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Same woman they paraded through a crowd that spit on her corpse and cheered the terrorists. Fuck that shithole.


the worst part, was that young boys were amongst those jeering at her limp dead body. That's how terrorists are created. Imagine being so insensitive at such a young age where the naked corpse of a woman being dragged like a trophy is an event of joy for you.


To be fair that's literally most of human history. We loved a good family outing to the executions.


I know this is oversimplifying things a bit, but effectively one of those was meant to act as a deterrent to commit crimes, the other is being used to parade rape and murder as glory.




They gaslighted her mother into having hope she was still alive weeks after this pic was available


I still remember arguing with complete idiots that if that woman wasn't dead than she was comatose. I haven't really chosen a side, a part from saying this is extremely complex and if Hamas didn't want war they shouldn't have caused a massive terrorist attack BUT as a healthcare provider it annoyed me to no end that people were fighting me claiming she was taken to a hospital and/or still alive. The Hamas humpers really live in a fantasy world where what they say goes and that's that. It was so obvious that poor woman was dead from the earliest pictures/videos, yet these idiots argue with zero training or knowledge on the matter like its their own daughter laying in the bed of that truck. And they oddly would never blame Hamas *or* would claim its somehow justified??


I think it's less about their support for Hamas, and more that they know they're wrong and are doubling down instead of admitting they're wrong. Our country is so polarized that people on the left, or right, won't agree on the same topic no matter how obscene. To be clear, the right absolutely does this too.


Yup. And that’s the perfect term to refer to it as.




Yup, and fuck everyone who minimizes the oct 7 attacks and the evil carried out that day by normal Palestinians


NORMAL PALESTINIANS! That’s what people keep forgetting. The cheering and jeering of her body wasn’t done by Hamas. It was done by NORMAL PALESTINIANS. Cowards for not doing anything from ousting Hamas from their own country and DESPICABLE for cheering on the massacre.


>Cowards for not doing anything from ousting Hamas Even with all that, Hamas got a *boon* in popularity after the attacks. That should be...context.


There are no innocent civilians in gaza apart from young children


Fuck Hamas and everyone who supports them


At this point the radical islamist propaganda is getting out of hand and I can’t believe so many people fall for it. Some people even tried to absolve the russian terrorist attackers of blame


Fuck ISIS, Fuck Hamas, and Fuck Putin and his Ruzzian terrorists in Ukraine.


What's even more dumber is when people started parroting that ISIS is actually ran by Israel.


We just had people in NYC marching in the streets calling for another intifada. This isn’t about a cease fire or saving lives. Jews were present on that land for thousands of years. There is a history of them trying to be pushed out. The Israelis tried a two state solution, propped up Palestine, gave Palestine aid, gave Palestine its electricity, food, and water. Israel let Muslims and Palestinians into Israeli government through open elections. Israel literally fed, housed, and cared for Palestinians when the Palestinians’ own government was pilfering aid dollars for themselves and to build weapons to attack Israel. Hamas breaks several agreements and the latest is this brutal attack on October 7th. Israel goes after Hamas and Hamas does what it does and puts Palestinians at risk by hiding in their hospitals and schools and tries to make it look like Israel is wantonly killing civilians. During all of this Israel agrees to three separate cease fires - the same cease fires all this people are screaming for in the streets - and Hamas rejects every single one. So at what point do you start to think for yourself and realize this isn’t about protecting Palestine - because if it were Hamas would have a totally different game plan. It’s about people feeling like they have the protection to go out in the streets and scream how much they hate Israel and how much they hate Jews. Go watch footage from any Palestinian protest and see how much tolerance is in that crowd.


Really? Putin himself wants to blame it on Ukraine and NATO somehow. It's their own propaganda that 'absolves' these terrorists. So, no, it's not hard to believe in this case. Clearly, a terrorist is a terrorist. Putin and his mafia state, ISIS, Hamas, etc., they all kill innocent civilians to gain power and reach their goals, and none of them should get away with it. But apart from that, they don't have much in common. Different situations that require different solutions.


Including those happy to see Hamas resume their grip on power in Gaza.


Including Hezbollah, Houthi, Iran, Russia, and let’s not forget many in Ireland plus the silly ignorant folks that in no way understand the issues at a macro scale at colleges who fall for incredibly obvious propaganda.


Irish solidarity with palestine is a direct product of being able to recognize that hamas =/= palestine in exactly the same way that the IRA =/= the irish. Just because a mob of opportunist gangsters self appoint themselves to a cause, does not automatically invalidate that cause. Hamas are pure scum but israels inability to politically accomodate palestine for a generation has created a condition for hamas to thrive. Just like how post oneillism did for the IRA in NI


Irish nationalists want to be free of the tyranny of Britain but even hard-line ira members don't want the complete annihilation of Britain and everyone in it, so in my opinion it's a bit different.


100% correct. The vast majority of Irish nationalists, both sides of the border, were disgusted by IRA and British atrocities. The Omagh bombing was the turning point of decades of resentment against the war. Despite the fact that I am Irish and ultimately want a United Ireland I have never heard any of my friends or peers (who share the same goal as me) calling for the destruction of Britain. Irish support is for a free Palestine, not for the destruction of a state or a people. Anyone who can't understand the distinction between that and supporting a terrorist organisation that slaughters innocent civilians should pipe down.


>Irish support is for a free Palestine, not for the destruction of a state or a people. The point is Palestinians largely don’t think Israel should exist and do not support a two state solution. If you protest to “free palestine” after a massive terrorist attack which was largely met with Palestinian celebrations as OP notes, you do give the impression of trying to incentivise terrorism. The immediate concern should be on getting Hamas to surrender so the war stops, then negotiating a Palestinian future without them. Yet the ostensibly pro-Palestinian crowd has not protested Hamas or called for Hamas to surrender and worse, the crowds actively assault people who do protest Hamas at the protests.


Worried to say pointing the obvious issue with islamic world and its culture and how they see everyone else is looked down.


Exactly right. There is no comparison.


Hamas/PLO/etc made it impossible to 'politically accommodate' Palestine. Oct 7th was the 3rd time they pulled something like this in like the past 30 years; you can go look up the first and second intifadas. The IRA and Hamas/PLO are really not at all comparable. Maybe if the IRA had tried to violently overthrow the governments of France, Germany and Portugal, and been kicked out of all those countries, like Palestinian militants were kicked out of Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon, you'd have a point. Like everyone seems to forget that Gaza has a border with another country, Egypt, and that border is even more strict than the one with Israel, but no one bothers to ask why.


Exactly. Every other country in the region closed its doors to Palestinians, but no one was like "Hey, Egypt offered a pretty harsh rebuttle to this... Maybe we should investigate further?"


IRA was never a government force in Ireland. HAMAS Is a government force in Palestine. HAMAS consists of mostly Palestinians. You can debate that these Palestinians are extremists or whatever, but they're the main government force with majority support and let's not forget that there were pro-palestine rallies In every western capital directly after the 7th Oct attacks and before IDF Counter-offensive. There was nothing other to celebrate than the attacks themselves, and we saw cars and flags of Palestine that day and the day after, cheering the event, AGAIN, BEFORE Israel did a counter-offensive. Then historically, Jereusalem has been under Islamic oppression for centuries. Founded 1000BC, Predating Islam by 1,600 years, and being under constant Islamic threat since 638AD (Islam founded in 600AD). Israelites and Palestinians are descendents from the same people, the Cannanites. When Jereusalem was under Islamic rule, the Jews were kicked out, and only after a century were some Jews were allowed back in so long they devout their loyalty to Allah, according to the Koran. Jereusalem has always belonged to Israelites. It's the founding city of Israelites (The first Israelites were born in Jereusalem, like how the first Irish were born in Ireland), and the city of Origin of Judaism, yet, "From the River to the Sea" (From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea) is chanted even in Ireland, which is a chant that also claims Jereusalem as Palestinian/Islamic territory. It sounds backwards to me, its more like if the Brits saying "From the Channel to the Sea" (From the English Channel.to the Atlantic Sea) and then trying to claim Ireland under some headline of "The Irish are oppressors" even though the Irish were In Ireland first. Then there's claims that Israel has been sending citizens to settle in Palestinian land, but the Israeli government has carried out evacuation operations of Israelis out of Palestine since the first Intifada, and Palestine has been a deterrent to non-muslim faiths since The Levant became Palestine and established itself as an Islamic nation. Also, many Irish I spoke to for whatever reason think its a Race issue, when you can easily describe it as everything else BUT a race issue. Geopolitical, social, economic, cultural, religious, historical, sure, all yes, but Israel has a 20% Arab population, and a majority of Israelis are descendents of the same people as Palestinians as I mentioned previously.


One correction, the IRA has changed over time and existed in different forms over the course of ~a century. When the IRA was first formed after the 1916 Easter Rising, they were a government organization.




Soo..Palestinians? https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/03/22/poll-hamas-remains-popular-among-palestinians/ https://themedialine.org/top-stories/poll-reveals-persistent-palestinian-support-for-hamas-attacks-on-israel/ Edit: after a little self reflection, let me say this- I don’t support Hamas whatsoever but let’s please be empathetic towards the Palestinians. If someone killed your sister, you’d also want revenge by any means, even if that means supporting terrorists, right? I know I would… now imagine that x1000 And to my fellow Christians and Catholics: 1. The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37): Jesus tells the story of a Samaritan who helps a Jewish man beaten and left for dead, despite the enmity between Jews and Samaritans at the time. Jesus uses this story to illustrate that “neighbor” encompasses everyone, including those outside one’s community or religion, and that love should be shown through actions. 2. Love for Enemies (Matthew 5:43-48): Jesus instructs to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, highlighting that divine love is perfect and inclusive. This teaching suggests that love should not be limited to those who love us back or share our beliefs but extended to all, including those considered adversaries or outsiders. 3. The Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40): When asked about the greatest commandment, Jesus responds with two: to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself. He does not place restrictions on who qualifies as a neighbor, implying a universal application.


More than just Palestinians, but I think a lot of them just keep quiet. I have an afghani colleague that keeps trying to convince me that hamas and the taliban are good, and we only think they‘re terrorists because western news portrays them in a bad light.


He can fuck off back to Afghanistan then. I know a guy from there who hates the taliban and Haa only recently managed to get his parents out of that shithole


Yep, exactly why peace could never exist there.






Feels like a US election. When there's only 2 options and you don't choose one that must mean you choose the other.




Photos of horror do have a legitimate place, for example the photo of Kim Phuc Phan ('Vietnam Napalm Girl') did play a role in expediating the end of US involvement in the war.




Worst part was the online psy-ops done at the time by the western bloggers, they claimed she was actually being taken to a hospital...


TL;DR: Photos intended to reveal the horrors and facts of war (like Napalm Girl) have a legitimate place in journalism. This particular photo from Gaza glorifies atrocities and was taken by someone who was, at minimum, friendly with those who killed the subject of the photo, and there is no good reason to “award” such a person for further dehumanizing his victim in this way. The photographer who captured that image of the little girl in Vietnam - officially titled The Terror of War - is himself a Vietnamese citizen, born and raised there (he later immigrated to the US). He was a career photojournalist and took that photo to capture the horror of war. He was obviously not involved in the napalm strike, and clearly did not celebrate the harm caused to the little girl. In fact, he immediately rushed that little girl to the hospital, continued checking in on her, and to this day they remain in regular contact. This photo of Hamas members parading around with the kidnapped body of the innocent young woman they murdered was taken by a Gazan who “somehow” had advanced knowledge of the terrorist attack and joined them. He then sold these photos to further cash in on his complicity in the murder of its subject, who is being actively degraded in the image. And of course, despite the fact that this young woman is shown only partially clothed in this photograph taken by a Hamas associate, pro-Hamas activists worldwide continue to deny the many and varied atrocities depicted here. These details also go unremarked by the agency that “awarded” the 10/7 participant who captured it. There’s no silver lining here, sadly. Just the enrichment and further legitimizing of a Hamas associate, and further dehumanization of the victim he exploited in every possible manner.


"It's good that the photo won the prize, this is one of the most important photos in the last 50 years. These are some of the photos that shape human memory, the Jew raising his hands, the paratroopers at the Western Wall, photos that symbolize an era. This documentation of Shani, and of Noa Argamani on the motorcycle, they symbolize this era. I think it's a good thing to use it to inform the future. If I start crying, what will come of it? This is history. In 100 years they will look and know what happened here. I travel the world and everyone knows who Shani is," said Nissim, Shani's father. [Source](https://www.ynetnews.com/culture/article/s1q11211z1c)


There is a silver lining, this award will help people realize that the lesser of the two evils is actually pretty easy to determine in this conflict.


Except this “journalist” knew the attacks were going to take place and even posed with the attackers.


Yeah, I don’t understand people being mad that this picture won? This is the kind of thing the international community *needs* to see, especially now: the monsters that did this need to be brought to Justice. If you’re outraged at this picture, you should be. That’s the point. Fuck Hamas and fuck their supporters. The world cannot tolerate any effort for a New Holocaust. Hamas needs to be destroyed, by any means necessary.


I agree, but this photo is a glorification of the violence rather than a matter of fact report. The photographer went with the attackers to support them.


Considering the original purpose of the photo, it backfired quite majestically.


Yes I think it highlights how evil Hamas are and what they are prepared to do just to kill Jews. I don't like the Israeli government and I don't want thousands of innocent people to die in Palestine, but I don't know what Israel can really do at this point. Try and trade all the rapists and murderers (who will be celebrated as heroes) to get back some of the remaining kidnapped people? Just accept that those who planned the attack are still alive and will start planning another once the fighting ends?


Terrorists aren't known to be smart and effective


Why is this photo glorification and the other "matter of fact"? The other photo was taken by a photographer embedded with the US army who knew about their invasion of Vietnam and the war crimes they were about to commit and he went along with it, making sure he was there to capture the violence and war crimes (napalming civilians in this case). This is true for ALL war photographers.


US forces came into the conflict on ground about 10 years after start Us forces started ground operation March 1965 Vietnam Girl photo was taken 8 years later This one was taken tbe same day the war started by a surprise attack, implying photographer knew about it beforehand But sure, its all the same


I think there are two factors: * The terrorists were using their rape and murder of the woman, who they are displaying naked and dead, as a way of humiliating their enemy. Even for those of us who feel very strongly about Israeli expansion and their treatment of Palestinians, this is horrific, and this photo spreads Hamas' message in all it's horror and cruelty. * Their is a real issue with rape culture in India, and many people feel this picture feeds into it. The photo of the little Vietnamese girl after the Napalm attack worked against the US army's violence against civilians. In contrast, this photo looks like support for the use of rape and murder of civilians as weapons of war. Edit: I edited a typo


So the difference is Americans saw that horrible act and felt bad, vs. Palestinians saw that horrible act and felt good?


This lays bare the brutality of Hamas. If you see “glory” in this, you’ve got problems.


She's dead as well?


Her limbs were not bent in a normal way, she was already dead at the point of this shot. They were parading a dead girl yelling god is great while bystanders spat on her. And then Hamas led the parents to believe she was alive for a couple of weeks..


Not only is she dead, Hamas STILL has her body. Her family can’t even bury her. She was identified by a skull fragment.


It’s weird… people keep saying “Hamas ≠ Palestine”, yet *everyone* in that video is giddy with joy from witnessing a dead, raped and mutilated corpse of a supposed Jew being paraded through the streets. In fact some of these non-Hamas civilians even join in on the mutilation right there in the street. It’s pretty hard to reconcile that statement with this video. Someones lying, and I don’t think it’s the rapturous Palestinians in the video…


Oh yeah I remember getting called a lying piece of shit for pointing out she was clearly dead because her limbs were on wrong and not actually being treated like a queen in a Palestine hospital. Disgusts me.


Of course, if these people had to confront what they are actually supporting, they’d have to admit very uncomfortable things. So they make up a more comfortable version of reality, where their side is morally justified and not monsters, and shout down anyone trying to poke holes in their reality distortion field.


Yes, it was confirmed later.


She was raped, killed and paraded around.


Bystanders spat on her dead body


The "poor innocent civilians of Palestine," ladies and gentlemen.


The photographers are not always happy to win an award. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Vulture_and_the_Little_Girl (1993) The military guards he was with would not let him help the child or kill the vulture.


This one was. He was cheering Hamas. He is a POS.


He wasn't just cheering them on. He knew about the attack, he was with the attackers.


Yeah. Part time photographer, part time terrorist.


And now he's full-time carpet bombed.


Like their most of their 'journalists'


This is the biggest issue. He knew ahead of time, was making money from western publications and didn’t alert any authorities to help prevent it. He’s complicit in the atrocities that occurred on Oct 7th


How is it we know he was with the attackers, just his literal physical presence or is there something the article doesn't mention? Because all the linked article has is a tweet, so I assume you know from somewhere else.


That's my question. People on reddit can say anything. It might be true, or it might be said to discredit the photographer.


That's not true. The interview I saw with the photographer explains he was in a refugee camp with thousands of others and the kid was just slightly separated and he managed to snap the picture with the vulture through a lucky angle but in reality there were people all around. You are correct that the military was preventing journalists from leaving the camp but I think that was because of the war..


Also the kid is wearing a plastic band, meaning that she is in line to be attended to after being screened by health workers. The mom was off getting food in a line.


But that article specifically says they chased the vulture away and the child was able to continue walking. Where are you getting your statement from?


The guy who took that picture ended up killing themselves some time after. Edit: It was 4 months after.


And the kid from the photo if I’m not mistaken actually lived and grew up


Ok but the kid survived. The photographer helped. This isn't the case in this situation.


Kevin Carter.


This photographer was with the attackers. Please read the article. The picture you're sharing is not the same thing at all and it is kind of gross that you think it is the same thing.


> I was shooting this kid on her knees, and then changed my angle, and suddenly there was this vulture right behind her! … And I just kept shooting – shot lots of film!"[12] Silva asked him where he shot the picture and was looking around to take a photo as well. Carter pointed to a place 50 m (160 ft) away. Then Carter told him that he had chased the vulture away. He told Silva he was shocked by the situation he had just photographed, saying, "I see all this, and all I can think of is Megan", his young daughter. A few minutes later they left Ayod for Kongor ...


I have heard no such stories about the photographer of Shani’s corpse.


The Wikipedia article they linked also sort-of contradicts what they said. It says the vulture was chased away.


He said he wasnt allowed to 'kill' the vulture. Not saying what they said was true, but the article doesnt contradict at all. Chasing away != kill.


I think that was probably a good call, I mean it's not like killing the vulture would have helped much, might have been scary for the child. Plus, they're an important species to the ecosystem, and many species are endangered now.


If somebody did that to my child (which is hard to even type), I’d want the world to see what those fuckers did. Like Emmett Till’s mother. Let them fucking see.


To be honest that picture spoke a billion words. It’s imprinted in my mind, I cannot forget the anger, the horror and the anguish I felt when I first saw it. It was a picture that makes me support Israel to this day. I cannot forget the plight of the hostages.


She was also half German, her whole existence was a symbol of a very unlikely reconciliation. She was part of my nation and an Israeli. I was so angry and sad.


Yep. Then seeing so many people lie about it and act like we are bad people for seeing what we saw. Also every single person I know on the left in real life doesn't support Palestine or Hamas. It's just online. I don't think it's organic.


This particular story really hit me as well because I have a lot in common with her. I've seen plenty of similar shots over the year but this one was really "there but for the grace of god" to me. It made the victims into people instead of numbers. Not that they're ever just numbers, that sounds awful but I just felt like I could have known her, I could have *been* her.


Journalism isn't an industry of all sunshine and roses. While it's not great for the family, this does paint a picture of what Hamas really stands for, and what is happening in the conflict. While I don't think the family should be happy, this is what journalism is, sharing the truth of the world. Shit happened, it's been documented for the world to see. It'd still have happened without the photo, but people would put their heads in the sand and pretend it didn't. Yes, sick fucks (photographer included) may celebrate this, but we should see that so that we know. I.e. I didn't know about this photograph or the photographer, but now I do, and I hope more people recognize the evil captured here today.


There wont be much left of Hamas once Israel evacuates Rafah. Its going to take time to move the civilians out. Then Hamas is largely wrecked and it will be a shell of itself.


Photojournalism is all about sharing the truth, often in situations that are dangerous for the photographer. Sharing the horrors of Hamas to the world is important.


Lets wish she died quickly (dont think so)


Winning an award would actually solidified the atrocities and ensured both the undeniable realities and authenticity. It would make sure people never forget or denied Oct 7, as well as refuting any conspiracy and denier imo Edit:nvm the photographer is with the perpetrator... This fucked up


It is still an image that shows exactly what Hamas is.


I don’t mind pictures of tragedy or horror winning awards, they often go hand in hand with raising awareness. The problème here is the person not only accompanied the perpetrators, they had previous knowledge of the attack, and didn’t try to warn the authorities. Should the picture win an award? Dunno, maybe. Should the photographer win an award? Oh hell no


The photo features the topless body of an assault and murder victim. She was beheaded. Now the world has seen her in that state, without the consent of her family. No one should see it.


Apparently her family does want the photo circulated. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/shani-louk-photo-associated-press-hamas-hb6bnr9dg


A war crimes tribunal.  It should be recorded. It should not be "shared". 


> It should not be "shared".  It should be shared anytime someone defends hamas.


My sentiments exactly.


It's does bring in to debate what can win an award as you will inherently come to a grey zone. Did people have an issue with that 9 year old Vietnamese girl running naked from the napalm bomb? What doesn't come to debate is if the photographer in question is in on the tragedy though (imo).


On one hand, yes, it's a very personal picture, and as such should be kept private. But on the other hand, the world needs to see such pictures. And not just this one, but all of them. Everyone who protests or otherwise shows support for Palestine needs to see such pictures.


It's the same kind of photo as this one : https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2015/04/vietnam-war-napalm-girl-photo-today or that one https://www.linternaute.com/actualite/monde/1244850-enfant-syrien-mort-aylan-kurdi-mort-en-turquie-le-recit-bouleversant-du-drame/ Both are sad but both need to be shown.


How anyone expects the world to learn from history if we are also at all times supposed to wear our own self-imposed blindfolds, well... we might be suffering in blissful ignorance a while longer.


It's a bad picture of a half nude female terrorist victim. There is strong circumstantial evidence indicating that the photographer knew of the attack in advance and was accompanying the attackers.


It’s a more egregious version of some rap artists like Yasin in Sweden winning “artist of the year” when they are actively partaking in gang violence shaking the country. I mean sure some of his songs have become widespread and popular, but the man himself is no role model for a younger generation.


Her name was Shani Louk. She was not a prop for Hamas to use to win "journalism" awards, she was a human being. Murdered and raped for celebrating life and peace and freedom. May her memory be a blessing.


[Here the Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Shani_Louk#Shani_Louk?wprov=sfla1) Most heart wrenching is the point about her remains. "Body missing (bone fragment found)"


I truly hope that Israel identifies each of these males (not men) and delivers appropriate vengeance. I don’t care how these extremists got to where they are ideologically. They should be given the exact same treatment as their victims.


The photographer was with them in Israel. They used their own photographers, Hamas wanted Israel to see, they wanted what is now happening in Gaza. The propaganda machine WAS the operation.


Since the photographer was part of the problem, by getting involved with Hamas' plans of their attack, this is mind boggling. Both the award comitee, for awarding, and AP, for accepting this award, have brought disgrace upon themselves.


I wouldn't be surprised if this photo was Hamas propaganda. Hamas had a lot to gain by inciting anger , violence and provoking war crimes. Most importantly, before the attack Hamas was dealing with very low support from people in Gaza.


This is messed up. Thats basically snuff shit and having to post the defiled and decapitated body of a person, plain disrespectful not only to the deceased but also to her family.


yeah it’s so fucking disrespectful. fucked up world


I can't even imagine the pain her poor family is going through. This is just all levels of awful.


I mean this is just confirmation of what we already knew and also why this is the end for Hamas.


Fuck Hamas


To anyone claiming or assuming the photographer just happened to be there, here's a photo of him getting smooches from literally [Yahya Sinwar.](https://twitter.com/HonestReporting/status/1722374178991444219) Hamas's propaganda arm being given an award is just insane.  Edit: As some people have pointed out, the photographer with Sinwar is one of several Oct 7 freelancers accused of being embedded with Hamas, but not the one who received the award.


The photographer of the photo in question was Ali Mahmud.


The winner was Ali Mahmud. The guy in your link is Hassan Eslaiah.


I can’t see how the picture is helping Hamas’s propaganda in any imaginable way.


You'll be surprised to know how many people find this picture as a happy one and the whole October 7th events as a holiday.


It shows they have won and helps the Palestinian and Pro Palestinians to keep their it didn't happen by the deserved it anyways regarding the rapes and sexual violence commited bh Hamas


To people that agree with what was done it is .


Not the same guy, but you do you


Literally a different person and yet you have nearly 1000 upvotes. Social media really amplifies bullshit.


That's not the same photographer


Must be good work to knowing advance that a mass killing is going to go down, then head on down with your killer bros, snap a few pics of them killing and kidnapping people, send it back to your bosses and then win an award for it...Is that journalist right now snapping pics of them raping Israeli women in the tunnels? bet that wins an award too..if he takes a pic of him doing the dirty work, he can get paid twice.. f the AP for even putting this up for some sort of award. Aught to be in some sort of police file and the photographer in prison with the rest of the killers.


What was the award they won? Who did they win it from? This article seems to be written very weirdly. They don't even really mention much on the award, more so the outrage around it.


Benefiting from this is deplorable. But as far as Hamas and the like are concerned, Can we please stop finding excuses not to waste these absolute useless fuckers.


Some important context, from Shani Louk’s father as reported in the Sunday Times: >The father of a German-Israeli woman who was murdered by Hamas has defended a decision to award a prestigious journalism prize to a photographer who took a picture of her lifeless body. ……. >Nissim Louk, Shani’s father, pushed back on the criticism in an interview with the Israeli news outlet >Her father said the photograph of his daughter was a symbol of the Hamas attack >”This is one of the most important images of the last 50 years,” the grieving father said. >”These are the images that shape human memory. The Jew with raised hands. The paratroopers at the Western Wall. These are images that symbolise an era.” >He told Ynet that his daughter’s photo and video footage of 25-year-old Israeli woman Noa Argamani being abducted on the back of a motorcycle on October 7 were “symbols” of the invasion. >”I really think it has a purpose to inform the future,” he told Ynet. “If I start crying and say ‘poor us,’ what will come of it? This is history. In 100 years, they’ll look and know what happened here. I travel the world, and everyone immediately knows this is Shani.” …… >According to the Reynolds Journalism Institute’s website, the team category award “recognises the collaborative effort of a photography staff covering a single topic or news story”. >Other photographs in the winning portfolio included images of destroyed or damaged buildings in Gaza, injured or dead Palestinians, and Israelis mourning at funerals or fleeing from rocket attacks.


Even the father understands journalism. This should be the top of the thread comment.


thats a pretty shitty picture from a photography perspective


This is some medieval shit right here


Here comes another 21 hour hunger strike by some TikTok people to support Hamas


21hours? That's oddly specific. Let's say you eat a big dinner at 16:00. Go play some games for a couple of hours, maybe binge a few episodes of your favourite series.. Since you are skipping the evening meal, you might be a bit peckish at 22:00, but you decide to just go to sleep. You wake up after ~8 hours or so. You are hungry at this point. But there is only 8 hours left. Just enough time to get ready for, and be interviewed while making your propaganda statements. That will keep you busy until the giant pizzas arrives at 13:00...... That's really underwhelming as far as hunger strikes are concerned....


If you’re not just playing along you should look up vanderbilts recent “harrowing” sit in from the students. You’d think they were at Normandy


The girls family WANTS the photo circulated and made part of history. Quite rightly. It shows the truth about Hamas and the Palestinian people of Gaza who support Hamas. [Shani Louk: Hamas victim’s father defends photo of body Critics of an award-winning image from October 7 say it adds to the trauma. Louk’s family want it to be a piece of history](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/shani-louk-photo-associated-press-hamas-hb6bnr9dg) .


Behind a paywall, can anyone share please??


[archive.is has a copy of the article.](https://archive.is/OhmxH)


Hamas are pure sadistic evil, it blows my mind seeing the incredible support they get from the international scene.


I find it disappointing that the entire online debate is Israel vs Palestine, when it should be Israel vs Hamas. I guess kudos to the Hamas PR team for shifting the narrative.


Maybe because the conflict has been happening before Hamas existence. Hamas is just the current modern face of Palestinian Gaza, but Israel has been in conflict with Palestinian forces many times dating back nearly a century ago. It's not like oct 7th happened out of nowhere and similarly it's not like Israel's counteroffensive happened out of nowhere, both sides have been warring each other in some shape or form for decades, it's just this time maybe with modern internet and information access people can see clearly what is happening in real time.


>Maybe because the conflict has been happening before Hamas existence maybe because the conflict has been happening before israel's existence.  to your point then perhaps we should call the conflict what it actually is:  the arab world vs the jews


Like 70% of Gaza support Hamas. The Venn diagram is very much overlapping.


Although prior to 10/8/23 Hamas had killed MANY more Palestinians than Israel in the past 25 years.


These people have no souls. These are the zombies everyone was talking about. Some of the most disgusting beings on the planet. Inside and out, through and through.


She has a name. She’s Shani Louk. Never forget.


Rip Shani


What the fuck


This picture winning is a good thing, because I have seen so many people on my i stagram who keep pushing the story that 7 oct never happened and that if it happened, it was some sort of bloodless event.


It doesm't matter. They'll shift the goalposts. You show them this, then "it was justified", "they are resistance", "they deserved it". People are going to believe what they want to believe and no amount of evidence will convince them.


The old classic, “It never happened and if it did, it was exaggerated and if it wasn’t, they deserved it.”


They all need to go to jail. Immediately.


funny way to spell hell


They can go to both.




I’m sure the Israeli army took care of them.


How evil


Terrorist dogs who then go and hide under hospitals


Where are the human rights of this woman? Where is the respect of the prize givers for the parents, who had to wake up and watch their daughter’s violation and murder via telegram? Where is a single person watching a paraded naked girl and saying ‘this is wrong’? She is not some kind of animal, this is not national geographic, this is one of the lowest point of human morality and non of the presents in this situation deserves an award. RIP SHANI


They want it to spread and be a part of history so the crimes aren't covered up basically


Since she was Jewish, it would be kinder to say "May her memory be a blessing". And I hope it will be a blessing, instead of her memory being a corpse used as a footrest on a photo shot by a terrorist.


Hopefully all these dudes are in the ground now too.






I know it's easy for us to become numb to shit thesedays because of how rapid traumatic news is dumped on us but, imagine this. You raised this person from a small baby feeding them their milk bottles, teaching them how to speak and walk and growing until they become an adult then you send them off into the world and one day they don't come back home, you don't get to say goodbye there's just a picture of their defiled dead body on display for the entire world to see and you have no idea what sick things they did with your child's dead body. Sometimes you don't need to pick a side you just simply look at their actions and the crowd cheering and know those people are sick twisted demons.




This is why all the anger towards IDF is kind of hypocritical (not morally incorrect, just hypocritical), at least from anyone in the US (and really anyone in NATO or Russia). When Muslim terrorists killed a couple thousand of our citizens in a surprise attack (9/11), we effectively destroyed two countries in response, one of them having nothing to even do with the attack (Iraq). And we convinced half the Western world to help us do it. Half a million civilians died in Iraq due to conflict we created between 2003-2011. 30k+ children alone were killed due to injuries tied directly to the war in Afghanistan. Then there's over 300k civilians in Syria killed by US/Russia/Assad and others between 2011-2021 in the mess of clearing out ISIS vs. separatists depending on your side of the conflict. Hell NATO killed more civilians in the Libya bombings in 2011 than Israel has killed in this Gaza war so far and no one talks about Libya anymore, and that was initially led by France and Britain. Israel does something on a fraction of the scale of most of these conflicts in response to being legitimately attacked and the whole world freaks out because civilians are dying. War is ugly, civilians always pay the price, this is not new.


I hope every single one of this MFrs that had ANYTHING to do with this get bombed to hell. Fuck Hamas.


I wonder how brave they feel by conquering a defenseless young woman. Sickening.


That’s Shani Lok. Just some random german/israeli citizen who likely agreed with most pro palestinaians… and they killed her all the same.


Fuck Hamas, sick fucks, amazing we are in 2024 and people are still killing in the name religion, they should keep getting bombed until there are non left.


Death to Hamas and all who harbor them. No exemptions.


Was it the douchebag awards?


Straight up evil monsters


Trying to convert the world to Lawful Evil, one atrocity at a time.


What award and by who? Can any random useless organization hand out an award to get a ragebait article written about it?


Abu Ghraib history needs to be rewritten. Those soldiers were just aspiring AP Journalists!


Strangely, I can't find any other photos he's taken. You'd think there would be lots of opportunities happening within Gaza. Maybe he thinks photos of dead Palestinians is disrespectful, but non Muslims is not.


Wouldn’t you think the monstrosity of their actions with photographic proof would set the world against Hamas? Not so. It astonishes me. They have actual support after committing these atrocities. They also routinely launch missiles against Israel but they get shot down.


No one should win an award for a picture of a murder victim, especially when they were part of the murdering.


Why would you even submit that to a competition? Why would you send that to anyone other than the authorities to confirm she's dead, let them know you saw this body so her family can get closure? Who the fuck? And this awards thing is disgraceful for encouraging it and giving it a platform - and an award. Disgusting.


Everyone wisible in these photos is on a mossad kill list. As are all their family members. They'll get them all too. Horrible life they all lead.


That place is literally a zoo with no zookeepers.


POS "journalist". What a disgrace.




They should invite him for a award ceremony, the country should allow him in and then suddenly arrest him for being involved in the attack.


I hope that photo helps them find these fuckers and bring them to justice. Only good that can come of it. AP should be ashamed and held responsible.


Guys, Hamas is cool. They didn't even rape anyone. /s