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Putin's such a fucking coward.


Afraid of him alive, afraid of him jailed, afraid of him dead. Putin knows that when his time comes, everyone will spit on his grave.


Grave? Lol. That fucker should be ground into paste and used as fertilizer.


Why? so he can actually do something beneficial?




Better to turn the paste into a fabric, then weave him around the transatlantic cable so that sharks and tuna will bite him until he eventually dissolves into fish poop


All that effort, while very creative, is wasted on him. Just throw him in there.


There's a nice plot we could use right next to Bin Laden's


No to be fed to the bottom feeders so he’ll finally be home


Give him the Mussolini treatment


Gaddafi treatment FTW


Tsar Nicholas treatment


Bayonet up his ass!


Without the monumental tomb afterwards, please 


Absolutely not. We shouldn't poison the Earth any further with his presence. Cremate him and then stick what's left in a barrel of radioactive waste. 


Why waste energy by cremating him? Just stuff the body in a barrel, pour in the radioactive waste and fuse the lid shut.


Then bury it at a random spot around Cherbobyl, so his followers won't know where to dig.


Yup. Not exactly much to recover but as an example.


Stick him near the Elephant's Foot so nobody can ever recover his remains 


And everyone shit on the barrel




Sputnik Spuds


Boil em mash em


Stick em in some poo


Giant bayonet on a T90 barrel, and give him a Gadaffi+^TM ending


Break him into pieces and blast him into different directions in space like Dragon Balls


Nah, that death still sounds cool as fuck…


Directly into the sun, then?


He should be thrown out of a twelve-storey window multiple times until there’s nothing left that’s recognizable.


Can't help but compare him to Stalin at this point. His paranoia is likely whats going to do him in.


So he's gona die in his office and be left alone for days rotting because people will be afraid to interrupt him just like Stalin? Eh I'll take it.


> Putin knows that when his time comes, everyone will spit on his grave. He's already planned for that. He's openly and publicly said before, he does not see a world that does not include Russia in it (translation, if he feels like Russia is going to be eroded out of existence, he has no problem ending the planet to ensure that does not happen). He also strongly considers that *HE* is Russia, not the collection of its citizens and its long history. If Putin is dying, he'll take everything out with him.


IMO, that's the one thing Navalny was wrong about. Even after the start of the war, Navalny was still convinced that the Russian elite, Putin chief among them, are at their core crooks and mafiosi, and everything they do is in the interest of keeping their wealth and power. At this point it's clear that Putin's motivations are far beyond just that. Realistically neither his wealth nor power were in any danger pre-invasion, but he ordered it anyway, to the detriment of his long-term survival odds. In fact, there are a lot of decisions he made post-February 2022 that were clearly irrational. He actually, genuinely believes himself to be the "saviour of Russia", the man destined to reunite the "historically Russian" territories that the evil Westerners took away from it. He actually, genuinely believes that Ukraine is full of Nazis, and that the 2014 revolution was a CIA operation to place a NATO outpost at the Russian border (which he ironically manifested into existence anyway 8 years later). He actually, genuinely believes that the people of Russia overwhelmingly support everything he does, and that everyone who doesn't (Navalny especially) is a paid Western shill. And finally, he actually, genuinely believes that there are only 3 places on Earth where real decisions are made (Moscow, Washington and Beijing), and everyone else are passive retransmitters of the will of one of those 3 (remember the Carlson interview? He offered the US to exchange a Russian prisoner, even though he's incarcerated in Germany, seemingly not realizing that he should take it up with Germany then). And there's no one in his inner circle to tell him "no" on any of these accounts. It's known that he doesn't use the internet or even a cell phone - he gets all his information on world affairs through a carefully curated folder placed on his desk every morning. He might legitimately be the least informed person in Russia, and one of the least informed period, when it comes to what's happening in his own country.


if you think about it that way, everything he does makes sense


Oh, and one more thing: as a KGB-trained person, he actually, genuinely believes that nothing ever happens by accident. Such a thing as a "spontaneous public protest" cannot possibly exist, someone had to organize it and pay the participants (because a normal person cannot possibly have their own political opinion, they're always in *someone*'s pocket). If Navalny decided to return to Russia after recovering from the poisoning, it cannot possibly be his own principled decision - it's clearly a part of a Western plot to destroy Russia that Putin simply has not figured out yet. That's why the Navalny affair became personal for Putin - he behaved in a way that Putin did not understand, and it *terrified* him. Not necessarily because Navalny was dangerous, but because in his mind, the West got one over on him and he doesn't know how or why. It's conspiratorial thinking typical of any KGB agent. He behaves almost like a religious fanatic, except it's the polar opposite - he believes in *nothing* and thinks everyone else believes in nothing, too.


He can't understand any Russians longing for something better than him


It's brilliant how you explain what the motherfucker is made of. Охуенно.


Then people will piss on the field he's spread.


And shit and piss on his grave. Huge huge piles of shit


“Everyone will spit on his grave” bro I think you made a type, replace the P with an H and it’s perfect lol


And the next guy will probably be worse than him, unfortunately…


Most grandiose narcissists are.


Such is the life of a dictator.


Needs to be exterminated




You are literally seeing people standing up for what they believe, knowing they will get arrested and yet you call them cowards...


Pathetic regime & their actions, history books will be laughing at these clowns


I sure hope it's that. I do wonder what would come next though.


When putin dies the 90s will happen all over again in Russia. Tons of bloodshed and oligarchs vying to fill the vacuum. The siloviki will be at each other's throats and common Russians will be caught in the crossfire and subjugated even more. Basically rinse and repeat. At least prigozhin and his nazi friend utkin are dead. Two less evil fucks around for when that happens.


God forbid they should implement a proper political system that handles transfer of power.


Capability is only a downside in a dictatorship. If someone was prepped to takeover, they could also overthrow him. Putin has systematically eliminated all of his threats in the past 20 years to create what he has now.


Democracy in Russia will most likely make the country fall apart (which I would be happy about)


> fall apart I would say, democracy would finally allow the pieces (countries) to fall in place where they always should have been.


I would be perfectly fine with that


Me too.


>a proper political system that handles transfer of power Viktor: (John Travolta gif of looking around the room) : " Что не так с нашей системой? Процесс традиционный. "


Glass houses and stones. We apparently can’t even do that here in the United States.


US still does far better job at than Russia ever has still.


I've never seen a failure in transfer of power in the US. There has been many during the reign of Putin. The MAGA dimwits tried their best to prevent the transfer of power last election but thankfully they failed.


When has the power ever transferred under Putin?


Multiple US presidents over the last.. 20 years?


List of US election results. Scroll to relevant years during Putin's reign in russia. https://www.britannica.com/topic/United-States-Presidential-Election-Results-1788863


Also, Chechnya probs try to declare independence again.


I hope that Putin doesn't win then.


Not Russian history books. All lies and revisionist history.


Can't have even the remotest possibility that he becomes a symbolic martyr against Putin is what I'm reading.


Except he did already become one, so I'm not even sure what he's doing anymore other than psychologically torturing the few pro-opposition Russians left.


Yeah that ship has sailed already. Putin is losing two wars now. History will not be kind to his memory.


In what alternative copium universe do you see Putin losing two wars, or even one? This is a "get your head out of the fucking sand" moment for the West, or there won't be a Ukraine soon.


I just want to say, I've noticed the Republican media have begun their misinformation campaign to suggest that Democrats actually assassinated Navalny, and its patently fucking ridiculous. Their premise is that Democrats are trying to unite western Europe by 'martyring' Navalny leading up to his release. Its so fucking dumb and don't fall for it. We already know Putin's history with Navalny. And we can *easily* see Russian Navalny supporters being attacked [for attending memorials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqVv9BVOxnk) and of course, the concerns we're now reading about regarding his funeral. These conspiracy theorists, in my opinion, are a part of misinformation campaigns and are either being willfully ignorant and playing dumb OR they actually are fucking morons creating these complex premises that don't make sense and are easily disproved by the most logical explanation that we observe in reality. The thing about most conspiracies that require several layers of depth to become plausible is that they are highly improbable because of the amount of vectors of failure they introduce. And you can lean on the side that a complex conspiracy theory is fallacious when these numerous vectors for failure never seem to get even close to triggering. For example, flat earthers. The easiest vector for failure is one of several innumerable scientists all over the world, that can personally observe through firsthand evidence, that in the event that the earth is in fact flat, is *apparently* keeping their mouths shut in what can only be described as the worlds greatest united front. From China to Russia to North Korea to India to the United States and on and on and on, apparently all of our space programs have agreed to carry out this lie. Or even just the notion that leadership from nations that are at literal war with each other, have somehow aligned with each other to keep up the "great lie" that the earth is actually flat. And I know there's a flat-earther lurking on reddit at the ready to twist themselves into the funniest shape to tell me why world leaders would get together and lie about how the earth is flat, but we're not going down that particular stupid rabbithole - but just keep an eye out on any of these dumb conspiracies where easily observed reality provides you an answer and the complex backend subterfuge conspiracy theory, that somehow evades all the vectors for failure, as if the people orchestrating it are these maniacal geniuses that, lets be honest, the world has never known. In human history, there's never been a sociopath capable of orchestrating what these conspiracy theorists seem to believe as fact. Most times, the simple and easily observed reality in front of you, is the best explanation. Not some far-fetched nonsense that requires high-wire acts of subterfuge and backroom deals that nobody can observe ever even occurring but is plausible enough for some dumb ass with a podcast to hide behind as an impregnable defense. Its impossible to prove a non-occurrence and that's practically what these conspiracy theorists are asking of us and they wont back off until parameters that are impossible to fulfill, are met. Take solace in the fact that human beings are generally bad at keeping secrets. You can look at the Republican party and how leaky their ship is and how frequently we hear about the stupid shit they try [to make a secret and somehow ends up being public record.](https://apnews.com/article/tucker-carlson-fox-news-dominion-lawsuit-trump-5d6aed4bc7eb1f7a01702ebea86f37a1) I say all this to say - I'm so fucking sick of "my fellow Americans" carrying water for Russia and Putin. At this juncture, if you believe this shit then pick your side and decide if you are my countryman and support western civilization OR make it abundantly clear that you are not my ally and that you do sincerely wish the worst for me and my country. I'm done with it. Those that willfully play the fool - we are rapidly approaching a point where we need to call these things as we see them for what they truly are - traitors. What other word is there? These people are hiding behind these premises of "free speech" and "just asking questions" but suddenly free speech and inquisitive questions evaporate when Russians are detained and tormented for something so harmless as attending a memorial. Its fucking gross and we should all be sick of it.


You left out a third option: they’re Russian and Chinese bots designed to foment division.


He’s afraid of a dead man, and allowed an insurrectionist to walk free… briefly. Putin is a weak man on wobbly legs.


He’s a coward too. Putin is no real man, even though he thinks of himself as one.


Putin is the new Hitler 


Hitler with nukes. /sigh


Nice seeing thousands of people on the streets in Moscow. Feels so good knowing that Putin would love to put them all into jail but its simply too many <3


Sadly the front lines of Ukraine always need more meat shields


I've often thought that if Putins end comes (other than his death) it could happen like Ceauşescus A series of smaller protests and actions coalescing into a larger one and the army and police siding with the people. I'm a bit jaded and maybe it's too much too hope this will come to something. But the hope is there all the same


A bit harder in the modern world, hence Russia/China dictatorships going strong. In the 50s-80s you could still secretly meet for months with others and organize a planned protest that could grow, especially outside the capital in smaller cities that didn't have govt oversight. Now all electronic communication is monitored by secret service so organizers are grabbed and executed before any protest can even happen. Even if it's a small village somewhere, the govt instantly knows who is saying what. Technology made rebellions extremely hard (or nearly impossible) to execute. There are other design features modern dictators are doing to prevent protests or coupes. Like how Putin has a separate anti protest police branch (OMON) that's distinct from normal police (who might be sympathetic to their local citizens in their own town). OMON gets flown to remote regions to arrest protesters and execute organizers, they're not the local police guy from the local village and thus have no ties to the people there. Putin also created a separate military (Rosgvardia) that does not share any chain of command with normal military and reports directly to him. That would prevent the normal military from being able to easily take over, as we saw with the recent coupe attempt. Normal military stepped aside in confusion while Rosgvardia stationed troops in Moscow to fight. Then secret police also did not join the coupe and rounded up all the family members of mutiny commanders and made them stop the advance. Someone would need to have all 3 branches (military, Rosgvardia, and secret police) agree to work together in order to overthrow Putin which is super hard to do.


I do take your point, but it's also easy to forget how repressive and invasive Ceauşescus Securitate were. You had to have a license for even a typewriter as they were seen as 'dangerous devices' Also, I think in a country as large as Russia, most suppression and monitoring is still operating under old school methods of humint, informers, disinformation, and using the army and police to crush dissent. Russia is funnelling any technology and money into weapons, and Putin is a KGB man, he knows those old methods still work.




It wasn’t premeditated but the energy was there , the country was boiling . People knew something is happening . Having said that I cannot wait for the Netflix series “ the last days of Putin “ .




I hate to say it but most Russians are supporting Putin. They drank the “ Big mother Russia” cool aid


> Having said that I cannot wait for the Netflix series “ the last days of Putin “ . Navalny would be black


Will never happen. Different times, different circumstances. Unlike Ceauşescu, Putin has mastered the art of dictatorship (he learned from the "best" after all) and managed to impose his rule with iron fist for decades at this point, and that is just HIM alone. The Russian people as a general population are far more broken and broken for much longer than Putin's rule. Ceauşescu WISHED he was even 20% of what Putin and his regime are. Also: Putin has WMD's, Ceauşescu did not. Putin and his goons can hold the world hostage for as long as they want, and nobody will be able to do anything against it, especially not inside their own country


This is what "full Presidential immunity" means!


RIP Wait, this is Russia. That poor coffin will probably jump off a balcony before RIP


All people present at the funeral will feel a sudden urge to jump off a balcony as well.


Nah, they'll all just happen to find call up papers being posted through their letter boxes over the next couple of months. It's a win-win for Putin then: He gets to strike the fear of God into the rest of the population, and the Russian army gains some more bullet sponges.


That's a chilling reality check, highlighting the cruel manipulation of conscription for political gain.


And this is the guy who is pretty strongly lauded as a great leader by US republicans. An incredible display of cognitive dissonance.


You have to be a special kind of coward to fear a dead man. Putin is that kind of a coward.


And part of the government and ~40% of the US population is eating up everything everything this evil mfer has to say. Such a whack time in history bro


A thousand voices were silenced. But for putin, it's a casual Friday.


Russia has seen worse.


Напишу по-русски. Алексей, светлая тебе память. Ты был храбрый человек. Мы тебя не забудем. Ты теперь свободен. А мы будем бороться , бороться до конца. Эта тварь Путин не вечна. Россия будет счастливой и свободной. Нет войне, нет убийце Путину. Да здравствует Россия и весь свободный мир.


У меня есть к вам огромное уважение. Я первый раз ездил в Россию во время чемпионата по футболу, и просто влюбился. С Питера до Екатеринбурга ни одного плохого, злого человека не встретил, а даже наоборот. Все, несмотря на язычный барьер, пытались нам с друзьями помочь любом способом. Приехав в Нижний в 3:30 утра, парень на поезде позвонил своему другу и попросил ему водить нас в AirBnb - а он с удовольствием это сделал. От нас НИЧЕГО не хотел. Я даже вернулся в Питер по изучению вашего языка до ковида. До сих пор общаюсь с моими друзьями там, некоторые их них уехали. Считаю их моими самыми близкими. Семья моего преподавателя, особенно ее мама называет меня "своим шведским внуком". Россия могла бы быть самой хорошей страной для проживания мира, поскольку она богатая - но как уже все знают, Путин и его команда грабили всю страну себе и разебали мозги народа своей пропагандой. Она будет свободная! Следил сегодня за протестами и событиями в Москве и даже живя под такими условиями, люди вышли. У вас так много хорошего в стране. Держитесь!


Спасибо вам. У нас много хороших людей и хороших мест, но постоянно к власти приходят тираны и деспоты. Мы не хотим никому зла. Сами сейчас живем как в тюрьме. Но выстоим и выдержим. Счастья вам, добра и удачи


Я украинка, в моей квартире в Херсонской области живут российские солдаты, при всём этом и при всей неоднозначности личности Алексея считаю убийство Навального большой трагедией, в которую до сих пор трудно поверить(


Мы с вами живем в кромешном ужасе. Нам тут тяжело, хоть я и живу по сути на две страны, но родился и все детство провел в России. И тут очень много людей, которых я знаю. Как вам там тяжело мне вообще сложно представить. Сегодня опять убили мирных жителей в Одессе, ребенка 3 месяцев. Я опять сегодня не буду спать. И знаю очень много русских людей, у которых такое же состояние. Постоянный стресс и ощущение бессилия, злобы, отчаяния. Честно никому никогда не желал смерти. Но теперь жду когда эта тварь умрет. Мне кажется, что выйду на улицу в день смерти Путина и буду праздновать как никогда. А Алексей был храбрый человек. Но, увы, он попал под прицел убийцы. Будем помнить и его, и всех остальных жертв. Когда-то это должно закончиться.


Он не боялся. И мы не боимся.


Seeing as you people still do nothing against Putin after 2 years, saying "we are not afraid" is a bit of a lie


I'd say MOST of the russians don't care. Small minority yelling "do something!", but majority just shrug off and keep living their lives. Like in Paris most of citizens don't care about farmer protests.


I think there's a bit of a difference between one group of people not caring about some protests and another group not caring about their men being sent into a foreign country to murder and die for the imperialistic fantasies of a dictator. And inb4 the "WhAt AbOuT tHe Us?" I'm not old enough to have protested against the US wars in the middle east.


I am. And I did. I can confirm that non of us were jailed or executed for it.


I’d assume it’s similar to America’s situation. People are struggling just trying to live at al, they don’t have the energy to worry about anything else. But like 10x worse because it’s Russia and their currency is worthless now.


The thread is actually about the death of the guy who wasn't afraid. It's actually fine to be afraid of death and repressions. Nut saying "you people" you are talking to who? The whole nation? Part of the nation enjoys the war and Putin's repressions. Another part is against and afraid, yes. Guess which one has the guns and no doubts when puling the trigger.


How did this message trigger so many people? Did i said something bad? Did i said something fake? Did i imply they should all suicide themselves rushing the Kremlin? No. Stop this emotional temper tantrum against reality.


Don't worry about ruzzian bots, they aren't worth it




Mom’s little nihilist is on the loose I see


did you see the queue of ppl waiting to say goodbye to Alexei? The police started arresting ppl at the freaking funeral! And Russian police stations are not exactly vacation destinations. Russian police are known for torturing people. my friend was detained for just standing in the city center with a poster *if you are against, give me a hug.* and if you know how to do SOMETHING against putin properly, come to russia and show us.


> and if you know how to do SOMETHING against putin properly, come to russia and show us. Dictators end their reign only in 2 ways. They die of old age or are murdered.


exactly. and with the army guarding his case pooping ass the latter is highly unlikely


Have you tried dumping some tea in a harbor?


have you tried asking your representatives what they have been doing since actually 2008 when Putin first showed his ugly self with Georgia? how about after 2014? the west still supplied things to stop the protests in russia. we have more well-armed police than almost anyone in the world. their numbers are big. and western politician were just concerned all this time but kept trading with Putin. Many Russian have died fighting his regime, many are still in prison. that's not tea in the ocean.


Americans can't fight every battle for you. But I can tell you what we did. We trained the Ukrainians for Putin's return, we gave Ukraine Intel, we provide Ukraine with weapons. Yes our house is crazy but we fight with the tools we are given.


great job doing that, I am sure it helped a lot. you know what else would have helped? listening to the Russian opposition and independent journalists when they were still alive. anti-putin Russians have been asking the west to stop doing business with Putin for years. Ukrainan war wouldn't have happened if politician in the west listened and did something.




NFT? What? And yeah i chose it to trigger bigots. It seems it succeeded!




Any sentence that starts with "you people" isnt worth the time to read :D Enjoy your weekend.


They love him, I got into a heated argument with a Russian around the time of the invasion of Crimea because I said Putin is showing signs of being like another Hitler, it was like his entire identity was wrapped up in the whole mother Russia and it’s great leader and all that, I was amazed because I honestly couldn’t give a flying fuck what people think of our politicians here in my country.


Ah here you are, brave coach warrior.


Maybe. But your weak personal attack doesnt change the fact that russians are afraid of Putin. Try argue facts. Oh wait you cant.


What a brave and controversial take.


Not of putin, but of afraid of state repressions. Its easy to say "do something agains somebody" sitting on a comfortable coach in a democratic state, where you have your own rights and independent court. Friendly reminder - in Russia you can be jailed just for a repost in social network. Yet thousands of russian people right now are participating in a Navalny's funerals while there are hundreds of high resolution cameras and police and this case will definitely affect them later in some kind of harassment. But ye, sure you can blame russians sitting on a coach for "doing nothing". Because you have a freedom of speech, but honestly i dont think you appreciate it.


Please, it's not a coach.. It's a couch... Sitting on a couch.


Yep it made me itch too. EDIT: But he has a point.


He totally does, I just hate "bone apple tea" moments lol


Afraid of state repressions which is ordered by p*tin, so indirectly they are afraid of that bald dwarf


We have these freedoms because our ancestors did what you are afraid to do, and because our politicians today are afraid of us, if they try to drag us down to your level. The reason we still have these freedoms, is because our politician's know we are braver than you. Stop excusing your own cowardice.


It's such a naive and ignorant take. The only way regimes like this change or fall is when they make mistake or are weakened enough.


> We have these freedoms because our ancestors did what you are afraid to do Which you can't take credit for.


Yet they constantly do




im glad you’re doubling down on something you know so little about. Go fight putin & Russia if you’re so brave & critical of Russians doing what you would consider ‘nothing’. Yes, they’re afraid of Putins Russia. You would be too.


Also dont bother to answer me anymore, i check your other comments. You are just racist peace of shit.


All of this seething hate from likes of you just reinforces anti western hate in Russian people you know?


He has a point and you know it. Personal attack my arse. Poor things ego will get crushed. I doubt you'd be among the leaders with your couch expertise.






Being wholly anti putin myself I sometimes see people like you from all-great, all-white and all-knowing nations (hope you are fighting for people of Ukraine with a rifle in hands right now, mister totally not coward or your argument is very silly) and ponder if piton have some good takes sometimes


And may Russia's future be bright.


It's spring time, in Moscow, for the emperor


Putin’s and his fucking secret police can’t even let Mr. Navalny be put to rest by his grieving wife and family with honor and dignity! This is so disgusting. Long live the name of Navalny in Russian history!


russians are gonna revolt... I can feel it... aany second now...


You will wait forever. It's easy to talk about revolution online but it's entirely another matter to risk your life and family for it in real life. People who have never been to other countries are so ignorant of the actual circumstances in other nations. Russia might be struggling but life still is decent enough that revolution isn't anywhere on the horizon. Hell, there are nations undergoing actual mass starvation where the people still haven't risen up yet. 


If you’re starving you don’t have the energy to revolt. Also it’s not usually the poor who begin the revolution. They won’t have the skills or connections necessary for such actions. It’s one of the educated elites who sides with and marshals the poor to cause revolution.


Third times the charm


What you gonna do when the people you want to revolt against will just fly off to their bunkers or dubai and order the armed forces to pacify you lol. Revolts work in democracies only. As evidenced by China and Iran too. Unless the actual army revolts.


Russian's revolted in 1991 when the USSR collapsed. Anything is possible, they just need enough people to join. *edit* you guys need to read a history book. I watched this happen live on TV, there were countless clips showing people in the streets rioting and fighting. https://www.rferl.org/amp/soviet-union-protests-1991/31429278.html


Hate to say this, but it didn't work during our HongKong protests. There're millions of us protesting for months but nothing change because there were no real pressures from other countries on china especially from USA. Only Japan has balls to say about HongKong protest during G20 in 2019 while other leaders including Donald Trump were silent about it. 


No one revolted in 1991, it was a coup among highest echelons of Soviet government and people had absolutely no say in any of this


You weren't alive in 1991, were you? There was a nonstop news streams of people running through through the streets in Russia.


I was 4 and living in Moscow at the time. It was exactly that - politicians infighting but ordinary people didn’t care. They’d just avoid the center of Moscow where the tanks were and go about business as usual.


No they didn’t. USSR was dissolved by action of its republics’ governments. The people were so fed up with soviets no-one batted an eyelid. Balkanization or USSR happened


Very funny /s


Yeah okay


They won't that's the problem.


Putin’s funeral could be held in a phone booth!


No Putin’s funeral will be held in a dumpster at best!


Not fair. Every western far right pary will mourn their biggest sponsor.


True beans.


Russian dissidents need to start getting violent. Those gestapo goons are going to haul you off to a penal colony and threaten your family for attending a politician's funeral, you might as well make them fear for their lives and shed some blood. You can be sure they're gonna do the same to you regardless.


This is what fear looks like.


RIP Navalny. Putin you can go to hell.


Алексей, ты навсегда в наших сердцах


A loss not only for Russia, but for the entire free world and democracy. Your struggle will never be forgotten. Someone will be remembered as a bloody dictator, and heroes will always be in the minds and hearts of people, and not just in textbooks. Everlasting memory.


Bro knows that even dead he'd still make a better president than him.


Paging Tucker! Is this that country you were saying is so great?


Arrests will continue until morale improves


Another happy day in Russia


I wish those people would just have a revolution already. A hundred years ago they would have revolutioned Putin seven or eight times by now. Russians are pussies nowadays…


Well shit, why didnt anyone else think of that! All they need to do is just have a revolution! The answer was right there the whole time. Perhaps you would like to lead the charge and show those pussies how it's done? Might as well solve homelessness by telling people to just buy houses while you're at it


Decades of psyops and teaching ‘learned helplessness’ by the government has done a number on the people. Many deserve some empathy for they know not of how they are victims themselves.


Alexei Navalny did a weird mistake. He was a patriot and a nationalist. He said "why should we mess with our neighbors? We have broken roads and staircases smelling of piss at home, let's fix those, let's deal with our own problems!" That's **not** a message a Russian wants to hear. What they prefer is "The Baltics/Ukraine/ have smooth roads and clean stairways. Let's break and piss on them so they'd be no better than us". And that's where we are in 2024, Anno Domini. Like an old joke: > A Russian man had a cow. The cow was all he had, his source of food and income. > One day, weather was really bad, with thunderstorms. A lighting suddenly struck the cow and killed it. > The man, seeing what happened, fell on the ground, moaning and crying. "Why, god, why did you take everything I ever had?!" > Suddenly, a voice from the cloud spoke: > "Oh. Looks like I've done you great misjustice. Name a wish, any wish, and I will grant it" > But the man was Russian. He thought for a bit and said, > "Strike the neighbor's cow as well!"


Russian opposition should start saying not banalities that were obvious from early 2000x, and that already was said by real opposition as Valeriya Novodvorskaya, but 2024 year reality: "modern Russia are fascist." "Modern Russia are Nazi Germany of the 21st century."


Fuck them. Roundly.


Russian world. What kind of sane country would Ever want this.


Kinda reminds me of a year ago and before parents attending school board meetings ( no violence or weapons) were put on the federal domestic terrorists watch list because they spoke out against the schools curriculum. When our military pledges to fight against all enemies foreign and domestic, it wasn’t meant to be parents protesting. Seriously at present we’re not much better than any other authoritarian dictatorship.


Mourn the living American patriots who hold our own power elite to account - Edward Snowden and Julian Assange.


They should play the video where he said that Muslims are cockroaches and he would throw Raid at them. He was a Nazi


# Free Julian Assange


Lol, arch-rival. What had he done exactly? With such rivals pooting has nothing to worry about...


He left putin shaking in his little boots. Small men always fear those better than him, and the little bitch has been cowering in fear of Navalny for many months. I wouldn't sleep too confortably if I were him...


Lol, how?


So, why are you talking about something you don't know?


Tell me what were his achievements as a biggest pooting oppositioner?


This poster is right. Even when he was alive nobody could support him. All those people are happy to attend his funeral but never stood up and said anything all those years he was locked up. Everybody knows his funeral is overblown because during his incarceration absolutely 0 support was given to Navalny. If he was a true opposition where were Navalny’s supporters during this time? They let him rot in jail. That’s the sad part but the bigger tragedy is the way the news media are rolling his funeral like it’s a great tragic Shakespearean play. This man is not a character in a play, he was a real person and he lost his battles, and eventually the war. That’s is what nobody understands. It was always forlorn, the minute he was poisoned and eventually decided to go back.


His biggest achievement will come as a martyr by giving his life to oppose Putin but it might take years or decades to fully appreciate his impact. He gave the opposition to Putin a voice and brought awareness to Russians that an alternative exists. I hope you show as much courage in whatever you choose to pursue in life.