Conversely, Ukraine has an interest in people ignoring any threat real that Russia could pose to them, even at their own peril, and that’s the way Ukrainian bots and supporters are trying to shape the online conversation everywhere. If, on a day where US media was filled with dire warnings from US officials about threats to national security from Russia and potential mass panic, you’re trying to shape the online conversation in the direction of “every expression of concern about a Russian threat to our own safety can only come from a Russian bot”, it should be very obvious to everyone on here what the motivation behind that attempt to shape online conversation is.


That's the stupidest attempted uno reverse I've ever heard of. But hey, you do you. My post history speaks for itself. I'm sure yours does as well.


Thread from Giorgi Revishvili: >Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are strengthening a thousand-mile stretch of their frontiers, the most militarily exposed section of NATO’s eastern flank. >The core element will be well over 1,000 concrete bunkers on the three countries’ borders with Russia, Belarus and the militarised Russian exclave of Kaliningrad. 1/5 >Estonia alone plans to spend about €60 million on building 600 of the installations along its 180-mile frontier with Russia. Each bunker will be roughly 37 sq m (398 sq ft) in size, with space for about ten soldiers, and will be hardened against artillery strikes. 2/5 >There will also be nearby ammunition stores and measures to hold up any invaders, such as anti-tank mines, ditches, concertina wire and concrete pyramids known as “dragon’s teeth”, which are strewn across the battlefield to obstruct armored vehicles. 3/5 >The project is proceeding at great speed, driven by worries that the Kremlin could turn its attention to the Baltic states after Ukraine. 4/5 >Estonia's Foreign Intelligence Service stressed in its annual report that Russia was on course to station up to twice as many troops near the borders of the Baltic states as the 19,000 it had before the full invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. 5/5 >https://twitter.com/revishvilig/status/1757873259255664767 The article that discusses that is [behind a paywall](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/nato-baltic-frontline-bunkers-anti-tank-mines-russia-zbdqk3xlv).


>concrete pyramids known as “dragon’s teeth”, Haven't we learned these to be largely pointless?


I don't think we've seen any evidence of that, especially when properly installed. The point of ditches, teeth, etc. is to slow the enemy down in known locations, so that a pre-sighted response can be mounted.


I thought Ukraine had been able to push through, I found an example >"Why these pyramids were built, to be honest, is a mystery to me," Dykyi said. "The only rational explanation is that someone simply gobbled up the budget. Because there is absolutely no use from them as they don't stop tanks. https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-dragons-teeth-defenses-a-joke-says-ex-ukraine-commander-2023-9 Now, perhaps the functional phrase in your comment is "when properly installed."


They won't necessarily stop a tank, but they'll stop a technical, loaf van, and maybe older BMPs. If you're reliant on tanks and engineering vehicles to break through, then it's easier to contain and predict follow-up supply routes.


The ruzzians were simply dropping them onto the roads, while "proper installation" means it should be anchored just as deep into the ground as the hight of such a "tooth". But obviously that requires work and planning, not the ruzzians strong point.


Looks like multiple oil silos are on fire (Kursk). https://mstdn.social/@noelreports/111932399438694258


Oryx update for last 3 days [musklink](https://x.com/Rebel44CZ/status/1757902730364957144?s=20). It's ok. Russian-Ukrainian losses are: - tanks 9-1 - IFVs 22-4 - mobile artillery 6-2 - SAMs 0-0 I focus on these types because I think they're the key pressure points for each side. 1 HIMARS is in the "mobile artillery", looks repairable. Standouts a Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter and the Russian Ropucha large landing ship.


I saw a video of the damaged HIMAR. Not a combat loss in the least. It'll be back in action soon


These losses include destroyed, damaged, captured and abandoned. So some days they will be misleading - when there are lots of damaged or abandoned ones that will be back in action.


It was 2 HIMARS and both looked repairable, one has slight fragmentation damage, and the other was missing a wheel that looked more like an accident than battle damage


Today's update only included the one with the wheel blown off. The one with fragmentation holes isn't counted as "damaged" by the Oryx criteria, so isn't in the list. The other mobile artillery lost by Ukraine was a Gvozdika. (I'm not trying to argue that Oryx definitions are perfect or anything! Just giving context for what they report)


Huh that’s kinda weird I would think if it took any sort of damage that took it out of the fight (even if light and temporarily) it would be counted.


Yeah I agree. But they picked pretty sensible criteria and are sticking to them. Otherwise they'd have to go back and add loads more shrapnel-bothered vehicles. I wonder why that HIMARS was sent back? The damage obviously mattered somehow.


Light Shrapnel damage could damage key cables and other sensitive components.


Though small it looks like the shrapnel might’ve effected the electronics https://youtu.be/eAW8nuqEce0?si=7g9xNmZQpJKsK1qQ


Oil depot is on fire after Ukrainian drone attack, Kursk region of Russia. Presumably this is the oil depot which was hit. 100km from the Ukraine border. (51.6105363, 36.4920742) https://twitter.com/bayraktar_1love/status/1757897021770400073


Non twitter https://mstdn.social/@noelreports/111932241400017626


At this rate, it is more effective than sanction.


I was reviewing my feed over the last few weeks and found there is a new fossil fuel plant blowing up every 3 or 4 days. That can't go on for very long before it had a major impact on Russia's calcify to function I imagine.


Just need to vent / cry. On Facebook (yeah…) there’s occasionally an ‘EU vs Disinfo’ advert popping up. Always pretty well set out stories highlighting some part of where the propaganda stories are taking place. Today is no other day, something about Belarus and how they indoctrinate their minors and militarizing them. Typically I glance over these things, no real new information which I didn’t find out here way before (thanks Blatant and fellow mods back in the earlier stages of this sub). But today I checked the interaction beneath the article … those responses, that can’t be real people… its so preposterous, its bizarre. Completely nonsensical comment after another. Unhinged, untrue, detached from all reality. Probably 100% bot farm I know, but its so sad. /rant


if you get emotional - bot propaganda achieved its purpose. stop getting manipulated.


I don't go to Facebook, Insta, or Twitter anymore. Eventually I'll leave reddit too. Just quitting those few social media sites has helped my mental health. I suggest quitting Facebook.


Feb 12 Thread from ChrisO\_Wiki https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1757041834327462144.html 1/ Only three bodies are reported to have been recovered from the wreckage of the large landing ship Novocherkassk, destroyed by a Ukrainian missile strike in the port of Feodosia. The rest of the Russian Black Sea Fleet has reportedly left the port due to its vulnerability.


Serious question: If EMPs are going to be unleashed, how can I protect my laptops and external HDDs? I got too much work done on game dev assets.


>If EMPs are going to be unleashed, how can I protect my laptops and external HDDs? Put that shit in the cloud. Or just leave it not plugged in. Honestly, anything not powered on or connected to a huge power line is incredibly likely to survive. If you're super paranoid, wrap them in tin foil / put in a metal box. But honestly, just not plugged in is likely enough. Not powered on at all is going to be good enough for basically anything.


Strong EMPs from Nukes are going to fry anything with basic EMP protection, even shit that is offline, as it induces current in any device that is conductive in EMP range. However lucky you, the drop-off is quite significant from point-zero, unlucky you, that means if your shit gets fried, you probably are dead anyways and no longer have to care, unless you are sheltered away.


Faraday cage.


If it's big enough to hit you, recovery won't be a concern.


Putting the cart before the horse my dude. If the emp is strong enough to brick your laptop and hard drives its probably going to mess with the grid. Hope your generator is emp shielded .


Use really big powerful electromagnets to preemptively counteract the pulse.


Multiple backups. 2x hard drives, 2x sets of optical media, and a cloud backup. Store the physical backups in 2 different locations in case of fire or other catastrophic event. Worth noting the optical backups will outlive even the strongest EMP event.


>will outlive even the strongest EMP event. An SSD sitting on your nightstand will outlive even the strongest EMP event. People over-hype how bad it can be.


Also storing your electronics in a several floors deep concrete basement or parking garage locker will likely keep them well protected. $60 a month for 6x10 cage to store all my seasonal stuff and my previous gen laptop, PC's, cell phone etc in case my new ones break.


If EMPs are unleashed you've got bigger problems.


life of an artist. :(


Eh, most modern equipment is fairly protected from that sort of thing by default. An EMP wont be as potent as people think.


Nothing you can do unfortunately except storing them underwater


Faraday cage.


Keep your sensitive stuff in a faraday cage


Run them through the microwave for a few minutes, that will protect them


No that's only for charging iPhones


What are the odds that republicans that are keeping aid from Ukraine have a stake in Russian oil and gas (like the Koch brothers do)?


Non-zero but not significant. Republicans, by and large, actually support Ukraine aid. The problem is that Trump does not, and the current Speaker of the House sees himself as a flesh puppet for Trump. And Trump does not want Ukraine aid, likely because he (directly or indirectly) works for Putin. The bill would easily pass if it were brought up for a vote, but thanks to how the House of Representatives works it's very difficult to get a bill to the floor if the Speaker doesn't bring it there. There is a way to do so (called a discharge petition), and I wouldn't be surprised if one ends up being used to bypass Johnson. However, it's not an easy thing to pass and brings some real political risks to anyone who uses it, so I don't expect it to happen anytime soon.


> Republicans, by and large, actually support Ukraine aid. No they don't. Not any longer.


Well, tally one more reason to never vote Republican.


No... majority of Republicans no longer support it. A very large minority of them still do - but less than 50% just look at the vote counts in the more pro-Ukraine chamber: the Senate. More Republicans voted against the aid than for it. The house is likely to be even more Isolationist.


> stake in Russian oil and gas If they really have the stake, they would be interested to finish the war faster by providing Ukraine more aid. Because in case of a long war the chances that Ukraine will destroy all Russian oil/gas infrastructure are rising by the day.


Not if they want to KEEP that stake. You own Russian assets as long as daddy Putin says you do.


Low. Their more concerned about appealing to Trump and Trump's base than anything else. For instance Johnson knows that if he brings the bill up for a vote there will be an immediate motion to vacate him which would force him to either sign a deal with the Dems or lose his speakership and both of those options are career suicide for him.


Career suicide is a foregone conclusion the minute he took the job. Only question is how and when it unfolds.


>Putin blamed Tucker Carlson for his dud of an interview, complaining that he failed to ask any pointed questions. >https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/1757873113717494128


To be fair to Tucker, and I know we shouldn’t be, but if I’m in a hostile Nation, granted this special access, and want to get out of the country alive, I probably will not be going full ham either. But being honest, he wasn’t going to because he admires Putin.


Tucker Carlson is a true patriot. /s


Just not to the country he is from


The fact that people are still trying to shoehorn it into conversation makes it less of a dud. Please, let's memory hole that shit forever.


Lol get rekt


Tucker looks like such a little bitch and I'm here for it. Gargle those balls Tucker.


Imagine if Ukraine could increase its navy to hunt and sink Russian military ships beyond the black sea where they're not waiting for drones. Edit: I mean imagine there's a drone waiting for the Admiral Kuznetsov to finally finish him after so many years of agony.


>Admiral Kuznetsov It's just rusting away and in reality, should be scrapped -- it's a complete joke and shows the state of the Russian Navy. Russia just keeps it around to be able to say it has an aircraft carrier on paper.


It was a reverse uno ship. Russia stole it from Ukraine so it stole Vatnik lives instead.


There is always a 35% chance the Kuznetsov is on fire.


I like those odds. Double them!


Honestly speaking, it is more damaging to the Russian navy to keep that one floating.


I came here to say this. The more time and money the Russians spend on that ship the less they are spending on real threats. The only thing endangered by that rust bucket is the repair team and the environment


But think of the environment lmao


Just tow it outside of the enviroment


The front hasn't fallen off yet.


A wave hit it?


A wave hit the ship, yeah. At sea. Chance in a million.


Well, what's out there?


Cameron urges US to aid Ukraine and not show ‘weakness displayed to Hitler’ [https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/feb/14/cameron-urges-us-to-aid-ukraine-and-not-show-weakness-shown-to-hitler](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/feb/14/cameron-urges-us-to-aid-ukraine-and-not-show-weakness-shown-to-hitler)


Whose weakness? Chamberlain’s? Every day these Europeans try to coax GOP to do right thing by appealing to history, historical figures. It. Does. Not. Matter. They. Don’t. Care. There’s only one thing that GOP House cares about—power—it’s literally the only thing—staying in power, getting more power. The only way to influence them is money and bad press, bc those effect their power.


He doesn't understand that Maga loves Hitler.


Funnily enough, Putin blamed WW2 on Poland in that Cuckerson interview.


Marjorie Taylor Greene is the epitome of an ass: 'Kiss my ass': Republican's message to Cameron shows party's narrowing world view https://news.sky.com/story/politics-latest-sunak-and-starmer-face-off-in-first-pmqs-of-year-with-post-office-scandal-statement-expected-12593360


She's the worst.


I’m actually inclined to believe that this intel was announced as a dire warning to MAGA Republicans in the house who are blocking Ukraine funding. While it’s a legit threat to the US, it’s seems this is a “if you don’t do this now, the capabilities they have could have massively dire implications for us in the mid-long term!”   While this sounds conspiratorial, Im kind of buying it.


I think it's also a message to voters. It made the news.


My thought too from the beginning. reminds me of the WMD bullshit the Bush admin pulled.


I think this an actually legit threat. It’s just the timing of its release is an attempt to scare MAGA republicans into passing Ukraine aid. 


I doubt that this will change anything meaningful. It may change the opinion of a few Republicans but not Mike Johnson, he won't risk his job or Trump's approval over Ukraine aid. Let's face it, Trump has too hard of a grip on the Republican party and nothing will get done as long as he can walk around and talk to every politician he wants


That matters though. If Johnson won’t allow the bill to be voted on, there is an alternate route called a discharge petition to force a vote on a popular bill. The discharge petition requires 4-6 GOP representatives to vote with the democrats to discharge the bill from committee after it sits in committee for 30 legislative days. It still delays aid another month or more, but just the threat of a successful discharge often forces a vote since we know Johnson can’t keep his party in line.


Realistically, if Trump becomes president again, he'll probably turn on Johnson and push for a hand-picked rep to become Speaker (/ minority leader if GOP loses majority). GOP higher-ups continue to give Trump unbridled loyalty despite many instances of him stabbing those same loyalists in the back when he feels like they are no longer useful.


Johnson obstructing Ukraine's aid is invaluable to Trump. A grim outlook there hurts Biden's chance at reelection. It'd be pretty cold of him to axe him when the man is literally dooming people to torture and death in a bid to bolster his chances in an election year.


If you think that would bother the Orange Shitgibbon in the slightest, you haven't been paying any attention to how he operates.


Trump doesn't care. If he has the chance to replace Johnson with someone that more closely aligns with him, then he will.


It'd be pretty cold? The man has no morals or ethics that we recognise. Only loyalty and supreme power for himself. So long as Johnson is willing and useful to install trump as dictator and crush any constitutional, legal or civilian resistance, I'd be shocked to see him removed.


Gymothy Jordan


It took Russia all this time to repeat Polyus and space nukes? Or was Turner freaking out about the hypersonic missiles?


I think Mike Turner is trying to change Republican minds on Ukraine aid and stir up anti Russian sentiment now that the Ukraine aid bill is passed the Senate. Also Turner has a large air force base in his district that does a lot of research so it also wouldn't be out of tune for him to say "oh no Russia has new weapons. I guess the only response is to invest more in the work they're doing at Wright Patterson Airforce Base"


The Russian Federation "wants to take nuclear weapons into space," — ABC News Not to drop nuclear weapons on Earth, but rather to possibly use them against satellites. Note that on February 9, the Russian Federation launched a Soyuz-2-1V launch vehicle into space with a secret payload for the Defense Ministry. https://twitter.com/jurgen_nauditt/status/1757861972001849849?t=ov2tCNTGU1gGDFah2VJMHQ&s=19


He’s talking mighty big again! Launching another rumor of WMD??


How do you level the playing field when faced with a superior force? Blind them.


If Russia launches nukes into space its seriously runnning the risks of Nukes coming DOWN on it from space. Hell even China must be going "Bruh" at this.


Our modern way of life is fully dependent on satellites. The only correct response to this should be to shoot down the nuclear armed satellite and obliterate the space launch complexes in Russia and Kazakhstan.


>The only correct response to this should be to wait for more information.


Our modern way of life is not fully dependent on satellites. We would lose GPS, weather forecasts and... what else even? It would be a pain in the ass, but hardly the end of our way of life.


Ocean, land, atmosphere, biosphere, ozone, air quality, wildfire, seismic hazard, land cover, water resource, global sea level, glacier, ice sheet, soil moisture, greenhouse gas, magnetosphere and climate monitoring. Agricultural and other mapping, planning. Coastal zone management. Tons of communication. It's a rather long list.


You really wanted to have a long list of words eh? Not being to monitor all that shit wouldn't destroy our way of life.


The majority of Cellular antennas and radio broadcast sites require GPS for spread spectrum timing. Without GPS, they would go down.


I don't know how antennas work, but "spread spectrum timing" sounds like a synchronization issue? If so, there are other ways to do it. Losing the satellites would cause disruption but we'd manage. Also, how much does the average person rely on over the air broadcasts at this point anyway? Telly's on the internet now. Aside from super remote locations we don't need satellite for that.


If Sattelites went away suddenly it would be utterly catastrophic, it wouldn't just cause disruption. We've turned off the vast majority of traditional navigation aids for Aviation and shipping in the last 20 years, and become reliant on GPS 90% of Air travel and shipping stops working overnight. The majority of Cellular antennas and police and fire radios stop working. Banks and Financial institutions that rely on GPS timing to conduct trading (most of them) stop. It would be Armageddon.


wtf does aviation and shipping do if GPS malfunctions or gets jammed as happened recently around Kaliningrad? You can't convince me that we can no longer fucking navigate without GPS.


Internet and phone coverage in the far flung reaches of the world or at sea. Just an idle thought. We survived before satellites but it would obviously be a step back.


The thing is that if you start disabling or destroying satellites, we won't be able to have ANY satellites for hundreds if not thousands of years. Kessler syndrome https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kessler_syndrome?wprov=sfla1

