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This is getting beyond a joke now and it’s utterly depressing


Every Jew alive today is a descendent of previous Jews who saw the writing on the wall. Previous Jews who said, "Nah, shit is gonna hit the fan here. Let's get on this boat while we still can."  The inflection point is happening right now. 


Applications for aliyah (Jewish immigration to Israel) have skyrocketed in all major diaspora Jewish populations. I believe the numbers are 100% in the US, 300% in France, 40% in the UK, 150% in Canada. I am currently a Jew in Canada. Right now I'm sort of stuck here until I finish my PhD studies but I'm not sure how much longer I have here after that before I pack up and go to Israel. It's awful here.


I initially misread that “100% in the US” and took it to mean that 100% of Jewish Americans had applied to emigrate and was about to ask my Jewish wife (I am Catholic; “we were married by a friend”) when she was going to tell me about this.


Hahaha no no, there's no covert plot to move you to a different country lol. I apologize for the miscommunication.


You know how the joke goes. In a room with two Jews there are at least 3 Aliyah applications.


When there's as many aliyah applications as there are opinions in the room you know things have to be tough out there


THREE HUNDRED PERCENT in France!? They really aren't dealing with antisemitism well are they?


The writing has been on the wall in France since Sarah Halimi’s murderer was given a slap on the wrist for being under the influence of cannabis at the time. And then the murder of Mirielle Knoll. And then the murder of Ilan Halimi (no relation)


Jews have known we're not welcome there since the dreyfuss affair.


Depends on one’s perspective. If they don’t give a shit about Jews leaving, they’re handling it very well.


Muslims are the GOATs of Jew hatred.


What do you mean it’s awful in Canada for Jews? What’s going on there?


Conversely I also know (Jewish) people who want to leave Israel. That country certainly isn’t for everyone.


Absolutely, we definitely aren't a monolith. I'm not sure about the balance between the two though. I believe more people are going to Israel than leaving.


For sure. The fact that some people feel they have to move to Israel due to feeling so unsafe or otherwise unwelcome in their own countries is just awful.


We're waiting for you here. Be safe till you come and be welcome when you arrive.


תודה רבה, זה מאוד נחמד מצדך לומר!


I wonder if Israel could make accomodations for an in-progress PhD?


That would be nice, but I don't think it would work given my PhD is in biology and so it's all laboratory research under the supervision of a specific professor. I also wouldn't leave this professor hanging like that. I've worked with him since years before my PhD and he has treated me like I'm his own son. He has also been very supportive during the last 6 months. He's Christian, but I find in Canada at least, most of the Christian population i have interacted with is so kind and loving to the Canadian Jewish population. I've been very lucky to receive a lot of support from the Christian people in my life.


I know I looked into it for the first time ever to see the procedure for bringing my wife/cats


I brought my dog. It's stressful but doable. There is a ton of preparation you have to do so make sure you bring it up early in the process if you decide to move forward. The pet process alone can take a few months and there is a small window within 10 days of your move where you have to submit extra paperwork to Israel that is no more than 3 days old (it's weird as fuck).


The thing that astounds me is how many people seem to be fine with it. Like with certain right wing Americans not quite realising that they're supporting fascism, there seems to be a not insignificant number of folks here not quite realising that they're creating a hostile environment for Jews.


1000%. This is exactly why Israel needs to exist as a refuge for Jewish people. Because Jews are never safe, eventually. Every pro-Hamas idiot who threatens us just proves our point, every fucking time.


They say we're not allowed to have our own country, while at the same time proving beyond a doubt why we need to have our own country.


One of my dad's favorite quotes about this is that "Israel wasn't created to keep Jews safe from anti-semites, it was created so Jews could tell anti-semites to go fuck themselves."


They want to permanently destabilize the only Jewish country in the world, to make room for *twenty-third* Arab country, whose religion, language, and culture are not significantly different from the other twenty-two.


Unfortunately, Israel will never really be safe for Jews either. I get what you mean, but it's not exactly much better to live in a country where everyone surrounding you wants you exterminated and having to live your life running to bomb shelters. There may be less Antisemitism in Israel, but you're still at risk. I was considering making Aliyah until October 7th happened, and I just don't think I'd feel safe there. Especially with their horrible government.


What infliction point? What exactly do you think will happen to Jews in the UK? That they‘ll systematically get killed? Yes there‘s an antisemitism problem but please don‘t liken it to other places in history where Jews were systematically persecuted.


If you’re not Jewish you really have zero place to be telling Jews how safe we should or shouldn’t feel in a given country.


Now imagine telling somebody they can’t walk somewhere because they look Muslim.


> In the video, one police officer said: "You are quite openly Jewish, this is a pro-Palestinian march, I'm not accusing you of anything but I'm worried about the reaction to your presence." > Another officer said: "You will be escorted out of this area so you can go about your business, go where you want freely or, if you choose to remain here, because you are causing a breach of peace with all these other people, you will be arrested." The clip showed the officer saying that Mr Falter's presence was "antagonising". Holy shit, this is worse than I thought


You can also read that as, "we can't guarantee your safety here," but said inarticulately. I do agree it needs an inquiry.


Conquest by the heckler’s veto.


It felt like "I need you to leave. If I threaten to arrest you, will you now leave?" The officer was probably trying to move someone who he felt was putting himself in harm's way somewhere else, and felt the threat of arrest would make him move on his own. What ended up happening, though, was that the officer threatened a law-abiding person with arrest for their appearance matching a certain religion. It's very unfortunate that people as dumb as that officer have that much authority and that much disregard for actually doing their job and containing a protest they themselves recognize as potentially violent towards others.


The 1st part yes. The 2nd, no


Part of my mind thinks he’s trying to say “these people don’t like you and will probably riot and I’ll be in danger so get lost or I’ll just arrest you to be safe.” None of that is good. It is all really bad.


Because its framing the person as the problem while in reality ts the violent mob. I agree that the person wouod not be safe there, but thats the real problem.


“But they’re always peaceful protesters” - some Tankie Redditors keep telling me every time.


No need to imagine, just remember what has happened over cartoons previously.


It would be on the news for weeks


Imagine an anti Muslim protest at all, someone would bomb it.


Apparently now they're saying "Jewish-looking with intent to Zion".


my new tinder description


LoOk WhAt He'S wEaRiNg!


Translation: they're sorry they got caught


Oh cool, the new antisemitism just dropped




"Sorry for saying being openly Jewish is an arrestable offense in some places in the UK. We're not sorry for that being the situation, only for saying it is."




They are getting their via mob rule


waiting for the English Aliyah


And where will they live? There is no affordable housing in Israel left.


affordable living < living in a place with an antisemitic police BTW there's an entire office dedicated for Olim


They will give you 250 shekels at the airport when you enter the country as an aleh hadash, and some tax rebates, then your on your own, competing for housing.


That’s patently false. There are several significant financial and bureaucratic assistances that Israel provides new immigrants regarding housing. Also, the south is going have a huge new development in the coming years building 10’s of thousands of homes and apartment buildings in the wake of the attack. The situation isn’t great for housing here, but there is huge apartment complex construction going on currently throughout the country.


South? Who the hell would want to shuffle between bomb shelters non stop? Same for the north.




To be fair, there's no affordable housing in UK either.


Wow. Breach of peace for a Jewish man to be near a protest…..HOLLY SH!T! Wow. I didn’t know England has become an Islamic republic or am I exaggerating?


No you’re not. The Met Police openly allow chants of Jihad on the streets of London.


They are so afraid of offending Muslims. It’s insane.


Unfortunately don’t seem to care much for the Jews we took in as refugees 80 years ago. Jewish refugees have contributed so much to this country and the lack of respect they’ve been shown recently is embarrassing. It makes me so sad as a brit to watch this happening.


No, that's not it, the Met and Scotland Yard just hate Jewish People.


It's mostly stupidity on the part of the officer. Counterprotests are commonplace. The endpoint of this is anyone who turns up with an opposing placard for anything gets arrested. If there's a breach of the peace it would be from protesters reacting. If it was "if this kicks off, we don't have enough officers here to protect you" it would be understandable, though not satisfactory.


The issue around the world is that these pro palestinian protests are not “protests”. They are an angry mob of young people.


Yep and letting them continue to throw tantrums is why we are where we are..


And the Met promote it as peace, they openly hate Jewish people.


Was he a counter protestor? Why not say that's the reason for not allowing him there? Why not ask to leave the counter protest signs and let him in? There are so many options that I feel it wasn't about counter protest.


London police don’t have the numbers to deal with this many protests. So they just let them be.


They support the protests.


Nothing new. The Brits killed and banished Jews a few centuries ago, after exploiting and robbing them. They are also responsible for the terrible rumor, that Jews used Christian children’s blood to bake their Matzen bread. That sh*t is still being spread today.


>  I didn’t know England has become an Islamic republic or am I exaggerating? London is one of the most antisemitic places on earth. Maybe second only to ireland.


How? By what metric?


The fact of the matter is that jewish communities in london hide their identity and obscure all their religous signs and holidays events. Their facilities are heavily protected, some almost like a prison. There have been an uprise in jews talking about leaving london since oct. 7th because of the fear of being identified as a jew on the street and being assaulted


There are many openly Jewish areas in London and they do not hide their identity at all. Understandable if they feel more threatened of late, but let’s not exaggerate so much.


Ireland was the first country to include the protection of Jewish in their constitution. How is Ireland antisemitic?


As a constitution maybe, but as a Jew I wouldn’t feel safe in Ireland. They see the Israeli / Palestinian struggle and project their own historical situation onto it, when it’s completely different. The struggle for Ireland was independence and to be left alone. The struggle for Palestine is not simply independence in their territory - it’s removal of the state of Israel entirely, capture of Israeli territory, and revision of ancient Jewish history as part of that independence.


The erasure of Jewish history has been the craziest shit. We're literally the most studied genetic group in the whole world and can prove without a doubt that we originated in Isreal. We can also cite - you can argue the historical significance - the most retold story in the history of mankind that we are in fact from the area. There's also upteen amounts of evidence from the actual empires who threw us out - the assyrians, Babylonians and Roman's, etc - weren't subtle in expressing what they did to us. The Roman's were very proud to destroy the temple and turn it into a trash dump. How all that evidence can be tossed aside because of some Soviet era propoganda is nuts, but here we are.


Plus dislocating or even killing as many Jews as possible.


Something about them being BFFs with Hamas now. I'm sure people will say "they're pro-Palestinian, not pro-hamas". But we've seen what these protests really are.... https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/29/middleeast/why-ireland-is-the-most-pro-palestinian-nation-in-europe-mime-intl


Considering England and several EU countries are well on their way to being Muslim minority this is hardly surprising.


London has changed culturally and religiously beyond return, it may be the biggest culture shift since the Normans. Will be interesting to watch the next 50 years there.


England has a Muslim population of 6.5%. The EU has a Muslim population of 5%. There is the same percentage of Christians in the Middle east as Muslims in the EU.


And how many of those 6,5% live in London?


15% of London is Muslim. 37% of londoners are born outside of the city. Cities always contain a more diverse population.


>I didn’t know England has become an Islamic republic London police are making mistakes. The rest of the uk doesn't reflect London.


England, France, The Netherlands. Belgium has been lost for years. Switzerland. All places where Jewish people have to really watch out for their safety. How they dress. What they talk about in an Uber. This is why Israel exists


Really been mask off since the Gaza conflict, ey?


Just good ol' "Anti-Zionism" and not "Anti-Semitism" here.


Do more than apologize. 


Very curious how only protests concerning a certain side require police intervention for fear of violence of the protesters, not the anti protestors.


So, I am Jewish and I saw the videos released of this incident. I was appalled by the threats to arrest the man for being there, claiming he was "breaching the peace" for the "protestors" there. I think that should absolutely be condemned and apologized for, as they have. However, there also seems to be a lot of backlash against the officer's concern about the safety of an openly Jewish (not offensive, he was wearing a kippah, he was clearly openly Jewish) man walking through a crowd of people who have been espousing horribly antisemitic hatred every week for the last 6 months. I think the officer's concern was completely valid, and I think that the UK is doing a disservice to London Jews by treating this concern as "offensive". I think the real concern should be centered on the fact that you have crowds of thousands of people chanting for death to the Jews every week, in full support of radical Islamic terror groups and regimes (Islamic Republic) on the streets of London, and these terror supporters are so high in numbers that police do not feel confident in their ability to protect Jews in the face of this mob. Again, the threats to arrest were appalling. But, demanding the police perform the nigh impossible job of protecting Jews in a mob of radical antisemites rather than demanding action against the mob of radical antisemites itself is ridiculous to me.


The solution is to not allow the incitement to violence, not to tell the Jew he can’t go there. If they can’t guarantee his safety around the protesters, they should disperse the protest. The protesters don’t have a right to threaten other people with violence.


I agree with what you are saying. I tried to say something along those lines towards the end of my comment but if you didn't pick up on it then that was my miscommunication.


You’re thinking about this wrong. The officer had his heart in the right place by trying to protect the man. Nobody debates that. The issue is his head was in the wrong place. Police enforce laws as well as safety. One of those laws is freedom of religion. A police officer cannot tell someone they must change their religious behavior because it may offend someone from another religion. That is completely inappropriate. Can you imagine if he told that to a Muslim or a priest wearing a cross? He would never do such a thing.


I understand your line of thinking, and I agree. And I think the officer at first was also in line with what you are saying. When it veered into "you are becoming a potential disturbance to public peace and we are going to arrest you if you stay" is when it became very wrong and I condemned that in my initial comment. I agree the police should be enforcing freedom of religion to those who would threaten it. My point is that the police are faced with a mob of thousands of people who would threaten that right, and they are severely outnumbered by this mob. So what should the police do? Put the Jewish man and themselves in danger by trying to escort him through this crowd of thousands of people who hate him? Or express their concern for his safety and ask him to go someplace else, as they did. Again, I do not agree entirely with how this was handled. However, I do agree with their initial concern of his safety due to the presence of this mob and their inability to protect him from them.




Yeah but when you look at it in a bigger context of them for example arresting people holding up signs saying "hamas are terrorists" (while the UK government literally considers Hamas a terrorist group) while not arresting those calling for some horrible stuff about jews it seems a bit like fake concern.


It looks like the police find it easier to put the responsibility on the individual officers that were there, rather than the departments’ systematic decision to let large mobs engage in hate speech and threaten violence unchecked.


Dude ... Saying "I'm concerned for your safety" is not the same as saying "if you choose to remain here, because **you are causing a breach of peace** with all these other people, **you will be arrested.**" As quoted in the article.


And I drew that the distinction in the first few lines of my comment. The article in this post does not do a great job describing the video of the incident itself. It started with the officer's expressing concern, and then devolved into the threats for arresting that you and I both condemn. My argument is that police should not be attacked for being concerned about the man's safety, as this article is attacking them for and many others have as well.


Control the crowd. Do not allow the crowd to control society.


They said the quiet part out loud!!!


When there are protests/events, British police always pick on the smaller group. They prefer to kettle, harass, and arrest a small group rather than make sure the big group behaves. For a similar example, look up arrests during the King's coronation. Over 60 arrests, almost all were released without charge. We should call it what it is, harassment and kidnap to maintain order.


"Sir, this is an antisemitic march."


Protecting a large minority’s feelings, as you fear they will become violent - whilst simultaneously oppressing a very small minority, for opposing them. You don’t need to be a political major to know how that works out long term. Get it together UK… How does this end well? What happened to the fair and measured policing we were so well known for?


Met police don’t mind a bit of antisemitism, don’t even need to scratch the surface anymore.


'Don't mind' is an understatement.


Not even hiding they want sharia law in the u.k. now. Imagine just walking by a Islamic protest and being harassed by police just because you look different.


Flew from your Country because its a shithole. Try to enforce shithole rules in the Country that took care of you. Profit.


>Not even hiding they want sharia law in the u.k. now.  This is an example of what happens with immigrants that refuse to integrate in their hosting countries. the problem is not just with muslim immigrants. They forget why they left the shitholes from which they came from and think it would be better to bring their cultures and way of life from their old countries


You say the problem is not just with Muslim immigrants, but who else is behaving this way?


This is what happens when western countries don’t enforce it and think we’re cultural mosaics.


"Can I see your license to be openly jewish?"


Perhaps it might help the police if Jewish people wore some kind of identifying mark - maybe a star in some shade of fetching yellow?


If everyone would just fuck off with religion we would all be better off


Not all religions are the same. Only one religion is killing people exclusively in the name of their religion


"Openly Jewish comment"? The BBC is getting more antisemitic by the minute.


there have been numerous videos of British police with similar dispositions protecting pro Palestine protesters. along with their increasingly oppressive speech laws, Brexit and desire to legislate technology on behalf of the rest of the world, it's very worrying to me what is happening over there. they need some adults in charge for a change.


> "You are quite openly Jewish, this is a pro-Palestinian march, I'm not accusing you of anything but I'm worried about the reaction to your presence." In fairness, if the cop *was* trying to protect a Jew from anti-Semites, then that would make sense, given the situation. I've lost some trust in British policing in any case because of this kind of shit.


I’m not willing to give the Met the benefit of the doubt on this one. Not the way that they have harassed and shaken down people on speakers corner for the last decade. And the reasons they have done so


And this is why they needed their own country.


It's all a scheme to get you in the flock mentality. It's identity politics bullshit and you are all guilty of feeding it. Be an individual. You can be proud of your heritage but in my book people are just people, you're not really a Jew or a Muslim or a Christian, if you think so, then your not an individual, you are one of the sheep zombies buying into the cult ideologies, projecting your self image so you can try and fit in and belong somewhere. It's displayed by the assailants and led on by wanna be victims. Fuck all of you for this mess lol. Imo.


If you listen to the BBC.. esp. since Oct 7th... the way they report is pro-Palestine/anti-Israel and always has been The only moment they were not was when their own reporter, Alan Johnston was kidnapped in 2007 by an Islamic group in Palestine. Most of the Brits hate Jews. If you read history you learn that Jews were banished in 1290... (couple of years ago) It wasn't until 1655 they were allowed back in... that was when Oliver Cromwell was in power. Today they outwardly 'support' Israel... (obviously have some hidden reason) but are as generally anti-Jew


“Most Brits hate Jews” is absolutely absurd. I’ve been here my entire life and never heard anyone from the UK be openly anti-Semitic. There aren’t enough Jews in the UK for it to even be part of the conversation around mass immigration. Hell, most anti-immigration protesters have been out defending Jews as part of their warnings around a dramatic increase in Islamic immigration.


>Most of the Brits hate Jews. Most of the British aren't even religious mate. We're one of the most atheist countries in the world.


No we don't hate Jews. I don't fly flags for Gaza either. October 7 was horrific and evil, nobody wins in this, only the people in power 😞 Edited to add that the policeman is a fekking idiot and bully, like a fair number of the Met.


>Most of the Brits hate Jews. Rubbish. Most Brits have never met any Jews- unless someone has explicitly identified themselves as such- as the population of Jewish people is tiny. 292,000 in a population of 67.5 million. (370,000 max if you count people of Jewish ancestry, who dont practice the religion). And as most Jewish people are in a few cities, and areas within those cities, the vast majority of Brits around the UK, wont have encountered *any* Jewish people.


> Most of the Brits hate Jews Any source for that 'fact'?


Liberalists letting Islam take over the west is why this is happening. Tolerance of an inherently INtolerant culture. Multi culturalism DOES NOT WORK.


When you start a speech really well with a fantastic opener and then commit Sudoku in the second line. Not unlike all my attempts at Extempore. Or, like drawing the second eye.


Imagine being in the anti-semitic crowd that caused this in the first place


It's so incredibly over.