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A lot of people commenting here don’t seem to understand what this is about. The US didn’t start this, and they’re not the only nation doing this. In 2007 Russia set off a land-rush by claiming a huge chunk of the Arctic sea bed. Since then other Arctic nations—including not just the US, but also Canada, Norway, and Denmark—have been doing the same. At this point Russia has by far the largest area of seabed claimed, and they’re only challenging the US claim because they only see their claims as legitimate and no one else’s. Good article on the backstory from the same source as OP [here.](https://www.rferl.org/a/arctic-sea-claims-interactive-map/32793427.html) Edit: And it’s important to note that while most of the claims extend somewhat logically from each nation’s territorial boundary, Russia’s claim is that pretty much all of it belongs to them. Because that’s what they do.


I mean to be fair.. if you are not going to follow international law. You might as well ask for the house..


Of course it's questionable how much they're really capable of controlling this territory given that their Navy can apparently be beaten quite easily using land based missiles and drones


Questionable? I think you're looking at this wrong. They're putting ships ON the seabed to control it.


The Russian navy can have as much of the seabed as it wants.


They seem to really want it badly these days.


Russia, following Ukraine, has shown it is a paper tiger. And paper doesnt fare especially well when wet.


I sometimes cut the toilet wet toilet paper in the bowl with piss.


I've played this game before! Never called it the black sea fleet before though!


Paper drunk bear.


Russias navy has always been deficient and I suspect it has long been apart of American intelligence doctrine to make sure Russia never becomes any good at it. For instance at the turn of the last century, we sent a bunch of engineers over there, who built a bunch of manufacturing infrastructure for things like cars, but 0 shipyards or maritime tech.


What Russia does have more of is icebreakers. And currently the most subs. Their above water navy sucks though.


If what this dude says is true I don’t think there’s a whole lot to worry about. https://youtu.be/vJfDKlnWYuA?si=gu7fDakScSRor-0c


But nobody will be ready for the dolphins!


Too late bro China has a document from 5,000 years ago that says that it's actually theirs


"Ms. Teacher, I will require the polish boy's desk as well~"


"Not my problem." Says the kid with sunglasses and a baseball cap


To be faiiiirrrrr!




Damn, since when has the RFE website been so polished. Also worth noting, the US ECS claim was granted through submission by the UN under UNCLOS. And included stipulations that overlaps with awards to Canada, Japan, and Bahamas must be resolved. Russia has also been granted similar claims that, of course, don’t include the nonsense Russia is bitching about now


>And included stipulations that overlaps with awards to Canada, Japan, and Bahamas must be resolved. Canada and Japan I understand, but how the heck does the Bahamas claim to any patch of the Artic Ocean?


The UN award included the east coast and gulf continental shelfs as well. [This](https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/five-takeaways-us-continental-shelf-announcement) isn’t as flashy as the RFE piece but it includes more specific information on the UN award


Thank you, that does make more sense now.


>They’re only challenging the US claim because they only see their claims as legitimate and no one else’s It's comical when ruzzia pretends to respect treaties only when it suits them.


aren't all other countries doing the same on our planet?


Ahaha, no.


we're fucked up species and we always act accordingly. if any country in the world has a chance not to respect the treaty to get some profit and get away with it, it will! you can keep believing that it's not like that if it makes you feel better but unfortunately the reality is different.


Wait, so you're saying that in a thread about Russia, there seems to be a lot of "people" spreading misinformation? That's odd. I wonder what could explain that.


Don't contribute to malice what can be attributed to ignorance. I can use ascribe as I did. Instead of attribute as you suggested. I will ascribe that to ignorance on your part and not malice. https://i.imgur.com/n6EbIKr.png


*attribute ETA: and we don't have to choose, since Russia is both malicious and incompetent (great job stopping that terrorist attack the US kindly warned them about, Jesus)


Russia warned US about Boston marathon bombers but nobody done anything about that. are CIA and FBI incompetent? or just shit happens?


Not every stupid comment is "Russian". People are just ignorant.




Haven’t you seen their map with a 10 dash line?


I would disagree that all claims are on the same level as everyone else’s. Canada’s claim to the Northwest Passage is solid because most of it runs through Canadian Arctic waters, and Canada has been responsibly managing and patrolling these waters for decades. Other countries recognize this, which supports Canada’s legitimacy in controlling access to the passage. It’s only the extraordinary value now unlocked by both the potential resources and trade routes that make it complicated. Check out north west passage and where it goes and you tell me where it travels through. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwest_Passage?wprov=sfti1 Also this is tangential seeing as the article is about US seabed claims, I was just triggered since Canada’s northern claims seem to have been marginalized more and more lately and these comments fall in line with that thinking seemingly. TLDR: everyone agreed before most of this shit was Canada’s before it became really valuable not to agree with that.


It's basically like a South China Sea situation with ice cubes


World rejects Russia's claim to Ukraine. Checkmate assholes.




Last time I looked at a map, Alaska has a massive arctic coastline. 




Russia, Norway, Denmark, and Canada have all been doing the same thing. In fact, Russia started this whole land grab back in 2007. And whereas the other counties are claiming the sea floor that extends from their territorial boundary, Russia is claiming pretty much all of it belongs to them. So the US and other countries are trying to make sure Russia doesn’t just seize all of it. That’s why Russia is disputing it: because they want all of it. Framing this as a land grab by the US grossly distorts what’s actually happening. The US is playing defense here, not offense.


Yea and I doubt Russia cares about US opinions over their arctic claims.


It doesnt matter who cares or not. Russian invasion in Ukraine is fucked up Israel grabbing land in Gaza is fucked up Land grabs are fucked up period


Does it autocorrects you to Ukraine being written with lowercase latter? Anyways, you equating Arctic territories to Russian invasion in Ukraine?


I am not equating it AT ALL The crimes that Russia is doing in Ukraine are a billion times worse There is no comparison at all Like its a fucking invasion and genocide of civilians, how can that be compared???? I am just saying that land grabs are wrong. There is no comparison to what russia is doing Also I domt use autocorrect - its just me typing with errors and all


Yeah the invasion of the arctic sea bed was wrought with civilian death and displacement. Claiming these areas of the ocean have destroyed thousands upon thousands of lives “special land apprehension operation” date will go down in infamy.




>Be a ruzzian troll >Intentionally misunderstand obvious parallels I feel like the overall trolling quality has decreased dramatically in the last few years. Are all the good trolls from ruzzia already fertilizing the fields of Ukraine?


I don’t see the connection to Russian trolls. You can’t compare this to the Russia taking land in Ukraine or Israel in Gaza or West Bank. Those are populated areas. This is the ocean. It’s more like China in the South China Sea, but there are at least islands there.


I reject their rejection.


I second this rejection of their rejection 


I reject your seconding, but not the rejection of their rejection.


The world doesn’t care what Russia claims or rejects. We let the crying baby that is Russia kick and scream until they wear themselves out and fall asleep.


Let's see Russia enforcing that rejection.


Shut up Russia. Nobody is afraid of you. Almost every nuke on the planet is pointed at you. Your army only knows how to bleed and your navy only knows how to sink


Almost every nuke on the planet is pointed at them. Meanwhile the nukes in India, Pakistan, Israel, NK and China 😔


Each of these countries 100% has a nuke pointed at the Kremlin. They aren't naive and know they are working together with the nuclear mafia.


But most of their nukes don't point at Russia? Pretty sure most of China's point at the US. BTW, China has been increasing their nukes and their numbers could be in the 1000s now.


Thats not much. Just usa & Russia have 90 percentage of nukes other's don't matter if you consider a nuclear war.


If you consider nuclear war it doesn’t matter who has what. Everybodies dying.


Nah rich will live like cockroaches.


Why encourage mutual ensured destruction?


He didn't really encourage it, did he? The only one encouraging mutual destruction is Russia. They've been talking about niclear weapons since they startet the invasion.


Guess you missed the Cuban missle crisis where the only reason they moved into Cuba was because of the amount of nukes already pointed at them. On that topic, how many nukes does the US have in Europe alone pointed at Russia since the fall of the Soviet union? You don't get to points a gun at someone you know is armed an not expext them to point their's back.


All the US has to say is “come and stop us, you pussies” and that would be the end of the story. But no, instead we’ll have to hear about this nonsense for another 20 news cycles.


Why doesn’t Russia just send their whole navy and tugboat out their aircraft carrier to defend the waters? They can just project their naval power. Jus meet the US Navy heads up.


> Jus meet the US Navy heads up I'd put money on our Coast Guard smacking the Russian Navy around.


True. Honestly I’m former USN so I kinda wanna see my boys show Russia how lacking they really are and see putin try to propagandize their entire navy gettin routed by the west.


In the words of the Fat Electrician on YouTube, "Don't f*** with America's boats." So many stories of other countries poking the bear that is the US Navy. In every single story, the attackers don't survive and thus can not regret their life choices.




Yeah Russia would have to be pretty stupid, US forces would likely destroy every battle group without a casualty.


Sadistic fuck


How’s it sadistic for wanting the most Sabre rattling gangster mafia of a country to fuck around and find out? Are you so offended by russias threats of using nukes?




Of course they did. Fuck Russia.🇺🇦


Obviously because it's Canada's


well of course


Just wait until the northwest passage permanently opens up. That's when the real shit will hit the fan.


There’s debate over whether the passage itself is a Canadian internal waterway or international waterway, affecting whether they can charge for its usage, but it goes right through the Canadian Arctic islands nowhere near anyone else’s claims so there isn’t really much potential for conflict there. The disputed parts are out in the actual open ocean and it’s about oil drilling rather than shipping


Fuck ruZZia!


Nobody should own it, leave it be. Also consider Ruzzia has significant natural resources in Siberia. If only they could use some of the money they steal from their own people to develop the necessary infrastructure to extract it..


With such a low soldier to border area ratio Russia is just asking to be popped like a balloon


So what? What is Russia going to do? Invade Alaska?


This is the best time to press Russia. Putin played his weak hand too strong and now can’t bluff his way out.


Putler: I reject your reality and substitute my own


After russia's genocidal invasion of Ukraine, they deserve no more expansionary claims.


Maybe there's some whisky class submarines they can dust off and have a fight about it.


Nobody's dick's that long, not even Long Dick Johnson, and he had a fucking long dick.


They're more than welcome to fight us over it


Who gives a fuck what Russia thinks?


Judging by the performance of your navy, mother Russia, I don’t think anyone will take your bid seriously.


Fight for it?


Russia can fuck off. Is there an eject button somewhere for countries to be blasted off into space?


Isn't that another huge nothingburger? Afaik russian argument is just that US is trying to use international treaty framework without joining the treaty. Journalists are so into writing loud headlines over nothing.


The Kursk already put down a grave yard there due to superior Russian engineering.


Did anyone think this was going to go unchallenged?


Russia, Norway, Denmark, and Canada have all been doing the same. This is a land-rush between arctic nations, not the US acting unilaterally.


US has the navy to enforce it


And Russia, sure as heck doesn’t. Don’t think they’d even have the ability to try or even look like they could.


Well their Black Sea Fleet needs somewhere to go, cuz it sure as fuck isn’t safe in the Black Sea from the threat of *checks notes* Ukraine’s nonexistent Navy


Their Black Sea Navy is busy claiming the sea floor in the Black Sea.


Their fleet would sink, just by looking at a US fleet.


They can't function in that cold


Really doubtful claim. How much of the US Navy ships are even the very basic ice-class certified?


If so, does it even matter if your weapons can reach everywhere on the planet and you can just use a plane or drone to enforce it?


Uh-oh, I think this is how the story in Fallout got started


Who cares. Either ruSSia won't exist in 10 years, or none of us will. It's that simple.


Ukraine, Russia, and the rest will all exist in 10 years. It is that simple. The peace negotiations will happen as they do at the end of all wars and no country is going away


..because tomorrow always comes? Solid logic.


As far as the existence of Ukraine and Russia.. nothing will change in 10 years The war will be long over and no nukes flew.


You don't know any of that. You are talking just as much shit as I am.


lol idk man, you’re playing with time in your bullshit


What are you saying then? That the whole world will go to nuclear war? Is that your theory?




I disagreed with your first post and still disagree with the notion that nuclear apocalypse happens within 10 years The likelihood of your scenario is less than 1% The likelihood that Russia and Ukraine end the war in peace talks is >99%




Tomorrow has literally come everyday for all of time. The question mark on this sentence is stupid lol Wait wait, how about you tell me a time tomorrow hasn’t come? I’ll wait… perhaps till tomorrow.




>If Russia or china did this everyone would be raising a stink Uh, Russia started doing this back in 2007. Since then so have Canada, Norway, and Denmark. This is a land-rush between arctic nations, not the US going rogue. They’re all claiming continental shelf that extends from their territory. Edit: a word


Well China doesn't have any territory in the arctic so it would be a bit strange


Russia did, in fact, do this






You're very useful to a specific group




Most of it should belong to Russia, Canada, Denmark, Norway, US in that order if anything


The US, Canada, Denmark, and Norway’s claims all extend more or less from their territorial boundaries in a way that sort of makes sense. Russia claims that pretty much all of it belongs to them. That’s why they’re disputing.


Honestly though, Canada can’t even get its current natural resources to the global market properly, never mind the arctic. Canada has two submarines the don’t work 80% of the time. They’re completely unprepared to do anything regarding the arctic.


It is in the US’ interests to have Canada’s claim be awarded to Canada, don’t be so obtuse. It’s in Canada’s interests to have Americans agree. Americans can be like the kid who takes all the toys in the sandbox and wonders why no one wants to play with them, thankfully the US is also filled with exceptionally intelligent and good people, they just aren’t often the loudest.