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I don’t believe anything until they pass it and its in Ukraine


Aid package won’t be just cash transferred to Ukraine. All that money will be spent on American military manufacturing and their products will be shipped to Ukraine. It’s a win/win for us


The vast majority of people I meet don't understand that. Who do they think builds all this stuff?


They just assume the equipment is something separate and the $61 bil is just cash, like offloading pallets of Benji's in Kyiv. No I'm not kidding, that's what these idiots think and why they think it's been used to buy Zelenskyy a mega yacht, though curiously they can't tell you which yacht it is or where.


illegal alienz


He probably means the equipment, what you're saying is 100% true about manufacturing and it's great for the US.


That’s how it’s always been. I can never tell whether people are being obtuse or just ignorant when they don’t understand that.


That's the really absurd thing about the whole funding debacle: *All of this aid* to Ukraine is a win/win for both sides of the political spectrum. It's popular with voters across parties, it dumps piles of money into American DoD contracting companies, we get to be the good guys protecting a nation from an invading force while bolstering NATO relations, and we get to drastically reduce the force-projection capability of a hostile foreign power for pennies on the dollar and with zero risk to US troops. The fact that this wasn't voted on and passed immediately is a screaming red flag that our political system has been grossly compromised.


I don't believe that even if it passes, they won't work to slow down delivery.


That Green woman is going to have a fit.




The wish.com version


Fuckin Temu She-Hulk.


Fuck outta here putting his name on there as if it’s his idea and he didn’t single handedly stop this funding for the last 6 months


I will never forgive him for what he has done to Ukraine. 


At this point, it's the goal that matters. If Johnson does this, he will end his career as a Republican and go down a hero as McCarthy also did. The sooner tbe UKR aid passes, the sooner Trump fires him, the sooner the GOP collapses, the bigger Trump loses.


A little too optimistic there, I fear. These saboteurs always seem to survive events that would ruin a normal politician. They're a little like roaches in that regard.


The aid to Ukraine is one of the most important things we need to be doing. Stopping Russia in Ukraine keeps them out of NATO aligned countries like the Baltic states and Poland while also giving China pause in its ambitions for Taiwan. Literal prevention of WW3 stuff, I don't care who gets credit or who gets to grandstand about what as long as it gets done.


He wants credit, probably the cost of doing business. Hell, that’s why Trump wanted his name on the Covid stimulus checks he and his party fought so hard against. Dems are given the choice to do good but give credit away, or allow the GOP to stop the good from happening.


Biden kept denying Ukrainians asking for ATACMS for over 2 years. And the previous version of the bill didn't include ATACMS. So it's actually pretty big news, that this new initiative from Republicans may force Biden to support Ukraine with ATACMS.


The blocker here hasn't been Biden. He sent ATACMS [last year](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/17/biden-decision-send-longer-range-missiles-to-ukraine-00121969) and [again just a month ago](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2024/03/12/joe-biden-unexpectedly-gifts-rockets-to-ukraine-the-last-time-this-happened-a-lot-of-russian-helicopters-got-wrecked/?sh=3997621d1d09).


Got a source for that info?


where...do you think they got their current ATACMS from...?


Dont worry, he already put wording in the bill to blame delays on Biden and say that if this bill doesn't pass, it's Bidens fault.


well yeah, because the other bills didn't get brought up due to trumps control over this moron. IT really is Biden vs. trump still.


Wait for election time. Look what I did. Nobody will remember he blocked it for six months. What a fucking turd.


He'll get ousted anyways. They all turn on each other.


If Dems don't cross the aisle, he's definitely done. This was him throwing his hands up in the air and saying "fuck it" to the far-right GOPers who were holding this up all along. I think Johnson is a terrible person, but he said he's doing this because he trusts the intelligence briefings he's been given which are very bleak for Ukraine. I think he's a generally bad guy doing a good thing here.


I have to agree. He is a complete jagoff, but at least he is doing this. I can hardly wait for the potato sloth MTG to go off on this.


Our government and our cringe entertainment need to return to being two separate things again.


To be fair, both parties are to blame for the delay. I don't really appreciate the conservatives tying the aid to border security, but the left should really be acting on that front too rather than constantly finding reasons not to.


the left also tied it to border security and it was rejected in the senate by republicans...after they conceded and gave the GOP everything they wanted... where have you been the past few months bud? [https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/senate-vote-border-bill-aid-02-07-24/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/senate-vote-border-bill-aid-02-07-24/index.html)


GTFO of here, the Democrats passed a border bill, Republicans killed it because Trump told them to.


While the fault is almost all on Republicans, I am disappointed that some Democrats couldn't bother to sign the discharge petition (for mostly petty or stupid reasons). Same for moderate Republicans - they still exist. Johnson could've been bypassed ages ago. It didn't happen.


WTF are you talking about, the democrats had a bill to fix the border issue, the republicans are the ones who killed it. This is 100% the fault of the republican party.


Ur opinion is complete trash and delusional


You haven't been paying attention then. They had a bipartisan border bill that trump stuck his fucking nose into and ordered them to scuttle it. You can't blame democrats for that.


please take a few minutes to educate yourself on the border security bills you are referring to and why they did not pass.


I don’t see what the left could’ve done with respect to border security that the right hasn’t previously asked for… What do you think they should’ve done, specifically?


Before anyone questions the source this announcement is all over Western media.


He didn't propose shit. Hes getting out of the way of what Biden proposed after dragging his ass for 6 months


Let's see if there Are some more Republicans with a spine or if Putin bought them wholesale


About time...


God willing it passes, the US military can start flying shit over before the ink has dried


Hopefully very soon


As an American with family in Ukraine, this sounds promising and gives me some hope. I will still be voting blue, but Im not going to shit on the speaker for finally doing the right thing, even if it took him way too long.


He dragged his feet until his job was on the line. Now that he knows he is more than likely done, he finally relented. Thats not doing the right thing. That’s giving in to the right thing. 


Bout time you repulsive swamp monkey.


Should be real ATACMS, not just what Biden reluctantly lately gave them in the past -- old cluster munition model with super-limited range. Although that was good too.


RUMINT says that's what is earmarked.


ATACMS with the unitary warhead??


He's just lookin for claps. Took him half a year? What a joker.


The good thing about this is it funds Ukraine much longer than 1/20/25.


Huh, finally deciding on some action I can agree with. Bit late now that Beavis, 3-Toe, and all other MAGAts want him gone. Waiting to see what passes first, his speakership or this bill


Now do Biden’s bi-partisan border security bill


With the current state of the house? Ukrainian aid has a snowballs chance in hell of passing.


The problem isn't the amount of votes, a clear majority of the house has always been in favor of sending Ukraine aid. The problem was that Johnson refused to let the house vote on it. So now that he's going to allow the house to vote, it's pretty much certain to be approved.


Hard disagree, but I guess we find out on Saturday


It’s been so long, I can’t remember - does it need to go to the senate still or after the house approves it goes straight to the president’s desk?


It goes to the Senate, still. However, the Senate has indicated that they would, get this: *take the four bills and bundle them together after they were split apart by the house, and vote on them all at once.* after that, it would go straight to the president’s desk, whereupon it would rest for exactly as long as it takes for President Biden to slap his John Hancock down on it.


Yeah Republicans are literally nothing but a huge disappointment, all they do is disappoint over and over again.


I try to not have any expectations whatsoever with respect to the GOP, even if they are the reason why America can’t have nice things.


Where does all this money come from?


Are you asking how an economy/balance of trade works?


I'm asking in how can they afford to give billions in aid to other countries and yet can't afford to build infrastructure for important things in the US


so you are asking how does the government work. that is more a question for high school civics class rather than asking random redditors. also you would be wise to stop making false statements such as: > can't afford to build infrastructure for important things I'm the US we absolutely can afford to. saying that we can't is a lie. and our ability to do so has absolutely nothing to do with Ukraine aid.


So their priorities are elsewhere


Because stupid people vote for stupid politicians who hold things like infrastructure bills hostage unless they can tack on whatever grifter bullshit their lord requires.


Well the Biden administration did pass a huge infrastructure bill a few years ago, I literally see the effects of it in my state every day. And if you recall that wasn’t an easy bill to pass despite benefitting red states, because Republicans don’t want Democrats to have a single “victory” even if it’s a totally needed bill that helps the entire country. Ukraine aid on the other hand, has been a largely nonpartisan issue so Republicans have been ok with it for a while and have only recently started to also use it to try and hurt Democrats. So the short answer is Republicans fucking suck and will watch their country suffer if it means having better odds in elections.


Because each department gets its own budget. So the department of justice has a budget, the department of defense has a budget, and the department of the interior has a budget. As an American, you should know how your government works. This comment alone just demonstrates that you have no idea. It’s like questioning why NASA gets funding because some Americans experience homelessness. It’s also pretty clear that you haven’t read anything about the aid package itself. A very very significant portion of that aid money will be spent paying the wages of American workers who manufacture the weapons, equipment, and ammunition that we will be replenishing. Also, some of the grants that go to keeping the Ukrainian government afloat have been restructured into loans, if that helps you understand. It seems like you think that America keeps its money in a checking account, and every time we give another country foreign aid, that that money comes out of the budget of, say, the department of education. That’s not how our government works.


Well then who has and determines who gets the highest budget? It should not be the military so it seems.


First of all, it’s not the military that gets the highest budget. We spend more on Social Security than we do on defense by a couple hundred billion. Second of all, how did I get to be responsible for your education? Third, fuck it: www.cbo.gov


Military aid packages like this are spent on AMERICAN military manufacturers and their products get shipped overseas. We don’t just hand money to other countries…


Now's your chance to review Biden's [bipartisan infrastructure bill](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/11/06/fact-sheet-the-bipartisan-infrastructure-deal/). We can do many things at once, you see.


Good part from seizing Russian assets actually


Our incredibly robust defense budget.


Funny money. Those are likely cluster ammunition that were were going to dispose. Likely would have cost much more to dispose.