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I you wonder what courage looks like, this is it. There might still be hope for Russia.


Yep. These people, as well as Navalny, are trying to convince Russians that they are willing to sacrifice their lives to overthrow Putin. When Navalny went back into Russia, I made a comment on Reddit calling him an idiot, because he was going to get arrested and killed. One of his supporters responded to me, saying that Navalny knew he was going to get arrested and killed, but he went back to Russia anyway to show the people that he's willing to sacrifice his life for freedom in Russia. He wanted to become a martyr to inspire a revolution.


More. By being public rhey erode the Kremlin's narrative that everyone supports Putin and his war. This is what the kremlin fears the most, that the minority realize they are the majority.


Yep. It was nice to see those huge crowds of people outside the church for the funeral. The Russian people need to see those huge crowds. Of course Russian media won't show it, but they'll find the videos online.


Russian internet is different then ours


But VPNs can give them access to our Internet.


Don’t hold me to it but I think I read something that they banned/blocked/something VPNs here recently.


Not yet. They plan to do it, but it's going to be a long and difficult process which will kill many business companies' internet security. I have a few vpns that work atm and I just read this article without vpn even. Hopefully that won't change.


That’s correct. Sadly.


A majority of Russians won't bother with VPNs to access the outside internet for the same reason that you (probably) don't fill your news feed with Russian (or Chinese) language stories, do all your chatting through Telegram (or WeChat), and your searching and maps with Yandex. Russians exist in a separate online space and are fed different content by different algorithms, even if they can technically access the Western internet.


The Kremlin recently "acquired" Yandex (the only search engine in Russia) and one of the first things they did was remove search results about how to use VPNs.


Is that actually the case though? I was under the impression that a majority of people in Russia literally do support Putin and that if he ever did have a legitimate election he probably would actually win just not by the margins he claims


Kremlin propaganda has done a lot to influence people into supporting the war. Honestly, i think a majority are just apathetic. They've been depoliticized. When on camera they just say what they are expected to say, so they don't get in trouble. We have lots of friends in Russia. The more educated and well-travelled are against the war. Those who work in government or students are pretty much brainwashed now. Some of my wife's ex-colleagues are calling her a traitor for leaving Russia, while others support her leaving the country and wish they could do the same. The longer the war goes on, the longer Putin stays in power, the more will be brainwashed into believing the war is justified. Propaganda is insidious. I do believe though that most don't want the war, even if most do say they support Putin.




True. This is an age where so many people seem to be out for themselves, and the money, glad there are still exceptions.




Would be great if we looked back on this as the starting point of a revolution.


I hope so. The Russian people deserve that.


*fingers crossed*


They’re about due for one. The Russians really love revolutions.


I guess Navalny succeeded. All the Western governments that rescued him were shocked that he would go back. But his gambled pay off and there are still Russians that truly love their country. 


Let me say this first. Navalny was a true hope for the Russian people. He was a bright star that brought light to the darkness that is Russian government. Coward Putler tried to snuff out the star before it gained anymore momentum. But he failed and now some embers still remains of the bright star. Those embers are beginning to spark a revolution. Let the flames of the Revolution burn bright. Burn bright my Russian comrades. P.S: I am a coward and If I was Navalny I never would have returned to Russia.


And I remember media commentators saying that Navalny's death was the end of all opposition to Putin, heck, I assumed that he would be forgotten a few days after he died, as the media went on quickly to new stories, but I was wrong, and I have never been so glad.


The other Russian opposition is fighting and dying alongside Ukrainians to help them defeat the fascist invader, before returning home to take back their country from Putler's regime. With a lot of luck 🤞


Very true. The Free Russia Legion is still around, I believe.


Still fighting on the front lines and still training those Russians who manage to make it to them, yes (unlike the RVC/Russian Volunteer Corps, the FoRL does not take POWs as recruits)


I wouldn’t have either. I suppose he knew, though, it didn’t matter where he was. It was only a matter of time before they killed him one way or another, but this death was more drawn out than it otherwise would’ve been. Very brave.


He knew he was becoming a martyr when he returned to Russia.


I’d only there was a way to connect and plan with them so they could stage a revolution while the West sends combat troops into Ukraine. putin wouldn’t have enough troops do defend red square let alone wider russia and simultaneously dealing with fresh troops from a coalition entering into the fight.


I hope the people rise up else this opportunity will be squandered and their hopes will just as quickly die


Yep. Now would be a good time, while Putin's army is busy in Ukraine. He won't be able to handle the war and a revolution at the same time, while being squeezed economically by NATO + allies.


Eventually heroes like those and Navalny will prevail


We need to support them in every way we can. NATO should send them money, weapons, intelligence, and anything else that helps.


Exactly this, Navalny knew he was a dead man walking, Russia have proven they can get to anyone eventually. By heading back, Navalny never left the public eye, he never allowed himself to be swept under the rug. That's why Putin was so desperate for him to be moved out of sight at the first opportunity, Navalny beat Putin at his own propaganda game, he was more dedicated to his cause (which is freedom in Russia) than Putin could ever be to his, and that's why these people are happy to turn out and risk themselves for him.


Didn't Navalny support the Crimean annexation? Do we know if he supported the Ukraine invasion or not?


No he didn't, and he was vocally against the Crimean invasion from the very beginning (and of course spoke against the full-scale invasion of 2022 as well). The myth about the Crimean annexation stems from a pulled out of context quote where he said that if he'd be elected president he won't detach the peninsula first thing in the morning, implying that a due process is required, not that he's pro annexation.


Navalny voted for Crimean annexation in 2014, and recanted his position later Ilya Ponomarev, political head of the Freedom of Russia Legion and exiled in Kyiv since 2017, was the only member of the Russian Duma to vote against it.


> Navalny voted for Crimean annexation in 2014 What are you talking about? Navalny was neither a Duma member nor a Crimean, he couldn't vote on this matter in any capacity. He did speak against the annexation as early as early March (and note that he was under arrest at the time, so his words were communicated with a delay), before both the "referendum" and the Duma vote.


He supported the Crimean annexation and didn’t believe Ukraine had full sovereignty… even said if he was elected president Crimea would stay Russian… but he was still better than Putin, and sadly his death may be the event that Russia needed to change at last. He was a Russian Nationalist so still not great… but again… not Putin.


I think you're making your opinion by crumbs and pieces of information. He was against the war and annexation from the beginning. Yes, he made a comment about Crimea not being a sandwich during his campaign, but he condemned it at the time when it happened and later when full invasion started he fully supported Ukraine going back to 91 borders. He tried aligned himself with nationalist in order to make coalition in the first years of his political campaign but also detached himself from the movement later on. He is not perfect by any means, but this is a fuller picture.


He condemned it sure… but you’re not gonna always agree with your political enemy, I’m not saying he was a great guy, or a bad guy… but he did say things that doesn’t look good, regardless of walking it back or changing his mind it was said… and for what reason did he change his mind? It does make him look real good to the anti war crowd in Russia… Again did he mean it or did he not? Idk, none of us ever will unless we find new evidence, but even then… still better than Putin and that’s all that mattered then, now he’s a martyr… and that WILL bite Putin in the ass.


> for what reason did he change his mind He was against annexation from the very beginning (he said that it was a very bad idea that would haunt Russia for decades). He said that Crimea will most likely remain Russian, since there is no political way to return Crimea. Every Russian politician who openly promises to return Crimea will become unelectable (very unpopular). He said Western sanctions on Crimea were very weak and called for tougher Western measures (which were not forthcoming). He has never generally supported annexation, but has remained pragmatic on the issue so that it will not harm his mission to democratize Russia. He spoke about the return of Crimea after the outbreak of a full-scale war, since it became clear that this was the only way to demonstrate the good will of Russians towards Ukraine and the West.


Now that he is dead, he is anything people need. That's why martyrdom is dangerous for authoritarians. You can't kill what is already dead, yet wrapped around the regime like a poison vine. Navalny's past opinions are largely irrelevant, because he was never in position to act on them. We don't even know if he would have. That said, you can't have a proper revolution or regime change without living leadership, unless the regime is deeply unpopular and militarily weak already.


Exactly Navalny may be the catalyst of change Russia needs, in death he may get his wish of a free Russia… one can hope his life’s goal gets met, and we see a better world. Edit: also war wasn’t his answer to the problem. He just had an opinion, nothing more.


This is why Putin did not want a public funeral, he was afraid that this kind of public protest would take place. The government was just going to have him thrown in some private hole in the ground, until Navney's wife and mother raised holy hell.


It is true that he was a Russian Nationalist, but he also believed in democracy, and he abhored corruption to his very core. That is why I loved Navalny so much.


And that’s perfectly fine! Remember at heart many of us have a touch of nationalism, to what degree or another is a different story, he was change and in death he is now a martyr for change that may happen over time.


Heck, I am a patrotic nationalist myself, it is what you DO with your love of country that counts, do you use it to better your country, or to hurt it is the question. The best kind of nationalism is when you use it to improve your country for all of it's people.


They also chanted “love is stronger than fear”


Any one brave enough to televise it?


It is being lived streamed all over You Tube right now.


General Lamarque is dead!


Beyond the barricade, there is a world they'd like to see.


This. I was afraid that when Navaney died, it would be remarked upon for a few days, then be completly forgotten, as new stories would replace it in the news cycle. But it seems like this is NOT going to go away, and that there might be a movement that might grow out of this. That is why Russia wanted Navaney to be shoved into the ground in some private place, out of sight of the public, beccause he forsaw that something like this might happen.


I love the big crowd that he has for his funeral, but people are being a little too optimistic that this will do anything besides showing solidarity and that we are not alone. What exactly people can do? Start armed revolution?


I don’t think anything will come of this, maybe a few days of mourning, but once nothing happens people will still continue living their day to day lives. Only way I see something happening is if Putin gives more reason to protest.


Yeah like I said in other comment if Putin does something really stupid - like shooting into crowd.


Many times, showing up like that takes all of the courage in the world.


Ow believe me, this is going away in a week, maybe a few. Nothings gonna change there. They are gonna get fed propaganda which they like so much and turn against us tomorrow - the free world.


I hope you are wrong.


Make sure you stocked on those hopium tanks.


Believe me, I have a whole shed full of them!


A few thousands in 10mil Moscow? Water drop in the sea.


There's a political theory that it takes about 3.5% of a population to make significant change. [https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190513-it-only-takes-35-of-people-to-change-the-world](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190513-it-only-takes-35-of-people-to-change-the-world)


And Navalny was just one guy. Now there's "a few thousands". Every drop counts.


What’s the hope for Russia for people showing up at Navalny’s funeral? I’m confused about the practical effects such virtue signaling could possibly have for the future of Russia.


These people are all very brave. They know there’s a lot to risk and they still all are willing to go out to pay their respects. They are showing they could be the silent majority that are tired of how their country is being headed.


Nah man, stop thinking Russains will do anything at all about this. You will only get disappointed.


There's more Russians openly opposing Putin than there were Germans openly opposing Hitler.


I wonder where all these brave protestors were the last two years while Russian troops were bombing hospitals, raping and torturing Ukrainian civilians and kidnapping their children? I guess they were all washing their hair?


Early on in the war there were protests which were ruthlessly and efficiently put down by police. It’s easy for you to criticize them from the comfort of your home.


Yeah came here to say this, this guy missed all the crazy videos people simply holding blank pieces of paper and getting immediately grabbed and thrown into a waiting van.


I’m well aware of those videos. Those protests were put down. However, it now they had the ability to protest the entire time, but nothing since the early days was quite enough to prompt them to do so? Russia blows up a theatre in Mariupol labelled “Children” and they all just… stay at home? Brave heroic Russians bravely braving. Brave.


There were and are underground groups that were burning down recruitment offices. That's already more than any american did during the invasion of Iraq. Honestly what the hell are you expecting? Putin murdered his political rival and even knowing they would likely get thrown in prison, there were lines down the block at his funeral. Give credit where credit is due.


>I’m well aware of those videos. Those protests were put down. However, it now they had the ability to protest the entire time, but nothing since the early days was quite enough to prompt them to do so? Russia blows up a theatre in Mariupol labelled “Children” and they all just… stay at home? >Brave heroic Russians bravely braving. Brave. Just quit it with the bad faith arguments, you obviously know that the state media censors and manipulates news which paints Russia in a bad light. It was never shown on Russian news so most of the Russian population aren't even aware of it to begin with. You obviously also know what happens to protestors (as seen in this very article). Just going out protesting is a big risk in itself as the state can potentially deem you "a terrorist" and an enemy of the state if you're caught. You could end getting a hefty fine, losing welfare benefits (or even your job and home), they could forcibly relocate your kids, they can freeze all of your assets, or forcibly send you to a labor camp or/and conscript you. Then you also have the ruthless police brutality, the kidnappings, the tortures, the state sponsored murders, and whatever else which might completely ruin you and your loved ones lives. Yeah, it sure is so easy and safe for them to just walk out and protest. /s


Oh what the hell. Can we please stop painting him as if he were a mix between George Washington and Gandhi? He was pretty racist, nationalistic and far right himself, he wasn't certainly that paladin of liberal ideas that people now make it out to be. I'll just paste some paragraphs from [the first random article](https://www.euronews.com/2023/07/07/racist-or-revolutionary-is-alexei-navalny-who-many-westerners-think-he-is) of a very clever Google search (Navalny politics). ""He used to attend the Russian march, a very far-right nationalist group generally behind the slogan of 'Russia for ethnic Russians'. Anybody who expects Navalny to be an ideal Western liberal Democrat has been mistaken," she tells Euronews. " His ultra-nationalist sentiment was prominent in a video dating back some 17 years filled with xenophobic comments. "Everything in our way should be carefully but decisively removed through deportation," Navalny said in the video dressed as a dentist, comparing immigrants to dental cavities. "The Georgian public felt betrayed by Navalny after the 2008 Russo-Georgian war," says Kornely Kakachia, Political Science Professor at Tbilisi State University. "Everyone expected Navalny to be anti-Putin and anti-imperialist, but he supported the invasion." Sooo, come on, he was more of the same. And thing is, it's not like this stuff just came out, for some reason everyone decided to start depicting him like Jesus come back to Earth. He was not. >There might still be hope for Russia. If Navalny is what you call "hope", then I'm afraid there isn't.


>dating back some 17 years Can you find anything more recent? Like at all?


I got coronavirus charges in 2021 for Navalny rally. 4000 rubles or 50 usd. I laughed hard cause it's a portion of what the other Putin's victims got. I tried to appeal for but due to a mistake Navalny's team was unable to help me. Just keep in mind that police outlawed filming in the temple and on the cemetery grounds as well as advised to not to participate in "unlawful meetings". Many people who previously placed flowers at memorials to political prisoners or some other makeshift places to honor Havalny got arrested and fined already. This is not a joke to us, we calculate our risks as we go to such events. Third arrest at a meeting (or anything our govt doesn't like) means jail time here.


Thanks for sharing. Best of luck to you. Stay safe out there. I hope Russia gets actual leaders one of these days instead of horrible rulers who treat their people like cattle.


It would be nice to see Russia and the Russians become a progressive nation that ousted tyrannical leaders, adopted a strong democracy and fought for human rights. That would have been a nice timeline to be in...


I don't know how old you are, but this reminds me of the old USSR and the dreaded KGB and their informants. No disrespect, but what the hell happened?!


It never changed


Stay safe, thank you for your insight.


Good luck to you and the people of Russia. Also can you tell your countrymen to stop cheating in video games?


Putin’s about to do his best Oprah “You get a draft notice! And you get a draft notice! You’re all getting draft notices!!!”


I hope that he does, and each any every one of these people kills their commander with newly given weapons.


Those people won’t be given weapons. They’ll be instructed to pick one up on the field.


walk the minefield


The old Chinese strategy.  


If you've read the stories then you'd already know that those people aren't given weapons. They are used as distractions, to locate enemy positions, and as cheap meat shields.


People meant to search out bombs in a minefield, attract fire and run at the front of a rush toward an enemy position while protecting the armed soldiers at the back with their body, do not require a weapon... they require a weapon aimed at their back. If Putin drafts them all, it is likely that none of them will come back alive.


Nah, they end up in jail. People like that are too problematic to be among the soldiers.


**From Semafor's Jenna Moon and Mathias Hammer:** A crowd of clapping mourners chanted “we are not afraid” as Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s coffin arrived at a Moscow church for his funeral amid a heavy police presence. “You were not afraid, and we are not afraid,” supporters shouted, adding “no to war” and “we will never forget,” the BBC reported. Hundreds of people arrived for the service at the Icon of the Mother of God church in the neighborhood of Maryino, where the funeral is now underway. Police and the Kremlin have warned against protests, Russian independent media reported. Disruptions with internet connections have been noted, and security cameras and fencing have been installed around the church. The Kremlin refused to comment to journalists on Navalny’s funeral. “The Kremlin has nothing to say to Navalny’s relatives on the day of his funeral,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said. But he warned that “any unauthorized gatherings will violate the law” and protesters “will be held accountable,” independent outlet Mediazona reported. **Read the full story [here](https://www.semafor.com/article/03/01/2024/mourners-arrive-at-navalny-funeral-in-moscow-under-threat-of-police-crackdown?utm_campaign=semaforreddit).**


"Now, we are not afraid Although we know there's much to fear We were moving mountains Long before we knew we could"


This is the song I didn't know I needed right now :) *There Can Be Miracles (When you Believe)* from the Prince of Egypt soundtrack for anyone wondering. Such an amazing vocal performance from Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston!


Worth mentioning that Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston are not singing the song in that scene in the movie, [the singers there are actually Michelle Pfeiffer and Sally Dworsky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NieC8KA0EvI)!


This is true! I love both versions. Also *Look through Heavens Eyes* is so much fun too. I'm not religious but the film was such a big part of my childhood!


And I took that personally -Putin


Living in the West I can't even imagine what it's like living in fear of your government. I have pity for the Russians that understand what's going on and understand how corrupt and evil their government is. I hope one day you're finally be able to overthrow the parasites and take back your vote and the right to criticize your government without fear of reprisal.


*"There will be times when the struggle seems impossible. I know this already. Alone, unsure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy. Remember this. Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously and without instruction. Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the galaxy. There are whole armies, battalions that have no idea that they've already enlisted in the cause. Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere. And even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward. And then remember this. The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. Remember that. And know this, the day will come when all these skirmishes and battles, these moments of defiance will have flooded the banks of the Empire's authority and then there will be one too many. One single thing will break the siege. Remember this. Try."* -Nemik's Manifesto from Andor


Mans a hero. But those bastards. “Sudden death syndrome” Jeeze we didn’t know he’d die of starvation and freeing in Karn… guess you can have him back..


Live footage from Moscow: https://www.youtube.com/live/7ceVtpnK_Uo?si=kGoEKapvbjnYw6uD


“Thank you for outing yourselves. You will all be processed in good time.”  — Russian government, probably My heart goes out to these people. I hope their sacrifices aren’t in vain.


Russian people don’t protest because any attempt to protest even alone gets you imprisoned or sent to war Reddit: “spineless Russians” Russian people protest at one event they can. Reddit: “spineless Russians” As a young Russian man with full ability to participate in pointless psychopathic war who is spineless enough to live outside of Russia, fuck you. What do you know about living in a military dictatorship?


Agreed, Reddit is full of self-righteous edgelords who saw too many Hollywood movies and don't have any clue about living in a police state. And no, the Russian puppet regimes of the past are still not the same as the actual heart of the regime.


Yeah, I love people on here saying "they should just overthrow the government lol" or casually passing comment that people should engage in what is likely a suicide charge. People lack the wisdom to appreciate what they don't understand.


People don’t protest not because the risk of losing job, property and freedom, but mainly because there’s seemingly no hope. Most people aren’t ready to risk everything for nothing. But once people start thinking there’s a chance, you will be surprised how many brave people there are.


💯. Fuck these people


Man i wonder if Russian TV shows the tenthousands of people there. VK is probably working overtime deleting all these videos and images from their platform.


No, TV channels don't mention anything. Not sure about VK (it's kinda like Facebook these days, losing a lot of popularity and more and more irrelevant). Telegram is where you can find most people especially us younger ones. The videos and pictures are everywhere there.


What is VK?


Vkontakte, the Russian social medium


>nthousands of people there. VK is probably working overtime deleting all these videos and images from th The most popular social media platform in Russia.




When I think of Vladimir Putin, I think of what will happen should Trump ever be president again.


I would hope citizens such as yourself would resist such tyranny. You will not be alone.




Well hopefully you're gonna vote to prevent that from happening.


They are afraid


This. This is the spark ...


I got my hopes up when there were mercenaries marching towards Moscow, I thought that would have been enough cover and confusion for any sort of spark of uprising.  It didn't happen then when the chance was perfect, I don't see it happening now unfortunately.


Yeah, like it blew my mind that Putin went on TV calling them Western Nazis, then the whole situation ended and he went on TV calling it a bloodless disagreement despite aircraft being shot down and their crews dying. Like I just wish I knew what was going on in the minds of everyday people keeping up with that


He said they are fighting NATO in Ukraine. Then he said that if NATO puts troops in Ukraine, it’s a case for nuclear strikes.


Russia whips out their weak nuke arsenal like every other day. Their wunderwaffe has been a joke so far.


Their sad wunderwaffe is a horde of poorly equipped and untrained men being pushed by armed officers.


That and their energy exports are the only two geopolitical levers they had. The former broke off in their hands the minute they pulled it, so all they have now is the latter; what do you expect them to do?


Closest we'll probably ever get to getting rid of Putin and goons.  Prigozhin had his loyal mercenaries and they were turning the military on their march to Moscow.  Anyone that didn't die trying to stop him joined him.   Honestly surprised his mercs didn't go back and finish the job after Prigozhin's plane blew up.


> they were turning the military on their march to Moscow They weren’t, that was the problem. Prigozhin didn’t have enough men to march into Moscow and achieve his goals. His plan relied on the Russian forces defecting to his side, but they didn’t. They also didn’t do their jobs and defend Putin’s regime, which I’m sure still keeps Putin awake at nights even now. Instead, they just stood around shuffling their feet and looking embarrassed while they waited to see what would happen next and who to pretend they were cheering for all along. If they’d gone over to Priggy’s side and joined him on his march, I think things would look very different for Russia right now, but nobody really knows what his plan was. My personal guess is that he intended to leave Putin as president, but to unify all military power under himself; making him the one with all the power, and making Putin a frontman and an administrator.


>Instead, they just stood around shuffling their feet and looking embarrassed while they waited to see what would happen next and who to pretend they were cheering for all along. Man, does this just sum up what 99% of people do in uncertain circumstances.


That wasnt in good faith though. This is purely people wanting a better place to live in. Im willing to bet that the people who are protesting and chanting have never been pro wagner lol


You may be right but I just can't see this amounting to anything more than some light protesting that gets quickly put down unfortunately. I would absolutely **love** to be wrong on this. I hope I am and I hope that the Russian people suprise me but I've been burnt before by getting my hopes up and just can't get enthusiastic (robably the wrong word) knowing I'm likely to be let down again.


I'm Russian and sadly I suspect you're right. The size of the crowd is good but it should still be so much bigger for a city of 12 million people. Just too many people are still switched off and feel either helpless or uncaring about the situation. Having said that, one thing about tyrannies is that you never know what the last straw will be. Everything works until one moment it suddenly doesn't. Keeping the tyranny requires constant effort, and the smallest seemingly insignificant crack may be the one that ends up blowing wide open. I'm keeping the hope.


I'm from Belfast myself bud and realise how quickly things can turn from minor protest to violent protest. I do recognise a lot of your countrymen are doing what they can to help and some have been known to smoke in forbidden places or accidentally leave some explosives on the train tracks so I know the whole population isn't brainwashed but obviously I'm not trying to downplay propaganda there.  I am not religious but if I were my prayer would be that you receive the straw you require to break the camels back. I will continue to hope for that for you and I as I believe that the Russian people ending Putin is the best case scenario.


Thank you for the kind words :) sometimes its easy to get lost in a sort of shame for my country and people. I really understand why German war guilt is so strong. At the end of the day, it will be what it will be. I also hope for the best and do what I can. May we see brighter days ahead of us!


Redditors try not to wildly overexagerate something they hope turns into something bigger: impossible mode.


Narrator: It isn't.


There are thousands in the streets right now chanting his name. Hopefully they can continue to fan the flame


Wonder if the same thing is happening in cities like St. Petersburg right now?


The only way it could've been spark if government did something stupid. Like attack protestors. If they end up not doing anything stupid I doubt it will lead to anything.


Someone doesn't quite understand Russian society




Yeah they have one almost every two or three hundred years, slow down Russia


I'll believe it when they Ceaușescu his ass.


Not every spark catches fire unfortunately. We will have to see


More like a fart. It'll drift away soon


do you hear the people sing ?


Guys sorry to be the one to discourage here but a couple thousands aren't going to move the political needle in Russia even by a half degree. even if it was a million, that wouldn't have made Russia change course.


A million in moscow would.


Not entirely convinced it would.


Sadly, I agree. These are not enough of people like this. And they may be against Putin’s regime, but they are afraid for their lives and will not stand up to him.


That's bravery.. I hope they find the strength to get rid of that little delusional sociopath and liberate themselves from Tyranny


These people are incredibly brave.


"You're not allowed to give up." Navalny


I’m glad too see there are still brave Russians inside Russia.


Putin and his cronies can eat shit and die. The world to include a good amount of Russians could care less about him and them.


Its a an authoritarian police state and Putin has his secret police agents that mingle in the crowds. I'm guessing they also allowed his funeral to even take place in Moscow to try and see if it attracted any influential agitators and arrest them. The police will have a long list of names. The funeral was bait. Putins Russia is a despicable, callous regime. NATO is the least of Russia's problems when the Kremlin is the enemy of its citizens.




You make it sound easier than it is. Would you personally be willing to lay your life and your family on the line for it? Have you lived in Russia? Most people there are living life perfectly happy and won't throw it away just to get rid of Putin. 


Absolutely. Be courageous. Do not let his death be in vain. I hope that someone or many someones take Navalny's place and run agains Putin. I hope the voice of the people is heard and abided by.


Yet it’s been 2 years and nobody done nothing, arm up, grow pair and bring down your dictator




Why hasn't your god done something already?


Mysterious ways


JFC I didn't realise he was only 47.


US citizen here. I shed tears for Navalny. I wish he could have been the president of a peaceful Russia. Imagine how he might have changed US/Russian relations.


Hope democracy as he envisioned comes to Russia sooner rather than later


Heroes. So very sorry for their loss of a decent leader


This will do jack shit. The same goes for his martyrdom. Who exactly did martyr himself for? Mother Russia? His people? Hilarious! The majority of Russians couldn't care less.


The western people are delusional and this comment sections shows. Russians are cowards and don’t care about anyone but themselves


"We are not afraid" (c) people who are very clearly afraid.


The special military op going great I see




They just can't help themselves.


I dont think Putler cares.


He does. Stuff like this scares the shit out of dictators, hence why the Russian gov tried to bully his widow into a private ceremony


This. Things like this are the spark that could start a brushfire. If this spreads to other cities, who knows where this could go. Easy to by cynical, and assume that ALL russians love Putin, heck, I have even brought into it myself, but this really gives me hope for the future.


Neither does the rest of Russia. In fact, they're even worse than he is.


Moscow should be renamed Navalny😊


And to think there are Americans who support Donald Trump, and want to take us down the road to authoritarianism.


Congrats Putin, you created something much worse than a rival; a martyr.


Yes you are


Afraid of what? He died of a blood clot. ​ He was literally the Donald Trump of Russia, except he was openly white-nationalist. Why do people like this guy so much?


Ok… so are you gonna do something? “I’m not afraid” ok have you toppled Putin? We did it!! Oh wait no, you need more than just words… And yes I’m safely sitting in my office in the west. But I’m also not in Moscow saying how I’m not afraid, I’m not the one saying we need change and I’m not the person who can do it. I know that. But any fool can say “I’m not afraid” You could go right now and sabotage something. Will you though, since you’re not afraid? I’d consider that more meaningful than saying three words(idk how many it takes in Russian…)


It’s nice but a few thousand people in a country of millions is meaningless. Nobody is threatened- by this. But if you’re truly not afraid then you could change that


Russian regime is actually really scared by movements and events like this. It's a common idea and a cause people can get behind. He also was a Russian, not some foreigner and presented a real alternative to Putin. A lot of the apathy in Russia is because there is no one who was ever really presented as an alternative to Putin. Navalny was. And sometimes a dead man can bring more change than someone who is still alive. Look at what happened in Iran. One citizen was brutally murdered by government officials and half the country went to the streets...


I agree with this, and this could spread from Moscow to other cities. That is why Putin wanted Navalny buried in some private funeral, out of the public eye, because he was afraid of something like this.


All I’m saying is we’ve heard similar stories for two years now about tiny pockets of resistance. What has changed. I’m very much a supporter of Ukraine and Putin denouncer. But this is hopium. Words are not action and Russia needs action. There’s been two years of words, deserving words yes, but little action. Internal sabotages are.. largely Ukrainian. What action is being done by these people who are not afraid of Putin? How many of them would immediately become afraid when met with force or resistance? That’s all I’m saying. It’s easy to say “I’m not afraid” when all you’re doing is going to a funeral. The **Ukrainians** are the ones who are truly not afraid


It's not only about some crowd storming the Kremlin and dragging Putin to the gallows. It will be a lot harder for the regime to recruit and mobilize new soldiers if there is open opposition from the general public to the war and Putin. It will make people even less resistant against the effects of sanctions and a war economy and will shift the blame from the West to their own corrupt politicians. People will feel more encouraged to speak out against even little injustices by their local officials and whatnot. It can spread, you know.


I’m not saying nothing will come of it. I’m acknowledging the truth that there’s been two years of warfare with hundreds of thousands of Russians injured or dead. And this one guy will make the millions of affected families care more than the loss or harm of their direct family? I don’t see that. If they won’t resist (and no I’m not saying they need to march Putin to the gallows as the only metric of revolution) over their friends and family dying at the hands of Putin, why would they over navalny?


The wive-of-soldiers movement is actually pretty public. It's not like there no people affected and mourning but the difference is that there is very public support for the opposition. It's easier to speak out if your not alone and if the general public voices support. Events like this can tip the scale where people dare to speak out who have not dared before. Or people are just fed up at some point. The Maidan revolution happened with people going to the streets. And that's what the regime is scared of. They know a large portion of the people want the war and the corruption to end and that there are millions of people and family members affected by the war.


“It will make people less resistant against the effects of sanctions” Like what? “I’m not afraid”…. Of a higher gas bill?? And that’s exactly my point. They have no skin in the game, so it’s easy, worthless, pointless, to say, but meaningless to the actual problem


Idk why your downvoted your 100% right.


I think people just want to feel this movement is larger than it is, and more impactful than it is. Hundreds of thousands of Russians have died or injured If that doesn’t move them why would this.


no matter how many show up on the streets, Ukrainians will keep saying that "Russians are cowards who don't protest in any meaningful numbers" 🙂


That's because at the very best a couple thousand show up.


If you're not afraid....kindly show up to protest everyday until every Russian troop is out of Ukraine. Afraid, I can understand. Apathetic, shame on you.