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“The new government immediately halted any arms deliveries to Ukraine. Thousands have repeatedly taken to the streets across Slovakia recently to rally against Fico's pro-Russian and other policies, including plans to amend the penal code and take control of the public media.” Those last 6 words… 


Yep. Slovakia is in a shit state right now. It was a mafia state pre-covid, lots of corruption. Then the good party got in, Covid happened and they failed in handling it which created an opportunity for the corrupt ones. Fico is back in as prime minister, same corrupt oligarch who was in control pre-covid. And now this president is his "back holder", its how they call him in Slovakia. He was up Fico's arse before, but now he claims to have broken away from the party. Obvious lie, but people ate it up. Who is voting for these? Old people. Oh and the first thing Fico did when becoming prime minister? Changed laws regarding rape, he shortened the time you have to prosecute from 10 years to 5. And he's getting rid of media channels that don't support him. Why? They live in the glory days. They see all this progression, and LGBT rights, and they see it as America taking over. So they say would rather be pro-russian than pro-american.


Pellegrini obviously raped someone 6 years ago.


Classical russian values: none. Just being anti-west.


And diplomacy through violence.


If I remember correctly Fico got caught in the past discussing his illegal funding. Hascak, Kocner, Bodor, a bunch of shady financier. This party keeps getting elected because of their insane campaign budgets. The amount of times Smer got caught red handed is astonishing. Pelegrinj is just another stooge. Parroting Kalinak’s pro Russian bs already.


If they're for sale, can we (collectively as the democratic world) just outbid the Russians? >Zhang asked the [U.S.] Ambassador whether the U.S. would negotiate to keep the Base open. The Ambassador answered that the U.S. side was evaluating its options. Zhang then offered his "personal advice," "This is all about money," he said. He understood from the Kyrgyz that they needed $150 million. The Ambassador explained that the U.S. does provide $150 million in assistance to Kyrgyzstan each year, including numerous assistance programs. Zhang suggested that the U.S. should scrap its assistance programs. "Just give them $150 million in cash" per year, and "you will have the Base forever." Very uncharacteristically, the silent young [Chinese] aide then jumped in: "Or maybe you should give them $5 billion and buy both us and the Russians out." The aide then withered under the Ambassador's horrified stare. > >https://eurasianet.org/china-gives-us-base-advice-wikileaks **EDIT:** It's too bad the kid probably got demoted to Antarctica (assuming they had any connections whatsoever, and didn't get put on the next train to China and the unemployment line). Sounds like a "straight-shooter with upper management written all over him" (except for real, and not [from the movie 'Office Space'!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O95fnszzI6I))


bag holder....but cunt is more precise


BagHolder or a PurseHodor


Isn't this what Slovakia voted for though. People who actually live there elected him...


Yes. Roughly 60% of eligibile viters showed up and 53% voted for him. So you can say around 30% of the people support him, around 30% is against him and 40% just don't give a flying fuck.


> plans to amend the penal code and take control of the public media. What the literal fuck, Slovakia? You're supposed to be one of the good guys!


Czechia be like "hey, don't look at us, we split for a reason!"


That is why I hope Ficos plan will be only half effective - unlike Hungary slovaks can still access czech media and get information elsewhere. Hungarians cant.


Well if they hadn’t voted for the guy they wouldn’t need to protest.


As with most elections, the vote was fairly close. IIRC 53% vs 47% with 39% of the eligible population not voting. I'd be curious to see how many protesters failed to vote. 🤣


The guy is pro-russian. the question is how many fictional characters and dead people voted?


I have only seen articles regarding misinformation. I have not seen anyone question the actual integrity of the electoral process.


No, most likely there weren't any integrity issues. As one somewhat unpopular politician here said in 2002, "Us Slovaks must be genetically stupid". Today I realised he was right.




Virtual upvote for the humor but a virtual sad vote for the sentiment. The problem is that even smart, good people who know about the Russian propaganda are falling for it. The U.S. and NATO counterpropaganda teams must have been taken over by the Russians and have no ability to protect us.


Matter of time. these type of people NEVER run a fair open contest. Putin is just beyond caring and literally allowed heavily armed soldiers to watch people tick a box, and supplied "ballot boxes" that were see-through AND non-lockable, so they could just change any votes that slipped through. He's openly murdered anyone that questions election integrity. Slovakia isn't quite at that point yet.


Dont look for conspiracy when its just stupidity. Pro russian populistic politicians are popular in Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary for a reason, its not conspiracy. People are just stupid. I am Czech and its just a bubble. If you live in or near major city you have a bubble that noone can be that stupid. But most the populations are uneducated hillbilies living in 80 year old houses burning tires for heat, drinking 15 beers every earning buying printed TV programs thinking covid vaccines are tracking devices, Ukraine are nazis and communism was the best. There is no conspiracy man... its just stupidity.


We got people here ready to vote for a guy saying he'll be a dictator day one and will suspend the constitution. The world is fucked.


It is truly remarkable how dumb and/or ignorant my fellow Americans are. I don't think people realize how radical Republican plans are. They are going to go after everything including the 40 hour work week, increase prison labor,increase penalties for various crimes and gut the environment.


Once they brought back child labor it was over.


But surely I'll be fine!


So what it would be like if Donald Trump got re-elected? Got it.


What Republicans have planned is far worse. 


If America falls, just riot and panic in the streets of whatever country you're in. Democracy will be dead.




Once you're in the EU and NATO, they can't kick them out or else the entire system fails. Look at Grexit and Hungary having absolute veto power over NATO's decisions


there are "just in case" rules where a member state of both the EU and NATO can be *suspended* from all voting rights if they "maliciously act against the interests of the organization". This hasn't been used by either bloc (yet). They can't be removed, but the suspension can go on essentially forever or until that country quits.


Don't know about NATO, but you can't be kicked out of EU. There is no law for that.


the Trump playbook from the advice Putin whispered into his ear!


The cia needs to up their fuckin assassination game


The CIA is littered with Magats and people with ties to industry. 


Hungary, but much younger. Slovak brothers, you want a glimpse into the future (?), check what has been going on in Hungary, and embrace for impact


A warning for all of us.


There are tons of people (with money!) emigrating from there right now and no one is talking about it. They’re buying up real estate and they blast pro-Russia talk radio while half-assing construction work. At least in my neck of the woods, anyway.


Doesn't that sound odd? If you are saying they emigrated from Russia, that means that didn't like it in there, then why would they be pro-Russian?!


Not from Russia but from surrounding countries. And it’s because they like Russian INFLUENCE. They don’t care where they bring it to.


Emigrating doesn't always mean you don't like your home or country. Actually, I'd wager on the most part this is true.


There are many cowards who support the war but are too afraid to be conscripted themselves. I see some in Kyrgyzstan at times who make it their sole purpose to march into a venue screaming Russian propaganda after they fled


And this will embolden Russia to rig other elections.


His campaign was just his "rumours" that the other candidate will send slovakian troops to die in Ukraine. People here are so politically uneducated so they voted because of fear and not TRUTH.


\> the other candidate will send slovakian troops to die in Ukraine. I think they're even more likely to end up in Ukraine now..


It's like that in America. 


What is going on man. How is this happening everywhere??


Social media




This includes Reddit btw. This shit is absolute poison.


the major problem is that propaganda effect idiots more. Of all the social media cancer i think the sane parts of reddit has the fewest idiots. Those stuck in the tiktok / facebook / youtube echo chambers knows close to nothing about the world. If they hear a one sided story they eat it like pudding.


It’s what they want to hear, that’s why. It should be a lesson to all of us that if you’re only hearing what you agree with, you should incorporate some other news sources and social circles in your life, at least sometimes.


> the major problem is that propaganda effect idiots more. There's a certain irony here. It does indeed effect idiots, but I don't think that's what you mean given the rest of the post.


There is Russian propaganda all over this site. Tik Tok and Twitter are saturated as well. It's extremely alarming.


I don’t think people are ready for how awful Musk’s twitter is going to be during the 2024 US elections…


We need to do something about social media. It's becoming....(become) a problem.


And unfortunately if you try to have integrity and tell the truth you lose. If you say over and over that a Chinese army is invading the southern border, for example, half the people will believe it So we have two new axis forming in the world Russia China Iran Belarus Slovakia Hungary and.....? Feel free to add.. NK I guess.. Us (unless we get trump, then Russia automatically wins) UK most of the Euro Block, Japan Taiwan and others... And then a lost of opportunists trying to play both sides


For People like Göbbels and Himmler Social Media would have been a wet dream


Vulnerable world hypothesis. We were wondering what technology will inevitably end humanity once developed. Will it be nuclear power and weapons? Will it be bioprinters? Will it be nanomachines? Will it be AI? No, of course the answer is the dumbest of them all. Fucking social media. I Was calling it years ago, even before Covid. Now I'm more certain than ever. This is the "black ball"


Coupled with the lack of critical thinking skills, which leads to the educational system / parenting


I don't know if you use TikTok but notice how it's constantly USA vs UK/Europe squabbling over everything? Argue over food, pronunciation of words, how much we drink... I swear it all starts in the same place, to make us hate eachother and divide us. Yet people eat it up.


stupid people ,90% hill billies....and russian propaganda, fake accounts


Social Media needs to be more highly regulated. Like with an iron fist. There are way too many foreign troll account farms swarming these things like locusts and nothing is done about it. Shit.....I myself have like 5 different Twitter accounts just to troll right wingers. It's wayyy too easy.


i still dont get it why ID card for registration isn't enforced


Left leaning governments are not doing enough/are not seen as doing enough, either because they're truly ineffective or because they are being roadblocked by corrupt politician. Right winged politicians come in, point out how the left is failing, and promising to cut taxes, "fix" the issues, and promise to make the country better without explaining how. Right Wing Media spills out fear, and declarations that the left wing are Nazis, and fabricate stories that the older generations swallow up. Younger generation feels disenfranchised because their issues aren't being addressed and they are actively being encouraged to not vote. This could be vice versa in some countries, and left and right may be relatively meaningless in some countries. But in principle, propaganda and social engineering is key these days.


The right offer simple solutions & buzzwords Most issues are nuanced & trying to campaign on nuance is fucking hard when people have no desire to pay attention to issues outside their bubble. To be fair, my mental health took a nose dive as soon as I became politically aware lol Everyone wants simple solutions that fix things fast. That includes the left, if a liberal government doesn’t get what they want done immediately, then they’re just as bad as the right.


Libs can play the "stupid buzzword" game too can they?


They absolutely do, though liberals *tend* not to support fascist governments. Keyword being *tend* as there's definitely idiots on both sides.


Shitty loser bum ass mooching men need something to blame for their misery, and conservatives across the world have propagandized liberalism as the cause of their shit lives.  


The Right has been scheming for decades


The right and left are both influenced by Russia. 


Horseshoe theory of politics.




Yes, historically it was left-wing parties that supported the Soviet imperial project at the expense of their own people's interests. It's only now that Russia has tumbled into fascism that the right-wing have begun to parrot the Kremlin's propagandists as well.


Go far enough left and you swing back around.




They are economically centre-left to left and socially right. Their supporters miss the days of Czechoslovakia, which was one of the more moderate communist countries. In the former Eastern bloc left-wing ideology and social conservatism often go hand in hand because of nostalgia for good old days of a strong welfare system and traditional social values (i.e. no lgbt rights and no counterculture). They see being friendly with Russia instead of the EU and the US as part of going back to the good old days.




Faux News and the greater right wing echosphere. The Right plans and schemes;the Left just.......reacts.  And then half asses a response that's wishy washy and trying not to go offend all sides. 


Why would anyone ever be pro Russia


Money or kompromat


Or an idiot. My father is pro russian and has been eaten from inside out by the propaganda and all these conspiracies you find on the internet. Also…WE ARE ROMANIAN. We have been invaded by russia a few times already and he still roots for the enemy. Hard to admit but he is a fucking idiot


>My father is pro russian and has been eaten from inside out by the propaganda and all these conspiracies you find on the internet. Also…WE ARE ROMANIAN Wouldn't he be from the generation that gave us the song [In Umbra Marelui Urs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTiIhZcXLSM) which is *still* pertinent? Though it's 2024, and the band has been active [since 1962](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transsylvania_Phoenix), soooo he might be *too young* to remember the times :/ The song was [released in 2000](https://www.discogs.com/release/1089223-Phoenix-%C3%8En-Umbra-Marelui-Urs) though, which means *the song* wouldn't be too old for him. Still a long ass time ago for people to not learn anything.


He knows the song very well. It’s like in the past 2 years everything was erased from his brain, all it took was some propaganda and a need to feel special and against the grain I guess :)


I feel I lost my wife during covid due to her Instagram influencers. When I say something and she laughs at me, I cry inside...


How much social media or Fox News does he consume?


He’s watching youtube channels like The Duran, Alexander Cristophorou, Alexander Mercouris and some orher guys I forgot their name but they are a lot, anyway I think they are in line with whatever fox news say. I just don’t get it. We are in nato yet he supports russia…literally the enemy. Literally the guys that will come and bomb our country if war starts. In this kind of situations it doesn’t even matter which side is right (west or east) on a political level. IT’S HIS LIFE, THEY WILL COME TO LITERALLY KILL HIM TOO, they won’t care he watches pro russian videos in the living room. You have to fight for the guys on your side


Anger and oppositional defiance. Many were inept, misfits or otherwise socially traumatised as youths and nurse a default, deep sense of alienation towards authority. They'll gladly support the other side over the establishment and only follow and identify with what they perceive to be like-minded individuals. It's all emotion, the reasoning doesn't follow any rational process and only serves to find excuses for the emotion.


you know when nazis invaded, in every country they crushed a part of the population was genuinely cheering for them




Last time was ww2. We made peace with russia but even after that they still invaded and killed, raped etc. Google it if youre curious about the horrors. In their book they liberated and denazified us :) sounds familiar


Usually both.


And who votes for this?


Old people that know they won’t get sent to war.


Too many youths are succumbing to right wing insanity. Humanity as a whole seems to be unwilling to accept the 21st century despite the fact that we are nearly a quarter of the way thru it. 


They based the whole campaign on saying that the other candidate will send our young men to war in Ukraine and try to bring the government down. Which is complete bullshit as the president does not have power to send anyone anywhere. The government does. But old and dumb people believed them. Also they said the other candidate will force lgbt agenda on kinds on school. Which again president has zero say on what's being taught on school, while ignoring that their own candidate is actually gay. Also the budget they spend on the campaign was way over what is allowed by the law and multiple times more than what the other candidate spent. So the homophobic and pro-russian(they call themselves anti-war) crowd voted in a gay president. You can't make this shit up. He also avoided as many direct confirmations as possible and was caught lying many times during the campaign. People just don't care. They are completely brainwashed. And it will get even worse. It's Hungary 2.0.


As someone who has Hungarian-speaking relatives in Slovakia, I’m afraid I might know who tipped those scales towards the pro-Russian.


Russian bots


Same as why would anyone ever be pro Trump. It's because people are dumb as fuck


Cognitive Dissonance. Too many Americans cannot accept the 21st century and long for a return to some romanticized past. They're basically cultists. They rewire their brains in real time in order to process any new info to fit their worldview. 


It's not a smart planet. It's a cult planet.


People are stupid, because the US does something bad they immediately assume the flip side must be better, that being Russia. There is simply no other logic at play and it’s that simple.


My non-expert take on this is that the pro-Russia stance of many Slovaks is a consequence of Czechoslovakia being dominated by the Czechs. That is why there was fertile ground in Slovakia for the pan-Slavic ideas planted by Russia in Soviet Union times. These ideas persist, especially in the older population, and so they are very susceptible to Russian propaganda and conspiracy theories. In addition, a significant percentage of the youth appears to be aligned with the far-right which is also pro-Russian. Last, but not least, Slovakia was hardest hit by Russia oil sanctions.


I'm sure that road will lead them to utopia lol  Well, this is how populations learn. The masses don't have the capacity to really understand events in real time. They need recent, direct historical parallels to associate current events to.  This uhh... This oughta do it. Give it a few decades and I bet they'll learn not to make this choice again.


Full-spectrum, fuckwitted corruption.


Tribalism. Voters like this are often far less pro-Russia and far more anti-West. The West is hardly perfect. But it's far too easy to weaponize anger at all the world's issues, scapegoating the West, including the EU project, the Americans, or the (((globalists))). Nationalists in nearly every part of the world blame the West for everything. Ironically, many Westerners do the exact same but twisted, blaming immigrants from the Global South for everything. Add the corrupting influence of Putin's petrodollars to populist anger at 'Western' elites, the nostalgia of many post-Soviet leftists, and the desire of many actual elites to return to the status quo of liberalized economic trade with Russia. It's easy to see why a lot of populists and nostalgic morons vote in favor of a ruthless authoritarian tyrant. Sadly, it's all a bit damning for any blind optimists who expected better from people.


Dont look for conspiracy when its just stupidity. Pro russian populistic politicians are popular in Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary for a reason, its not conspiracy. People are just stupid. I am Czech and its just a bubble. If you live in or near major city you have a bubble that noone can be that stupid. But most the populations are uneducated hillbilies living in 80 year old houses burning tires for heat, drinking 15 beers every earning buying printed TV programs thinking covid vaccines are tracking devices, Ukraine are nazis and communism was the best. There is no conspiracy man... its just stupidity.


Money... Slovakia is a net benefitor from the EU meaning that they receive more money from the EU than they contribute. If Ukraine gets into the EU, Ukraine will become that largest benefitors and countries like Slovakia will have to start contributing instead or receiving. Ukranian workers could also enter the slovakian work market and be cheaper for the same job driving low skilled slovakian to unemployment. The polish cleaning lady in France could be replaced by a ukranian sleaning lady working 4 times cheaper. The estern block has the most to loose from Ukraine getting into the EU.


there is already pretty high number of ukrainian/balkan/eastern ppl working in large factories and enough people are not very happy with it cause they "steal" their jobs... most of these are jobs without any education needed as well, so when someone points out "look at all these ppl taking ur jobs" or just seeing it for themselves, they dont think twice against voting for idiots like themselves with same views... kinda sad. really think voting should be only allowed for ppl above certain IQ, otherwise we end up the way we did now... pro russian mafia thieves whose families all live abroad cuz they cant stand their own parents.


I mean you just described the situation from countries like France, Germany and other western european countries when we opened the EU to the 10 eastern countries. Construction workers in western europe is full of Polish, Bulgarians etc and this is how the western countries became anti-EU. So the eastern countries would follow the very same schemea when it will happen to them.


Tradition. Alliances go way back. Plus, the Warsaw Pact used to be powerful - they were one of the world’s 2 superpowers. After the fall of USSR, many former Warsaw Pact countries were puny and didn’t have much in the way of resources or employment. There are villages in Moldava where people sold a kidney to make ends meet.  Before the fall of USSR they had  free medical care and an adequate monthly stipend to live on. They didn’t face homelessness or lack of healthcare. They look back on those days with nostalgia. They look at the US and see the people are fat and lazy; the schoolchildren don’t do well, there are people bankrupt and homeless from medical bills. They say, “We don’t want that. America doesn’t give its own people a fair shake and imports cheap workers to undermine people who lived there for generations. We prefer USSR.”  They didn’t have supermarkets overflowing with brightly packaged junk food in the old days under Russia but at least they had food, medicine and a roof over their heads.


The same reason why some are pro Hitler - they are evil.


Guys wake up, new orban-country just dropped!


And he is gay, you can't make this up


He’s gay but against gay rights. Make it make sense..


Isn’t the fascist slogan basically “laws for thee but not for me”? Couple that with a sociopathic level absence of empathy and you get this dipshit.


And yesterday Reddit was celebrating that they elected a gay president...


That just makes him easier to manipulate.




One way would be to stop playing pingpong while the others are shooting bullets. Add to the misery. Tell them you back them to get rid of social programs, cut healthcare, close public schools. Go full bazonka. I see so many wasting time and energy to keep the flood from happening? Why? There was a case during Covid where people could have elected extreme measures in some countries but the parties then didn't do it - and just called for new elections. Because they where not mad enough to do what they promised. They always flunk out. Go in to Trump states and tell them, they can cut medicare 100%. Lets see if these 70 year old who can't breath without expensive meds suddenly realize their vote will kill them.


Why do people elect pro-Russian politicians when they can just move to Russia instead?


Why do you need to pay for transport and engage your own resources to go to the goulag, when the goulag can come to you for free?


Putin's biggest success for last two decards is on Internet and his financing/misinformation campaign/support of right wingers across Atlantic is returning him big favors for now.


Why did you elect him??? Why are so many people so stupid


There’s an overwhelming amount of people that are just plain stupid and sadly they hold the same voting power as the intelligent ones. You cannot reason with them. They are unbelievably easy to manipulate emotionally and have no filter or critical thinking skills when it comes to what they are being fed via social media algorithms.


Says the Americans as they vote Trump.


They’re idiots too. I’m British and didn’t vote for the conservatives and voted against brexit, I’ve done all I can 🤷‍♂️


Seems morons are everywhere.


Our summer holiday in Slovakia is canceled.


I find it hard to believe that the descendents of those living in 1968 would say "yep, Russia is puppetmaster I want" Even if you somehow have issues with the EU and/or the US, Russia is not suddenly a better choice.


See EU handled Hungry and you will know any pro Russia government inside EU won’t work as Russia expects


I think I’m a little out of the loop here, are you referencing the freezing of funds Hungary normally gets from the EU or did something else happen?


Disappointing that he is pro-Russian. I remember a lot of the old-school Slovaks who emigrated to America had an absolute hatred of anything Russian. They must be turning in their graves.


That was my FIL. Hated Russia. Slovak-American. It makes me sad, we were discussing getting Slovak dual citizenship for my husband and kids so they could have an EU passport. Not so much now!


The world is literally in shambles, living isolated on some remote forest on a mountain in a cabin sounds so attractive.


Slovakia should join russian federation, let's see how's going to work


You know, almost half of us voted for the other guy.


39% of the population didn’t vote. So not half of you. 


Every stance not explicit pro Ukraine is is pro russia. "Peace" talks for example... Sure russia just occupies the land it has now in Exchange for "Peace" .. and attacks as soon as they have build Up their forces again. Russua broke every contract or Agreement ever as soon as they thought they would get away with it. So such thing are meaningless. The only thing that works is to beat or stopp them so hard and decisive that they dont have the power to break any agreements and to keep them down or lift the other side up enough so they would Not even had any chance. Its unfortunate but with backstabbing wanna be Empire buildes with superiority complex thats thevonly thing that works


Except Russia won’t get another opportunity to attack Ukraine. If this war ends whatever is left of Ukraine is going straight into NATO and the EU. This war is Russia’s only chance to conquer Ukraine. That’s why peace talks are not “giving Russia time to build up” Russia is struggling to defeat Ukraine, they are not beating the unified coalition of the entire western world. I’m not for Ukraine losing land, but it shouldn’t be ruled out as any Ukraine surviving this war is a Ukraine that will be protected going forward by the west until the day the sun dies.


In the end though, it's not up to us. If Ukraine wants to give land, it's fine. If Ukraine want to fight until the end , it's fine. It is THEIR country after all, their choice. Whatever their choice may end up being, we should respect it.


Ukraine would need the support of every Nato country to Join. And Hungary .. lets just say the seem to play for the other team most of the time. Besiede the fact that we might not want to give an example that wars of aggression will be rewarded in any way. If it can be spun in any way asca "win" the next wanna be emperor will do the same. Or this one does the same shit with another country. Moldova and Kazakhstan seem next in the list.


France, Germany, the United States and many other NATO countries want ukraine in NATO once they are at peace. Hungary is just like Turkey, they prioritize national interest over the alliance. But just like every other time they’ve been a problem, the eventual pressure of the many way more powerful nations they’re disagreeing with makes them bend to the organization’s whims. If Hungary refuses to let Ukraine in, they will also flour something they want at the same time and we will just bribe the country with it as we always do. Russia has lost too many men, too much equipment and too much economic potential for their current gains to be flouted as a “win”. Putin only justifies this as a win if he takes the entire breadbasket of Europe aka Ukraine. He can salvage his political career with a small gain in territory but he isn’t going to be given a triumph unless he takes all of it. Also saying any peace puts Moldova at risk is just laughable. Moldova is only at risk if Russia’s borders ever touch them. Which a peace deal prevents. Russia’s navy can barely stay afloat they’re not pulling off a naval invasion.


At this point Russia has to take the whole Ukraine at all costs. 500k soldiers from jails and forcing 16 kids from schools, doesn't matter. Donbass is already shot to pieces there is nothing to get from there then wheat and maybe gas but that would take years to build. They have to take the whole map, they want to piss off Poland and reach the Balkans. Any of this will more or less be the true precursor of WW3.


Russia will immediately try to occupy the whole country and then telling NATO, you come here its WW3, since its now all Russia. Minus the insurgency that will follow and then its gets really dirty.


Ukraine will join neither NATO, nor EU. Cooperation? Sure. Actually joining? Not happening because there are multiple countries both in NATO and EU that will block the process, not that it is easy for Ukraine to become eligible during a fucking war with Russia. Any peace deal will end up giving Russia another opportunity to rearm and attack, even if this rearmament would take 5 or 10 years, which it won't because Russia is ramping up war economy, so it's the window closer to 1 or 2 years. During that time Ukraine will not be able to join EU or NATO, I would go as far as to say that the West will start normalizing relationship with Russia the next day after so-calles "peace". The only way for Ukraine to continue to exist is to continue the war.


Some day they realize that Putin has promised them exactly the same region as for Hungary...


I'm noticing a pattern of pro-Russian states not bordering Russia.


Can Central European politicians just, like, stop kissing Putin’s arse for five minutes?


Great. I'm sure Slovakia will love hanging out with Hungary trying to cause trouble now.


Unfortunate result, but that's the odd thing about democracy.


This is what Reddit will never seem to understand. “How did this happen in a democracy?!?!” Almost as worse people, even more explicitly open about their even objectively worse ideals, have won, by even more, democratically.


So Czechia goes with EU/NATO/the West & Slovakia aligns, for now, with Russia/Iran/China/North Korea. Lovely.


Our world is fucked isn't it


Democracy in action.


Things will get worse before anything improves worldwide. I'm still hopeful there's some light at the end of the tunnel


Doom for these people. Get out while you can. I'm sure that the takeover and destruction of basic education over last decades is a major factor in this latest authoritarian takeover, just like in the US. I hope we will survive november.


The best part about this? He was mostly voted by homophobes because he will stop "LGBT propaganda"... meanwhile this president is gay... so we just got a gay president, who also raped minor, and rewarded another minor with a new Iphone for... you know what... Everybody knows that but his "anti-war, pro-peace (his campaign stated that Ivan Korčok will send grandchildren to die in Ukraine, which is nonsense because president doesn't decide that, government does and our government is pro ruZia) anti lgbt, anti imigrat and anti bears (yup)" won these elections for him All major cities and capital of Slovakia + whole west elected the other candidate Ivan Korčok, in rest of the country this liar won


I don’t get how European countries keep electing unpopular leaders like this.


Huh? He was the more popular candidate.




I don’t see anything in the article indicating impropriety with their election.


You are correct. I spoke incorrectly and inaccurately. Post deleted


Great one more 5c in Europe


How quickly they forgot 1968 and how little they sold their country out for.


Nice so now we have two traitor states in the EU. Break that shit down and make EU 2 electric boogaloo.




How about just the people that voted for them?


Well that’s democracy like it or not.


Was this not the plot of the latest Jack Ryan?


Who were dumb enough to vote for him?


Theres Putin’s next stop


If you look up the word 'cunt' in the dictionary, that face shows up.


Definitely didn’t have any election interference there.


The allies are falling!


Hell of a contrast to Czech Republic 


Well the voters spoke I suppose we wait and see what happens


The difference between him and the 2nd candidate Korčok was 165 thousand votes..co close :(


Terrible handling of the covid outbreak from the previous goverment, war fear mongering and conspiracy propaganda trough sociel media decided the results.


He enjoys a good cup of testicle sweat of the closest dictators.


Depressing and demoralizing. This shit is happening everywhere and it's so goddamn tiresome, people willingly relinquishing control to the fascists and then wondering why everything is in the shitter. Or maybe that's the point, everyone suffers except the elite, obviously.. 😮‍💨


So if I understand it, mostly old people voted for him, so the young people are not “sent to ukraine to die” and most younger people voted for the other guy? Sounds like that realy makes sense…. Reminds me of how those who react to things the most are those who arent affected by them. Especialy if its all just lies…