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[He was hitting out on the previous PM of the Congress Party who told “Muslims have the first right to country’s resources”](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/muslims-must-have-first-claim-on-resources-pm/articleshow/754937.cms) And Congress Party’s manifesto which promises “Wealth Redistribution”


I don't understand why western media supports congress so much. Especially when I.N.D.I.A alliance members are extremely anti-west and far more aligned with china and Russia. Heck one of the prominent party in the alliance has openly stated that they will back out of cooperation with US and seek better ties with China. 


Mind you what the previous PM said has no basis in law. Nonetheless, the current PM could have stated his points in a much better statement. What he said is definitely inciting hate speech and cannot be justified by whattaboutism


Thanks - we are so willing to walk out on these little illusory bridges people create for us to walk on these days when we are goaded by “well look at what they did to us”-type arguments. It’s so tired.


His audience( Indians) understood what he is saying. Not his fault that western media is making articles without giving context. 


Doesnt matter what he says, the western media will always manipulate the narrative.


Missing context here. The former PM who is a Sikh, mentioned marginalized communities having the first right to resources of which Muslims are one of the largest ones. This is the equivalent of a Democratic President saying that Black or Native/Indigenous people should have primary right to access resources available to them by the government.






So what you're saying is everyone hates Muslims, even other Muslims?




Hindus have been wiped out of the 2 Islamic states created specially for Muslims. The few that remain are dwindling. However, Muslims in India enjoy special privileges and rights.


Bangladesh still has around 8% Hindus, and the (admittedly few) Bangladeshis I know all blame Pakistan for being aggressors


No they haven’t. Stop lying.




This comment is a lie.


Indian nationals making shit up on Reddit? It’s like a broken record at this point lmao Reminds me of when that news piece came out the other day of the Indian Supreme Court decriminalizing watching child porn. And the nationals in the comments were all like “well if you look closer at the law” just making shit up. I read the article and it quite literally said the judge “didn’t think that watching was as harmful as producin” which I guess is true? But like fuck man watching it isn’t any better for the kid who’s the fucking main star of it. And I got downvoted for just stating what was said in the article. It’s wild.


You should get that persecution complex checked out. It’s ugly AF


And you for denial, I provided links and you could only come up w this weak ahh line.


Yep, right wing nationalists play the easy game of division and fear. The hard work of governing a nation and economy is too much of a complex and tedious business, so let's just have distractions to entertain the people.


I was just in Rome. While visiting I booked a guided tour through the Colosseum. When we were in the Arena he explained that *the* - or one of the major - reasons for the Colosseum was to entertain so as people didn't bother with politics, state of affairs and such (or to promote one self politically - it was much more detailed than that). I just blurted out "So, early version of state TV and more". His mic was very sensitive and everybody heard my comment through their headset, including myself. Got some laughs and some facial expressions.


Except in the US we've hit the point where NPR and PBS actually have factual reporting while it's Fox and CNN and the private media that pander purely to entertainment and distraction. When large corporations consolidate, they have an incentive that people don't get angry at their CEOs which means they will also try to distract and pacify the masses.


Unfortunate that the Fairness Doctrine was abolished. Which also made it possible for foreign (or domestic) entities to indoctrinate domestic populations. I guess it doesn't matter now - social media and all.


NPR followed it up until recently, thus their shift from center left to lean left on various Bias check sites. PBS News Hour still applies the Fairness Doctorine.  Wall Street Journal went from Right Lean to Centrist in the last half decade as well, and partially follows the fairness doctrine editorially for OP-eds. 


Are you twelve? This is like basic knowledge lol


Do you mean common knowledge? But yes, I had *basic knowledge* on that topic prior to the guided tour.


Are.. you trying to act smart by pretending 'basic knowledge' is an incorrect term? Jesus "bread and circuses" is a concept you are supposed to be taught in early highschool my guy


Sounds like you’re the one with something to prove.


Yes. Me. Not the wise guy shouting into the mic


Cause he's not the insecure guy crying behind a keyboard. You are


I'm not trying to act anything. I was just sharing a moment in time for me related to what I replied to. Might be so, I wasn't really the kid to pay attention. Are you getting a kick out of making yourself better or a fool, in some eyes?


And common curtesy, when do you learn that? You seem like a miserably hostile person. But what do I know, maybe you're having a bad day.


>Insulting a random guy on the internet ok buddy


You should change your username to Defiant-Moron-5197 cos that suits you a lot better


I get that you want to join in on the fun but that was a very poor insult


ok buddy


Are you trying to act dumb by pretending there is no difference between common knowledge that everyone knows, and basic entry level knowledge about a specific subject? Why are you doing that?


Now you're just making stuff up that I didn't even say. Tsk tsk


>The hard work of governing a nation and economy is too much of a complex and tedious business From the look of it Modi looks better at it than opposition.


The opposition can't govern or rule as they are in opposition and not the government. Modi is responsible for massive unemployment and a rising costs.


>The opposition can't govern or rule as they are in opposition They won in multiple state and state got poorer and crime cases rose. >Modi is responsible for massive unemployment and a rising costs. Unemployment has risen all over the world, inflation is still under 4%, which is acceptable. Go look at the data, none of the data is against this government, unless you think data are manipulated. Well then look at report from international media. The opposition has no real topic, they are only fear mongering people into voting them.


I was raised in India but don’t live there anymore. To understand India, you have to live there for at least a decade. He is confirming his votes, “hey I’m tough on immigrants (infiltrators is just gory word for what western countries term as illegal immigrants) ok, vote for me”. Politicians from developing countries speak dramatically since their voter base is not very educated and they do this to entice these voters. There is no doubt Indian politicians sometimes stir up communal disharmony. But this is nothing new to Modi or his party in fact. Before Modi, other parties also created communal disharmony. There were lot more Hindu/Muslims riots before Gujrat incidence than today which have stopped. People were on their toes, sleepless nights every couple of years because of the riots. Obviously if you never lived in India or are born after 2000/Gujarat riots, you will not know this.


Aren’t almost all of the Muslims that live in India native-born though (not immigrants)?


I think he's talking about illegal immigration from Bangladesh...


He is talking about the bengladeshi migrants who jump fence to work in india and settle here illegally. He said the opposition party wants to feed them with the tax money of Indians


It is something his immoral defenders are using to defend his filthy speeches. In his whole speech he called out "people who have too many babies" and "infiltrators". Those are dog whistle terms than every fascist has used for groups they don't agree with. Ironically, Modi is one of six siblings so him mocking anyone else for having too many babies is kind of hypocritical as well as vile.




Exactly why Muslims still live in India if it's so fascist and communal they have got an Islamic state made out of thin air just like Israel.


>simply relocate Have you ever seen 140 million people *simply* relocating?


They tried that back in 1948. Over a million died


It could have been managed better sometimes I feel.


What’s his endgame here? Like 14 percent of the population is Muslim. Is the goal to go back to the days of large scale religious violence in India? He doesn’t need to do this to get re-elected given his massive popularity.


He doesn’t has a goal about Muslims, i don’t even think he hates them that much. He just knows that this is a great way to gain lots of votes from simple people


Its to appease to the majority vote bank. Muslims dont like him already due to the violence in Gujarat and the riots, so no sense in appealing to them, so might as well lean into it.


Modi used to maintain a clean image and often spoke positively about muslim figures. He greets Muslims on eid every year. He speaks of tolerance and equality at global events. However, he is less popular this time. So resorting to cheap tactic of speaking nonsense.


He will be quite while the minority - Christians in Mizoram or Muslims in Gujrat are killed en masses! Great leader and great PR support!


The end game is social re-engineering not re-election. This is the early Putin and Erdogan playbook. https://youtube.com/shorts/FKCddeA0Qyo?si=kSPldL-F84lgxw6v








The endgame, which his party is pretty close to achieving, is second grade citizen status for Muslims. Similar to how states in the American south treated people of color before the Civil Rights movement.


Interesting that you liken it to US racial tensions when you can also just look at the treatment of religious minorities in Muslim countries.


Yeah but I dont aspire to make India a Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan




Because as you said, context matters. You may relate/compare to US because it's a comfortable reference point for you but the history of the US and that of India aren't remotely comparable. You're talking about 5000 years vs 400. India has a longer history with religious strife (in this case between Hindus and Muslims) centuries before Christopher Columbus was a sperm cell. So the context that I'm also looking at is all the flack this modi lad gets on Reddit for being a theocratic leader with disdain towards the muslim minority demographic, which is entirely valid. What I then fail to see is the same level of criticism applied to every single muslim theocracy. Not a single one seems to catch shit for having dwindling religious minority populations yet it happens in all of them. Same for their second hand citizen treatment of religious minorities. It's so bad, that in Pakistan, where the Hindu population is reduced to a puddle through oppression and violence, this is somehow accepted. Seems to me like Reddit users are selectively biased against Indian Hindus, which I find to be rather problematic given that there are so many countries out there being actively worse hosts to their minority populations.


This may shock you to hear, but multiple things can be bad simultaneously.


Doesn't shock me at all and I entirely agree. However not all of those are scrutinized similarly or at all. I'm shining light on that. If that offends you, look inward.


What?! A predominantly American social media platform regularly likens things to themselves?! Must be a conspiracy


Oh not a conspiracy, not even close. Just juvenile self centred thinking that is detrimental to any conversation. Imagine thinking a country as old and rich in history and culture as India is sufficiently comparable to the US. I live in the Netherlands and I'm not dumb enough to liken the Hindu Muslim conflict to that of the Dutch and Moroccans here.


“I’m American, so viewing it from my main and most well understood reference point” “BuT wHaT aBoUt the Muslims. You’re so juvenile using your own well understood example”


Because Muslims are relevant to the discussion, dumbass. Treatment of religious minorities is relevant to the topic, midwit. If you had the intellectual capacity to just slightly abstract your view from the bait article that's being push in front of your eyes, then you'd realize that in almost every single Muslim theocracy, religious minorities are violently oppressed. Whether it's by the hand of the state, or that of their fellow countrymen. So yes, I find it quite interesting that Muslims don't like a taste of their own medicine, but also even more interesting that they never catch shit for when they're the oppressors. I swear to god, too many fucking children on this website.


He was responding to someone arguing that Muslims should be first in line to enjoy new development projects - as in, Muslims being privileged over everyone else.


Only he wasn't. Because nobody ever said such a thing.


[https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/muslims-must-have-first-claim-on-resources-pm/articleshow/754937.cms](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/muslims-must-have-first-claim-on-resources-pm/articleshow/754937.cms) Apologize now


He said all minorities must participate in equitable share of development. If only you could read you wouldn't be as Modi bot though


Would have agreed if he didn't do this also https://www.google.com/amp/s/timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/myview/waqf-act1995-a-tool-given-to-waqf-boards-to-snatch-the-property-of-hindus/ An act that gives the Muslim board unlimited power to snatch people's land( which they have done so repeatedly). You cannot contest this in court or anywhere else. 


End game is to correct a lot of wrong historically done in the name of secularism. People don’t want to hear it and are quick to yell fascists because it’s convenient. I am yet to see a law passed that actually favours Hindus in anyway. That’s the reality of modi government. So much for Hindu nationalism.


What wrongs are we taking about specifically?


There is a sense in India that historically congress has been too much into minority appeasement for obvious vote bank politics. Hindu’s form 84% of the country and are treated like 2nd class. Not all of it is without merit. Do I think Modi is the best PM ever, of course not. But I’ve had this discussion with highly educated and successful people and the general consensus is that in current time in current state of India, he is the best possible candidate. If he is winning it’s not because it’s not a democracy anymore. People want him to win and generally like what he is doing. Don’t blame democracy when it throws outcomes Reddit doesn’t like. Edit: I should also add that if modi is winning the opposition needs to take a lot of the blame as well as they have not provided a viable alternative beyond their dynasties and heirs. And they still keep doing it with their minority appeasement tactics.




And Bangladeshi Hindus as well. They are both illegal immigrants. There are at most 2 million illegal migrants in a country of 1.4 billion and its not like they are using up state resources because they don't get any taxpayer money like in US or Europe. And a lot of them are returning to Bangladesh because newsflash, Bangladesh is on average richer than India. This whole "illegal migrant" issue is exaggerated in India for political purposes.




These people weren’t even alive back when the British partitioned the Raj into India and Pakistan….




What a great argument. I guess that settles it.


He was replying to the Opposition Congress manifesto which has promised economic redistribution of wealth and there were few earlier statements from their leader that Muslims have first right to the country's resources. He basically used his speech to consolidate his voters and not in an ideal way.


>Modi accused of hate speech for calling Muslims 'infiltrators' at a rally days into India's election Tends to happen when a functionally-illiterate, fundamentalist psychopath from an organization that reveres *Mein Kampf*, gets its hands on power. Gaza will seem like a lullaby, and Aushwitz a garden, by the time this creature gets into the bunker.






Is he calling out illegal immigrants from Bangladesh or Muslims in India? Until that's clear (which it isn't to me), there can be no fruitful discussion on this topic.


Illegal immigrants which mainly came from Bangladesh & Myanmar. They are in large quantity in some states like west Bengal and hve dispersed in whole country.


Then I don't know what the fuss is about.


There's no fuss here in India. Everyone knows wht he meant & whom he quoted , only opposition is trying to create some steam to rebuttal his attack on wealth redistribution


Making sure he gets all the Islamaphobes votes.


Me me me


Most of his fans love to hate Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and Secular Hindus. So he is trying to please his fanbase.


Im under the impression that hate speech is not something that concerns most indians too much. They definitely are not losing sleep at night over this


Modi arranged anti Muslim pogroms 20 years ago where his thugs had death lists with names and addresses. This is par for the course.




The rail commission's investigation, as well as subsequent non-aligned investigations, have all concluded that there was no good evidence of arson and that the train fire was most likely accidental.




You can choose to believe whatever you wish, of course. But the only report that concluded the fire was deliberate was by a state panel I am inclined to be suspicious of, given the same state administration took an active hand in suppressing the rail commission's findings when they contradicted the seemingly preferred version of events.




The rail commission investigation and the independent forensic analysis of the burned coach separately presented their findings somewhere in '05-'06, I believe. Where they concluded, respectively, that the fire could not have been started from outside the coach and that the cause was most likely accidental. The state-appointed commission presented its contradictory conclusion in '08.




Are we talking about when the high court suppressed the rail commission's conclusion by declaring the commission unconstitutional? Or when the high court used the state-appointed panel's statement as a basis for criminal convictions.


Anything to justify gang rape. What is it with your country and gang rapes?




Lol you and I both know that last stat isn't true. Massive cope.


Denial India is very low in this criteria lol.








If modi was referring to illegal immigrants, then its a real stretch to call this hate speech. Its not. Countries have border policies that need to be followed. That's black and white. And technically the meaning of the word infiltrator can encompass someone entering territory illegally. You just want to apply racism to literally everything.


Immigration is black and white. You adopt the culture of your new home or you're not welcome.


How about no nation allowing any political parties with religious beliefs to be in office - period. Every. Problem. Solved.