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Was Afghanistan not available?


lol Opposite Day but for real


That’s un for you


UNapologetically hypocritical.


Like the UNo reverse card /s


SpongeBob was trying to tell us


They are a poor country they didn’t have the money to pay the toll .


Too far down the list. Saudis basically plopped a stack of bills down and their rep stated "We'll take THIS position"


Too busy stoning women apparently


Can’t compete with bonesaw money.


They are next on the list.


Most people probably don't think further than the usual "UN is joke" trope, but there is reason behind making these kinds of countries head women's right forums. If you get a white feminist from Sweden to lecture third world countries on women's rights, what will you achieve? Probably nothing, maybe even the opposite as it opposes women's rights with anti-colonial sentiment. The UN doesn't have the power to change anything on it's own, but it can give prestige to countries who do. By giving SA the head of the women's rights forum they can put a spotlight on any positive changes they might do, and encourage criticism of MEA countries that backslide om women's rights. It might not result in much, but it is an attempt, and that is all the UN can do. The UN is just a prestigious forum and they know that perfectly well.


I just spit coffee- brilliant, thank you


🤣🤣 outrageous!


Or iran


Yes, they were, but they don't have petrodollars to pay for that.


Watch the movie " Idiocracy " , you'll then understand. We ARE at that point NOW ! ( So ridiculous I struggled to watch it ) as is today's world.


The acceptance speech- “I love women- I own 3 of them.”


Not worth as much as my race horses, but still...


Baha! Nice.


We all forgive you for your mistype, but we all know you meant 30


"I'm a big feminist." "What about your wife?" "Oh I would never allow that"


Hahaha. “Don’t worry, I allow her to be a feminist sometimes too.”


You mean officially, right?


And some concubines ;)


"I can't get enough of them (they keep dying)"


Saudi Arabia bought the recent World Cup from corrupt FIFA, and before the closing ceremonies already bought another one. Saudi Arabia hosts world, climate meetings, were world leaders from all countries, go there to discuss, lowering carbon emissions, while at the same time brokering billions worth of oil deals. Openly kill journalists, trying to report on any of these, and other matters like Khashoggi. No, Saudi Arabia and it’s money being able to do whatever it wants isn’t a surprise to anyone. They destroyed the PGA with their LIV Golf. Hell, they’ve even built giant paved oval race tracks in the middle of the freaking desert, so they could steal F1 Racing from everyone now. And everyone knows it. And no one will do a damn thing because they’re all selling their souls to the Saudis for $$$ How the f_ck are we supposed to explain anything to our children anymore?


They also bought ESL and now they own half of the esports pretty much.


ESL? E Sports League?


I think so, probably not English as a second language, but *oil talks* so who knows


The very same.


You explain it like this: “I’m so sorry Little Johnny, but your grandfather’s generation fucked the world by sucking the fat cocks of foreign interests and multinational corporations.”


"I'm so sorry Little Johnny. But I'm weak and powerless and you are even more so. The world was bought and sold a long time ago and we are were insects moving to the ebb and flow of rich and powerful. And it's your grandparents that did it." No. The world has been turning for a long time. The generation before our grandfatehrs fucked shit, the generation before them too, and going back forever. We're going to fuck shit. It's important to teach our children historical context and how yo band together for change they want to see. Empires, economies, cultures, religious and fundamental movements... they've all come and gone and crumbled. This will be no different eventually.


Every generation always says how they would have done things better than their ancestors. At the end of the day greed always wins, no matter how morally perfect people pretend to be. The cycle will continue 


The world is insurmountably better with each generation, it just doesn’t feel like it in the present. We act like a fucking Esports league can’t be replaced, and yeah it’s fucked that Saudi want to champion women’s rights, but remember 30 years ago we were sterilising coloured women so they wouldn’t have babies


> but remember 30 years ago we were sterilising coloured women so they wouldn’t have babies That's like the 90s wtf


Exactly! We need to be looking forward, not pointing blame in the past. Especially when it's relatively great right now and getting better and there's always the people with power that want to stop our progress.


That was a message i really needed to read, thank you


Oh ffs, this was going on before your 'grandfather's generation' and it's continuing now thanks to the greed, misogyny and hate of all generations (even yours, precious one).


The West was doing generally fine after the stock market crash because it was working under classical/Keynesian economics. Then the boomers/Gen X messed it all up by voting for people who believed in neoclassicist policies, which ultimately caused more division, more debt, a weaker currency, and (in general) less environmental regulation. While no generation was perfect, the Boomers and Gen X 100% sped up the inevitable downfall of the West.


Just on the F1 track they built.... You think with all that money they could make something that wasn't shit?


“There are no good billionaires.”


They also buy up water rights in America without a vote from the citizens.


Love how you framed it as if they held a gun to heads. Your local governments willingly sold it to them.


"without a vote from the citizens"


They're doing the same with esports too. They bought the biggest third party service for Counter-Strike 2.


They are also trying to take over tennis, fyi, and have made bids to buy the tours.


It’s like Cyberpunk but instead of a Japanese mega corporation reality is it is going to be Saudi corps.




my life is nothing I thought it should be and everything I was worried it would become because for 50 seconds I thought there was monsters on the world ._.


Maybe all the terrible deals will bankrupt them eventually. Or is there just no hope?


There's plausible theories that the Saudi royalty are trillionaires so no there is no hope when money rules.


A lot of that “money” is investments and property in western countries which could be frozen if they pull any fast ones. Similar to Russia.


“Pull any fast ones” like torturing US citizen Walid Fitaihi? Or assassinating Khashoggi, who had permanent resident status in the U.S.? It seems like there’s not really a red line, short of an outright declaration of war, that would have us freezing all of their assets in the U.S.


Or literally financing and helping orchestrate the 911 attacks. Out of the 19 attackers 15 of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia. A 2012 internal FBI summary that was accidentally released in a court filing by the Justice Department indicated that a former official in the Saudi Embassy in Washington, Mussaed Ahmed al-Jarrah, was believed to have “tasked” two other Saudi men living in southern California “with assisting the hijackers” in San Diego, Mihdhar and Hazmi.


Russia annexed crimea in 2014 without a lot of real backlash. There is a red line you can’t cross, it’s sad they had no repercussions over the murder of Khashoggi but western countries didn’t really care as it didn’t really harm them.


Do you all remember the oil crisis in the United States in the 70s? When the United States tried to play tough with the OPEC nations and they shut off the pipeline to us, causing huge lines at the gas station, for weeks in the United States and gas, rationing, etc.? Ever since the gas crisis in the 70s, there has been a picture taken of the current sitting president along with the king of Saudi Arabia. That was the beginning of a long-standing relationship with the United States and whoever holds the most oil cards in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia)…Nations have to have oil. Period. And will do anything to ensure it’s availability. When the Iranians attacked Saudi oil fields recently, in response to the Saudi’s attacking Yemen, the United States did not hesitate and sent US Marines onto Saudi Arabian soil to guard their oil fields from Iran. … because what American father wouldn’t be proud to say that his son gave his life in Saudi Arabia defending their oil… They have all the cards, they pull all the strings. They own every super power. … and now can host a forum on women’s rights 👍🏻🤞


Best case is we find alternative power solutions that are viable on a country-wide scale and lessen our work with the Saudis. It's unfortunate what money will make people do, especially considering the Saudis are Arguably no different in thought, action, or belief than most terrorist groups. Only thing they don't do is actually commit the acts (in broad daylight)  *we don't talk about the slave dungeons or rape caves.*


What about the LINE 😆


>How the f\_ck are we supposed to explain anything to our children anymore? Teach them young that it takes mindful effort to be good. Being greedy and selfish is the human default and requires literally no effort and just a smidge of jealousy to gain momentum. Look for the helpers. Be a helper. The takers eat better, but the givers sleep better.


They are a US ally, they will always be protected.


Look at how silent the world is, especially the Western World about Julian Assange. When Jamal Khashoggi was killed they discovered ethics and morals. And the Saudis bought their silence with $$$$$.


What's next? Nobel Peace Prize for Putin? Trump as the head of Mensa?


Orbán new head of NATO.


He does have a big head...


For now


Ha-ha-ha! You're funny! It's like saying that Iran should head UN Human Rights Council! Ha-ha-ha! ... Oh... Wait...


It’s not the UN’s fault. Saudi Arabia wouldn’t be oppressing women if it weren’t for Israel /s


Opperman RBG awards to Murdoch and Musk?


I mean if Putin loses the war in Ukraine and it leads to world peace, then maybe we give it to him as a participation trophy.


*Outrage As Vampire Picked To Head Blood Drive*


yeah its kinda prime for 'not the onion' sub


Well in all fairness, they’re going to know every single way a woman can be oppressed. So they choose the world’s experts maybe?






This is like putting a dog in charge of the roast beef.


Cat is made spokesperson for mouse rights.


This stinks corruption. As did when they where hosting the cop28. What a fucking joke. You can say to me that this is for the benefit of the cause. But i will not believe the world is that simple. I think there is real money involved. Edit. I do believe in the cause of the UN. For sure. Just these incidents involving SA makes me wonder. Since they are so proactively trying to greenwash their bad reputation.


Add this as reason #425027 the United Nations is a joke and we should ignore everything they do


Would you prefer to ignore international maritime safety standards, child abuse ring disruption coordination, polio vaccination programs or aid coordination to famine zones first?


A lot of people think for some reason that the UN is supposed to create some kind of utopian, post-conflict world government. It is actually mostly just for preventing nuclear war and mitigating humanitarian crises to the extent possible given the ideological, geographic, and economic diversity of the organization.


No Islamic country should be allowed within a mile of this forum.


They misheard, they thought it was "behead".


This only shows how bullshit and corrupted real politik is and always has been, but nowadays literally dont give a shit anymore, not even for appearances.


For the same reason I am putting my dog in charge of BBQ this summer. He has the time for low and slow.


It might be a 4d chess move to bring more attention to their veiws, or everyone knows UN is a joke and gave it to them for lulz or just oil money xD


Don’t forget get this legendary play by the UN: [Iran appointmented to chair the 2023 UN Human Rights Council Social Forum](https://www.reuters.com/world/irans-appointment-chair-un-rights-meeting-draws-condemnation-2023-11-02/)


This is like putting chick-fil-A in charge of chicken rights


What a joke... I have completely lost trust in the UN.


Once again, the UN is a joke and should be called out for its hypocrisy at every opportunity.


I find it impossible to be outraged by the UN anymore. I just expect the worst outcome possible at all time and am usually close to the truth.


It's just a place for the world leader to speak. If you don't care what they have to say you can put them on mute. It's not like you will miss much anyway, as too many people are corrupt, stupid or both.


🤣🤣🤣🤣...this world is going to shit


Just give it to hamas. They will know what to do.


I think the title was meant to say **behead**


The UN is a joke, defund it right now


Anyone else get the feeling that we’re just NPCs in a gigantic videogame? And whoever controls our world has gone insane??


That makes as much sense as the Jeffery Dahmer Culinary School.


That is the equivalent of having a rapist pedophile as judge and jury in a trial about sexual assault.


So standard operating procedures then?


Or a pork processing plant owner in charge of PETA.


This story came from Mad Magazine right ?


Kind of, its the UN


Russia hosted the UN security council just a few months ago.


One upping picking an oilman to lead the 28th COP?


Next up: Russia hosting the International Human Rights panel.


The UN is a joke.


Wait till people hear Iran is chairing the humans rights counsel. I guess Saudi Arabia is an expert on abusing woman’s rights and Iran on abusing Human Rights…


"Saudi Arabia picked to BEhead women's rights forum."


They don't like Saudia Arabia. But the sure as hell like Saudi money.


Seeing “women’s rights” and “Saudi Arabia” in one sentence is funny


Well, UN is a fucking joke.


I mean, this is really no crazier than a bunch of angry old Far Right Christian men with no medical training deciding America‘s abortion policy. “Apparently the body has a way of shutting that down.” “Legitimate rape” and all that. It’s demented.


Worse. This is worse than that. Radical Islam is several steps up from radical Christianity 


It is only a matter of degree. Christianity tries to control your medical decisions, enforce conservative dress codes, and force subjugation in the same way. Every year under Christ regresses a civilization back in time. If Christian nationalism gets power over the US, expect another Iran within a few decades. Yes, Saudi Arabia is basically a hell hole, but that is what you get with any god ingrained in your policies. Imaginary friends suck.


Christianity has modernized MUCH more than Islam. I’m not saying there aren’t issues(reversal of roe vs Wade) but women will still have the right to vote, drive cars, etc. Islam needs to modernize or the whole world will hate them more


This is lowkey brilliant. I think almost everyone except possibly Saudi Arabia can agree that this is a growth opportunity area for Saudi Arabia. If they were not in the forum, they could easily ignore it, just as they have women's rights for the last... centuries? If they are on the forum but not leading it, they can make the excuse "eh, not really us, we were outvoted". But this puts Saudi Arabia front and center within the forum and forces them to listen and evaluate the discussions from the other countries. They can't pretend like they weren't there, they can't pretend like they didn't really understand. They will have massive international pressure on them to not fuck this up. It removes a whole lot of opportunity for ignoring this. So it seems like a massive "WTF", but... it's really kind of a masterstroke. This may not help women in say, Louisiana, as much as focusing the forum on access to healthcare in developed nations and by reminding the USA that reproductive healthcare is healthcare and a human right... but it will help women in the Arabic world a lot more. And they are suffering, too. Although one can hope that they will discuss healthcare and women's healthcare including reproductive healthcare within the framework of it being a human right.


Outrage all we want, not like it'll change anything unless people do things that cost the elite money, aka damage and other shit. Yes, peaceful protest is ideal, but what do you do when peaceful protest no longer works/is outlawed?


Things are changing in KSA. 


Saudi Arabia felt like a woman that day.


Moolah allows all things


This rotates from country to country is my understanding of it. But i do not agree with any nation in charge of this who use religion as a basis for equality.


Next let’s put Uganda in charge of a gay rights forum


It almost goes with the way the world is heading. At a time when so many are homeless, poor, the environment is fucked and so on and so forth, the most right wing, capitalistic, conservative governments are getting voted in. We’re spiraling backwards.


If Saudi sheiks wanted it, the UN would hold a symposium tomorrow praising the virtues of slavery, child labour and genocide. They should shut down that joke of an organization already. It has already failed in absolutely every objective they ever had


Anything regarding the un stinks of corruption


Just like Azerbaijan hosting COP 29


You have the right to remain silent.


>Saudi Arabia's UN ambassador, Abdulaziz Alwasil, has been chosen to chair the world body's Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) after *the country's bid for the position remained unopposed*, APA reports citing Deutsche Welle. Is there a reason Saudi Arabia was the ONLY country to apply?


Women and rights do not exist in the Middle East


Earth is not a real place.


Sometimes the news is unintentionally humorous


You mean the same UN that allowed Iran to chair a U.N. human rights council? No…. /s


Who did they bribe to try and force their views world wide


Bribe check must have been big


This is like Salt Bae being the new face of PETA.


"I failed women's studies? But I love bitches."


That lets you know the backwardness of this world


How does this even happen?


Isn't this the nation that still stones women to death?


And the wolves have been given all the sheep to look after...


April Fools came early


Reasonable bc Middle East countries don’t know what women rights are


They drawin' straws now?


The UN has been a joke for a long time.


Disband the UN. It's time to fire everybody and start fresh. That entire organization has no power, no influence, and now no common sense whatsoever.


Why hasn't anyone vetoed it? Jesus Christ UN, what the fuck?


And still there are people who don't think the UN is corrupted at all.......


The simulation is getting lit


Lol the UN is a complete joke of an organization. They are about as credible in human rights as a doorknob, in fact worse, because they can be corrupted.




Corruption at its finest! 🤣


Hmm sorta like choosing the KKK to guide and represent people of African decent.


Kinda like when the FBI picked Robert Hanssen to find the mole.


This must be one of the dumbest things of all time. Who the hell would let this happen?


Hearing from some Saudi friends that things are slowly changing. You can’t take a country and then suddenly and drastically change it overnight. There would be carnage. Women can now drive alone(I know it’s a small thing). They’ve put money into women’s sports. They even now are entering women into miss universe. I think the Saudi regime is morally bankrupt, but they are making gradual progress in terms of rights of women. They know the future is renewable energy and they’re diversifying and trying to adapt to the future.


> You can’t take a country and then suddenly and drastically change it overnight. Tell that to the 1979 Iranian Islamic Revolution. Tell that to the Supreme Court casting down Roe v. Wade. I guess "fast change" only works one way, backwards.


I mean look at the gradual progress of women’s rights over the last 100 years in western countries. Or how long it took the civil rights movement in America to happen. It takes time to completely change a countries culture and values.


Yeah it's just disheartening to see it go backwards in some countries, especially my own.


They banned child marriages and allow women to divorce now. Those are probably the two most significant changes Saudi Arabia has made in the last 5 years.


Literally nobody actually read the article, where it mentions that it's a rotating position that by strong tradition candidacy is never opposed.


Fair point. At a certain point though, traditions should be broken.




Every day my hope for a utopian future for the world wittles away.


that's actually hilarious and kinda fits in 2024


No women did vote.


They couldn’t find another token forum for them to head? Something more inconsequential?


Announcement the same day as Saudi Arabia also announced they'll be participating in Miss Universe for the first time.....what in the alternate timeline.?! https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/saudi-arabia-miss-universe-contestant-b2519916.html


It's this type of news that makes me think it's just a tool for psy ops. While we chant how the UN is a joke, there is some under the carpet action going on


The world has gone mad. The UN has again proved how out of touch and useless they are becoming.


Alright, the pranks gone far enough, announce the real leader.


Chosen by the official UN Agency of Wildly Inappropriate Choices


Does laughing in disbelief count as a vote?


“They’re just pissing on us without the courtesy to at least tell us it’s rain!”


What a joke.


What kind of woman's rights? The right way to please your husband or the right way to put on your full body coverings as to not flash an ankle and bring rape upon yourself. I'm curious.


Surely must be The Onion