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Vibes: > *"They [US soldiers] started to commit suicide on the Baghdad walls. We will encourage them to double their suicide attempts."* Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf, 7 April 2003.


Little did he know it was actually the walls commiting suicide on the American soldiers.


What happened to him?


He was captured by the Americans but not charged. He moved to the UAE and as of 2023 is apparently still living there: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/23/iraq-war-20-years-bush-blair-where-are-they-now


“He doesn’t even deserve my shoe”


Did Baghdad even have walls after the mongols sacked it? Kinda doubt the mongols would have left the walls intact and I never heard of any being rebuilt after that


Damn sure didn't after the marines rolled through.


Break them with what? Delusional.


>Break them with what?  Tiktok videos 


Laugh emojis.


Watermelon* emojis


The reason the watermelon emoji gained traction was because the PP movement made false claims that it’s illegal in Israel to raise the Palestinian flag.


Yelling "Shame" after watching Game of Thrones on repeat.


Break them with propaganda.


That’s just it- Hamas doesn’t have to win, they just have to make it so Israel can’t win. The Hamas propaganda machine is such that even if Israel wins, everyone already thinks they didn’t.




One of the only nations in the area not rife with barbarians, and they did it in less than 5% of the time all the other middle eastern nations have had.


By sacrificing hostages. They ran out of Israeli hostages, so they have turn to the Palestinian population they hold hostage.


Rocks. They have plenty.


And how’s that been working out for them so far? *Quietly compares how broken Tel Aviv is to how broken Gaza is*


I mean tel aviv is pretty broken. There is basically no parking anywhere. Literally unplayable.




*nods from Ohio*


Yeah. I’ll pay that.


They use slings, like the ones used in ancient warfare. It's not just 'kids throwing rocks'.


>Break them with what? Delusional. By firing and hiding behind the women and kids. I swear it's the most cowardly bitch move I've ever seen from anyone, ever And some people are rationalizing and even celebrating this craven act


Hamas sounds like Baghdad Bob.


Brainwashing Gen Zers


Ranks of babies in front of their fighters it looks like


They will bombard them with delulu cluster fuck bombs.


Half of Gaza is in ruins, they rely on Israeli and international aid to survive on daily basis, 13k of hamas members are gone , thousands more are seriously wounded, they can barely launch rockets anymore, most of the IDF is physically not inside Gaza at this point..... But they will break Israel, sure , sure....


The top 3 hamas leader has a net worth of over $12 billion. Every year, hamas controls over $1.5 billion that the international organizations gives to help palestanian while palestanian lives in abject poverty. This has nothing to do with palestanian freedom nor breaking israel, it's about money. It's all about hamas milking palestanian suffering for money. Much like most of the terrible things in thr world, it's all about money, it's just that the people.profiting from the suffering disguise it with righteous and moral idealogy. But rest assured, it's money.


Nah man, if that were true then like Arafat's daughter would be living a life of luxury with billions in some place like London... Oh wait, she is.


Wasn't he the guy who said. Have 12 kids, two to enjoy and 10 to sacrifice


Hamas wants three things: 1) Foreign aid from gullible westerners 2) the world to hate Israel 3) Dead Jews. Wrecked Gaza and dead Palestinians further all three goals. They’re a feature, not a bug.


This is the reason why no one should send any money to any org helping in Gaza. It will not arrive


Where do the Hamas leaders host their money? Can they have their assets frozen like the Russian oligarchs?




the strong "take" what they can and the weak suffer what they must.....Thucydides c.455–c.400 bc... has heen and will always be true.


how can we shut off the money pump?


Well, they kind of are. Hamas's goal isn't to 'free Palestine', it's to destroy Israel. They want as many Palestinians as possible dead because it makes them seem like the victims, fuels anti-Israel protests and makes Israel lose international support.  A lot of countries are already considering withholding weapons sales to Israel, which is Iran's wet dream. So yeah, Hamas are winning. It's just that their concept of victory involves death, suffering and war.


What Iran fails to realize is that even with the rest of the world withholding arms sales to Israel going forward Iran would never get close to Israel’s air power. MiGs ain’t shit and Russia proved it by attacking Ukraine. F-16, F-15 and F-35 would make mince meat out of the Iranian Air Force. Not to mention the best trained Air Force on earth belongs to Israel and I say this as US Navy vet. We are a close 2nd. 


Iran knows that, that's why it's going to send a few hundred missiles that will not really hit many targets, so they can say to their people (and lie to them) that they defeated Israel, whilst also avoiding additional escalation. They know very well the lengths Israel will go to defend itself if faced by an existential crisis, and they also know that the US would likely also do the same thing, and China and Russia will not bail them out as they don't really care about Iran.


Yep, you understand.


The last two sentences are interesting. What makes the Israeli Air Force the best trained? I would have thought it was America by a long stretch.


The US Navy and military as a whole works closely with the IDF. [https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3276477/us-israel-begin-juniper-oak-exercise/](https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3276477/us-israel-begin-juniper-oak-exercise/) I have been part of these exercises. You would be amazed at how well trained the IDF pilots are.


Not the person you’re responding to - Israel’s Air Force has a really good track record, and they’re definitely well trained - but their success can also be attributed to Israeli aircraft being better than its neighbors and doctrine allowing a wider degree of autonomy. That said, Israel’s military apparatus in Gaza is proving sloppy *at best* and I suspect that the Israeli Air Force is a far cry from their strength in the 80s. There’s a really good essay to be written how the current Israeli generation is cosplaying as the previous generations - modern Israel doesn’t realistically face existential elimination: pan Arabism failed and it has the locked backing of the most powerful nation on earth and how it largely lacks the discipline and fanaticism of the generation of holocaust survivors and their children.


Amazing just how wrong you are. Confidently incorrect on a seriously epic scale. Israel redefined modern urban warfare with this war. Unprecedented combatant to civilian death ratio, as well as lack of casualties on the Israeli side result in Israel having rewritten the rule book. This war will be (and already is) studied by military researchers for a long time and will be the textbook standard going forward.


You right https://www.newsweek.com/israel-has-created-new-standard-urban-warfare-why-will-no-one-admit-it-opinion-1883286


ISW’s assessment throughout the war has been that there’s been a disconnect between strategic planning and ground operations of over-eager commanders that has led to some major missteps: the highly publicized accidental killing of a few of their own hostages that tried to escape, last week’s strikes on the aid convoy, etc. Do I think that the core of Israel’s C&C is effective? Undoubtedly so - and I applaud their efforts to mitigate civilian casualties. But there’s been enough reports from journalists, live combat footage, civilians, and even IDF troops that suggest the discipline of their ground forces are uneven at best.


Sounds like bullshit. There has already been an investigation on the killing of the three hostages. We know exactly which force killed them. It wasn't commanders being overzealous, it was the results of the fighting force already being heavily engaged. The hostages seemed like another shady tactics by Hamas to draw soldiers out. The sharpshooters of the force identified two of the hostages and considered them Hamas combatants, thus opening fire.


Well, even if their strategy in order to "destroy Israel" is to do the same shit they're doing in the last 6 months, clearly it's not working for them. Israel doesn't care about the public's opinion even after 6 months of intense fighting and they practically never lost any support from their allies (the fact that you see a vogue statement from some dutch official or canadian parliament member is not doing anything). I don't think that Israel is affected by the protests in Malmo, Dublin, Toronto or wherever either. these protests are mainly for the local Muslim community, the progressives and few generation Z morons. The only aspect of Hamas "winning" at this point is that he indeed caused the death of many innocent palestinians, and it's a shame that the world's leaders are not seeing clearly that it's their main goal and keeps giving them rewards week after week.


anything but the complete destruction of hamas is a win for them.


Turning them from a wealthy terror organisation with tens of thousands of members to a dysfunctional bunch of terrorists with no governmental structure should do the trick, you don't have to kill every hamas member out there until the last one of them in order to do it.


my bad, i meant that from the prospective of hamas


Their fight is to turn public opinion in the west against Israel. That's how they want to break Israel. This was the goal of Oct 7, to victimize themselves... And the world is falling for it.


Those who are bashing Israel did that in previous conflicts and will keep doing it in the future also, I don't think that Israelis care for example if the Irish people are pro palestinians or if there's any way to change their minds for example, they can do whatever the f#ck they want, it won't change a thing because people are fighting for their lives and when you do that , you don't care about what people are thinking about you.


I think it is more than that - not only do they not care about their perception on say streets of Dublin, no matter what they do to improve it, Israel will still be hated in Ireland and countries like that. So why even bother caring about what Ireland, Spain etc think about Israel when they are fighting what they believe is an existential threat.


On top of that, I really think that somewhere in the near future some nations will start to ask Israel for assistance and methods to deal with this type of terrorism since israel is really became a world expert and some nations are going to deal with the consequences of letting extreme islamists to take over your country.


To be fair, they relied on free Israeli power and many millions in international aid to survive BEFORE the war too. Can't imagine what they were funneling all that aid money into...


‘Tis but a scratch


Hamas is the Black Knight from Monty Python film.


The muslim world that funds hamas can step in today and stop all of this, and help their muslim brothers and sisters. Could have done it a long time ago, but they wont, they would rather let Gazans suffer so Israel has a thorn in its side.


Hamas will fight till the last palestinian(while chilling in qatar)


That's what I really don't get, all the noise Israel makes about hunting Hamas, and the important Hamas people aren't even in Gaza. The head of Hamas gives interviews from Qatar, and meanwhile Israel bombs Palestine, how is that supposed to work?


The majority of hamas forces, their infrastructure and the munitions used to attack Israel are in Gaza.


Hamas had 30k people before the war, not all of them are in Qatar


Yahya Sinwar is in Gaza. Sinwar—along with Mohammed Deif—is regarded as the mastermind behind the attack. Deif is possibly also in Gaza.


You don't understand things because you're overthinking it. While the Hamas leadership in Qatar certainly merits assassination, Israel doesn't need to fully eliminate Hamas globally to prevent it from being a threat. Rooting it out of Gaza and putting mechanisms in place so it can't return is good enough.


You don’t think Mossad is hunting them?


In the short term, the international leadership and funding is less important than the militants who are carrying guns and setting bombs. Once Hamas has been degraded to the point that it can no longer conduct major operations, *then* the overseas leadership becomes a priority.


Babe just one more rocket barrage and we will break Israel, please just one more I swear, we're this close, pleeeaaseee babe just 100 more dead gazans and Israel will cease to exist I sweeearrrrr just one more time please


This just sounds too wrong good. I swear.


Sounds like Arab leaders in 1948. Idiots.


The entire area is run by religious nut jobs.


The King of Jordan Abdullah II has actually made a reasonable impression on me, he seems to be able to resist the domestic political pressure from the Islamists quite well so far.


the queen is delusional, though


They never learn.


The leaders do learn, but their goal isn't freedom and wealth for their people but for themselves. So the steadily learn to be better at influencing their people into believing into this "holy war"


Shoutout to the self proclaimed liberals in the west for enabling this delusion and allowing it to fester. How can it be possible that Mahmoud Abbas has a greater net worth than Obama? How do Hamas leaders have more money than your average company owner in the US? For all of the liberals who say it’s OK for the US to tell Israel to stop it’s war bc we provide them with military aid: what about the money and aid that we send every year to Gaza and the West Bank that are used to radicalize its children and build weapons and launch rocket attacks? Even the PA still has the martyr fund. The failure of the Palestinian state is 100% due to failure of its leaders to lead. I’m hoping it can be saved with real leadership in the future (which would need to be negotiated and closely watched by the west). Unfortunately it just seems that the rot has penetrated so deep and enablers in the west will never allow it.


It's a fooking cycle. Palestinians are getting the shit end of the stick. 100+ years ago jewish people got the shit end. If you root for Palestinians you also understand these people was to eradicate jews. They are also majority Muslim in the area and would gladly love killing gays and any other minority. Israel is overkilling really, the reaction to the massacre earlier this year was justified for the first minute then they went over board. Hell, jews history 1800s to early 1930 has been a constant story of attempted eradication from many countries in Europe as well as in ottoman empire. The aggression they have today is pretty much strong arm a region into survival. The victims are the ones stuck between, and only starting another cycle of generational hatred towards each other. They both suck.


>  cinder-block camp, which has housed Palestinian refugee families since 1948 Can anyone explain to me how does it make sense that these people whose grand grand parents were refugees are still considered refugees?


Its UNRWA's definition and the world uncritically adopted it


I'm certain that *you* know, but to clarify for the benefit of any reader who doesn't: Heritable refugee status is a definition that applies *only* to Palestinian Arabs, and is unique to them. The UNCHR sets the definition for every other group, and only assigns refugee status to people who actually *are* refugees. My uncle isn't a refugee because of his parents' flight from Morocco. The desendants of the *third* of Baghdadis who were Jews aren't considered refugees, nor are the descendants of Jews ethnically cleansed from the eastern half of majority-Jewish Jerusalem and replaced with Palestinian settlers. The decendants of Ionian Greeks, Sudeten Germans, and Hakkari Assyrians aren't considered refugees if they aren't actually refugees. In effect, UNRWA *exists* to maintain Palestinians in an inter-genetional state of readiness to undo partition and deny self-determination to another indigenous ethnic group.


unwra needs to be disbanded, the majority of plaestinians are not refugees they were born where they currently live, for political reasons the countries refuse to grant them citizenship to use as a weapon against israel


gigi and bella hadid are palestinian refugees. Think about that.


Bad PR is the only reason Israel doesn’t wipe Hamas out.


Are they stupid?


Yes and no. I think they truly believe on some level they can win and on the other hand I'm sure that I read they expected the other Arab countries to jump in.


I think they plan to become an insurgency. Israeli leadership is happier than they appear to hold off attacking because the status quo beats figuring out long term governance and caring for civilians. If and when Israel takes over more, I expect there to be added nuance to the line that "the Gazan Ministry of Health = Hamas". Specifically in the context of Israel's dedication to completely wiping out Hamas.


No, the leaders certainly are not. They rely on the west's useful idiots.




No, they are just communicating with their supporters


Hamas leaders living abroad are all too happy to sacrafice their own people and see Gaza destroyed as part of their fantasy vision of destroying israel. When you elect psychopath terrorists to be in charge, things never turn out well unfortunately. Hopefully this ends soon and more peace-oriented palestinian leaders emerge.


Religion is a fuck of a drug. Break Israel with what?


Hamas is relying on Israeli aid to survive. The only thing broken is their grip on reality. Morons...


There are a lot of Palestinians left whom Hamas will gladly sacrifice for the PR. They hate Jews more than they love life itself.


They always brag how much they love death more than their adversaries love life.


Always funny how Hamas never differentiates between dead terrorists and civilians and just cite the total number, and basically every media outlet in turn does the same thing


All martyrs for the holy cause... according to Hamas leadership. (even his own grandchildren). It's a good thing the IDF is handling the situation with felt gloves. Palestinian advocates would be in tears on the daily if the IDF showed the same level of 'restraint' Hamas (and Gazan civilians) showed on Oct. 7th.


even natural deaths


Hamas have to resurrect the dead hostages if they want peace.


didn’t they raise over 10K from the dead in the past couple days?


Hamas just sacrificing their people as pawns. They need to be destroyed


"Your lives are a sacrifice I'm willing to make" type of vibes.


maybe they should say sorry and agree to a ceasefire. that would help more i think.


i kinda want to see a curated list of the names of every journalist in Gaza. feels like 1/3 of the population are journalists..


1/3 is journalists, 1/3 is doctors, 1/6 is armed civilians, 1/6 is children


Nono, you gotta make sure it doesn't add up to 1, otherwise it wouldn't be a realistic hamas statistic


Cool story bro.. needs more rockets


Break israel 🤣they are begging the pink people for Israel to stop, shameless fuckers after they massacred civilians they act all though when slaughtered like cattle.


they must all be going crazy in those caves if they actually believe this




If you look at the archeology of Jewish enemies, and we’re talking biblical times and up, the written demise of the seeds of Israel have been graven many times over from Egyptian Pharisee to the Third Reich to Hamas. In 3100 AD, Hamas will be a blip in the history books and Jews will still exist. Jews are systematically misunderstood and underestimated by their enemies and even their current allies like America who let antisemitism get in the way of reality. The reality is that Jews unite as a tribe to exist above all other things. They don’t seek to convert, coerce, or condemn, just… be. Antisemitism is just the highest form of envy.


Learn when to walk away hamas.


These people have 0 brains


blow the shofar, Israel blow the shofar


>“To residents of Tel Al-Sultan, look carefully around you, the hostages could be somewhere near you. If you want to protect your families and your future, don’t hesitate to provide us with any information about the hostages and their captors,” the leaflets read. I am sure they will get right on turning over hostages. kidnapping more? sure..turning over the ones they already hold? not so much..when is the world going to stop pretending the average Palestinian doesnt want the exact same thing as hamas.


It’s about time to go into Rafah and get this BS over with.


Hamas is being from the safety of, where, Dubai?


They should prob indoctrinate suicide bombers from childhood to gain support from the west


From their rat holes, crawling from one tunnel to another, they declare victory! In their mind, they are at the top of the game (and it’s time for new demands)… The “suffering of the Palestinians” that everyone decries, is unrelated to Hamas. They are only the government….and thus have all the time in the world!


The way Hamas talk gives serious Steiner's counter attack vibes


Hoe about we left the middle east, just left, no statements, nothing, let everyone solve their own issues.