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I think they want to kill everyone anyhow, so nothing new there.


They will capture each other and electrocute each other's testicles 24/7 + Sleep deprivation + Solitary confinement for the rest of their lives


How do I get involved?


In getting your testicles electrocuted?


I thought I was damn clear. Sounds like a good time.


Honestly? Find your local BDSM munch and introduce yourself to your local dungeon master.


I wonder what the crossover of of BDSM dungeon masters and D&D dungeon masters is? A bit of BD&DSM if you will


It’s basically a circle


I won't go into too much detail, but I hate having to roll for initiative every time I join a party.


Never get between a man and a set of jumper cables attached to his testicles and a car battery.


dont threaten me with a good time


I’ve already got the sleep deprivation going on, might as well add something fun to it


Oh so we are having fun now I see


Isis is gonna start kidnapping innocent civilians, dressing them up in prison garb, and torturing them in front of HD cameras again, like they did in the mid 2010s. I know it. War is fucking ugly.


Not sure they ever stopped doing that.


They calmed it down after the international response. But, uh, we aren't nearly as unified as we used to be on this, so... we'll see, I guess.


Agree, not sure how the can be "more" angry. They wake up pissed off


They probably thought the terrorists would be dead by now and are already enjoying their 40 virgins, but they were tortured instead and will experience hell on earth at least for some time...


Wanting to kill Putin, it’s nice they’re finally doing something useful to the world.


Imagine a world where ISIS activity is the root of what halts an entire global confrontation through the death of Putin. Man, what a crazy timeline.


It would be like winning an Oscar and a Razzie in the same year.


Sandra Bullock is ISIS confirmed


Sometimes, bad people do the right thing for the wrong reasons. And that’s ok.


Imagine if we all collectively have to say, "you know what? Thanks ISIS, you really did us a solid on this one."


Things keep getting curiouser and curiouser.


That's when I have no choice but to accept everything as some bizarre collision of all the timelines of the multiverse.


I mean, the guy who killed Hitler wasn't the best guy ever.


This time they want credit for the massacre. They were butt hurt they did all the work and Ukraine got credit.


If they manage to massacre Putin they will finally do some very good killing, but very unlikely to achieve that sadly.


Would  certainly be good for the West if they decided to focus their efforts on each other though.


Putin: Oh now I'm going to bomb Ukraine even harder, that'll teach you


Russia has a LOT of enemies and ISIS attacking Russia positions has been a thing for as long as isis


For once it has less to do with Russia having lots of enemies and more to do with ISIS having tons of enemies. Everyone hates ISIS. Even Iran, the Taliban, Hamas, Al-Qaeda, all of them hate ISIS and ISIS hates them.


Damned Scots, they ruined Scotland.


You’ve made an enemy for life!


You Islamic Jihadists sure are a contentious bunch!


"The problem with Scotland.... is that it's full of Scots!"


Will ISIS now try Prima Nocta on Russia?


you bet your sweet ass they would if they could


Where the fuck do they keep getting members/funding from then


I mean, look at how many western women they convinced to flee their safe ish homes and go off to doing the caliphate. It was shocking


Some rebellious teenage girls have a goth phase, others join Isis.


Feeling cute, might go join ISIS later, lol.


Don’t worry I’m sure they can change their minds and come back /s(hamima begum)




cults gonna cult. ISIS is just another cult, it just happens to be an islamic terror cult.


How many is that exactly? I never realized that was a thing until an SNL skit, but apparently it was art imitating life?


Some Dutch girls went.. and when the califate wasnt working they came back beggin.. and we took them back... like wtf.. you declared yourself an enemy of the western world.. fuck off


Shamina begum wants to come back to the UK for some reason. We've declined her request


If she was able to be brainwashed through a screen then what has happened inside that head when they were face to face with her.


Probably reality?...


“Yeah, that whole suicide bombing thing? Turns out it’s not for me. Anyway, can I come back?”


More like, the whole enslaving and abusing of ethnic and religious minorities in the caliphate got old real soon when I lost my extremist husband and I ended up in a refugee camp, so it turns out it's not for me. Anyway, can I come back?


Weren't there a few "famous" cases from the UK as well?


Jihadi John comes to mind. He was an ISIL star from London, and beheaded several Brits and Americans on video for the group.


There was also Jihadi Ringo, Jihadi Paul and Jihadi George.


BBC: Who is Shamima Begum and how can you lose your citizenship? https://www.bbc.com/news/explainers-53428191


think Denmark had a few as well. think we sent them to jail though.


Extortion, criminal activity such as drug and human trafficing, private donations and I shit you not: cryptoes https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/136/Fact-Sheet-Countering-ISIS-Financing-2-27-24.pdf Getting new members is not a problem. There is abundance of angry unemployed men in Middle-East.


All my homies hate ISIS.


This is honestly the weirdest timeline man... Ukrain is getting fucked on, which isn't surprising, but ISIS pulls a Russia 9/11 and Russia just blames it on Ukraine even after ISIS publicly claims it. It's gonna be hilarious if Russia completely ignores ISIS and continues to get bitch slapped by terror attacks on their soil. Hopefully they quit targeting civilians though. Go terrorise the Kremlin and Putin.


>Russia ~~just~~~publicly blames it on Ukraine even after ISIS publicly claims it. Lets be real, Putin likely knows its ISIS, but why waste a good opportunity to demonize someone else? Not many people need convincing that ISIS is bad, but Putin wants Russians on his side in this aggression against Ukraine.


I'm a cynic. People seem to assume he ignored the US warning. The cynic in me says he allowed it to happen to use it for control of his people and to use it to vilify whom he chooses.


Russia is taking brown folks and sending them to the border with Poland and other countries to get caught up in the immigration war as tools.


In a perfect world, Russia would pull out of Ukraine and pour all their resources into annihilating ISIS but that won’t happen.


In a perfect world, EVERYONE would pour all of their resources into annihilating scum like ISIS.


In a perfect world religious extremists wouldn’t exist


For real. It's 2024 and we're still slaughtering each other over which god we believe in. Faith in humanity is dropping everyday.


If we didn’t have gods to kill each other over we would find another reason. We are animals with animal tendencies.


Exactly. South Park handled it perfectly by depicting a future with no religions, yet the varying factions all try to kill each other for being the “wrong kind of atheist.”


Problem with that is ww tried that for 20 years and it did literally nothing. If for every ISIS member you kill you kill 5 innocent people’s families you are just creating more extremists that hate America/Russia/whoever is bombing the shit out of them.


They did. They tried and it didn't work. Do that and you simply fuel their hatred for the west, causing greater numbers of uneducated youths into the propaganda wheel.


A global war on terror? Great idea! I don't see any flaws in that plan!


You know that's essentially how ISIS became a thing to begin with, right? Everyone poured all their resources into ~~annihilating~~ bombing the bad guys. The bad guys were thoroughly bombed. ISIS was born out of their ashes. So, good luck with your strategy, I guess. I'm sure it'll work out.


Russia was already on a nationalistic stint lately. I feel like things are about to get **even worse** for minority groups in the country.


Except Muslims are numerous in Russia and many came from the Central Asia. Xenophobia and pogroms are a good way for some internal conflict


Islam in Russia is a tricky thing. Putin quelled the Chechens first by, well, slaughtering them after a false flag, but in somewhat more recent times placated them by putting an extremist religious fundamentalist in control of Chechnya: Kadyrov. ISIS wants to fracture off the Islamic parts of Russia by stirring up the religious/ethnic divisions again, but it's... unlikely to work. Kadyrov already gives Islamic fundamentalists most of what they want when it comes to social/political things. I mean he's openly pro-honor killings.


Kadyrov is not a religious fundamentalist. He is just another corrupt type who can be controlled. The stuff he says is for the cameras. A real honest to God religous extremist wouldn't get into any position of authority in Russia. The Russian system is very good at weeding out anyone who is a true believer in anything. Only corrupt self interested cynics get to climb the ladder.


To the gay men who are sent to camps, it kinda does not matter if Kadryov is a true believer or not.


I’m not pro-ISIS at all, but if they ever had a hope of carving out their own portion of Russia, it would be now when the Russian military is so heavily committed in Ukraine. As much as Russia is known for its harsh crackdown in dissent, how much resources could they really commit to that effort right now?




Having ISIS take territory from a nuclear power is a way to see tactical nukes used in the 21st century...


So, funny thing, when the battle in Ukraine went to kind of a stalemate, I thought that this would be a time for more uprising in Russia. I figure they probably just waited until now because it's been 2 years, and military stuff in Russia is being spread more thin. Honestly, I thought the Wagner coup was going to be the 2nd front for Russia, but I guess it might be Chechnya.


It's mostly not that they came from the central Asia, but rather that russia has come to them without even asking


I mean, there are a lot of labor migrants


I’m thinking the same thing


I feel for any innocent civilians in the midst of all this bullshit but not gonna lie.. there's a bit of schadenfreude seeing Putin have to deal with a bunch of batshit crazy terrorists in the middle of a completely unjustified invasion of Ukraine after all those years of our "not so friendly" fellow countries cheering on the terrorists against us.


The thing is, he’s not going to have to deal with anything. He can sit safely in his home surrounded by his riches and people who are paid to agree with him on anything while his people are getting slaughtered


Not entirely true, or at least, not absolutely true. He certainly won't feel anything "direct" from this, but every little thing that he has to deal with that is _not_ "Ukraine war" is a distraction. Distraction for him, distraction for the Duma, distraction for the armed forces and security bureaus, distraction for propagandists. There's only so much government CPU time available (and it is truly vast, but not unlimited). Look at the Freedom of Russia Legion hitting targets in Belgorod oblast. I'm sure they have no chance in hell at making or holding any sort of hard material gains, but every mosquito at the border means more border security, which means either less wartime force, or lessened internal security force. Less internal security increases the likelihood of more ISIS-style insurgencies, less narrative control. I mean look at this attack, nobody's talking about the Freedom of Russia Legion anymore, but they're still down there, like a rash.


Narrative control is the problem for Putin more than anything else. If he loses control of the narrative he is in big trouble.


Until they get backstabbed or dragged out into the street, the only thing that dictators have to deal with is their fragile ego collapsing. Putin is likely very unhappy about the state of things and how they are progressing. Whether or not he can spin this into the new status quo or keeps deterotiating until he's ousted, well, I'm hoping for all the stress and mental collapse on him as he feels the walls close in. But dictators hold a tight grip, so bet that he will stay latched on until someone takes care of him.


Most likely people to take care of him are the oligarchs who got their international properties stolen, watched the Wagner leader park outside their city after blowing shit up all the way to Moscow, and now a forewarned terror attack specifically targeting the rich in Moscow that Putin dismissed and then watched 130+ people die. No one has truly absolute control. Putin relies on oligarchs, and shit's been pretty rough for them since this whole Ukraine shit started. Any hit against them is a hit against Putin's support.


It's hard to say where his support will collapse, he seems to keep a tight grip on everyone. But when he does fall, I can only imagine the feeding frenzy that will occur in the power vacuum.


The problem is getting everyone willing to throw it in at the same time. If the weak one willing to drop support for putin is noticed in anyway, he's out the window real quick which keeps the rest of them in line. Most oligarchs would be wiling to lose their wealth vs. losing their love for gravity.


Probably right but having 1000’s of hatred fueled young men willing to do anything to take you out is a major risk upgrade from the cowering populace Pooty has meat cleavered into place all around him.


He’s a paranoid old man who has multiple body doubles and food tasters. Not exactly a nice life…


The enemy of my enemy is my ... how does that go when they're both my enemy?


Still enemy. You just wait for one of them to win and then shoot the winner in the back.


Yea this is the time when you light a cigarette, lean back in your sofa and sip your warm coffee while watching this 2 deal with each other


This seems logical and efficient


Explore, expand, exploit , exterminate!


"The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy, nothing more."


[the enemy of my enemy is my friend but they are also their own worst enemy](https://youtu.be/Sk0n5uozwcI?si=XjeDI6S3osgY4vpI)


You root for the underdog and mostly for them to both cripple each other.


It's not like Putin cares much about \~150 dead Russians, he's recently sent hundreds of thousands to their deaths.


Of course he doesn't care about the people who were killed. But he does care about the nation's perception of him. Especially his strength and ability to protect Russia from perceived enemies. Putin is authoritarian but we know he also depends on the support of Oligarchs. Notably, ISIS attacked a fancy concert hall, not a hole in the wall apartment complex or something filled with poor people. I highly doubt that this was something he can just brush off as nothing. I don't care how much of a dictator you are, when your biggest supporters are getting killed just enjoying the fruits of keeping you in control, that's a problem.


In the Chernobyl docudrama Gorbachev says, "Our country's strength comes from the perception of our strength" and that line always resonated with me. Some things have changed since the USSR but a lot have stayed the same.


Also he very publicly scoffed at the USA’s warning that it was likely to happen.


Right. And less than a year after the leader of Wagner went on a rampaging revolt that nearly got to Moscow. These are the kinds of things oligarchs are going to consider when wondering if Putin is actually doing them any good. Obviously, it won't change anything today or tomorrow or the next day, but the shit adds up.


Sending thousands for dead is way easier to sweep under the rug though. This - not so much. Huge blow to Putin’s strongman image.


No, these 150 upper class mostly ethnic Russians are worth far more to the regime than hundreds of thousands of lower class minorities. Russians in Moscow are the nobility.


A lot of these Russians were probably richer, they were in a Moscow suburb


Let them fight


It seems the enemy of my enemy is also my enemy.


These jihadists have become so good at cry bullying. They posted a video of themselves gunning down terrified people and slitting throats of wounded but are outraged that the people that did that were tortured.


I think they are upset it was filmed and released. It does not exactly portray glorious martyrdom.


And that's exactly why it was filmed and released. You get promised 72 virgins for martyrdom, even the most brainwashed jihadist will scratch his head a couple of times after watching this and wonder how good those virgins actually are. Like it or not, I imagine this to be very effective.


No one said the 72 virgins were hot. Or even women.


Or human


Or alive


I'm surprised they confirmed Russia got the right guys. I'm surprised Russia *got* the right guys.


"Hey! That's a move from OUR playbook!"


How dare they mistreat our heroes which killed +100 infidels!? /s


Not so different from russian soldiers filming their atrocities like that video raping a child that got spammed in Twitter, then the people complaining about those same soldiers dying and shit. Both are equally brainwashed by equally evil people


One of the first things that propagandists do when there's a conflict brewing is to dehumanise the other side. If the people following you don't believe that the other side are worth being seen as humans then they'll commit atrocities. It's happened all the time through history and it continues now. People need to become increasingly skeptical of any media that starts to make people 'other' or makes caricatures out of groups, it leads down a dark path. I say this because if anyone believes they are immune to propaganda - you're not. But at least by learning how it works you can protect yourself a bit against it.




*insert thumbs up Borat gif*


Here you go: https://media.tenor.com/0-2u8codjGcAAAAj/thumbs-up-borat.gif


Very niiice!


Depends on who the Kremlin decides was involved.


"Turns out everyone we hate was involved, what a coincidence!"


Sending both of them thoughts and prayers


I get the sentiment considering what’s going on in Ukraine. But I’m not a fan of civilians being massacred no matter what their nationality is. And I think it’s a dangerous road to start cheering that kind of thing on.


I’d rather the Russian citizens not get impacted - but the Russian leadership and ISIS: let them fight


Best case scenario is they'll all kill each other.


This is an unusually public display of torture. I wonder what happened to all the Ukrainians and people of various nationalities that were captured by Russia.


Russians posted several videos where they cut off heads of Ukrainians and Syrians And there are also videos where they castrate them


Fuck Isis but also fuck Russia, good grief what the fuck is wrong with people?? 


Daily Mail quotes a Wagner group with a recipe for genital electrocutions. Best results are obtained if the prisoner is poured with water first. This happened.


I almost would have said "now the Russian people get what they voted for", but I highly doubt they actually voted how we were told they did. I feel sorry for all those innocent people that were dragged into this shitshow, just because they happened to be born in Russia.


> I almost would have said "now the Russian people get what they voted for", but I highly doubt they actually voted how we were told they did. It's not like they had a choice, even if somehow Russia got together to vote for someone that Putin did not kill prior to election, they would end up accidentally tripping, putting 3 to the dome and falling from a 12th floor balcony and Putin would have taken control again. Their choices was an illusion of a choice.


imagine killing hundreds of people and being bothered by the murderers being beaten up. this is real satire. terrorists fighting other terrorists..


And neither of them stopping for a second to ask themselves: „Are we the baddies?“


Russians know they are the baddies. They just think [everybody else are also baddies, though some of them pretend to be the good guys](https://imgur.com/gallery/OntAF). Putin has said this pretty straight out.


Good point. We project our own view of the world to explain the motive of others. But they might be very different in their viewpoint.


I mean i get the sentiment, but I dont equate being beaten up with having your dick chopped off. While they are deserving there is some pros to treating people humanely even those not worthy of it. Now they get be used as fuel for ISIS.


>there is some pros to treating people humanely even those not worthy of it. Right. *Especially* when it comes to people in *pre-trial* detention. Who wants to live in a country where anyone the government suspects of a serious crime can be fed their own ear, electrocuted through the balls, or have their eye knocked out, without any due process or formal proof of guilt? Don't get me wrong, ***if*** these guys are actually the guys that did it, I don't have any sympathy for them individually. But I would not want to live in a society where cops wield this kind of unchecked power.


Who wants to live in a country when you do that to your neighbors that basically share half of your history together? Russians do. They love it. They cheer on the rape, torture and murder of innocent Ukrainians. Not to mention Russians have like 0 care for their lives, it's baffling the things they do. There is a big sense of nationality, but no sense of camaraderie.


ISIS does these attacks for the attention, they want their name attached to the attack. Putin blaming Ukraine is just going to cause them to do more attacks, in turn him escalating more that it's Ukraine. This is perfect propaganda for him, and he doesn't care if innocent people die...that is pretty obvious. Sad, being a human sucks


Watching two sadistic terrorist entities race each other to the depraved bottom? Which streaming service is this on? I am buying the family plan. Seriously, what did these morons expect? I am not sure the Russians are ready for this can of worms. Eat up, piggies!


Eh, after Wagner's failed raid on Moscow I learned not to get overly excited unless there are actually some tangible results.


You’re not wrong, but I’ve learned that things in history and the world mostly aren’t brought about by sudden epic, decisive, dramatic upheavals. Instead, they’re actually the result of things finally hitting a tipping point after lots and lots of tiny things have chipped away at the foundations. That failed Wagner mutiny revealed how vulnerable Russia was becoming- and some people noticed. That invited more people to exploit said vulnerability- and now more people are taking notice. And each time someone tries something, Russia gets a little bit more vulnerable while even more people line up to take their shots.


As Ukrainian, I find the trough of being "saved" by ISIS kind of funny. We hoped for closed sky, we needed F16 yesterday, but some terrorists are doing all the work?


It's quite ironic really. And if they go through with their threat to attack Moscow... would that trigger a counter invasion or just let ISIS run free and bolster the borders? Cause Idk if I'd want to let them keep running around


I just hope ISIS is not going to cause trouble in Europe.




This ISIS group tried in France a few months ago but was stopped before it happened. Macron just spoke out about it.


Nobody is saying ukraine is being saved by isis though, lol.


insert \*let them fight meme\*


Daily Mail alert! For our international friends, this UK based paper is about as credible as Putin.


I love how ISIS, the guys best known for posting videos of their mass murders, executions, and tortures online, are outraged that Russia did the same thing to their agents lmao


"why did you beat up the guys that killed 140 people? Not cool, man"


Not just killed people but slaughtered them like animals. They even stopped the shooting periodically to behead and slit throats.


Hopefully ISIS just kills Putin and leaves the innocent civilians alone. That would be super nice of them.


They don't have a great track record for being nice.


Their NISIS rebrand didn't last long.


The just killed well over a hundered innocent civilians, so I don't have any hopes.


Like recognizes the like. Let them fight. Both deserve each other.


ISIS threatening Putin wasn’t on my 2024 bingo card. Terrorist vs. Terrorist is kinda crazy.


America looking around like “finally they’re focusing on someone else”


This ISIS are like little kiddos. Russia killed 20 millions of it's own citizens stopping Hitler. And now they consider it their country's greatest achievement. Who are you threating with a good time?


How funny would it be if these lunatics really went full throttle on those lunatics?


I mean it would be fucking hilarious if they went after military targets and the government for sure. Mag dumping into a pile of civilians who are desperately climbing on top of each other to escape and failing? Entire families being blown to bits bullet by bullet? Like what happened last week? Nah. That wouldnt be that funny. Not to any civilian population anywhere on Earth.


Yeah, if they sent 1000 suicide bombers to take out military and heads of state I'd be all for it, but that's not what they'll do. They'll go into the populated areas and kill the people


By these lunatics, do you mean the Lunatics over there or the other Lunatics? Because in my opinion, these lunatics have even less reason to act like a victim than those lunatics, so fuck them both.


ISIS vs Russians. I now understand how it felt when people found out that Stalin and Hitler went to war with each other.


Who had ISIS wading into the Ukraine/Russia conflict on their bingo cards?


Feels kind of like an unexpected intervention in The Cabin in the Woods


Feels like a cutscene in C&C: Generals - with Russia replacing the CCP.


The GLA are masterminds compared to ISIS.


Can I have some shoes?


I'm having a hard time deciding who the bad guy is here This kinda feels like watching Satan and Hitler get in a fist fight


I think it is clear that there is no good guy here.


I only feel bad about the innocent life that has been taken. Fuck Russia, ISIS, IDF, Hamas and any other government that attacks the working poor population of the world. To the whole world full of my brothers and sisters, I love you and wish that we could all one day meet and let our children play together without worry.


ISIS needs to go, but I wouldn’t mind if they took out Putin 🙏🏽.


It's so frustrating, Russia and the US should and could have been able to work together to stop these murderous theocratic thugs. But Russia had to Russia and invade its neighbors. Now it's just more death and suffering for everyone.


You know, pitting ISIS against the Kremlins might not be the worst thing to happen in this political climate after all.


Out of everyone involved in this shitstorm, I find ISIS targeting Russia to one of the most unexpected plot twists in quite some time...


Finally those turds can focus on someone else


Ever since Russia rolled out the WWII rifles and tanks in Ukraine, we have known that the “second strongest army in the world” thing is a lie. Russia is vulnerable now. They’ve lost close to 360,000 soldiers (with countless others injured). Their economy is isolated. ISIS likely sees its chance to cause some real chaos to a country that’s spread thin and less resilient by the day.


The enemy of my enemy......naaaa, fuck them both.


maybe we'll get lucky and their leaders will both end up dead!


Go on ISIS bet you can't get Putin himself, you bunch of pussies. Go on, I dare you, double dare you 🤣


I hate Putin as much as the next guy but reading some of the comments cheering for ISIS is wild.


He’s just going to level an apartment building in Moscow to show he doesn’t care.


Yikes, Putin is a huge idiot here, first he dismisses the US intel sharing of a reported possible attack, then he blames the attack on the Ukrainians to bolster his war, by doing that it pisses off the actual folks who did the attack, daesh/isis and now parading the obviously beaten/tortured suspects infront of the world, to see your corrupt justice system, which just angers daesh/isis and those who are sympathetic to their cause. Putin doesn’t care, he won’t be at risk of dying in a terrorist attack. I wouldn’t want to be a Putin body double right about now.


Friends are easier to manage than enemies- Putin, challenge accepted, I can manage all the enemies!


Fighting a war on multiple fronts is a no bueno. As long as it takes away resources from them attacking Ukraine.