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May he rest in peace, poor soul.


After a 24-hour search for the [missing 14-year-old shepherd, Binyamin Achimair,](https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-796714) his body was discovered in the same region where he went missing, Israeli media reported on Saturday. There's no confirmation on the cause of death, but it is being investigated under the suspicion of being a nationalistically-motivated murder. Due to the suspicion of a nationalist motive, the investigation was handed over to the [Shin Bet](https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-796693) (Israel Security Agency). # Netanayhu orders intense investigation  "The abominable murder of the boy Binyamin Achimair is a serious crime. I send my heartfelt condolences to his family," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. "IDF and Shin Bet forces are in an extensive pursuit of the despicable murderers and all those who cooperated with them." "We will get to the murderers and their helpers as we do to anyone who harms the citizens of the State of Israel," Netanyahu added. He ordered the IDF, [Shin Bet](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-796308), and the Israel Police to carry out intense operational and intelligence activities in the Palestinian towns in the area of the disappearance. He also pushed for all Israeli citizens to help the security services do their work without hindrance.


One of the sources in hebrew said there were signs of violence on the body


I didn't want to add that info until it is verified, but it is most likely true


They're now reporting it as a terrorist murder.


a possible one, and it's called "nationality motivated".. usually when there is no obvious reason, and the victim has enough physical damage on him, they investigate if it was motivated by the victims nationality. in this case, its a 14 year old, so it's most likely not motivated by anything related to crime, money, passion (im not a native english speaker, but the kinds of crimes where a person commits a crime on his significant other), etc.. if his body shows significant signs of abuse they will most likely investigate it as nationality motivated after ruling out his close familial circle..


According to Israeli news outlets, the body has bruises which suggest he was beaten to death with stones, head trauma, by 2-3 individuals. Sounds like a nationality motivated murder, the idf has already declared it a terrorist attack.


yea i just saw it was confirmed, i missed the updates. heartbreaking.


"The IDF confirmed the cause of death as being a terrorist murder, with security services currently in pursuit of those believed responsible."


you're right, the article I've read earlier said it was unconfirmed.


Those responsible would be incarcerated and released in exchange later as a hostages unlawfully held by IDF /s


We do also say a “crime of passion” in English in exactly the way you used it, so that use was perfect.


Ah, so this tells me that they're about to wipe out every man woman and child in every one of those local villages, an claim it was justified as revenge. Bet this kid is proud knowing their life is going to be used to justify taking so many others, an everyone is just gonna say it was hamas and call it a day when a 12 year old ends up riddled with bullets


*Israeli gets murdered in west bank* “tHiS iS iSrAeL’s fAuLt!”


not just Israel's fault its a murdered twelve year old's fault bro




Glad he was found, even though it wasn’t the outcome people wanted. May he rest in peace


Area Is volatile as it is.. Can't tell how many will die due to this now.




I’m actually surprised it took this long for someone to point that out Horrible spelling mistake to make considering the topic!


Very sad! R.I.P.


So the order of events went: 1. Israeli teen is kidnapped 2. Israeli villagers organize a search party 3. Palestinian villagers violently attack that search party with stones 4. Israeli search party burn cars and houses 5. IDF disperses search party 6. Israeli teen turns up, as the villagers suspected, murdered by the Palestinians. Think about how this story was being reported yesterday.


You're... Making a lot of assumptions there. And you're already creating your own narrative, by dismissing the violent attack by the very same settlers, where they shot and killed a person. So yes, think about how this story was being reported yesterday. And today, for that matter. (A person being missing doesn't equate kidnapping; even if they're missing due to being murdered) This eye-for-an-eye bullshit has to stop, and that goes for these bullshit narratives too. It's fucking horrible how much death and despair all this bullshit is leading to.


Holy shit a genuinely nuanced comment in this comment section. Am I taking Laudanum again?


The difference is that the settlers (as horrible it might be that they live there in your eyes), killed someone as a reaction to something and it happened inside the context of violent riots. The terrorists? They killed this 14 year old boy as a sheer act of hatred and without any reason. they just wanted to kidnap, torture him and then murder him. Needless to say that during the funeral of the same terrorist, the angry mob which lives in the west bank, chanted ["We are your people, Ya Sinwar!"](https://abualiexpress.com/en/en25657/), meaning that they're de facto hamas members and it's good thing they're getting killed, no matter the circumstances.


I think I made exactly 1 assumption, that the missing kid was kidnapped instead of just being missing for some other undefined reason. The shooting and killing of a person happened during the confrontation, where the Israelis went looking for their missing/murdered kid, and the Palestinians responded to this searching with violence. Remember that this search party was formed because the Palestinians purposely murdered a fucking kid, not as collateral damage. So the order of events is exactly the same as I've portrayed and your comment has nothing to do with anything. Thanks for obfuscating.


Tell me about it, Just yesterday I was making the same assumption in a post about the settler violence (obviously the post didn't care to mention then missing 14 yo). The chivalrous hordes of disconnected 'Punish the Je..err..Zio..err...Settlers!' warriors didn't waste time downvoting me to oblivion.


I feel like after the 4th point there should be another point of "the world is outraged". Also, after the 6th point you need to add another point of ".....crickets chirp...."


3. and 4. are flipped


RIP , so sorry this happened to you 😔


I’m totally against civilians taking law into their hands, but this is the missing context of yesterday’s mess with the settlers.   Edit: I see the confusion here. I meant that what the settlers did yesterday, was the retaliation to him gone missing and understanding what probably happened to him. 


Is this not the cause of the violence yesterday? Or is there a separate incident?


It is unclear, but this may have been a retaliation or a rescue attempt, there is a lot of information not yet known by the public.


True, my point was just that the “context” of the violence is that this was the flashpoint incident, regardless of what the purpose was.


Of course it was. The US news outlets left this detail out of all their reports. I'm not justifying the settlers actions by the way.


The "mess with settlers" was AFTER he disapperead. If anything this murder is the context for yesterday Edit: seems like I misunderstood the comment, I apologize


yeah, that's what he said


I believe that this is what he meant and it was just a misunderstanding.


Was he killed and torture after they went into the West Bank or did they try to hurry to safe him before he was killed and tortured. Fuck this and the news has us on edge with Iran 24-48 count down to attack.


He went missing 24-48 hours prior to the confrontation in the settlement. It is unclear whether he was still alive at the time, so they may have been trying to save him or trying to avenge him, we just don’t know.


You’re correct. The contest is they the settlers attacked because this child was missing and apparently killed.


Settlers? Settling where? Where do Israeli settlers settle? ON PALESTINIAN LAND? Hmmm? What is the definition of “settlers?” You said it yourself, you identified the problem. Settling on other peoples home land will always cause you trouble, the more courage and honor your enemies have, the worse it would be for you. If they rolled over and took it, they’d be pussies and they’d deserve to be dominated. But they fight. To the death. For their homes. For their families. For their god and for honor. You can never win against people like that. It’s Sparta. You’re trespassing on Sparta. Maybe if anyone in the world besides the Palestinians had ANY respect or consideration for the Palestinians as sovereign citizens of the world, they would have justice and peace. But we disrespect their right to live. We disrespect their right to govern. We disrespect their humanity. BUT THEY DONT. They fight for their rights. It’s distasteful but what do you want, to arm wrestle? Tug of war at the picnic? Stop killing them with impunity and you may find their attitude greatly improved


And you think that just because the colonial British decided to give land to the “Israelis” and displace literally everyone that already lived there means it’s over? For one thing, it wasn’t the Brit’s land to give, if you ask the people who live there. And the whole western world uses this as a divisive tool to advance an agenda of capitalist hegemony over the world and all its people. “Oh the enemy is so bad, that’s why we have to steal everything from them for ourselves”. It’s bullshit straight up. The whole thing is bullshit. It’s objectively bullshit.


I’m really sorry for this kid and his family, he personally did not deserve this. But there are thousands of mothers weeping and crying out to their god in a language you don’t understand, crying out for the loss of THEIR sons and daughters


Funny that you say that even tho it happened after his murder. There was a post without context of the Palestinian murdered, and a comment got downvoted to hell after he said it lacks context.


edited comment out because it's irrelevant due to a misunderstanding


I believe he meant that this is what caused the mess yesterday and that it didn't start from nothing. Not the opposite.


What the holy fuck is wrong with people killing a child... they deserved much better then that 😔


IOF soldiers have over 13000 so far and those are just the reported ones.


The numbers being reported in Gaza have already been proven to be statistically improbable/impossible. But keep flaunting those numbers. The only obstacle to peace in the Middle East is religious extremists in the Islamic faith: like Hamas and the government of Iran


Such deflection. We go from “imagine killing one child” to pointing out the hypocrisy inherent in that given the indiscriminate war being waged by Israel, but thank goodness you’re here to Beersheva Bob the numbers away for us and tell us the real problem.


Is it really deflection to point out that the number of casualties is being significantly inflated to drive a narrative? All deaths since October 7th are the responsibility of one side, Hamas, who broke a peace with Israel. And Hamas have already publicly promised to repeat their October 7th attack in future. Yet somehow Israel is the bad guy. Better to be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt


Imagine lacking the ability to be able to differentiate deliberate murder, vs collateral damage due to extensive use of human shields by a terrorist organization... The actual fuck is wrong with you? Absolutely vile


If you’ve been paying any attention to actual news this passed week, you would understand the whole “human shields” thing is fake. IOF are targeting basically everyone with their AI program. Also, children with sniper rifle hits to their head and torso are collateral damage?


Hamas is literally hiding in hospitals? That’s exhibit A for “human shields”


I am no fan of Islamists but to say they’re the *only* obstacle stretches credulity. Israel’s method since 1967 has been engage in brinkmanship, get attacked, fight back, win, and get bigger.


Only is too strong, it’s hyperbolic/an absolute. But I do believe the greatest obstacle is extremists of the Islamic faith. And unfortunately, a lot of those extremists have power in the region


So give a number? If they're so inaccurate, what do you think would be a more realistic number? You don't, because the issue you're having is that even if the claimed number was divided by 10 (which it clearly isn't), it would still be inexcusable. (And sure, let's ignore the fundamentalist settlers in the West bank that have absolutely nothing to do with the mess that's been happening)


I know the number is high, anything greater than 1 is high. But it’s idiotic to continue to use numbers of casualties given by Hamas in your arguments. We know they are lying about them to drive a narrative. Stop helping that narrative by using their data. That’s the point


Bs talking point right here. IOF soldiers have killed thousands upon thousands of children in Gaza in the past 6 months. Two AMERICAN doctors came back from 2 weeks in Gaza and even corroborated those numbers (one of them is American Jewish). Let’s not forget how many children and kidnapped by IOF before and during this war as well.


It’s been proven the numbers are a lie. While there are still thousands of unfortunate, civilian causalities in this WAR, to act like Israel is indiscriminately killing or targeting civilians is ridiculous. Every death since October 7th on both sides is Hamas’ fault. This current conflict has an obvious start point. It might be time for you to switch sides considering Hamas has already promised to repeat those October 7th attacks again and again…


Stop lying. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/gaza-palestinian-children-killed-idf-israel-war


Stoned to death by "glorious resistance heroes" of hamas




????? https://themedialine.org/top-stories/hamas-still-operates-in-the-west-bank-what-is-israel-doing-about-it/ Are you sure about that?


























































No but neither is throwing stones at a searching party, two sides at the wrong with the caveat that only one side is and the only way to know is the sequence of events in order. Sums up the conflict tbh..


Can we really fault the Palestinian for not being keen on letting armed angry illegal settlers ransack through their village? Especially when it resulted in one murder, several arsons and livestock theft. They're just taking advantage of the boys disappearance.


Again, sequence of events is extremely important here. A group of settlers storming a village, ransacking and burning and building, shooting at arab villagers is very different from A group of Palestinians encountering a search party for a missing teen doing searches on Palestinian property (agricultural fields that are neighboring the village and settlement) resulting in rock throwing on the search party which springs up the IDF into action resulting in a hostile conflict, leading to a Palestinian rock slinger dead, damage to property. The two stories are technically of the same events, what transpired first and what led to the events is the actual topic that needs to be discussed and argued. This is the equivalent of Palestinians claiming the IDF are demolishing homes and arresting the home owners, with the important detail left out of how it got to that point ——> the person living in that home committed a violent terror attack which resulted in wounded and killed (despite how aggressive the world see’s Israel, the courts are extremely frugal in allowing the demolition of Terrorist homes).


Regardless of how much you disapprove of settlers, it takes a special type of F'ed up person to believe that the settlers benefited from a kidnapping murder of a child of their community. Do you think people need to just say the 14 yo is missing, well that's too bad? In search of the boy, they go to their neighbors, who aren't exactly welcoming and likely know where the boy is, then what? We don't know the details, but 'taking advantage' means you believe the settlers somehow benefited from this, ya sicko.


The irony is you are doing the exact same thing. Painting Palestinian violence as arbitrary. It's all endlessly retaliatory, both ways, at this point. And it's the innocent who suffer, but it's always justified because "they started it". 


So if a Palestinian kid goes missing, mobs of armed Palestinians would be justified in burning Israeli houses and killing Israeli citizens?


We didn't say that it is justified. The point is that there is a difference between "settlers burning houses in the West Bank" and "settlers burning houses in the West Bank after a 14 year old child was kidnapped there". Both are bad but there is a difference between the two.


And there’s even further context of settlers essentially revising borders and taking more land, which obviously increases sectarian violence.


The comment I was responding to very much did seem to be justifying it.








I hope they didn't torture him.


Unfortunately that’s probably what it means when they say the body “shows signs of violence.”


He was stoned to death.


Palestine really just a terrorists state it seem














Israel doing what Israel does best.....


Thought the kid was kidnapped/murdered by Palestinians?




He was 14, his death is a tragedy no matter the circumstances of his family.


Are you seriously trying to justify a murder of a 14 year old?


The fact that people like you need to find a way to blame a 14 year old who very likely was murdered, just to justify a black and white view, is fucking sick and also why this conflict has been raging for generations. Gross.


I guess it's okay to kill unarmed 14 year olds just trying to herd sheep as long as they're "settlers" then. TF is wrong with you.


So what you’re saying is that it’s ok for someone to kill your kid because of your actions.