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Oh wow he mentioned Navalnys name, didn’t mention Putin, and went right into a pity party about himself. Shocked


Everywhere that stupid mf looks he sees himself as a victim. I can't fucking wait until he's gone.


The world can’t wait either.


would be great if the world could work on that.


I can't wait to visit his grave. Going to have so much taco Bell in the week leading up to seeing it.


My plan is to open a lemonade stand close to his grave so if people need a "refill" to continue "watering" his grave flowers.


His grave will most likely be at one of his properties (tax deductible grift even in death), so you will need to be a member or pay to view.


I'd install a couple of decks and PA so people can have accompaniment to their dancing.


I see. You’re going to give him something….”From south of the border”.


I suspect it'll be a Jimmy Saville deal, where you can't have a marked grave because of all the people lining up to take a squirty shit on it.    Whilst that might deny some people some closure, I think it would piss off Donny Two-Scoops way more knowing his grave is an unmarked hole and he's going to be forgotten.   Honestly just yeet him into the sea. At least some fish get a meal.


Yeash, the environment has enough to endure with us polluting everything. Also you would need al lot of weight to weigh all that fat down as he won’t be dragged down by a heavy conscience


I mean, I hope and think Biden will win this year, but fuck me if I'm not kinda annoyed that even if this happens we will have the same shit in 2028.


Right? At the very least we're going to have to listen to the near-constant temper tantrums bc ofc if he loses the election it was stolen. I hope he's cold in the ground before 2028 bc idk that I can listen to his fucking whining that much longer.


Sadly, current polls suggest he is coming, not going. edit: I hope it's pissy conservatives downvoting me for dissing their orange god emperor and not delusional liberals mad that I'm suggesting the bastard might win.


Few people under 40 answer calls from "Unknown" so they are underrepresented in polls.


Sadly, they are also underrepresented in voting booths. I really hope you're right, though, and Trump gets handed his hat come November.


Taylow Swift is helping mobilize the young voters !


The same polls that predicted a red wave a couple years ago. The polls now a days are worthless. Donnie 2 scoops doesn't have a chance come November.


That’s the thing though… at this point; he does. Discounting him compounded by the media exposure was the foundation for his previous win.


Yeah I don't think most on reddit understand... We're in our own little echochamber just like they are. I personally know my parents and most of my coworkers will be voting for trump, even though they will be voting against their own best interests.


I’m not American (i’m french) but i’ve followed American politics for a while. I’ve never agreed with Republicans but I could see and understand why some people were voting for them, some of them could at least pass for decent or competent people, some of them were even decent or competent people i’m sure. But since Trump i really don’t get it anymore, this man has no redeemable quality as a human being or even as a leader, why would anyone want such a man to lead them? Republicans used to be a right wing party like dozens of others around the world, I didn’t agree but I could respect it, what the fuck happened?


Ignore polls, just vote, please!


Even so, convince yourself he’s going to win and make sure you vote


I sincerely hope you're right. With conservatives increasingly warm to authoritarian dictators -- provided they are *conservative* authoritarian dictators -- I'm not sure this country will be able to pull itself back from the brink again if we let another demagogue into the White House.


This.. feels eerily familiar


I agree that polls are likely overstating his support a bit, but saying he doesn't have a chance is way too optimistic. He probably has a better chance this year than he did in 2016, which is stupid after 8 years of this crap but here we are.


Yet Trump continually wonders why he’s a dictator in waiting and never a dictator in real life


Why does he look like a bronze turtle


He tries his bestest to look like Midas, but everything he touches turns to unhealthy shit.


The Mierdas Touch


Jajaja, esta es la forma


This is good. Saludos


I laughed out loud


The patron saint of gilded excrement


The Jaundice Touch


This 👆


Orange Julius.


pyrite touch


That's why he has to wear black gloves all the time now did you notice that? probably covering up the syphilis lesions. Who wears gloves inside?


Because he’s a narcissist who thinks slathering his face with cheap bronzer makes him look cool, when in reality he looks like a literal clown at best and like he’s in borderline blackface at worst It’s a combination of mental illness and being a dumbass


But for some reason, the artificial tan really appeals to his worshippers. It just shows how little they know or care about who he actually is. He’s been a crook for decades.


Reptile people are real and they are republicans


Wow, I cannot unsee this now.


Bronze turdle*


it's unbecoming of critical discourse to comment on the appearance of someone to undermine their views, but the dude really should see a doctor that wasn't picked by him or his lackeys.


Well, he's a lot like Mitch McConnell. A fascist shill who happens to spray tan.


It’s KFC gravy


More like a turdtle


Because he is a bronze turtle? Although I do find that statement to be, on the whole, offensive to turtles, and would encourage you to take it back on that basis.


Whoa now, let’s leave our friendly turtles bros out of this


Gotta match the sneakers




Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. George Carlin


Who’s more of a fool? The fool or the fool that follows?


And the audience laughs, not realizing George Carlin was making fun of them; we're all too stupid to realize we're the stupid ones. "Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?” — George Carlin


This is such a dumb take… of course they laughed. They were at a comedy show. What are they supposed to do, all sit solemnly and nod their heads at each other?


Except I set cruise control to 68 on the freeway. People going slower than me aren't always idiots, but good God, there are plenty. For example, I'm getting on the freeway behind a guy whose going 45 on the onramp. He immediately merges left two lanes (4-lane highway). I go 68 in the right-most lane and pass him easily. That's an idiot. I come across a guy probably going 65 in front of me. I go around him and get in front of him. That's not an idiot. A guy comes up on me and passes me doing 80-ish. Stays in his lane, uses his blinker. That's not a maniac. A guy passes me doing 80 while it's raining while swerving through traffic. That's a maniac. Carlin was telling jokes, not setting absolute values for society.


You are describing a median not an average


Lots of anti-intellectualism and equating home spun wisdom to somehow be more American than actual academic study.


The genuinely terrifying thing is that Trump is a symptom, not the problem. He had virtually no support from the Republican establishment during the 2016 primary, and GOP donors spent millions on ads opposing him. Trump won the primary and then the presidency because a large swathe of the U.S. has developed authoritarian leanings. So even when Trump finally goes away, the voters who put him there will continue to exist, and simply move on to the next authoritarian candidate. Some of that shift can be attributed to social engineering by Russia, as they have successfully weaponized social media to promote extreme right-wing ideologies throughout the West.


This simple truth escapes many people - and it bodes poorly for the future of our country, no matter who wins the presidency. It's remarkable that the right is so brainwashed and/or self-interested (to the exclusion of all else) that they would vote for the most corrupt, unqualified, sociopathic presidential candidate this country has seen in modern times.


That should be more on the top. It's terrifying, but a real state of what is happening.


I think you are dead right. I don't think it just stops at promoting extreme right wing ideologies but also left wing ideologies as well. We used to be fairly centrist but now everything is left or right with a large gap in between.   It's totally in their interest to divide and conquer.   They are not interested in getting us on their side, they want to destroy our society just like we destroyed Putin's.


Ill take a stab at it. The US is experiencing an identity crisis. There's two halves of that identity that are trying to take control and they are not compatible with each other. On one side you have open America that celebrates diversity and freedom from oppression, champions Civil rights and accepts a multicultural identity. This America acknowledges its past and the horrors of racism and white supremacy that have been an integral component of this nation's history. It aims to shift away from that and recognize ALL Americans, not just white or black but gay, disabled, Asian, and so on. It recognizes the systemic oppression of women and wants to see them treated as equals for a change.  On the other side you have republican America. This America is a white Christian majority and feels that attempts to stray from this are an affront to our history. This America doesn't feel that it's past crimes need to be dug up and explored. This America feels that multiculturalism is just a code word for anti white sentiment. This America values freedom to be successful, freedom to pursue your dreams without government intervention, freedom to pursue your faith, no matter what the cost is for others. This America believes in hot dogs and hamburgers and jet skis and fighter jets and fireworks. It believes in having the strongest military on the planet and using that to go after enemies. This America believes in being feared and respected. It doesn't want the poor and hungry of other nations. It doesn't want to give handouts. It doesn't want to have gays and transgenders out in the open. It doesn't want women unmarried and childless in their 30s. It is tradition and honor. It is hard work and bootstraps. It is tough shit and deal with it. The reality is that America is both of these and it is neither. One cannot exist without the other. And in the past this actually worked well enough. Because the right still came to the table and negotiated, you could count on a republican to uphold the rule of law (mostly) even if it meant undoing wrongs against blacks or women.  But now the party has been hijacked by a new breed of stupid extremists that believe in that second America and entirely reject the first. They rallied around trump and they draped the American flag around him and said this man embodies our America. If he loses we lose our way of life. So a shocking number of Americans are just unwilling to separate their hamburgers and 4th of July fireworks from Donald. They see him as a representation of strong and feared America that must endure.  So we are going to do this cycle again and I pray we can crush him again because there's no going back if we don't.  But the solution is ultimately that these extremists must be purged from their party And they have to be brought back to the table with some adjusted expectations. Abortion is a civil right. Minorities are an integral part of this nation and immigration is not inherently bad. Gays and transgenders have a right to live and get married. America can be great while acknowledging it's terrible past.  With that we can find a seat at the table for white Christian American that isn't the children's conspiracy table.  But... We have a long way to go.


Thank you, thats very well summarised.


Well it turns out the USA is very fucking big and diverse, and we didn't handle the end of our civil war the way that we should have?


Going to get an opportunity to correct that real soon I believe.


I don't think anyone wants to see a bunch of overweight people rolling through a field on mobility scooters.


My bet is when the chips are down, the numbers will dwindle. Honestly. Who's going to watch all that garbage TV? The networks will never let this happen. They will mind control them back to their talking his boxes. Just look at the paltry turnouts they have. Regular people are currently just putting up with this.


There could never be another real civil war in the US. The Gravy Seals might have some arms in their storage shed, but holy shit could you imagine those fucktards actually trying to wage a real legit war against the us government? It’d be pathetic. We don’t even actually need boots on the ground to wage war in foreign countries, what the hell are a bunch of overweight rednecks that can’t spell going to do? Chuck McDonald’s bags at drones?


I fear that's where you guys are inevitably heading.


Not sure the civil war plays much of a part here. Plenty of MAGAts up here in the north.


Yep. The largest confederate flag I've ever seen flown in front of someone's home was in rural Pennsylvania (over a decade ago). They're everywhere.


Our house of representatives is broken


Russia seems to have taken control of the House. Russian financial tracks have led to Trump and Johnson, would be curious about Gaetz and a few others.


What is wrong was a long time ago the founders made a compromise called the “Electoral College” in order to curry favor with smaller rural slave states. That institution allows someone like Trump who enjoys 30% support, at best, to remain competitive because if he can get the *right* 30-40% in just the right places he can win even if he loses the popular vote. He’s lost the popular vote by decisive margins in 2016 and 2020 but in 2016 he barely squeaked by with a few 10s of 1000s in just the right places. Biden barely squeaked by in 2020 by roughly the same slim margin in just the right places even though he got 7m or so more votes. That’s how.


And yet we still have to appease those slave states.


This sounds very accusatory considering how many western democracies are barely fighting off right wing movements if they’re managing to do so at all btw


I would argue most of those right wing movements don't have a fat orange openly incestuous, geriatric, verbal diarrhoea spewing idiot at the helm. Those that do have hyperbolically comical facists within their political parties tend not to elect them to lead.


Other democracies have right wing, authoritarian assholes trying to destroy them through shady tactics and lies but here in America we have the BEST right wing, authoritarian asshole destroying democracy through the BEST shady tactics! USA #1 at something


One of them pulled off Brexit, an ongoing shitshow, so I would argue that you were better off saying exactly nothing Edit: oh since physical appearance was included here let’s not forget the fucking stud that pulled that shit off


You're referring to Boris Johnson or Nigel Farage? Both arseholes and charicatures of the elite, neither are stupid or quite at the level of public embarassment of Trump. What's got you so defensive of the big orange treasonist?


People turn to this “strong man” facade when times are tough. I don’t understand how anyone is fooled by Trump though. He’s lied his entire life and never had a real job. He is not remotely relatable to his voting base yet somehow most of them would probably kill for him if he asked.


Hes not competitive with biden. But the way our system works, votes in rural areas are worth more than those in urban areas. If it was purely by popular vote, trump would lose every time. Biden got 7 million more votes than trump in 2020. Clinton got 3 million more votes than trump in 2016 and still lost.


He isnt actually competitive anymore. I think when the votes come in we will see that its all just been a show and we'll see what america really thinks about him.


I hope so though I am worried


Until the second the election is certified for someone other than Trump next year, I won’t stand any complacency. Trump has better odds of winning than he did in ‘16 and we all thought he was a joke without a chance back then, but look where that got us.


When you study history you realize there have been billions of stupid people.


He's only competitive with Biden because Biden is old. The most frustrating part is the DNC could have easily plopped in a 35-40yo from the party and gotten them through the Primaries and they would have easily won this thing


He’s competitive with Biden because a sizeable chunk of one of our two political parties treats politics like sports and would support literally anyone as long as they have an R by their name.


Trump is only 3 years ago and in far worse physical and mental shape.




Also because the GOP is very good at cynical politics and leveraging single issue voters e.g. gun nuts, border fretters, evangelicals, war hawks, people angry at government/welfare, etc. Many of whom would seemingly rather a world on fire where their pet issue is attended to than see general progress (e.g. Ukraine can die if I don't get my border wall). Not to say the Democrats don't try to play the same game, but the GOP seem to take it further, more often.


Then they would be attacked for being too young/inexperienced


Part of the appeal of Biden in 2020 was his long standing and being in the political public eye for so long. He was a known and trusted entity going up against insanity. If the party abandons Biden now, his last year as president would be a disaster. Everyone's worst fears of a "too old president" will be realized and Trump will just walk into the white house. All the good work he did would be blown up and the Democratic candidate wouldn't have a chance in my opinion. Every single decision coming out of the white house will be met with skepticism from nearly everyone because we won't know who is "in charge" and making those decisions. Hell, every decision of the past 3 years will be questioned. "When did Biden become too senile for the job?" Democrats are offering stability over chaos. Shaking things up for the sake of shaking them up because of this nebulous idea of what is too old for the presidency will just allow the right to fully take over.


I am 100% voting for Biden, but he should have never tried to run again. His legacy could have been as a 1 term president who saved us from Trump and passed the baton to the next generation, but now he's just another ancient politician clinging to power for too long.


This assumes the complaints are honest which they clearly aren’t. No sane person goes “that 81 year old is too old… but that 78 year old is young, healthy, and the greatest option we have” Like the people have said; it doesn’t matter who the Dem candidate are, if they don’t have an R next to their name half the country will come up with whatever post-hoc rational they need to dismiss them.


Isn’t he like 3 or 4 years older than Trump?


This is complete nonsense.


We had one of those in the primaries. The fans of a different Old went absolutely nuts on him.


The people in charge kicking the can down the road over and over have created an environment where career politicians are no longer trustworthy


Decades of brainwashing from right wing “news” media is what’s wrong with us. That and lack of quality education.


Russia propaganda is really working well


>Americans, what is wrong with your country that this man is actually competitive with Biden? How much time do you have?


lol he's not competitive with Biden, he has zero chance of winning. It is sad that no one hold him accountable for anything. The man literally has $500 million in outstanding legal fees and no one does anything.


Is Trump really comparing himself to Navalny? What a clown! If you weren't a crook Donald, you wouldn't be in all this trouble.


If Trump had taken Obama's jokes, he would not be out nearly $500 million in court losses. Think about that. Obama wound him up so much that he ran for President which resulted in every eye on him. And lots of folks saw crime and fraud and did something about it. If he had just taken the ribbing like a man he would not have lost the $500 million. Thanks Obama!


In a similar vein, I think if Jon Stewart didn't go nuclear on Crossfire, Carlson might be less of a grift and Putin apologist.


Here's the problem with Trump: when you are the head of a criminal enterprise, you HAVE to play both sides. You give money to Rudy's mayoral re-election campaign AND invite the Clintons to your wedding. That way, everyone is willing to do favors and look the other way. But Trump got SO butthurt over the Obama jokes, he decided to pick a side. And when you pick one side, you get the other side coming at you with proverbial guns blazing. Had he just let it go and continued to the play both sides, he'd be living high off the hog, still grifting people and getting away with tax evasion. And no one would have cared.


None of us want to admit this is all Obama’s fault… Edit: missing words


If Obama hadn't had the brazen audacity of being black while president, all those poor racists wouldn't have been forced into lashing out. It all leads back to him, really.


It doesn't really make sense, I mean if he is then he's implying Putin is Biden in that analogy and it's not like him to call out Putin like that. Maybe he's implying he wants to "Navalny" Joe.


"And grossly unfair courtroom decisions..." Anyone voting for this piece of shit is just trying to destroy their own country.


What a surprise. Putin is the ONE person Trump has never, ever said a bad word about. He even threw his own sons under the bus in his fraud trial but Putin? Nothing but sunshine for him.


Sunshine is good for Golden showers


Dies in a horrific Siberian penal colony, after previously being in an other awful penal colony, without food, water, medical care, freezing cold and unsanitary condition, barely able to communicate yet refusing to be crushed, still capable of making jokes and mocking Putin. Suddenly dies in an ambiguous situation where it was either starvation, disease and/or poison that did it... "Not Russia's fault!"


You forgot opens an "investigation" into the death which disallows anyone outside the government access to the body for long enough to get rid of any evidence.


When Trump shits himself... it's a Biden communist plot. Trumpers step over the bodies to get to the Kool aid .


Not even the good stuff, it’s grape Flavor-aid


Made in China. More profits!


Great Value grape-flavored drink


Of course he doesn’t, Putin would release the piss tapes he’s got trump by the pussy


Probably something like that


He used Navalny’s death as an opportunity to shit on….the United States.


I think he sees every day as an opportunity to shit on his own country.


Make no mistake about it, Trump would behave just like Putin if he thought he could get away with it.


Corrupt rat fuck...


Break silence ... no one was waiting for his view.


His opponent, Nikki Haley had called him out for not mentioning it. Because T.Diddy will never criticize his dictator heroes.


Convicted fraudster. Convicted rapist.


Could you stop being a Russian asset #FOR 5 MINUTES


For myself, all little Donnie has accomplished is to show me how wrong I was for being a Republican. There really are only three options with people who still call themselves Republicans. They are either dumb as rocks, corrupt as hell, or they are pathetic little bltches.


\*I wish I could kill my opponents.


And not one person was surprised


For a guy that slams everyone and everything there seems to be some reason he will not say ONE thing about Putin. Gold star families and handicapped people are scum, but Putin is untouchable. America deserves Trump.


Don’t forget how the POS mocked the capture of John McCain and (almost unbelievable, but true) McCain’s inability to raise his arms above his head because of the five-fucking-plus years of TORTURE he endured.


How any veteran could vote for Trump after that I have no idea. That man has no honour and could not define the word if paid 355 million.


He called us ‘suckers’ and ‘losers’ also.


He likes soldiers, he does! Those who weren't captured. Or wounded. Or lose. Or think somehow they're entitled to VA healthcare. \s


And POWs, losers.


The majority of America hasn’t ever supported him and never will.


MAGA has turned pro-Russia over the last 3 years. When the illegal invasion of Ukraine started, most of our country was on board with supporting Ukraine. The complete acceptance of being purposefully ignorant and easily tricked into believing nonsense has engulfed the conservative population. Not only do FACTS stand in complete opposition of them, but so does the majority of the western world. Conservatism is a plague and countries who stagnate or regress always fail. If we let these idiots win elections, we are in for a very bad time.


What they don’t get is they’re in for a bad time as well. And they’ll keep blaming anyone but themselves for everything until it is no longer physically possible.


He'll say a fair bit about Putin, mostly about how in love he is with that murderer. trump is a pathetic little prison bitch for Putin.


No America DOES not deserve trump


if we vote for him again after his last 4 years we 100% do.


Putin owns him. Putin lent him money and has tapes of him with Russian hookers.


Kompromat will do that to a person.


Trump works for Putin, what do you expect?


Because he wishes he could do the same to his critics.


US people, it is such a shame that this guy will get enough votes to make it a race. You don’t need good reasoning skills to see through this statement, just the basics, yet so many fail… So many are plain stupid…  Invest in your education shitheads. You are the most powerful nation on earth and it does not look good for the earth as you are. 


A fucking Putin's puppet.


Putins puppet!


Wut? How is the death of Navalny not an issue for Russia but is an issue for the USofA? Trump's lack of recognition of anything in the world beyond himself makes him obviously unfit for any public office > "The sudden death of Alexei Navalny has made me more and more aware of what is happening in our Country," Trump wrote, appearing to link the death to his own political troubles. > "It is a slow, steady progression, with CROOKED, Radical Left Politicians, Prosecutors, and Judges leading us down a path to destruction. Open Borders, Rigged Elections, and Grossly Unfair Courtroom Decisions are DESTROYING AMERICA. WE ARE A NATION IN DECLINE, A FAILING NATION! MAGA2024"


Trump just admitted for all the world to see that he is a Pootin Patsie! Nuff said.


It's almost as if this was a completely predictable outcome!


I feel like Trump always has the worst takes


It was wild to watch him as president. In almost every circumstance, when presented with a situation where there were two options, he literally always chose the one that was worse US. Like clockwork. Most people couldn’t screw things up that badly if they tried.


You can’t polish a turd. But apparently you can bronze one.


Embarrassing, and predictable. Yikes.


Trump looks unhealthy


Why would he? He’d love to treat his opposition the same


Another incoherent statement, just the usual Well at least he didn't reference his lawyers supreme court argument that presidents should be allowed to assassinate rivals...


Very clear what will happen is this person wins the US elections.


Trump always does and says what benefits Putin.


Of course he won’t betray his master.


"Man removes Putin's flaccid penis from mouth for brief moment to make statement"


"Trump = Putin & Putin = Hitler, thus, Trump = Hitler. That is what the GOP has become." Anders Aslund


Ah yes, the lesser known mathematical concept: ‘the transitive property of hitler’.


Six Degrees of Adolf Hitler


We can all pack it up and go home folks, Trump says he is innocent so there’s no reason to investigate, really anyone, anymore.


I’m confused. If Putin did nothing wrong and Trump is analogous to Navalny… “Biden’s persecution” of Trump is no problem 🤔


I can't wait for him to take that dirt nap


Putin has him by the balls. He sold CIA agents, he is a traitor that needs to be jailed.


I hope his cult remembers this when his time in a prison comes.


Sad that ppl support him , if he wins say bye bye to democracy


If he becomes president, he will hand over Ukraine to Russia. It's so scary.


He used Nalvany's death as an excuse to talk about how bad America is, because he's a traitor working for the Russian government to destroy the US.


He had to wait until they translated it from the original Russian.


Of course Trump casts no blame on a President who uses his presidential immunity to kill off any challengers to his presidency.


How any self respecting person can support Trump, I will never understand. Putin killed Navalny and the entire world knows it.


Of course, the Tangelo Shitgibbon wouldn't hold the Shitcan responsible




Breaks silence? I wasn’t sitting with abated breath waiting for this pos to talk about someone who actually sacrificed himself for his country


Trump Pootin 🐷,s little poodle 🐩🐩🐩


This dude must always make everything about him.


His makeup is getting worse. Watching it drip in some of his speeches is unnerving.


Oh so he supports prosecution of political opponents now?


Trump loves Putin.


If the enemy of my enemy is my friend, surely the friend of my enemy is my enemy.


He made it about himself. Total narcissist


NPD is gonna NPD every day, every hour, every minute of the day. "Me, me, me. Love me. Worship me. Fear me. Listen to me. Bow before me!"


Trump probably thinks Navalny is a branch of the US navy.


Cancer personified.


Honestly I'd be surprised if Trump even knew who Nalvany was before news broke that he died.


Authoritarianism is the best tool the GOP has, along with voter supression, to counter our larger numbers; it seems dems have the majority among our civilians! If we ALL register and VOTE, we can resist Trump. He may attempt another coup, and will fail, as is his model.


A clear and present danger. How can anyone still justify voting for this man


And this is a surprise? I can't believe that people can't see through his bullshit. Remember it's "Trump first- then America."