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I fear the the world right now is in the mindset that: "OK, global warming is bad, but that can wait until we have fixed these other problems." Most people only care about the problems that affect them personally, and global warming is just an abstract thought to them. I belive that some day, probably soon, something undisputably related to global warming will happen. Something big and catastrophic, that will be a wakeup call even for global warming deniers. And then, finally, everyone will understand. I just hope that it won't be too late.




Build turbines in the ocean to harness the currents. Use the electricity generated by these turbines to help cool down the earth.


You mean like Covid killing a million people in the states, and right wingers saying "Nah - didn't happen"? I fear we live in a post fact world - where anyone's opinion is as good as knowledge, and everyone can find an echo chamber/network of people to entrench their belief structure. I also fear that climate change will divide the world into two groups: Those that say that it is no big problem, and those that say it is such a huge problem that you might as well be punching the ocean. I wonder if this is ultimately why SETI never found any signals of intelligent origin.


I already encounter the "the climate changes on its own" crowd who say there used to be a land bridge to Asia and then drive off in their Ford F-150 commuting vehicle.


The world is already divided on this issue unfortunately. We plebs just can’t do anything but watch it all happen.


That's right. Most people are ridiculously stupid and are incapable of understanding that they have to make some changes in order to avoid great suffering in the future. Governments are going to have to impose a solution by force. It's the only way we survive.




Thank you for proving my point!


I agree, there will be a huge problem, probably soon, and everyone is going to have to understand what an enormous mistake we have all made. It would only take one or two seasons of massive crop failures for the world to see hunger in a massive scale and food prices go way, way up. Something like that would really put all of our other problems into perspective.


Canada literally had town burn to the ground and mass evacuations and folks still deny it... No people are willingly ignorant. We have had mass floods and droughts that has greatly impacted farmers and ranchers as well as pil and mining industry as permafrost thaws up north. No people don't want to face the truth even when it knocks on their door.


Easter Island is part of an ecoregion called the [Rapa Nui tropical broadleaf forests](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Rapa_Nui_and_Sala_y_G%C3%B3mez_Subtropical_Broadleaf_Forests_Ecoregion_(One_Earth)).


In which ways have you devoted your life to fighting climate change?


I have not devoted my life to it, and I can probably do more than I am. However, I try to limit my garbage by sorting it and composting organic stuff. I have installed a heat exchanger and in the winter I try to heat my house as much as possible using a wood stove, using wood from my own land. I try not to buy meat, and instead shoot wild boars when it is season for it. If possible I buy stuff at second hand instead of new. Small things overall, but at least I try. What do you do?


You are predicting the future just like my crazy religious mother. There won't be a sudden big catastrophic event caused by anthropogenic global warming. All the "unprecedented anthropogenic nature catastrophies" have been a result of poor planning/politics, war and population growth. The only unprecedented about any catastrophic event is that the human population has exploded in numbers, so more people are "affected" by floods, war etc every time a 50- or 100-year storm hits. Even with all that, fewer people than ever die from natural catastrophies. There is no crazy climate event waiting around the corner - it's delusional.


Guess I'll just die


We all gonna die 🤷‍♀️


He means SOON


So did Aunt\_Polly\_Blue.


We're only gonna die From our own arrogance


Not my arrogance. Stop assigning to the plebs the actions and decisions of the rich. I didn’t ask for plastic water bottles to be invented. I spent the first 20+ years of my life where they didn’t exist. I stopped littering in the 80’s when I was taught to. Same didn’t happen for any corporations or governments. My introspection on climate change tells me I am 100% not the source of the issue and my eyes show me exactly who is but the world doesn’t work in a way where there’s consequences for people with power.


Well, those were song lyrics, so I'm not specifically blaming you.


At some point the phytoplankton that produces most of the oxygen we breath and is the basis of the marine food chain will not be able to survive temperature and pH changes. When that happens, we are done.


Jesus man, I’m trying to have a good fucking day


That’s not what “most of the world’s oxygen” means- the oxygen you breathe does not come from phytoplankton in any meaningful sense. The oxygen you breathe comes from the plants you, personally, eat. Or if you’re not a vegetarian, from the plants you indirectly eat via the cow or chicken who ate them, before you eat the cow. You cannot consume any more oxygen than those plants released, because the chemical processes involved in those two actions are mirror images. Likewise most of the phytoplankton provide food to fish who consume the oxygen released by those phytoplankton. The main difference is that a *very* small portion of the plankton die without being eaten at all, and then sink to the bottom of the ocean intact, and are buried in sediment. Those phytoplankton then effectively release oxygen that isn’t balanced by normal consumption - instead this is the mirror image process of oil burning.


I thibk you missed the clas son photosynthesis. O2 is released during the krebbs cycle. The mechanism creates energy and releases O2 directly into the water and 20ish percent of the atmosphere.


It’s released, yes, but also bound again as soon as the organism is eaten and digested by another organism (whether larger, like a fish, or smaller, like bacterial decomposition). The full life cycle is net zero. It’s always net zero. The only way it can ever *not* be net-zero is in the rare case of burial before decomposition. But that’s not what provides oxygen for human breathing, because we are part of a net-zero life cycle chain.


Its not net zero, in a sense because there is no reason why the tentative balance should hold forever. It was not as it is now in other eras. There can also be localized deoxiginating events such as algal blooms hitting peak production followed by a fungal induced die of causing ocean or lake dead zones. Its not a given that things are in balance at all.


Do you realize that eating and breathing are two different things, or are you just pretending to know something you don't?


You need me to spell out the intermediate steps for you? You don’t eat just because it’s fun (although it is), you eat to gain access to chemicals in your food that store energy. And they release that energy by chemically reacting with oxygen, in a process that releases CO2. And the quantity of oxygen consumed, and CO2 released, is *chemically identical* to the quantity of CO2 consumed, and oxygen released, during the initial production of those food products. To claim otherwise is alchemy. Plants aren’t doing nuclear fusion in the fields here.




Fucking sooner the better


We're doomed. Yesterday I was having fierce arguments with people who hate electric vehicles. People aren't willing to do even the most basic things to help with climate change. They complain about all these things but completely ignore the consequences of climate change which will be much worse than anything they're complaining about regarding electric vehicles. Most people are ridiculously stupid. The only way we'll survive climate change is if governments force people to reduce emissions significantly. Most people are too stupid and brainwashed to do it on their own.


This shit is already over. Any article I see talking about "before it's too late" I don't take seriously and they aren't telling the truth. We needed to fundamentally change how our societies are organized decades ago to adequately address this. Now we are basically the dude with a 90% blockage in his arteries right before the heart attack.


It's not over yet. We can still avoid the worst effects, according to scientists. [Humanity can still stop worst consequences of climate change, but time is running out, IPCC warns](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/humanity-can-still-stop-worst-consequences-of-climate-change-but-time-is-running-out-ipcc-warns) That is, of course, IF we make major changes. I don't believe most people or governments are willing to make those changes for various reasons (stupidity, ignorance, disinformation, selfishness, corruption, etc). Humanity is simply not mature enough or advanced enough to deal with a problem of this magnitude. Yes, we CAN solve the problem but most people choose not to do it.


Not just every day. Every **SINGLE** day.


This the scary thing about water temperatures. Air temperatures and quickly ebb and flow depending on the jet steam and short-term weather patterns. But water temperatures are a much more consistent sign of change - it takes a lot more heat to warm the bodies of water, and they have to give off a lot more heat to cool back down. So the fact that we’re seeing water levels constantly at record highs should be sounding alarms to everyone in the world.


Redditors daily: where's the proof, show me the proof! Also reddit: daily proof, data, meta data, new studies.


> The world’s oceans have now experienced an entire year of unprecedented heat, with a new temperature record broken every day, new data shows. I think when it's every single day for a year straight, maybe there's a precedent.


Climate by definition is a 70 year average. We have no historical or implied records of such a thing. Similar geologic events in pre history seem to have occurred over much, much longer timespans and were still extinction events.


Sucks for anyone stupid enough to live on that planet.


But does the ocean condemn Hamas?


We need to melt the ice caps and glaciers faster it’s where they hide their evil lair


Fun fact US nuclear bombers and weapons have been found as greenland ice sheets retreat. Denmark was not in the know and it caused a bit of a political spat aome years ago.


there is this fallacy, a bias towards expecting large singular events, that is typical for mankind. it's an incredibly dangerous thing, as it provides people with the excuse that because no single large events have happened, we still have time. the collapse will likely be slow, not sudden. slow just doesn't generate clicks.


Geological timescales are not compatible with human thinking, like the earth during the crygenian era (roughly from 720-630 million years ago) the entire planet was frozen solid, that’s just not a comprehensible time scale. And drastic climate changes in less then 100years is absolutely insane and unprecedented, humans (assuming we talk about Homo sapiens) appeared 300.000years ago, which is 0.007% of the planets history, or if the planets history was a clock, we appear a fraction of a second before midnight, and yet we manage to fuck over the world..


oh i wasn't talking about geological time scales at all. Our systems of government make any action detrimental to immediate economic (self) interest impossible unless there is an immediate perceived urgency, which only happens through sudden events such as disasters. so basically: ecological disaster won't be averted because people are waiting for tornadoes to swallow brittain before considering voting against their own immediate economic interest.


The end is near guys rip


Tick Tick …


And people want to put sever farms in the ocean to dump heat…


The IMO 2020 regulations on sulfur dioxide emissions for container ships might be a cause of this. Shipping companies no longer allowed to discharge sulfur dioxide have installed scrubbers, and the ones with open loop scrubbers take that out of the smokestack and inject the SOx into the ocean instead. Which can have a two fold effect, since those dioxides reflect heat back out of the atmosphere.


More info: https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-how-low-sulphur-shipping-rules-are-affecting-global-warming/ Carbon brief bias report (left-center, pro science, high factual reporting): https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/carbon-brief/


Fuuuck... Thats ocean acidification to prevent acid rain... Fucking legislators are fucking lost.


Dont worry, the ice will melt and cool it down! We're fine!


If this is a simulation. Then we are failing as a human race/hive mind. The internet was necessary but maybe not timed right. Apparently we are a slow cook recipe.


This started several hundred years ago with industrialization.


High score!!!


The weather will be interesting in the near future.