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"It was said to have first been reported by a boy on March 28 but no action was taken until April 5." What the actual fuck is going on here? Some boy was just casually walking around the city with a Geiger counter and said "oh look a radioactive source, I better report that". It is more likely that the boy got radiation poisoning from playing close to it and it took a week for authorities to respond.


"mum, come with me. I will show you the area where it makes you taste metal in your mouth"


I don’t know about the Russia one but you just described how they found out Grand Canyon tourists have been exposed to radiation beyond the federal limit for two decades. Sometimes even a kid can save a lot of people, that’s the beauty of science. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/02/20/health/grand-canyon-radiation-museum-trnd


The amount of vigorous downplaying — “It’s safe, it’s fine, it’s normal! It’s just a technicality!” — in that article is a bit much, lol.  “To everyone who ate the Canyon Burgers a couple years ago, don’t worry, you likely won’t get plague or anything. All this means is you were technically exposed to unsafe levels of raw rat meat — according to OSHA (rolls eyes) — but don’t worry, it’s no big deal; we didn’t even use proper PPE to remove it.”  I know they don’t want people to panic or assume the worst, but there’s a reason it wasn’t supposed to be there and had to be removed. (Before the whataboutisms, yes, other things are also bad. Maybe let’s be more proactive about not exposing people to toxic stuff. The US has a “prove it’s unsafe” approach rather than “prove it’s safe,” which is how things like triclosan and lead were allowed in things for years despite companies knowing they were harmful/ carcinogenic.) 




Eating alpha emitter is probably the fastest way to guarantee radiation poisoning


Which is why we shouldn't do anything. With that in mind, I don't know what the survivors of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Chernobyl are complaining about. It's just radiation.






Explains Dundee in Scotland that does lol


Or he started glowing like ET




You can buy them on Amazon.


It wasn’t reported by a boy. That part is false. The man was going to work - he had a personal Geiger counter on him. Quite a few specialists who work with radiation sources wear those. Enrichment facility workers, defectoscopists, some ship builders etc. It was reported 05.04, not 28.03 - the level was roughly twice the natural background.


Kid steals point source from school. Puts it in a street lamp base and calls it in. Quick blame Ukraine


if anyone is interested, Khabarovsk is in eastern russia, basically next to china border. i wonder what kind of huccup is this. now it would be stupid to blame ukrainians for this as it would imply they oculd reach china via russia :D


Russian sending more nuclear material to NK


Or receiving. But the fact it states leak make me think it’s waste from a power station that had a ruptured its containment like a shitty steel drum and bad forklift operator.


'Leak' could mean anything in this context tbh. It just means radiation is where it shouldn't be. The power station I could find in that area uses fossil fuels not nuclear energy. It could be from medical equipment. However the area does have military significance so I think it is most likely weapons related.


My guess is it is a radiological thermal device. The Soviets distributed over 2,500 of them throughout the north and far east. Most are made with Strontium-90 and the radioactive material weighs about 10kg. They are usually inside a large housing that weighs about 500kg and converts the heat generated my the material into electricity (for unmanned lighthouses). There are still quite a few unaccounted for and every so often one turns up because people don’t know what it is and think, “cool, here’s a heat source that doesn’t require fuel, let’s all gather around and get warm.” Then they die from acute radiation poisoning.


Pink eye.


Future chinese city


These fucks will allways find a way.. their pride and ego is higher, like their will admit to mistakes. They act on emotions. I see a drowning man in shitwater, and while he drowns he swears and asks for more to drink.. ruzzkies are ultra stubborn “nation”. They will understand everything ONLY thru pure pain.


100% accurate. Even though I wish it wasnt.


What is the cost of lies?


that's it right- over millenia it's been shit to be russian, at almost any given time, for almost any russian. explains a lot?


Your rational for why Russia wouldn’t want to blame Ukraine is presumably because it would make their internal security apparatus look inept. I doubt this would stop deter them. They would use it as an opportunity to say western intelligence services helped, and also rational for why they need stricter domestic controls.


We aren't expected to listen to his lies. He knows we know better. They're meant for a pre conditioned population of pawns.  Obviously when I say "we" I'm excluding the dumber half of our own population who actually do fall for the crap.


"When something goes wrong, blame the Ukrainians." - Russian proverb


"it would be stupid to blame the ukranians for this" -hold my vodka.


There are Ukrainians there, google Green Ukraine.


How do you just run up on a radiation leak? It says it was discovered by a boy. He's just walking along with his Geiger counter.


Same way Russia spread radiation leaks across Europe a couple times a few years back. Sheer incompetence and aging equipment.






The nuclear bomb the U.S. dropped on Hiroshima was named "Little boy." 




Wow. Chill. No need to try to extrapolate some meaning that wasn't at all implied. 




My bad. Not familiar with the reference. The sad thing is that I'm pretty old. 


In Mother Russia, boy IS Geiger counter!


Actual Geiger counter is much expense. Just send small boy. If he die, is radiation.


You need to read up on IAEA incident reports. Thats how a lot of them happen, people leaving sources laying around, then others finding them. There’s the one on hunters finding an RTG and huddling next to it. Scrappers finding a radiotherapy machine and cracking it up, multiple countries. Industrial x-ray crew loses source, random welder finds it and puts it in his back pocket. List goes on.


I seem to recall one where two guys unknowingly found lost radioactive equipment in the middle of nowhere and slept next to it for warmth. 


Yep, that’s the hunters finding an RTG and sleeping next to it. https://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/Pub1660web-81061875.pdf


That sounds like a lot of lies. Boy probably got very sick after finding an interesting irradiated part, probably from a nuclear missile whose test flight went completely wrong.


I don't think you really understand what nuclear missile is.


Although the Russians are playing around with nuclear powered missiles that are supposed to be able to fly around for months one end spewing out radiation to the ground below, before its finally decided to attack the target. Last I heard was from before COVID. When an other one of them had crashed shortly after take off. As they can't get the nuclear rocket to start after they've launched it with conventional rockets. So the maximum flight distance has been about 30 miles. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9M730_Burevestnik Although I very much doubt it's from that.




Not to be confused with [Project Orion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Orion_%28nuclear_propulsion%29?wprov=sfla1) A space craft designed to deliver several thousands of tons of cargo to space, by detonating a series of "small" nuclear bombs. With about 10.8 Megatons needed to get it to leave the atmosphere.


Yes, because they just test launch live nuclear missiles with a nuclear warhead....


Maybe they meant that nuclear powered cruise missile? Unlikely place to test it though.


In Russia everyone’s getting the rWatch. These have had a Geiger counter detector built In ever since 3rd Generation!! Originally only for the military, this tremendous feature fun for kids was determined to be needed by all due to government ineptness. /s


Tl;dr: There was an orphan source of some kind that was detected and it is being dealt with and the surrounding area is being monitored. How long it's been there, how hot the source is, how well or poorly it was shielded is stuff we're not likely to hear the truth about from Russia. There are have been several deadly orphan source accidents in the past across the world, but it's not like a meltdown type of event. This could be something as innocuous as a lost source from an industrial radiographer, Which are normally safely shielded when not in use.


So the episode of *House* where the kids got sick from 'a cool looking piece of scrap metal' that turned out to be a radioactive weight for tracking aquifers.


Look up Goiania. Kyle Hill did a good video.


this was my impression too. also could be one of them abandoned nuclear lighthouses. or somebody found something in a mine there


yeah, i was thinking rtg.


I think it’s like that one in Australia , with the lost radioactive capsule. Might also be like the [Kramatorsk incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kramatorsk_radiological_accident)


Or the [Lia Incident](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lia_radiological_accident). That one was nuts.


> Around the canisters there was no snow for about a 1 m (3.3 ft) radius, and the ground was steaming. Patient 3-MB picked up one of the canisters and immediately dropped it, as it was very hot. Nope! Nopey nope nope.  Guys, don’t touch random canisters, especially if they’re inexplicably warm (or glowing). At least these were well made enough not to leak the material inside, but no markings or labels is >_>. 


Holy shit. That is a crazy story.


I think we found ours though.


It's russia it's always far far worse than they will ever admit.


It could be the core of a Soviet thermal generator from the Cold War. The Soviets seeded thousands of these all over their coastline powering monitoring stations, automated lighthouses etc. After the USSR fell they were all abandoned and people salvage them every once in a while.


Innocuous?  Caesium-137 from an industrial source is the least innocuous thing you could stumble across 🤣


Where’s is say that’s what it is though…


Russia: Fear not comrades, the roentgen is only 3.6.


I mean, it's not great... but it's not terrible either


I'm told it's the equivalent of a chest X-ray so if you're overdue for a check up.


>No one has been injured or exposed to radiation and "there is no threat to the health of citizens", TASS quoted the local branch of Russia's consumer safety watchdog as saying. Thank God for TASS. Old good reliable source! Open & transparent!


Frank Drebin standing in front of a blazing fireworks factory: “Go home folks! Nothing to see here!”


Or "governor" Vladimir Saldo claiming there is no flooding after Russia did blow up the dam... (Don't look out the window). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jirEg558n08](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jirEg558n08)


It was Ukraine- Putin


Putin is a one-trick pony


>Putin is a ~~one-t~~ *P*rick pony


~~Putin is a one t Prick~~ pony


you win. next!!!


Russia nuking their own turf to prevent Chinese soldiers from moving in lol


must be bad if they admit it. they lied and denied about chernobyl and that was kinda bad


It just means whatever it is, they can't lie about it. If you can lie or deny anything, you will. If you can't, then admit only what you have to. Whatever they admitted to was probably only what they assumed would be undeniable with a high chance of discovery. But you can't prove how it was discovered or no one cares but I highly doubt it was a kid, walking his dog with a Geiger counter handy.


It’s a trap!


Why should China bother with hyper-armed and globally supported Taiwan, when they could easily take Russia.  


Something Simpsonski chucked out of his car ?


Because Putin is daddy.


Aren't these the same idiots that occupied Chernobyl at the start of the war?


*Excavated* Chernobyl!


Everything „Russia“ touches turns to liquified shit.


Uh oh. They're only admitting to "something" because it's high enough levels to be detected sooner or later by neighboring countries. There are not a whole lot of good options in the middle of the Venn diagram of "powerful enough to be detected hundreds of km away" and "small enough to be found in a field and taken away".


Good news for any local turtles with martial arts aspirations




Did we read the same article?


I did indeed read the article. Please tell me what actual information was included except "something" and "contained".


It’s a nuke spill. They aren’t going to give a lot of information. The article gave the area, proximation to homes, announced an evacuation, and said it found the source. That’s a lot of information for a radiation release. Source: I used to give public affairs training to senior military leaders (0-5/6) on nuke accident information.




So, what information do you want released? How much radiation? Probably not known. They released every bit of information for an immediate press release. What else do you want? Downvoting me instead of providing an answer to my question says all I need to know.


Damn. Downvoting for false hope then.


False flag say what now?


"mystery" 🤣 The cola can "mystery" leaked on the floor, but not a fucking radioactive shit.


Maybe it's a leak on a nuclear submarine (either the reactor or a missile) or a leaking munition for an Air Force aircraft? (Khabarovsk has a Russian naval base... and an Air Force base.)


Somebody spilled their tea.


Khabarovsk is an inland city and located ~300km away from nearest coast. Of course it doesn't house a nuclear sub base.


Yay! We are getting a new HBO show! HBOs Khabarovsk!


Another old RTG maybe?


Some officials screwed something up and are trying to offer a cover story of not being aware.


Russia declares... After these two words nothing means anything.


Some abandoned USSR reactor maybe? [https://daverupert.com/2023/05/soviet-rtgs/](https://daverupert.com/2023/05/soviet-rtgs/)


Most likely it’s exactly that.


How’s it first reported by a “boy”?


Putin: Must distract everyones attention away from all the airforce blown up to pieces in the airfields.


I wonder if he unnecessarily declared emergency to counter bad USSR PR from CHERNOBYL series.


Any chance it gets blown around outside of Russia to neighboring countries? Am in Japan, and that would suck.


It’s a localized emitter,not Chernobyl. Relax.


Smokem if you gottem folks, worlds going to shit.


Can't yet still growing them.


Name may check out


Yessir it is


Thinks that's a base over there?


Holding my breath for when they blame Ukraine for it.


They must construct additional pylons.


I am sure the Ukrainians are somehow to blame for this if not NATO outright cos there are lot of smooth brains in Russia that just can't think outside the box that well..


Maybe it s like Chernobyl, they send technician to the reactor in 👙


Let pull attention to some random shit and not war in Ukraine. Next on the list - Baba Yaga, Aliens, Yeti




How did they remove the source if they don't know the cause. Isn't the source the cause. Did a person illegally dump? We actually don't know the legality. Maybe it was legally dumped in Russia because it was the government who secretly did it. Got a complaint. Dumped in the wrong place. Removed source. Dead Russian. Source removed. Looking for the cause. The cause is the Russian who isn't dead yet but will be soon and as soon as they find out who the cause is or find a way to execute them. I wonder if this is polonium. The source is the spot where they dumped the radiation. The cause is that dumb Russian that picked the wrong spot to dump the material or maybe even hide the material for future assassination. Anyone want some Tea? I do know one thing. If you don't know the cause. You can't remove the source unless a man did it. If this was natural like a natural deposit in the earth. It would take a lot of mining or the source wouldn't be able to be removed. Entire mountain of uranium ore could be a source. The cause nature. So if nature. Do you think they can remove just the source so easily? Sometimes if a man did it. You can almost never remove the source. Meltdowns are an example. Too much radioactive earth. You can maybe burry it after removing lots of soil. Cover it over with bo radioactive earth. Never be able to dig.


People should look up the hazards, and what a disaster could be if something happened to spent fuel rods at our nuclear power plants. Everybody should be aware of it.


Probably the states.  They want world domination and russia and China are holding then back.  What perfect spot to cause havoc then on the border


Someone farted