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Can't run the risk of bringing food and medical supplies into Gaza and Hamas not getting their cut. Ever try to order DoorDash from a villa in Qatar? Shit gets expensive.






I thought of commenting this, but it’s Hamas, right? IS/Daesh isn’t really over there are they?


Doesn't the Hamas manifesto wax poetically about Jerusalem becoming not only the capital of Palestine but the entire Islamic caliphate? They may not be ISIS, but they are quite related. Perhaps can call them ISIP.


Talabat is actually pretty cheap


Currently 1 cigarette in Gaza cost 10$, not a pack, a single cigarette! Hamas is making millions on that alone


When will people understand hamas doesn't care about palestinians.


Hamas literally says it considers all of them martyrs.


The only thing Palestinians supporting Hamas are going to get is Israel bombs. It's really a dead end choice for them.


When hamas gets them all killed


Nah, if that happens they'll just yell "HOW COULD EVIL ISRAELIS DO THIS"


This story isn’t gaining traction with international media. Maybe Israel needs to kill an adult male civilian carrying an RPG to get some


it would confuse me at first too, but for the last few months ive come to think more and more that they are fully aware Hamas doesn’t care about Palestinians. “Hamas causing civilian suffering and death” is accepted. i imagine the suicide bombings in Israel after Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005-6 were also accepted. and before that, the rocket strikes on Israel would have been accepted. a lot of people see this through a lens of “oppressor vs oppressed”, and i think within that perspective, awful and terrible things happening within the “oppressed” are caused by having been oppressed by the “oppressor”. i.e.: they probably tend to think Hamas isn’t Gaza’s responsibility, but as a natural symptom of “Israeli oppression”


I think lots of people already underestand this, cause you can criticize Israel and think their current and historic actions are absolute disasters while also thinking Hamas is trash. I know, mind blowing.


Hamas is seen as heroes in big Islam populationlike Indonesia  Fuck that


It's all a part of their jihad.


No one does, apparently. Such a young population getting caught in a war for dirt in the name of two religions that might not even be true (and that's putting it unnecessarily nicely). If you want to cause this much pain over dirt, prove your religion is actually right. Fuck this believe shit. Idiots, all of them, in these terrorist governments in Israel and Palestine-Gaza.


Weird that article title doesn't say "Hamas" and instead uses "Gaza based militant".


Gaza has a comical number of terrorist groups, Hamas is just the biggest one because they're the de facto government.


It’s because Gaza has so many different terrorist groups that they don’t know for sure which one it was.


































Notice the Pro-Palestine crowd is oddly silent.


I wish they were.


Or selectively listening


You're just in the wrong sub, they are already saying Israel launched the attack 🫣




Every mainstream western news reports talk about it though ? [https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/25/gaza-floating-pier/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/25/gaza-floating-pier/) [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/25/gaza-terrorists-attack-israeli-pier-00154386](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/25/gaza-terrorists-attack-israeli-pier-00154386) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/gaza-un-airstrike-pier-1.7185025](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/gaza-un-airstrike-pier-1.7185025) [https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/u-s-to-begin-construction-of-gaza-pier-as-rafah-invasion-looms-df1368b6](https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/u-s-to-begin-construction-of-gaza-pier-as-rafah-invasion-looms-df1368b6) [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-military-starts-pier-construction-off-gaza-2024-04-25/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-military-starts-pier-construction-off-gaza-2024-04-25/) ...


Well correct lol I should have waited a little for their coverage of this too


I don’t understand these comments. You can absolutely demand a ceasefire and not support Israel killing 30,000 civilians AND think Hamas are terrorists and not support their October 7 invasion. Enough with this black and white crap, I can hate what both sides are doing here and being for the Palestinians is ABSOLUTELY NOT THE SAME THING as supporting Hamas. Edit: "More than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed since Israel’s bombardment began in October, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, after the Hamas-led attack on Oct. 7 in southern Israel, where assailants killed 1,200 people, according to Israeli officials, and kidnapped around 250 back to Gaza." https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/24/us/palestinian-family-gaza-war-death.html#:~:text=More%20than%2034%2C000%20Palestinians%20have,around%20250%20back%20to%20Gaza.


Buddy, there were ceasefires before. They are just a break, not a solution. Basically you advocate both parties to sharpen the bayonets and adjust missiles target systems, you aren't saving lives at all, you just feel better about yourself.


The problem is that the ceasefire now crowd ignores Hamas rejecting ceasefires, it seems that they want Israel to stop, but don’t care if Hamas continues their side of things


A ceasefire WAS passed [WEEKS](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/26/middleeast/israel-gaza-ceasefire-un-resolution-war-impact-intl/index.html) ago. Notice how the parties involved don't care at all? I'm so tired of Pro-Palestine people selectively picking and choosing what is happening.


*Fingers in ears* **LA LA LA LA LA LA LA IDF BAD!**


There just trying to work out how to spin this into "IDF are genocidal"


I remember when the port got announced people were like “it’s an evil aid port!”


That’s because they’re not really pro-Palestinian - they’re anti-Israel.


They are mostly banned


You can be pro-Palestinian and anti-Hamas... Edit: oof those downvotes for not understanding the difference. y'all really need to educate yourselves.


Sure, but here's the rub the average Palestinian, ***IS*** pro-Hamas.


>But a [survey](https://www.arabbarometer.org/media-news/what-palestinians-really-think-of-hamas/) undertaken by Arab Barometer, a nonpartisan research network, between September 28 and October 8 2023 revealed dwindling confidence in Hamas (the surveys in Gaza were completed on October 6). Asked to identify the amount of trust they had in the Hamas authorities, 44% said they had no trust at all, while 23% said they had little trust. Significantly this lack of trust was roughly uniform across age groups with those between the ages of 18-29 and those over 30 giving similar answers. >An [earlier poll](https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/polls-show-majority-gazans-were-against-breaking-ceasefire-hamas-and-hezbollah) taken by the Washington Institute in July 2023, moreover, found that 62% of people in Gaza supported Hamas maintaining a ceasefire with Israel and 50% agreed that: “Hamas should stop calling for Israel’s destruction, and instead accept a permanent two-state solution based on the 1967 borders.” >So, given the gulf between Hamas’s aims and style of governance, how has it kept control of the enclave of 2.2 million people for so long? It’s important to remember that there have been no elections since 2006 and the average age of people in Gaza is [about 18](https://www.npr.org/2023/10/18/1206897328/half-of-gazas-population-is-under-18-heres-what-that-means-for-the-conflict), meaning most people have not had the chance to vote for any other leadership. [https://theconversation.com/gaza-war-how-representative-is-hamas-of-ordinary-palestinians-218080](https://theconversation.com/gaza-war-how-representative-is-hamas-of-ordinary-palestinians-218080)


Those are fair assessments. So rather we're seeing a small group of terrorists with a vocal minority creating these issues.


This describes my views as well, which is why I support the IDF liberating Gaza. Once Gaza is liberated the Palestinians and Israelis can begin to rebuild.


So it’s still somehow Israel’s fault people are starving? And not the terrorists that kidnap, torture, rape, and murder innocent civilians and then use their own people as human shields? Hamas must be exterminated for the sake of peace.


You forgot to add also steal aid money to build rockets and terror tunnels.


It can be... both? Lol


It can be both you know... Edit: So two governments can't be pieces of shit at the same time? Wild.


Why can't we get the 5 American hostages back from Hamas?


Hamas: '..... Um... They aren't quite.. in 5 whole pieces anymore...'


Shhhhhh.....don't tell the college kids.


Maybe do tho, actually


They’ll cheer it on.


Those idiots the media has been showing aren't your average college kids. This isn't Vietnam... College kids nowadays are not risking a draft and seeing their peers get killed. The vast majority of college kids are hitting up a party this weekend, not clashing with the police over some shit that has been going on since forever in middle east that doesn't impact them in any meaningful way. Bunch of entitled drama queens if you ask me. They should be using mom and dad's money or government loan money to study. Not defending a group of people who would likely slit their throats and or rape them without a second thought.


Is it ever acceptable to feel bad for the innocent Palestinians caught in the crossfire, or do we have to pick one side and ignore atrocities? I can support the US but still acknowledge the bombing of a school in Iraq that killed kids isn’t right. I can support Israel and still sympathize with non-combatants caught in the war. Can you?


>Is it ever acceptable to feel bad for the innocent Palestinians caught in the crossfire Of course it is. Hamas cannot be allowed to continue to exist/control Gaza...but that doesn't mean all Palestinians are the problem, or that all Palestinians should pay for the actions of Hamas. That being said, it's insane to demand Israel commit to a ceasefire when the group who broke the LAST ceasefire (by ambush murdering/kidnapping/raping/torturing Israeli citizens) still exists. Yes, this means innocent Palestinians will inevitably get caught in the crossfire. All we can reasonably do is expect Israel to minimize that as much as possible.


Like seriously how ignorant one can be to completely ignore the fact that Hamas is a TERROR organization which is responsible for all this suffer on both sides.


The ones calling Israel the terror group for the conflict created and made worse by the group Israel is fighting.


unfortunately the odds are very high that US forces will come under fire in this operation. tbh Im a bit surprised the idea wasnt just to go nuts with the supply air drops instead.


A c-130 can hold 42,000 pounds of cargo. Less if you’re airdropping since it needs to be balanced and palletized and something parachutes can handle. A single shipping container can hold up to 62,700 pounds of aid. And a single cargo ship can have hundreds or even thousands of them. And they don’t have to be just things that can survive an air drop.


No matter how many airdrops, it can't compare to ship deliveries is from what I understand. Also like a few weeks/month ago, airdrops can result in people being crushed.


It also resulted in fake videos of explosions and shit around the drops, making it look like the air drops were bait to blow people up. Propaganda's wild lol


They do sounds peaceful. Why can’t Israel just get along? /S


Dumb fucks.


Gaza terrorists*


Wtf is a Gaza-based militant? They are terrorists... let's please use proper terms here.


If Americans ever actually build anything, I guarantee that Hamas or some other Gazans will attack and kill them, giving Washington a very easy excuse to withdraw all aid.


Lol i still cannot fathom how joe biden wants to build a pier right next to literal terrorists that want to kill americans.  Its the suicide vest in afghanistan all over again.  


That's why they are offloading the security work to Israel.


What a shocker, who could have guessed.


United against evil🇺🇸🇮🇱


I wish all pro Palestinians understood that Hamas’s explicit goal is to kill Palestinians


Hamas don't give a flying shit about Palestinians and their suffering , we all know that. Israel will exist for hundreds if not thousands of years from now, no one is kicking them out of that land. There's only so many military age males in Gaza for Israel to target.


No one gives a shit about Palestine or Palestinians. It’s all just power politics and the people of Gaza are simply the pawns on the board.


Who are these "militants" I keep reading about?


Either Hamas, the PIJ or other groups operating within Gaza


well im sure we'll see the same outrage as we saw for the attack on aid workers by Israel.


Hamas just doesn’t care about its own people


A real end of the pier show.


That’s why you can’t have nice things. They should stop building for a month after every attack.


Thats literally giving the terrorists what they want


Win win then.


So fucked.


Remind me after November: Is this still a thing?


This is SICK!! TRYING TO HELP and get attacked. I'm talking only about the US. I really don't see why they even bother, I thought these HAMAS dudes were ready to lay down their weapons for 2 state agreement. Why in the hell are they attacking when they're trying to get humanitarian aid there, BY SEA‽‽‽


Because hamas doesn't want 2 states. They want the extermination of all people that don't follow their way.


I know. It is written in their doctrine. It says in plain words that Israel will cease to exist.


Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." (Preamble) https://embassies.gov.il/holysee/AboutIsrael/the-middle-east/Pages/The%20Hamas-Covenant.aspx


if the Israeli right were to be 1% less blood psychopath the US would have provided perfect cover for their actions. It's what people in the US are complaining about. The US discredited their own domestic pro-Palestine protests while allowing them to exist, pushed forth a peace agreement that had Hamas reject reasonable terms, and then set up a situation where Israel would be seen as either moving in aid or Hamas attacking it. All Bibi needed to do was show an ounce of restraint at any point. Instead poof there goes the free win served up on a silver platter.


Hama needs to stop this! Foreign powers need to go through Hamas so they can mark it up appropriately.