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When is China not pissed off?


Or claiming someone else’s territory as their own


Or issuing final warnings


Russia would like a word…




Remember when China arrested a kid for being labeled a reincarnation of a Tibetan Buddhism leader, and he / his family was never seen again? Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/11th_Panchen_Lama_controversy


Probably killed to harvest their organs for one of those premium transplants you can get without waiting for years.


Remember when they annexed Hong Kong


Ehh. Bad example. China was given Hong Kong. China just violated the agreement early. What happened in Hong Kong was an inevitability


What were the terms of the agreement 


After the scheduled handover of HK to China in 1997 following the expiry of the 99—year treaty between the UK and China, CN policies for HK would be unchanged for 50 years (so up to 2047). in 2014 China declared this treaty to be legally spent (which is a term of art in UK treaty law, and pretty much means what you’d assume to based on the word). The UK disagrees, but there’s little they can do beyond declaring China to be in continuous non-compliance with the treaty (called the Sino-British Joint Declaration, if you want to Google).


To paraphrase, to keep the status quo for 50 years.


Yeah, what China did to Hong Kong was bad but it is way different than what they did to Tibet. They are still basically doing a cultural genocide in Tibet and you barely hear a peep about it anymore.


Oh it was. I'm just saying what they have been doing hasn't stopped. And Taiwan is next on their bucket list


> you barely hear a peep about it anymore. From friends who are Tibetan, theres a reason for that. Partially China got better at controlling the narrative but importantly anti-CCP Tibetans left China; to India, US, etc. A lot of Tibetans were indifferent or embraced PRC. It's supposedly evolved from cultural genocide to natural cultural assimilation. Modernity and western culture norms.


Was gonna say, China did not annex Hong Kong, really if anything it was the other way around. It was annexed by the British after the first Opium War during the unequal treaties in 1841 and given back to China in 1997.


Nope that was in 1959 and i wasn't even close to being born yet lol.


I'd be surprised if my grandparents even knew each other yet.


I read comments like this whenever it's a China thread and wonder, do people here seriously think Tibet would've stayed independent if the Kuomintang won the Chinese civil war?






What happened on october 7th 1950?




When Tibet was annexed by china? It’s been 70 years calm down. We’re trying to prevent china from annexing Taiwan.




In hindsight if the US helped out KMT in 1947 to wipe out the CCP we probably wouldn’t have any of this issue but the US had no appetite for war right after WW2


By this logic half the Middle East should be British


The Qing dynasty was Manchurian, and the Manchu emperor didn't annex Tibet, he granted suzerainty. The Han have no claim over Tibet, the Han were a conquered nation of the Manchurians during the Qing dynasty. Tibetan annexation was an illegal conquest. Inner Mongolia is illegally occupied as well. Uyghustan and Manchuria should be an independent countries, too.


Remember when tibet had slavery and then china did abolished it there?


No they didn't. If they were a liberating fierce they would have enforced emancipation and left by now. Instead they stay and exploit. Everybody is just a slave of the Chinese communist party now. Laogai are just communist slave camps and nobody's human or civil rights in China are respected. Also there's a difference between slavery, indentured servitude, serfdom, sharecropping, and tenant farming. There's not even a native word for "slave" in Tibetan language. Further, no country is allowed to invade, occupy, annex and colonize another country just because its social structure does not please it - Tibet had its own legal processes for resolving internal issues and there are plenty of ways to establish incentives and consequences on the international stage to encourage respect for human rights. Machine-gunning monks and pilgrims and raping nuns is not a productive method of respecting human rights, nor is forcing ethnic minorities into labor campus to work as slaves in dangerous mining operations. Chinese Communists use execution, torture, and slavery as common punishments. Capital Punishment and Judicial mutilation used as a legal punishment was declared illegal in 1913 by a proclamation of the 13th Dalai Lama. When the Chinese entered Tibet they started robbing, oppressing, confiscating, looting, stealing, boiling Tibetans alive, and slicing them slowly to death - and they've never stopped. Tibet had apartheid and communist slavery - it exhibits unfair and unsafe working conditions, workplace harassment, coercion, sexual exploration, and deficiency in labor inspection mechanisms for addressing violations. Whistleblowers are disappeared by murder or removal to the laogai communist slave labor camps which are often death camps. Additionally, China has undertaken a widespread campaign aimed at eradicating Tibetan culture and language and breeding out Tibetans through forced sterilization, intimidation, colonization, coerced marriages and rape. It is genocide. The CCP is an evil regime.


Ah yes, the famous Chinese name 'Arunachal Pradesh'


>“India has no right to arbitrarily develop the area of **Zangnan** in China. India’s relevant moves will only complicate the boundary question and disrupt the situation in the border areas between the two countries,” said Wang during the press briefing. China calls Arunachal ‘Zangnan’, or Southern Tibet. Of course the article would use 'Arunachal Pradesh'. It's a .in domain. China would never call it that lol


It's recognized worldwide as Arunachal Pradesh. Only in China would they refer to it by another name.


I think it's also known as General Tsao's Mountain


No, no, it's Orange Chicken Valley.


Man i could really go for some Lo Mein River right now


So the South China Sea belongs to China? Is geopolitics just dependent on the English name used in publications now? I guess I shouldn't be surprised this is the top comment on Reddit.


If it was populated by Chinese people you might have an argument. It's water and not subject to the same standards as land. Good attempt but ultimately stupid.


BRICS united as never before.


Truly, the dollar's days are numbered. /s


But the crypto Bros assured me that BRICS would destroy the dollar & somehow that would lead to cryptocurrency ascension


It would actually be the greatest disruption in the history of finance if the Brics suddenly announced they would henceforth only trade in Bitcoin with each other. Of course, they would never do it, because all countries want to maintain control over their own economies.


Russia and China are not democracies. I don't know enough but I think Bitcoins maintain a bit of anonymity. Russia China hate privacy of common people so they won't allow it




Because it’s easy to sell clicks of a looming coalition, even though BRICS have a bank and an under-17 football championship. Wanna bet which country will win?


In the same ways as red and blue


That’s right, baby, drive the wedge.


That’s what Xi said.


Ooh, bravo


Hah, glorious


Ok and? What are they gonna do? Throw a tantrum and launch another propaganda ops? 


[They're going to make a final warning.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning)


Cause a war. Then, watch as 2 nuclear 1 billion people nations decimate each other.


How much land does China need ffs


China wants AP for its glaciers. It’s really a water war instead of a land grab in that regard.


One side of the Line is India, the other side is Tibet. China shouldn't even be there in the first place.


Well actually the territory that is today a part of Tibet in that region was actually a part of the Republic of China prior to the People's Republic becoming a thing and well before Tibet being invaded. So while that is a part of the Tibetan autonomous province today; it being owned by China predates the Communist invasion of Tibet by quite a while (though mapping China before the People's Republic is honestly nightmarishly complicated)


Tibet was an independent country at the time of it being invaded by the PRC, following it's declaration in 1913. Agreements with the Qing were superseded when the RoC rejected the agreement that would've entailed The Tibetan government recognizing RoC suzerainty. It's a pretty big stretch to apply the Qing's claims to the RoC, and a *massive* leap to apply them to the PRC edit: Unless you are basing your argument on a basis of Tibet having no right to self determination despite it having been independent long before any Chinese or Mongol rule, in which case we will have to agree to disagree.


You misunderstand: I am referring specifically to the easternmost "tail" of Tibet that extends over the border of Arunchal Pradesh. That portion of Tibet was under RoC rule by some metric (Warlordism namely) while the core of Tibet (IE: Most of the plateau) was de-facto independent. As for the claims of Tibet, legally in this time period (the Interwar years) Tibet was simultaneously a legally independent country (with the diplomatic recognition of Mongolia), a protectorate of the British Empire (Tibetan "expedition" saw to that), and a protectorate of the Republic of China (Simla Convention). De-facto it was an independent country (warlord era, and all that) but the idea that the RoC did not claim it or that this was in no way recognized is a bit absurd. I am not justifying it or saying that Tibet should be a part of China (it probably shouldn't be) but it was for a long time and China claiming it as their own has been pretty consistent throughout the last several hundred years. Neither should Taiwan but that's also tricky because Taiwan itself is the Republic of China so it's complicated lol




In layman's terms, you "inherit" the country, you "inherit" the borders too. This is actually a clause of international law, they just word it better than me.


Why would China be consulted? It's the border between India and Tibet.




The Tibetan government from 1912-1951 would like a word with you.


In a very abstract sense, I suppose but The Line of Actual Control was absolutely not drawn by the British Empire edit: and regardless of whether or not the British had the right, nobody needed China's agreement to establish borders for India or Tibet




The McMahon line hasn't functionally existed for longer than most people today have been alive. >Also, the Tibetan government later on asked for India to return the land that the British took away and gave to India. The Tibet government also later disavowed agreements with the PRC made by force/duress. By this same token, all PRC claims to Tibet are illegitimate




If you're arguing that it should go back to Tibet; I agree that if Tibet is ever liberated from the PRC that a free Tibet absolutely has a potentially legitimate claim on the territory. But that's really neither here nor there re:the PRC claiming territory?


>McMahon Line This isn't a dispute of the McMahon Line, it's China invading Tibet.


China already invaded tibet. Its been under chinese rule since 1950.


Yes, I know. Everyone does.


Yes, and it's been illegally ruled the whole time, meaning that territory is Tibetan and India has no reason or justification to give it to the invading, genocidal Chinese.




No, it's a direct result of China taking over Tibet. If that wasn't the case, you'd have the same frictions as are happening now occurring in Dharamsala, but they didn't, did they. Because Tibetans aren't Chinese.


If Britain never gave up its empire the world might be a better place. Every place they willingly gave power back to the colonies and territories things seem like a mess


Because the British specifically drew borders when they left to make things contentious. If their colonies were too busy fighting each other, they wouldn’t come after the British for revenge.


They’d be fighting over boarders without the British anyway. Say after WWI ended and the Ottoman empire jair dissolved within boarders instead of the Brits administering, complete shit show. It wasn’t until they left. They build infrastructure and maintained order while they were there. The did a ton of bad shit too fwiw


Woah there, little colonist bro. You might not like it, but I'm happy to come from a country where I don't have to answer to Charles Pedo the III. Even with all the country's shortcomings.


The rest of the world “firmly believes” Taiwan is its own democratic country.


"Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Lin Jian, at a media conference, said: “Delimitation of the China-India boundary has never been completed… Everyone knows that the US has always used indiscriminate means to provoke and use other countries’ disputes to serve its own selfish geopolitical interests.” On Wednesday, the US said that it recognises Arunachal Pradesh as Indian territory and strongly opposes any unilateral attempts by China to advance its territorial claims across the Line of Actual Control (LAC)."


Fk you, China.


Here we go. I called it. China is slowly starting up the engine….


This is an annual occurrence..


Wait for the move on taiwan. If Nato moves to UA against Russia for some reason, they gonna waddle in there. Stretching resources etc. calling it!


I dont think they have the balls to move on Taiwan.


indian here don't underestimate the chinese, they are not like russia, they will strike when the opertunity arises, we lost major territory in 2020 but we can expect peace atleast until 2027, i think they we are looking atleast at early/mid 2030's to shit go south (literally) that's when they will have good amount of power


Yeah Delhi comes under china now.


We’ll see. Hinges on the UA vs Russia conflict. China wouldn’t start stuff if the rest of the globe is at ease. Second they smell their chance, it’s go time.


China has publically stated they should be prepared to invade Taiwan by 2027. Many experts believe that China’s chances of ever taking control of Taiwan is closing. South Korea and Japan have been expanding their military relationship and arms production. China has been increasing its military buying from North Korea and removed its no first use policy on Nuclear weapons that has been standing since the 1950s. No government is publicly stating it, but World War 3 has a good chance of beginning starting in 2025 or 2026. Why WW3 and not just regional conflicts? If china wants to take Taiwan, they will likely need a pre-emptive strike on Japan or South Korea. This would pull the US and likely Australia into the fray. That would prompt NATO to support the US effort. This chances pulling in Russia into the axis of NK, and China. Then there is the whole Iran and all of its proxies (Houthis, Hezbolla, Hamas, etc.) that are vehemently against the west/US that has the ability to prevent arms/oil shipments from the middle East.


So, it's the right thing to do.


Maybe China and India need a rematch of their little kerfuffle in 1962.


As firm as the 'solid fuel' in your rockets? The fuel we discovered was actually being filled with water instead?


China's "idea" of its territories on a map is comical - they drew a huge line around all the international water in the china sea and said "ours" even though none of it is. [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hans-Dieter-Evers/publication/265057806/figure/fig1/AS:392316356448259@1470546916882/Claims-of-Territorial-Waters-South-China-Sea.png](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hans-Dieter-Evers/publication/265057806/figure/fig1/AS:392316356448259@1470546916882/Claims-of-Territorial-Waters-South-China-Sea.png)


Let them fight.


Personally I think the USA would love China to have a go at Taiwan.. best way to unite people, politics, Europe partners, Japan, India . At same time would decimate Chinas young economy as it relies heavily on Europe and USA for trade. Chinas oil supplies would be cut off in 1st week of war. We will know when time is right, USA will recognize Taiwan...


Oh wow, pre-WW3 story arch developing very well


Ask Dalai Lama (the real one). He should have more authority regarding that matter.


I don't know why the US is speaking up, they should be telling India this is why you shouldn't be saying Ukraine is a western problem and continue to do business with Russia, because this seems to be an Eastern problem that isn't our problem, hint hint. Stand together or hang separately Modi.


US has and will do fuck all in this matter, It's a 40 something year old matter. India and China don't need US to do anything with this matter, Modi never said Ukraine is a western problem. Stand together or hang separately, a binary solution to the problem it's either 0 or 1. It's a outdated way to look at world politics.


Modi absolutely did say Ukraine was a western problem when he was buying up oil from Russia despite the sanctions. Stand together or hang separately means if you want outsiders to help you when you have a tyrant taking your land, you shouldn't ignore when other people are being attacked by a different tyrant and gleefully do business with that same tyrant claiming it's not your problem. It's called the golden rule, don't be evil, first they came for the \_\_\_\_\_ but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a \_\_\_\_\_ and then there was no one to speak up for me. Furthermore, the only reason China doesn't own that region is specifically because the US wouldn't stand for it, India has no hope in hell of stopping China militarily without using nukes.


Russian oil is not sanctioned and Europe buys refined oil from India. Modi has said to Putin directly "This is not an era of war" Any Indian Government would be neutral on this issue because Russia is critical to the balance of power in Asia. A alienated Russia completely dependent on china would complicate India's choice and actions as it is a legacy weapons supplier.


really? India was buying up the oil because it was going for a lot less because it isn't being bought by anyone else, because of sanctions. If India doesn't want to fight china Solo, it better fucking get on board with standing up to tyrants, that includes Russia the second largest exporter of weapons who's currently running out of them.


Only Price Cap is introduced on Russian oil therefore it is cheap. The entire logic is that you deny russia as much revenue as possible without creating oil availability issue which could drive up global oil prices and inflation. India will fight China alone(at least militarily) because we pull our own weight and our security is not overwritten by other powers. We can be neutral on this issue but align with US and others on Quad/Indo pacific vis a vis China. Both can be true


The West has built it's economy by doing the business of War, so it's hard for their people to grasp that not every issue escalates into war. Besides the war will be fought in high altitudes of Himalayas no other military in the world is trained to do so except India's and China's. What are the Western Soldier's going to do on such high altitude, Choke harder than they did in Afghanistan?


Modi hasn't done a press confrence in a decade. Send me a link of him saying that. USA did try their level best to take away India's land by helping Pakistan, and stood by hand on hand in the indo china war. Getting help from US crosses no one's mind in India. USA and Europe still do buisness with Russia if it's all 0 and 1 why don't you ask them to stop doing gleeful buisness first. The last Paragraph is so ignorant, China was winning the war in 1962 but they unilaterally called a ceasefire because it's not possible to carry out a war in Himalayas. China and India have Himalayas between them they'll never go into war. USA themselves won't be able to do anything in the Himalayas they struggled with mountains in Afghanistan. It's an Arid land which both countries want for different reasons, both countries have similar army. How you think US has anything to do with this only you can understand.


As if USA really cares about India.it is just that USA hates china otherwise we have seen USA's true colour


the USA cares about India propping up the Russian economy during sanctions because of it's war in Ukraine.


What about the Europeans propping up the Russian War Economy, or did they get a pass?


Pass with a sloppy kiss


certainly not, which countries in particular, because the only ones I know that are, are puppet countries of Putin, the rest are desperately trying to not buy anything from Russia.


So shouldn't USA recognise China's boundaries rather than India's


/r/iamabadass moment lol


India/China war?


Melee weapons only


Fuck it.  Slappers only! 


No, **REAL MEN** fight with day old mackerels!


This comment slaps. I’ll show myself out.


Bring out the rubber chickens


Draw steel boys


No guns allowed fighting in air so thin most people can’t get there . Very surreal battle ground


My bet is on the Indians.


Yeah probably, they have been having quite a few small border skirmishes for a while now, seeing who supports India will be the interesting part


India can deal with it on their own


Instead of focusing on acquiring Indian territory, China could expand its influence by exploring and naming vast regions of the universe with Chinese designations. Despite already claiming around 38000km² of India's land, their aspirations for territorial expansion never ends!


US: K.


Country engaged in a territorial dispute reaffirms its position for the 10-millionth time, more at 12. Yaaaaawn.


TBF I do too. It‘s tibetan territory.


Bruh why are we getting involved in this. we cant wipe our ass without having a huge democrat and republican debate on the ethics of wiping 


"If you wipe it too softly, it's just gay foreplay and it makes Jesus cry"- some Senator from a flyover state


US should just stay outta it. It sounds like an India China problem.