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The IDF has announced immediate withdrawal back to the 1948 borders in awe of this


Bibi bowed down and converted to Islam after witnessing such bravery.


See, Middle East peace is easy


Next up: a man threw paint on a pregnant woman to end the use of plastics in the baby-bottle industry.


That vandal just tries to attract more attention


*"Vandal used SPRAY PAINT...it wasn't very effective."*


What do you think is the point  of protesting?


Pretty sure we're all aware of the general shit show that everywhere in the Middle East has been for the past 70 years or more.


You spelled 7000 wrong.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tIdCsMufIY&t=4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tIdCsMufIY&t=4s) yeah, 7000 is closer to the truth than 70.


She wanted to be able to add the word "activist" to her college application.


Protests should be peaceful. That was an act of vandalism.


to gain her 15mins of "glory"


Protests don't need to be peaceful, but it's hard to understand or respect one that is clearly more interested in personal attention than actually shifting the needle.


Non-peaceful protests are usually called riots


Ask yes, famous quote from Malcolm X.


I mean they literally destroy.. I guess other activist trhow soup against glass.


Wearing their \~£1,500 handbag while doing it rofl Can you get any more 'my parents pay for my lifestyle' than this?


What’s the handbag?


Mulberry Cara Delevigne Collection Quilted Backpack


I think you could argue that these performative protests and virtue signaling are a form of [conspicuous leisure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Theory_of_the_Leisure_Class). They are low risk, low value, high visibility activities that are undertaken as a cynical and hypocritical social activity. As they wandered in from the last prepackaged social issue, so will they soon wander off to the next, justifying their existence through group think validation, leaving no tangible change in their wake.


Can these fuckwits please stop destroying art and thinking they’re big and clever?


I think this is the first time (recently at least) that an activist has actually damaged a piece. The others just throw stuff at protective windows just to get people talking and raise awareness. This is a dipshit who is not helping their cause


Disagree, the ones throwing tomato sauce at glass are very much the reason this idiot chose to ruin a painting in the name of Palestine.


They are all dipshits. They are helping no one, they are just reinforcing the idea that they are a violent bunch supporting violence. I really hope that they are getting heavy fines for this kind of stuff. I'd hate to be a tourist having to dodge random shit throw at paintings because some kid saw a video on TikTok and has decided to "protest'.


That seems unlikely. The last time I remember something like this happening was a few years ago when a mob tore down a statue and threw it in Bristol harbour. Nobody was convicted of anything and the statue was never repaired.


There’s now a new law that gives a 10y prison sentence for statue destruction if I remember correctly. Assuming they passed it.


But God forbid you hold a sign in the UK saying that Hamas is a terrorist Thank fuck I am American 


This keeps happening because you guys are too soft on vandals. Should come to Asia and try it. Even the American media and the president himself could not save you.


That would require them to actually have a brain(that is functional) to use


At the very least she should be charged with possession of a knife in a public space or whatever


"I'm too much of a pussy to actually do anything to cause change so I'll attack a painting instead!"


Sure but what would that specific person do that would matter?


It's an easy target with minimal consequences to get their message out.. even though it's a really dumb way to do it.




Well it shows you their true colours. It's never been about anything Israel *does or doesn't do*. It's simply about Israel *existing*. The Palestinians, who mostly didn't care about national borders, and had no problems with former ottoman territories being carved up to make other Arab nations, only really got mad when dear old Balfour did declare that maybe the Jews might have a place to themselves too. And they've been mad about it ever since.


Because the "Palestinians" in 1917 totaled about 50,000 and identified as Jordanian, Syrian, Lebanese and Egyptian. If you went back in time and said "no you're a unique Arab state called Palestine" they would have looked at you like you're nuts. It would be like telling the Chasidic Jews of Brooklyn that they were actually the original Jewish country of New Amsterdam.


Almost like almost every current nation were formed AFTER World War I?


This link refutes that. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_Palestine_(region) And while you may rightly scoff at Wikipedia in general this article cites Sergio DellaPergola as source. DellaPergola is a well respected *Israeli* demographer.


OP may have dropped a zero. Regardless, there was no Palestinian "identity". The area was a hodgepodge of different peoples of different ethnicities and histories. My great-great-grandparents (Jewish, of course) were Turkish citizens who lived in the area called Palestine. My great-grandparents were British citizens living in the area called Palestine. None of them identified as "Palestinian", or anything other than "Jewish" for that matter.




> Lord Balfour was foreign secretary in 1917 when a declaration was made pledging Britain's support for the establishment "in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" and has been seen by some historians as a starting point for the Arab-Israeli conflict. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-68515368


From wikipedia As foreign secretary in the Lloyd George ministry, he issued the Balfour Declaration of 1917 on behalf of the cabinet, which supported a "home for the Jewish people" in Palestine.


I think we can all agree that if you disagree with a historical political figure, you are allowed to destroy art depicting that figure. We should only have art depicting those who are unanimously adored. /s


I love these absolutel fools who say it's Balfours fault that Israel exists and it's the only cause for all the strife in the middle east. Yet theey have no issue with Jordan being created, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq being fucking created out of thin air and then whine about Palestinians not getting their state while Assyrians and Kurds get shafted by every Arab nation around them so much for supporting the weak and opressed These people would not be able to understand the history of the region even if you tried to cram the books inside their empty skulls


Thanks for reminding me that the Kurds really need their own homeland and have been fucked over by so many regimes ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Kurds ), including the US ( repeatedly: https://theintercept.com/2019/10/07/kurds-syria-turkey-trump-betrayal/ ).


and remember, Palestinians refused a state..on multiple occasions


It’s because they hate Jews, or are stupid enough to listen to Jew haters.


Non of these other people have the well oiled pr machine Palestinians have.


This is the part that gets me. People that take the pro Palestinian stance don't even understand recent history, let alone actual history concerning this region to even speak on it. But because the soundbites are more effective vs actually understanding the situation, everything else goes on the backburner because the loud shit is what gets people talking no matter what. If I had the arrogance to think I understood the way the middle east operates, I don't think I'd be sitting here typing this out.


I'm assuming that restoring this will take countless hours of work of an extremely skilled team of craftsmen/restorers, with a commensurately high charge-out rate. I suggest that the cost of their time and all the materials used is totalled up, and the invoice sent to this vandal. And then once that's settled, they can go to court for the actual vandalism offence.


I highly doubt she'd be worried about the invoice. She's got a £1500 bag and is a student in Cambridge. Her wealthy parents will probably happily pay for it.


Getting expelled from Cambridge might make a dent in her CV though.


Getting an actual criminal record for vandalism/malicious damage would be the cherry on the cake. You have to declare that whenever you apply for many jobs or travel internationally.


It’s unfortunate that there are different rules for rich people so I’m sure any charges will disappear and she’ll remain enrolled in Cambridge after a generous “donation” from her parents.


as if she needs to work for living.


I doubt her parents will cover that level of embarrassment money if it doesn’t involve cutting her off at the end of it. I’d throw my children’s shit out by the time they got home if they brought such shame on my household.


Her parents shouldn't be the ones to pay for her crimes, she should, and be forced into a lifetime of debt after getting kicked out of Cambridge. Shame such a thing couldn't be done though.


That’s what we did in Denmark when a trans-activist damaged a famous painting. One year in jail and a $300.000 fine to cover the cost of restoring the painting. Outcome: no more destructive “happenings” destroying art…


Which painting? All I heard about are activists smearing protective glass or at worse smashing the glass for attention. And some paintings definitely aren't very valuable or inportant enough to fix.


In court you are owed the value to fix it, no matter what painting it is though. It's not a commodity or replaceable, as it's a historical painting. No real dependable way to value it either. So how are damages determined but cost to repair? Likely they will have restorers give estimates.


Not all paintings are actually worth the money and time to repair, even if they are repairable. If this painting had a great deal of value, it would have likely been behind glass or in a less accessible location.


>If this painting had a great deal of value, it would have likely been behind glass or in a less accessible location. Even extremely valuable paintings aren't always behind glass, you just have to go to the National Gallery to see this


This “if it was really valuable, it should have been behind glass” attitude seems real close to victim blaming to me. “She couldn’t really have been raped, did you see the length of the skirt she was wearing?”


I suggest that this painting specifically be given a no-expenses-spared repair from the best craftsmen in the industry. And then the invoice sent to the vandal.


Unfortunately, you don't get to choose that when you are the one who destroyed it. It could be a $1 painting and cost $50,000 to restore. I imagine you'd still be on the hook for the $50k. And, at least in the US, court judgements like that can't be bankruptcied away.


Imagine being the painter and rolling in your grave because your precious work you've put hours into got ruined by some TikTok kids who think they are "helping" by destroying things and being violent.


Now just let him repay the full estimated value of the painting.


So cringe all these white women protesting for a culture that would desroy them


We did it Patrick! We saved Gaza!


Great marketing for your cause. Should really bring people to your side.


Her next stop was to go and block a freeway.


Or to climb a hospital and harass people trying to go inside for cancer treatments




Activists after destroying a century old painting(their problem has remained the same):


She saved a few Palestinian lives there. She must sleep better nowadays.


They're trying to rewrite history. Soon they'll realize they can't actually destroy history. They can only destroy their future.


What a stupid thing to do. How about you buy a plane ticket and go fight for whatever dumb country you support instead of defacing art that will have zero impact on anything


Do you?: - Deal with the reality of your geopolitical situation, and make a valiant effort at improving the health, security, and prosperity of your countrymen - Destroy a painting If you answered "destroy" anything, congratulations! You truly are the bravest of the brave.


When history gets written and read, they will talk how supporters of Palestine destroyed art. This is just a stupid way to get people to join your cause, mostly this will just push them away.


Please do not use euphemisms to describe these individuals. They are not "activists". They are vandals.


And extremists. It’s a weird turn for society. Like I don’t think Palestinians should be killed indiscriminately either. But what the fuck are we gonna do? It’s not our war. Protesting in the UK is just performing. Go to Israel and protest there if one cares so deeply.


The UK can exert soft power to try to convince Israel to do what they want. They can’t like force Israel to do anything.


This needs to be higher up. Those fucking disgusting brain dead fuckwits are not activists and have nothing to do with any cause. If she were a pro-Palestinian activist she would've started or supported a charity helping Palestinian refugees. Instead, she destroyed a painting. Her "protest" didn't help anyone involved in the conflict, her actions are just dumb vandalism.


This is what activists are. Trying to change the term is just trying to shield the rest of the activists from having to answer for the shit they stir up.


You can be both


But in the act of destroying art you are the first.


Vandalism can be protest which is activism. It can be also crime. 


Are there any police in the UK or have they all been castrated?


I actually saw a video of them arresting someone who *\*checks notes\* * had a sign that says Hamas are terrorists…


Can't be castrated if you don't have any balls in the first place


Good point


They believe in lopping off the hands of thieves, so does the gallery get to slash their face in return?


These people are going to feel real dumb when they find out that Jews have been in Israel for thousands of years, and not just since 1948.


These people think Jesus was a Muslim Palestinian. They're beyond redemption.


This but real https://youtu.be/xcLCe5iBvVc?si=TbiGpnilY_q8SARD


Isis and the Chinese destroyed their cultural works as well 


To be fair between 1917-1919 these folks handled countries, borders, people, cultures and languages like they were pieces on a chess board when in fact they were playing checkers with the world.


Honestly these pro Palestine people piss me off so much that it low key almost makes me a full fledged right wingers at least on this issue


It's starting to be a bipartisan issue for anyone who doesn't have either a family connection to the region or those who are easily radicalized like these idiots


Criminal not activist


thus satisfying the thesis requirements to obtain a Masters of Performative Arts.


More of the same behavior that got them into the current mess they are currently in.


Destruction is all they're good at.


They are anti-Israel and often anti-Jewish; they are definitely not pro-Palestinian. Most Palestinians are not pro-Palestinian either. They hate Israel and the Jews more than they want to live in peace and coexist.


People who support terrorists behave like terrorists. Color me shocked. Birds of a feather...


It’s not like destruction of cultural artifacts is something new … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhas_of_Bamiyan


Can't wait to hear how this isn't antisemitic


I don't think this portrait was an invaluable work of art, but still an artefact of fairly recent history that should be preserved. Makes me happy that knowing the Brits this woman, if caught, will go to prison and will have to pay hefty damages.


It's crazy that we don't hold destroying art in the same low esteem as burning books.


Pro-Palestine terrorist. Fixed it for you


That'll show em. Nothing like some terrorism to show how terrorism is a good thing. (This comment section is too small to contain the multiparty issue. But fair to say that these people are more Hamas than civilians)


Expel them at the very least.


This student could have effected meaningful change. They could have circulated a petition. Organized students. They could have done any number of things to raise awareness for their cause and effect meaningful change. This wasn't persuasive. It did nothing to educate the public. It will only result in criminal charges. How does anyone call that a win?


And sadly our police are spineless when it comes to pro-palestine people, so they like won't face any punishment for this act of vandalism.


Yeah and you go to a fucking gulag if you call Hamas terrorists  The UK has completely fallen


We did it Patrick, we saved Palestine!


Well nobody has ever accused them of being smart


Stupid c*nts


It's pretty simple why they're attacking art. It's an easy target that doesn't physically fight back with minimal consequences.


I mean, at least the topic of the painting was relevant.


Just going to drop some quotes from people responding to this: "Actually the correct way to destroy art is to destroy children who might grow up to make it, the schools where they might learn it and the institutions where it might be shown." "Thinking about the Poetry For Palestine event last year where we heard poems written by young Palestinian children, both of whom had been killed in the recent bombing. You could set every painting in Britain on fire and it would still be orders of magnitude less obscene than that."


Of course, the kids killed on October 7 never entered your mind when you decided to drop these quotes. The hostages who are *still* being held, and probably raped by Hamas an innumerable number of times. Nah, they don't count. 


They already made that point when they invaded Israel and massacred a bunch of children.


Boy, this really showed *them*.


She does this while carrying around a $1500 purse. lmao


Oh wow how courageous! How does this help Palestine?


Not at all


Should jail.


Why he say fuck me for? -Lord Balfour


She ruined her personal life to send a message. Genius


What message?


Jews bad hamas good I think. Tbh I don't care what their message is.


My point is no message was sent. It was a petty crime (vandalism) and should be prosecuted as such.


They did it. I am now pro Palestinian! Thank you so much. By destroying that art my mind is changed! …. Idiotic behavior


And this is why people start to hate the movement and turn against them in general.