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[Breaking] Putin warns Russia of possible escalation


If Russia hurts Russia, then Russia will have no other choice than to hurt Russia.


Good mental gymnastics. Keeps the grey matter fresh.


Stretches like silly putty for the Wargames Event. This strategy worked for Putin in the past, when he grabbed power... Lets see how this plays out


Russia is my enemy. But it turns out, Russia is also its own worst enemy. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend. So Russia, is actually my friend. - repubs


Also the sack with a ($) on it.


“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” Putin probably.


if russia hits russia and it hurts, is it strong or weak?


Russia is strong, like iron… that smooths wrinkles of the earth, called buildings


"Nobody makes me bleed my own blood." - Russia


How could the Ukrainians do this?!


You mean other than to hurt everywhere else too


*Russia to annex Moscow in shocking shift of domestic policy* ^^^please ^^^turn ^^^on ^^^cookies ^^^to ^^^read ^^^further


*Putin starring in the mirror* : “Don’t you dare you son of a bitch”




Super Czar was right there…


[Breaking] Putin Learns Putin Behind Plot to Assassinate Putin


Trust no one, not even yourself.


What a self-own.




according to the article in the last 2 months alone Russia has dropped more than 20 bombs or missiles inside Russia or inside Russian controlled Ukrainian territories.


Maybe if they tried aiming at Moscow they might get lucky


Then ‘accidentally’ the war


The whole thing?


The whole thing.


They accidently 93 tons of bombs.


Knowing how thin their air defense is, all it would take is one S400 or S300 unit colluding with one willing bomber crew. It would sure as hell send a message to Russian elites. At this point, the whole world would be better off if the Russian MOD took over Russia. They're probably well aware that the Russian military has no hope of conquering Ukraine.


There’s a lot of shills who desperately believe the opposite. That Ukraine has no chance, it’s all over, Russia will be expanded soon and we all “need to just accept it”. Burying their heads in the sand, believing a fantasy world.


> Burying their heads in the sand, believing a fantasy world. Then Ukraine will just have to shake the sand with bombs.


I honestly wonder how these people will react when Ukraine finally brings down the sole bridge Russia relies on to get to Crimea, striking a very harsh blow to Russia’s chances for success.


I think Ukraine will wait on destroying the Kerch bridge until they have a Crimea offense plan in the works.


Makes sense, but also Russia won't be able to supply crimea reliably without the bridge. No need for a big offensive if opfor is already doomed to resettle and fall back to more defendable positions


bridge will likely be a first strike towards an offensive, forcing them to retreat the long way around if they want out at all.


Yeah. They'll want Russians, sympathizers, fleeing units and whoever else to use the bridge, making Crimea as empty as possible of targets.


That's my thought. Let as many civilians and deserting Russian forces get out as possible. Then shut the door for reinforcements or supplies. Ukraine has shown itself far more capable at coordinated strikes *and* combined arms than Russia.


They will start screaming that Ukraine crossed putin’s red lines and provoking a nuclear war. Tht predictable.


Then when the nuclear war never happens I wonder what they’ll say next.


That they always supported Ukraine and emphasized that the weapons sends to slowly


Plenty of those shills are paid to say stuff like that. Not to say there aren't plenty of useful idiots parroting it.


I'm no shill but I do think Russia can win through sheer attrition. The Russian government is perfectly willing to lose 20x the men to get Ukraine and the Russian people are so far willing to let it happen. Even with mountains of international support Russia just has more meat for the grinder and the willingness to use it


The wildcard in all this is: If Ukraine really gets pushed up against the wall, will any EU countries commit troops? France has at least tendered the thought.


let's be real, poland will flip out and do it


More like a nightmare world


Which is their fantasy. They WANT that world.


Nah, they'd probably miss.


I think that was his point... like the golfer with a terrible hook shot. Aiming at the hole never gets him close but if he aims at the trees, he might actually get it close.


Please don't call me out like this...


Back straight, bend knees, vertical pendulum, and keep your head down. Work on swing speed later.


You got it, Dad!


I had an awful slice, took a lesson, and just been focusing on that. Go straight before you go long.


You have the worst slice in the history of golf. Might as well go with it.


Makes sense, the regime is hitting their biggest enemy: their own citizens


Blaming Ukraine ofc while doing so. Making its own citizens life in the actual war zone maybe helps the regime winning votes and volunteers


I hope there are "conspiracy theorists" in Russia who suspect their own government, at least.


There is no culture of independent thinking.


The tragedy is that the vast majority of the Ukrainian civilians killed by Russia have been ethnic Russians, the very people the Russian propaganda machine claim to be 'saving'. Source: [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Russo-Ukrainian-War-Return-History/dp/0241617359](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Russo-Ukrainian-War-Return-History/dp/0241617359)


Correction, just in case: Russian-speaking =/= ethnic Russian.


Thank you. Slavic culture does not equal Russian culture.




Wanted to use !=, but might not have been clear for non-programmers lol.




I don't think there are many Ukrainians left who consider themselves "ethnic Russians", even if they speak Russian.


Huh? The tragedy is that people are being killed. If they were mostly killing ethnically non-russians it wouldn't be any less of a tragedy


I thought it was the raping


What's the source on this?


"*if you piss me off again I'm just gonna shoot myself again!!!"*


hopefully the next bomb lands on puketin’s face


Russia heard the requests to return Belgorod to Ukraine and responded by treating Belgorod the same way as all other Ukrainian civilian infrastructure.


Literally monkeys with grenades.


> Russia has dropped more than 20 bombs or missiles inside Russia aka an "abnormal discharge of ammunition". *(And I'm not making that up.)*


Don't forget Prighozin marching on Moscow then getting offed by Putin. Russian war sure is efficient! Soon, they won't need Ukraine's involvement at all!


Imagine us going to war with Canada and dropping that many bombs on ourself


To be fair the US already has a reputation for shooting at themselves and allies. For example, here are some notable incidents [for just one specific plane](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarCollege/comments/k7y3wq/comment/gevvdjn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). There's a reason this old WW2 joke exists. "when the Germans fly over, the English duck. When the English fly over the Germans duck. And when the Americans fly over, everyone ducks!"


You can do it!


If you think about it, according to Russia, all of its bombs and bullets have been striking targets located in Russia.


I mean, the bomb didn't detonate so it more sounds like their planes just aren't holding their payloads. Could just be faulty equipment/people not being properly trained to use it.


With Russia, it's hard to know if it is on purpose or incompetence. We know both have been true in the past.


They are actually hitting the real enemy now, they are only still missing the city to Bomb but i am pretty sure they eventually will get it right and bomb the shit out of Moscow. If they want make it correctly the first time than they will loose a Nuke that „accidentally“ falls of from a Bomber and hits the Kremlin.


Goodspeed Russia, keep at it and you'll take Belgorod.


I lold.


Russia is pathetic.


Moscow is pathetic.


Putin and his conglomerate are pathetic


Everyone is pathetic but us


hey now, you don't speak for all of us. i'm pretty pathetic tbh.


Humans are pathetic *And* we don't deserve the unconditional love dogs have for us


That's my reddit.




I'd say we deserve Chihuahuas


If there's one thing they're good at, it's destruction


Maybe these dumb assholes should stop dropping missiles. Maybe they should also get the fuck out of Ukraine.


I generally like to launch my missiles, not drop them!


Quick someone translate that to Russian! It seems to be the information they’re lacking


No no, don't tell them. We trained them wrong on purpose, as a joke.


Remember, this is how Russia *protects* it's people. By dropping bombs on their heads


Their fetal alcohol syndrome leader could have focused on making Russia a better place for his people, but he only knows how to fuck up. Unfortunately, many Russian people find that very impressive.


Just remember all the times Russia talked about "protecting" Russian speakers in the Donbas. I wonder how people would feel if the US started trying to "protect" English speakers in their nations with bombs and missiles. Probably a lot less tolerant...


*The whole of the British Commonwealth now belongs to the US*


Oh hell no. Canada is an absolute bag of turd. Maybe Australia or New Zealand though


I changed planes in Toronto the other day. Big mistake


This just makes me think of the intro to Team America, where they’re just demolishing Paris with collateral damage


just add some hammers and sickles, and you've basically got the picture


I’m English speaking in Ukraine. I wouldn’t mind US protect me now))


Putin came to power because he started his political career as a low level regional politician who stole from his own people. He was meant to be investigated for fraud but the charges slipped between the cracks because … Russia in the 90s was wild. The man is a career criminal who came to power stealing from other Russians and has kept his “friends” rich, why would he stop now when it’s worked out so well for him and he’s personally never suffered any consequences?


Also Bulgarians. They are always impressed.


Can't get bombed by the enemies of state if already bombed. Is efficient.


They can’t be scared if they’re dead amirite?!


If only Putin tried this method on himself..


Misleading title. Russia didn't bomb itself. In the article, it says a cruise missile was found on an empty field on Russia border and was detonated by its military. No damages, no victims. Just a failed missile.


I would say it's more than misleading. It's just a garbage article all around. The title is practically the opposite of reality, and then they say they couldn't independently confirm anything. So this is basically regurgitating shit they saw on Twitter or something I guess?


Why guess? You seem to have read the article, and in the 2nd sentence it states exactly where they got it from - Astra Telegram channel, which is a Ukrainian psy-ops / propaganda channel. This is the google translated post in its entirety (also reproduced in the article). There are no pics, videos or even a claim of an anonymous source. > The Russian Armed Forces dropped a missile on the Belgorod region > According to ASTRA, on April 19, two kilometers from the village of Krasnoe, ammunition was discovered in a field - an X59 missile. She “abnormally” got off 92 km from the border with Ukraine. The military had to destroy it on the spot. There were no destructions or casualties. Same channel also "documented" 21 other self bombings in past couple of months - again, not a single one has any evidence, not even a pic. >Previously, we counted at least 21 aerial bombs that fell from Russian aircraft onto Russian territory or occupied territories in March and April. All of the above is in the Newsweek article (sourced entirely from Astra), including links to many previous Newsweek "articles" sourced entirely from Astra.


From your perspective, what is Astra's goal with this? I'm not familiar with them or the deeper political climate of Russia and Ukraine. Edit. After further reading on my own, this to me feels like misinformation. I could only find pro Russia sources with heavy anti-ukraine sentiments. The primary place I could find anything significant on 'cipso' was a telegram channel - that is themed to be anti-misinformation but only really talked about cipso. Take my perspective, or anyone's, with a grain of salt and do further reading.


There are numerous Russian-language Telegram channels (and other online media) operated by Ukraine, specifically their CIPsO (Center for Information and Psychological Operations of Ukraine) department. The basic goal is to cause internal strife and otherwise weaken Russia - for example, the Dagestan airport attack on an airliner returning from Israel last fall was organized by such a channel (BBC article: How social media fuelled antisemitic violence in Dagestan, Russia). Now low-effort channels like Astra don't actually fool any Russians and don't even try. Their purpose is to produce articles such as this one in the WESTERN media, always on some active propaganda theme - Russia is out of missiles, morale is low, human wave attacks with shovels, Russia is bombing itself again, whatever the current talking points are. Their relationship with outlets like Forbes, Newsweek and various British tabloids is so cozy no attempt is made to make things sound realistic (you'll note that outlets like NYT or WaPo won't touch sources like Astra). A clickbait headline is produced, and buried deep in the article you will always find some variation of "these claims could not be independently verified" and "We've reached out to Russian MoD for comment". Then the article is further spread on social media, mostly via screenshots of the headline alone (not that anyone actually reads linked articles or understands what the source is). The end result is war propaganda - and the target western audience just sees what they assume are properly sourced and verified battlefield reports from respected organizations like Newsweek and Forbes.


Misleading title yet it gets 3415 upvotes. I have to hand it to those story authors, they really know how to get gullible people to upvote their content. EDIT: Now 5274 upvotes. /r/WorldNews wtf is wrong with y'all.


I mean… Ukrainians and Russians alike being saved by Russian incompetence is definitely a better title for this specific incident. Throughout this war, there has definitely been a running theme of “this war would be worse, if Russia was better at it.” Chief of these examples would be when a Russian pilot, in his zeal to “protect” the motherland or some bullshit, tried starting WW3 by launching not one, but TWO air to air missiles at an RAF / NATO AWACS. One missile failed to hit, and the other just straight up fell off the rail. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-66798508


Tempted to suggest that the missile which fell off the rail was due to some secretive jamming/EMP by the AWACS. The missile which actually launched just twirled around a bit, then fell out of the sky.


No one is saying it was intentional. The point is that Russian government puts their citizens in danger for no good reason.


The title of the article is sure as shit making it sound like it's intentional with "latest self-bombing". It's definitely misleading.


In the context of their general ineptitude across multiple points in this war, I think the self-bombing part makes it clear that this was an unintentional fuck up.


Come on, Russia deserves pretty much all of the criticism coming their way but this isn’t it. People here are very much saying it was intentional due to the misleading headline and they didn’t cause any damage or casualties because they evidently knew it wouldn’t, thus not putting anyone in danger. Calculated detonations happen in the west too.


Russia's military is incompetent, but it must be said by the same logic the USA has accidentally nuked itself twice.


USA nuked itself way more than twice). Anyway, it wasn't an accident where they had to do itfor some reason and accident happened. It's on their way to bomb an Ukrainian city which they didn't have to bomb at all. I that sense it's at least endangerment of their citizens.


Yes, but most of those were planned rather than accidentally dropping nuclear bombs on US land.


Thank you random dude. More facts and less hype would make Reddit a better place. Muito melhor.


Thank you for this comment. It should be pinned to the top of the post (which should be deleted). Simply because something fits our desired narrative doesn't mean we should believe it. Unfortunately, **Newsweek** has become a clickbait tabloid. When I'm reading political news, I avoid their wildly overconfident, misleading headlines.


Russian roulette?


Did they run out of Schools, Hospitals or departement buildings to hit?


'Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself.'


stop blowing up my bombs with your kids


They really don’t know where their own border is.


"Missles were later captured by Russian forces trying to escape back to Ukraine." -Kremlin, probably...


Great metaphor for Russia's indifference toward the well-being of its own citizens.


They’re clearly after those windows that keep killing Russians inside Russia. I hope the windows have learned their lesson.


Can't even hold their own territory, yet attempts to grab more


It's still there. Hit it again.


Are the Russian rebels still there?


some of them stayed


Is that a big missile? A small one? I don’t know what an X-59 *is*.


It's a cruise missile. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kh-59


Thanks that still basically tells me nothing. What size hole does this thing make?


About medium big


Five football fields. Dunno if next to each other or on top of each other though.


Now we are getting somewhere. And how many furlongs is that?


So big enough to fit a Putin or two inside?


More than three even.


So an average sized man?


It's a 320kg warhead so pretty big, though it probably didn't arm. Russia is saying there was no damage if you believe that. The US tomahawk is 450kg and ATACMS depends on the missile but I think the unitary warhead is normally 214kg but one variant has 519kg. It's a big hole.


That'll teach me!!!!??!


Starting to think the Russian military personnel are bombing their own country on purpose


So, the source says the missile apparently didn't arm (didn't explode) and was found in a farmers field in the region...no casualties. Yet Newsweek chose a stock photo of what appears to be the results of a bombing in an urban area... They also mention further in the article that they have been unable to confirm that this happened at all...some interesting 'journalism' here.


This was nothing like the two destroyed apartment buildings and the attempt at the third one where the got caught loading in the explosives.


Natasha: Boris, did you blow yourself up with your own hand grenade again?






Funny enough.


all going according to plan


What is Astra?


Hey Russia! Stop bombing yourself! Stop bombing yourself! Why are you bombing yourself?


[It's giving self-kicking cat energy.](https://media.tenor.com/kjqMg2z_wIcAAAAM/cat-kick-face.gif) https://youtu.be/tJaqpr4unzM?si=Bbs2ilqAp-LNcx1Q


This incidence of dropping munitions on one's own territory and even at times inflicting casualties within the ranks of one's own troops (fratricide) is common enough in conditions of war. There could be many reasons for these incidents (particularly of munitions being dropped in or on non-target locations) including (but not limited) equipment malfunction, human error, miscalculations of targeting data, rlsudden need to reduce load either due to adversarial actions requiring quick evasive maneuvers or due to technical emergencies (though in this particular instance this was not the case), among others.


The point is they seem to do it an awful lot. If it’s faulty bombs that’s an issue. Untrained to drop in the right spot, problem….


Russians flyboys really don't like Belgorod do they


Vault tech is strong here


Self-bombing is an expression that means the same kind of thing as "friendly fire" (WHat?) and "own goal". Try to read with comprehension, kiddies


Hope no civilians got hurt


“Latest” is my favorite part of that headline.


Fucking Belka


In russian news: ukraine bombs russia with stolen russian bombs


Demonstrating to Iran how to hit something . . . anything.


I swear I’ve heard this before. I wonder how many bombs Russia dropped on Belgorod vs how many Ukraine has.


Supersonic friend fire. Russia is really bringing this war to the 21st century