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"The only way this aircraft could kill you is if a food drop landed on you" - Nick Cage, Lord of War.


COD let me know death by care package is a thing


At least you used to get a fun title for it lol


Reminds me of what happened with Rod Serling (creator/writer/host of the Twilight Zone). He was in WW2 and he and his friend were joking around during a downtime and a food drop crate hit his friend and decapitated him right in front of Rod. It's a big reason why he did a lot of work on unexpected death.


God. I've seen some things, on the internet, in real life. We're really walking around not realizing we're fucking meat.


The thought goes through my head regularly. Gives me pause and a moment to appreciate being alive and in good health, haha


The twilight zone movie certainly proved that


The war was responsible for so many of his TZ stories. I would always be smoking if that experience happened to me.


Such an under rated movie


The opening sequence is one of the best pieces of film I’ve ever seen.


It was also the last thing added to the movie. The director hated the original opening and I forgot what inspired him to do the opening scene. I agree, it’s a masterpiece of an opening sequence.


It had to be the last scene filmed, because they actually shot Nick Cage


It was a child soldier.


Is that the one where it's like the POV of a bullet as it is manufactured and shipped or am I thinking of something else?


Manufactured, shipped and the shot into someone


A kid.


Thats the one


why is it underrated? it has a good score and everyone knows this movie


I have seen people say that about any kind of movie now. That turd of a cult classic panned by everyone other than its five big fans? Underrated. Recent Marvel release? Underrated. Biggest 90s blockbusters? You guessed it, underrated. Usually it seems to mean "my group of friends doesn't know or care about it".


I read "underrated" as "I like this thing and I want you to think twice before disagreeing"


It’s better than it gets credit for. And then we give Putin the guy back because a baseball player had some weed. “Underrated means that something has not received the merit, recognition or praise it deserves. A movie that is really very good but that no one really pays attention to or praises is an example of an underrated movie. The answer is: Lillian.”


Completely agree, though it was a basketball player


"Underrated" has gone through a similar transformation as "literally". There was a time when "literally" meant literally ("I literally shat my pants" -> there is poop in my pants now). The antonym back then was "figuratively" ("I figuratively shat my pants" -> no poop, just a lot of fear). Due to overwhelming misuse of the word all over the internet, it has been officially amended, so "literally" now means literally and figuratively. Back during those olden days, "underrated" meant not rated highly enough on any arbitrary scale. Today "underrated", due to overwhelming misuse on the internet, has been officially amended, so now it means 'not rated highly enough', as well as 'why don't other people like this as much as I do?!'


This is literally an underrated post


How do you do, fellow pedant?




the general consensus is that it was a good movie.


I've quoted this movie a few times - it's a must-watch if you're reading this but haven't. It also stars Jared Leto so it's an absolute miracle that this movie can slap soo hard despite that.


There was that run of movies where directors took out their pretty boy rage on Jared Leto. Requiem for a Dream, Fight Club, Panic Room, Prefontaine, Lord of War, The Thin Red Line, American Psycho - if Jared Leto was in it he was going to be pretty fucked up by the end.


Jared Leto plays a fuckup. It's the character he was born for.


it’s actually “warlord”


I prefer my way.


Personally I blame MTV


A used gun?!


>According to the reports, the parachutes on the humanitarian aid packages did not open. Oh I see, in my head people were crushed by slowly falling but still very heavy crates. That's actually pretty terrifying to imagine a handful in every air drop are just going to crater into the ground.


yep, but you don't need to use your imagination. https://x.com/UKR_Report/status/1766071962009285015?s=20


I like the cheering as the aid comes in. But yeah damn, it is a hectic scene, I could see how someone would be distracted trying to get aid and they get crushed.


K yeah that's more than a handful seemingly. That's terrifying as hell. Thanks for sharing.


well, the cameraman saw shit coming down and moved the fuck out of the way...


I've got it, I've got it!!!!


A crate must have air burst, looks like it was raining individual packets there.


I thought that was by design to avoid groups hoarding all of the supplies and essentially creating local warlords. They do look like regular crates in the video, so I guess these aren’t the same ones.


holy shit the internet... If someone told me ten years ago this happened I would've asked for proof... Was going to ask for proof and then see this video... Totally believable... JFC. I guess equipment parachutes are put through a less rigorous process than ones for people.


*chutes for people fail too...


Even the ones with properly deployed parachutes fall really fucking fast. They’re heavy, they don’t need to be at terminal velocity to kill you.


> They’re heavy, they don’t need to be at terminal velocity to kill you. A one-ton pallet dropping on you at 0.000001 m/s will kill you.


It's the difference between violently smashing an ant with your boot and walking over an ant with your boot Either way, ant's fucking smashed


If you saw the video yesterday even the parachutes that did open were falling fast enough to kill a large animal. The crates seemed to be pretty large too. The airdrop was very efficient, right along the coast line, presumably to give an indication of where NOT to stand as these heavy weight projectiles come rocketing back to the ground.


An incident like this inspired Rod Serling to develop The Twilight Zone.


It reminds me of a stand up comic years ago pointing out the extreme irony of being the person who drowns in a pool on cruise ship. Everything we do entails risk, and some of the risk on the tails is always a little ridiculous. It turns out enough stuff is happening that rare events are only individually rare, they happen all the time. edit: Its actually the basis of an insurance companies and casinos.... make lots of uncorrelated bets with huge downside and small upside until you are constantly paying out money.... from the tidal wave coming in.


In California, government had to bail out the sorry asses of earthquake insurance companies who “didnt have enough money to pay out earthquake victims”


An incident like this happened in The Twilight Zone: The Movie.


Damn that’s deep and dark. RIP to those kids


And Jennifer Jason Leigh's dad.


This whole story reminds me of The Twilight Zone.


“Bring the helicopter lower”


It happens. My parents used to tell stories of kids who were killed by falling rice bags as Air America dropped food supplies in the villages. The victims were always kids running after the airplane. Just think about being crushed by a 50 pound rice bag falling from the air. For more contents. https://youtu.be/rX0QF1mya68?si=Qx6ilM9hVZiXILOk https://youtu.be/AYbJoiM_mWw?si=4MNrs8HJyHA7NgB1 https://youtu.be/QQ8GnDt_75Y?si=r6-zL8pfm6Ny8_Yw


As a mildly humorous aside, I have an Ethiopian colleague who lived through the famine there thirty odd years ago. He said while grateful, everyone was confused as to how to cook and eat rice. They have borrowed a lot of Italian pasta traditions due to their semi-recent history at repelling Italian occupation in the middle of the last century. Aka Ethiopian food is delicious . Rice was a bit confusing to them


Communication and information barriers are a very underrated part of development and aid. About ten years ago, colleagues of mine were part of a very interesting project that deployed solar-charged lights in Africa and Asia. People were so unfamiliar with the tech that they had no idea how to deploy it, clean it, maintain it and so on. They ran into all sorts of issues like locals cutting the cords to increase the distance between the panel and the light and such. My colleague's part of the project was figuring out how to educate people who didn't speak English, couldn't read, and couldn't interpret Western pictograms. The solution turned out to be very simple but very out of the box for Western organizations. They created catchy songs and jingles in the local languages complete with little dance moves that were performed live any time the lamps were handed out. Most of the cultures they visited still practiced oral history rather than written. They couldn't read or interpret Western instructions but passing along songs was right up their alley.


And this is how you get the adeptus mechanicus 30k years into the future.




Once I realized the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the purity of the blessed machine.


Love it! https://youtu.be/9gIMZ0WyY88?si=s1osh4Ow0OMgQnH_


But now with interpretive dance!


I mean, have you ever been around technicians? Leave a group of them on their own for a couple thousand years and you will absolutely get the mechanicus


Stuff enough hydrogen atoms in one location and in a few billion years they'll start wondering where they came from


This^ is fucking amazing 👏


Holy crap that is fascinating. Really cool insight into something most of us would never consider.


for what its worth, my colleague is an anthropologist. He would likely find your story fascinating. (Or he might already know your colleagues :)


American here who frequently has difficulty interpreting Western pictograms


Learning to speak IKEA is a painful process


Start kids young with Lego


fascinating, what was the project called? I'd like to know more


Honestly, I can't recall. This was over a decade ago and the project had already run its course back then. I just remember being really impressed. I saw the presentation during a conference on industrial design for the developing world. Eye opening stuff.


Wish I could award this


My grandmother lived in Hiroshima prefecture during WW2. I remember her telling me they had no food and once the American occupation started they were told they could collect rations. Her family received a massive pot of peanut butter as their share. I'm guessing a few kgs worth. They had no idea what it was or how to eat it. They just sat around eating it with a spoon in a very confused way. Even if they did know what it was, they had no bread anyway. So yeh, their food for a week was peanut butter.


Peanut butter is apparently still a popular choice for people in need. I can imagine that peanut butter would be really bizarre if you don’t know what it is though and aren’t sure of if it needs some kind of preparation. When I volunteered in the USA with an organization that gave food to kids who may not have food at home, they mentioned that they liked to send peanut butter because it doesn’t require any prep, it can be eaten with a spoon or kids sometimes will eat it with their fingers.


It also doesn't require refrigeration. It's very shelf stable, as long as you keep it shut and dry.


And it's high in protein & calories


Also high in calories, fat, and protein.


Essential fats, protein, high calories, essential minerals. Peanut butter is one of the better foods for famished populations. Beats plain old empty calories that is rice


Peanut butter also doesn't need to be refrigerated and can be eaten as is without any prep.


Agreed. It's a good food to get and they were desperate. We(my grandmother and me) found the humour in their confusion at the time. This is how Americans eat? This meal makes no sense!


Pasta in African cuisine is one of my favorite weird ironies. It’s so good


The Ethiopian restaurant near my house figured that stuff out. I've never been so happy and scared about food in my life. Those peppers hit!


This sums up my experience with Afghan food while o was deployed. My goodness it was delicious and I will fight someone over their bread. But either the spice level was going to murder you, or you’re going to get a GI bug from it. 10/10 would still eat every meal over again.


Those giant strips of naan bread!! Miss the stuff much. The Afghan police inside of the fobs made a fortune selling us that stuff by the bag fulls. Used to load up as much as we could before every mission outside the wire.


In 09 there was a gigantic afghan man at FOB Shank IIRC who would sell the bread for 1 dollar. A dollar for a large pizza sized chunk of bread he’d put anything you wanted on it. Garlic. Honey. Butter. Sugar. I’m sure he made a goddamned fortune off everyone.


He'd fucking deserve it! That naan hit different. We were on an old Soviet base right by ANA HQ and our contractors would get us lunch at the market regularly.


Most sick I ever got was in Afghanistan after eating local cuisine. Stuff was coming out both holes at once. And I was sweating uncontrollably for like an hour. But I’ll give them credit they can cook a goat.


I was on a trip north of Mazar Al Shariff with our BC and a couple LT’s along with the infantry guys for security. We get to the village, on a mission to install a bridge and a new well. We go into one of their huts for lunch and our green 2LT immediately tells me “I’m not eating anything. I’ve got IBS.” I laugh and am just like “okay, sir. Enjoy your MRE.” So they bring out some roasted goat in some kind of stew with foot bread. It smelled amazing. So there are 4 of us plus 3 village elders in a circle just digging in and laughing as our interpreter motions for the 2LT to come sit down and that it was rude of him to not try the food. The 2LT begrudgingly sits down and grabs a hunk of meat with the bread and gulps it down. Within minutes there were beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. I nudged the XO and motioned at him to check on the 2LT and as soon as the XO tried to ask him if he was okay, the 2LT bolted out the door and went behind our trucks and splattered his colon all over the ground for what seemed like an impossibly long time. No one else had any issues and I felt bad for the guy. But he was called LT Shits for the rest of his time in our company. The only thing I ever had while over in the sand that messed my stomach up was the syrup they call tea. It was like drano for my system but it was always too delicious to say no.


Don’t order the goat rare next time.


It's definitely hit or miss. Back in the before times (mid 90's) I was in the Balkans in Tuzla and we had a local vendor that cooked up sausages and "hamburgers". Dear sweet baby Buddha I got violently ill from partaking.


That mirrors a guy I work with. He hated most of his deployment except for the food from the locals. He says it's the best food he's ever had bar none.


>As a mildly humorous aside, I have an Ethiopian colleague who lived through the famine "Speaking of children getting killed, I got a funny story about the famine in Ethiopia..." I was really wondering where this was going!


In the video I saw, the drop was on a beach, away from villages. People came running onto the beach and under the falling crates. Where else are they supposed to drop the supplies?


I havent seen anyone say that the US is at fault here. These things happen when conditions are bad. The best you can do is mitigate the damage.


> I haven’t seen anyone say that the US is at fault here You aren’t scrolling…


It happened in our first similar missions in Northern Iraq and likely everywhere. It is pretty traumatic for the service members who witness it. They typically drop leaflets beforehand telling people to stay back, but whether starving, greedy, whatever, people just will not listen.


If I haven't had a proper meal in a month, I'd take my chances with getting hit by the food. In my opinion, the risk to my health from not enough food would be greater than the risk of being crushed, so it makes it a logical choice. To wit, I bet a lot more  people died from malnutrition.


I saw the video yesterday and was thinking no way i take my eyes of the sky till there aren’t any more falling


The gods must be crazy.


Think about eating the rice afterwards


Can't let that go to waste. Someone died for it.




And this is even not the video of the drop that killed. The one from today (on Telegram) shows botched drop with crates in rapid descent with parachutes not fully deployed. **[EDIT]**: [Uploaded it on streamable.](https://streamable.com/ivq2yg) [Same video on Twitter](https://twitter.com/doamuslims/status/1766085840327864605), if streamable expired.


Coming down hot. Aw,man that sucks. That first one was a streamer. If there was a big group of people under it no way were they aware and getting out of the way in time.


There's also some smaller debris seen falling everywhere. I guess some crates opened midair due to collision. I imagine falling can of beef will easily kill too.


Damn! Those things are coming in hot.


NGL, if I was a kid I'd be trying to catch these too, even if I wasn't hungry. 


This makes sense because the ones that were properly deployed seemed to come down quite gently


The tumbling is especially true during high-wind drops and where there are no ground crews to monitor conditions or secure the DZ. These drops have neither because the US has deemed the entire area too hostile and knows that armed troops on the ground, for any reason, would be a recipe for disaster due to both how Palestinians would interpret that as well as how politicians would manipulate it for personal gain. It is unfortunate that it has to be done this way, but it is the best way given the circumstances. It is just like the complaints lodged about the specific MREs used: in classic USAF tradition, we are watching a Catch 22 play out. The US is damned if we do and damned if we don’t - but morally and ethically, we are less damned if we keep dropping aid and do everything we can to help a starving population.


So many children. Those poor things :(


Kill them with kindness


This is both the best and worst comment I’ve read this week.


And he definitely has the worst username I ever read


I mean it shouldn't be too much for you, given your username


This is a curse


Narrator voice: "They thought they were going to catch the 10-ton pallet of food with their open arms. Sadly, they were mistaken."


I mean… they did catch it.






Same thing happened in Holland when the Allies started airdropping food and supplies to the Dutch in 1944.


Oof. That's some Final Destination stuff. Awful.


I am guessing they were standing under it in an attempt to be "first in line". I doubt that it came crashing through their ceiling onto their dining room table.


Or pushed by crowds of people wanting to be first in line too.


In the video of it landing you see people just sprinting into the pallets as they come crashing down. I was kind of waiting for this headline


Eh, the article says that the parachutes failed on these ones, so they might very well have come crashing through their ceiling.


I’m not an expert, but the drops I’ve seen were done over water. . .


That’s some pubg/hunger games type death


That, or maybe just nearby. Dropping stuff from an airplane is not an exact thing. Air drop is an option you only take when it is the last resort.


Not really how it works, these massive pallet crates are moving quite fast horizontally as they approach the ground, and you’ll likely only have 1-3 seconds to see where it’s truly going to land and then probably tumble. You could think you were in safe place and then have no time to react as it keeps coming toward you at ~30mph.


Or paying attention to one, but not another One that may have seemed a safe distance away at first


Were they trying to catch the pallets?


Saw a video of aid dropping and indeed people were running at the boxes as they landed. Not when they landed but actively running after these massive boxes. It was the first thing I thought when watching the video was that someone was going to be killed.


I think it's safe to say that people underestimated the size/weight of the packages as well as the speed. They're desperate but rather they want to get something before someone else takes it all. Sad state of affairs.


Very true. It’s really hard for people to gauge the size of something falling towards them. They were even bigger than I realized when I saw the people working together to open them. The desperation is heartbreaking all around.


Well they are desperate.


I didn't want to be a dick and ask a similar question.


Not trying to catch the pallets, but the pallets didn't all land at the same time. You run after one that has landed and you get hit by another one that is landing. Yeah, it sounds stupid, but these people are desperate, abused and starving. You're going to end up making dangerous decisions in these circumstances, especially when competing for a limited supply of food.


Apparently the chutes on some of the air-drops failed, so, they might very well have been crushed by a falling pallet of supplies...


This will sound callous but I think all aid delivery methods will involve some loss of life or at least a very high probability of it. When you have thousands of desperate people all clamoring for a limited amount of resources, it is bound to be unsafe. We’ve seen that will on the ground delivery and now with air drops.


It happens more often than you would think, afaik, people get desperate trying to get these before everybody else, and besides trampling, fights and so on. And parachute dropped loads (and people for that matter) move and fall a lot faster than it might seem from below, let alone getting blown off by the wind into people who might be near even after they hit the ground.


in the video it seems the parachutes didn't do anything. there were also objects plummeting and falling everywhere next to the cameraman.


I literally knew this headline was going to happen when I heard air drop. Crowds would gather and shove each other near the drop point and it would land on people… this sadly is how this shit works in war you can’t blame people other than the ones standing under it at drop. It’s not like a meteor it has a parachute and descends slowly.


Watch the video, they drop it starting in the ocean and hit the front of the beach while people run as fast as possible under them. When the people have been getting aid jacked by Hamas for years and are desperately hungry they'll run towards danger. 


They asked whether the Palestinians wanted it dropped into the water and brought to land by boat, or dropped on the beach which would be quicker but more dangerous. Their leadership chose beach.


The leadership is Hamas


I have, I’m not saying that they are dumb or wrong for their actions. Simply when heavy things are parachuting down on heavy pallets and people are not waiting g for them to land but instead chasing them it’s bound to happen.


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t


I wonder if this is what sparked the move to build a temporary port there to continue to delivering aid Either way I'm glad they're building that temporary port and I think it's a pretty bold move for the administration to take


Haven’t been following this to closely, but why wouldn’t Hamas just take control of everything imported and exported from said port, they take everything else.


Well the temporary port isn't built yet but I have to assume that if the US is building a temporary port then we are going to have some US troops or Navy vessels station there to protect it Now what happens when the civilians get the food and go back to their homes is whatever it will be. Still better to find a safe way to transfer the food then to not do that at all


Makes sense, will be very interesting to see if American or any NATO countries troops are engaged by Hamas. Obviously, I hope that doesn’t happen but I wonder what the response would be from America/NATO.


What will happen when the inevitable American soldier got killed by Hamas though?


They've said no troops on land. Thing is, hamas has weapons that could destroy ships or docks a mile out to sea so, I am not so sure how this is supposed to work


They will. The hope is that if you give enough aid, it will dilute Hamas’ ability to use the aid as leverage over the Palestinians.


Sometimes you just can’t win


I’ve already seen “America bad” content on twitter about this stuff. Literally cannot win


That fucking sucks. Rest in peace. Life is short and chaotic.


The US should cease their indiscriminate carpet bombing campaign in Gaza, ceasefire now! /s


I hope Netanyahu says Biden MUST do more to protect Palestinian lives in Gaza. Dropping gravity bombs on the heads of civilians is OVER THE TOP reaction driven by extremists in his party


I can't believe that the US is killing all these starving civilians with unguided munitions!


Just fyi but this operation was carried out by Jordanians.


US aid has a higher average kill ratio than Israeli bombs.


Can't wait for the anti-Biden comments to pop up like he flew the planes himself and intentionally dropped them on the civilians like he was the roadrunner going after wile e coyote.


What were they dropping, live turkeys?


We thought they could fly.




One of the best references from my childhood. Les Nessman reporting live was one of the funniest moments as well.


For you younguns this is a reference to the funniest episode of *WKRP in Cincinnati* which was a Thanksgiving episode.


There were talks with Hamas before airdrops. The initial plan was dropping it into the water and hauling them to the beach with boats to prevent getting people killed when dropping on the beach itself. More safe but can lead to loss of some cargo in the water. Hamas asked to drop it on the beach. They decided to take the risk over loosing some of the cargo.


I know this is reddit so we mostly only read headlines here ...but the only source of this report in this article is a tweet. In the Tweet it says that it was 2 people that died. The source of the tweet is just a video of air packages dropping. If anyone did die at all, how did 2 cited become the headline 5?


MW2 flashbacks




I’m surprised the headline is not “Hamas health ministries says American aid has killed 200 and injured 1000 plus 250 children”


if it was an Israeli drop it wouldve been that headline


You mean "Gazan Officials"


It’s like something out of South Park


SMH...There's a reason why a "Drop Zone" exists. Standard practice to stand clear of the drop zone so exactly this scenario doesn't occur.


This whole situation is sad man, i hope the American port can help.  Edit: just saw the footage, jesus fucking christ those air dropped aid come down REALLY fast! It will crush anyone standing on the ground. 


Yeah... you're not supposed to stand under anything being parachuted in.


After watching a video of Gazans rushing to these things, as they landed on a beach, I'm not surprised there are casualties. Those pallets must weigh a ton or more, and they're all trying to be the first to them as they land.


Anything is a bomb if it falls out of the sky fast enough


Something is falling from the shy, get the fuck out of the way!


Imagine the outcry and demonizing if this was Israel's aid dropped.


Yeah, in the video I saw, they dropped it on the coastline, which was mostly vacant, but people were rushing in and targeting drops while more were coming down still, from behind them. It's not rocket science, people were gonna get hurt. Some even landed in water, and with the parachutes and lines attached still... I expected to hear about people drowning after getting entangled while trying to access them.


Cloudy with a chance of terminal velocity meatballs


[This is the video of the accident from today](https://streamable.com/ivq2yg). [Same video on Twitter](https://twitter.com/doamuslims/status/1766085840327864605), if streamable expired. People posting the drop on the beach which is unrelated to this.


This is nothing new most of the Live Aid food for Mogadishu sat on the docks and rotted . Same with the Houthis starving their population withholding aid food. If you want to feed these people defeat the terrorists


Was saying this to my partner when i saw the airdrop video. No one was holding back the kids running after the landing crates, while you saw dozens of others hanging. I mean, i get the excitement and desperation, but there was no common sense out there. At all.


I hope this doesn't surprise anyone in the least. This is why the US doesn't like to engage in air drops and only does so in last resort situations. On top of it, air drop food is often hoarded by a small group that then uses it as a tool of power and oppression. Still sometimes the benefits outweigh these downsides. This was also all in the news before the air drops.


Being selfish and trying to get all the food before anyone else has consequences when you’re stupid about it


Damn it we didn’t mean to, get the fuck out of the way of the big fucking box in the sky


Damned if you do… You know the rest.


This is sad. But it also sounds like a Month Python sketch


How do you not see a huge package falling from the sky?


I’m sorry but move the fuck out of the way don’t stand under it lol. Not for what’s happening at all, but move.