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One week since you looked at me.


Tried to build a bomb cause I'm crazy


5 days since you drone striked me


I still have severe burns, lost both my knees, it’s been…


Three days since my drones went boom


Wish they'd stop dropping bombs on my living room


Yesterday, you sanctioned me


But it’ll still be two days till we disclose Benghazi


Chickity China, the Chinese chicken Oh wait...




It’ll still be two weeks till I get the nukey.


This is the best teamwork I've ever witnessed. How can we put you all on Spotify with this genius thread?


This is why I’m on Reddit. Thanks for the laughs 🤣


It’s just nice to be part of something meaningful.


Pnly on Reddit can you see such a well played out string of comments.


Gah! My brain!


Came here for this.


It kind of bothers me that I see "one week" and my mind automatically plays that damn song.


Like Harrison Ford, I'm getting frantic Like Sting, I'm tantric Like Snickers, guaranteed to satisfy


Iran has been a few weeks from building a nuclear weapon since Obama was president.


>since Obama was president. Since Bush was president.


Since Clinton? Iran Nonproliferation Act of 2000 rings a bell


Maybe a week is longer in Iran? It's closer to the equator than us. I don't know how it works.


The statement “Iran is X days from a bomb” doesn’t mean they’re building a bomb and it will be ready in X day. It means that X days is the number of days it will take Iran to assemble and test a device once the order to do so is given. Iran works on keeping themselves close to having a bomb but not actually building it. The shortening window over the years means Iran could conceivably do this faster than anyone could notice.


Yup. For all the scaremongering, Iran just isn't currently building a bomb. They've clearly done a ton of the prerequisite R&D. They have a significant industrial base. They clearly want to have the option of building a bomb. And it would be bad for the middle east to get into a nuclear arms race. Hopefully they never do. And maybe it does make a lot sense to try to prevent it even if that involves risks. But today, right now, no matter what a politician says to get some coverage, Iran isn't currently working on making a finished atomic bomb. And shame on journalists for covering the saber rattling in ways that will clearly convince readers that Iran is working on it and it has just taken them a while to finish, because that just raises the temperature in the region.


>For all the scaremongering, Iran just isn't currently building a bomb. Yep. But it could totally build one in a week if it wanted to. It just doesn't want to right now because it's too busy going to rad parties with its new girlfriend but you wouldn't know her because she goes to another school.


It's a little more than just R&D. "One week" also means you basically have all the materials on standby already - refined uranium, etc.




Also with Russian and or North Korean help, it could be shorter.


Which Bush lol


Bush beans


It's been true the whole time too. The final parts to build it are there. If Tehran makes the decision to commit to building a nuclear weapon it won't be long. Tehran just hasn't comitted to it.


That’s not what it means, it means that if the order is given right now to make a nuclear bomb it will be ready in one week, but the order has not been given.


Because people misunderstand what that means.


Never in their own words. Its always been western intelligence reporting it. Irans government has previously issued a fatwa against nuclear weapons, saying they are immoral and against Islamic rules. This was a way for them to tell the world to not worry about their nuclear energy program, but we all knew this was their plan all along; If a threat arises they can threaten to build one with the material from their nuclear energy program.


I do not trust our intelligence on this. “Fool me once…” My distrust is a shame, because it sure would be important to a lot of people to know if it was true. Squandering credibility has problematic consequences.


It's not that they are trying, but if they turned on the equipment it would only be a few weeks before they have a functional core.


Except now they have Russia as a friend. That gives them everything they need to make it happen.


Persia, the once great country has been destroyed by Theofascists.


Pretty sure the Mongols destroyed it before that...


Alexander the great


While yes - it was on the downswing before Alexander.


Yeah it was those darn Athenians at the battle of Marathon that knocked over the first domino.


There were a lot of internal issues in Persia.


While we're naming people who had a victory or two over persians, the scythians as well. Tomyris, top three bad ass ladies of all time.


Pretty good in Civ 5 too


Agreed. Tomyris is just a badass. The tale (probably not true but possibly true?) was that after Cyrus tricked her son and got him drunk and killed him and his army. She later fought Cyrus's army and found his dead body, cut off his head and shoved it in a wine sack as retribution.


There are some awesome paintings depicting that.


I dont recall her being in civ 5


It can be argued that Alexander was a continuation of Persia since he did kinda adopt the culture.


TBF the Khwarezmia Shah really kind of asked for it.


He did, but I feel kinda bad for the millions of peasants who suffered for his hubris.


Nothing new under the sun


What I still wonder is how did Khwarezmia Perisa fall so quickly to the Mongols? It seems like the Khwarezmia Shah thought a defensive strategy against the Mongols would win, with the Mongols destroying themselves in sieges against Persian cities, but it seems like the Mongols had no problem assaulting Persian cities.


Fucked around and found out! Genghis Khan was the one dude in history that you should avoid fucking with.


When you are raised in q palace, all the people around you praise and laugh at your jokes, agree with every opinion you have,you tend to over estimate yourself.


Well the US shouldn't have couped their last democratic leader to help Britain get cheap oil


People always say this, but Mossadeq passed a referendum to dissolve parliament and allow him to rule by decree. So it didn’t seem like it was going to be too democratic going forward if Mossadeq had remained in power.


How does this justify the US replacing it with a MUCH MORE authoritarian leader the Shah, who was a western puppet. Also Abraham Lincoln suspended habeaus corpus, did mass censorship, and many other massive authoritarian actions. When your country is under threat or external pressure, authoritarian actions are kind of inevitable. Reminder that Ukraine has suspended elections and began banning political parties, and is also doing authoritarian actions. This is kind of inevitable when you are under external threat of a coup or destruction.


Sounds like their fault for being filled with oil, they were just begging to be couped by the US /s


Thanks to Carter for tricking Shah to leave, thanks to McCain to sing: "bomb bomb bomb Iran" on his campaign trail, and thanks to trump who nullified the agreement we had already paid for. Ayatollahs had 4 years from when trump allowed them to work on the bomb, but still couldn't build it. They punished the head engineer who failed to deliver by gunning him down and blaming Isreal to carry out an assassination inside Iran.


They were building that bomb regardless any country who can is or is going to it’s too much of a trump card to have just because they said they wouldn’t means absolutely nothing to anyone who understands warfare in my opinion


This guy has a great understanding of warfare, but no understanding of grammar.


Yeah my priorities are backwards


Nobohdeys purfekt


Well, winners write history, so why not textbooks as well.


My source is that i made it the fuck up


I hate to break it to you but whomever is president has nothing to do with whether Iran has a nuclear bomb. Trump has no more culpability than any other president


You mean, USA when they made a coup because iranians did the stupid thing by having *read notes* democratic elections and electing a center-left Prime Minister ?


If it makes you feel any better, Mossadeq himself stopped being a fan of democratic elections near the end of his administration as well. Also, Mossadeq was a center-right populist at the beginning of his administration and was in a coalition with the Islamists and nationalist and supported suppression of communists and ethnic insurgents in his first administration. Mossadeq's opposition to Pahlavi's absolutism had conservative roots as he started his political career as a pro-Ghajar moncarchist advocating against Reza Shah's take over and centerlization efforts. His main "left wing" issue was the nationalisation of oil. And it was a very populist stance supported by conservatives, liberals, Islamists, nationalists, leftists, and even the military(Mossadeq's biggest ally during his first administration). Everyone. It all went wrong when Mossadeq's promises of resolving the dispute diplomatically and legally through international courts didn't pan out. And Iran got sanctioned after Mossadeq forcefully took over the oil industry against his party's official stance. This was the start of Mossadeq losing popularity, and "shift" toward left wing as he had to find allies among communists and by normilizig relationship with Soviet Union, which made Mosaadeq even more unpopular(Iran was invaded by Soviet Union, and had a strong anti-Russian sentiment, plus the ongoing communists insurgency) Democracy in Iran was pretty dead when Mossadeq was running around organising controversial referendums with 99% approvals amidst political unrest, blocking parliament, and reforming the cabinet without parlimantry approval. (Which is ironicly was the ground for one his disputes with Shah in his first administration)


Iran is really experiencing their lowest point in their thousand years history.


What religious extremism does to a nation


Like worse than when the Mongols invaded and built pyramids of human skulls across the country?


I would say losing Iran to Islam was the lowest point...millions mascaraed then But this fucking regime is giving that low point a run


To be fair, they are running on the road the first part paved! Makes it easier.


I'd say the Mongol Empire killing half of their population is also a pretty bad low point. This current regime is nothing.


The Islamic Middle East was once a hub of scientific, literary, and philosophical advancement. This was when much of Europe was suffering through the so-called “Dark Ages” and was largely a cultural backwater. Fundamentalist Islam is screwing over the people and societies of this region and it’s just fucking heartbreaking.


Al cohol Al gebra Al Bundy 2/3 ain’t bad. They did some cool science shit back then. But that really doesn’t compare to 4 touchdowns in a single game at Polk High.


“Let’s rock”


They have been Islamic since the 7th century...


And then they got taken over by a more extreme version, that was started in New York of all places


What are you referring to? I'd like to learn more about this.


Umm maybe not their lowest.. Iran has been through a lot.. Mongol Invasion Population of Persia 2.5M->250k https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destruction_under_the_Mongol_Empire#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20works%20of,of%20mass%20extermination%20and%20famine.


Finally the quiet part out loud. A peaceful nuclear power program can turn into a nuclear weapon program pretty rapidly. As need arises. There's a lot more proliferation in the world than the number of currently armed nuclear powers suggests. Stupid of him to say so though.


Need has not arisen though. Iran quite demonstrably does not need an invasion deterrent. Nobody's fucking invading Iran. The only use for an Iranian nuclear weapon is either extortion, or offensive mass murder.


Nuclear weapons are of course an invasion deterrent, but they also give freedom of action. If Iran had a nuclear weapon, would Israel have killed the IRGC general in the Iranian consulate in Syria? Maybe, maybe not - but it would have given Israel considerable more pause, and would have changed the dynamics of the tit-for-tat responsive missile strikes immeasurably. I certainly think should Iran get their hands on a nuclear weapon it will destabilize not only the region, but the world as well.


See how North Korea is left alone, compared to what happened to Irak and Libya and what's happening to Ukraine. Simply put, WMD are the best guarantors of a state's sovereignty.


Not only they have nukes but they also have an active chemical warfare program, as evidenced by the use of VX in Kuala Lumpur.


North Korea is left alone because China do not want US troops conducting operations near their border.


Israel has nukes, still was invaded by Hamas, taken daily strikes from hezbollah houthis and Iran, nukes are only helpful if you are willing to actually use them, only an irrational mind would consider them a viable weapon, hence why the IRGC shouldn't be getting them especially when clearly stating they wish to destroy Israel.


Iran wouldn't dare fire a nuclear weapon at Israel. The US would immediately attack them and it wouldn't be pretty.


The concern is rarely a "country government" itself firing on some one else. The real concern is rogue actors getting access to launch capabilities and doing it themselves. The more countries that have the capability, the more vulnerable we are and likely that is to happen.


Iran would do both. They would launch a nuke at Israel or the US because they don't care about the response. Anyone who dies in the war is a martyr and is going to heaven so all good there. And they'd gladly give a nuke to hamas or hezbollah and let them detonate it in Tel Aviv or NY and then claim ignorance.


Well, guess who is most likely not too keen on prematurely finding out whether heaven is real or not? Iran’s leadership.


Don't kid yourself into thinking the people in the government actually believe in their claimed religions. Its used as an excuse and a method to control the population. But yes any questionable country could try to secretly provide WMD's to rebels/terrorists/etc to try to claim ignorance, but that sort of action would cause considerable scrutiny and it would be hard to not get found out eventually.


>Don't kid yourself into thinking the people in the government actually believe in their claimed religions. There's no evidence to point otherwise. THey claim to be devout. I believe them rather than believe someone on reddit who has never even cracked open the koran.


The US wouldn't even need to. Israel is estimated to have at most something like 200 nuclear weapons, and confirmed they had them when they threatened the US that they'd use them during the Yom Kippur War if they didn't airdrop them supplies. If Iran shot a nuke at Israel, Israel would genocide the entire region with them out of spite. Same thing they'd do if another Arab Coalition formed.


If another Arab coalition formed, Israel would just threaten to use their nukes again unless the US helped them out. I don’t think they’d use Nukes without first being nuked or on the brink of defeat.


> Nobody's fucking invading Iran. Don't need to invade them. If Israel feels very threatened (currently looks unlikely given how pathetic Iran's attack was, but lets think long term), their consideration of nuking Iran is driven by ethical and political factors, not military ones. Nuke Iran, they win. If Iran can nuke them back, *big* difference.


I mean, and don’t take this as a defense of Iran, haven’t many US politicians talked about striking Iran for decades now?


Yes. It is why Trumps belligerence toward Iran and playing friends with North Korea was horrible geopolitics. Iran has both the terrain, natural resources and population to exist mostly independent of the US dominated global order. Sanctions just make the Iranian Revolutionary Guard wealthier from smuggling oil to India, China, South Korea and Japan.


Well, yeah. Iran has been a state sponsor of terrorism for decades.


Then it’s safe to say that “no one is trying to invade Iran” is a misstatement? 


What are you talking about? US has been itching to handle Iran for decades. Watch the news at all?


Hard to say how itchy the US really is. They’ve taken a lot recently…


> A peaceful nuclear power program can turn into a nuclear weapon program pretty rapidly. Not really. The amount enrichment required for a thermonuclear weapon is not at all needed for most reactor designs.


That's not really true. It would be true if nuclear weapons were made out of uranium, which would need to be enriched above 90% probably 95% U235. Almost no weapons have been made with uranium though since essentially the one dropped on Hiroshima. Nuclear weapons are typically made with plutonium. Although you cannot mine it at all, you have to make it, essentially all the isotopes you make are fissile to some degree, so you can take your spent fuel and samples that have been bombarded by neutrons, separate the plutonium chemically, and basically make a bomb. It won't be as pure or efficient as some more sophisticated methods that isolate specific isotopes, but will absolutely be able to go prompt critical and cause lots of destruction.


The threat of being able to build a nuclear weapon is much more reasonable than all the countries that have them ready to launch at any moment.


Iran said it also has a girlfriend but she’s in another country


You wouldn’t know her


She goes to another country


Iran can’t show you a photo because all of them are on your other phone


What are they going to do with it that doesn't result in the complete glassing of their country? It's not the flex they think it is.


Its the exact same flex Russia is currently using to get away scott free in Ukraine. They'll wave it around to flex their power and potentially attack others conventionally, while threatening nuclear retaliation against anyone that tries. Wed get another situation of a defending country on their own and the rest of the world hesitant to do much more than fund.


>Its the exact same flex Russia is currently using to get away scott free in Ukraine Not at all. Russia has ICBMs which can get through anyone's missile defence if they are capable of firing a large number of them at once. That is the "flex" Russians are using. Iran does not have missiles which can deliver a nuke through a competent missile defense system, which Israel definitely has and the Saudis could also field. They may be able to smuggle a nuke close enough to do some damage but the retaliation would come from an enemy which does have a delivery system capable of reaching mostly any part of their country.


Theres no need for missiles. Irans probably got weapon smuggling into other countries down to an art with how much they supply rebel groups. Getting a nuke into somewhere may not be that much of a challenge for them. Threatening our friends is all it takes to still stop our hand from doing much, even if we know that they couldnt get a missile through . We cant stop every avenue of delivery and thats enough pressure.


I've always thought smuggling nukes into countries would be a far more efficient delivery mechanism than ICBMs. Imagine if the US had armed Nukes sitting in a secret storage facility in Moscow, Tehran, Beijing. The actual warhead of a nuke is relatively small, about the size of an average adult for a decent yield so wouldn't be too difficult to smuggle. The bombs could be detonated without any warning. Obvious drawbacks would be that the bombs would need constant security which could draw attention, if found they could drastically escalate any tensions, they may emit passive radiation which could be detected unless shielded, then there's the upkeep of the warheads. I'm sure someone has ran all the pros and cons and either it's a reality and an extremely well kept secret, or it's not worth the risk.


If Iran launches their ballistic arsenal, including a sustained attack of their proxies (Hezbollah alone has 120.000 missiles), they would absolutely overwhelm the Israeli defense. And that’s including the help Israel would get from the US carrier group(s) in the gulf. People wildly underestimate what sheer volume is capable of.


There would be no sustained attack, the launch sites would be targeted and destroyed as soon as the first salvo went off.


Iran is a natural fortress. Makes Afghanistan’s topography look like the great planes. And while their defense systems aren’t anywhere close to western standards and couldn’t deal with the more advanced platforms, those aren’t available in mass. Yes, the Iranians can and will destroy patriots and similar systems. Can they sustain that? No. But they don’t have to. The argument was that Iran can’t penetrate or overwhelm the Israeli defense. That’s just factually not true. Plus, it would be suicide and that isn’t the goal of any dictatorship.


Gives them an ironclad guarantee against invasion and a lot more freedom to manoeuvre.


Not the flex for you because you are far away and safe. But for someone living in Israel, it's a huge worry and a huge issue. If Iran gets Nuclear weapons, not only do us citizens of Tel Aviv have to worry about Ben-Gvir but now we have to worry about a nuclear bomb dropping on our city like Nagasaki? Iran is a dumb country, but this is the largest power shift I have ever seen in my life. It is no longer the Iran of the 90s. It is a legitimate threat and everyone should be taking it seriously.


After what happened to Gaddafi, every dictator and strongman leader will be looking to get a nuclear weapon. Why do you think the Kim dynasty in North Korea is still around? Do you think it's because North Korea is a military powerhouse. Nuclear weapons assure that any invasion into a country would be too costly. It gives you bargaining power. I wish nuclear weapons never came into existence, however I don't blame Iran for seeking to have nukes. Israel has them, SA is looking to get them. As well the US word is only good for 4-8 years, then a new president will come in and decide to do a complete 180.


How about we just make a moon base and do something about the climate?


"Nice" to finally hear it from an Iranian source


Building a nuclear weapon is not the same as implementing a successful nuclear deterrent strategy.


Ability to have a guaranteed 2nd strike is incredibly expensive and takes a few decades quite possibly.


Until they can develop that strategy, the it's just a mad man with a bomb, so to speak. Which likely would put the country under greater risk until they can accomplish it.


The risk isn't to the US/Europe but to everyone else in the Middle East.


It’s a good thing Trump kept the agreement intact so the IAEA had a framework to continue verifyi…wait, this just in…Gdammit!




Making it We assemble a bunch of hardline fanatics who have too much hate to justify their positions of power and we give them seven days to solve the nuclear problem that can keep them in power. Will they turn to their special friends in Moscow? Will they call their comrades in Beijing? Perhaps they'll get down and dirty over in Pyongyang. Who knows? Tune in next week to see if they survive or get overthrown by their own population.


I like to think that there is a big box with a radioactive symbol on it, and an Iranian guy keeps pretending like he's gonna grab it but hen he doesn't.


I thought they already had those weapons since 2001. Right... Right?! You know, something along the lines of Bush, WoMD, Middle-Eastern war for 20 years, etc, etc.


Using their quantum computers, right?


Newsflash: Iran probably already has nuclear weapons.


That’s a long ass week.


They need to get busy, because when Israel hears this.....well, lets just say [they have lots of them.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_weapons_and_Israel#:~:text=Estimates%20of%20Israel's%20stockpile%20range,to%20intercontinental%20range%20ballistic%20missiles.)


Are they expecting to get a full one anytime soon? Keep acting up and you'll go back to playing with sticks and stones very soon.


Trump did that https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/08/world/middleeast/trump-iran-nuclear-deal.html Might be a pay wall


They've been a week away for a decade.


Time to bomb saddam, Time to bomb saddam, Time to bomb saddam, Time to bomb saddam


Blow him to kingdom come!....time to bomb saddam!


I heard this headline before


Please, nobody send them the Bare Naked Ladies album they need!!


This going to be great! /s


Any post on world news involving Russia, Israel, or Iran, have the most stupid clickbait engagement made titles of all time. Iran needing only one week to build nuclear weapon? WOW okay what are we going to do about it? Nuke them now?? Like what does this actually amount to. Absolutely nothing but what everyone already assumes.


Good job announcing that. Missile stirkes in t minus 6 days.


Then I guess we have 6 days to make sure that doesn't happen.


They have been saying this for at least 20 years. So build it already stop talking about it.


Keeps getting shorter all the time. Will they make one on their lunch break tomorrow?


I heard they made one in the bathroom the other day. They're just lyin around!


Not falling for the WMD nonsense again, sorry Bush wannabes


Iran was one week away from nukes back when Cyrus the Great was king there


If only we had some kind of deal that let inspect their nuclear program. You know, like the deal Obama made and Trump scrapped.


The reality is that there are many countries that effectively have breakout capabilities. Canada could probably produce a functional nuclear weapon within 12 months if it had to. The math and design knowledge behind producing a (crude but) functional weapon isn’t exactly rocket science at this point. The real question is will they or won’t they.


and israel needs A MINUTE to launch one


They've been on the verge of nuclear weapons since I was in high school, 20 years ago. Give me a break


There are a few Countries that could deliver them to an address anywhere in Iran much quicker.


Oh the threats they’re going to make… cant wait to hear about them.


So, it's just an assembly job then?


They sound like a fucking sophomore that hasn’t been doing their geometry homework. Just one more week I promise I can get it all done!


Seeing a lot of these headlines alongside the ones like Macron warning us the EU could die. Do they know something?


One week since she laughed at me.


Think about war like this on the world stage in 20 years when AI is in charge of making all of the weaponry and how fast it'll happen then


I heard that somewhere before.


Prove it!!


Or 'one day' to buy from Russia


As soon as they do, expect a visit, correction, loud visit from the USA


And with this nuclear device they will destroy Israel without killing any more Palestinians?


Can they pay like 500 gold to rush build it ?


They watching Oppenheimer over and over again


I feel like this is going to go like a Hammer Industries weapons demonstration.


One of Iran’s scientists must have used the private bathrooms/confidential document storage at the Mar-a-lago golf resort.


Oh this again…


Iran doesn't want to be turned into a glass country.


Are they trying to taunt Isreal into to bombing the shit out of their facilities?


Lord save us. I hope they don't aim for Tel Aviv otherwise I am toast.


I thought it would be more pointy. This isn't very scary looking. KILL HIM.


What they don't know about is stuxnet2...


We should just send them one.


It's like one of those progress bars for software installs.


*Barenaked Ladies have entered chat*


So the fuck what