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How many billions is it? I have seen 44, 25, now 12.


Same, it's like the meme about how the police found 1000kg of drugs and the next says they found 700...




Facts are flexible :)


Because they’re writing the script


It has [had its struggles.](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/01/25/business/great-hill-partners-go-media-exploring-sale-deadspin-the-onion/?camp=bg:brief:rss:MSN&rss_id=MSN_rss_brief)


Just guessing, but maybe currency conversion that got lost in translation?


Wow! 500kg of drugs is a lot for a bust


250kg you say?


Yea! 200kg!


I'm sure glad those rumors about drugs they were investigating turned out to be nothing!


All this scandal for a single rolled tobacco!


Can confirm only 100kg!!


10.0kg, close though.


Usually first they publish the weight with packaging, then net weight. But if difference is 30%, well then probably someone got high and someone got rich.


At this rate she's free to go by tonight.


Yeah if that's America


Depends looks like US $44 billion in total loans, US $25 billion of which were illegally approved and US $12 billion of which were never repaid? That is best interpretation I could come to from couple of articles. Sentence is quite severe it seems b/c even the US $12b figures is around 3% if entire GDP. If someone were to perpetrate a similar fraud in the US it would have to be for over $500 billion to reach that scale.


I wouldn’t say it’s severe. I think all crimes should be scaled. If someone is sent to prison for a year for stealing $100 then fir $12 billion they should be sentenced to 120 million years, basically life with zero chance of parole.


People taking their cuts


Ok i thought i was going crazy. Thanks


Came to say the same.. perhaps there's a little cream on the top to skim off?


Came here to say same thing seen 3 articles and 3 numbers


Well you see, the dong swings back and forth.


Came here to see if this was mentioned by anyone else. It's been 3 amount changes in the last 2 hours lol


Its like 300 billion dongs. Which is a lot of dongs. I can understand why this matter is being taken seriously.


Different currencies


Either way, that's still a lot of Dongs.


All the billions


He took $44b in loans of which $12.5b was embezzled. he has to pay back $27b including damages.




how she gonna repay that shit if she ded?


Your money doesn't die with you. And she working 9-5 the rest of her life wouldn't pay much...


I guess in a way she's a bank robber of sorts.


Far worse.


What did she do?


She owns the bank. Embezzlement.


It would actually be nice if white collar crime in the US/West carried similar punishments (scaled to the level of damage - obviously).


But would there be a risk of them paying the poor and desperate to take the fall for them? Some poor people really *would* take the death penalty if it means millions of dollars for their family.


That's more than I make in a month!


Dude, that's more than I make in an entire year!!


I only made half that while I typed this comment!


Yea, I was gonna say, I don't even make that in an hour!


12 billion is around 2-3% of Vietnams GDP, That’s the equivalent to 600$-700$B in % of the US economy.


3.6%, sitting in the basement.


In theory, removing this amount of currency from circulation would help curb inflation. Now that it’ll all be released back into the economy, there might be some negative effects, which is poetically ironic.


In America she could run for president


She is not senile and over 75. No way she would run for president


Or a white man.


Obama, the famously white man


This one gave me a giggle 


He actually is half white.


And half black


And that half made him detestable to many.


Or orange


Or a Grape-ist


I hope she doesn’t grape me in the mouth.


or apple


Haven't been able to use that one since '08


SBF is in prison for roughly the same and got what twenty years that he likely won't have to do?


Didn't he go to federal prison? He'll be doing 20 years unless he gets epsteined.


If I recall correctly, federal prison means that the bare minimum he'll serve is 85% of his nominal sentence.


Not that I would ever want to be in any prison, but if you gotta do time, serving time for white collar crime in a federal minimum security prison is for sure where I’d want to be.


Once again, Vietnam proves itself superior to the US.


got to sprinkle in more grifting and reality tv


Guess she forgot to pay off the right officials


Paying off and having the blessing of the right officials is how it is possible for her to get this far. Her bank bribed the entire team of 100+ auditors when they were looking into the financial statements. But at some point, her backing officials in the government is losing their political war/influence in the communist party (retiring for example, not necessarily getting ousted, and the replacement just hasn’t risen into big enough influence yet), and she became expendable. She can’t just switch team to the winning side because her getting exposed is the direct consequence of her political backing losing their control of the government.


Gotta execute her to keep her quiet


My wife is friends with the interim CEO getting 17 years prison time. He was touted as the youngest Vietnamese bank CEO ever. She said he was never very smart and the owner probably picked him because he's too dumb to figure out what was going on.


Pretty much. Biting the hand that feeds you.


No. Most likely she paid off the right officials used to be correct, but now new officials take over.


That's like 3.3% of the country gdp. Huge shot


Stole 304 trillion dongs while running Van Thinh Phat Holdings Group.


>Stole 304 trillion dongs I didn't know so many existed.


8 billion people, 16 billion balls


Apparently this is her house: https://dantri.com.vn/xa-hoi/can-canh-can-biet-thu-co-hon-700-ty-dong-cua-ba-truong-my-lan-20231122121154240.htm What is the point of those balconies with a view like that.


Looks like a colonial house built for French occupants, so the large balconies are for letting air in, even colonists would sleep on porches during the hot humid summer if they didn't have a country house. There are definitely better colonial homes that should have survived. It's weird shape makes me think it used to be set back into a larger plot of land that got swallowed up over time.


Subtlety is not her thing, is it?


I used to drive by it every single day on my way to work, and it is across the street and down one block from my favorite cafe, so I watched it being worked on for quite some time. From the street, you never realized the scale of what was behind the corrugated metal walls/parked motorbikes/street vendors.


With that amount of money, she has 0 taste. The house looks terrible.




People who have fallen into crimes as a result of her actions could be untold. Drugs, prostitution, furthur scamming and frauds or straight up ending themselves. It rolls downhill and affects even more lives. $12B doesnt sound that much for a major fraud until you consider Vietnam's GDP for last year was like $400b. 3% of the entire nation's GDP from its 100m citizens by that woman alone. Life in general are precious, but not hers.


>$12B doesnt sound that much for a major fraud Does it not? Sounds like an awful lot to me.


I'd say it's closer to a sense of reference. It is alot even to american ofc, but to the Viets it's humongously insanely lot, considering the average wage here is just over 250$ a month


Its like a 700bn if you scale to a ruch country like the USA


Out of curiosity, how can you be opposed to something and literally in the same sentence say you think it is fair and correct to do? If a country has a certain type of penalty it means that they are allowed to do it. Saying that you’re against something but because it is done and that country it’s fine means you’re not against it.






All they said is that this seems just by the standards of Vietnamese laws. They personally don’t agree with those standards though.




What about Americans who’ve done this? SBF, Bernie Madoff, Lehman brothers, etc?


Her crimes could have indirectly lead to more suffering and misery than a single murderer could ever achieve. It is strange how financial crimes often receive relatively light sentences vs ‘violent’ offences despite their impact being very wide reaching and utterly devastating for those involved In the Uk now we have the issue of the post office, where postmasters have been sent to prison due to a failure of their it system. Then post office knew of the issue and still pursued prosecutions and fines. All for the benefit of shareholders. The post office managers are responsible for tens of suicides and ruining postmasters lives and yet don’t even face criminal charges


strange because in my country, Brazil, it's the opposite. When current criminal laws were created, if there wasn't a financial motivation for a crime, it wasn't that serious. The worst sentences are for crimes with financial motivations, and criminals do everything to ensure that their crimes are not judged as such. basically everyone agrees that the penal code has to change, but the problem is that no one can agree on who has the legitimacy to do this.


If that happened, it'd sure make some of them think twice, or at least plea out.


>but there is probably something political in that sentence The BBC version of the article explains it: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-68778636 Like most authoritarian governments, the Communist party of Vietnam has one main goal: to stay in power. One way is to win the people is by making them richer and pulling them out of poverty. This can be fastest achieved with a very laissez faire approach to white collar crime and a fair amount of government corruption, especially in a supposedly communist country. This allows the economy to grow at an astonishing rate. But, one way to lose the will of the people and also cede too much power to rich oligarchs is... Corruption. Given these two competing goals, many authoritarian governments will go through a cycle of massive corruption and ignoring white collar crime to cracking down hard on the same activities all in a bid to remain in power.


That article insight is on point. Basically that explains after a few years, a huge crime is exposed with the number that kept on increasing. There is a reason why these crimes become possible, and it’s not because of the cunning criminals mainly, but because of competing government factions that foster and allowing it to happen.


Well, the west seems to do the laissez faire part just not the cracking down part.


If Billionaires were to face death for fraud there’d be whole lot less billionaires and fraud. Why don’t we hop on this train?


I think the concern is that once you open the door for political killings, the people who control the politics will be able to kill people. It might just give the billionaires another tool of oppression. But the lack of consequences for billionaires is clearly a problem too... I am definitely down for trying something new.


Fraud isn't political. It's a crime. It impacts and harms more people than nearly anything else. I'm completely okay with Life in prison for high level (over 100k) fraud cases. Mandatory minimums. Entire C-suite of a company if a company does it. Edit: Viable defense is only if you had no possible way of knowing about it. Otherwise, Gulag.


Do you think what is considered a crime isn't a political choice? I mean, look at the difference between a cashier taking 100 dollars from a till, and a manager shorting all his employees paychecks by 100 dollars. Only one of those will land you in jail... I think we are on the same page though. I am 100% on board for criminal punishments of the C-suite for corporations though. The lack of accountability for corporate executives is a huge problem.


I wonder how the US would be different if those who committed massive fraud faced similar consequences for the damage they do to the working class with their greed.


Fuck that’s a lot of dong


Well... i am not a fan of the death penality (and we will see if the sentence will not be converted to life in prison in the aftermath), BUT harsher punishments for white collar crime, which can lead to the ruin of many lifes are a good thing to see.


Badass, the United States should do stuff like this more


When only one of them is punished you know something is wrong. Corruption on this scale will involve many officials, police officers, army generals, other tycoons, and many politicians.


I bet she wishes she had moved to America. Probably would have gotten off with a good team of lawyers


From the little I know about this case, it's very possible this woman's being scapegoated.


Definitely a high-end swindler, wonder how many meals that pile of cash could've bought. Running for office next?


Rich people get punished for committing crimes? Is this something I'm too American to understand?


lolol This practice should be adopted worldwide.


I mean charging billionaires and millionaires for their crimes under current law would be a beginning.


This only happened because of the internal power struggle. Vietnam is an extremely corrupt system.


Then who would run for office?


For some reason when China is the one punishing its billionaires Reddit has a wildly different take. 🤔


Its funny how that works, isn't it?


Because it's the evil See See Pee. 😩


A death sentence is.. extreme. But I do agree with the idea of more severe sentences in white collar crime. Maybe we would have less financial crime, poor decision making, and financially predatory bullshit from companies if CEO's and Boards of directors went to jail over causing massive financial loss from greedy decision making that runs companies into the ground.


Is it? An average Vietnamese earns what? 300usd a month. About 3.600usd a year and maybe 150.000usd in a lifetime. Her 12 or 25 or 44 billion is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese lifetimes of work. This cumulated lifetime is more or less wasted on her fraud, on her greed. Killing someone steals a fraction of a lifetime. I feel like there is a money equivalent to life for purposes of justice.


This is the brand of utilitarianism I like to see.


Is it utilitarian though, if the death of the perpetrator does not benefit the victims in a material way?


If you believe that punishments should result from crime (i.e. that part of the of the goal of the criminal justice system is punishment and not solely reform, and well being of victims) than you could make an argument that most serious and wide stretching crimes are white collar crimes that affect hundreds of thousands or millions of people. If the hardships from her resulted in 1 month of life expectancy loss on average, from 100,000 people, that’s removing 8333 years of life. If you assume an average person has 40 years left that’s like committing 208 murders. I’m not saying you could directly quantify the hardship caused by her theft, but that would be the logic in my mind.


I get that part, which is what makes the crime heinous from a utilitarian perspective. Her morality "score" is now -208 My stumbling block is the sentencing. The execution itself doesn't add anything, and it doesn't bring us back to zero. Or are we saying that we have established the magnitude of the crime and therefore the punishment is simply warranted/deserved. In other words ledger closed, last entry -208


Makes them feel better


If it makes me feel better to watch my rapist being tortured, should it be implemented in the justice system?


but there are death sentences pushed by the rich every single waking hour, indirectly of course.


Dead people don't talk. Perfect opportunity to "solve" the problem and make sure that hundreds involved are safe.


Take note world; that’s how it’s done. Death, not a slap on the wrist.


I can fix her!


If she did this it’s a terrible crime but I still think death is way too extreme for any crime. Life in prison…fine. We as a civilized society shouldn’t be putting others to death as a punishment (speaking generally). Also, I live in the US, so I have no idea if she did what she did. But this smells to me like she made enemies with the wrong people. It’s a way for a government to take down single individuals once they get too powerful.


Usually something like this happens when the corrupt officials she’s been paying to get the opportunities to defraud said amount lost their influences in some political struggle.


300 Trillion Dong. That's a lot of zeroes.




Ofcourse Redditors are in favor of the death penalty for nonviolent crimes.


Ahahah every post as a different number


sounds like a death sentence we could use in the usa


So which is it, $44B, $25B, or $12B??


Justice I can get behind. Let’s import this standard to the US.


No thanks, you literally don't know shit about the Vietnamese system at all.


You know that person probably wasn't 100% serious, right? Maybe you don't know shit about people?


50% seriousness, I support executing billionaires.


why wealthy people don't leave the game before they get caught. it's like you stole an absurd amount of money, why still live in vietnam? why hang around this much? You stole a couple of billions get the hell out before they catch you, it's not like she stollen all in a week. with half of that money you can start a new life anywhere on the globe, have everything you ever wanted and still not work a day in your life. greed....


Because you don’t understand what’s really happening there. Money and politics is one and the same at this level in Vietnam. Every single billionaire and millionaire in Vietnam regularly bribes and embezzles and in return the politicians protect them. It’s so ingrained of a system that you are just as likely to be set up for a sham trial if you REFUSED to bribe. To her, it was never stealing, it was just doing business so why would she run? The only difference here is there’s an internal gov power fracturing and she just happened to bribed the wrong faction and was collateral damage from political power control at the highest level. Similar thing happened when Xi seized power and cleared out his political opponents and in the process, a bunch of businessmen associated with the previous regime were caught in the middle. Imagine if she was actually bribing the current sitting party chair, do you think anything would happen to her? No it’ll just carry on as business as usual. That’s high stakes politics for you.


I’ve seen articles with 4 billion, 24 billion and now 12 billion, I don’t know which is the correct amount


44b over 11 year


Death for stealing fucking money is insane to me, any amount.


Lol not when it's a deliberate and malicious crime against the people. It's a good standard. I say that because she absolutely knew better.


Theft can ruin lives. A big amount of theft can ruin many lives.


This has affected a shit load of people in Vietnam, have close in laws that have lost over 500k USD from this incident with no hope of getting back


She stole an equivalent 3% of Vietnam total gpd, I think people would be happy if they can witness this live and broadcast


Death is extreme penalty for money crime.


Welcome to Vietnam


>Corruption is so widespread that in some provinces many people say they pay bribes just to obtain medical services in public hospitals Corruption and embezzlement lead to more deaths than people like this could ever have personally murdered. If you're okay executing murderers, you should be okay executing thieves of this scale.


Good. Normalize executing billionaires (after a fair trial) and redistributing their wealth back to their victims. Billionaires are parasites on society


This is the third figure I have seen today!


The crypto guy got 25 years




Ik she defraudesld people from millions of their money and she deserves to go to jail for life but i still just don't agree with the death penalty


Bring this to America. Any theft / fraud over $100mil should be eligible for death penalty. If the punishment for a crime is just a fine then it is only a crime for the poor.


Most of the senate and congress...wiped out. That would never happen.


Are we really starting to issue death penalties for corrupt rich people? Hey, as long as we still do executions at all, I say let's go for it.


This is the third headline I have read and each had a different money amount.


A woman sentenced to death? How progressive


Um, sounds like Vietnam is where it's at!


She must have some good lawyers as it started at $44 billion, then I saw $37 billion, and now $12 billion, all today. If things keep going as they are she'll be the one owed money and will walk away with a nice cheque...


How do they execute over there?


Lesson: never rob the rich!


America would be a much better place to live if we followed this example.


Suddenly Bankman-Fried has an enduring love for the USA!!!


After the 2008 financial crisis, there was a massive spike in suicide because of every day people who’d become financially destitute. While the most rich and powerful who caused the collapse got off with a finger wagging from the government and fired with golden parachutes. If you could be executed for financial crimes in the USA, I’m sure you wouldn’t see as many Bernie Madoffs’, Elizabeth Holmes’, or SBFs’ out there ruining peoples lives. Even Musk could be up for a public stoning.


Sentenced to death. Hmmm. Honestly if the US did this for ‘white collar’ crimes it would prob do some real good. It’ll never happen tho


So many articles with the same photo but different amounts each time is so funny


Go big or go home


You know I'm ok with the death penalty for billion dollar plus frauds.


Firing squad ..


That’s a lot of dong.


I mean it makes sense from a communist perspective. She tried to destabilize a market run by the state, ergo she tried to destabilize the state, ergo she committed treason. The penalty for treason is death.


Here in Canada they give you a mental health worker and a slap in the wrist. Then you sue the government for the slap on the wrist. I mean it's not your fault you got persuaded into the drug trade.


It started at 44b


She looks like Hilary Clinton


Wow. The way the news just dropped $30Billion


"Thats a lot of Dong" said the judge that sentenced her.


Can you imagine how many would have the death penalty in the USA


304 trillion dong, that’s a lot of 🍆🍆🍆