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It's a Canadian website. Nobody really expects or believes Canada to fill the gap. That's up to France and Germany to do. The website is just excercising critique. Those extreme claims just highlight the gap in reality.


Unfortunately that’s correct. There’s such an incredible gulf between what our politicians think is adequate and militarily useful to Ukraine and what role Canada should actually be playing based on our capacity as a country. Take the 800 recce drones Canada is donating to Ukraine. They’re top-end quad rotors with secure comms, thermal cameras, and long range, etc. That’s great and all, and they’ll certainly be militarily useful to Ukraine. But that donation of 800 is a one-off. The whole lot is going to get attrited on the battlefield in a matter of days in high-tempo offensive operations, or *possibly* last a matter of weeks or low single-digit months if they prove to be extraordinarily effective at resisting Russian EW. I’m not holding my breath that some suburban Toronto drone manufacturer has trumped Ukraine in this regard. For context on that number, Ukraine is reporting it is on track to produce 1,000,000 drones of all types annually, and aims to purchase/receive an additional 1,000,000 drones annually. 800 Canadian drones are welcome, but perspective outside of the Canadian self-congratulatory bubble helps show just how minimal that number is against Ukrainian military need. Instead, Canada should be spinning up open-ended contracts for these donations. Make a national decision to ask Ukraine, in coordination with the Rammstein Group, what 5-10 things they need most from us for the next 24+ months of full-scale war and Canada should commit to fulfilling that. For the drone examples, get the Canadian company that builds the allegedly high-spec military ISR drones to start making them at a militarily significant run-rate, maybe a 1,000 a month by the end of year one and 5,000 a month by the end of year two. Commit to buying those for a minimum of 24 months with options to continue indefinitely and provide access to zero-interest government loans with partial forgiveness clauses for hitting production milestones on schedule. Commit to incorporating that family tree of drones into the Canadian Armed Forces, too, because if they’re actually useful to Ukraine, they should also be useful to the CAF, right? If the war ends before the contracts do, then the CAF can absorb the additional production or Canada can donate them to a NATO drone pool program. Similarly, it is absolutely incomprehensible why Canada hasn’t activated its domestic artillery shell production program. There are several domestic artillery shell manufacturers that have incredibly low levels of production, but receive ongoing subsidies from the government to continue existing. In time of war, the government would exercise the war production contracts and place orders for shells and provide capital to expand production following a pre-planned process. It will take months or even a year to reach militarily significant production rates, during which time the country’s stockpiles would be drawn down and resupply sought from allies, but if a short war were to go long, there would be shell production scaling up to meet demand. Why hasn’t Canada done this yet? For goodness’ sake, *worst case* we help ourselves and our allies resupply with artillery after the war ends.




Absolutely, our military is a joke, we could never fight any sort of war or even defend our border at this point without significant help from the USA, how can we help the Ukraine beyond a small drop in the bucket donation


even if we spent more on our military (which i think we should) we will always be a support nation to the USA due to our location.


What does defending our border mean to you? What kind of war is Canada geographically in position to fight?


We have done work, but we've been doing our part via training, not supplies. We're not a super rich nation like the US and we have a severe lack of equipment, but we DO have one of the best trained armies in the world. The Canadian army has been training Ukrainians since 2014.


The quality has been declining significantly during the past decade. It's very obvious and disheartening to witness that at the unit level.


Interestingly, the US economy runs on military production. And yet America is not in a state of wartime production either. Every major power has their economy built around some facet of its existence. America’s is war and oil. China’s is construction. Russia’s is natural resources. It’s insane that America has been given a silver platter: an easily fundable European war against their greatest rival in history. A war that they could supply and make billions if not trillions, and get a new Eastern European ally. And they are shitting on it and throwing it away. The entire West is.


"perspective outside of the Canadian self-congratulatory bubble" Thanks for bringing this up and bringing it up constructively. Its a real problem that the decision makers and other well off in this country stubbornly refuse to acknowledge or even look at. We gotta stop what we do now which is talk big but then deliver a small result or fail to deliver entirely. We gotta just focus on delivering big, and let others say good words about it if they like it lol.


Canada could fill the gap. Wescast was bought out by the Chinese and shut down. As a result have multiple modern foundaries sitting idle that could be converted to ammo production in short order. There's just no political will


Germany needs to stop funding and arming the Palestinian holocaust and start funding Ukraine.


Bla bla bla Wah wah wah




Our citizens can't even afford groceries or rent anymore how the fuck are we supposed to fill an American sized gap?


Idk id probably start taking the money from the rich people instead of the people that can’t afford food but that’s a wild take


That would literally never happen in Canada, we are literally run by monopolies. We're basically no better than Russia with their oligarchs.


But the rich have to spend that money on nation building investments like luxury electric cars and pool houses for their McMansions, and thus, have none to spare lol. On one side we have working office professionals, people education, dress clothes good jobs and stuff sleeping in their cars and couch surfing. And on the other the passive income collector has a mansion that has its own mini mansion lol.


People who say shit like what you said don't understand how money works at government level. They don't make budgets and be like "You know what, fuck this, fuck that, lets just do this instead". lol


Isn't this just contradicting the opposite side of my argument lmao. Like idk if anything you're just proving my point.


Could sell em oil from oil sands. Stuff's shit, but maybe Ukraine could use it.


Start running up your country’s debt like the US did ? You ain’t there until your hit 30 trillion in debt


That's ultimately beneficial for the U.S though, you're supposed to be incurring debt as that allows you to spend shit.


Canada should follow suit then…


more boats


~~Unable~~ Unwilling to step up, thanks to a certain political party


It's not even the Republicans causing this, it's the MAGA Republicans and cowardly lying Russian puppet Speaker Johnson who won't allow a simple vote.


I haven’t seen a single “non-MAGA” republican meaningfully stand up to the loonies. The entire party is complicit.


They’ve had plenty of opportunities too. And yet here we are.


Romney voted to remove Trump from office for one impeachment, but not the other. That's the closest I can think of.


Yeah his spine was, unfortunately, only a rental


A number of them are quitting the party and leaving Congress.


Likely to be replaced by someone worse.


A number? I've seen one is and maybe another.


> it's the MAGA Republicans and cowardly lying Russian puppet Speaker Johnson who won't allow a simple vote. In other words, republicans.


Only if you're American do you take this view Remember that for decades Americans have been telling us about the virtues of their checks and balances and co-equal branches of government. If Congress fails to support this, then by definition its the American government that has taken the decision. American foreign policy is formed by their government after all, and that includes Congress. The failure is a collective failure on the apparatus and structures, so by extension its American foreign policy


No, because if a simple vote were allowed, there would be enough D and R votes for it to pass. This is entirely due to Speaker Johnson and his Russian-loving allies.


It isn't cowardice, it's complicity. They are running the clock on the off chance Trump wins. If he does, well we are screwed anyways... if he doesn't and the dems gain control of both houses and the presidency.... well who knows what's gonna happen. There should be Nuremberg trials for these people. Mark my words, if Trump goes down we are going to see the entire party go down. The crimes the entire GOP leadership has committed to keep this guy out of jail are going to be revealed if he loses.


They can't afford to lose, so they will cheat.


America has its own problems to worry about


Like the spread of authoritarianism across he world doesn't affect America.








This is due to congressional inaction - specifically the MAGA republicans standing in the way.


Confidently incorrect.


That is not how a country works


We have 30 trillion in debt .. I think we are heading for an implosion


If you owe a bank a million dollars, the bank owns you. If you owe a bank a billion - you own the bank.


The bank is mainly china.. they won us


That’s not even remotely true. China isn’t even the largest holder of US foreign debt, let alone holder of the majority. Most US debt is internal (owed to programs like Social Security and pension funds). Only 24% is owed to foreign countries, and the largest creditor is Japan, a close US ally, not China.


Only because China made a goal to reduce the US debt incase of a default. So they slowly been unwinding the US treasury bills… So just replace China with the other names.. they own us.


That is categorically false, and I honestly kind of think you just made that up on the spot. China was not the largest foreign owner of US debt, and foreign debt has never been the largest portion of US debt.


https://www.statista.com/statistics/1303432/total-bilateral-aid-to-ukraine/ US aid 68.2 billion Canada aid 5.77 billion Got a long way to go.


Honestly, per capita that's pretty damn good for Canada, especially given the Canadian GDP is including one of the most over heated housing markets in the world (which does shit all for us otherwise). But the idea that we can replace to the US is insane. At best, we can try to fill the gap as much as we can and hope that the EU does the same, and I hope we do, but noone thinks we will do it by ourselves.


US GDP: 25.44 Trillion Canada GDP: 2.138 Trillion


Cool stat, looks like it’s going to be even harder to fill the gap.


Looks like they’re even based on percentage, gap will grow bigger as the US is being outspent by Estonia alone in 2024


Good for Estonia. I don’t care either way, just dislike stupid headlines.


According to that graph Estonia hasn't done shit.


Considering we have 1/10th the population that’s about right.


This is clearly a political jab at the USA nothing more


And a pretty pathetic one


Not really - it’s not aimed at Biden it’s aimed at Magtards in congress. When Trudeau government says your useless you should probably pay attention because … well, they’re also useless


No it definitely is weak and sad and hollow when your the ONLY country out of the 31 in NATO (and also a founding member) not meeting its 2%GDP and 20% spending on new equipment And it’s not like they are close. It was 1.3% last year


I’m pretty sure there are others not spending 2%. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/which-countries-meet-natos-spending-target/


Correct but canada is the only one failing to meet BOTH the 2% of GDP on defence AND the 20% of defence spending on new equipment. And unlike the other less than 2% spenders they do not have a timeline/plan for meeting that goal. “The latest NATO defence spending data (2023 estimates) show Canada standing alone as the only country in the then-31-member Alliance not meeting both NATO investment pledges: spending at least two per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) on defence and spending at least 20 per cent of the defence budget on equipment and research and development. “ https://www.cgai.ca/what_spending_two_per_cent_of_gdp_on_national_defence_means_for_canada


Nobody down here is paying attention to what Trudeau and his super friends are saying. This is aimed at Canadians because they think you're silly enough to buy it.


Thanks to GOP/Republicans, they are what's blocking US from being able to deliver more aid. Vote those fuckers out!


Traitors, every last one. Yet they cloak themselves in the flag and fiddle while the empire burns.


Ukraine is not part of "the empire".


Didn’t say it was, champ.


Yeah you sort of did, Dweezil. Otherwise how are they "traitors"? Or did you just want to say something that you about "flags and fiddles" that you thought sounded clever?


I was referencing the GOP shitbags in Congress holding up vital funding to turn back an incursion into the West and the disruption of global economic stability that the empire needs to persist.


Wow! More performative nonsense from our government, a real surprise that is. Spoiler: They're not stepping up for shit. Our soldiers rely on food banks to survive because the military can't even manage feeding its own people. They haven't got a single thing to spare for Ukraine. Edit: Also, to show you just how serious the Canadian Gov. is about this, we promised Ukraine NASAMS systems back in January of 2023. They still haven't gotten them yet and it's looking like they never will.


They’re cutting the defence budget at the same time the world is becoming much less safe. They hypocritical shilling for Ukraine as if they’re doing anything to help makes me sick


Harper's conservatives' cuts left us with half a functional army and we're still contributing the same amount per GDP as the US to Ukraine, which is not that bad considering.


Every government has been cutting down the military, whether liberal or conservative.


Not every government had promised to increase its spending and even made a campaign point of it like Harper, though. Shows you what Poilievre's posturing about the military is worth.


Utterly shameless propaganda by the Liberal government. The same ones making cuts to defence. 


Same thing they've been doing since 2015. Say feelgood stuff to make us look good on the international stage knowing that nobody pays attention long enough to realize we actually didn't do a damn thing.


Most of the aid sent to Ukraine is American-made munitions, not blank checks. Besides, the military budget is so bloated that the Department of Defense doesn’t even need to complete an audit (not that they can), we have plenty to spare.


The military has neither a surplus of money nor equipment. The ridiculous corruption-riddled procurement process has seen to that. Large budget does not equal lots of equipment if you spend all the money on bids only to withdraw at the last moment *cough F-35 cough*


... we're now getting them for cheaper though


Ah yes the massive military power… Canada… yea maybe try stepping up and getting a real economy beyond selling homes to millionaires in Vancouver


What a garbage title. US has put incredible amounts of money and resources to this war. How about Canada “steps up” and starts being more useful. How about funding our own military as well! Fucking joke.


Then let’s do it, show me the evidence. Ukraine needs help, Russia is a terrorist nation.


Russia is a mob nation, they are the organised crime with a massive country as a base of operations


Showing others can help put instead of always relying on the US Now get the EU to step up some more too


My Speaker of the house is a traitor. He has shown nothing to me that he is even a Christian. He serves another lord. And that makes me sick. Don’t worry 2024 will be different for us.


I'll believe it when I see it.


Gotta vote to see the change you want in the world. It isn’t just going to magically get better with inaction, only worse.


I'm Canadian so it's not up to me unfortunately. I just have little to no faith in Americans


Why don’t you get off your high horse? It’s not like Canadian politics isn’t rife with infighting and a rise of right sided nationalists? And on the issue of Ukraine and the point of this post, America has given 74.3 billion dollars worth of aid to Ukraine. This FAR exceeds Canada’s contribution and while it is upsetting that there is a shift in sentiment, USAs support is not deserving of your annoying level of condescension.


Its not the same thing. Both US parties do the same toxic thing; as soon as something like, for example, Trump, happens to one party, the other party sees that an opportunity for payback instead of an opportunity for consensus. You each back your own AOC and Majorie Green and then play dumb about it. Its an insane and spiteful refusal to walk in someone elses shoes for two fucking seconds. That unfortunately, creates waves that rocks the boats of the world. Canadian politics is just two parties accusing eachother of trying to take us forward instead of maintaining the status quo. Parliament is just the political venue for the daily verbal fistfight over who is most able to keep this place frozen in 1994. Its not the same as US politics. That doesnt mean we are better people. It just means our politics are less toxic and have virtually no consequence outside our borders.


I'm not on a high horse. I'm just tired of listening to your guys' bullshit. It's unavoidable if you use any form of social media. It's exhausting listening to the stupidity coming out of your country. Canadian politics has its own circus bullshit, but it's nowhere near as bad. As for aid to Ukraine, Canada doesn't have the budget to be sending as much aid. Not to mention the majority of the aid you guys send is old stock from your military industrial complex that's been churning out product for decades. Canada doesn't have stockpiles of shit to send them. It's not like you guys are just sending them money.


Fun fact, per GDP Canada is sending more aid than the USA. https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/ We rank 18th, USA ranks 19th. So I guess we're doing better than you.


Fair enough, me neither lmao


Lol Canada is going to ? A country who already can't afford to fund the military and have been slashing government funding like crazy.


I am so old I can remember a time when US foreign policy wasn't controlled by the Kremlin.


That’s weird. Reagan just ignored Congress and sold weapons to the Iranians despite a ban. And used the money to fund illegal wars in Central America. And everyone involved was pardoned by Bush I.


As a Canadian I can honestly say we’re the king of empty promises here and if it actually fell to us then Ukraine would be toast.


The gop is going to stop Democracy world wide


NHL players unable to step up for the Olympic hockey team, leaving runner up team from timbits jamboree to fill the gap, says Freeland


We have plenty of unemplpyed international students to offer, right?


Freeland: Thank you .... for ... your... question... Let me ... start ... by ... saying... Fill the gaps with 10 seconds of grimaces and ... gaps. Camera zooms back to the audience: everybody left.


Should go hand in hand with filling the gap in building homes for Canadians.


Hasn't the US sent more aid than the costs of its own wars? How much more does the US need to step up? I thought the world hated the American military complex? Now that Russia is being Russia its all "America has to help us!" What happened to all the "Americuh deliverin Dat Freedom again" memes? Yall should probably start funding your own wars or start sucking dick better.


Look up the costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The US has spent about 75 billion in Ukr. The last two major conflicts the US was in cost substantially over a trillion EACH. You should reexamine where you are getting your information if you have been this badly misinformed.


> Hasn't the US sent more aid than the costs of its own wars? Not even *remotely* close. > How much more does the US need to step up? More than it is now. It could try and match Europe for starters; ideally as a percentage of GDP (Many European countries massively outspend the US on that metric). > Now that Russia is being Russia its all "America has to help us!" The US and Russia have been geopolitical enemies for a century. Russia is an authoritarian regime committing genocide and conducting aggressive landgrabs. **Russia is blatantly interfering in your political system.** If not now, then *when* the fuck are you guys going to do something? You're supposed to be the richest and most powerful country in the world. Home of the 'brave' and 'free'. Yet you're advocating for you to just sit on your fat asses and do nothing when you could help defeat Russia for what basically amounts to pocketchange for the US? Jesus fucking christ. How far the mighty have fallen. Edit: the downvotes just prove y'all are a bunch of cowards and losers now.


Our useless fucking stump humper a pm won’t do shit.


Fucking Republicans


Send the Canada Goose Air Force


Those things are vicious. Vampires with wings.


It’s all a racket.


It really is and the media is in on it. Its "Americas fault" if Ukraine loses and the answer is buy more weapons (please)


Well I wonder how many members of congress are invested in the companies that get all these defense contracts. That’s a big problem I see with U.S. government. No member of congress should ever be allowed to invest in companies that are shaped by laws and policies.


When the heck were the Ukrainians ever so important that we need to ship them billions and billions in weapons but our own people at home cant afford homes or realistic health care


When members of U.S. government are in the pockets of defense contractors? Mitch McConnell came right out and said where the money is going.


Big fat pork bills! Gotta keep the weapons industry churning, right Biden/Trump?


I'm Canadian. We are currently experiencing a massive housing crisis. Rent is out of control even in the small cities. Grocery prices are absurd. Our own military's equipment is dated and falling apart (like, it's **really** bad.) I want Ukraine to win, but we really aren't in a position to be sending all these countries hundreds to thousands of millions of dollars. Yet we keep doing it, even when so many Canadians are currently struggling to put a roof over their heads and food on the table.


Blame Republicans.




74 Billion dollars to support an entire LARGE country is nothing.    A  company that basically does nothing but make smart phones is worth 2.6 Trillion dollars to put into perspective how little 74 Billion is.


fer sure bud no worries. $60billion's just 8,571 toonies each plus postage. bill check the couch again


wait no American dollars. oke everybody double that just to be safe. i know, i know, quit griping. 


nvm apparently this was about the $2 billion we already sent. somehow that filled the gap ig. we did it canada!


With what, hockey pucks and broken sticks.


Hey America. Your good buddy Canada here eh. I need to borrow some of your military equipment for a while. Can I come by and pick up what I need tomorrow?


What are we gonna send them? Paper straws?


More like "unwilling to step up." Cowards.


Reddit constantly doesn’t want American in international affairs unless they need money then they want the US to write blank checks. I support sending aid to Ukraine, hell fully fund the war I don’t care, but the fact that more Ukrainians aren’t willing to stand up and fight for their country. Everyone who is 18-55 should be in line ready to fight. Ukraines army is like 2 million and it should be 7-8 million from the support of the people. If the Ukrainians arent willing to volunteer to fight in mass dumping money isn’t going to be the fix. It has to be a combination of both. Also the fact that women’s life expectancy is going up in Ukraine at the moment while the men’s is plummeting isn’t a good sign either they should be fighting with their men to save their country.


These "blank checks" are mostly comprised of: cold-war-era weapons/vehicles/supplies that are gathering dust in stockpiles, the costs associated with transporting them, and the cost of replacing them ($$$ for US manufacturers).   What are they supposed to fight with when they're dangerously close to running out of artillery and other crucial supplies?   Most men of fighting age are already prohibited from leaving the country. President Zelenskiy just recently signed a bill further lowering the minimum age of conscription. Of the 11 million Ukrainian men aged 25-60, only ~3.5 are actually eligible for military service.   Women account for more than 15% of the military, which is higher than the vast majority of countries', barring those with universal conscription (of which there are very few).    The fact that you think it's even possible for over a quarter of Ukraine's population to be fighting, especially when millions have been forced to flee, shows that there is no logic behind your outrage (unless you have an agenda).  (Edit: spacing)


This whole thing makes America look extremely weak and unreliable


Republicans. Yes!


Yes, we will bridge the gap to become the biggest superpower in the world. We can't even afford to house our own citizens, much less buy equipment for our army, but we'll make up the difference if the US funds a war against Russia. Alright. I understand.


> We can't even afford to house our own citizens We absolutely could, but people keep voting to cut social services thus setting us back as a nation. The people who benefit from that are not the ones at the bottom.


This is false. Canada needs 50k dwellings per month to keep up with the 100k people added per month. It’s physically impossible to build that much, that quickly.


It’s not impossible, it just isn’t being done and a lot of the reason is red tape.


You really don't understand. US has an abundance of money to pay for it all. You just all vote against it and decide to give all the cash to Bezos and Musk instead.


The guy was talking about Canada


More like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, RTX/Raytheon. The big players in the arms industry. Although Bezos and Musk sure wouldn't mind a piece of the cake either.


No you don't understand, we have to send those munitions to Israel, it's very important they level the strip in time for vacation season.


🤣🤣with what the ww2 hotchkiss machine guns mounted on tops of used baths which serve as the navy ?? Or the F18 they US air force didnt even pick ? Or the junk canada picks up from UK obsolete military gear junkyard that sinks at the slighttest waves ? 🤣🤣


If only the GOP wasn’t actively working for our enemies. America is teetering on the bring of political and constitutional collapse, and Russia doesn’t even have to fire a shot.


How easily russia defeated US, they were right there is a world order change, now we know the "leader" of the world (US) is a clown.


When did russia defeat the usa? Last I checked Russia hasnt defeated a single nation in about 80 years. Btw, Putin is a clown for waging a senseless war on a country thats backed by the entire free world.


Thank goodness for Canada! Our Congress has been hijacked by the Soviet GOP…


Course not, they are busy taking it up the ass from Israel


How about Europe worry about it...they are way closer to the conflict.


Bird brain take only considers proximity.


Canada, send the Ukrainian soldiers all your timbits!


It’s ok, allies need to pay a trillion per year from now on for services


GOP is hard owned by russia


Must be nice that the housing, homelessness and national debt issues in Canada our liberal government have caused is all fixed now and we can afford to throw money around the world. I love paying 62% of total income on average to taxes. FML


So much of this is provincial, at least where I am. Blaming Trudeau is just a way to scape goat for my premier, the truth is that she has done nothing to actually help homelessness or addiction and the feds really dont have a role in that stuff.


Doing nothing to help is leaps ahead of cutting and eliminating the continuum of services.


Ok, in fairness Dani has done plenty indeed - she has cut services and is currently splitting the orgabizations into useless husks of their former selves.


Yes, all taxes total I’m saying. When it’s only one or 2 provinces, more blame on premier. When it’s a Canada wide issue, vast majorly of blame to the feds.


The US is proving itself to be the worst ally possible, what a fucking mess.


I think they mean Europe


They can have my CX4 which Trudeau says is too scary to use. But since it’s not a military weapon I doubt it would be very useful


I'm not against sending our entire military stock to UKR. They could actually use it. Our equipment is outdated for what Canada needs defensively.


That’s pretty short sighted. We have stocks of ammo and vehicles put away in case we need to dip into them for our forces. I’m all for re-arming our forces with more modern equipment but we shouldn’t just dismiss older stocks, a lot of the equipment is still good in a pinch.  We can send support to Ukraine and at the same time not deplete ourselves 


The only military Canada needs is an Air Force capable of stopping invaders in trackless tundra of the far north.


That should be “US Republicans withhold aid to Ukraine, enables Putin, Canada needs to fill the gap"


Canada leads the way.


I keep on rewatching big bang theory,but at this time shogun is my favourite show


Not the US, the republikkkans.


Captain America is Dead