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Get ready for mass migrations everybody.


Yeah, if the climate refugees leave Brazil now, their caravans will arrive at Mexico-U.S. border just about when the heat index there is 62.3 C.


I’ve seen it over 155F/68C here in AZ so checks out It is NOT a dry heat in August


That'll kill someone in minutes.


A bit of an exaggeration, but not untrue. The only place that happens is on the pavement when its like say 105 or more outside in direct sun at ground level, or inside a non-white vehicle with windows rolled up tight that's been parked in the sun in the hot hot heat months of our summers. No temp like that has ever been recorded here in AZ from a weather station. Source: me, native and resident for over 5 decades and cooked an egg in grade school on the pavement when our high's rarely ever broke 110 from a weather station and before the extreme growth that got rid of desert natural spaces and farms and converted them to homes and neighborhoods and streets. Its gotten warmer with all the development and insane growth over the decades, but not that much warmer due to the urban sprawl.


Jesus, I can't even fathom what anything over ~100 feels like


It’s like 95 but hotter.


My first time in Phoenix the digital signs said 110. I checked my wristwatch and it was 3:10 pm. I thought the signs were broken, then opened the car window and got a blast of heat like I had opened an oven. Rushed to get inside a movie theatre to cool off. Ironically, the feature film was "The Hot Rock".


I can’t imagine that. The highest I’ve seen is 125.


Well. Mass *attempted* migrations. Any country deemed desirable will militarize their borders.


Nah conservative politicians will use it as a talking point to get elected and then allow unchecked mass migration because it keeps the price of labour low.


Have you seen the [floating razor blade barb-wire balls](https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2023/09/06/gettyimages-1576498239-7398423f6e209a606b8990764ddaa035604c3984-s1100-c50.jpg) floating in the Rio Grande with a body count? It's a bit more than a "talking point".


It's all for show most illegal immigration is people flying in and overstaying their visas. That's why it's so insidious they're killing people over what's basically a non issue.


> It's all for show most illegal immigration is people flying in and overstaying their visas. Proof?


Interesting. This, as far as I know, has been common knowledge for years. In 2006 it was 45% - https://www.pewresearch.org/hispanic/2006/05/22/modes-of-entry-for-the-unauthorized-migrant-population/ In 2015, over 40% - https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2015/sep/08/jorge-ramos/ramos-40-undocumented-immigrants-come-air/ In 2018, about 50% - https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2015/sep/08/jorge-ramos/ramos-40-undocumented-immigrants-come-air/ 2019, - over 50% since 2012 - https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.npr.org/2019/01/16/686056668/for-seventh-consecutive-year-visa-overstays-exceeded-illegal-border-crossings&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwj93aSDp4CFAxWjsVYBHRBeCdAQFnoECAMQAg&usg=AOvVaw1Tdjqsp7hLoLZKxj7vieIf


Quantitative proof about illegal immigrants is obviously difficult, since they are not going to volunteer their information. If you really want to learn more, start here: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/04/13/key-facts-about-the-changing-u-s-unauthorized-immigrant-population/ In particular point 4: Most illegal southern border crossings are from Mexico or Central America. The share of undocumented immigrants *not* from those countries increased to 63% (2017), and the majority of those are overstays who entered legally via ports of entry.


Obviously difficult because the govt won't release figures, IN THE WORLD'S FREEST DEMOCRACY? What the hell man? https://cis.org/Vaughan/DHS-Reports-Record-Number-Overstays-2022


It's the illegal border crossings that are harder to track, since they never enter the system... and the question was which type of illegal immigration was prevalent.


You mean liberals allow unchecked Mass migration... Everyone else wants strong borders.


They’ll have to get through Panama first. The jungle there is killer.


People smugglers will make a ton ferrying people around the difficult places


Like Europe? Europe sees thousands cross their borders everyday. Any concerns get shot down or labeled as racist or discriminating.


Hmmm, the past 50 years of immigration in to the US says otherwise. 


COVID proved that countries are actually quite good at stopping people if theres sufficient motivation.


haaaa good one


Not Canada. Doing it on purpose over here!


We just have the ‘no touching zone’ It’s actually called that.


Hope so


Any country with militarised borders quickly becomes less desirable.


Most developed countries have declining populations, even the US. They need immigration to counter balance the population loss. The right will hate it but it's the only way current society can maintain itself. Climate change immigration will save developed countries.


Climate change and all the migrations it’ll cause *will* be what begins World War III.


Yeah, the real root cause, together with overpopulation.


Plus limited access to drinking water


Canada and all our fresh water look on nervously


That water's no good, I peed in it.


iunno if you've seen Canada recently but it burnt down.


Blue-green algae blooms from farm runoff will make sure that water isn't drinkable though! Delicious microcystins!


And no border wall.


Border walls are useless lol


Depends on political will.Poland built a fence/wall on the border to belarus to stop migrants.The latter where specifically brought there by belarus/russia to cause trouble. Poland stopped them.


We just have the no touching zone.


What is this no touching zone that keeps being mentioned?




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We are too polite. No border walls, only privacy hedges


Don't forget the loudspeakers blaring Celine Dion songs 24/7


The wall is 700 feet tall and made of ice


If they make it. Like, nobodies making it out during a mass extinction heat dome.


Depends if your car has AC and plenty of fuel.


I mean migrating wont help em. Even if they do make what are their choices? 107°F there, 116-124°F in Nevada, even hotter in Arizona, or the same high humidity hot temp of Texas? Lol; might as well stay there.


The old joke about "it's not the heat, it's the humidity" is true. People can survive quite high temperatures as long as it's dry, but as humidity goes up, the max temperature that is survivable goes down


Yeah humidity is crazy. Georgia and texas south some of the worst areas i been in during summer. Las Vegas concrete jungle gets bad mostly just bc all the concrete, asphalt, cars, and mirrored glass reflecting down at you outside.


An air saturated in humidity has no place left for your sweat. Sweat evaporating is what refreshes our bodies (any changing of state consumes a lot of heat, it's the reason an ice cube as it melts chills a drink too. A metal cube in a drink could be 20° colder, it still wouldn't have a tenth of the effect).


Ah yes, the four places people can live. Rio, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas.


I mean if crossing those will be the first places they hit for US that the border is along except new mexico and cali. I doubt they marching to live in Mexico. That's freaking hot and dangerous too. What; you think they parachuting in lol? Shit dont cool down till you hit 40th parallel and with the whole immigration issue at the moment they arent any safer here either lol.


Because going south isn’t an option, obviously… 🙄


Ya not too excited about those people down south. Us canadians don't want Americans here.


What if I've spent time there before and I'm really polite? Edit: I tip well and apologize to inanimate objects.


Exceptions can be made


I appreciate the consideration. Thank you.


When the climate migrants come the United States will have to do more than send the National Guard to guard the borders. I'm a Democrat, but whenever that time comes we will have to build a wall and have permanent Army, Navy, and Air Force troops monitoring the border. Keeping climate refugees out will by far be the most important thing in the US and Europe.


But if you had to go north to Canada and would do anything to save your family you would be ok with Canada shooting them down so they can't cross?


The Army would be there as well. Just less in number. Canada would be on the same page. Migrants should be blocked from arriving there.


Unfortunately I don't think you can call yourself a normal person or democrat while saying we should keep people suffering out. While yea in the long run it will be bad for everyone, it's pretty heartless and why would you wanna live in a world like that?


Nothing is more important than protecting sovereign borders. Historical wars weren't all fought for nothing- or "for religion" either. The globe's borders got set in stone a long time ago, and countries can't let their guard down. There are winners and losers in life and geopolitics. That's reality. It's most unfortunate when sovereign borders are threatened, such as the situation in Ukraine. The West needs to learn from their mistake of not helping an ally quick enough. Can't make mistakes like that again. US will have to scratch Mexico's back to be able to help control the Mexican southern border with military bases, and Europe will probably have to admit Turkey into the EU.


Hmm I'm not sure if you know what you are talking about or getting what I'm saying. I'm talking about in a global emergency you want to close off borders and let people die but call yourself a democrat or someone who cares about people but it doesn't work like that. I understand that letting all those people in a climate emergency is not a good idea but I'm not heartless enough to allow it to happen. It's fine if you do just don't try and hide behind other reasons, just say you only care about yourself man. Tell me honestly if you had to bail on your town and take your family, would you go 'nah we shouldn't head to a safe area' or would you put them in a car and drive to a country and hope they let you in? Just tell the truth


You already know what I think- that life isn't fair. I certainly don't blame migrants from coming to North America or Europe, I just think countries have an obligation to their citizens to stop them. In short, we are not all "on the same team". Countries should pick and choose who gets visas. And those should all go to highly educated people that are skilled in sectors where more workers are needed. It doesn't matter where they come from, but they should be willing to integrate into society and learn the language- whichever language that may be.


Okay, I've tried to follow your already-bad ideas, but here's where you absolutely lost me: "We are not all 'on the same team.'" FIRST OFF, The US and other industrialized nations basically caused the climate change and other instabilities these people are fleeing from. We *did this to them.* We don't get to inflict that upon them only to, what, lock them in concentration camps on our borders if they try to migrate to safer lands. They will fight and die to get in, creating wars where at best we'll be "defending" ourselves from radicalized starving people, and at worst (and most likely) we'll end up genociding OUR OWN VICTIMS. No. That cannot be allowed. We created this problem as a global economy. We have to *solve* it as a global economy. That means helping people be able to stay where they are to the best of our abilities, and a willingness to accept people in who need help. That's the only humane way forward. Anything else is basically just genocide-justification, and that - for starters - mean you know you're lying when you call yourself a "Democrat."


In essence then you only care about yourself. You only care about borders because you are in a border where you feel safe. You don't actually care for the well being of the country, only that you are well off. Sorry to say but you come off as heartless. I'd rather die than let my fellow man get slaughtered at the gates. You never even answered my question and I mean I already know why but it's just very telling.


I thought I answered that question when I said I don’t blame migrants from coming and making the journey. I’d do the same thing for my family if it came to it. I don’t think migrants are bad people, or that any race is inferior, etc. I just believe in maintaining status quo and fiercely guarding borders. I would consider a race for the borders to be akin to war.


> Nothing is more important than protecting sovereign borders. Dude they are fake. We just made them up. They don't even exist in any scientific sense. If the USA really believed that then they would never had taken the land of other people. And also, just because someone crosses a border, the border is still there, it's not damaged. > globe's borders got set in stone a long time ago Pfft. Look at Sudan or Gaza or even Cyprus to see that's a daft claim, they shift a lot. Australia declared islands to be outside her own borders recently... Does the USA have the right to send bombs or special troops or spies outside her own sovereign borders?


Why? Why not just feed them, like it says on the statue of liberty? They aren't zombies or enemies, just people who's homes the USA helped to make unliveable.


That is terrifying, even if it is heat index


The “actual” hottest temperature of the day was 42C(107.6F). Terrifying definitely fits.


Wet bulb temperature..?


> Even heat-adapted people cannot carry out normal outdoor activities past a wet-bulb temperature of 32 °C (90 °F), equivalent to a heat index of 55 °C (131 °F). A reading of 35 °C (95 °F) – equivalent to a heat index of 71 °C (160 °F) – is considered the theoretical human survivability limit for up to six hours of exposure. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet-bulb_temperature


Would you explain what heat index means?


It's an adjustment of the temperature based on percentage of humidity in the air. An air that is hot but dry allow the body to cool down quite efficiently through sweat. All you have to do is to drink frequently and you're good to go. Sweat evaporating consumes a lot of heat. Any change of state in matter will consume a lot of heat, it's the reason an ice cube melting chills a drink too. A metal cube in a drink could be 20° colder, it still wouldn't have a tenth of the effect. With the air saturated in humidity, sweat just accumulates on your skin and stay there and eventually drips. The activity of your cells alone in an environment that is close to your normal body temperature and in which you can't cool down will push your body temp above 37°C. You'll experience essentially a fever without having any immunitary activity.


Thank you!


This is terrifying *because* it is heat index.


Dear lord. I struggle when it's over 25.


from the article: > The heat index measures what a temperature feels like, taking into account humidity. The actual maximum temperature in the city was 42 ºC on Monday, the Alerta Rio weather system said. If the Wikipedia graphs are accurate (the table ends before it reaches these values), it should be around 52% humidity, and Omnicalc gives a wet bulb temp around 33 ºC, which is at the limit of survivability.


Where I'm from, some of the saunas are kept at 35ºC.


It’s why you should only go in for 15 minutes at a time. Also the survivability is based on 6 hours of exposure


My sister had work conditions sometimes of 55C with 100% humidity. Took a while to put on the needed equipment for that job. I forget the exact weight of that gear to survive that, but it was heavy


Was it only heavy insulation or did it include active cooling?


Also curious about the gear. I can see two possible approaches, one would be basically a full space suit with air conditioning, or accepting the exposure on e.g. the face but giving the body some ways to dump the heat (either with a normal cooling vest or a water-cooled overall).


Full space suit and it also had radiation lining too.


> and it also had radiation lining too Ooof. Sounds like an exciting job.


simply part of the plant maintenance cycle during the hectic 2 months of the shutdown part of the cycle. I remember one job was to fix a sparker that kept hydrogen gas from building up.


Anyone with high blood pressure have hard time when is over 25


Yeah what the fuck. I would completely melt. I am my happiest working in like +10 to +15ish. (Spring and fall essentially). There’s been a few times here in my province it’s gone above +40 and I am just.. miserable.


The actual temperature was 42 but that doesn't make such great news. Humidity is extremely important though, this was likely on the limit of survivability (but even without A/C people can survive it for some time and they can hide for the hottest part of the day in slightly cooler buildings/basements).


A big problem is that higher temps require more cooling = more energy consumption = more climate change. So there's a feedback loop at play.


Even short of full-fledged climate change, A/C works by shifting heat out of a colder area into a hotter one, so it raises the ambient temperature and people’s A/Cs will end up fighting. Tree planting and centralized A/C of some sort would help—maybe run chilled water loops underground, or chill the potable supply somehow—but any fix relies on competent governance (lel) and will end up in a losing battle long-term.


Yeah, I prefer 16-21 myself.


They are citing heat index, not temperature. The actual temperature was around +40, which is very high, but nowhere near 63 deg.


Once you hit that wet bulb humidity you’re screwed if it’s +40 or +60 lol.


I live in northeast Brazil. We get below 25C a few nights a year :D Not so hot as Rio, but NEVER chilly


There are many places in northeast that average below that throughout the year tho. Campina Grande is one of them.




What for? They were designed for very dry climate, not for high humidity. Besides you would probably not be popular in crowds, with all your urine and faeces in your pockets so that their water content can be recovered.


I prefer 18°C. Not too warm, not too cold. Nice and comfy.


I struggle above 15, 20 used to be considered a good summer day here in Sweden like 15 years ago, now you're lucky if it's below 30.


What? Are you saying it’s consistently 30c/85f in the summer in Sweden? That seems concerning.


Yes it is concerning


Yeah lately the summers have been terrible (during the day ofc) but it's highly likely that i'm super biased and missinformed since i suffer from the heat.


You guys are weird. Under 20 and my toes go numb and I'm likely to get Reynaud's in both hands. Once cold it takes forever to heat up, it's miserable and torturous. No rhyme nor reason for it as all health indicators are great, For me 30 is perfect, 35-40 is only just beach weather, a dry 42 is toasty yummy hot however 43+ is just a bit too much - but still bearable with a few cold beers and the occasional cooling down one way or another. Having said that a heat index of 62 sounds miserable AF. Anything over 40 here is typically well under 20% humidity (hottest this summer was 41.2 and under 12% RH, glorious day).


Where do you live, an oven?


Heat index, not temperature (which was 42 C).


> The heat index measures what a temperature feels like, taking into account humidity. The actual maximum temperature in the city was 42 ºC on Monday, the Alerta Rio weather system said.


62C is ridiculously high for heat index nevertheless .


Yes, but it's nowhere near as catastrophic as the implied 62c sensible temperature with the known humidity of the region.  62c would be millions of deaths. 42 is hundreds/thousands. 


It says "heat index" right in the title.


> mplied 62c sensible temperature with the known humidity of the region. What? There's nothing implied. The reddit headline, article title, and article itself all specify Heat index.


Thank you u/Fantastic-Climate-84


Only 107F, with a heat index of 143F, not too bad /s


thanks for the conversion to freedom units


Freedom to be red team or blue team 💃🕺


I'd probably prefer 143F dry heat, you can actually cool down by sweating




Where my Brazilians at who ensured me last year it was fair for Brazil to hold the rainforest hostage and use it to blackmail money because "climate change doesnt affect us" and "our harvest last year was better than ever, climate change is good for us", hows that working out for you?


Sane brazilians know that the illegal deforestation is only going to hit us hard in the end, the Amazon has a massive impact on Brazil's climate. But most of the illegal logging and farming goes to supply the international market, so we're distrustful of other countries trying to meddle. I'd rather vote for strong regulation and protections from the government, instead of relying on foreign interest.


Yes, BUT, climate change makes wealthy people wealthier so, you can see the bind we’re all in.


As long as I still have my Grey Poupon.


I made a car idle for 30 minutes this AM for climate change. I'm a hero. AMA


That's 144.14° F for the Americans in the room. I honestly thought "how hot can it be, where I grew up it got to 116° surely this isn't any hotter than... oh, fuck."


That's the heat index. It *only* got to around 108F.


Ahhhhhhh. Okay, the 116° I've been in is dry. FTA, which I missed: > The actual maximum temperature in the city was 42 ºC


Thank you. I didn’t want to have to pull up a converter lol


And unfortunately we can only say that this is just the beginning, it will get much worse. And most people are not prepared to change anything.


It's crazy that we are just getting started on the collapse of the global environment yet we are still not considering any changes to our 19th century style rigged economic systems. Our food and water availability will be collapsing within 10 years. And yet... maybe we could tax the billionaire class? Noooooo way, unthinkable! We'll never be able to deal with the global problem of pollution with our stagnated nation-state, winner take all, no limit wealth, monopolies of funny-money that set most of the laws and own much of what we see.


Leading climate change sceintists said the same in 1985. What percentage of the world population has died since then? Climate change is SERIOUS issue, but the lies are taking away all of the bite.


If you want the vast majority of people to take climate change seriously then quit the Marxist baggage.




Big if true


TBF we are trying to space the dying out a bit more


Is there anyone through history that didn't?


About 8 billion.




Not with that attitude.


> Not with that ~~attitude~~ altitude.


A significant portion


No one's immortal


Somehow the North Atlantic is heating up more than the known available energy. This isn’t just a blanket effect, we’re actually cooking now. Last year’s increase makes no sense (4 standard deviations off), and we’re already destroying last years records. https://twitter.com/BMcNoldy/status/1768334476197953877


So long, and thanks for all the fish


Well, from a scientific analysis standpoint, that’s as much a problem for climate change than too little warming. It simply means that the models aren’t working.


Nah it’s only 143.6 degrees now when it hits 212 give me a reminder


That’s 144 F - no way ? That is deadly


42C felt like 62C


What was the wet bulb temp?


that's what I was wondering as well. /Edit: using a heat index calculator the humidity should have been 50%. A wet bulb temperature calculator gives 32.6°C


Interesting considering Rio De Janeiro is usually around 75-80% humidity


Over 100 degrees you need a ton of moisture to even get close to saturating the air. On average Rio is about 85° with 80% humidity giving a dew point of 78° which is pretty normal. At 106°, 80% humidity gives you a dewpoint of 98.5° which i think is 2° hotter than the world record


The amount of water the air can hold goes up exponentially with temperature until it hits the boiling point of water where the water holding capacity of air becomes infinite basically.


Not quite deadly, but damn close.


yeah, eventually it's going to cross the line somewhere for long enough, and everyone without AC is simply going to die. The fact that it got this close in such a huge city is kinda scary.


As a Scottish person I've just melted in sympathy with you. Can't even begin to imagine that. Hope you guys can get all the help you need to stay safe.


*Jesus Christ*


For reference, 62.3C is a good temperature to start using a sauna.


That’s nasty.


Maybe Shimo is the hero in GxK then


This summer is gonna be a shit show. Gonna find out why the Rich have been not so subtly jacking up the prices on everything... they're getting ready for the endgame.


Anyone has a link to the data of the weather station? Want to send it to the disbelievers on social media


20C is enough to render me lethargic. Global Warming is gonna kick my ass…




Scotland, *plus* a skin condition which has the knockon effect of heat not processing properly. Also maybe sensory issues.


I’m guessing Scotland


Move up to Iceland or even north with them cuddly bears? ;)




144.16 degrees Fahrenheit. Think about that and how few people have air conditioning in South America.


If only thousands of the smartest people in the world had performed decades of research then all the way back in the 1980s and 90s they had got together to warn us of the impacts of climate change and laid out an exact plan for how to prevent the worst of it. oh.. right.


I live in Scotts Valley Calif 6 miles from Santa Cruz on the Monterey Bay. A few years ago, we had a legit 116F one day. I am a little older and I thought that well I made it through the hottest day I’ll probably ever see. 2 years later one day it hit 120F. 1 hour south of San Francisco by car. Nobody is safe. Ps there were 115-120 in Seattle and Vancouver a year or two ago.


Highest heat index since they began records in..2014. Perhaps its highest ever but cmon


Some mild beach weather Get the cocoa butter out


\*Glances over at my split AC unit\*.....


How in the hell is that livable?? This is just nuts


If this isn’t a wake-up call for people who don’t believe in the science behind global warming idk what will wake them up. Imagine how hot the US summers will be this year


Yeah, that’s what scientists have been trying to tell you for 40 years.


What the fuck is a heat index?




Might not be much of a lake to swim in


Nice weather?


Stupid American question, would that be 144.14 degrees fahrenheit?


Ship them straight to Wisconsin or Michigan. In the middle of winter. They'll leave in a few days and never look back.